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Show TIME TO CH&GE THE Southern Salt Lr.':e COUNTY ENTERPRISE W. I). S. SANDY. Hurriiietoo. SEASON BALKAN T STATES ARE PREPARING FOR WAR I . VltUtNELl! ITUT T5WFM7Ht Armies Being Mobilized in Bulgaria, Servia and Greece to Wage War With Hordaa of tha Sultan. FALL EGtINOK! UTAH STATE NEWS Charles Sliver, a Salt Luke rarpe liter. sustained a fracture of the skull and another of the lelt arm iu a fall of twenty feet from a scaffold. The Utah Baiulsts held their twenty-nint- h annual convention in Ogden last week, a large number of delegates from churches throughout the stato being present. Harry Thorn was executed at the stat prison at 6:34 Thursday morning, for the murder of George Fassell, a Salt Lake groceryman, on the night Of March 4, 1910. Fay Whitney was thrown during the bucking contest at the fair at Logan and no hope is entertained for his recovery. His mount ran Into a fence and fell upon Whitney. Work on the eight story Ecclej structure at Ogden will be started within a few days. When completed 4he new building will be the largest and most modern in Ogden. The jury in the case of John Zeora, charged with murder in the first degree for the killing of Ell Gravich in Bingham, returned a verdict of involuntary manslaughter. barber Shops, There are nienty-elgh- t 257 barbers and seventeen apprentices In Salt Lake, according to a report issued by the secretary of tho stats board of examiners of barbers. Several thousand dollars waa subscribed by the Salt Lake Jewish business men last week toward the development of the Jewish colony on the Piute project near Gunnison, Utah. The second annual fair of Cache county was favored with perfect weather. There was a record attendance on the opening day, It being estimated that 2,000 people passed tbs gate. Jack Murphy, charged with the murder of Night Marshal Prank Oolclough of Midvale, waa arraigned last week at Midvale. He was held for the district court without hall. Murphy was THE IN RUN DOWN STREETS OF SALT LAKE AS HE STEPPED FROM CAR. KNIVES AND CLUBS USED IN CLASH BETWEEN SLEUTH8 AND I. W. W. MEN AT LAWRENCE. IOWAN Trouble Came When Officers Attempted to Break Up Parade of Workers to the Graves of Men Killed During Recent Strike Riots. Speeding Automobile Manned by Policeman Hitt Wagon, after Which One Man Is nstantly Killed and Another Injured. Mas. Police and parad-er- s fought with knlvea and clubs on Sunday before a demonstration by members of the International Workers of the World. Two officers were stabbed a number of demonstrator were clubbed and an 1. W. W. leader was captured after a bard fight and then freed. Two arrests were made. Carlo Teresa of Pittsburg, an editor who is an organiser of the Industrial Workers, was In custody but gained his freedom a minute or two later Persons who saw Tresca's arrest said he was rescued by comrades. Treses said the police let him go.. All the police professed Ignorance of the occurrence. More The clash was unexpected. than 20,000 operatives met at the railroad station to meet 7,000 Industrial Workers of the World who had come from Boston to participate in the parade to the graves of Anna Loplszo and John Ramay who were killed during the strike riots last January. The police attempted to end the demonstration when the men put up a fight. CHARRED BODIES FOUND. Murder 6uspected as and Arson sult of Burning of Farm Qulncy, death of 111. C. A. Mr, lw NOT WILL HAVE Re- Mystery surrounds the Pfanschmldt, aged 47. Salt Lake City. Finley Martin oi Sioux City, la-- , was Instantly killed, and James II. Scanlan of Los Angeles was seriously Injured Saturday afternoon whpn they were struck by the police greyhound wt Second South and Fourth West streets. Harry Clark, 115 North Second West street, who was driving In a buggy at that point, was thrown from the vehicle and received daXSft. a scalp wound. The greyhound was being sent at a high rate of speed west, on Second South street by Driver Griffin, carryOF ing Patorlman Woodward in response to a call from tbe Denver & Bio Grande freight yards, where Robert Alfred Johnson, nine years old, had been run over and killed by a train. The machine first hit Clark's buggy, skidded and the back end of the auto PUT A struck Martin, who had just alighted AMERICAN SOLDIERS form a street car. Scanlan was hit CRIMP IN AMBITIONS OF NICand by the front of the machine ARAGUAN POLITICIAN. hurled against an iron post. Both the driver and the policeman escaped injury, but the car was alGeneral Luis Mena and 8even Hun- most demolished. Speeding was undoubtedly the cause of the accident. dred of Hie Followers Disarmed and Remainder of Rebel Forces Dewey Granted New Trial. Unable to Reelst Government, Salt Lake City. Holding that the instruction to the trial jury that presumptively every killing Is murder Washington. With General Lula shifted the burden of proof from the Mena under arrest and guarded by state to the defendant and deprived American soldiers, 700 of his troops the latter of statutory defense of readisarmed and helpless and the re- sonable doubt, the supreme court of mainder of the Nicaraguan rebel Utah on Saturday handed down an forces practically unable to resist the opinion reversing the judgment of the government, state department officials district court in the case of Elmer L. are of tbe opinion that the rebellion Dewey. The defendant was convicted in Nicaragua had come to a full stop. of murder In the first degree and senIt waa pointed out that even if tenced to life Imprisonment for the Zeledon or Juan Irlas, or any of the killing of Police Sergeant J. Henry other revolutionary leaders, attempt Johnson. The case is remanded for to carry on the rebellion, they will new trial. have but few troops and those poorly armed and worse organized. Urges Followers to Be Steadfast. The final dizposltlon of General Beverly, Mass President Taft made Mena and his troops is worrying state a direct plea on Saturday to not a lltte. There ncan to voU the Republican ticket are three roads open r to surrender and not desert the party at the polls In the rebels to the federal forces, who Nvember.toordertodoleat thVthird would probably execute the leaders as party and Mr. Roosevelt. It was the traitors; to exile tbe prisoners, or to first prepared political address he has keep them under American guards. made since his speech accepting the The latter course being manifestly Chicago nomination. It was delivimpossible, it is thought here that ered from a temporary stand erected Mena will be turned over to the civil on tho grounds at Parramatta before authorities and the remainder of the the Republican clubs of Essex county lnsurrectos freed or exiled. and residents of Beverly. rnit HOME RULE ARREST Mass Meeting In Belfast Marked by Fervor Not Equaled by the Convention of 1892. The singing of the natioby an audience of 3,000 persons comprising every body representative of Belfast's great industrial mercantile, civil and religious community Friday night brought to a rule meeting close a great anti-hom-e in Ulster hall, amid a fervor that was e not equaled even by the rule convention of 1892. The meeting renewed the adoption of the resolution passed at that convention protesting against a home rule convention for Ireland. The supreme dramatic moment of the memorable gathering Friday night was the unfurling and presentation to Sir Edward Carson, the chief propagandist against home rule, of the flag carried by King William at the battle of tbe Boyne. The flag was greeted with frenzied cheering. No new pronouncement of unionist policy was made at tbe meeting. The Ulster watchword Is we will not have home rule," but none of the various speakers, nor letters of the n fluentlal unionist leaders which were read, attempted to reveal the plan of resistance, If such a plan exists, should Kink George sign the home rule measure. Belfast nal-anthem anti-hom- Houae- - SI. Petersburg. The mobilization of the armies of Bulgaria, Servia and Greece probably will mean Immediate to the belief in war, according Tui key's military activity In the last few days Is taken to mean that she Intends to make war. In that case, tbe Balkan coalition naturally Jias forestalled her In her endeavor to profit by the rapid concentration ol troops. The opinion Is held here that the action of the Balkan states has resulted from the Inability of the powers to deal with the situation. The conversations which the Russian foreign minister, M. Sazonoff, has had in London have been apparently barren. It Is understood Russia has taken an adequate view of the crista and has proposed the radical remedy of putting Into effect article 23 of the treaty of Berlin providing for Introduction European provinces of Turkey of a statute giving a measure of under a provincial governor general controlled by the powers. In-th- HA Attack Idaho Progressive Ticket. Boise, Idaho. The Progressive party state and presidential electoral ticket was attacked in the supreme court ol this state on Monday thorugh the application for a writ of Injunction to enjoin the secretary of state from certifying it down to the county auditor In., thq respective counties on the official ballot The application also prays for a writ of mandamus to compel the secretary of state to certify down all other legally filed party tick ets on file in hla office, other than the Progressive ticket which is declared to be illegal. his wife, aged 45, their daughter Blanche and Miss Etta Kaempen, 24 years old. the charred bodies of three of whom were found captured at Butte, Mont Sunday morning between 1 and 2 The Hand Cart Pioneers, those o'clock after the Pfanschmldt house hardy veteran, who crossed the moun- had burned. tains to Utah, will hold their annual The residence Is located on a farm meeting In Salt Lake on October S. two miles from Pay son. 111. IndicaIt la estimated that about 350 of the tions point to murder and burning of 4,000 pioneers are alive today. the house to cover up the crime. The state fish and game commisKILL WOMEN AND CHILDREN. sioner has received reports from game wardens In various parts of tho Revolution In Nicaragua Haa Been No state that the duck disease prevalent Comic Opera Affair. in the marshes end along streams Americans In ManNlc. last summer hat been completely Managua, j agua now know what a sickening wiped out The State Flab and Game depart- tragedy a Central American revolution MARTIAL LAW IN GEORGIA. ment has announced that a strip of is. They have passed through a month batland at the mouth of the Provo river of turmoil, witnessed a three-day-s' win be set aside for a Hungarian par- tle and experienced tbe horrors of a Augusta Declared in State of Instn-rectiaa Climax to Rioting. tridge reserve. The reserve will be bombardent. They have seen tbe peowomen a half mile wide and a mile and a ple of the city Aa the climax to riotGa. Augusta, and children killed, have borne' the half long. and in this shooting of three city ing Clad In male attire, Mlaa Leonora sufferings of hunger In a town beleag- citizens Friday by state guardsmen. esmiraculous Murdock, aged 16, waa arrested la uered and have had night and bul- Governor Brown late Friday Can Save Almost Million s Day. Preparing Peace Pact Salt Lake. The girl had escaped capes from exploding shells of Augusta to be the city proclaimed lets. at school Turko-ltaliaIndustrial n state from the Washington. Frederick A. CleveIn a state of Insurrection and ordered Oucby, Switzerland. The of President Taft's Driven Insane by Mexicans. Ogden. She haa twice been paroled the Immediate enforcement of martial peace negotiations probably land, chairman from the school and haa run away have entered their final phase with economy and efficiency commission, in Seattle. Wtush. James Cook, form- law. sach time. One citizen was killed, another the arrival here of Rechad Pasha bear- a statement on Saturday outlining the erly a conductor on the Mexican followed in submitot r, tbs approach , j fallway, was adjudged Insane probably fatally shot, a third less se- ing Turkeys latest proposals. If these plan that will he free employment agencies of ur(jay ag a result, it was declared by a riously Injured and a number of per- are acceptable to Italy, Rechad Pasha ting to congress a budge of public Salt Lake are receiving no greater una(.y commission, of 111 treatment sons fired upon by guardsmen called will arrange the peace treaty. It la estimates and expenditures, declared number of applications for work than received two years ago while he was a out late Friday to protect the power not expected a peace treaty will be that by ten years' persistent effort the government could reduce its running have been coming In during the sum- - priKOner in the Mexico City jail on a plant of the local street railway com- signed before Ocober 15. expenses nearly $300,000,000 s year. mer, indicating good labor conditions charge of larceny made when his train pany from possible violence of its Brothers Electrocuted. In the capital city. aa robbed by bandits. Cook was held striking employes. Ulster Day Passes Off Peacefully. Tbe three express companies operat- - in an without trial for nine months Eddyville, Ky. Two brothers were SUICIDES. THEN As the crowning proof of KILLS Belfast THREE, y acquit-attorneelectrocuted in the state prison here Ing In Salt Lake have notified the city and was given a trial and was never to submit determination tlielr Charles and were James that they would not further teil only when the American govern-conteThey Man and Friday. an Irish parlla-men- , domination of the to Slays ment the at an Aged Pennsylvanian delay, the protested the vehicle tax imposed by Smith, negroes, who killed aged unionof thousands Ulsterites His Two 8isters. member of their race in a small town city on all business vehicles operat--; devoted and Saturday ists orangemen com York, Pa What la belle ven to have in eastern Kentucky, Ing there. This means that the to signing the covenant of resistance been a triple murder and suicide was panies will pay tbe city about $350 a home rule. But, notwithstanding io of j discovered Friday when the bodies year. PROF. E. A. SCHAFER the anxiety and dread as to what might annual two sisters. and his of the session Hendricks The closing Frank Ulster day passed off without n asso-clallhappen, convention of tho Utah Medical Esther and Emma, were found at their disturbance. serious waa near here. on in New Freedom, Wednesday home at Ogden Death in each case was due to bull, marked by a spirited contest for the Two Aviators Lose Lives. wounds. John Caskey, GO years old. presidency. l)r. A. L. Ilosmer of Salt Two more lives were con-1 Washingion. from who was found dead a few miles Lake was finally chosen. The to aviation at the United sacrificed bulle'. a Salt with in held be will Hendricks home, next the ventlon year States army aviation field. College hole through his head, is believed to Lake. park, Maryland, near here, late Satmurder the committed triple have Ariz., A telegram from Phoenix, urday when an army aeroplane sudsuicide. and then committed announces the dAth of Andy Fetorfeet to the denly fell thirty-fiv- e son, a well known resident of Park Bank Corporal killitig ground, instantly Robbery, Mysteriou City. Miner's consumption was the S. Scott and so seriously injurFrank known became X It J. old 50 Newark, was He years cause of death. i ing Second Lieutenant Lewis c. Rurk-;weFriday that $11,500 in gold waB mysand a native of Sweeden. At one time that he died a few hours later. teriously stolen September 18 rroin he waa foreman of tbe American Flag comNewark Hanking the National mine. Accused of Violating Decree. pany. The money. In three hags, was Apples will rival peaches In point New York. Charges that both the taken from the toller's cage while: of a profitable crop this year, accordspirit and letter of the decree dismost of the employes were at lunch.' ing to tbe manager of the Utah Fruit solving the Standard Oil company of J accom-waa The theft apparently exchange at Ogden. The county north New tire being violated were Jersey pished fro mtlic corridor by means of Weber county will contribute very '.o the department of justice at sent hook. and a of olng pole largely to tbe states production. The Washington Saturday by S. W. Fordyce, Oil prices will range from 75 cents to counsel for the Waters-PIerc- e jjr.. Quits In Disgust. $1.25 per bushel. Don Francisco Wiihhington. Senor jrompany. While crowding around a wagon J. l'oyuado, minister from the DominiThreaten to Poison Water. loaded with fire clay upon which he can republic, has resigned, to take efand his companions were attempting Mexico CHy. A group of rebels fect us soon as he Is relieved. The to climb, Reed Poulson, aged 7, ot 200 pounds of cyanide secured have the minister disclaims that present Prof. Schafer, who lo president of from Natividud mining ramp In the Pleasant Grove, waa shoved under tbe William Marconi, Inventor of the rouble in the republic has influenced tho Brltiah association, In his address would rear wheel of the wagon. Tbe wheel who was seriously Injured In his res'gnation, which was lorwardcd to that body aeeerted hie belief that Ixtlan district, declaring they wireleee, the In water the passed over bis bead, crushing regions drinking poison an automoblla accident near Borg-hett- to the government at Santo lwming i the chemist may yet be able to mako skull and killing him instantly. which arc not under their rontrol. a month ago. Italy. Mife." Sitting upright In the corner of a War on Women and Children. Mill Hands Out at Lawrence. coal house with glazed eyes turned Woman Leada Rebels. and Wilson Meet. Taft Washington Methods of warfare toward the door, "Tom'' Tslogas, the Lawrence. Mass. Practically El Faso. "CoroncU" Alanls, wife and Gov- employed by the Nicaraguan rebels are Tart President Boston Mrs. to death who afshot Greek Mary of the rebel colonel of the name, is textile operatives here have been Woodrow Wilson met for tbe Indicated In Minister Weitzel's report Theodorson In the street at Salt Lake fected by the strike inaugurated hv ernor leading a band of rebels twenty-eigh- t since the campaign started on Sa'urdtiy that during the bombardtime first 6 dead was fuund at of the World Tuesday night, miles east of Juarez, Mexico, accord- the Industrial Workers hotel here late Thursday night ment of Managua 133 women and chila at o'clock Wednesday morning. to show their sympathy for Junu E ing to a report received by General each other heartily and dren were hit by projectiles, while not greeted They Glovannitti. Kttor- and Arturo Weber county canners believe that Sleever at Fort minutes. one man waa Injured. chatted the total loss resulting from the InNoted Veteran Diet. Bolder. Become Rebels Rebels Surrender Maeaya. jury to the tomato crop by frost will More 8lideo Feared. Minneapolis. Judge Loren W. ColMexico CHy. Taking advantage of reach a quarter of a million dollars. Juan dol Sur. A report San hillsides cut arc Culebra Panama. of tho Minnesota The continued cold had prevented the ' the departure of Blanco, who has with lins, former justice Wed- here says that the Insurgents nt Mas canal the again. Into of man a national and court slipping tomatoes from ripening until It la be - him some 2,iW troops, the rebels supreme note in the G. A. 1L, died at hla home nesday more than 1.000 cubic yards aya ran up a white flag SaturDy. Thl? lleved, little more than half of the have become much bolder in Durango, slightly, and It Is leaves Ieou the onlv st-j- ;.jo.d s.i.i ' telegrams tell of their here Friday, following an ullaek ot of earth moved original crop will reach the factories. slides will result. defying the govern trni serious feared that heart troublo. occupation of Nazas and Rodeo. on panic-stricke- I Sat-winte- j : I . j I ll ' Must Support Entire Ticket, 8aye Taft. Some of the peoBeverly, Mass. ple now posing as third party men will wake up after the election and And themselves alone. We would be glad to welcome them back to the Republican party, but they must come back aa whole Republicans they must support the national, state and local tickets. That waa the substance of President Taft'a message Monday night to the Republican club of Beverly. Chinese Diplomacy Wins. crowned London. Victory has Chinese arnia and diplomacy in eastern Daily Telegraph. On October 6 a re conciliation conference will take place between all the Mongol princes and Manchurian governors at Chang Show-Fu- , when the full adherence of eastern Mongolia to the Chinese republic will be solemnly sealed. Woman Furnishes Clew. Chicago. Information that $170 000 of the money stolen from the' Canadian hank may be now In possession busiof two men, one a ness man here, was given Assistant Chief Schulttler by Jeannette Little, reputed wife of Jim Stacey, under arrest In St. Louis. Sbe said the two had the money or knowledge of where It waa. well-know- n Trying to Save Property. El Paso, Texas. Bishop C. W. Lilly-whitacting for the Mormon colonists, has requested Consul Dye at Agua Prleta, or some other official representative of the United States, to go with a delegation of twenty-fiv- e Mormons to Morelos for the purpose of taking an inventory of goods there that ran be saved and reporting the actual conditions. Roosevelt Letters In Evidence. Washington. All the correspond ence between President Roosevelt ant-th- e late Edward II. Ilarriman, covering a period from Mr. Roosevelt's succession to the office in 1901 until Mr. Ilarriman's differences with him In 1906, was placed In evidence on Monday before the senate committee Investigating expenditures. j 1 IH'-sb- . Violence Attends Demonstration. Mass. A demonstraLawrence, tion" Btrlke against the Imprisonment 3f labor leaders tuok place here MonAfter day. clashes between rioters and police, lasting all deday, the demonstration" was clared off by the Industrial Workers 3f the World. hand-to-han- d Postpone Partition of Persia. London. That the partition of Persia had been postponed during the recent conferences is denied by the British foreign office. Tbe statement, however, throwa no lights on plans of the two governments. Anglo-Uussia- Boise Banker Arrested. Boise. Edward Fayne, former president of the Boise State hank, was arrested Monday on six Indictments charging embezzlement and falslfylug reporis to the slate bank examiner. The hank was closed Inst December. - Woman 8hoots Two. Albuquerque N. M. As the result ol fued at Ricardo, a station on the Belen cutoff, Mrs. J. K. Curley shot and killed George Brlslingham, a ness man, and fatally lnjurcj .T Cora Zimmerman. i |