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Show "V&helcvE Story ofA Gray Jacket 'ly w hyftAJVDAJiZ, PARRIS f )ut was KingVU cXdWcf Wren Wilderness BMKmiRT.WllUAMSDr L ILLUSTRATIONS JMJATJRZICinjmLIQNDQr CopypCXTJ&A CAK CT.UPG CO home when the war ceases; they will prove a trifle better than tha ' mere sky. v The south is certainly paying a terrible price for rebellion, she said soberly, her fine eyes filled with tears. I am sura 1 have tarried here quits as long as I should, now that I can bs of no further service. As she gathered her skirts In her hand preparatory to descending the stairs, I yielded to temptation and stopped her. Right or wrong 1 must yet have one word more. I beg of you do not desert me so soon. This may prove our final meeting Indeed, I fear It must be; surely, then. It need not be so brief s one? Our final meeting? She echoed my words ns though scarcely comprehending their meaning. Yes, I said, rising and standing beHow can we hope it shall fore her. be otherwise? I am not free to remain here, even were It beat for other reasons, for I am a soldier under orYou undoubtedly will proceed ders. north at tba earliest possible moment. There Is scarcely a probability that In tba great wide world we shall meet again. Tha war will soon be over; perhaps then you may come north also. I scarcely expect to do so. My work then will be to Join with my comrades In an effort to rebuild the shattered fortunes of Virginia. When tha lines of lives diverge so widely as ours must, the chances are Indeed few that they ever meet again. But surely you can remain here until we leave? she questioned, evidently striving not to reveal the depth of Interest she felt In the decision. It will not he until tomorrow that all details are arranged so as to permit of our departure. I bad supposed you would certainly be with us until then. Mrs. Brennan!" I exclaimed almost passionately, do not tempt me! Your wish la a temptation moat difficult to real at. Why resist, then? Stie did not look at me, but stood nervously twisting a handkerchief How can 1 ever' thank you? she asked gravely. Captain Wayne, you make me trust you utterly, and place me constantly In your debt." T,hen you realise that I am right? Yes, slowly, but making no efYet la no fort to release her hands. other escape possible? None within my knowledge." And you must go?" I must go unless you bid me tay. Oh, I cannot; I cannot at such a cost! she cried, end 1 could feel her body tremble with the Intensity of her emotion. But, Captain Wayne, our friendship surely need not be severed now for ever? I cannot bear to think that It should be. I am no cold, heartless Ingrate, and shall never forget what you have done to serve me. I value every sacrifice you have mode Let ua Indeed part on my behalf. now If, as yon say, It must be so; yet eurely there are happier days in tore for both of ua days when the men of this nation will not wear different uniforms and deem it manly to fight and kill each other. The great struggle will certainly cease, possibly within a very few weeks, I answered, greatly moved by her earnestness, but 1 fear the men engaged in It will remain much the same in their naturea however they may dress. 1 can only eay this: Were the path clear, I would aurely find you. no matter where you were hidden. How terrible It le that a woman must ever choose between such evils. Tbe heart he said almost bitterly. ays one thing and duty another all through life. It seems to me. I have so much of suffering In these last few months, so much of heartless cruelty, that I cannot bear to be the cause of You and Major Brennan any more. must not meet; but. Captain Wayne. I will not believe that we are to part thus forever." Do you mean that I am to seek you when the war closes?" There will be no time when 1 shall not most ladly welcome you. Your home? 1 asked, wondering till If she could mean nil that her I have never known wards Implied. where you rea'ded In the north." Sbe smiled at Stonlngton, Conn. me through the tears yet clingYou may ing to her long lashes. never come, of course: yet 1 shall always feel now that perhaps you will; and that la not like a final goodby, light, moist touch upon my burning nan should not have come personally forehead and I Imagined I was a Tha story opens In a (VinWnata tent to the aid of his wife, but aa he Ig- child once more, back at tba old home, I a rrllical stage of the Civil War. Gen. nored her presence utterly, 1 at once caressed b, tha soft hand of my mothImparts to Capt. Wayn an Imporiunt message to Iongaireet. Accuinpanled bv offered her my arm, and silently led er. But as consciousness slowly reSergt. Oral an old army acout. Wayiia the way to the room designated, the turned I began to realise dimly where atarta on lila mission. They Ret within the llnea of tha enemy and In the dark-nnas best others they might I was, and that I waa no longer alone. following Wayn la taken for a Federal and a young lady on horseback la The apartment was unoccupied, exhib- A gentle hand waa stroking back the Riven In hla charge. She la a northern iting no signs of the late struggle, and hair from off my temples, while the girl and attempts to eaeap. One of the 1 found comfortable retting places for barest uplift of my eyelids revealed borne aurrumba and Craig goea through artih the dispatches, while Wayna and My all. Miss Minor was yet sobbing soft- the folds of a dark blue skirt pressing I July of the North are left alone. They eeek aheltrr In a hut and entering It In ly, her face hidden upon her moth- close to my side. Instantly I realized he dark a huge maatlll attack a Wayne and 1 felt constrained who must be the wearer, and remained The girl ahooia the brute 1'ief In time. er's shoulder, motionless until I could better conThe owner nf the hut. Jed Hungay. and to speak with her. hla wife appear and noon a party of 1 said I shall go at once, kindly, trol my first unwise impulse. tmraemen approach. They are led by a to ascertain all 1 can regarding Lieuman claiming tn be Red I.owrle. but who Bhe spoke no word, and I cautiously prove to be MaJ. Brennan.- a Federal tenant Caton, and will bring you opened my eyes and glanced up Into officer whom the I'nlon girl recognizee. He order the arreat of Wnyne a a PV word. her fgee. For a time she remained and he la brought before Sheridan, who me a of She thanked with unaware of my awakening, and sat glance rethreaten him with death unleaa he veal the aecret message. Wayna believe her dark eyea clouded with tears, but there silently stroking my forehead, Kdlth Brennan tn be the wife of Ma. 1 turned hastily away to execute he gaxe fixed musingly upon tbs Brennan. He la readied by Jed Bungay, as who atarta to reach Gen. Lee, while this eVrand, Mrs. Brennan laid re- window at the farther end of tha hall. ballWayne In dlagulae penetrate to the Doubtless she had been sitting thus straining hand upon my arm. room, beneath which he had been Imto n Miss prisoned. II- - I Introduced Captain Wayne," ahe said with for some time, and had become abMinor and burely escape being unmask much seriouanesa, you are very un- sorbed in her own reflections, for I ed. Kdlth Brennan recognizing Wayne. my she will Have him. Securing a pan selfish, but you roust not go until lay there drinking In her beauty for hrotigh I lie llnea. ihey are confronted by Hronnan. who I knocked senaeleea. Then. your own wounds have been attended several moments before she chanced bidding 1'dltli adieu, Wayne makea to; they may be far more serious to glance downward and observe that danh for liberty. Hn encounter Hungay; was awska. I think the very Inthey reai li the ler ramp and are sent than you apprehend." with reinforcement to Join Early. In the Aa 1 gazed at her, surprised by the tensity of my gaze awakened her from battle of. Shenandoah the regiment le jverwln-lmndand Wayne, while In the anxiety ahe so openly displayed, I reverie, for she turned almost with hoKpital, N visited by Kdlih Brennan. chanced to behold inyaelf reflected a start and looked down upon me. As Wayne and Bungay are eenl on a scouting deiNll. and arriving at the Minor within a large mirror directly across our eyes met, s warm wave of color place. Wayne meet Mi Minor and Mra. the room. One was sufficient dyed her throat and cheeks crimson. and later Kdlth appear, to convince me glance Hungay. her words were fully n aynu'a detachment 1 besieged by Why, she exclaimed In momentary guerrillas. Brennan and hi men arrive and Justified. My remains of uniform lit- confusion. I supposed I should know id In repelling the Invader until a rescuing party of bluecoata reach the scene. erally clung to me In rags, my bare before you awoke, and have ample shoulder looked a contused mass of time to escape unobserved. I disCHAPTER XXXII. Continued. battered flesh, my bair waa matted, covered you lying here. You were and my face blackened by powder resting very uncomfortably when "Damn ye. Red told you not to lire!" talna and streaked with blood. he yelled. Come on, you doge! You I certainly do appear disreputable could eat 'em up If ye wasn't gicb enough, 1 admitted; but I can asblamed cowards. There's only two, sure you It Is nothing sufficiently seind we'll bang them yet." rious to require immediate attention. He leaped straight up the broad Aa 1 stepped without and closed the ter, hla long cavalry sabre In hand, door behind me, 1 was at once startwhile a dozen of the boldest followed led the by rapid firing of shot from him. Brennan swung his sword high rear of the house, and the next over head, grasping It with both the moment 1 encountered the young, redbands for a death-bloeven as 1 faced officer hurrying along the ball-wathrust directly at the fellow's throat head a squad of Federal at the The uplifted blade struck the chain Recognizing me In the of the hanging lamp, snapped at the cavalrymen. of the passage he paused sudgloom and his balance hilt the Major denly. losing plunged headlong Into the ruck be1 owe you a belated apology, Capneath. The downward fall of hla body be exclaimed cordially, for havtain, iwept the stairs. misAs I stood there, panting and breath- ing mistaken you for one of those but really your appearance creants, woman a Berushed downward. less, was not flattering." lieving she would throw herself Into since within that tangled mass below, I Instantly a Haring Iviewed myielf I am prepared to mirror," replied, caught her to me. tbe mistake a most natYou acknowledge Dont," I cried anxiously. ural one. However, I am grateful to rannot help him. For God's sake go be out of the scrape, and can scarcely hack where you were. find fault with my rescuers. Five minIt la not that" she exclaimed, her utes more would have witnessed the rolce thrilling with excitement Oh. end. Captain Wayne, do you not hear the We rode hard," he said, and were bugles?" In saddle within fifteen minutes after As by magic those hateful faces vanthe arrival of your courier. You eviished, disappearing by means of evdently made a bard fight of It; the ery opening leading out from the hall, house bears testimony to a terrible and when the cheering blue-coatWe are rejoiced to learn struggle. urged in through the broken door, I that Lieutenant Caton was merely was yet standing there, appearently we believed him dead at stunned; alone but for the dead, leaning weak and he Is far too fine a fellow and breathless against the wall, my first, In to go that way." Edith about Brennan. raj He la truly living, then? I exMias Miclaimed, greatly relieved. CHAPTER XXXIII. nor. to whom he la engaged, la sorrowing over his possible fate in the liAfter the Struggle. Could not two of your A young officer, whose red face was brary yonder. men assist him to her? 8be would rendered extremely conspicuous by do more to hasten bis recovery than the blue of hla uniform, led the rush one." any sf hla soldiers aa .hey came tumbling Certainly," waa the Instant regallantly Into the hall. Haines, you and McDonald sponse. Up there, men!" he cried, catch the officer out of the front room; get :ng light of me, and pointing. Get carry him in there where the ladles "I Waa Standing Thsrt Apparently Alone, but for the Dead." that Johnny with the girl. and then rejoin us. As they sprang eagerly forward over are, I left, remembering then my own first came, and 1 felt it my duty to through her fingers. The abrupt questi e deal bodies Uttering the floor at back the need. By using stairway I render your position as easy as pos- tion startled me almost Into full conthe foot of the btairs, Brennan scramcontact with the sible. I did not forget teat your fa- fession, avoided unpleasant but fortunately my eyes bled unsteadily to hla feet, and halted of conflict yet visible at the tigue came In our defense. traces chanced to fall rpon her wedding-ring- , ihem with imperious gesture. front of the house, and finally discovCould you not say In yours? I and instantly I crushed the mad words Leave him alone!" he commandwhich afforded facili- corrected. But I have already been back Into my throat ed. That la the commander of the ered a bathroom flesh wounds more than repaid. Your hand upon Because It la right I replied slow Confederate detachment who came to ties for cleansing my and making my general appearance my brow was far more restful than ly, feeling each sentence as a death fled The aid. have down guerillas jur I found I could do I can more presentable. tell you Its soft stroking min- blow. Vor me to remain can mean the hallway, and are most of them condition of my gled In my dreams even before 1 awoke. only one thing. to tbe little improve For that I am ready outsiue by now. Wayne, he turned c!othing, but after making such It brought back to me the thought of enough. If I thought you desired It but changes for the better as were pos- my mother. I do not think 1 have had I dare not choose such a course mysible, soaking the clotted blood from a womans hand press back my hair self. out my hair, and washing the powder since I was a child. You speak In riddles What la the stains from my face, I felt I should There was a look of pain upon your one thing? no longer prove an object of aversion fare as you lay sleeping, and 1 thought with Major A personal meeting even to the critical eyea of the women It might ease you somewhat I have Brennan. who would fully realize the cause for bad some experience aa a nurse, you Tbe high color deserted her cheeks, You and her eyes met mine In sudden Inmy torn and begrimed uniform. know," sbe explained quietly. A glance from the window told me mentioned Oh, no, no! she exclaimed your mother; la phe yet quiry. "You and Frank must the Federal cavalrymen were bearing living? with energy. out the dead and depositing them beShe is In Richmond, stopping with never meet In that way. You mean yond view of tbe house in the desert- friends, but since my capture we have a duel? I waa permitted ed negro cabins. Ebers and one or lost all trace of each other. I was I bowed gravely. two of my own men were standing reported as having been killed In ac- to aid in defense of this bouse only near, carefully scanning tbe uncovered tion, and I doubt if she even yet by pledging myself to Major Brennan ftces aa they were borne past, while knows the truth. Everything is afterwards. overheard so confused In the capital that But why need It be at least now craps of conversation brought the information that the long it Is impossible to - trace any that you have stood together as comdining room where I bad passed the one not directly connected with the rades? "I fear, I said quietly, that fact night on guard had been converted In- army, once you lose exact knowledge We both not count for much. will to a temporary hospital. whereabouts. of their Irresolute ns to my next action, I fought inspired by your presence. Your father, then, Is dead?" I hardly knew how to InMine! lie yielded his life Ihe first year passed out Into the tipper hall. It was tone. seemher our near and and deserted terpret plantation of the war; strangely silent, ter- Charlottesville Las been constantly In those all from you cannot be ignorant removed far Certainly: ingly A Gentle Hand Waa Stroking Back In the the track of the armies. One rather that Major Brennan's dislike Is based so enacted scenes rible lately the Hair From Off My Temples. rooms beneath. My head by this time Important bnttle, Indeed, was fought upon your friendship for me. But there is no reason, she stamand glanced up at us, hla face Instant- throbbed with pain; I desired to be upon it. so you may realize that It la He has no cause ly darkening at the tableau, kindly alone, to think, to map out my future now desolate and utterly unlit for hab- mered. Hla reason I must leave him to exaealat the ladles to descend; we must course before proceeding down the itation." plain," I Interrupted, to relieve her evi The house yet stands?" stairs to meet tbe others. With this get them out of this shambles. The chimney and one wall alone re- dent embarrassment. Hla words, how He lifted them one by one and with In view I sank down in complete ceremonies politeness across the wearlnesa upon a convenient set- mained when I waa last there, I re- ever, were extremely explicit;la and I to in in back plied. glad of the Interest she exhib- Ignnre them, by departure My heavy head sank ghaetly pile of dead and wounded men. tee. he upon tba arm of the settee, and ited. "Fortunately two of the negro peril my own reputation in both armEscort them to the library, It cabins were yet Handing Doubtless ies. I would do so for no one else In That room deep sleep dosed my eyea suggested, as 1 hesitated. waa In my dreams 1 felt it first a these will form the nucleus of our tbe world but you. will probably be found clear. SYNOPSIS. 1 was somewhat surprised that Bren- l- -e ia uf-ll--er y e OBRIENS MISTAKE. Doran Ot Unites coyrage, but don't lolke recklessness wld It. Horan 01 told OBrien the same tlng wan day whin he wor thryln to how how brave he could be la an argymlnt wld 'le wife. MADE ROUGH HANDS SOFT AND WHITE RED, , Far red, rough, chapped and bleeding hands, dry, fissured, itching, burning palms, and painful finger-end- s, with shapeless nails, a one-nigCutlp cure treatment works wonders. Directions: Soak the hands, on retiring, in hot water and Cuticura Soap. Dry, anoint with Cuticura Ointment, and wear soft bandages or old, loose gloves during the night. These pure, sweet and gentle emollients preserve the bands, prevent redness, roughness end chapping, and Impart in a single night that velvety softness and whiteness so much desired by women. For those whose occupations tend to injure the hands, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment ore wonderful Cuticura Soap and Ointment Bold throughout the world. Sample of each . Skin Book. Address Tree, with post-car- d Cuticura, Dept U Boston. 32-p- Different. Daughter Since it Is your wish, dear parents, that I should marry the rich old brewer, I consent, although he is seventy years old. Mother But he la only sixty. Daughter Sixty! Tell him to aak la me again in ten years. Meggendorfer I bowed above the hands 1 held, and pressed my Ups upon them. For Blaetter. the moment I durst not speak, and In the eyes of a silly girl clothes then a voice suddenly sounded tn the make mighty poor specimen of a hall below: man look like the real thing. I am greatly obliged to you. Miss down. la she Minor; probably lying Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children I will run up and call her. teething, eoflenn tha gums, reduces InPamaua-Uoa- , We started as if rudely awakened allays pain, cure wind colic, XSe a buttla. from a dream, while a sudden expresA smooth man Is liable to be slipsion of fright swept across her face. pery. ahe meet do not him, begged Oh, For my sake do not repiteously. It's difficult for a man to be upright main here. after be la down and out. "I will go down tbe back stairway, I returned hastily, but do you Indeed mean It? May I come to you? Yea, yea; but pray go now! Unable longer to restrain myself, I clasped her to me, held her for one brief instant strained to my breast, TO kissed her twice upon lips which bad no opportunity for refusal. This world la not so wide but that somewhere In It I shall again find the one woman of my heart, I whisper el Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetapassionately, and waa gone. ble Restored itr WHERE DOCTORS HELP FAILED Compound Mrs. Greens Health CHAPTER XXXIV. Her Own Statement A Plan Mlacarrled. I remembered aa I hurried down the back stairway her flushed face, but could recall no look of Indignant pride In those clear eyes whose pleasant memory haunted me. 8he loved me; of this I now felt doubly assured, and the knowledge made my heart light, even while 1 dreaded the consequences to us both. I stepped out Into the kitchen and cams to a sudden pause, facing a table laden with such a variety and abundance of food as had been strange to me for many a long day. Directly op po8ite, a napkin tucked beneath his double chin, his plate piled high with good things, sat Ebers. while at either end I beheld Mr. and Mrs. Bungay similarly situated. The astonishment ol our meeting seemed mutual. The Ser geant, apparently feeling the necessity of explanation, wiped bis mouth so berly. I vos yoost goln' to fill me op mlt der dings like a good soldier. Captain," he sold In anxiety. No doubt; well, I am rather hungry myself. Mrs. Bungay, In memory ol old times cannot you spare ms a plate? If so, I will take pleasure tn Joining your happy company. Thank you. ) see you have found your man. I have thet, sir, she answered grimly, an I reckon as how he's likely ter stay et hum arter this. But you forget ho Is my guide, 1 protested, not disinclined to lest her temper. Surely. Mrs. Bungay, yon would not deprive tbe South of bis valuable services? An' wouldn't I. now? An' didnt thet little whlfllt promise me long afore he ever did you una? Ain't he VVhut's a lone my nat'ral protector? female a goln' ter dew yere In ther mountings wl'out no man?" "Come. Jed. what do you say? Are you tired fighting tha battles of tbe Confederacy, and prefer those of home? I like ter read all 'bout fightin well 'nough, but durn It. Cap. It kinder hurts whin they hits ye on ther head with a gun. Ills fare lit up sudSides, I sorter wanter hev denly. Mnrlur git 'qtininied with thet lhar muel o' mine, Beelxthub lie's out lhar now, bitched ter a tret', m a rulin' lit ter bust bis bllcr never a murk on hla hide fer all he wint llirouf.h." lu UK CU.VI IMUI.'Im Covington, Mo. "Your medicine hoe dime me more good than all the doctors medicines. At everymonthly period I had to stay in bed four days because of and hemorrhages, my back wes so weak I could hardly walk. I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham'e Com- Vegetable pound and now I can stay up and do my work. I think it ii the beet medicine on earth for women. Mrs. Jennie Green, Covington, Ma, How Mrs. Cline Avoided Operation. I can say that Brownsville, Ind. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has done me more good than anything else. One doctor said I must be operated upon for a serious female trouble and that nothing could help me but an operation. hod hemorrhages and at times could not get any medicine to stop them. I got in such a weak condition that I would have died if I had not got relief soon. "Several women who had taken your Compound, told me to try it and I did and found it to be the right medicine to build up the system and overcome female troubles. lam nowin great deal better health than I ever expected to be, so I think I Mra. U. M. ought to thank you for it Cline, S. Main St, Brownsville, Ind. '1 timutata tha torpid llvar, atrensthen tba disastlv argaaa, rrguUt the bowel. A rent, I neij valid aa aa ady fur sick beedaebs. MEDICINE. ANTI-BILIO- EleganUy ausar coated. Small doss. Price, 25c- - DAISY FLY KILLER KS? mu. Hunt. rtaa iu namrnwi, cnncaalant clw.it L.at. all Hi. .....a Mads e) awt!m.ttlllnrtl OTCT) wilt sot will U Jar. ayMilu? I. . llaarantMd eifM-liv- asm warn, in AfSFMTQ I W HiXI.ll aiul aaaipl Bl'vu wii.i. ... hi old by dealers i fur c. ml pn-i.t- a., Snail?. m. : Mnk. n a day a.Ulpr i.niv apn'ialiii. lue. Kcr, arilrl-- - t liuik-- , B. r I. hto, M.u.u. |