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Show SOUTH JHtN SALT LAKE COUNTY KVTEKPIMSI continue to sell Dry goods, Notions, Ribbons, Overalls, Gents Furnishings We Guarantee Everything We Sell And Will Refund Money To Any One Dissatisfied. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR THIS WEEK. Special tftis TO ee oo ci GPE-- (bats f or a' Picnic Now is the season of Picnics, Outings and Camp ing parties. The great desideratum in each of these is something good to eat.. Something in compact form, easily carried and ready for the spread." One cf our specialties is picnic supplies. Fill your basket with the following good things. Queen Olivet, Fine and Plump, a Jar Fine Steak, Salmon, A Toothsome Bite, a can Sniders Pork and Beans, With Fine Tomato 5c Sauce, a can Finest Chipped Beer, In Air Tight Cana 35c Choice Picnic Lobster, Extra Fine, a can Choice Lunch Tongue, Very Fine, a can 25c per pound Choice Preserves, l&jual to Home Made 15c Dainty Cheeae, Fresh and Good, a pound Everything else that goes to make up a first class picnic spread. Goods delivered to any part of the county free of extra charge. Our prices are right. See our ncuncement each week. Dainty Graham Wafers, fresh and Crisp, a package Choice Ginger Snaps, Crisp and Sweet, it pufkapu Best Utah Honey. Si ruined. Glass Jars South Salt Lake County Butter, A Great Spread, t Aseiiry fur Banks the undertaker the COl'NTY ENTERPRISE office. litTlha Goff and Aloliie I.lmleM had an enjoyable outing at Saltair one day last week and took In Madam X iit the Orpheum in the evening. H. W. Charter, who has taken such an active interest in the band und fire and personally exerted department himself in their behalf, was pleasantly surprised at his home oi Tuesday evening by the members of the fire department and Sandy band. As a token of their high esteem they presented him with a beautiful walking stick. Refreshments were served and a grand time enjoyed by all. an- - gold-mount- WEST JORDAN. vlislted the homes Sauce Puns, No. 22 Tea Kettles, No. 80 Water Pails, No. 112 20 75 AO We will have another assortment here in a short time. : ! I t GASOLINE. JENSEN The stork WpE Your Patronage Solicited for BINDING TWINE, SCREEN DOORS, WIRE CLOTH AND NETTING, PAINTS AND OILS 106 to 112 EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. SANDY. 40 50 15 OG See our 10c Bargain Counter. 10c 15c 30c 20c 25c Oldham, Powell & (g., I m Berlin Kettles No. Disk Pans, 17 (jts Milk Pans, G tts 20c 15c 10c EJJV1ELED Y of Bish- op Wm. H. Gardner and Robert Plx-to- n recently, leaving a fine baby girl at each place. A welcome home party waa given in the West Jordan amusement hall Thursday evening, in honor of Elder Charles Price, who returned from a & KUHRE Main 8L, Bandy, Utah, Phone Midvale 148. Commissioner John C. McKay, J. W. FOR RELIABLE AND CHEAP McHenry of the Murray Commercial club, Fred Graham of the Salt Lake organization and Seth Pixton of RiverHigh and Guaranteed Tailoring. ton. SEE Ladies Tailoring a Specialty. Have The taking out of a new canal above JENNINGS INSURANCE CO. your next suit made to order. the present line of the Utah and Salt Clothea cleaned, preaaed and reLake canal1 waa promised in the near State Agents, Tribune Building, Salt Lake Ctly. paired. future. Main St. opposite Smelter St. A banquet waa given when 450 per- WM. AYLETT, Resident Agent, 216-Phone Utah MIDVALE, Utah MIDVALE, sona partook of the good things of life with a dance in the evening. 9irc (insurance X R asnussen A party of. young folks met at the mission in New Zealand. the home of Annie Anderson to celeo brate the 21tli, and had a pleasant Mias Jones from Salt Lake has been Mr. C. L. Sorensen, a resident of time. was the feature Seventeenth So. ft State Sts., MURRAY, Utah. Miaa In cash Vivian $1.00 with advance will bring the her friend, visiting of the occasion, and all enjoyed a Sandy, has recently returned lrcm Gardner. ENTERPRISE to you every week for SUCCESSFUL DENTISTRY 1 year. sumptuous supper prepared by Mia. Strevell, Idaho, and reports that as rich. country very can only lie successful when foundAnderson. Miss Geneva Swenson has been j ed on thorough therapeutics. The spending the last week at Lark with There will lie & practice of the fie M. A. Stewart, son of Archie Stewart, her sister, Mrs. R J. OrgilL impaired teeth must be thoroughHe left been has his parents. visiting o ment depart tonight. ly treated and placed in proper Professional Cards this week for Smlthfleld, Cl ah. to be RIVERTON- condition before the filling, inlay, some months. crown or bridge work is installed, A1 Mitchell is down from Alla under gone The citizens of Riverton celebrated PHYSICIANS. otherwise the dentist's work will the physician's care. II. B. Johnson has gone to Denver on July 31 under the auspices of Rivresult in failure at some future as delegate of the Grand Lodge cf Utah erton Commercial club, the InstallROBERTSON ft PETERSON Dr. time. Place your dental troubles Mrs. F. Bricklcy was unexpectedly to tho of the electric lighting system. Lodge, I. O. O. F. and ation Supreme Physicians in Surgeons charge of Dr. Gothard and they called to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. 302 East Main Bt, entire settlement assisted, with The will be successfully and permaO. A. Kimball, at the Wesley hospital, 8ANDY, Utah The Sandy band gave a concert on many visitors from the adjoining banished. 9 nently 10 to a. Hours, Kansas City, Missouri. Some hopes m., 12:30 to 2:30 and towns. Speeches were made by Jesse Friday night. A large and apprecia7 to 8 p. m. 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone Hours are entertained of her recovery. Mrs. tive audience greeted them, notwith- Knight, J. William Knight, County to wishes friends thank her Brickley standing the ralnpour half an hour befor their kindness in assisting her to fore the concert. Emporium Grocery Co. prepare fur the journey. She will visit o lier father and two sisters in OklaSPECIAL BARGAIN SALE. The Leading Grocery of Murray, homa, also a sister in Lincoln, Neb., before she returns. Contemplating moving my business RELIABILITY IS OUR SUCCESS. to Provo. 1 will for the next fifteen We offer the following inducements ) Mayor Ilnsclicr of Murray recently days offer a special grade of bicycle thie week: visited Sandy, looking over the water tires at a bargain. 1 have only a few 100 lb. Sack $6.00 left and must sell them. First come, Sugar, proposition. Flour, Straight Grade, a Sack ... 1.20 first served. I also have a few new 1.25 Flour, High Patent, a Sack OPPORTUNITIES BIGGER AND BIGGER KNOCK HARDER AND HARDER own should and Midvale bicycles left at a low price. Sandy City Grade Coffee (loose), 3 lbs., 1.00 High the water works now owned by a comBring me your old bicycle and let Diamond C. 25c Soap, 7 bare AT YOUR DOOR pany. It would be a great invest ment me make it neurly as good as new, or White Borax, Naptha Soap, 7 bars 25c I fur the two municipal! lies. let nte trade you a new one tor it. 25c Woodchuck Soap, 9 bars WE HAVE INAUGURATED THE GREATEST BARGAIN CARNIVAL EVER ATTEMPTED BY sell a full line of bicycle supplies. RePearl White, A. B. Naptha and done well at and reasonable I W. V. Wilson and A. Robert .arson pairing US IN OVER TWENTY YEARS OF MERCHANDISING. WE NEED MONEY AND NEED IT 25c Bob White Soap, 6 bars are arranging for a spcMal train to prices. Bicycles rented by the day or C Borax and Castile Soap, Fairy THAT IS MAKING THIS SALE THE BAD, HENCE THE TREMENDOUS Eureka on the 21st. The train will hour. ... 25c tiara W. S. HORR. GREATEST BARGAIN EVENT KNOWN IN SOUTHERN SALT LAKE COUNTY IN MANY A curry tlie teams of the Salt Lake eoun. ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA, a ill N. Center St., next door to Odd ly fire departments to the annual con25c Pound YEAR. ASK ANY ONE OF THE HUNDREDS OF CUSTOMERS THAT HAVE VISITED THE Fellows' Hall, Sandy, Utah. vention. 25c Durham obacco, G packages BIO SALE ONCE, TWICE AND IN MANY INSTANCES THREE AND FOUR TIMES, WHAT IT o Mr. Sam Perry, state road superviWe also carry a full line of Tin, sor has painted his Main street fence, SEWING MACHINE SALE. IS THAT DRAWS THEM HERE, AND FROM THE LIPS OF NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS YOU Graniteware, Crockery, Cured Meats, For this month I will offer some and it is a decided improvement to Fruit, Green Groceries and Linoleum. WILL HEAR THE STORY OF A SHOPPING OPPORTUNITY THAT WILL GREATLY INTERrare good bargains in second hand the property. For Cash Only. EST YOU. THE BIO SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, AUGUST 10th. FOUR MORE DAYS IN machines, also second hand good EMPORIUM GROCERY CO. S. R. Kemp, the real estate man, of all kinds. The machines are all 97 126 Bo. State St. WHICH TO CLOTHE YOURSELVES FROM HEAD TO FOOT WITH A SMALL FRACTION OF was showing a prospective customer of standard makes and are rebuilt Telephone o THE SUM YOU WOULD SPEND ORDINARILY. some Sandy property on Saturday. and guaranteed by me. Prices A PERFECT $5.00 to $3.00. These are baris essential In every home where runJ. P. Jensen, Jr. and wife enjoyed BELOW ARE A FEW HINTS OF THE SPLENDID ECONOMIES and they will not last long, ning water is obtainable. gains Obtain our an outing at Saltair on Friday. come in and investigate. Try estimate on THE BIO SALE OFFERS: them out and be convinced. I sell PLUMBING WORK returned lrom Christ.au has ilael new and second hand bicycles at You will find It surprisingly low DRESS SHIRTS. Mens $1.25 DRESSOOODS, greatly reduced, lier vacation trip to Idaho. New when quality of work and materials very reasonable prices. many beautiful patterns priced wheels at cost. Impairing done at used are considered. No job is too shirts, cout and other styles, Big small or too big for us. Archie Crapo and Samuel Cliristen-M-- short notice. below the ,69c mark. Sale Price y2 away FRED ALEXANDER, were elected delegates to the ReE. L. IIOltR, 0. B. CORSETS. They sell regularMen's $1.00 dress shirts. Big Sale 8andy R. D. No. 1, Box 15. publican county convention. 2d North State Street, Murray. East Side State Road, 4th House 49c The $1.UU. 25c . Sale . at Price Price. ly Big L. Candy-pullin- g j 5-- PRICE-CUTTIN- G BATH-ROO- n South of O. S. Phone 157-- J Call Every Day CAPITOL Dr. H. J. SMITH Crossing. at the PHARMACY, SANDY, Utah. The Only Fountain within Five Miles. Drink here COLD DENTIST CHILDREN'S HOSE, Star Brand. The regular price the country over is 25c. Big Stile Price 11c STANDARD CALICOS, Big Sale Price 5c 12ysc GINGHAMS, Big Sale Price 7c appreciate the expert way in tured in the State. ALL TRAINS AND CARS AT TIIK DOOR. STOl wlurlt we can put and keep it in good running order. Xo ordinary nii'idiaiiic can adjust and repair The Old Reliable any make of ear. Jt requires the skill and of knowledge, experience a Irained man to do this properly. 571 South Main Street, , We have the the facilities, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. etc., to' satisfy the most exacting. Hats of all kinds cleaned, trimmed and blocked. EMIL CARLSON, Leave your old hata nt the ENTER47 So. State St., PRISE office and have them returned UTAH. In two days aa good as new. MURRAY, WjVI. pow HATTER nn-n- NECKTIES. Sale Price Men's 50c tics. Big 15c CRAPO SATISFIES Soda, Cold Cream Drinks, Sundaes, True Fruits. MURRAY, Utah The Finest Candies manufacTHE MORE A MAN KNOWS about an auto., the more be will Boys $1.50 scratch felt hats, very dressy. Big Sale Price. . 49c Men's hats, good styles. Big 98c Sale Price HATS. for the Now ie the time to buy shoes. The Big Sale is saving hundreds of dollars of shoe money people. We tell you positively, without fear of contradiction, that right now we are conducting the greatest shoe event in the history of local merchandising. Never before, to our knowledge, have such splendid shoe values been offered in this or adjacent towns. LADIES, MENS, GIRLS, BOYS C. C. CRAPO & SONS CO. 2, EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. By SWEENEY ADJUSTMENT CO., SALT LAKE. |