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Show SOUTHERN SALT LAKE COUNTY ENTERPRISE The southern Salt Lake COUNTY to the Money Raising Sale of Lars Munson on Octuber.Oih, 10th aud 11th. ENTERPRISE has uo connection with o a sheet sent out from Riverton. The COUNTY ENTERPRISE office is in DRAPER Conference Week Prices Sun 1, . ... ... Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Salt Lake lust week. Oldham, Powell & G0 Silgall were in Emporium Grocery Co. John Crane is slowly recovering THE STORE SANITARY. "Reliability Is Our Success." from an attack of Rheumatism that Business Increased twenty per cent lias had him out of commission for THERE IS A the last few weeks. during last month'. IF YOU WANT REAL BARGAINS ON DRY GOODS, REASON." GOOD GROCERIES, MEATS, ETC., FROM A FIRST Mr. and Mrs. Orson Sorensen have 100 lbs. Sugar $6.00 CLASS STORE, DONT FAIL TO STUDY THIS LIST, moved from Garfield aud are now liv- Flour St. Cr., per sack $1.05 AS EVERY ARTICLE IS PRICED AT A SAVING TO ing on the farm of Isaac Dunyon in Flour, H. P., per sack $1.10 31 r. Sam of town. south the 90c part bushel wheat, per YOU. This beautiful weather will not always last. Before you Williams who formerly had charge of Soa- pthe place lias moved to a ranch near Crystal White, 6 for 25c spend all those dollars, we suggest you look at your COAL BIN GROCERIES Park City. . . 25c DRY GOODS 6 for Pearl White, and fill it np enough to last for a few months. Yon can get 25c 25c Swift's White, 6 bars for Maple Corn Flakes, 3 pks COAL now, but there may be a different story to tell in sixty uililug Outings, 12?4c quality, Earn Dewey is very much chagrin-tie- d White Borax Naptha, 7 for .... 25c Ground Wheat gives full strength, 10c days. per yard over his inability to organise a Diamond "C", 7 for best food for hogs, per 100 . . $1.60 25c flour in Convention Bull Moose PER TON AT YARD. G winter Draper. Before 25c your N. B. Naptha, for buying 81.50 AMBS WOOL BAT8 and several strenuous After frantic 25c our 9 for Wood prices. Chuck, ne bat equal to two of cotton for get i 25c attempts to line up the boys he has Fairy, 6 for TEAS warmth and comfort. since he in coldnt disgust 25c given up 35c. Borax Castile, G for THIS IS A GOOD TIME OF THE YEAR TO PAINT-- IN Luneta 30c, Upton COTTON BAT8 muster enough delegates to form a 3 Cans Corn 25c Tea 25c, all others 20c per Tree RESPECTS THE VERY BEST TIME. MANY at quality 25c, 2 fur 45c quorum. 25c 3 Cans Milk, large package. We can supply you with PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE. 35c nd quality 20c, 2 for 25c 6 Cans Milk, small GRANITE AND GLASSWARE 15c rd quality For of your Barn and Outbuildings try some of the Red Paint we 25c Quite a number Draper citizens 3 Cans Mustard Sardines in these 20c Call and see our bargains oolen yarns, pr Jb in Sandy to hear Bryan speak. 6 Cans Oil Sardines were are 25c using on our sheds. ONLY $1.25 PER GALLON. Mnes. Wonderful bargains in viator Caps, Knitted Goods, Roys Six of our leading democrats engaged 3 Pkgs. Corn Starch 25c 1 Glassware. Sweater Coats for cold weather. an automobile and joined in the pro- One 15c Bottle Ammonia 10c STOCK OUR LINOLEUMS. OF SEE CROCKERY cession from Provo to Sait Lake. 10c 1 13o Bottle Vinegar FRESH MEATS We have a stock of odds and ends . . t 3 lbs. High Grade Coffee $1X0 18c Pork Tenderloin In Crockery Toilet Sets, Pilchers Our new stock of Heaters and Ranges just received. The One of Fred Rasmussens little One Bushel Potatoes 60c 15c loulder Steak and Bowls, Sugar Bowls, Plates, Old Reliable CHARTER OAK LINE. daughters fell from a ladder last Fri- 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea, loose 25c eef Pot Roast 15c Cups and Saucers, which we will She waa Flour, 500 pound lots, per 100.. $2.00 day and broke her arm. 1 lb Bolling Beef 15c close out at a bargain. not seriously injured, however, and 1 package Imported Tea, natural AGENTS ARE WE THE U. S. SEP AR ATOR. FOR 22Jc Japan is now on the road to rapid recovery. 45c 3 lbs. lard DEMONSTRATOR AT THE FAIR THIS WEEK. THE SEE We guarantee everything we sell and will Refund Money 5 lba lard 75c Ross Ballard returned to Garfield 10 Iba lard o any one dissatisfied. $1.40 after a week end visit to his parents, Oats, per hundred $1.60 Goods delivered to any part of the county free of extra charge. We also have a well assorted stock Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ballard. See week. announement our ur prices are right. each of Fancy Dishes, Crockery, Granite-war- e Main St., Sandy, Utah. Phone Midvale 148. and Tinware, Cured Meats and Our Draper correspondents will to These Lard. are prices subject kindly mail their letters on Saturday of each week to 17 Eagle Block, Salt change without notice. FOR CASH 106 to 112 EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. Lake City to Insure Insertion in the ONLY. EXPERIENCE 18 EXPENSIVE New line of Linoleum, $1.15 per yard current issue. when you ride a wheel that needs Goods delivered to any part of Murrepairing. Life and limb may be enThe Bazar given by the church the ray without extra charge. MURRAY Delaney of Bingham. dangered, and when by a little foreEMPORIUM GROCERY COi latter part of last week was largely sight and small cost your wheel can 126 South State 8L Jesse H. Wheeler Is a candidate for Mrs. Arthur Lindgren entertained attended and proved a great success be made as good as new If you bring Utah Murray a two year county commissioner on as visitors her brother-in-laand both socially and financially as quite It to Carlsons. We will keep your a nice sum of money was realized the Bull Moose ticket. sister Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirby. wheel In good condition at a small abovo all expenses. outlay. If you have one that needs Miss Alice Morris has returned Joseph J. Cannon of Taylorsville Is repairs bring It to us. Mr A Etnora SiVingfellow has rea candidate for state senator on the from her four months vacation In We also handle Automobiles and do turned from a trip up In the mountBull Moose ticket. W'yuming. 17th So. & State Sts. repairing? We have new and general ains near lleber City. She had been (Over McMillans) second hand Automobiles from $250.00 Thomas P. Page of Riverton is a Mrs A. B. Harris entertained the somewhat Indisposed for several up. MURRAY, UTAH mouths but is now much Improved In candidate for representative to the sewing club Thursday afternoon. EMIL CARLSON, Office Hour 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. health and strength. state legislature on the Bull Moose . 359-MUTAH. 47 So. State St., Phone, Murray MURRAY, ticket. Glen Bodell who made an automoWe regret very much to learn that bile trip to Boise, Idaho, has returned. Mr. W. M. Williams and family, who Balt Lake will be one great 'White Bodell and Carlson are buRy all the have resided in Draper for the past Way" every night this week. time repairing automobiles and motor- few months, have decided to return to their former home Id Salt Lake the Huscher has appointed Mayor cycles. in the near future. Draper needs more following delegates to the National The Murray Bakery have added 7 such people as these and their loss Irrigation Congress: J. M. Wood, IX B. Jones, J. J. Proctor, T. ?. Birch and Holliday stores to their list of bread will he keenly felt by their many M. McMillan, Sr. customers, which speaks well for friends. their baking. THE STORE THAT SATISFIES Miss Blanch Nelson returned a short The Emporium Grocery Company are always up to date and on the alert Mrs Harriett Draper of Alberta, time ago from an extended . visit to for anything that will Improve their Canada, who died In the L. D S. friends and relatives In Nevada and service to the people. They have Hospital, September 22d was burled FIVE Idaho in order to apter tfie high installed a fine new pure food counter, on Sunday at Riverton cemetery. which contains bins of sugar, coffee, The funeral services were held at school at Sandy. cakes, crackers, tea, etc. The bins Mill Creek meeting house as the We are glad to learn that Mr. C. are proof against dust snd dirt, and Riverton church was not available. are a great space saver. In front of Mrs. Draper was taken to the hospital H. Jensen formerly sexton of the each bin are sample cases covered to be operated on for Cellutis" but church, and who has been on the sick COLD WEATHER WILL BE HERE RIGHT AWAY NOW AND YOU WILL NEED SOME with glass which shows off the goods died In four houra after reaching the list for some time Is somewhat imCOMFORTABLE UNDERWEAR. WE HAVE PREPARED A PLEASANT SURPRISE FOR to the customers. The body was embalmed proved in health. hospital. The counter which cost nearly f 150. and has been lying in the morgue of YOU. SIMETHING YOU WILL APPRECIATE. WE KNOW IT IS UNUSUAL TO PLACE Come over to Sandy next Wednesis a decided sanitary Improvement. Ct H. Banka undertaking company Mr. Peterson informs us that by care- awaiting the arrival of her two daughday and see the rare bargains offered SUCH BARGAINS ON THE MARKET SO EARLY IN THE SEASON; BUT, THEN, CRAPO ful management their business has ters from Canada, they arrived on by Monson at his big MONEY DOES THE UNUSUAL THING, THATS WHY CRAPOS IS GENERALLY CONSIDERED increased 20 per cent during the last Saturday and the funeral was held. RAISING sale on Wednesday, shurs-da- y and Friday of next week. month and that In no small degree Is Mrs. Draper was a pioneer of RiverTHE PLACE TO SHOP ADVANTAGEOUSLY. due to Judicious Advertising. ton. it LUMBEr & COAL ... $5.00 ... . ... ... ... ! Oldham, Powell & (g., JENSEN & KUHRE ... w Dentist ... CRAPOS ... ... ... . . Dont forget the name Lars T. F. McDonald has been appointed Citv engineer. Monson, Leland Wright, who spent ronte nor the dates OSctober 9th, 10th and time In Wyoming this summer has 11th. The place 2d West near Main s. Street, Sandy, returned to Murray. Utah.-Bargain- and Mrs. Wamberg anniunce the engagement of their son Walter Dr. Irvine lectured on the "Disease to Vashtia Meacham of Wallsburg, of the Nose before the Parents class ltah. The date of the marriage will of the First Ward Sunday morning. be announced later. t The fakers are laying low but watch A waermelon social was given Fri- out for them, they will break out day night by the bishopric of the Frst again with some new trick. Ward as a surprise to the ward officers. Sweedish goods at the big Mtoney Raising Sale of Lars Mcuison at Sandy Mrs. M. J. Looser of South Cotton- next Wednesday. wood had as visitors her two daughters, Mrs. Alice Bush and Mrs. Pear ; It will pay you to go over to Sandy Mr. .... Everybody is Doipg ft. DOING WHAT? .y . USING Husehers Cream of Roses CHAPPED JVIOrray FOR HANDS AND FACE. ity Pl)arnr)aGy REGISTERED DRUGGISTS. 85c. O FRATERNAL NOTICES Aceica Lodge NO. GO, Ancient and Accepted Symbolic order of Masons meets In I. O. O. F. Hall 1st and 3d Sundays of each month at 4 p. m. Levi O. Olesen. It. V. M. Ii A. Cildner, Secy. o Have your picture taken in that new suit of clothes. Mrs. Julia Hower is the artistic photographer of the county and will be pleased to see you at her studio, HI So. State StrecL M un.yv. Utah. ... The C- - II. Banks Undertaking Com. jiauy will pay cash car fare to and from tliclr show rooms to those selecting caskets. ... are requested to items on Saturday of each insure insertion in the current issue or the COUNTY ENTERPRISE Corresixjndents ' LOT f'ond in week to ... ... We recognize and work for organized labor. This paper carries the Union Ijtbel. ... I)r. liiorn the optometrist Sandy every Wednesday. In say: Is 1 Ladies' vests and pants natural wool 63c. and 60c. values, per garment. . . .29c Men's and Boys Suits LOT 2 Misses vests and pants natural wool 50c. values. Dont miss this splendid op.25c portunity, your choice LOT 3 Childrens Union, cotton fleeced, tuck stich, neck and front crochet trimmed, drop seat, regular 45e. values, they are going fst 29c. at LOT 4 Fall and winter suits for men and boys have arrived and are ready for your inspection. The dose fitting neck, the mannish effect, the color and patents, so much in demand this year, have been carefully looked after by Mr. Christensen who is manager of that department. .Dont forget the p' ices range down-ward. Mens Suits $20.00 to Childrens black cotton pants, regular 25c. 30c. values, you can buy now at, each 0otton gat? Prepare now, at a great Quilting time It here. that ara coming. cold wlntor the for nights paving, Our regular atore apaca for Cotton Bata la full, and we have aix big balaa at the depot, unable to move them for want of apace. Rather than pay storage wa have decided to make the following low prices, and relieve the situation at ones: 69c 90c Bats, full quilt size 59o 75c Bats, full quilt aize 20c Bata 1Se 17c Bate Roys Suits $6.50 to $9.90 1.75 Men's Cloves Just unpacked a shipment of Conklins famous gloves a complete run of sizes in gauntlet and wrist makes. Mens wrist gloves, all leather and up to '. Gauntlet gloves to and up .$ .25 1.50 .98 1.50 C. C. ORAPO & SONS CO. in answering advertisements please J saw it In the COUNTY 118-120-12- b 2, EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. |