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Show V EVIDENTLY OUT OF PLACE! i Frenchman Had 8om Indignant Fault to Find With Postmaster, and Said 80. I NATOSAL IRRIGATION wnnk'Pijt; Frenchman with a name applied a la Faria and pronounced something like had never learned to read or write, but be managed to disguise the fact pretty well until he moved to a new community where the name waa not common. Going to the A German Scientists Advisa the Eating of Egg Shelle by Thoae Who Approach Old Age. & Two Germans, deep thinkers ofessors P.mmcrieh and loiewe stale that egg shells eaten Increase the power of resistance against the withering blight or time," add weight to ths body, activity to the brain ami strength to the heart; that they destroy injurious bacilli, prevent inflammation and i- ii;u lend courage and entry. This reminds me. Philip Haio writes iu the Host 011 Herald, of tho preparation advertised in 1 thirty or more years ago as removing superfluous hair, being uu excellent substitute for table butter, none genuine unless slumped on the blade. Kustace Miles, tlie English court teuuls player and vegetarian, says he had an old nurse who used to eat eg shells and crunch them Joyfully between the teeth that happened to meet, and she said she ate the shells because they shaved the liair off Inside of the throat. The discovery of the Gorman scientist Is peculiarly welcome to dwellers by the ocean, for It is a well knowu fact that If you do not break egg shells the witches will put out to sea In them to wreck vessels, and If you burn the shells the hens will cease to lay. Furtheriiwire, as eggs are now absurdly high even case eggs In the neighborhood it seems a pity to waste any part of them. -Pr- Ca-cho- o poatofllce one morning he Inquired: o Got any mail for Joe T" What'a the name?" Inquired the clerk. Ca-cho- Joe Ca-cho- .on-do- How do you apell it?" "Cant you apell Joe "No, said the clerk, I never heard it before." Then the disgust of the Frenchman, which had been constantly rising, boiled over and he snorted: "Well, if you cant spell, why dont you sell your old poatofllce to some one that can?" Day of Judgment. In an English town tad lent a horse to a solicitor, who killed the animal through bad usage. The dealer insisted oa payment, and the lawyer, refusing cash, said he would give a bill for the amount, but I must be at a long date. The lawyer drew a promissory note, making it payable on the day of Judgment. An action was raised, and the lawyer asked the sheriff to look at the bilL Having done so, the sheriff replied: "This is the day of judgment, 1 decree ou to pay tomorrow. A Appointed horse-deal- er Point for Sherlock Holmes. Somebody wondered how long a certain woman who had just left the room had been married. About 15 years," said tbe jeweler. How do you know? asked the Jeweler's wife. You never saw her until 'TWEMTIEl INUALMEE' SAIT ZAKS CTYi SALT LAKE THE MECCA OF THE IRRIGATORS Salt Lake City. The capital of the of Utah, which owes more to irstate tonight than any other state in the rigation "I can tell by the size of her wedis the Mecca of thousands of union, The he width of ding ring, replied. visitors. occasion Is the National The wedding rings changes about every live years. The kind she wears waa Irrigation Congress, the opening session of which was held Monday mornin style 15 years ago. ing, September 30. The city Is In gala attire, was dags and bunting in Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of profusion, while myriads of electric CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for lights turn night into day. infants and children, and see that it Twelve thousand persons, a thousand Bears the of them delegates from all over America and even from foreign countries, Signature of In Use For Over 30" Years. thronged tbe Tabernacle Monday mornChildren Cry for Fletchers Castoria ing for the opening session of the twentieth National Irrigation Congress. A Dead One. The program for the ordcial openThe doctor says that I will live ing comprised many musical numbers about a year. by the grand orchestra. Tabernacle choir. "That will be a great change for organ and the augmented s you. Speeches were made by Senator What will?" of Nevada, president pf the conNew-land- "Living." Waited Energy. Nimrod (just back from . Ashing) I got this string in less than an hour. Nimrod's Wise Wife Theres a Ash store nearer than that, John. Precaution. Chlmmle Iley, Maggie, hold dis bag o peanuts fer me fer a minute here comes a poor relation o' mine! Life. Melancholy Fact. Man is weak. That is why he Invests In a cantaloup when he knows the chances are ten to one against him. Toledo Blade. FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN BABY eral selection! by the augmented cboir, orchestra and organ, tbe feature of which were the rendition o McClellan's Ode to Irrigation, rehearsals for which have been (p progress many weeks. The National Irrigation Congress held Its first session in Salt Lake City on September 15, 1891, and tbe pres ent session is something in the nature of a week for many 01 the delegates. Delegations from various states and cities began to arrive late Saturday and continuing through Sunday. Each additional incoming train brought delegates and the hotels were soon filled almost to capacity. Among the larger delegations to arrive Sunday was the party from Ell Paso and othei Texas points, which traveled in a spehome-comin-g cial car. They were headed by Representative V. R. Smith, chairman of the house committee oti Irrigation. Senator Francis G. Newlands of No-vada, president of the irrigation congress, arrived Saturday night. Governor Oddie of Nevada arrived Sunday, and Governor Hawley of ldahc and Governor Carey of Wyoming came in Monday morning. Among the officers of the congress who was not able to attend, is R. Insinger of Spokane, Wash., first vice president, who is reported to be ill. gress, and by George A. Earstow of Brief adTexas, former president. dresses were also made by the Queen of Irrigation and George A. Snow, chairman of the Utah board or control. The queen and her maids of honor were escorted to the Tabernacle from the Commercial club by Governor William Spry and his staff. Colonel James A. Irons and staff, Mayor Samuel C. Park, the city commissioners and the board of governors and memWATER USERS ORGANIZE. bers of the Commercial club. ' As suggested in tbe ofAclal speech Demand That Control of Water be of President Francis G. Newlands, Transferred From Government to United States senator from Nevada, Users. and echoed in the preliminary discusLake Sail City. Those water users sions of the delegates, the twentieth on federal reclamation in will include projects who its Irrigation congress deliberations the most extensive plan ' have been meeting in Salt Lake to for control of America's water supply perfect organization of the National in the broadest sense ever contem- Federation of Water Users associations demand that control of the water plated by a public body. Revision of lands laws and home- thereon be transferred from governstead acts to check the tremendous ment agents to the settlers themselves drain of capital and citizenship now and that provisions be made so that may own water as well as resulting from the emigration move- settlers ment to Canada, is another vital ques- land.- - These demands are Incorportion to be considered by the congress. ated, with others which criticise ad Never in the history of Salt Lake ministration of projects by governhas there been presented a more bril- ment agents, and ask greater rights liant scene than that which marked for water users, iu resolutions adoptthe grand parade and electrical ed Monday by the water users. pageant of the National Irrigation Con- Government agents on reclamation gress Monday night. Not only was projects are charged with extravathe pageant gorgeous and satisfying gance and waste. ' The adoption of resolutions and to the spectators who thronged the election of officers on Monday wound was streets, but the story of irrigation realistically depicted. The industries up the first annual convention of the resulting from irrigation were splen- National Federation of Water Users associations didly unfolded to view. Karl B. Smith of Yuma, Ariz., was There were more than 300.000 varieties of decorations used in the en- named president of the federation and tire column, und over five tons of real rhaiiman of the executive committee. fruit, vegetables and various products O. K. Farnham of Newell, S. I)., Is and exhibits. The electrical wiring the secretary, and !. K. Rodman of used waB more than 5.000 feet in Sunnyalde, Wash., the Measurer. The length. All scenes were hand painted, officers, with Scott Ktter, Carlsbad, every flower used was either grown or N M., and Fulton H. Sears, Fal-on- , made here and more than 201) pounds Net., comprise the executive rominit-- j of nails were used to fix various arti- tee. ' cles in pltice. UTAH STATE FAIR A SUCCESS. The cost of the' entire parade and pageant fa estimated at more than Salt Lake City. The thirty-fourt$20,000. and about 4.000 persons par- annual state fair opened here Monday. ticipated in the great inarch. 5,000 people passing through the gates As the si ten sauce of delegates and the opening day. This year's fair surpersons of note probably exceeds that passes. in every department, any exof any session of tbe congress held position in the history of Utah. heretofore, the ceremonial and enterSuperintendents of various divisions tainment features were on a more pre- report increases in exhibits in tlieii tentious scale than ever before at- departments, in some cates running as tempted. high as 75 per cent, and in 110 instance The musical program Includes sev below 25 per cent. I I ' Thousands Have Been Helped By Common Sense Suggestions. I Women suffering from any form of female ills are invited to communicate promptly with the womans private correspondence department of the Lydia EL Pinkham Medicine Ca, Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by s woman and held in strict A woman can freely talk of confidence. her private illness to a woman; thus has been established a confidential correspondence which has extended over many years and which has never been broken. Never have they published a turtlmonlsl or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never has the Company allowed these confidential letters to get out of their possession, as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files will attest Out of the vast volume of experience which they have to draw from, it is more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed in your esse. Nothing is asked in return except your good will, and their advice has helped thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should he glad to take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Address Lydia EL Pink-ha- m Medicine Co., (confidential) Lynn. Mass. Every woman onght to have Lydia E. lMnkhams Text Book. It la not a book for general distribution, as It Is too expensive. It Is free and only obtainable by maiL Write for 80-pa- ge It today. MalM BCietlrns hllm. BoU hy DirhU. U FLIGHT OF TIME ARRESTING (toXGIff-SSyf- ! ' h War in Balkans Threatened. Iain don. Only a tiny spark now appears necessary to explode (he Balkan powder magazine. Kvcry element for 1 tremendous upheaval seems ready. Seven European armies are now under mobilization or calling in reserves. Bryan Rests in Wyoming. Rawlins. Wyo. William J. Bryan arrived here early Sunday and rested most of the day at the home of John EL Osborne, chairman of the DemoThe cratic slate central committee. Nebraskan made no political speeches. IN MISERY WITH n MRSEBSBgg "I Got This Fine Pipe With Liggett & Myers Dukes Mixture All Muds of men smoke Duke's Mixture in all kinds of iie as well as in cigarettes and they all tell the same story. They like the genuine, natural tobacco taste of RASH Choice bright lesfaged to mellow mildness, carefully stemmed and then granulated evrry grain pure, high-gratobacco that's what you get in the Lifxelt Sf Myers Duke's Mixture sack. You gvt one and a A off ounces of this pure, mild, delightful toimren, unsurpassed in quality, for Ac awl with each Sack you get a book of papers 1 m. de When my baby was Monroe, Wls. lx weeks old there came a rash on his face which finally spread until It got nearly all over his body. It formed a crust on his head, hair fell out and the itch was terrible. When he would scratch the crust, the water would ooze out in big drops. On face and body It was In a dry form and would scale off. He was In great misery and at nights I would lie awake holding his hands so that he could not cratch and disfigure himself. I tried simple remedies at first, then got medicine, but It did no good. Finally a friend suggested Cutlcura Remedies, so I sent for a sample to see what they would do, when to my surprise after a few applications I could see an Improvement, and he would rest better. I bought a box of Cutlcura Ointment and a cake of Cutlcura Sosp and before I had them half used my baby was cured. His head Is now covered with a luxuriant growth of hair and his complexion Is admired by everybody and has no disfigurements." (Signed) Mrs. Annie Saunders, Sept 29, 1911. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each . Skin Book. Address free, with post-car- d Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston." Adr. Now About the Free Pipe Inrverr fuck at Liggett & Myers Duke's Mixture wenowpaek S coupon. You ran excliange these coupons for a pipe or for many other valuable and useful articles. These presents cost not one penny. There ia something for every member of the family skates, catcher's gloves, tennis rackets, cameras, toilet articles, suitcases, canes, umbrellas, and dozens of other tilings. Just send us your name and address on a postal anil as a special offer daring Sep--' tember and October onlyws w3l mend yoa oar new iUartratsd eata togae of present a FREE of any charge. Open up sack of Liggtit Myers Duke's Mixture today. f h fnArn from DuMl Mixture msr tori tram HORSE SHOE, TINSLEYS NATURAL LEAF, CRANGER TWIST, mud timpani tram FOUR ROSES (Mr Itn ianhu ampin), PICK PLUG CUT, PIEDMONT OCA. RETTES, CUX CIGARETTES, sad stktr lags or centemM tuuai Iptu. etmttd Pa 32-p- Wanted a Bite. Oh, yes; it was raining had been all day. But they didn't mitid that so much; you see, they were fishermen. All the same, they were trudging home, with weary steps and very weary-looktn- g faces. Their boskets were empty, and, to he candid, they were in a very bad temper. As they entered the little village a large dog ran at one of the party. The dog had a ferocious look, and was barking furiously. But the fisherman did not take much alarm at the He juat kicked it away ani-ma- care-leail- "Aren't you afraid he'll go for you?" Inquired another of tbe party, somewhat anxiously. The one who had kicked at the dog looked at his companion In a sorrow- ful manner. "I only wish be would! he replied. Id chance almost anything to be able to go home and say I'd had a bite! Like Mushrooms. As they emerged from the subway station they were confronted by a giant skyscraper rising into the blue. What building Is that?" she asked, not being an habitue of the downtown district. "I don't know, he replied. She looked at him in surprise, this quarter of New York being his daily 1 locale. No, he insisted wearily. dont know. It wasn't there yesterday." New York Press. W.LDOUGLAS SHOES 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 AND FOR MEN AND WOMEN wane W. L Owsfaa I2JW, 2.(0 M 99.00 School I hooo moo on mat sHU pmatthrmly sHonor las potro at ordinary mhooo, mama no tho soon ohooi makes and sells more $3.00, $3.50 & $400 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS. Bmym ghoom, WJ-Doug- lae The workmanship which has made W. L. Douglas shoes famous tho world-ove- r is maintained in every pair. Ask your dealer to show you W.L. Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter wear, notice tho short vamps which make tho foot look smaller, points in a hoc particularly desired hy young men. Also the conservation styles whids have made W. L. Douglas shoes a household word every where. If you could visit W. L. Douglas largo factories at Brockton, Mass, and fer yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoos am made, you would then understand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape and wear longer than any other make for tho price. jSIMvfpMi. CAUTION. Te protect roe aaaiaat inferior shoea, W. L. Deuel rfampa kb hum oa the bottom. Leoh fer the ala p. Beware ef Nbatitate. W. L. Deeiiai eko are U ia Ti w Her aed hoc dealers everywhere. No matter where roe lire, they era within year reach. If year dealer caaaot supply you. write direct te factory for cetelev ahewiaa hew te ordoo at everywhere, delivery chars prepaid. .Hre rktea.M a. al by maiL She us Wi-Pew- Thoughtful Wife. "Think I'll go to the hall game day. "All right, la there a Tuffs Pills to- at The dyspeptic, the debilitated, whether i eiceeealwork of mind or body, drinker exa posure In the grounds? "There's one near there. Why? "If this home team loses I want you to telephone me, so that I cun tnke the children and go over to mother's until you get your temper back. MALARIAL wIR And T nit's PHIl REGIONS, the most genial rerterw tlva ever oiiered the sulfcring Invalid. FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS Groping. fn-- i -- mt f What ia Mias Hamnu-rato if the trying biuth.,,hurttr Irtiui kicliiiv.blail'itar nHnriiuliraJtr Almost Entirely. on the climmr wMkn4h. Uirr(fckiiHriipiiniiii.iliiii play piano?' "Dick Quay, at the Congress hotel write toruiy KIlhKIiutik. U U I In iuiL InMmetlT " 'In tho Shadow.' hmhIiiM btNfk ever written. It ifllNiiUabfiiillheM in Chicago, was talking about a 110-and he rmiirkii hli'raresMToeied ti?iheNw diiiiAn, I thought aim seemed to lie havKrrn-- h lU'fms1rMTHKKAIIONM So. t.Nul. Nat torlous politician. decide for j.iurneir tilUthr retnetly for ing some difficulty in Imdiiig the right und )nmn Ikm $ K'nd $ rpnt. life abmihilely Riliuouu "And he's worth eleven millions, fmir Nn'fii1nwapVirriliifv keys." lr.t,elorMML C'i9s llwvenitvi'k ltd., IlmiipBleiML, I Mr. Quay ended. And la an entirely self made inan. It Depends. too, I believe, said a correspondent. IV you think a wife should go "Entirely so," Mr. Quay answered, through her husband's imekets?" except for nine thick coats of white.V.II rr I liriuili l Imiuo "Yes if there's anyth;:.? in 'em. I arliiwr I'lrera. f Ircrs.Vrircra.ll wash that have been appib-- to him I hltchwell iiiff.Vlilk m. HHs by various investigating commiiiees. . fkw. J.l. ALLIES, AU.Sk Paul, Bins. Unfitting. "Wait till I bobble my horse." A Paradoxical Ballot. LASSES ASS GIRLS ',"e,n Well, please don't do it on the Btiil idrtMU'& lliulifirnllnlillf ngaiM "I should think the wono-i- i voting BkocunTa3in$f. Knit ini ronton to 1M of tho lawn." skirt LtJil), no klBurpa. B. J. V. Irhft, UHRistoulW, IUImAb in the new suffrage stales would strike one obstacle." mid run nhl Indian anA Mrs. WIdkIiiu'n Fix Mill tiu Fjthji for Thililrra MKN KKrilTM firti$rn herb i Fr lN In "Hi i'Ii "What is that? J(clpw indauniin-- t Htii'li." lerlhiiiir,nif:i-iillicpiiiiiH, Itul. Ilrrb (sardniN, Ki. ff, llann How can the matrons of a party Inn, allays paiu, cures wind Sc a botili. itiuml. 1ml. Adr. cast their maiden vote?" FOR ALL PettitVEV&Salve SOKE People who art crippled In the head EYED The Language. get less sympathy Ilian any other "I'm gnlng to whip that child. W. N. U- - Salt Lake City, No, No, . you're not! It's my child. 1 I I ST LD'SORESICURED s Ireni.'M-nifulini- , u hH in-pi- Dm-iu- 1 Wolgaat and Mandot Matched. Memphis, Tenn Joe Mandot or New Now, beat It!" Orleans, regarded the best lightweight in the south, and Ad W'olgast. chamMany a woman would he wiling to pion of lightweight division, have beer trade a mlllton-dolla- r husband for a matched to meet in New Orleans Noalimony. vember 2. Might may overcome right, but It Sets New Hammerthrow Record New York. Matt McGrath, world's can never destroy it. champion hammer thrower, added a new world's record to his siring Sun day at Celtic park. He threw the Cotor more goods briyhtrr end fwnr colors than any other d re. One hammer with unlimited run TJSwntlwjrtJPpnuteiwit:WnlajwjrrejMsiklrt and follow 191 feet 5 Inches. For Headache Nervousness and Backache due to disorders cf Kidneys and Bladder PUTNAM FADELESS DYES psck.yrcnlmvzll filw-m- . Thry dye in rcM wztrrMtrr thin nnvrthrr dvr Yourma. How to I ive. illrai h and Mix Cukwe. MUNItOt UHtO COMPANY, Qsincy, lll 10c |