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Show r JT u f i r ( PUBLISHER COUNTY ENTERPRISE: Enclosed find nub for payment for (RENEWAL OR NEW) $ criptwn to the COUNTY ENTERPRISE. Name State Town skin removed and eaien with a tli teaspoon. Kit air liad movt-Dirnt- iou turiiad a i a Is a good beginning for 1 v..i Chop, wiu, Boubi, s.,,'.- .Wipe six loin chops and put lu a stew an onion, eight slices pan wlih one-halof carrot, two atalka of celery, a half teaepoonful of pepper corns, four cloves, two tablespoonfuls of butter; rover w ith boiling water and cook un-til tend-r- . Drain, dip In egg. sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip In flour and fry In deep fat. Surround with boiled macaroni to which baa been added the i following sauce: Cook two cupfuls of onions until tender, put through a sieve and add to a white sauce made of chicken stuck thickened with two; j tahlebpomiiuls each of butter and i or cream, a half then add cup flour, Heidelberg Cabbage. Try out two Hces of bacon cut In dice, add a bead of shredded cabbage, half a cup of vinegar, a teaspoouful of minced onion and pepper: simmer under cover for i two hours. Add sa little water as pos--1 i elble to keep from burning. A pear salad covered with a cream, dressing and garnished with strips or red pepper Is s very attractive salad. Apple and gtiod and can hardly be told from all j Use three xaii ti Aa of ap pineapple. one of to pineapple, and equal pie weight of sugar. Pears as a salad insy bn garnished with a few preserved or spiced cherries. The color and combination of flavor are both acceptable. Rice Cakes. Cook a cupful of rice. When cold, add two cups of milk, the beaten yolks of four eggs and flour to make a stiff batter. Add a tablespoonful of melted butter, a teaspoonful of soda, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar and a pinch of salt. Beat the whites of the eggs very stiff and fold in last. Bake on a hot griddle. deigned for the foulard TO RESTORE HAT Soma Original Ideas In Skirt Which Has Approval of English Fashion Journal. f grart-- : from tlia fairrat lo - on Bar face. And when you had once seen licr d and mouth, ou saw aa dlatlnrtly her soul and her truth-Kate. E. B Browningfnre-haa- My HELPFUL HINTS. Cora apples without peeling, slice in father thick slices and fry lu hot fat, turning carefully to keep the shape unbroken. Besson with a sprinkling of salt and sugar and place around the platter of pork chops. Another pretty and appetizing accompaniment to pork chops or roasts are potato neats, buttered and browned In the oven and filled with small Breamed onions. Serve beefsteak, for a change, well buttered and sprinkled generouuly with parsley. Try a peanut stuffing In your roast duck. Take three-fourth- s of a cup of cracker crumbs, half a cup of and half a cup of thick cream, two tablespoonfuls of melted butter, salL cayenne and onion juice to taste. Pear Honey. Grate four inediuin-slse- d pears, add a pint of water and two pounds of sugar. Boll until the mixture drops from the spoon like honey. Pour Into glasses and seal. Thla la delicious on griddle cakes or makes a fine filling to add to boiled frosting and use on cake. Lemon and salt makes a fine cleaner (or brass and copper. A mixture of chloride of lime and baking soda nibbed Into the stains made by hard water on the enamel In the bathroom will remove obstinate stains , : i I j mu m rfSgr A ! nice luncheon dish, which provides a vegetable with the more substantial egg, is the following: Cover a plat ter with hot, seasoned spinach, well cooked. Cook a cup and a half of tomatoes with two teaspoonfinely-choppe- HEAP tilings are not good, fuls of sugar. Boll five minutes, add good things are not cheap. Chinese Proverb. six eggs beaten slightly, salt and pep per to taste and pour into an omelet SOUR CREAM DISHES. pan and cook until creamy. Four over spinach and garnish with toasted An unusual, but very delicious, way bread points browned In butter. ef serving codfish gravy Is to use sour Cream cheese softened with cream, eream for the white sauce. The flavor add a few tablespoonfuls of chopped Is most appetizing if the cream Is not green pepper, makes a change In servtoo sour. ing cheese, or may be used as sandA half cup of sour cream and a cup wich filling. sf brown sugar cooked together until Salmon Souffle- -' Take one can of thick Is a dainty filling for a cake. salmon. Hake and season with salt Nuts make it still finer. and lemon juice. Cook a half cup of 8ugar Cookies. One bread crumbs lu one-hacup of milk cup of sour cream, a cup of butter, ten tnlnuits. add to the salmon with two cups of sugar, a teaspoonful of the yolks of three eggs beaten until soda, nutmeg, three eggs well beaten thick; cut anil fold In the whites of and flour to roll. three eggs beaten stiff. Bake in butHorseradish Sauce. To a half rup tered molds set In water. Serve with of sour cream add a half cup of grated s Pimento Sauce. Melt three horseradish. Add salt and sugar to of butter, add three of flour taste. and stir until well blended, then pour Seed onions, when too small to eaL gradually one cup of milk, a half are a dainty morsel cut up fine. tops cup of cream and half a cup of canned and all, and served with sour cream, pimentoes that have been forced a little vinegar, salt and pepper. through a sieve, Season with salt and Sour Cream Pie, For the filling use pepper. the yolks of four well beaten eggs, a cheere Flace a thin slice of ert-aicup of sour cream, a cup of sugar and on saltines. leaving room for the half a cup of raisins. Flavor with a cheese to spread when heated. Press dusting of cloves. Use the whites for Into the cheese several pecan meats a meringue, adding a few tablespoon and place In the oven. As soon as fuls of powdered augar. the cheese begins to run remove from the oven. Kidney Beans With Sour Cream. Bosk the beans over night and cook ns A delicious way of serving cabbage usual. Then add the rream to mois- is to parboil It. then place in layers ten thoroughly, and simmer for an with while sauce In an Edam cheese hour. shell and hake. Buttermilk and thick sour milk Is recommended for stomach trouble, and If the cure is persistently followed health will be restored, as has been proved In many cases. Brown Nut Bread- - Two cups of buttermilk, two cups of graham flour, Is wn YKHY wellies an cup of white flour, a half cup of unJiiHtlflnlile exir.vvxgsnre. . molasses, a tablespoonful of vinegar, a TJvc wrll will: i ii ynur Inrnni.-- nml save i mutter how little It In. teaspoonful of soda, half a teaspoonful .'n:cthing--nfl no life run h a one, f salt, one cup of ralsina and a hand- happy one, nr on honest one. ful of walnut meats. , 11 ! lf table-spoonful- expi-n-u- tnh-eiw-t- Niicei-kOi- ont "l Ad I I by Women. silk weaving was Invented by Ihe wife of the fourth Chinese emperor; bronze work by s Japanese lady; cashmere shawls by ths women of an East Indian harem, and Venetian point lace by some Italian Indies. Editors Idas ef Heaven. The editor's Idea of heaven Is n place where the Ineomlng subscriptions outnumber tho contributions. Satin. Wa go to the Root of Eye Sight Trouble and we accomplish great good. The Root the first principle Is a careful examination and correct diagnosis by latest methods. We thoroughly understand eye requirements and prescribe glastea In accordance :o the defactSL Satisfaction guaranteed. FRATERNAL Ws will be HALL, ! TENNIS RACQUET You Earn Save as And you will always have something to spend as you go. Open a savings account with us where It will earn 4 per cent annually compounded In January and July, $1 will open an account: SANDY CITY BANK W. W. WILSON, President HEBER A. SMITH, Vice-PreA. R. GARDNER, Cashier. Utah. Sandy City, s. PHONE HENRY G. MARRIOTT 60. D. 3. H. Brwn AND WAGONMAKER BLACKSMITH 15 N. First West 8L near West Main Equipped with machinery. Wngon,, Carriage and Rubber Tire repairing, Horseshoeing, Plow Work, Pipe Threading, Sawing, Lumber or Lathe Work. Horses clipped. Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. DENTIST Office, MAIN STREET, Over Moving Picture Show, MIDVALE, UTAH. art sewn; pieces of material are taken over the shoulders and crossed Latat Methods of Painless Centlatry. In front; buttons and loops form CALL ME on AND well as as SEE here sleeves, trimming which are finished with plaited frills 9 a.m. to 5 Office Hours: m. The New Blouses. Some new blouses have directolre collars. One of wbtte eponge has deep cuffs of pique with an under cuff of net and shadowy lace, and n long black silk tie; its price Is $10.75. Another with directuire collar and white pique cuffs, but the waist made of crepe de chine. Is $12.75. This one is finished with a Gainsborough jabot of shadow lace and trimmed with loops of blue silk and clusters of tucks. JOHN 3C. 5Rasnusser High and Guaranteed Tailoring. j Ladies Tailoring a Specialty. Have your next suit tnuilc to order. (lollies cleaned, pressed and repaired. j Main St. opposite Smelter St. MIDVALK, Utah I make that GOOD BREAD. Cakes, Pies and Pastry. A line of Groceries, Caudles, Cigars and Tobacoa Ws serve Coffee and Cakes. PHONE 311-R- - EAR""" Samples Free' RUBBER STEEL STAMPS. SEALS, STENCILS, ETC. Salt Lake City, Utah. C5 W. 3rd So. St. Thom- Was. 304 (We make Jiublx-- Stamps ) Have Your - r ch. banks Before The Fall the racquet inDiagram serted in the case prior to this being hancar- Prop. St TAGS b shows - IIAZEIiGREN. 140 So. Stats MURRAY. In Place of Collar Button. thcases cord done. With Will Be Found of Considerable Use In on at the sides fur sewn are dles of Uve Remaining Weeks rying purposes Warm Weather. First West 6L Sandy, Utah. Murray jakery p. Madame. London H. G. MARRIOTT, 15 N. two-tom-- FOR UTAH. MURRAY, at Sandy every Wednesday. n CASE MURRAY, Utah Bjorn Optical Company Those who complain that collar buttons In the collars of tailored shirtwaists dig Into the neck, and all too ot. will frequently produce a sore In find relief in tbe following plan: netia stead of using the buttonhole in the for Some of tho new dresses are made hack of the shirtwaist or corduroy, combined with a collar button, sew on tin ordinary silk rharmeuhe or chiffon In plain button and button the collar over the same. color. Rush Begin Pillow Washing at Home. thing to moke and one Instead of sending the feather and Electric light is appreciated In he required certainly renovated, try most Is a ca.--e for a ten-- i down pillows to ni:ipy during the long dark eveThci-them at ImunTHE COUNTY UNDERTAKER. days nis It should lie curried out washing i3 the most of sun tn winter. arc hot excellent ef It experinings such LICENSED EMBALMER. in seme strong light material, modern and most efficient illumi-nanOlB.Y HAY .Nil NIGHT. as brewn holland, liueii or crash, end ment. Fill the cold with water boiler In mi nl at the edges with braid. It 347. 144 State Street. Phone can be nit out in two pieces, anil to and guild MKip and let the pillows soak UTAH. MURRAY, rub several tbe then for hums, tiekii.g Become a user of electricity, determine the shave and size it Is a sidled the hands until between spots th good plan to place racquet upon are and acquaint yourself with the gum-then Rinse lukewarm waier. put many appliances that can be used ft ,u on in cold water and plenty of from a lighting sock t. They are BODELL A CARLSON. Props. jelly and bull Tor IT. minutes. 11n.e both ecnomical. and convenient 1!1 So. Stale St. reno roup under wafer A that will rai-qiet- b- - - . r t. , . wi-.s- . Murray Garage 111 running mains and hat m the line tn dry. Use plenty of elm her pins, for the ly pillow to li- - fluffy must Inbeaten duriliL- - the dryli-rever-- e the pi Mow ;ii:d pin liv end. iqipo-ii- e UTAH LIGHT & RAILWAY GO. - The Main Desideratum. I bear you have a must ititerr-oinWhen straining fruit for jelly, If It B first put through tbe colander, (hen family. Yes; n wife and two grown daughinly the juice need be put in the bag. Often tbe pulp may be used for mar- ters. Fine. fine. Just the right number malade. A chilled banana, with one side of for bridge." Inventions State Street 116 So. ter-colu- HINTS AND SEASONABLE RECIPES. It Is believed that DENTIST her hats wear much longer. Colored hats that have faded are Bf.eIlll , hopeless, but a box of wa- r paint, or some of tbe special dyea for straw hats, soon restores their beauty. Moiled white hate can bn freshened by bread crumbs a favorite method of cleaning with many milliners and they are. improved by coating thickly with magnesia, which Is kept on over night. One woman uses the whltener that she put on her shoes. Sunburnt hats are hard to freshen. If good, they should be sent to a bleacher; If not worth that, try bleaching them at home with oxalic add, a tegspoonful to a pint of water. Scrub the straw well, then rinse at once with hot water, followed by cold. Wipe dry and hang In the sun. While still damp, press with a hot Iron on the wrong side, with a thin cloth i over the straw. Whltn feathers and the numerous aigrettes of the season may be made snowy by cleaning in a paste made of gasoline and white enrnmeal, and rinsing with gasoline alone, or with more of the paste until It shows no soli. If the curl has come out, hold it over the kitchen range or curl the flues, a few at a time, with the back of a heated silver knife. Ribbons may be washed In alcohol and pressed under heavy paper or a thick cloth while still slightly damp. Faded flowers are almost hopeless, but may be freshened by coloring with powdered rouge, rubbing off the edges for shaded effects. Steel buckles can be soaked In coal for six or eight hours, then pol-th- e j oil with fine emery. Jet Is bright- i ished ened by rubbing In alcohol and polishing with tissue paper. Dulled bronze and gilt trimmings are difficult, but may be somewhat freshened by good silver polish thinned with alcohol Instead of water. Lace that will wash should be first soaked In cold water, then put In a glass jar with lukewarm water and a tiny pinch of borax and well shaken. Rinse well in several hot waters, squeeze out most of the moisture and dry by covering a drawing board with s Turkish towel, to which the lace Is pinned, each point In position. Dry in Ihe sun. laire that w.lll not wash may be with French chalk or ntag-oj cleaned 157-- J J. SMITH Dr. II. i I ,1 Phone Lobelia blue foulard figured with black would make up well like this. The skirt Is eased In at the waist and trimmed at foot by two folds of material trimmed at the aides by three buttons and loops. Tbe bodice hse a vest of lace with a strip of material taken down the The girl who docs not want to spend center, on which little black buttona another dollar on her hate can do a surprising amount of freshening. Lot her remove the trimming and freshen the hat itself. A black hat Is easy, It can be made to look like new by washing in denatured alcohol after dusting. The entire hat may be aoaked in the alcohol and while still damp it I straightened where bent. T, inan who once 1 week wipes ott ha wlth and 1 A stick with a awab should be used aa it Is too strong s substance to put the hands in. Use brass tacks to fasten the sheet on the'' ironing board, as they are more easily removed. HAT If the bread Is bitter in thine Inn, and thou unshod A pretty and rather unusual salad Is T To meet the fllntsT At lewst It may be this: Sliced oranges with a spoon . aid. ful of sour cream, sweetened with a Because the tray la short, I thank thus, U.od. little auger on each slice. A half cup E. B. Browning. of sour cream to two tablespoonfuls of sugar. COMPANY DISHES. HELPFUL easy a Anywhere in the U. year, $1.00; ! years, $1.50 tl-i- t':o t,iut ri.il xr.il dtaw a line io imI ii ' wiib a inere of rhiilk, allowing of for tho width (it the racquet. Two different kinds of eases ate shown iu our sketches, the lower ease being, perhaps, (ho more simple to Truly Good Man. make, hut tbe upper ease (ci wiil A good man Is happy within himmore effectually cover up and protect and self, Independent upon fortune; kind to his friend, temperate to his en- lbs racquet from damp.. The one Is emy, religiously just. Indefatlgsbly la- furnished with a flap that folds over borious, and he discharges all duties the broad end of the racquet, faatpns with a constancy and congrulty of no- down with two buttons and buttonholes, ths other merely opens at the tions. broad end, and the material folds buck to the dotted line Indicated by a and a, Much Required of Farmer Boy. to admit tho placing of the racquet A farmer boy Isnt considered ef In the rase handle first, ths two sides much account unless he can do tho then drawn together aud fasbeing work of four ordinary men. tened with ribbon strings. i ; t French Flannel Blouse. eli tlaiioel of enani Finest of shade striped with inch wide hnnds of rose, blue, brown or green and hair lined with black. Is fashioned into a blouse which Is Ideal fur summer sports or for boarding house wear. The blouae has at front and back renters a cluster of light fine side plaits and flanking these broad applied plaits with stitched down edges. The sleeve of the raglan sort, running to tbe edge collar of of the turned-doware of medium size above the elbow and at the waist ere finished with shirt cuffs. Worn with a black the effect silk, Ascot or Is Immensely smart F. G. FISHER, Local Agcrt, Pioneer Ave. SANDY, UTAH. Ml' If WAV. I Mali Automotive and Motorryc'c Repairing. Oila and Gasoline. Diamond Tirea. Tire Vulcanizing. Second Hand Automobiles Bought and Sold. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Kr-n- four-ln-han- Pictures That IN LOOK NATURAL POSE A YOUR FRIENDS JUST KNOW Like You 8TUDI0, Phone. e444 16 379- - YOU. 4 Photographer, SOUTH STATE STREET M U P. R A Y, Utah. 4444 444 4 4 4444444 4444444 4 4 t4 AS THAT'S THE ONLY KINO WE DO. Mr?. Howcr, ? 4 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 |