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Show ' INDEPENDENT ; Tlio Lsoadine; County Wcoldj IN POLITICS. Fair and Juat to All. No partiality shown to any parson or locality In Southern Salt Lake County. A BUSINESS INVES MENT. Advertise In the County Enterprise and reach the leading people In every part of Southern Salt Lake County. Southern Salt Lake Mj rl LJ I SANDY, VOLL NO. 17. UTAH, AUGUST 7, 1912. $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. , driven through lo Bingham from there, and when the grain crop of the by sparks from a passing locomotive, MURRAY. have they not waxed arrogant? But Suit Luke valley shall he counted ill caused $5t damage to tlie home of Mrs. was value with lie the Impressed great advocate an have the now that people COUNTY ENTERPRISE. of the project to people of Tooele and bushels, mid it will take at Icasi llavid Drown at Midvale, Saturday. Beof their rights, these character The largest trout caught in the seven number to mark the result. fore it was detected the fire had Published every Wednesday by play the baby act and plead creeks of Utah this season was caugl.t Bingham. over the roof and was making-rapispread lie to want UTAH STATE! PUBLICITY CO.. Injured innocence" and Edgar Wright last Friday. It U was extinguished Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert has returned headway. Mr. Alvin Wurdlc has his moved was W. D. S. Harrington, Manager. caught weighed 61, pounds and a witli a in Idaho. hose. from visit to her garden daughter barber shop into the new them re build. 99 East Main SL had not come Into the breach Just in with hook and line. P. O. Box 177 SANDY, UTAH i ing and now lias a tbe nick of time, these LesmircheiV We intend to keep up a war ou the lKiu't forget, or in other words, reSalt Lake Office, 17 Eagle Block. shop. would have had columns of matters Tbe mossback paper la no long aufake the until postal that when you want a buildnewspapers member, everyridiculing and besmirching" king In Murray. A very little opposi- thorises forbid their passage through .Mr. Silas Brown expects to he able ing lot or a nice house and lot, that them Subacriptlon Rates: that and coropposed anybody body tion has subdued It and all the the mails. 1.00 and their hellish One yesr In sdvance lo occupy tlie new theatre in about Kemp, the real estate mail, tius some plana. The County porate interests it advocated will sufCO from. 6 months three weeks. This show house Is a rare bargains to Enterprise entered the field In this fer likewise. The downtrodden of credit to Mtdvaie amt vicinity, and Mr. Rae Ruth and Atwood 40 Bourgard S months made J.i county seventeen weeks ago and In their might. .IS friends from the start, never even men- ple have arisen 1 month Molk Bingham are taking a vacation at Long Frank deserves considerable Everything in farm lands front a 4 cents. 6 Beach, Cal. fur creeling sin-live-acra e Single copies, praise splendid block to u of ranch. these names fellows, the tioning If you need electrical appliance, building in our city, considering the Ask Kemp about some of them. He good, had or indifferent, jealous of our electric Irons, electric cookers, tljte Correspondents will please write on present hard times, and the people of is always glad to give any informaEntered S3 second class mall mat- success in securing over 1,000 readers Co. will sup- one side of the and Utah Railway Light paper only and be j this section should show their appre- tion rourcrniiig them. Rig always ter, April 17, 1912, at tha post office In tbe abort time they began to atSee F. G. Fischer, Loci! sure to sign your name so that we! ciation you. ply by giving the theatre their ready. at Sandy, Utah, under the Act of tempt ridiculing and besmirching" Ageut, Pioneer Ave., Sandy, Utah. ;y may know from whom the letter hearty support, March 2, 1879. tbe editor of this paper, who is well comes. See some of those line building lots and favorably known to every merwant COOD PRINTING If In out you A one in fire of broke the Amundsen Addition, east of Rio recently chant in this section of the county. THE PEOPLE'S VICTORY. romrnu-- . see the several received County We reasonable have rates, Greek owned Grande share of wathe dcimt. houses, by as large is for it acting Foolhardy attempt, We cannot pub- I' .S. Smelting Company. about it nieatlons unsigned. , Tor Kl5.oO. nil one nice lire Tlie and ter terprise lot, and them know We The commissioners had every asBur. a boomerang. Jf- we that know unless lish items they out was called Ask and made Kemp. department ance of the carrying of the bond propo- have watched their careers for years. are reliable. Don't patronize tbe people who ha' Always sign name- to a good run to the fire, hut the Smeltsition before the election, but knowing Time will tell" where these fought you for years. You are not p: your communications so that we sill ing company has a splendid fire sysllyriim Goff, president of Jordan will land. the great desire of the Progress comwhen help you home know who Is sending the news. Your tem themselves, and before tlie lire stake, I. D. S. church, was pleasantly Industry runlzing o pany to defeat It and that money name will not be published unless department arrived the smelter em- surprised by the officers and members them. Every dollar you glvo them would be used freely for that purpose, FAKE PAPERS. contributed to assist them you desire It money ployees had two line streams of wa- of the stake, at 2:3o p. m. on July 29th, and every trick known would k. Interests. your against fighting ter playing on the roof of the build- it being the annlverfury of his sixty-thir- d be used to carry their point, the comThe Midvale Times is not a genuine "Mistake" left ing, which soon had the lire under conDavis county The, birthday. Mr. Win. Aylett took missioners and a few faithful friends newspaper. It Is simply the American The people have won a glorious vic- word in Midvale that he would knock trol. Tlie building was but. slightly him out for an extended automobile exerted themselves and were busy Eagle with a nw title, and Its only ex- tory over the g corporju our block off.. We have passed lilm ride anil finally lauded him in front of making voteB among the few doubting cuse for existence is that the publish- tlon. It 1b up to them to keep up the several times and still wear a number damaged. ward house, where a large number the ones. The regular issue of the County ers expect to get all the legal publicaIs reported that Mr. Win. Waters, of the members greeted him and ush' vantage gained by discountenancing 7 bat It Enterprise Is published every Wed- tions of the city. Every line of read- them In every way possible. If theyr formerly of Mtdvaie, lias purchased the ered him into the meeting house. He nesday, but for tbe purpose of offset ing matter is Identically the same as have a monopoly of any article, tfk$ s are stock and fixtures formerly owned by was greatly surprised and much afTbe fakirs and ting and refuting the maliciously false that used In the American Eagle of your trade out of town, discourage Tbe dying hard, but their faking days are Mr. I .evlii, in the McSparron build- fected at the demonstration. statements that appeared In the Pro- Bame date. ery firm that they are Interested and that Mr. Waters intends to meeting house was profusely decoratnumbered. ing, gress Company paper, our paper was When the American Eagle Is run off you are the. rulers now. Keep Ojk open up o first-clas- s gents' furnishing ed with flowers and tlie seating caissued on Monday and 500 extra copies the press the form Is changed and a the good work.- C. Qyeen, a pioneer resident of busines in Midvale. Alvin pacity of the house was taxed. A fine distributed among the people and the new heading, Midvale Times, Is inmorndied Cottonwood, Big Saturday gold bended cane was presented him, credit Is given us for securing many serted together with heading for ediJ. II. Steele of Park City and Mm The funeral of Gilbert Lloyd of Riv- and an excellent program was renHe leaves a wife and rIx chiling. votes for the bonda. However, late torial column and fifty copies are run Lydia Brown of Provo were marriedjat dren. erton, who died Tuesday, July "0th, ol dered, consisting of happy speeches, o'clock last evening at the home Monday afternoon the press of the off, folded, addressed and taken over cancer of the stomach, was held at the vocal and Instrumental music. SevEsa press of the "Progress Rag" ground to Midvale post office for mailing and the bridegrooms census school to th just ward meeting house in Riverton on eral church dignitaries from Salt According out a dodger announcing meetings for that Is all there Is to the Midvale Person. In Salt Lake. Bishop Peery cl school In the are there Thursday, August 1. Burial was In were present. Mr. Goff, who was much Murray that night In the ward meeting house Times. And the public and a few ad- fleiated. Following the wedding cere- taken, & M. Taylor & 662 boys and 599 girls, a decrease of Riverton cemetery. affected, tnnde a short, hut pleasant and Grant hall. This dodger was an vertisers stand for It and appear to mony a reception was tendered to W 54 Co. In charge of the burial. of 1911. census the from speech. other of the Progress company's mis- be happy. and Mrs. Steele at the home of the o misin Edward o Mra Evan, bride's documents, abounding daughter, leading Dr. J. II. Brown, the Midvale dentist, have schood The Janitors reported statements and malicious lies, but at OUR JUVENILE CORRESPONDENTS at Murray. Mr. Steele Is a Park City MURRAY ADMINISTRATION WINS for duty and after instructions were has returned from his ouMng In the their ward meetings It availed them mining man and has resided there to FIGHT FOR BQNDS. unsigned tp their respective schools. canyons. fv.l Al '..( ! children over 1,0 yenrv of. nothing, as the result In ovh ward ox 'y in Lo one two was Citizens the may send items or essays for pule Fifth, an age cept Overwhelming Majority By II. Rasmussen, tlie Midvale tailor, Miss Gertrude Sanders entertained liention In this department.. Read the Emporium grocery ad. for favor of the bonds, the vote being 24G Approve Socialist Measure and the Progress Light & Power the Young Ladles Mutual Wednesday will take your measure for that fall barbalns in staple groceries. for and 137 against. Thus has the Meets Defeat Company evening at a lawn party In honor of the suit you contemplate getting this Midvale, July 31, 1912. voice of the people declared against h and incoming presidents of month. See his advertisement In anretiring Since Mr. F. A. Dear Editor; the extortionate corporation and hence- Work Will Begin Right Away on the advert Patronize County Enterprise column. other association. the Is not watching any more at forth their mouthpiece will no longer Proposed Publicly Owned Light Users and help the cause of the peoand Power Plant in Big be heeded, for the County Enterprise many things aro happening. The night ple along. in the Cottonwood Canyon. Midvale Tlio advertisers of the session A conjoint Vincent wus held up , regular Willis saloon of has taken up the cause of the people was County Enterprise arc all reliable association Mutual Improvement wllf adfor the battle and right. recently. Items of news, social functions, The first distinctively Socialist mea held Sunday In the Murray First ward. firms. o sure, the proposal to erect a publicly vertising and subscriptions may be left The program consisted principally of Mrs. Enoch Tripp and family have owned light and power plant by the So- at Ruben's corner. LOW POLITIC8. won ('has. M. Hansen, of Midvale, has moved Into their new home and are of furnised by the Granite Stake administration music, Murray, cially victory at tbe polls Tueschorus. Nearly every ward in gone out to Ills mines in linwklus busy cleaning up and getting settled. The lowest kind of methods were a sweeping We need the assistance of every male when In spite of the frantic efto do some more development day, In the Miss Grace Pierson, who recently used by the ITogress company to de- forts of The American Eagle, organ subscriber In procuring news Items the stake was represented Mr. work. Hansen has owned claims a related Moffat D. W. story. had her foot broken, is getting along feat the bond election. They thought of the Progress Light and Power com- and will appreciate their help along chorus. in the Oipiirrh range for many years, that they had a cinch on the people as pany, and all the influence this com- this line. We have no Angel" back- A very pleasant time was enjoyed. quite well. citizens to and the could bear, expects to he shipping ore from obring pany a In former years, having control of are backers Our this only paper. of Murray voted overwhelmingly to ing his property in ihe near future. Miss laivBiicha Stewart, who hus sheet managed by an unscrupulous bond tbe city fCO.OOO for the proposed the honest people. If you wish to help MIDVALE. been on a visit to Morgan, has reman, who would do their bidding for plant. the cause of the people, send us in A team of horses that disappeared turned to her home in Midvale. Much credit is due Mayor George the news within your keeping each A man who Is now unhis hire. who Commercial the Club, Midvale and City administration, one lleusrher The very night several mysteriously der a ban and shunned by every bon a booklet and gave it week on or before Monday morning. Council, and every citizen who bus in- months ago from Mr. prepared S. RasmusMrs. Mary laconihe and children, est man In Murray. So they prepared thorough circulation and did other Sign your name to the letter so that of Midvale, In the in were visiting her parents, Mr. and terest has been sen's West ranch who , upbuilding Jordan, and pro-ectwere articles that misleading we may know who la sending. yoeman service in behalf of the the many to in returned to him, looking should begin a much Mrs. J. I), l'oweli, have returned to investigate also to the Southern Salt Lake caused him to publish them, and aseditseveral to a rumors in condition when afloat paper than Sandy regards poorer they left. their home in Salt Lake City. sume the authorship. Malicious lies County Enterprise Patronize the advertisers In the W. D. S. Harrington, which was comed railroad some by of WILHELM IN A HL1XX. the that were published about the acta of the thrown Into the breach Just at the County Enterprise and thus help the changes near future. in the make may A panies are which great many people they right time Infavor of municipal owner- cause of the people. taking city commercial body, of Tho saloon of Willis Vincent was It baa been rumored for years that advantage of the good fishing in the were members, and every disreputable ship. at I1) oclock one evening last entered 137 citizens 25D railroad the to some of the of ahopa Jordan river these days. Ity a vote means used to defeat the bond elecSaturdays The Salt Lake County Fruit Grow- eventually $60,000 issue to two masked men in overalls week of decided it and by Murray In be would recently Midvale, and Sundays especially the State road tion. Means that a Tweed politician in worth of bonds for the erection of a ers' association held their regular old is lined with and Junipers, nml l Ihe point of reNew York would not h&ve used. These municipal power plant at the mouth of monthly meeting on Monday In the has been mentioned again. The people going to the point forced the porter from the some where there is of the mount ain and the Jordan nar- volvers Commercial Club building, on Poplar aaylng, that things will live in the memory of the Big Cottonwood canyon. to the liar and Willis Vindoor hack comes The vote was light throughout the street. . Edward Taylor, state hor- smoke there must be some fire," rows, fishing. Many of them report honest voters and In the future these was tbe no at time saloon and liis la keeper, Willis Hughes if hours cent, and it of up again in this case, low politicians will not have things polling large patches p f eat fish. bond issue in danger of being defeated. ticulturist, talked on the subject in tlio place were four others ami to Midvale of the for people possible their own way In Murray City. The First precinct cast sixty votes for publicity. cfore the bar while kneel to forced offer any Inducement whatever to the - - - o and twenty-fou- r against the issue; the Mr. John Watson, of the Midvale tlie swearing desperadoes rifled tlie In this mutter, it Second precinct cast forty for and Mr. and Mrs. Hansen of Draper vis- railroad companies Drag Co., was down from Brighton safe and till, and then proceeded to PLEADS INJURED INNOCENCE. Third the mean precinct much twenty-si- x will against; one day should he done, aa It He says they are having a Monday. for and fourteen against; the ited Mr. and Mrs. Arnold sixty-nin- e ride ihe pockets of the kneeling men. to this section. Also the rebuilding and forty-nin- e tho in week. for time last They canyon. splendid Fourth Proof tbe precinct ?) editor! Tbe of the road to Little Cottonwood means hail one of the heaviest ruins of the A $,.ii.ni) scurf pin was taken front the twenty-fou- r against, and the Fifth prehis shameless after Rag calling necktie of Willis Vincent; $130.00 was gress for If It will for and forty-nin- e cinct thirty-eigh- t season Sunday swelling the creek un- -' The engagement Is announced of much for Midvale; front the "exterminated fakir" of Davis county against. taken from Hie safe; will of Salt Lake to be as It was years ago, Midvale til tlie water was running duwn tlie into council, with tbe aid of others retired Work on the erection of the plant Miss Rae Reinshleber through till. they Altogether Boost road. be the Junction for the road in many places. d diatribe about will begin some time In August as Harry Davis, the Jeweler of Murray In cash with door hack brought forth a the for your home town, everybody! can be floated and the possible failure of the power plant soon as the bonds and valuables. Willis Hughe had his work done, The dry farmer on the west aide of was tbe preliminary necessary Illinois, of Smith Mrs. Quincy, of Orson Schools the of under management Superintendent proposition gold watch and 53 cents in his fob feels much encourIt Is planned to have the plant in opera- the of Mr. and Mrs. Greene last the Midvale valley guest Vynn two an for weeks' excuse has a from next and returned or commissioners first year. the soon alter tion city pocket which the rubbers failed to noaged at the prospects for a large yield on tice. Tlie hold up was quietly an He delivered oration I'nder the provisions of the bond Is- wek. vacation. their malicious publication of lies of grain this season. Seldom has there sue light Is to be furnished free to the 24tli at Hoytsville, Wasatch without Hie tiring of a gun. They accuse three prominent citizens as a municipality and been n better outlook for tlio dry far- July of Is a Murray office postal city The Murray post wus which Ills home hold-uptown, with an attempt to besmirch the to the citizens at a cost much less had made their getWhen the man has been good county, Deposits will be mer. The weather depository. savings audi a out tlie front rates. large rushed by character of the editor and say: highly Vincent Mr. appreciated than the prevailing away Two to them, giving them rains at about ence. The bonds are redeemable twenty received from ID cents to $500.. Ac.iing alarm. the and "Now, gentlemen, we will slate that Indoor gave at per cent interest per annum is paid on the proper time. And everything talkoutside was If you are going to make this a low years hence and will bear Interest Marshal Coicloiigli dicates a splendid crop. The binders rate of 4 per cent savings. examinations will le ing to a group of citizeus and a posse Teacher' State and miserable character debauching, the (Inter-Mt- . Worker.) of acres, are busy cutting hundreds on Thursday, Friday and Satur- was formed of the citizeus. mearing issue, you are adopting and soon the bum of the threshing ma- held of W. G. Ogden Baker Mrs. and Dr. The 15, ID and 17. method of fighting that we refuse to Ira Hcckstettd, deputy sheriff and chine will bo heard. Many of the day, August visited William Atwood and family. in night watchman, Charles llopps, who examinations take the follow you in, for had we the infJ? teachers may farmers expect crops running Into the school nearest to their residence started on a search for the liold-ups- . mation and the power of besmearing of bushels of wheat. It tho man thousands bunv a is Huacher very CARDS CANDIDATES Mayor would we most convenient io them Vincent gave a good general descripyour personal characters, seems strange that there are not more wherever affairs these ila.v. in city to follow examinations The begin at 9 a. in. each tion of the robbers. Marshal Colclongh refuse you." i i people engaged In this business, In a are impera- later on came upon three suspects examinations These Is it not a notorious fact that this date. Mr. and Mrs. L. Erickson (r Idaho country where the possibilities nre bo tive. Teachers not holding lawful cer- whom he C. L. COUNTRYMAN, sheet has never done anything else arrested, hut afterward reand where hundreds of acres of In Murray. great arrivals new nre not I in tali teach would hut besmear people who Bingham Canyon. tificates, who expect to leased, as they could not ho identified. ground are laying Idle and ran bo Commisfor examination. of Camlidatc must take lids thinking? come to their way County J. W. McHenry, prisldint of the bought at moderate figures. We think Becauso they were alono In the sioner, subject to the decision o The new opera when every distant on far not the time is Commercial Club, visited Tooele could and l.Vinocrntie e field of tin start named been Murray County "Elysium. have to Fire supposed hewBiaper lund will bo util-- ' Suturday to inspect the tunnel being foot of the dry fnrm say and do as they pleased." And Izi-d- Southern Salt Lake . -- first-clas- .............. ....... r liJU-ucr- e t j Due-fourt- h low-dow- n blood-suckin- blood-sucker- . w son-in-la- &&? Col-doug- 1 - d 500-wor- $35-l.n- a 2 |