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Show TOrS IDEA Children of OF Down the Am REFINEMENT Parents Who Had Just Into Neighborhood Wore Owners of Automobiles. Moved cSV? Little Virginia, seven years old, cently started to private school and la hearing many things about culture and refinement. Her mother Is very careful about the (hlldren with whom Virginia pluya and wishes to know all about them before intimacy Is permitted. The other day Virginia bad been band!" Ruined. "Heavens!" exclaimed FETERSGK ilo'.UH, 7 TheMaiv who. Clipped lo !l 302 East Main St., SANDY, Ut- III lo 12.30 to 2:3i km. Ihuiie S p. III. 5 tv DR. K. M. CHRISTENSEN m:TisT 7?I. Kearns Building, hone, w.i I A h 474. PERFECT Salt Lake City BATHROOM Is essential in even home where liilig Witter lk .LtMt.able. ObDi.c csUliiiile n Ii.r.MMNi; WOliK wiil lm.t it snrpi isiii1) iji.ii'.t) id work ;iml viarcri.i'i You when Used me yiZAJLZC R AVIJXOUS af I Ofr&XJL, tigers, struck with pit) fur aud malaria colli ct ion of money to me. took up a buy uie a tick-e- t whirlpools, sharks, are incidents No job n t i inn l.ig for us. FRED ALEXANDER, Sandy R. D. No. 1, Bos 15. Fast Side Kline Itoad. 4th Hi.'ii-Somh of I. S. L Crossing. llioue. lh small in DO to I.he village of Marecasas, of an aniasing miles 4.UIIU down the made river. miles of O'Niil by got a voyage a St. part of the way job as engineer on the same launch on a fragile raft from near the source j on wb:cli I traveled, but was Pl.t to the mouth of the Amazon, w hich j ashore h- euiirc tic was too 111 to per-lduties. the longest river in the world The form Monkey Saved Farrar's Life. marvel of the trip is increased b the Hon I have died hut for a fact that for most of the journey he FALL AND WINTER as wiihout money. nitmkiy. the projterty of an unfeeling the Into of a hotel The hero of the adventure is Frank native, w'liese t.'inli i niTcn-B. Farrar of St. lamia, a milling engifell. Although . neer. His thrilling story, with humor- I was khrhi-- g viohnily with chills, ha to his own said to ii.c: ous episodo, is lold 142 So. State Street, l Yiiiivi- - g:'f in jro to work. I words I saw him take the paper, unit 1 left home "If a:.d bi;:giil for quinine in February, !nui. under MURRAY, UTAH. Turn to Hie 1liMiHelill l'iige. I'll put Then scan the ..limiiif. m mi. I down. rontract to take charge of placer' you duiit woik." he As one Who all wmiM k.iij;u'. I was too sick to mines In the Interior of Bolivia. The you in ihr siod-K.TOR RELIABLE AND CHEAP lit miilO ri .1 In l.fniHiif, "Alia! roinpany by which I was employed cere arid told him to go ahead. "Ili-reThe stuck, an Instrument of tor How- lo kiuki- ltu-ileft me stranded and unpaid at 1.8 Fritter, ' ii.i to run-of a framework with And Psz, Bolivia, In debt to a hotel $200 ture, cci'iistt-llonu'-lhiil- ' lmti-i- . Stoiii.n-l- i And for board and lodging. Unable to pay. holes tin ot!i.:li which my feet, arms 1 stole were thrust. For two days Tiit-- from I'M rocket forth h took off in the night, stowed away siil SHE A pair of rvi.-sohiiuII. on a boat crossing Ijxke Ttilcaca and nights I sat in this machine, alCO. INSURANCE JENNINGS w'Vi'riit fioin the printed pa go (which. 11.000 feet above the sea ternately freezing with chills and con- Ami hints and all. The Tribune Slate liclplid Building, Agents, with fever. The time passed level. Is said to be the highest lake suming Salt Luke CtJy. H was the cus- lh- I lipped The Way to Hcramlilii In The world!, and so made my way like an evi! dream. Eggs, WAl. AYLKTT, Resident Agent, tom of the people ro pelt with missiles And 'llow lo M ike I noli Holler. ' to Peru. A well hh half u doX'-more. Phone 21C-MIDVALE, Uta Here, with varying fortunes, I ob- the unfortunate occupants of the 'That' all" again l.i mutter. tained work which occupied me for Stocks. Hut the native pitied me, more than three years. I was em- slid some of them even gave me tea A thinightfiil man," at once I mused, uks. iiy. 73 m phonks 52:;r. "A ni.m who care for iliings; ployed at various times by the Peruv- and food by stealth. lovi-contented Who the calm, song wasatcti difthe Railroad ian Finally hotelkeeper, muttering Tim hoine teakettle sing. corporation and by I was at that he didn't want me to die on ferent mining companies. one time superintendent of. the Yanl-mln- hint." set me free and ordered the "Do yuii, I neked. preserve those note "So Hint your wife my eye them?" camp, 16,000 feet above sea level. rook to give mo the water in which CLEANING AND DYEING Ingrowled, I rut them out In the Andes, and rich in copper and h boiled the rice, po that 1 would not "Not nim-h,"So uhe won't get to try them. FRENCH DRY CLEANING starve. silver. 351 SOUTH STATE ST. The monkey of which I htive spoken In the fall of 1910 I went to Lima, Still Trailing Orville. SALT LAKE CTIY and was a prodigious thief. It stole everythe Paris of South America, This much has been determined: With passed three mouths. I also spent all thing it could lay paws oi. It oc- "Orville Drown Is no kin to "Elmer A ALT LAKE CLEANING of the money I had saved, not fore- curred to me that It would b safe for unless it Is a very dlslaut boding that I was soon to fall III. 1 me to steal what food I needed and Brown, and DYEING CO. Their consanguinity, so on the lunnkpy. relationship. Do Quiz la the correspondent ol obtained work In a lead smelter at Marne the thefts Will call every Wednesday. uieutal. to During ths speak, is purely pilfering thut publication a well Informed man? Huancayo and became poisoned with thereupon the Itmonkey's the of last times strike masprinters' to trying seemed its De Whiz I should say so. 'Half the the metal. It was then that I deter activity doubled. week, our brave little army of volunlime he's the only person iu the woild mined to make my way to Y quit os, a ter. All klnfis Phono 37 One day the hotelkeeper, missing teer sleuths kept uturdlly on the trail who knows whether whst he tells Is city on the upper Amazon, to which, P. Plants 336 saw Potted O. Box U. writes: P. K. "I of Pittsburg although 3.fi000 miles from the coast, two eggs, which he had imetided for true or not. Orville Brown a year ago. lie was ocean steamers penetrate. 1 expected breakfast and which, wi limit Ms In good fompany In some magazine there to obtain passage to New York. knowledge, were in my pockets, said Appreciative Sol. or other, hut I don't remember to where was I.0U0 miles It from me; Oroya, Solomon Pitman, a backwoodsman, which." FLORIST Is a thief." "That monkey had been caught on the jury In town my Journey started, to Yquttos. Kind stole I. and Miles Two sure "He Forest. Is." Hundred away AND FUNERAL FLOWERS CUT Through and was boarding with a lady who I J. H. G. of Indianapolis writes: At Oroya 1 met a locomotive engi- to eat my eggs itr.ohscrvcil. DESIGNS. was running a cheap boarding house. never saw Orville Brown, hut I One day several natives, painted Astonished at the amount of butter neer named Paddy ONeil, who was with In connection Greenhouses hliu via a Indy elocutionist heard out with thrust like thorns of and. nient. through myself, hideously, employ Sol was eating, sbe said: Sol, that Store. iu December." an to entertainment at without s penny, lie decided to go their noses, came to the river butter cost me 25 cents a pound. 214 East 2nd South St but They were peuef-ful- , "Yes, maam, said he, taking an- with me to Yquitos, where he had trade. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. I was of II. N. nf'.er Mrs. was Chicago writes; peeing Imagine my feelings, plenty of work. other large slice, "and Its worth every heard there In with S. M. Taylor A told tell tu I where sure be Leave me could. was orders them la a The of the first 2u you leg eye right hungrily, trip tent of It." National Monthly. liml Orville Brown. I have seen him Co., MIDVALE. mile walk ..over the mountains to llm a whisper: "Those tn u urn canriib tls." five or six times. Once lie was In a When my health was a bit better T Pachitea river, which la the beginning! A Strain on Art. 13 on tuun hotel church the was by Thla of Amazon. the paper and the other times in revenged myself tramp Fond Mamma Here's a photo of a appropriating his canoe tne night and weeklies. followed of We country nightmare. days C0A1E TO MY FOUNTAIN waa he when a little boy my baby, - j O'Neil, river. the down trail the away lmpenpaddling government through aud I want you to make one of him For etrable forests, tn which at nights we who bad been almost as ill as myself, An anonymous postal card; Tlace as lie is now. Kvl.li-nciin DRINKS ALL cur SOFT mc.de went We me. with and could roars way the of two a hear hat under tigers Hut pcncclos haven't you Photographer I have ti huge reception purloj at the corner of Forth th street and Jaguars. Wo subsisted by begging 1.1 days to C'antumnyn. Mugiug our brought hint with you? Wiodluwu a en lie at 7 o'clock Sat- where vo:i can rrjoy a lunch of (!ofTei F. M. No; 1 thought you would from the natives whose huts we en-- food as we went. The natives were us more we were kind to On the ninth than countered. day urday night and Orville I.rown will 'hoco'iiie jiirl all hot beverages, from this. ntiike an enlargement The trip was made hideous by mil-- j so nearly famished that I took he restored to you. Pele-MelSundw iclu-;.;id Lunch, ('.undies and which AYo arc beginning to feel hope. O'Xetl's watch, walked hack ten . Ilona of huge mosquitoes Fruit. n the trail and sold It for II. j swarmed down on us until our feet miles Disgraced. crackers und s,1' bought a bag of and hands were black wi'h the Its Denver, C'ola Ihe.inl Orville Brown Mrs. Tinkle They say that Mrs. With tho money even not take sects. do me u call, on Live corn which The natives lima ami 'inii,,l beans, at Nitvcm a at the Albany last dinner Xeaurlcli la becoming more proper the trouble to brush litem oT. but they ber. Don't renumber which way he lived fc.r the rest of the "hike. Rooms ! Hie day, week or tnuiiT. every day. We passed several "tainbos." or gov- - tormentedis terribly. At hist. In pny- - went. H. 0. Harris. , Mrs. ai o,,. .MuiiioU Hun. you Dimple Yes. Indeed; eminent posts, in which we were per- - nient for my repairing her sewing ms should have seen how mortified she L. L. RADCON, Proprietor- saw Orvtlla 101 West Main St. was a while ago when she learned mltted to sleep, but the officers nr chine, a woman gave us a s'rlp of Ky. I Louisville, 6andy, Uta'; Brown in a New- York paper about that her husband owned common stock which never thoueht of inviting us to mosquito netting, which we wespread slent. while over ranoe at we cat. and the reached At the river, last night iq a railroad. Satire. eight months ago. Had tho clipping It happened that this chirr of police in O'Neil built a raft of logs twelve feet my pocket until tho New Yeuri long and five feet wide, surmount ed at Cantuinayo was an acquaintance clean-up- . M. K. The Wicked Motorman. In m to of He mine. permitted Wp A motorman played a mean trick by a bamboo platform, on which we were to sit to keep ourselves dry. The tin police station and paid fir tttr on a woman yesterday." Dayton, Ohio Orville Brown was logs were tied together with the bark nirala at a neighboring heue. The lit the "How was that? Dayton Herald, I think, about a inanl-n i FUNERAL DIRECTORS. "Just as she wan about to get off of the Imlza tree. We had no puddles, mistress of this house h id Koine of liis feet seemed ago. year for medicine and insisted ii.n dosing 1L his rar backward he suddenly re-- j but only long poles ft. (1. time.the at 1 41 'UN J KM HA LM KKK. until I shaky versed It, and before she realized what j The Pachitea river at that time was im with a horrible, mlMiv ever. was than sicker were and there hut narrow, swift, off very the car his fell design was. she got Chicago I had Outlie Drown In MIDVALE, UTA-M- . This decoction was a bowl "f strong many logs floating on Its surface. It In the proper manner." we and sold the my scrapbook scrajs seemed as If our raft perversely in- liquor made from sugar rum- lemon book to M. TAYLOR, Manager a Junk man wiih rod whiskers slated upon striking every one of juice and salt. I Implored In : to give last V. - F. Running Smoothly. August. I felt me and hilt she j refis"! Office pl.onp h. Kes. phono lift.? quinine, "No." said Mr. Dustin Stax. "I never these logs, and at each rnllixton 1 feared that the craft would go to that I had insulted her interfere In politics." we hour At a struck lafo Open Day and Niflht. yesterday I not I should have died pieces. Once it struck a stump and l.. "Why net'" trull a to! promises "Because I have the affairs of my turned a complete rotnersuttlt. fling- met nn American negro n:i'"f.! wiih lead us to (trvllle Drown. Meantime j lie gave me a pound, or ing us into the water. particular community so competently inereas-- ! NYAL FAMILY REMEDIES. I " wawinch liuuuht quinine TieOur danger was extreme cosmic, our valiant bund of sleuths lu supervised that don't have to cannot The evade purboy r Ing hourly. broken. w:iter was fnfes'cd wit It veitotiuiMH j la four days the 1ev-Itavo maiiiiafM For man.i water Tolbit obtained a canoe 'I susprct suit mill h longer. snakes, alllgaiors and fresh Uncertain. id which l.u ! Mult :i spiiu!.''-I "Have you ever loaned lb own ;,ny (harks. It was Impracticable to swim lie stole it and we floated down the coiifldet-c-- ' oil milt twl liieiii to tl vil- at seven Too for Technical. iriirr dense the because days, ashore, stei'piui: tropical ntauey?" ban i bon forests would not ptrmil ns luge for the nights. But on il." ev- "They find the weather editor to! lie America: i qde. "1 don't know." ruitb :.ivd s.'iid Hie botse editor. the so Hut did grow-to negro night dirupn land, some today,'' they thickly Tile I'ti itl'-.lto I'm him. but i:si;iin Vriiieti tbe I transferred I was "Tli nt so?" asked the autoinobllo ed- - lit, id lias plrked tip by u tnll i.nd pomg. i ried through me: not Sine yet wlirl Iter he considers it If we could have lamb'd we siinu'd have been at the ntercy of wild beasts. pous pursonng" who culled hui:slf by Itor. "Whnl was wrong? a loan or a present. No i xig:.i rail !, mislai15i u alone. Pedro There waa nothiug to do but swim Die resounding name of The utlleo poet was on a vacation has evi r hoi.-i- i eoiiiire''. advertising an who mudr La and .lent, and the boss told him to write a sumafter the raft, which was floating Segqiida He Knew, aiired by the New York fi avetage of $100 a day by selling mer poetn. lie turned In a lot of driYoung Bachelor I often wonder If swiftly down the current. Co. He to we the ns'ivrs. After efforts It. overtook vel about a northeaster that was coin- Drug phony Jewelry great I'm making enough money to get marand In a few days reached Porto Yen to.ik me along to paddle li! canoe. ing down the coast. Tin'll' wide use is the oulroui- - e' ried on. would not was so he He that I is first the of s mudls. there where stingy don't know Old Benedick Well. good words, inspired by the tieoeiicia-resulmilk how much you're making, but you String of wireless telegraph stations permit me to use the condeiisi-which Huy have produced. Not In the Hedge. he carried for his coffee, and oxtending to the coast. aren't! London Opinion. of each are your fnt w ill he all right when you ono formulas You The Hero O'Neil and I both fell til of to pay for the provisions he purchasdewe to the You strike say may know exact t. your the I asking. left malaria. Despite the fact lhat we ed unless roinpelled by force. Day and Night Beys. friend. 1 spondent Is being taken or giveu to your where na1 at our what Porto San him Francisco, could lift the heads, Be Glare! careful, Grandma scarcely dont But. he mutters, "when one Is children. think much of the young men oT . tive hotelkeeper made ua rut down got work cutting down trees for 7$ hedged about with obstacles, how can trees to pay for the scraps of food he eents a day. CAPITOL PHARMACY, Agsr.tJ Hera I remained 15 days and Ufl be discover s gate?" Clare Well, Just wait until you see j doled out to us. There was no medl-th- e A I sine native woman only to avoid starvation. available. one of tonight He's a peach, Bandy, Utah.' All trains and cars stop nt the done - p.r IvnLLieiY 1 pro-tnsiii- ; - s - Sirc I ii.N-r.- mi-.i- j G&nsurancc n - the presi- dential candidate. Ills face went pale and be trembled as one stricken with ague. It was clear that be had just remembered something of distressing nature. What has happened?" asked the chairman of the reception committee. "I am undone! the candidate groan d. "I can never be elected, after this. I forgot to shake hands with the .engineer on the locomotive that pulled my Si Physicians and Surgeons WILiyUR n.NESIMTi - I ad-dte- Dra. ROBERTSON w playing with some children. "What children? asked mother. She was told about aome new chll-lrethat has Just moved Into the neighborhood. you know I Hut, said mother, have told you not to play with children unless 1 know them and say It is all right. I dont know anything about these children. Hut, mother, they are perfectly cultured and refined." llow do you know they are culand refined?" asked the mother, j tured WHY BACHELOR DIDN'T MARRY amused. Well, they have two automobiles In j One Incident In His Life Had Made a that lainily," replied the small one , Beep and Lasting Impression with decision. Remains Single. The Remedy. "1 will tell you why I don't marry." Not long ago lord Kinnatra. who Is It Is be- always said a confirmed bachelor. actlvey Interested In re-cause of one incident In iny life which llgtous work, paid a surprise visit tc has made a deep and lasting Impres- a mission school In the enst end of sion on me. Loudon anil lold a class of boys the Ills lady hearrrs were all aiteutlou, story of Samson. In concluding his scenting a romance. nai ra' I ve his lordship added: I once went to a sale. Never mind "lie was strong, liecame weak and what 1 went for or whom 1 went for. then regained his strength, enabling 1 went. Of course, (here was a tre- him to destroy his enemies. Now mendous crush, and one had to push boys. If I had nn enemy what would to get to a com. ter and shout like fury you ailvlae me to do? to Attract Well, I acciA little boy after meditating on the dentally stepped on a lady's skirt and secret of that groat giant's strength Dearly tripped her up. She turned shot up his hand and excaiined: "Get quickly, and the scowl on her face a bottle of 'air restorer." -- The Tat would have made a more timid man tier. bolt. She was evidently about to some fierce remark to me; then WELL INFORMED. a change suddenly came over her face. "Oh, I beg your pardon.' she said, sweetly; 'I thought you were my hus- I Professional Cards OMGOKffi ikfw, re- aiit-uiio- TZ7ie train. Under Cover. never appear at the parties given by your wife and daughters. You You No, replied Mr. Cunirox. see, it Isnt polite to talk about how money was acquired. But these parties need a lot of It and somebody had to take off his coat and hustle Instead of learning to wear a monocle. Naturally. "Well. I am the family secret. HOW HE GOT IT. -- s W. e Waldorf - Walter W. Iii)g j , ! i J a j j 1 I j s ' .The Man Did your father make his money himself or Inherit It? The ltoy Neither. lie married ttia. Taken Literally. "He who puts his hand to the plow, creamed the crossroads orator, must not turn back! What Is he to do when he gets to the end of a furrer? asked the auditor In the blue Jrau overalls.- - Youth's Companion. -- 1 ! 1 - : S1MM0. J ( Crafty Mover. What makes Hllgglns keep moving further Into the suburbs? "He wants to be as near the beginning of the route as possible so as to be sure of an end seat In the open rar." A Diplomat. "I notice that you and your wife - SI-7- 1 I : , ! uo.-'ru- : Ii-- ve well-didim'- d al- ways agree on nearly every public question. How do yon manage It?" "Easily. I let her think she had bur Ideas nn public questions first. - 1 - i- - Always. "The course of true lore always ands In a bump. "Not always. "They always cither bust the en gmgement or get married, don't they?" Cautious. Wife John, dear, please never tell 1 anybody thut walk In my sleep. Ilnsband Why? Wife They might think we haven't any motor. Satire. In Political Training. to run for office, sod ke's training now. "Training? Whata he doing?" Burying his past aud making prom toes for the future." "Pm'a going I . i ; V bt-i-- Iu t to-dy- |