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Show Y TIIE CRIMINAL Tells PARALLEL How He Planned the Deed and Sought to Qose STORIES Every Avenue of Knowledge Leading to His Guilt sf FAMOUS The Detective Shows How Futile These Efforts Were and How the Old Adage, Murder Will Out,AlwaysIIolds Good. CRIMES By HENRY C TERRY (Cepyriibt by THE GREAT ENGLEWOOD BERY. ROB- ID you ever think how a burglar, who breaks Into your house regards you? play an Important part You In his scheme of things. It is true, hut he hasn't a very of you, opinion high at The thieves who broke into the house of Banker Baldwin, at Englewood, N. J., a few years ago and perpetrated cruel outrages upon every member of the family had no fear of dogs or guns. They did their work with fiendish precision and congratulated themselves that they left no clue. But the teeth marks left on one of the gang by a faithful bull dog who died defending his mistress, proved their Now let the principal acundoing. tors tell the story'. least of your lighting abilities. MBRIDES DANNY story. In the days when masked burglaries were In vogue, and all the villages within one hundred miles of New York were considered by these special students of the dark lantern and jimmy as the propef places for them to visit, there was no more desperate gang In the world than that led by Danny McBride, who was a sort of a hero among the lower class of In the old Second Ward. Danny started Out when quite a young fellow as a river pirate, and was Just getting a knowledge of the business when Jerry McAuley, who was afterward converted and founded a mission. was in his former glory and had pretty nearly all the ship captains on the river front terrorized. There was not the police protection at that time that there Is today, and no man's property, or even life, was safe after dark In certain sections of West, South and Front streets. Danny followed thieving on the bay and river front for several years, hut the business was not very remunerative, as most of the stuff which was stolen was disposed of as old junk. It was about as safe a line of thievery as there was going, because Danny and his gang, which consisted of Ben Harper, "Simmy" Kelly, "Old Man Dobbs, Fete Beller and Jack cutOpp, were such throats and careless handlers of the knife and revolver that no one, not even the police, cared about running up against them. Every one of them would kill before he would submit to capture, and as they Invariably went together and had the sympathy of a large number of persons In their bailiwick. It was practically sure death for any one who cared to test their strength. They were known as the greatest cltt-sen- cold-bloode- collection of era, and many rough-and-tumb- le d 'fight a bitter battle did they or together with of the Ninth, or American Ward, as It was known at that time. It was the toss of a cent who was the better man, Abe Hicks, the American, or Danny McBride. And, although they had a dozen fights In which all the work was done while they were lying In the street, they always came out about even. The last fight they had, John Morrissey was the referee, and he was In sympathy with McBride. Hicks seemed to be getting a trifle the best of the argument, and Morrissey Interfered. ' Then on the Morton street pier occurred one of the bloodiest fights that ever took place in the Ninth Ward. McBride went to the hospital covered with wounds and glory, and it was three months before he was able to get out. "That Morrissey fight," said McBride, was the worst thing that ever happened to me, for while I was in the hospital the police got in on the gang and landed Dobbs, Kelly and Opp for killing a sailor In West street. They got twenty years each, all because 1 wasnt out to help them. This broke up the old gang, and 1 could not get good men together for a new one. when I left the hospital, who could be trusted. "It was along about this time that Jeff Reynolds, whose life I saved when Billy Porter was trying to fill him full of lead, came down from Sing Sing after doing a stretch of ten years, and the first thing he did was to hunt me up. I was then under cover for a highway trick on Staten Island, but Jeff knew where to find your uncle. When 1 found out that the cops had no pipes on me for the Staten Island Job I went in with Jeff, lien Harper, Long Sam Wiley and Spanish Forbes. Forbes was a nigger and as clever a crook as I ever knew. !!e had a nerve that would carry him through a stone wall. "Jeff got up a scheme to do the towns on the East and Hudson River fronts, snd travel In a sloop. I always liked the water, and this Just suited me. We worked off the tricks In the houses on each side of the rivers one after the other, so as to throw down the police. All our sailing was done In the night, and Forbes, who traveled on shore as a beggar, pinnted the places for us. It was dead easy work, and more like a picnic than unything else, railing up' peo have the champions single-hande- d V. L. NaJioa ple In the night with masks on and relieving them of their wealth. We had plenty of luck on the Hudson River front and raided over forty houses. The game got so hot that committees went out at night with rifles to hunt for crooks and we pulled off for a while as it never pays to be a target even for a had hunter. "While laying off I picked up a paper and read of a swell wedding at Englewood at the house of a man named Baldwin one of the wealthiest, ducks In the neighborhood and some fellow had figured up the presents In jewelry and silver plate as being worth $200,000. I showed It to Jeff, and said that we ought to give the place a call before any of the presents were sold. He agreed with me and we sent Forbes to take a look at the place. He reported that the Job was as easy as finding the stuff on the road, and the night after the wedding we landed in Englewood In a grocery wagon. "When we got alongside of the house 1 was afraid of alarm bells, so I sent Wiley to the top of the plazsa to try his luck. The window catch was a double-endewhich could not be worked with a blade, and be had to cut out a pane of glass with a diar mond point The window opened Into a vacant room, and we all got Into the bouse that way. We put on our masks and started through the house. We struck old Baldwins room first, and he actually showed fight. He tried to get to a knob which probably was a signal of some kind, and Jeff put him to sleep with a sandbag. They were all fighters In the house, and a young fellow shot Jeff through the arm In the hall. He was put to sleep before he coud do any more shooting. The women three of them had to be tied up and gagged to keep them still. "When we thought that everybody waa safe we divided up and went on a hunt for the swag. Forbes went to tha frpnt of the house, and In a few seconds 1 heard some terrible growls and a lot of things upsetting. I ran to the room, and there waa Forbes having it out with a bull mastiff on the floor, with a young woman sitting on the bed and urging the beast on. She was a beauty and not scared a bit. The mastiff was getting the best of the fight and had a grip on Forbes' neck which waa making him look nick. I pulled my gun and ordered the girl to call off the dog, hut she defied me and told me to blaze I saw the bluff would not away. work, so I got out my old blackjack, g an thing, and hit the beast a clip on the skull that knocked the life out of him. "The girl flew at me when I banged the dog, like a wild animal, and I had all I could do to hold her without hurting her. I would not have harmed a hair, of that spunky girls head for a million, but I had to gag her for safety. I always felt sorry for her as she lay looking at the dog, which was prorably her pet, and made a good fight to defend her. "We had easy sailing after that, and In every room there was a lot of stuff which we put Into bags. All of It looked good and was very heavy, There was any quantity of Jewelry lying around, and In a small safe which we had no trouble In forcing with a wedge, there was a load of diamonds which had been described In the papers. We took our time In packing everything up in good shape, and after a good meal and a big draught of the old man's wine cellar, we quit the place. Harper was waiting down the road a bit with ' the wagon, and we loaded all the stuff Into It" r, ugly-lookln- DETECTIVE MALLON'ft 8TORY. negro before In Englewood, and thought that she had seen him on a wagon loaded with garden truck going toward New York about two weeks before. Upon this information 1 made a tour all through the country to get a trace of a missing negro and wasted a lot of time la following the wanderings of a colored man who had worked for several days with a farmer near Lodi. J found him, but there were no wounds on his body, and this left him out of the game. When I returned to New York, 1 had a complete list of all the stolen goods, and made a tour of all the fences which were likely to give up information to the police, but learned nothing that would do me any good. A friend of mine who kept a liquor atore In Greenwich street told me of a watch which he had bought from a fellow who looked like a tramp about a week before, and It had all the marks of one of the watches which had been stolen. 1 took the watch to Mr. Baldwin, and he said that It was his property. "1 made up my mind that the tramp did not have any hand In the robbery, and had got possession of. the watch in some other way. I hunted high and low for thia fellow. In the cheap dives, and finally landed a felI low answering to his description. took him to the liquor dealer, and ha was fully Identified. I locked him up and squeezed him very hard for Information. He persisted that he had found the watch In the street, but after he was put through the mill, and charged with killing a man to get the time piece, he admitted that he stole It from a man who was lying drunk in a hallway In Greenwich eouTY Tfie r' Utah State Buildipg & Loap tesociatiop the next of gait Lake will furnish to all of its subscribers who will pay up one years subscription In advance for elxty days one of these Home Banks to be used for saving up the dimes, nlckles and bills. ONE DOLLAR IN THE BANK IS WORTH TWO YOUR POCKET. IN Deposit one dollar with the dollar THE ENTERPRISE glvee you In "The Home Bank" and you wlU marvel at how It will grow. The cut of a handsome nickle home safe, as shown here, will take all sizes of coin and paper money and can be conveniently carried to the BANK FOR DEPOSIT FREE To Onr Saving Depositors Made to Help People Save. "You can no more build a house without the first dollar than you can build a house without the first brick. Any Man or Woman who will take one of these Home Safea, make It an Invariable rule to drop Into ltsome amount no matter how email, each day, will be astonished and delighted at the does of the year at how much has been accumulated without being missed. CUT THIS OUT. And mall to the This coupon accompanied by 1,75 will entitle the Sender to One Years Subscription to the ENTERPRISE and a deposit of ONE DOLLAR In the Savings Department of the UTAH STATE BUILDING ft LOAN ASSOCIATION to the name of such person as he may COUNTY ENTERPRISE designate. W. Senders Name g Addresa D. S. Harrington Or send ns word and "'J' Managing Editor Sandy, Utah P. O. Box 177, Childs Name . a representative will call and arrange for the starting of your savin ga ICE CREAM AND CANDIE8 (Summer drinks of all kinds, coffee cake and cold lunches Open until 11 p. m. I keep an assortment of canned goods cakes and fancy crackers Your patronage Is solicited. REBEKA RYBERG, 14 West Main St Where the cars stop. Sandy, Utah. C a g COME TO MY FOUNTAIN f0 r All Summer Drinks I have a large cool Ice Cream Parlor, where you can alt and enjoy KEELEYS CELEBRATED ICE Efc Brtbal Picture HENRY G. MARRIOTT BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKER 15 N. First West 8t near West Main machinery, Equipped with Vagon Carriage and Rubber Tire Plow Work, Horseshoeing, Pipe Threading, Sawing, Lumber or Lathe Work. Horses clipped. Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. H, MARRIOTT, 15 N. First West St Sandy, Utah. charms. "In a few moments she limbered up a little and made a statement that fairly caused me to jump for joy. She said that the voodoo which had this man in his power had bitten him all over the body, snd his flesh was filled with deep indentations from the teeth. That was all she would say then, and she would not tell who he was or anything about him except that he had gone to Cuba. I got a detective from the Mercer street station to watch the house and la the evening I got A1 Fender, a colored man who could be depended on to play a part. "He called upon the voodoo woman, and the first thing he did was to pull out a big knife and sharpen it. He said nothing while doing this and the woman became very uneasy. When he got through the pantomime he told her in very solemn tones that the object of his visit was to kill her. He gave her one alternative. If she would tell him who the man waa who called on her with the teeth marks in his body, her life would be spared and she would get $1,000 In gold. Fender shook a bag full of metal and gave her three minutes to answer. She whispered the name of Pender knew that Spanish Forbes. he had the woman In bis power, and pressed the question, under the same conditions, as to where Fbrbcs was. She told him he was in a certain cellar in Wooster street. "I had beard nil she said from the hall, and at this point opened the door. 1 ordered her to take me to Forbes, but It tcok a prod from Fender's knife to make her move. She had told the truth. Forbos was In the s state from cellar in a lie talked all the time, morphine. and I made the woman alt on his bed. He seemed to be frightened when he saw her. I asked him who was with him at the Englewood rubbery, and when I told him that the woman had told me everything, he gave the names of Jeff Reynolds. Danny McBride, Sam Wiley and Ren Harper, and told where they could be found. "That was enough for me, and I sent Forbes to a hospital under The same night I captured guard. MrBride, Wllfcy and Reynolds. They were tried, convicted and put away for fifteen years In Jersey. I caught Harper two years later, and he got the same dose. Forbes, who turned state's evidence, got off with seven The dastardly treatment which the thieves," said Detective Mallon, who did the work at Baldwins mansion in Englewood gave the family caused great excitement, and the local polii e u ere paralyzed and did not know which way to turn. Mr. Bald win lived part of the time in New York, and was a broker In Wall street. He requested us to give hint aid In running down the thieves, and offered $20,000 reward for their capture. The case was given to me the second day after the rohhery, and I went carefully over the ground. Everything bad been turned upside down by the local police, in the hunt for something which might lead to the identity of the men. "I found the family In a terrible condition, and Miss Alice Baldwin almost crazy over the loss of her dog, whlrh defended her so gallantly, and wua buried in the finest part of the lawn. The others were all suffering from concussion of the brain from a terrible blow on the head. The only member of the family who could give any clue, which was of any value waa Miss Alice, who slept through all the early part of the confusion and was awakened by the growling of the dog The light waa burning In her room and she saw a heavy built man stand lng beside her bed. She railed the dog, who was lying at the foot of the bed, and set him on the thief. In tho struggle the dog tore the mask off, and she saw tho burglar was a negro. "She said that she had seen the years. eTepise .By Special Arrangement with the j From the descrlptlbn that he gavo me and the knowledge, of crooks which I had, I concluded that It waa probably Danny McBride. I dropped downtown, and, after hanging around for a few days, I felt satisfied that Danny was In hiding for something. I could noi find him In any of his haunts, and I knew from his friends telling me that they had not seen him that he was keeping out of sight for I had never known that something. busiDanny was In the ness, as he had always figured as a river pirate, and a bad one at that. One evening, while going through Bleecker street, I met Frank Carroll, and he told me an amusing story about a voodoo woman, who Bold charms to the superstitious negroes. She was from Cuba, spoke Spanish and had wonderful powers. She could destroy witches who followed negroes, and could cure diseases by the laying on of her hands Carroll said that there waa a report going around among the negroes that she had healed the wounds and destroyed the evil spirit which was bothering a negro at a single sitting, for which service she had received a fabulous sum. Ordinarily, I wouldnt have listened to this story, but by soma strange Influence I associated this negro with the one who had been bitten by the dog at Baldwin's house. "A good detective always run down every Idea, no matter how foolish it may seem, snd I decided to have a chat with the voodoo doctress. She lived In a rear building In Wooster street, on the top floor, and received me with a great show of suspicion. I told her that I believed In her power to kill my enemies, and 1 offered to pay her liberally for one of her enemy-destroyin- sa" I to Every subscriber to the COUNTY ENTERPRISE who will pay one years subscription $1.75 in advance may epd in the pnc of any child or their own name to whom we wlU deposit one dollar In the Utah State Building ft Loan Association Bunt of gait Lake. This will start a savings account which will lead to a fortune. street house-crackin- Tirt m' Mim Free To Our Subscribers. We have particular facilities for Bridal Groups NOTHING Is troublesome that we do willingly That la why OUR Photographs are so SUCCESSFUL MrS- - Hower, Photographer 16 So. State Street Bell TeL 379 Utah MURRAY, CREAM for which I have the exxcluslve agency. I also sell Candies, Fruit and Sandwiches. Give me a call. We go to the Root of Eye Sight Trouble and we accomplish great good. The Root the first principle Is a careful examination and correct diagnosis by latest methods. We thoroughly understand eye requirements and prescribe glasses In accordance to tho defectik Satisfaction guaranteed. L. L. RADDON, 101, At the Marriott House West Main Street, 8andy, Utah. S. M. TAYLOR CO. Biorn Optical Company FUNERAL DIRECTORS. LICENSED EMBALMERS. ST. MAIN If. Office MIDVALE, UTAH HALL, UTAH. MURRAY, at Sandy every Wednesday. M. TAYLOR. Manager. phone 6. Open Day ANY FRATERNAL We will be BODY Res. phone and Night . 259-- J Save as HERE SEEN Earn You And you will always have something to spend ns you ga Open a savings account with us where it will earn 4 per cent annually compounded In January and July, $1 will oien ail account SANDY CITY BANK W. W. WILSON, President. HEBER A. 8MITH, Vlce-PreA. R. GARDNER, Cashier. Utah. Sandy City, s. seml-delirlou- He Sells Land 1 FARMS AND COUNTRY HOMES. Read a Few of Hie Bargains: 40 ACRES. First Class Canal Water right. Farm House, Etc. $125.00 an Acre. 40 ACRES. First Class Canal W a-- r right, good bouse, barn, Rowing set (Implements, well, complete etc. $250 an Acre. horses, cattle, 10 A(iRE8, 5 In Wheat and 5 In Barley. A-- l Water Right $1,800. HIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Office, 8tate St, one block south ol Midvale Switch. P. O. AilJre.s, MIDVALE, Utah. Phone 37 P. O. Box 338 , All kinds Potted riants Walter W. FLORIST F$ir)g PHONE 50. Dp- - 3. H. Brown DENTIST CUT FLOWERS AND FUNERAL Office, MAIN STREET, DESIGNS. Over Moving Picture Show, Greenhouses In connection with Store. MIDVALE,' UTAH. 214 East 2nd South St Latat Method! of Painless Dentistry. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. M. CALL AND SEE MIS. Leavs orders with S. Taylor ft MIDVALE. Co, Office Hours: 0 a.m. to 6 d. nv |