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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, July 15, 1966 Mrs. Carolynn Baker oversees her class of beginners as they learn the Prone Kick. Mrs. Baker is on loan from the Post Nursery .to die Swimming Pool to help out with the overwhelming participation in die Beginner Classes. Shop display one of their proon. The children from left to right: Hen children who attended the crafts program at the Craft - a large wooden key used to hang smaller keys jects Clark Brauncr, Anosen Shearer, Keven Lindsay, Blaine Beck, Kaline Clayton, Valeri no. Fatty Nygren, Karen Ryan, Sue Metcalf Mary Ann Morgan and Tammy Metcalf. 500 Participate in Summer Program Approximately 500 children of military and civilian personnel are taking advantage of the many opportunities offered in die summer youth program which includes swimming, tennis, and golf instructions. Little League baseball, a crafts program, free Saturday morning movies and a program at the Teen age Club. The number of children participating in die swimming program, which began on the 13th of June and ended today, was 250. Another swimming class is scheduled to begin die end of this month. Lance Crawford, swimming pool director stated that them were more registrations and swimmers than ever before which caused the beginners class to be divided into two sections. The beginners" swimming class included more than 120 children ranging in age. from those just tall enough to be able to stand in the pool though 12 years of age. IN ADDITION to the large beginners class an additional 50 youngsters participated in the intermediate swimming program with 35 enrolled for die advanced beginners. Other swimming instruction provided for dependents included die Junior Livesavings class where 25 swimmers will be receiving Junior Lifesaving certificates following complete on the course. Swimming instructions were also held for ten persons interested in obtaining Senior Lifesaving certificates. Ibis certificate is needed prior to becoming a lifeguard. IN ADDITION an adult Womans class attended by 12 ladies is being concluded today. The instructors for die swimming program under the direction of Crawford included Miss Sarah Golden, Mrs. James Baker, Peter Egoseque and PFC David Baker. They were assisted by Red Cross volunteers Misses Martha Alexander, Barbara Alg, Vicki Miller, Deborah Paul and Master Pat Antry. Together, the Crafts program and die Little League baseball Peter Egoseque holds Daniel Ryan, top left, while Lance Crawford assists Larry Lindsey. The boys are learning how to float The students, a little nervous at first, took no time in learning that it really is fun to float program had over 180 children participating with each of the programs having approximately 90 children enrolled. The Crafts program under the direction of Mike Masoian came to a conclusion yesterday afternoon. The classes were held each Thrusday afternoon and in addition die children attending many were accompanied by mothers who assisted in the program. MASOIAN WAS assisted by Miss Barbara Alg and Crawford in helping the children improve their drills in working with plaster lextherwork, ceramics, clay, woodwork and plastic lace. The Little League baseball i regular season comes to a close . tonight but still on the agenda is the District tournament which will open her July 28 with teams ' from five Utah communities com-- . ing in .for the three day tournament. Approximately 90 boys between the ages of 9 and 12 participated in this years season which started the middle of May. Four major league teams, the Dodgers, Cubs, Braves and Pirates played a 18 game schedule with the two minor league teams competing against each other. THE TENNIS program beginning Tuesday June 14 has 45 children ages 7 yean and older participating. The classes are arranged into 5 different groups. The groups ranging from Beginners to Intermediates. Mrs. Kathy Rothfels instructs along with her helpers, Pat Antry, Gary and Ted McIntosh, Craig Gerlings and Rene McClure. Among the things the children are learning are the fundamentals of a correct "grip, follow through, fore hand and back hand. There is a tournament, scheduled after the completion of die Tennis program for children who attended Tennis classes, scheduled to run through August. . From Left to Right: Cheri Johnson, Joan Pueek and Sandy Brown pay keen attention as instructor Greg Gedings demonstrates the forehand position, during the tennis classes held in the tennis court across the street from the Post Theatre. Chuck Byrd, manager of the Dugway golf course conducted fine lessons for approximately 20 boys and girls with each getting the basic fundamentals of golf. i i , From Left to Right, Clark Brauncr, Vicki Vinson, Keven Lindsay, Patty Nygren, Karen Ryan, Mary Ann Morgan, Sue Metcalf and Tairnny Metcalf look on as Lance Crawford The childgives instruction in how to make a ren are at the Post Crafts Shop working with wood project its all part of the Crafts program for this summer. s Lance Crawford persuades Don Roach to relax as he learns the back float. The young swimmers sitting at the pools edge are from right to hefts Paul Brown, Elston Peck, Michael Bingham, Robert Roy, Lee Earl Peck, Daniel Ryan and Larry Lindsey. e. -- A FUTURE WRIGHT OR PALMER . . . Chuck Byri Manager of the Dugway Coif Course is shown giving golf instructions to many prospective golfers of the future. The free classes are being conducted each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon for any interested teenagers. |