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Show s OfllVHls- rOFT rAVjbS Friday, July 15, 1966 VL No. 9 No. 25 Published for Dugway Proving Ground, Dugwiy, Utah 4 ' LT'ri Published by the Transcript-Bulleti- n Publishing in no a firm, Tooele, Utah, private Company, $ the of with the Department way connected Army. Opinions expressed by publisher and writ- - ers herein are their own and are not to be con- sideied an official expression by the Depart- - ment of the Army. The appearance of adver- tisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the are seThe Dugway lected by the managers and coaches of the four Major League teams consisting of boys twelve and eleven years old. This year die managers and coaches selected twenty-thre- e boys on die first All-Sta- rs 30. Teams from Sunset, Fillmore, Lake Nephi and two from Salt Southeast the from areas, one section and the other from flu Rosecrest area in addition to the team from Dugway will participate in the three day All-St- ar THE ONE game elimination tourney will open with two games Thursday, July 28 with the opener scheduled for 1400 hours and die other game scheduled to start at 1700 hows. Two games will also be played Friday with the starting times die same as Thursday with die Championship contest to be played Saturday morning starting at All-St- ar making the original were Alan Johnson, Paul Jurden, Peter Masoian, Bex Palmer, Marty Shearer and Mike Wacter from the Braves. Selected from the Pirates were Jim Beal, John Eldard, Robert Gog-gan-s, Raymond Grothe, Pat O Hanlon, David Houle, Chauncey Kendall and Mark Lidner. Boys twenty-thre- e selected from die were twenty-thre- e Dodgers Ashby Boyle, Danny Eisenbise, Shane Duncan, Matt Golden, Gary Harris, and Dee Shirts. The Cubs contributed Cal Griffiths, Dana Jefferies and Tom Lidner. FLAYERS to die The drawings for die tournament were held Thursday with two teams drawing byes into the Friday games with diem meeting the winners of Thursdays contest, team THE DUGWAY All-Stwill be announced tonight at the Little League diamond following the game between the Yankees and the Giants of the minor lea- ar 152 Successfully Complete Physical Proficiency Test total getting 475 out of die possThirty three post officers and ible 500 points followed by E-- 4 129 enlisted personnel ignH Jaime Rivera with 470 E-- 3 Howard to Headquarters and Headquaries at 470, E-- 2 Jimmie Black-ters Company successfully comwith 468 points, E-- 2 Joe pleted die annual Physical Combat Proficiency Test this past Nunez who had 461 points and E-month with die officers aver- E-- 4 Gerald Boyd and 5 Lom 459 point with both Woliver one better than the aging point enlisted personnel for die five totals. events comprising die couse Bullene Field. m ALL OF THE 152 personnel taking the course bettered the total at 300 points needed to qualify with the officers averaging 392 points against die average of 391 compiled by the enlisted personnel. Whittle Named Penonnel Officer The test consisting of a 40 yard low crawl, die run, dodge and jumps, horizontal ladder, grenade throw and mile run is an annual mandatory requirement for all personnel under the age of 40 with the semes based on a mizimum of 100 points per event Lt Paul The number of Dugway military and civilian personnel participating in die United States Savings Bond campaign has climbed to 83.3 percent of the installation through July 8. MANY OFFICES, The Comptroller Directorate, and both the Military Police Platoon and the Meteorological Team have 100 percent of their people participating in purchasing savings bonds each payday. Included among the offices having 100 percent participation is die Command block including die office of the Commander, Scientific Directors Office, Office of the Chief of Staff, JAG office. Chaplains office and Information ballot then these boys were subjected to careful study by die managers and coaches during die final two weeks of play which ended last night before the final selection of the 14 players 1030 hours. The District tournament to be held here is the first round of championship play for the aggregations with the winner iff the Dugway tournament going to Sunset, Utah the following week to participate in die Utah State tournament. Savings Bond Campaign Participation at 83 Percent gue. Dugway will host the Little League District Championship starting Thursday, July 28 and running through Saturday, July 'h Army of the products or services advertised. T Dugway To Host Little League Tourney sr i B. Basan who assist- ed in giving the tests stated that the results showed that the hardest of the five tests given was horizontal ladders where its was necessary to complete 72 rungs for a mazimum seme and die aver age was only 36 rungs. THREE OF THE events, 40 yards low crawl, the mile run and the run, dodge and jump were all based on time with the low crawl needing to be done in 21 seconds fra a score of 100 points and the run, dodge and awardjump in 23 seconds to be ed the maximum number of die CW3 Thomas Whittle has been reassigned as Military Personnel officer fin: Dugway Proving Ground returning here after spending the past year in Korea where he was assigned to the Eighth Army Support Command in Seoule. Whittle replaced SE2 Clarence W. Langdorf who left Dug-wa- y the latter part of June to at- tend a Military Personnel Course at Fort Benjamin Harrison, In- diana prim to being assigned to Vietnam. . Prior to his tour in Korea, Whittle had been assigned here as Assistant Military Personnel Officer and later in his present position from October 1982 to April 1965. CW3 Whittles family re- mained here at Dugway while he was in Korea. than 100 personnel of .the Headquarters and Headquarters Company participated in the Fourth of July parade held in Tooele. Lt. Colonel Rich- JULY FOURTH PARADE More ard Gordon also represented Dugway Proving Ground in the two-ho- Winners Named In Golf Toumies Held Over Fourth Four tournaments and sever- putting and chipping contests featured the fourth of July holi- activities at the Dugway golf with several mem ben walk- ing off with more than one prize, BUI Roy and Ken Bearden tied for first dace in the 18 bole three club tourney held Saturday with John Bowman winning third place honors. Roy Sugawa, Bill McIntyre and Dee Hapggod all tied for fourth among die 32 entries in die tournament. SUNDAY, the women and men played together in a nine hole Scotch tournament with "Poppy and Loretta Ott walking off with the championship prize followed by Ken and Louise Bearden with Bill and Helen Roy gaining third dace honors. Following die tournament play, a Scotch putting contest held on the putting green found John and Nancy Bowman beating out the Beardensfor top honors. The activities cm the fourth featured an 18 hold Calloway system tournament for men and a nine hole tourney for ladies. Pete Harrington won top honors in the mens division with Marie Yack-ma- n winning die ladies tourney. RICK SAUVE, Roy Sugawa and John Yackman won second, third and fourth place in the mens day with Kay Young and Maureen Noonan finishing second and third among the women. fldlo LJOlly tO fie Presented A musical comedy troupe from Salt Lake City will present an hour of selections from the hit Broadway musical Hello, Dolly on July 27th, 8:15 p.m. at the ly Acres Service Club. Post personnel are cordially invited and no admission will be charged children under 16 must accompanjed by an adult ' . V-- : , ... - - dosest-to-the-p- parade. pation include the Mission Plan- - CBR Commandant Aviation Division and Housing Division in the Logistical Operations Directorate. All .of the employees in the Manpower Management Dim sion are also purchasing bonds. To Leave Here in in mii ikrtuur wiui iuv iwinci of all employees who are 85 years of age or older or who will be-- A new Defense Department ruling allows practically all pays and allowances to be handled by allotment ' r-'- C f ' SEVERAL OTHER offices have also surpassed the desired 90 percentparticipation figure including Management' Science and Data Aystems with 97.3 percent, the Supply Division with 91.4 percent, and the entire Personnel and Administrative Directorate with an overall average of 90.4 percent though several of die divisions within the Directorate are well below the 90 percent figure. Listed below are the participation figures for all units on the installation: cent. Hq and Hq Company, 85.8 Information On Medicare Benefits Available at CPO allotment REASON FOR making the change is to aid the return of personal funds to the United States, thereby reducing U.S. gold flow to foreign countries. Members serving outside CONUS, exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii, may now allot the following pays and allowances: basic pay, basic allowance for quarters (for members with dependents), basic allowance for subsistence (for commissioned and warrant officers), special pay for medical, dental and veterinary officers, flying pay, foreign duty pay, special pay for duty subject to hostile fire, proficiency pay, and family separation allowances. Prim to removal of the restrictions,' personnel military could only allot the first four of die aforementioned items of pay and allowances. THE MAXIMUM amount of money allotted may not exceed the amount due for all pays and allowances for which an individual is eligible, minus income, tax and social security withholdings. Plu debt repayments chargeable ginft members pay account Command Block: Office of the GO, 100 percent; Scientific Directors Office, 100 percent; Office of Chief of Staff, 100 percent; Staff JAG, 100 percent; Chaplains ice, 100 percent; Information Office, 100 percent. i n fan Mnra ivltirc - . Other offices or divisions with 100 per cent personnel partici- Lieutenant Colonel Charles Andmson, Infantry, Comman-a- l The contest Army Chemical, held Monday afternoon was won , Wea-da- y an 08ca "0 Radiological Dr. Richard Schmidt with a by Orientation Course Dug-clu- b P011 at shot 2 feet 4 inches away from the flag followed by Dana Holman )' Pmring Ground, Utah since July 1963 will depart Dugway and Rick Sauve. Proving Cround die 25th of July for assignment as an advisor to Ppiionfi pi the Vietnamese Army in Vietnam. Colonel Andersons family will Allrkt live in the Fort Lewis area in the state of Washington and his youngest daughter will attend the University of Puget Sound. The Colo-Th-e Services have relaxed nel will attend a Military on the types of pay tants Training Advisory Course which personnel outside the 50 at Fort Bragg, North Gandina best ates can have sent home by fore his assignment in Vietnam, LTC Shaffler New USAH Commander Lt. Colonel Paul W. Sheffler became Commanding Officer of the USA Hospital this week replacing Lt Colonel Victor H. Lidner who has been acting commander for the past three months. The new commander came to Dugway from Fort Sam Houston During World War II Colonel where he has just recently comAnderson commanded a rifle completed an Administrative and Medipany in Europe and received the cal Field Service School. Bronze Star with first oak leaf A native of Frankfort, Illinois, cluster for valor in action. 1949-196Colonel Sheffler is a veteran of the During yean Colonel Anderson served in Vari- 19 yean service. He and his wife ous staff, operations, training and and five sons will reside at 517 B command positions, and saw duty Bonafin Drive, Dugway. in Korea, Japan,. Germany, and the United States. He completed the Infantry Officer Course in 1954 and the Command and General Staff College in 1960. 3, portant for each 65 or older employee to know and understand his own responsibilities as well as that of Medicare and his group insurance plan. Mrs. Mendenhall, Civilian Per-u- w son nel Office, who is coordinator for the program on the post stat- ed that more information regard- ing the program as it pertains to Dugway employees who are 65 or older is expected to be received from Salt Lake City Social Security Office in the very near future. The information will outline the eligibility and requirements of each iff the employees eligible for Medicare benefits. She also asked that any employee who is now 65 years of age or older or will become 65 this year please contact her at ext. 2751. Captain John T. Harling, USA Hospital .Administrative Officer stated that under the present program the USAG here is auth-ve emgwy treat- orid P"0 who are ln the Medicare program. THE PERSONS will be eligible to remain in the hospital under the program only until such time as they are well enough to be moved to a civilian hospital which is participating in the Medicare program and Captain Harling stated that the expense of the transportation must be borne by the individual.. He also stated that dependents of military or civilian employees residing on post and are enrolled in the Medicare are eligible for the same MISSION Planning Office, 100 percent. Man. Science and Data Systems 97.3 percent; Man. Science Office 100 percent; Data Systems Office, 100 percent; Technical Info Office 80.0 percent Test Design and Analysis, 80.0 percent. US ARMY Hospital, 76.1 per- percent Comptroller Directorate, percentOffice of Director, Vt - TmrMWi'i The mile run had to be done in less than 6 minutes to qualify for the 100 points, and as in crawl and run, dodge and jump the took an inlonger the time it to dividual complete die lower the score. Personnel and Adm. Directorate, 90.4 percent; Office of the Director, 71.4 percent; Administration Division, 78.6 percent; Civilian Personnel Div., 93.8 percent; Manpower Met. Division, 100 percent; Safety Division, 88.8 Welfare and Morale Di- percent; . . , , Jerci ..... tar lest Operations Directorate, 77.0 percent; Office of the Director, 88.8 percent; Biological Division, 83.9 percent; Chemical Division, 72.0 percent; Meteorological Division, 48.4 percent; Technical Systems Division, 75.6 per-cent; Test Division, 80.6 percent. MILITARY Police Platoon 100 percent. Meteorological team, 100 per- cent. CBR Course, 84.1 DTC, 55 percent. J percent; J ,w,rdedi the Distinguished rn eTc.e Award by the Utah Fed- - eral Service Campaign for Na- tional Health Agencies for the outstanding service performed by the employees of Dugway in the 1966 campaign for the National Health Agencies. The personnel on Dugway do- nated $202.16 to die 1966 drive which was held on the installation during January and February of this year, with 931 employees contributing to the campaign. - V -' .J ; .. Three Dugway Proving Cround personnel received promotions to the grade of SPC E--7 the end of The three promotions, June. which were made by AMC Headquarters were in addition to the 225 promotions received by installation penonnel earlier in w .. ' - 1, - SLIGHTLY DUSTY Shown above are four of the more than 150 officers and enlisted penonnel that completed the Physical Combat Proficiency Test recently and judging by the expressions on the faces of (L to R) PFC William Armstrong, SP-- Merrill Myers, SF-Donald Mosher and SP-- Donald Cushing the 40 yard low crawl was one of the hardest and hottest of the tests. 4 5 June. Those receiving their effective June 30 were William R. Munson, NCOIC of the Pharmacy, USAH, and two memlien of the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, John J. Amschler, TD&A office and John Salvador, assigned to munitions. promo-promotio- 4 4 E7 . . Williapi R. Munson, NCOIC of the Pharmacy, USAH, was one of three Dugway personnel' to receive another stripe, the end of June. Shown jdmve seeing how the new stripes lord; on Mansons arms are MSG Phillip H. Hatfield, Chief Medical NCO NEW. er percent. Three Receive Promotion to E-- 7 Accuracy was the determining factor in the grenade throw as each one taking the test threw a total of five grenades at the target. 100 100 100 percent; Comptroller Staff, percent; Finance and Accounting Division, 100 percent. LOGISTICAL Operations Directorate, 79.6 percent; Office of the Director, 100 percent; Army Aviation Division, 100 percent; Commercial Traffic Div., 55.5 per cent; Con. Equipment Division, 75.0 percent; Facilities Division, 76.0 percent; HousingDivision, 100 percent; Procurement Division, 88.8 percent; Supply Division, 91A percent; Tech Engineering Division 85.7 percent. He arrived at Dugway Proving Ground in July 1963 as Assistant Director of Instruction for the CBR Weapons Orientation Course and, after completing the CBR Officers Course at Fort McClellan Alabama, was soon promoted to Director of Instruction. points. OFFICERS TOOK die three far the high individual totals Roselle tert as 1st Lt. Cordon follow-e- d .had a total of 482 poinb 488 with Basan PJnte by Lt and 1st Lt. Robert McVickers with 477. enlisted personnel, Among the E-- 3 Bill Priest had the highest office. THE OVERALL participation of 83.3 percent of the Dugway personnel is an increase of over 5 percent during the past month. Several of the units and Directorates have increased their percentage of participation by more than 20 during July, with the increase bringing them over the desired 90 percent. Though the campaign is officially ended Mr. William Riley, chairman of the campaign stated that anyone can certainly still take savings bonds through the payroll deduction plan. of the hospital and Captain Jack E. Hyman, Preventative Medicine Officer. , |