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Show Vi. .tv If ! INDEPENDENT INI, POLITIC. Fair and Just ta All. No partiality hown to any parson or losailty In Southern Salt Lake County. VOL. I. '. r-- NO. 25. Southern Salt Lake SANDY, UTAH, OCTOBER 2, 1912. , Y " $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. good work goes on. ing the old soug j reived slid'I (he ' Backward, turn backward, oiriiiue il. F. Rasmussen is prepared to! William Boam of Mill Creek and a in your liighi. back Take for uie make jears-jutyou dial saell tailor made suit torty bla visited Midvale property owner in .'oil iuteud to lia e before Thuuks- tonight uncle Thomas Smith last Thursday We would hire a hall aud put on a giving day . MIDVALE. expense e during the iUly. days cf the sessions. COUNTY ENTERPRISE. Following la the proposed amendment: Be It qpacted by the Legislature of Published every Wednesday by of all UTAH STATE PUBLICITY CO.. the state of Utah, two-thirW. Dl 8. Harrington, Manager. I the members elected to each of the two house concurring therein : East Main St. P. O. Box 177 SANDY, UTAH I Section L ' That it la proposed to Salt Laka Office, 17 Bagla Block. I amend action , article VI. of the Constitution of Utah, ao that the same Subscription Rates: follows: wll, read 1.0 One year In advance 9 UbU1 otherwise provided by law S months 60 the members of .the Legislature shall M receive I months dollars ($8.p0) per day eight 15 and 10 cents 1 month per mils for the distance 81nglo copies, 5 cents. necessarily traveled going to and re turning from the place of meeting on matthe moat uaunl route, and shall ye-- , ae claaa mall second Entered celve no other pay or. perquisite.' office at the 17, 1912, post ter, April at Sandy, Utah, under the Act of Section 2. The secretary of atati la hereby directed to submit this 'proMarch 3, 1879. posed amendment to the electors of Southern Salt Lake A BUSINESS INVES MENT. Advartlsa In tho County Entarprlao and reach the leading people In every part of Southern Salt Lake County. j1 j ! I the millinery department Sons Company. of Crapu A The shoe sal-- s at Crapo A Suns Company are so gnat that Mr. Pucker aud Mr. Crapo were compelled to for bout of die Sain Ubrlxteusun iu his departassist soiur boys. LAND NEEDED FOR ROAD Watch for the antiuuuceiueut of the ment last week. E. L. Cropper Is the tew principal oi'uniiig of Waters Clothes Shop" iu Suit to condemn a Strip of property 1,11,1 i11 AD- MIDVALE 11,e George Ray Walker of Big Cutton-wouneeded to widen k street to the full of the Midvale school. VANCE. wn i selected ; by the Cmiy width was filed In district court yesIV.mmittee to lake the place vacated seaschool The board met in extra terday by Mldvala against the Denver Yo" wil1 gave ,uuiey by attending by Seth llzton as County CommisA Rio Grande et a. Property owned slonfoue day last week at Midvale. MONEY RAISING sale of Lora sioner for two years. board school Allen Into out citizens, railroad the Representative by jutts Monson at Sandy, beginning nezt Seth Plxion of Riverton has gone street at one point and the city wishes officers and principals were In attendover ' October to the Bull Moose party aud 9th. ednesikiy, to widen and have the through! fe. aeeej The topic discussed wus The o SIX of was in bestl way boosting for the high; Bishop M. Mauss of Murray some rumors are afoot that he will li Midvale on business last Thursday,. , . school." It was decided that a SANDY. lie placed oB their ticket for some canvass should be made among '. An Salt Lake from lice. artistic, oi painter . The post office item in last issue of last years 8th grade scholars and their is the of shed Jensen lumber painting the COUNTY ENTERPRISE netted us parents to encourage them to attend A Kuhre and ptilutin er red too. W. W. Wilson is out of politics this 7 new subscribers last Thursday "after- high school. The hoard are considerbut stands firm at Armageddon ' conyear on the state at the next general election noon. the of Nutt Bed. ing advisability . putting l Kaddons corner Is the favorits re- battling for the republican party. THE RECREATION 8IDE OF in the manner providedttiy law. . veyances to take students from Bluff-dalSCHOOL LIFE Section 3. If adopt Riverton and South Jordan and sort of the high school pupils at noun by; the elec Pay your taxes to the People? State tors of the state, this amendment shall pank, Midvale.- - Deputy County Tax also Draper to carry student's to high hour a good lunch Is the attraction. Bring a big basket and a small ' 1.. it. to the MONEY RAISING sale at Try Sfil3. school purse on effect Orson time. . take L Collectors. Ryan. , By Superintendent January Lara Monsons nezt Thursday. o The schol room is a work shop. It i .; ' j H. G. Marriott and wife are leaving CX WATERS CLOTHE SHOP . Our sqbscrlbers are 'well pleased Oberg Is filling the job of Thos. Patient, Industrious, ought to be. fur a ten days visit to Itighy, Idaho, It this paper worth a dollar to you? Clasa A Clothes' with ofir local repeat" sud many are Foreman at the Rio Grande railway systematic activity should characterland and V relatives. V If so roll the dollar along and yon up -looking I Forevisiting ize the dally efforts of teachers and hew OPENING subscribers. crowing at Center itree. Mr. getting- us will get a rattling good newsy paper Is on a children alike. But the school room of absence for leave away man Oldham, Powell A Co. are always I for one year. can meet all these requirement and I Mr. Wm. Waters the weft, known - The MIDVALE ADVANCE will be few weeks looking after mining Inbusy waiting on customers that are I yet be the constant abode of joy and clothing and Shoe Merchai yill open published once week and will not be terests. attracted by the- - quality of thelrl We can use a great many dollars necesa first class clothing and' Shoe, store a copy of the. COUNTY ENTERcontentment Happiness Is a slty of human growth. Superintend- - on Monday, Oct. 7, 1912, j 'Midvale, PRISE. The .office will be located on ...Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Stultz from wares and the bargains they offer! just now and we will thank you In advance for that dollar you intended ent D. H. Christensen says, Without The store has been fitted up with fine Main street near the Elysium Thea- Lark have taken up residence in Mid-- , every week, sending us for the COUNTY ENTER-PRI8Ethe sunshine of happiness in the fixtures and the stock carriers-- , the ter. . Ydu aye cordially invited to send Vala Mr. to Born and Lewis Mrs. Parley school room the human plant may ex-- 1 highest class merchandise made. This tn news Items," Mrs. Wright and daughter Laura I a Sr on September 25th. 1st, but it cannot thrive. One of the I store will fill a long felt want In Let me ahme I want to go to chief ends of education Is to develop Southern Salt Lake County being the We shalf always publish the news have contracted typhoid and with I The Rebegah lodge celebrated their I anniversary by giving t reception slecx" (Sandy Comiuert jal Cfiub,) a habit of joyousness in work. The only exclusive Mens Store fln the while It i new? and qrlticlse the acts Mayjr Wright stilldown with the room- The program was Wake up boys and let the rest of fear that love of play will Interfere I south of Salt Lake city. You wll) of any gni wher infringes og. the rights ease making their home a typhoid at the,r delightful treat. Clyde Raddcn gave the county know you are alive and with love of work Is the most ground- - find the best makes In clothing, funr-les- of others. 'Shalt hew to Iho line. hospital. The pa'tlents are doing well. a vlolfo solo, Harold Brirkley a reel-- 1 have a rattling good town to boost. of fears. Hie more a child loves nishlngs, shoes hats, etc., here and LeLtlke chips fall where they may. ' Lavella and Marie Stewart ' z.-tation, Is more new store William will he work. the love Waters The every article will he fully guaranteed, ; play being Dunshee vocal muBlc, The campaign assessment was not Blanche and In sneers that are made at the sugar No misrepresentation of merchandise A certain will remodeled and be remark made the rty' everthlng coating" of school work and at the will be allowed and absolutely one that If the editor was' 40 yean young- lln for a grand opening about October Henry Marriott gave a comic violin thought of by, some eager candidates I sola Refreshments were served. The and now they "dont want to play. systematic, intelligent, supervised piece to all 'will he an unbreakeble er, he would wallop him." ..Well con! ice cream was pink and green, the play are made by those who do not rule. This store has the exclusive sider time rolled back and the colors of the order. The affair was s Oldham, Powell A Company are visited Orson understand what play Is, or else are agency for Florshelm shoes, the well-madMacduff. removed. on Ryan Superintendent Lay Progressives" In business and keep v . f V". . at the efforts of those teachers I known Athletlo clothes, Arrow shirts the high school ISBt week and was grand social event. a clean up to date store In every who have violated play In an lbnorant I and collars. Harvard and Wajdorf pleased with the work. The Bingham I our All results advertisers cl I get department. They recently added a attempt to utilize it I have no piea shirts. Hole Proof Hosiery, Stetson the traditional Irishman ,!! Jwayz schools were also visited. Food Counter Pure to their fixtures quickly. for sngar coated-tasksare W. Koking for gome Sine to be if they Hate;Benjamfn .Clothes, ,.V I cost which near $150.00. somewhere trous-worcommisa sweeten of to At the minute.1 a to be bis enemy for county really sugar coated, hut, meeting shoes, nifty neckwear, Quality enough sioners the hew county map making a The CapUol Drug Company have I The counter contains bins for sugar, with a real joy in the doing is era, and all other mens and boys the thing you need for shopped I cakes and crackers with a glaze the high art of the genlu in teach- - wear which has been fully tested and No one flare tread on the tall of change in the Jordan and Granite drawers in front to show the goods. school districts so as to take a strip I hands. Ing. found to be of the highest standard. the editor's coat. It is the most Sanitary fixture In the This viewpoint may explain my ef-- The proprieor Mr. Wm. Waters is from the east en of the Jordan dis-- l satis-- 1 market today and the public are as-f- y can is he satisfied that Crapo ot Granite fort to give a greater prominence to well known throughout the county and add trict the were it district, informed that the postWe I you in your needs in dry goods, I sured- - of the cleanliness of the goods play as a factor In the childs educar and state having conducted stores for master has offered a reward of ONE was approved by the commissioners. and furnishings and would like they purchase. Better go In and look I shoes tlon. many years past in Midvale, Salt DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS for the call in and inspect the full line I at the counter whether you purchase to 'ou 1 no The supervised play ground It Charles W. Reed of Midvale yester-Lake, Bingham and Ogden. He has name of the party who furnished us P to dte goods. anything or not. Dollars to dough- longer a dream, It is a successful- real-- 1 had many years experience and can with the post office item Prodlgous! day Med petition in bankruptcy In the U I nuts you will be enticed to buy after federal court, giving his liabilities as lty. In general, our teachers have protect his patrons against the shoddy at Pioneer Fire the The seeing how clean everything Is kept. Department taken hold of this matter with com- merchandise which Is now flooding MIDVALE ADVANCE Is the title 260 and no assets. I to avenue fire showed their ability Sandy Is proud of her up to date,, inenduble seal and earnestness, and the local markets. He believes his of the weekly paper to be published has even it with after store, fire gotten sope a is Lara Monson of Sandy having many have discovered that the play best friends are satisfied customers. In Midvale. The paper will be nonare The headway. hoys experts good settled much and as Sale real has having period and devoted to MOney Raising It U a weB known saying In Midvale partisan, pleasure Everthlng In stock will be sold for benefit In store for the teacher aa and the surrounding country Oncer the upbuilding of Midvale. W. D. S. with his creditors, he must have and deserve all praise. cash only at the big Money Raising fur the pupil. a Waters customer, always a Waters Harrington Is the managing editor and money to make his payments aa them-- 1 Sale" at the store of Lars Momton on did The band City Sandy The Ideals of the School Play Customer. he will locate in Midvale. The paper agreed upon. Belves honor at Midvale Thursday October 9th, 10th and 11th. Be wise Ground may be briefly stated as folThe new store Is located two doors will be a genuine home town paper land take advantage of this sale. - evening. sellCo. are Commercial lows: The subSandy north of the post office In Midvale. and starts off with a substantial First The pleasure of activity. You can readily locate it as It has the scription list. ing off their dry goods at less than) COUNTY ENTERPRISE advertisers wholesale prices. Second The recovery or protection mly Red and White striped awning satisfied with results from their are from the listless weariness occasioned ii the city. Every one Is urged to Thomas Smith the old republican advertisements. The canning factory at Murray was ball of basket The league game by satiety. ?omu In and see the new stock look war horse was elected vice president destroyed by fire Saturday practically afterfor which was Third Physical health. stated Friday ihe new stork, and make this of the legislative convention recently Swedish goods at Lars Monsons night, loss about $35,000. Fourth The formation of good hab- store their headquarters at all times. held in Salt Lake and made a nomina- noon was posponed. The fire started in the engine room sale, next Wednesday. its. Waters Clothes Shop tion speech that elicited the highest land the alarm sent In about 9:30 Fifth The right educs.tlon of the (Class A Clothes.) praise from the senators and old time Principals of the Jordan district and a have o'clock. subscribers The fire department under may Sandy on met music supervisors social sense. Saturday Midvale, Utah. republicans who were present. MIDVALE Con to the chief Gallagher responded very subscription years Professor work. school and of discussed Sixth The securing o occupation one-hal- f did efficient work in and ADVANCE for subscription been promptly tcirkhawi A. has Lake Balt of for children. and back fences Dont forget the money raising sale The work of setting save to the structure, but the trying Seventh The development of group of Lars Monson at Sandy, beginning grading for the new sidewalk exten- engaged as musical instructor and will price. considerable headflames had gained loyalty. sion on Center street is well under also prepare music outline. Wednesday October 9th. BN-- way. They got the fire under control COUNTY of number A large beneficial But the most noticehble o way. I The proposed excursion to Bingham TERPR1SB readers are subscribers in a few hour but the flames broke effects in our District have come of MONEY RAISING SALE and Two Midvale Is forging ahead and is on Saturday was postponed pending for the Midvale Advance. paperj out again in the early morning having the teachers on the playone. were subdued. of for the price finally I have settled with my creditors destined to be the progressive city the settlement of the miners strike grounds (luring the recess periods. The factory Is owned by a stock This alone hag had a most wholesome and need money to make my pay-effe- of a new county. tjjtre On Thursday a fire was discovered I company in which a large unmber of on the language and conduct of ments to them, so I have decided to on Pioneer ave. and Murray people are Interested. the students and has tended to do sacrifice my stock for three days only Forty years ago we were a right There will be no league game of la Smith's barn Tho manager V. G. Milled worked away with, the traditional playground &nd for cash. I have a large stock smart brawny boy" even now we wont ball for the girls this eenson as they State street. The barn was burned to in and several the ground zealously at the fire with the firemen buildings with their Lf dry goods, underwear, ladles' take any "Bass from any one, clique and the bully The Are scorched. The the trying to save the machinery. neighborhood many evils. Thus equalizing the ladies and gents shoes, over-tlvitlof loss the the suffer will work and farmers effective did by department of ths children and bring into alls, fancy soaps and notions, which Midvale will have a real live booston relied for The large selling the they saved factory buildings. are adjoining who by j wm 0ffer at less than wholesale ing paper in the Midvale Advance.1 games and play the many barn contAlned fruit, potatoes and crops of tomatoes to the cannery and nature, timid, shy or nervous and who prices at this sale beginning Wednea-mos- t Dr. HoBmer of Salt Lake has moved grain, and a wagon which was saved it will be difficult to gel a market of all need physical activity. It dayi October 9th and continuing Dollars and compliments were heaphas also helped to drive the careworn Thursday and Friday, October 10th ed upon the editor last Thursday to Midvale and Is occupying tho Booth with the Iobs of only one yheel. Mrs. for all of the crop now. The entire Eckman the owner of the bam and force of the fire department were at look from the teachers brow and r- - and nth. I will also sell my fine line afternoon. Keep a coming brothers, residence. owners of adjoining property are loud work and suffered much hardship. we can stand It all without getting the place it with, the lustre of health and 0f fanCy and staple groceries at I Walter Weinberg was overcome by - In praise of the department. big head." We are yours for right The Commercial Club has a memgaiQ prices at this sile. sloke " recovered and again con- The place of play in education la oome and be Convinced, Yours for and jnstire everyttme. bershlp contest, and Captain William The 8andy high school faculty gavejtlnued fighting the flames now almost universally conceded. Watera heads the Red army" and D. future business, a --o The reception to the students on Friday fortunate In having a John Dloem the "Blue army." The Midvule Advance" will be LARS MONSON for the purpose of bringing tire department. afternoon caman CONSTITUTION Reds started AMENDMENTS TO advertising hummer and don't forget it. Dealer In a Into closer all a acquaintance. Super by grand palgn Thursday night General Merchandise TAYLOSVILLE was follow-- 1 Intendent Orson Ryan present led band, the will be more No Main Sandy St. by 2d nr. parade fake newspapers West The amendments to constitution affair a to very the make and helped ed by the Red army members and a tolerated in Midvale. Sandy, Utah. are all- - deserving being enacted as Mrs. Jane Mackay Bennion, wife of - enjoyable one. dressfloat Midvale beauty are salt containing spiced fish, to My specialties laws, especially the one referring I Enos Bennion of Vernal, and sister Some years ago, say about forty, ed In Red" then the Midvale Fire the salary of legislators, which is now fish and sweedish goods. C. Mackey, county commis- John of Mrs. James Lane Rave a delightful there was a light weight pugilist In Department and another float and not sufficient to pay their expenses died Sunday morning. Funersionera, last heme The Sandy fire depart- supper party at her In driving from Lindsays Brooklyn, N. Y., rolled Billy Har- automobiles. and loss of time attending the held in tho ward were services al Midvale friends, to her to McDonalds rington." lie was one of the stars ment in uniform and a bevy of school Wednesday sion?. No other Slate In the Union store at Taylorsville noon. Mrs. on house socl Tuesday a and meeting covers were laid for forty ended at In the time of John, Heennn, Tom children. The procession pays fco little to their legislators as barn at MUdvale, a telescope, sample the was State Bennion president of Finder will Sayres, John Morrissey, Joe Coburn the KlyBUtn Theater where a musical able time was enjoyed. Utah. If we want good men to make case containing shoes. Y. L. M. I. A. and active in church the was given. Many , , laws for us we should he willing to receive reward by returning the case Jem Mace and the others of the fra- and literary program salcs-ladin work and charities at Vernal. a la re- Miss were busy Crapo for membership Midvale. feel like We parapbras- applications today ternity. pay them a reasonable sum for thelf to McDonalds barn at d d u -- l' thu-roug- e, J 4 ' L -- -- dIs-6C- lh - s e . . , . k Jst . -- ses-LOS- T y |