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Show SF JF CHIEF EXECUTIVES STATES DISCUSS MEANS OF VELOPING THE WEST. REVOLUTION Tow to Hidden Kidney Trouble. Print Have HELPS Washington. A new revolution has broken out In Nicaragua. Captaii Terhune of the gunboat Annapolla at San Juan del Sur on Wedneaday radi- NEED FOR MANY HATS ographed the navy department that Managua, the capital, wa attacked July 29 and ia now cut off from com- MILLINERY NOW SIMPLY MUST munication. MATCH THE COSTUME. General Mena, whose resignation as minister of war was demanded by President Diaz, led the uprising. Mena now is said to occupy the email fort Llttla Nsed, Ho waver, for an Extravagant Outlay of Money, as Most of near Managua. Granada la in possesThem May Be Made at Home sion of Mena's son, whom he recently and Are Not Costly. 00 commandant. About appointed Declaring for a live wire issue that may troops are there. ' Leading liberals all over the country have been thrown into prison, Captain Terhun'a reporta say. The situa- tion is said to be aggravated by poor crops. Telegraph wires have been cut by the revolutionists. case of waterwaya and watersheds that were Interstate in character. of Boise, Idaho. The conference western governors on Friday discussed the plan of working rut a system of interstate highways through the of the fourteen states in the association, after Governor Hawley of Idaho had made the proposition in the paper he read to the visit-inexecutives, considering at length de- velop into crystalized action towards bringing relief. The surprise of the opening day's conference was a proposal made by Delos A. Chappell of Denver, personal representative of Governor Shafroth of Colorado, a big electrical power developer of that state, that the confer- - g prison reform, discussing the Oregon system presented by Governor West, and the question of the entertain-- nient of visitors to the west during the 1915 exposition, The governors were guests of James H. Brady at luncheon land banqueted by the Boise Couimer-- ; cial club at night, as well as were guests of honor at the league baseball game in the afternoon. Governor West advocated the sterilization of degenerate prisoners snd confinement within prisons during the balance of their life. Governor Haw-le- v declared he was unqualified op-- : of posed to the placing of the prisoners in a penal institution under the honor system .and stated he wouM not go higher than 25 per tent or even lees. Governor West created surprise by advocating EO per cent or more. Governor Oddie advocated the preparation by all states and their cities terUinment. during the ence of western governor, and the for to attract the visitor., Tear In convention lands hand. Join public lnK them In the more making the fight for relief from Iron rules of the federal department lated centers. Governor Oswald West ot ttregon heads, and Install a publicity depart- was honored Saturday night by the ment at Washington for the purpose conference of western governors by of having proper legislation enacted. elected president of the conferThe proposal called forth a lively and being ence for the ensuing year. This act action Definite heated discussion. of tb' governors, together with the was postponed until later. memOwing to the fact that many bers of the conference are engaged in political campaigns in their own states, the opening attendance was small when the session opened. Those present are: Governor Norris of Montana, Governor Spry of Utah, Gove ernor West of Oregon, Governor of Nevada and Governor Hawley. Governors of Wyoming, Carey Veasey of Suuth Dakota, Eberhart o Minnesota, Stubbs of Kansas, Cruce of Oklahoma, Shaffroth of Colorado. McDonald of New Mexico, Hunt of j and Arizona, Johnson of California Hay of Washington were unable to at-- 1 tend. Governor Eberhhnrt is repre- - j rated by Edwin J. Becker. In his address Governor Norris declared that the western people are devoted to the interests of the nat oa and of the other states, but feel they i:iy properly exert their best efforts EDWIN NORRIS to protect and foster such interests Governor of Montana cs are of right their own. In his address Governor William (.lection of Governor Oddie or Nevada Spry of Utah delivered a powerful as secretary, the selection of Salt Lake ppcal for the conservation by the In- es the place for the next meeting, todividual states of their own natural gether with the passage of important rcscuri-fs- . instead of conservation liy resolutions, closed the first meeting of the federal government, except in the tho conference. All of the visiting left Saturday night for governors their respective states after an excursion to Arrow Rock to see the big da in construction work. The two officers elected and the governor of the state where the next meeting will be held. Spry of Utah, constitute the executive committee of tho conference and are authorized to meet later and set the dates for the next annual conference. The resolutions adopted by the conference call for the speedy adoption by the federal and state governments ot inf policies for the conservation 'natural resources more beneficial to the states themselves; give the statej blue these resources; Indorse the laws" permitting states to have supervision over Investments; urge liberal .appropriations for the San Francisco exposition by all western states; de-- : ciare for uniform laws of western sintes governing the use of waters in lakes end streams for Irrigation pur-Ioe-s and the construction of storage WILLIAM SPRY. reservoirs to prevent floods. Governor of Utah. Crane RM'eet- McMillin Nominated. Senator Winthrop Murrav nostra. McMillin Benton Tenn. Nashville, has been elected to succeed easily won the Democratic nomination Crane for governor In Thursday'! primary. himself aa Republican national coma Estimates at mldn'ght were that he mitteeman from Massachusetts at corn- state of the Republican e meeting conn seventy-fivleast had carried at ties ami wouid poll about half of the nilttoo. total vn:c of probably 85,0011. Marshall Wiill Pay Own Expenses. IndianapoliB.--Govern- or Found Dead In Bed. Thomas R SL I amis. Captain E. W. Bixby, Marshall says he tins declined an offer who taught Mark Twain" how to pi- of four friends to make np a fund lot a steamboat, was found dead In to meet tho expenses of his personal lied at bh home Thursday- - He was campaign as Democratic candidate for the 16 years old. j one-thir- Pilin theJnntra d How often is the tout ensemble of woman's dress spoiled entirely, not by any cheapness of the component parts or any lack of the correct lines, materials and trimmings, but by the wrong combination of hat and gown! Candidly, now, do you not see many women on the street, in the theater and at other occasions that fill our calendar in the summer months, who have a startling Ignorance of the eternal fitness of thlnga? There's the woman who buys one expensive bat and then throws up her hands in despair and goes out clad inappropriately. The sailor hat in its stiff, conventional tailored style should be worn with a tailored suit. It glvea a delightful Completeness and la becoming. In this season of the sailor do not become unduly enthusiastic and thereby overdo the matter. With the lingerie dress there Is another appropriate type of hat It Is the lingerie hat. Thia you can frequently make by using up the odd pieces of your dreaa, or buying embroidery and making a simple frilled hat over a wire or buckram frame. The lingerie hat of filmy fabrics auch as lace, mousseline, chiffon with contrasting underfacing, ia oti the crest of the millinery wave. Any one can make thia kind of hat. For the linen drees there is a linen hat, one of the many fabric hats .favored by fashion for summer. This, too, can be made of linen left over from the dress with which it is worn. A buckram frame can be covered with plain linen. The crown la then covered with a circular piece, pleated In at the bottom. At one aide place a wing of embroidery made over wire and carrying out successfully the idea of trimming on the dreaa. If you wish to buy thia type of hat, take plenty of money with you, for It la expensive. If you are clever, you will make obe to match your gown. consider the Last of all, wo-rnucorrect hat with the evening gown. It Is the large straw shape trimmed with plumes. Paris is going wild over plumea for formal occasions. You need pot lose your head, but yon can trim a hat with plumea left over from the winter. They are placed anywhere. Bunches are perched high at the front or aide and long plumea are wreathed around a crown. st OJ-di- j I STRONGER PERFUMES IN USE Heavier Scent Permissible, but Fatal Mistake of Overdoing It Must Not Be Mads. Have you noticed that aa our fashions grow more striking our colorings more vivid, our hats more daring, our frocks more decided as to cut and to, color, even our perfumes are following the same trend? No longer does the fashionable woman exude just the faintest breath of violet or some delicate perfume. Rather does she leave a scented trail CASE FOR THE TOOTH BRUSH Of Especial Value to Those Traveling, But Will Also be Found Useful at. Home. Either for use at home or more especially for traveling purposes, a small rase into whic htooth brushes may be easily slipped 4s a useful possession. NIER G0WN A OF Broad Interchange the Secrets of THE of Ideas One of That Sections DOUBLE A Colorado Case John T. Scantling, Trinidad. Colo., says: I was confined to bed so halp-leI had to bo fed. Nothing helped me until I ueed IKiane Kidney Hue, and they did me a world of good. I have never mlaoed a day'e work ss alnce. Get Doss's at say Drag Store, 50a a Box Doans I ind in our sketch may be seen a neat :ase designed for holding two brushes. It can be' carried out either In waterproof material or .rt linen, and lined with soft wash leather and bound at die edges with narrow ribbon. flap It is furnished with a ehlch fastens with a button and hut fold-ove- r K1Sr THOMPSON'S WATER vLl Ifcwtletfkee x. x. was i. iuuxpwn kim aux, Tni. CS?EYE Break. A Bad Slashes Been in a fight? Masher No. I tried to flirt with pretty suffragette. Judge. Taxtine Anttaeptte sprayed into the nasal passages Is a surprisingly successful remedy for catarrh. At druggists, 25c a box or sent postpaid on receipt of price by The Paxton Toilet Co, Boston, Mask No Danger. Do you believe we are in any dan- ger of losing our birthright? "Not a bit that 'is, those of us who are doomed to always work for what we get are not. PURPOSE Important to Mother Examiue carefully every bottle ot Cultivation of Garden Reduces Cost of CASTOIUA. a sare and sure remedy for Living and Helps to Beautify infanta and children, and see that it the City. A dainty paniered gown in flowered efand shot silk. Quite an There is no good reason why the fect la produced by the addition of satin roses snd black velvet bows. occupant of a small lot In city or town should complain about the high cost of living in the summer time, if he Is d of heavy, blossoms, for willing to endure sore muscles for a It is these which seem most In evi- brief period and to undertake perhaps dence these days. unaccustomed labor with a spade and During the winter gardenia and illy rake. of the valley scents were particularly Every back yard on which the sun popular both heavy, clinging per shines with reasonable warmth can be fumes which must he used with the made to produce fresh vegetables greatest discretion. Just now many enough to supply the average family women are turning to rose scents a in abundance and variety not sup little less heavy perhaps than the oth passed by the menus of expensive ho era, but still much heavier than the tela cents of former seasons. Every food requirement can be met But whatever scent you prefer and with vegetables grown in the back gap you may have all your toilet p re para den. It is indeed difficult to find the tions extract, face powder, sachet, oil or location which will not produce toilet water harmonize, nse too little good crops if proper skill and care bs rather than too much, for of many used in fertilizing and preparing the thlnga, and particularly of perfumes, it oil and in choosing the seed. is better to have but a suggestion Statistics have proved that the high than an overabundance. coat of living la not due to increased expense in producing food, but that The Tulle Ruche. the big proportion of the high prices With a number of the new toilets goes to the middlemen. Every owner d black tulle ruche is of a garden is Independent of the mida worn, which fits around the throat and dleman. No time may be lost by the Is punctuated here and there with man who wants to try gardening In clusters of tiny rosebuds In several preparing the ground and sowing the hades of pink. Such a ruche, which seed. la exceedingly becoming, bids fair to be a great feature of t!he season snd Beautiful Cities of the Future. will certainly be very much worn The development of American citwith afternoon gowni and elaborate ies, especially since the civil war, has hata. been so rapid that it has been almost In Paris the kimono has almost enLike Topsy, entirely commercial. sleeve and the long tirely disappeared American cities hare just growed. is coming back Into favor again. They began with a cluster of shacks at some road crossing and in their Coarse Lace Used. growth they followed the lines of least Very coarse lace la being extensiveresistance. Streets took the places of of linen on aa used gowns trimming ly snd casement cloth. Strips of inser- cowpaths and gradually a town came tion are joined by herringbone and into existence and the authorities made up into overslipa for the plain thought that all that was necessary to prepare for future growth was to Ilk waist. adopt a city plan of square streets or streets conforming to the topograph! on the right-han- d cal conformation of the place. In tonhole, and diagram aide of the sketch Illustrates many places the main thoroughfares the case closed, and diagram B the re- are narrow and these in later years verse side with the word, Tooth have become congested, the cities Brush on It have taken on a hodgepodge look and The material can be cut out entirely there has been no room tag beautiIn one piece, 15 inches in length, and fying things unless radical changes 34 Inches in width, and then one end should be made. Many an American folded upwards for the space of six city haa waked up to these conditions Inches and sewn down so that it forma and the result has been that all over two pockets In which ihe brushes may the country the Architectural physibe placed. A glance at the sketch cians have-beecalled in to help will explain this. out. If the pare keeps up these things A case for one tooth brush only can architects venture to predict that with, be made on exactly the same lines, in the United States will years twenty and similar measurements will apply, have a score. If not more, of beautiful except that the case should be two cities, which cannot he surpassed anyinches in width instead of 3 4 Inches, where In the world for their size. and it will not, of course, be necessary to seam it down the center. old-worl- d sweet-scente- box-plaite- rose-grower- Bears the Signature of In Use For Over SO Years. Children Crv for Fletchers Castoria Their Feeling. Well, old sport, how do you feel? I've Just eaten a bowl of soup and feel bully. I've Just eaten a plate of hash and New Orleans feel like everything. ox-ta- ll Tlmea-Democra- L By Experiment. What was your little boy crying Over his lesson about last evening? A child of that la natural history. age studying natural history? You It's so, just the same. astonish me! beHe was learning the difference tween a wasp and a fly. Exclamatory Was Right Mrs. Mason's colored washerwoman, Martha, was complaining of her husband's health. Why, is ie sick, Martha? asked Mrs. Mason. He's ve'y po'ly, ma'am, po'ly," answered the woman. He's got the exclamatory rheumatism. You mean Inflammatory, Martha, said the patron. Exclamatory means to cry ouL Yes, ma'am. replied Martha, with conviction; dati what it la. He hollers all the time." Judge. Worka In the Garden New. Grown old in the service of his master and mistress, James was a privileged retainer. He was waiting at table one day, when a guest politely asked for a fish fork. Strangely enough, the request was Ignored. Then the hostess noticed the episode and remarked in a most peremptory manner: James, Mrs. Jones hasn't a fish fork. Get her one at once! Madam, came the emphatic reply, last time Mrs. Jones dinod here we lost a fish fork. James haa now been relegated to the garden. To The Last Mouthful one enjoys a crisp, delightful bowl of Day. Tacoma, in tho state of Washington, has worked out an idea that la Use of Perfumes. There are many who think that worth copying. It has a Tacoma Hose the use of perfume is vulgar, and society, and this society has hit upon gain, others who believe that a deli- the plan of giving away rose slips in cate fragrance surrounding the per- order to encourage the cultivation of son not only lends refinement, but la roses and to help along the campaign also an element that has a health giv- for a city beautiful. The first rose-sliday was celebrated this year. The ing value. There is one thing to he deunderstood, however, which is tbst society was not prepared for the mand of for Crowds, slips. many in In; used should ulways perfumes were clamwhose members children, allowed moderation ami only the best Furthermore, alwuys the same per- ored for cuttings. The society had fume should be used and the choicest only 35,009 to give away, and this did not come anywhere near meeting the of that variety. call. It haa now announced that it will be glad to receive cuttings from Lace Loveliness. any citizens who are pruning their The most beautiful laces are seen, bushes, and next year it hopes to disand a special point Is made of very tribute 500,000 allps. What such a planting of roses will pretty patterns, such as the rose and Of Illy design, the torch and the ribbon do for Tacoma can bs Imagined. s on the Pacific Delicacy of design gives place to lav course, Ishness, and all the (embroidery and coast enjoy certain advantages which tltchery is aa a matter of course exe- their eastern kindred sigh for in vain. cuted by hand. But the Tacoma idea la worth copying, if not In roses in something also. p J the action and Trans-Mississip- A and irregular, u Doana Kidney Pills, which have cured thousands. The western cities have commenced their annual gadding around among their neighbors. Just as soon aa the snowdrifts melt and train schedules become regular, boosters' organisations from every hamlet snd metropolis pack their grips, charter a train and slgzag through three or four states, which ia some territory as the west goes. They have two missions to spread the gospel that their particular locality la the best in the country in which to be happy and prosperous and spy out, absorb snd appropriate any Improvement, method or custom of value which their guesta may have and they lack. This Interchange of ideaa regarding business methods, municipal government, how to raise bumper crops and swat the greedy corporations is the secret of the growth of the west, and also explains why it annually presents a new hatch of political and civic ideas and backs them with a solidarity that la amazing. In unity there is strength, and in and nelghborliness there is growth. It is peculiar of the west and to the weBt that while the cities for sufight among themselves premacy they will drop all differences snd fight much harder for the wesL Philadelphia Evening Times. SERVES a ach- Do you feel a sharp palu after bending over? When the kidneys seem sore WEST Rapid Growth. Rose-Sli-p : y. TRUE SPIRIT you lame back, ing d a y night? DE- state rights and against the conservation policy, as now fastened upon the western states by federal department heads, through their rules, regulations and construction of laws, passed with the object of helping settlers. Governor Norris of Montana on Thursday opened the first annual session of the conference of western governors here. The opening of the Important subject by the chief executives present, and prominent representatives of other states, started the conference off on IN NICARAGUA General Mena Leads Uprising Against President Diaz, Having Attacked Managua, the Capital. FIVE Declare for State Rights and Against the Conservation Policy as Now Fastened on the Western States by Federal Department Heads. Boise, Idaho. Sharp Pains In the BacK Home MINISTER OF WAR STARTS I Post Toasties with fruit stewed cream or or both. Some people make an entire breakfast out of this combination. Try it I trThe Memory Lingers Sold by Groan. Non Cnl Cmur, tank Cmk. Mich.. linimi. U. S. A. |