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Show Salt Lake Southern COUNTY ENTERPRISE BANDIT W. D. 8. Hsninftoa, Managing Kdllo. - SANDY, - - - UTAn. TIES UFE WITH LAST BULLET UTAH STATE NEWS Utah ii fourth among the atatei of the Union In tomato canning and fifth In pea canning idustry. The Utah county commissioner! have placed the total tax levy at 1 f of 1 mill lower than mills, for the last fiscal year. A new automobile directory will be Issued by the secretary of state with In a week. The new directory will show about 2,250 automobiles In the state. While skating in the street, James Bair, aged 10, of Salt Lake, was struck by an automobile, sustaining injuries which resulted In his death half an hour later. Two banks of Box Elder county are contemplating the erection of new buildings and another newly organ (ted bank Is having a building remodeled for its use. Conditions in the coal mines at Castle Gate are good, according to State Coal Mine Inspector J. E. Petit, who has returned from that section of Carbon county. Continuance of the use of bands on fruit trees to prevent the attacking of the fruit by parasites Is advised by J. C. Stay, county horticultural inspector of Salt Lake county. About 400 citizens of Riverton and Midvale met Wednesday afternoon in the Riverton ward meeting house to celebrate the completion of the electric light system in Riverton. U The total number of qualified voters In the county precincts of Salt Lake county, prior to registration, Is 10,752, according to a check of the books just sompleted by the elections clerk. ' ' Damage to the extent of about (1,000 was done at Eureka as a result of a cloudburst. The Finn saloon was Hooded with water, the force of which tore the front doors off their hinges. The new jail at Garfield, constructed by the county at a cost of about $4,000, was approved and accepted on beh&ii of the county a few days ago The structure Is of the most modern type. Edward Games was struck and killed by lightning at a sheep camp In the mountains west of Mendon. Two other men were badly burned at the same time and two dogs were one-hal- killed. TENNESSEE GUNMAN CHEATS POSSE AFTER HARD FIGHT NEAR LA JUNTA, COLO. Desertion of Hit Girl Wifo Caused Man to Run Amuck and Shoot Four People and Burn a Summer Resort Hotel. La Junta, Colo. Battling desperateevery inch of ground he gave before z posse led by five determined deputy sheriffs, wounded almost to death, Ueorge Ballew, Tennessee gunman, ought a moments respite behind a haystack and fired the last bullet In his revolver through his brain three miles southwest of here st 11 o'clock 3unday. Ballew, after shooting four persons, two of whom are in a critical condition, and burning a summer retort hotel at South Platte Friday night, fled to the hills and had been sunted by a dozen posses since then. It is thought that Ballew tried to get to Las Cruces, N. M., and complete his avowed vengeance by killing his girl wife, who recently deserted him. It was because of her desertion ind because he thought a number of people at South Platte had turned her SHOTS FIRED OVER THE UXE igalnst him that Ballew ran amuck Friday. Ballew wae a stage driver, and came to Colorado from opperhlll, Tenn., United 8tates 8ldiers and Unidentified Men From the Mexican 8lda ilmut two years ago. Exchange Numerous Shots. TRAGEDY IN 8TREETS OF TACOMA The Utah Indian war veterans will Call on King. hold their second annual reunion and Asrhurs, Denmark. King Christian sampfire at Sprlngvllle August 20 to 23. An extensive program of events on Sunday received st. Marsellsborg has been prepared for the old Indian castle the members of the committee Association I Danish-Amerlca- of fighters. which has presented. n footA cloudburst caused damage to new national park In Jutland to the hill farms estimated between (4,000 government The American minister enand (5,000 and brought nearly the to Denmark, Dr. Maurice, on behalf tire population of Farmington out to of President Taft honorary president be of assistance to those In the path of the association, read a message of the big storm. from Mr. Taft eztendlng greetings to Lb E. Dunning, former sales agent the king and people of Denmark. of the Studebaker Vehicle company In Juab county, was arrested at Lynn Crane May Be Treasurer. last week on a felony warrant chargSeagirt N. J. Charles R. Crane of ing him with having embezzled (3,000 Chicago, wealthy manufacturer and from his employers. supporter of Lafollette in his camThe election at Murray to authorize paign for the Republican presidential (60,000 in alternative ten and twenty-yea- r nomination, may be treasurer of the f four and per cent bonds Democratic national campaign comto establish a municipal light and mittee. power plant, resulted in a vote of 256 Prisoners Dig Out of Jail. to 137 in favor of the bonds. Colo. Ed McCullom and In Delta, held the be An examination will several counties of the state, Thurs- Lester Aldrich dug their way through and esday, Friday and Saturday, August 15, the walls of the county jail McCulin Is A pursuit. poese 16 and 17, for teachers desiring cer- caped. tificates to teach In the country lom is wanted at Montlceilo, Utah, for embezzlement. schools during the year Caught under a falling wall, Charles OSCAR WENDER0TH Henry Nielsen, a mason, was killed at Richfield, while seven other men, Including three of his sons, who fell with the wall, narrowly escaped death. Nielsen was instantly killed. Much loss to sheepmen who graze their stock on the Wasatch reserve In American Fork canyon has accrued this spring and summer through the killing of sheep and lambs by bears. Three of the marauders have recently been killed. According to State Engineer Caleb Tanner, the state will be asked to appropriate (45,000 to finish the proposed automobile road to the Grand canyon. When the road Is complete, there will be a direct route for autos from Salt Lake to the Grand canyon. The commissioners have fixed the tax levy for Cache county at eight' mills. With the state tax levy at f seven and mills, county elgnt mills, schools nine and mills, and city fifteen mills, the levy In Logan amount to forty and one fourth mills. Elaborate exercises were held at Opliir on August 1. to celebrate the opening of the St. John & Opliir railroad, extending nine miles from St. John station on the Salt Lake route Mr. Wenderoth Is ths new supervisto Ophlr. More than SOU strangers architect of the treasury dapsrt ing were present to join In the general mint, succeeding James Knox Taylor, representing the one-hal- 1912-191- 3. one-hal- three-fourth- s Jollification. President Anthon II. Lund of the Mormon church has wired Apostle Anthony W. Ivins at El Paso, telling him to do everything In his power to help the Mormon refugees from Mexico atid staling that the church will stand be hind him in everything he may do. Two masked men held up the Vincent bar at Midvale Monday night. The robbers secured (88 from the rash register, (106 from the pocket and a diamond stud from the shirt front of Willis Vincent, proprietor, besides some money from patrons of the place. Vice-Preside- ly Traveling Man Shoots to Kill and Then Turns Gun on Himself. Tscoms. Clyde A. White, aged (7, traveling salesman for n Tacoma grocery house, was shot and killed early Sunday on one of the busiest corners of Tacoma by E. J. Templeton of Washucna, Wash., a former traveling salesman for a Spokane grorery house. Templeton then sent three bullets through his own breast and fell dead beside hip vletlm. The murder and suicide, according to the police, was the result of an estrangement between Templeton and bis wife, whose photograph was found In the pockets of each of the men. who roalgned. acclaim he was escorted to a place on the stage, decorated with a gold badge and banded the convention gavel. Senator Beveridge then delivered his E keynote speech. He spoke for more than an hour and a half, expressing some of the advanced Ideas of government adopted by the new party sad SENATOR BEVERIDGE PRESIDES paving the way for the even more progressive proposals to be made later AS TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN AND to the convention by Colonel RooseDELIVERS KEYNOTE SPEECH. velt. The temporary chairman was given the closet attention throughout. Once he mention President Taft, In Governor Johnson of California Virtu- connection with his approval of the Payne tariff law, and Instantly there ally Agreed Upon as the came a storm of Jeers and groans Nominee to Make the Race from the crowd. With Colonel Roosevctz. The standing committees were appointed In the usual way and then before the first day's proceedings were Chicago. The firat cession of the to n close James ft. Garfield drat national convention of the new brought Progreeiive party, of which Colonel Theodore Roosevelt Is sponsor, was held In the Coliseum on Monday, and while the setting was attended by all the usual ceremony and paraphernalia of a national political gathering, the actual proceedings were suggestive of a love feast Not a dissenting voice was raised during the session. The question of negro representation from the south had caused friction earlier in the day in the national committee, but there was no echo of this fight on the floor of the convention. The delegates were st times explosive In their enthusiasm. Many state delegations came Into the hall singing and shouting In their delight at the birth of the new party, and three hours later left the building In the same happy frame of mind. Although green hands were supH. W. JOHNSON posed to he at the helm, the machinGovernor of California ery of the convention worked smoothly and efficiently. There was no roll of Ohio moved the appointment of s committee of fifteen to Invite Colonel Roosevelt to appear before the convention Tuesday at noon. The motion was carried with a whoop and, with due ceremony, the colonel formally accepted. Governor Illram W. Johnson of California seemed agreed upon Monnomday night as the inee of the National Progressive party to make the first fight of the new political organization with Colonel Theodore Roosevelt. Colonel Roosevelt said, before he left Oyster Baythat he favored the selection of a southern Democrat as candidate. The field was canvassed carefully and it Is understood that the colonels suggestion was abandoned only when it became evident that It was impossible to decide upon an available man. AMERICANS DRIVEN FROM MEXEl Paso, Tezas. About fifty shots ICO BY BANDITS TO BE SENT were exchanged between United States Tf THEIR FORMER HOMES. soldiers and unidentified men from the Mexican side, striking a house belonging to C. H. Cole. After the first three or four shots were heard, the Senate Appropriates One Hundred soldiers cm guard on the American Thousand Dollars to Provide side opened fire toward Mexico. House is and Transportation The bullets then came faster from to Action. Expected Ratify houses near the Mex&anlslde. Several the river were hit by bullets, as was the roof of one of the El Paso foundry Washington. A resolution offered After the persons on the buildings. Mexican side of the river had fired by Senator Bailey appropriating (100,-00-0 to provide transportation for thirty or forty shots they ceased. American refugees now at El Paso, ENTIRE FAMILY DROWNED. Texas, to the homes of relatives and friends passed the senate Friday afMother and Three Children Meet Death ternoon without opposition. as Result of Cloudburst enator Smoot has been working i Ihe plan for two or thFee days, Baker City, Ore. Mrs. John Powell and her three young children were with a view to securing an appropridrowned Saturday in a freshet on ation sufficient to put It Into execuBragg creek, when their home was tion. Congressman Howell, together with swept before vast quaantltles of debris which was carried down the stream congressmen from Texas and New to a boom dam on Burnt river. Held Mexico, will make an effort to push by the dam, the waters backed up over the resolution through the house so a large territory. The bodies of Mrs. that the money may be immediately Powell and her three children are be- available. It Is not thought there will be any decided opposition to the reslieved to be in the debris. The freshet was caused by a cloud- olution In the house. Senator Bailey declared the refuburst which did much damage to were In dire need, and In most gees of In the Huntington. crops region esses, were unable to proceed to beRain fell constantly for forty-si- x yond El Paso. Transportation would hours. be provided under the resolution only for those who are receiving some aid Archbald Trial Postponed. Washington. The trial of Judge in shelter" from the government at Robert W. Archbald of the United El Paso. States commerce court on ImpeachFUGITIVES ARE DESTITUTE. ment proceedings brought by the house of representatives on Saturday was Their Lot One of Suffering and Sorset by the senate to open Tuesday, of the row, But They Were Glad to Escape. December 3, the second day Hachlta, N. M. The condition of next regular session of congress. The postponement of the case came after Mormon colonists who have arrived a long fight by a number of senators here from Colonla Diaz and Gonolla to have an immediate trial, as desired Dublan continues to be one of suffering and sorrow. They are desperately by the house. iu need of clothing, bedding and other Turks May Hold Election. essentials of bodily comfort. There is The cabinet and a scarcity of food and water. The Constantinople. senate held a prolonged secret joint refugees are discouraged and heartr meeting Sunday and voted for the dis- Bick, but are glad to escape with their solution of the chamber of deputies on lives, considering . the physical and the ground that the present extraor- mental suffering they have undergone. On the morning of July 28 an ultimadinary session of the chamber, being a continuation of the previous session tum came to the colonists from Genand having completed Its terms, now eral Salazar giving them until the lapses. It Is expected that an trade evening of the day to get across the ordering dissolution and new elections frontier or suffer a massacre. The within three months will he Issued. news came with the suddenness of lightning in a clear sky, but the mesNewspaper Correspondent Arrested, sage was too sinister to be disreLisbon. bliss Alice Oram, corres- garded. pondent of a Lodon dally paper, was Law and Order Campaign. arrested Saturday after a domiciliary Bearch of her residence bad been auNew York. The revelations of the thorized by the military authorities, Rosenthal murder CRse, pointing to who seized a number of documents. the existence of a system of police ,The British minister to Portugal has blackmail levied upon illegal resorts, taken up the defense of his country- prompted a number of leading citizens woman. the charge again whom has to issue a call Sunday for a pu'uilc mass not been made public. meeting at Cooper Union to adopt to make effective tbe public plans Alien Reported In Washington. demand for the observance of law and Wash Information that order in this city." Beattie, Sidna Allen and Wesley Edwards, the Miss 8nodgrass was Drowned. Virginia outlaws, were believed to be In hiding In the vicinity of Seattle Catsklll, N. Y. The report of the caused the federal and county author phyisicians who performed an autopsy tties to conduct a thorough search on the body of Miss Dorcas I. Snodof the surrounding country for the grass of Mount Vernon gives the cause men, but neither was found. Fighting in Nicaragua. La Liberia, Salvador. Armed conflict is reported In Nicaragua between President Dias and the revolutionists headed by General Mena, former minister of war. The United States war ship Annapolis has arrived. Nlcarla Proclaims Her Independence. Athens. The Turkish Island of Nlc-ari- a (also known as Icarla), In the Aegean sen, has proclaimed Its Independence of the Turkish government. The inhabitants seized and Imprisoned all the Turkish officials. Nina Boy Scouts Drowned. London. Nine Boy Scouts were drowned Sunday by the capsizing of a cutter off Sheppey Island. A large party of Boy Scouts was proceeding at the time to their summer camp on the (aland. Colonists Reach Arizona. of Globe, Ariz. Tbe distribution Mormon refugees from Mexico among Mormon Colonies In Arizona began Saturday with the arrival here of three carloads of men. women and children who fled from the state of Sonora. Army Bill Remodeled. practical all Washington. With features upon which President Taft based his veto eliminated, the army appropriation bill was again reported to the senate on Friday by the military affairs committee, carrying approximately (94,000,000. Wilson Will Not Resign. Seagirt, N. J. Format announcement was made Friday by Governor Wilson that he would not rositn the governorship of New J r his campaign for the ) 1 ALBERT J. BEVERIDGE. United States Senator from Indiana. call of delegates, but the delegate section of the floor, srrangec m the same manner as at the Republican national convention a few weeks ago and accommodating nearly 1,100 people, was .entirely filled. The alternate eectlon also had Us full quota. Work of the national committee on contested delegate cases caused a deof an lay of nearly three-quartehour In the assembling of the convention. During the wait the delegates amused themselves with songs and yells composed for the occasion, while a hand near the flag draped steel rafters and a Grand Army fife and drum corps on the stage vied with each other in playing patriotic airs. There was a great cheer as Senator Dixon, national chairman of the party, rapped for order. This was repeated later when the call for the convention was read, and there was even greater enthusiasm when former Senator Beveridge of Indiana was presented as the choice of the national committee for temporary chairman. The formality of electing Senator Beveridge was not necessary and amid renewed Roosevelt In Chicago. Chicago. Colonel Roosevelt arrived s.t 8:30 Monday morning. The crowd cheered as tiu colonel stepped from the train. He was received by a delegation of Progressives headed by George W. Perkins and Governor Hiram W. Johnson of California. The crowd massed in front of the station, waved bandana handkerchiefs as the party entered automobiles, and a chorus of cheers was merged in the blare of a brass band when the trip across the city was begun. Tbe streets along the route were thronged and as the colonel swept past cheer after cheer was raised. Woman Captures Desperaoo. Colo. After successfully Craig, eluding heavily armed poises from three counties for a week, William Sarteile, said to be the leader of a desperate gang of outlaws from the Hole In the Wall county, Wyoming, and who escaped from the Jail here with two companions was made a prisoner by a woman. Mns. Annie Docker, wife of a Snake river rancher, covered" the outlaw with a revolver while he was eating a meal which she had prepared for him at the point of a gun. The plucky woman disarmed the bandit and then hog-tied-" 'him. Two Germans Murdersd. Ariz. That John Hcrtltng Douglas. and Guido Shubert, who were killed near Mome Vista, Mcx., recently, were murdered In a most manner, was the gist of the report made here Monday by Robert Hilburn. sent from this city by German friends of the men to mske a report on the affairs to the German government, of which they were said to have been subjects. cold-bloode- Peace Advocate Homeward Bound. San Francisco. On the last leg or his journey around the world In the campaign for international peace, begun on November 2, 1911, Dr. Charles W. Kiiot. president emeritus of Harvard university, arrived Monday on Ihe steamer China from Honolulu. JUDGE BEN B. LINDSEY. Spanish Rifleman Wins. Bayonne. France.-T- he championship of the world with a military rids has been won by Captain Castro of Spain, who scored 506 points In tbe international tournament now in progress here. Former Mayer Fined. Denver. Former Mayor Robert W. Speer, publisher of n IXrnvcr newspaper, has been fined (1 non and sentenced to five days in tbe county jail by District Judge. Hubert 1,. Shattuck lor constructive contempt of court. Bluejackets in Nicaragua. blueWashington. One hundred jackets and marines from the United States gunboat Annapol's are now quartered tin Managua, the Nicaraguan rapltal. They were lauded si Corlnto on Monday. Missionary Bears Many scars. San Fnmcfsro. Bearing sixty knife wounds indicted by Chinese pirates In the province of SzeX'hucn, A. W. Sheldon of Berkeley, Cal., n mis ion-ar- y teacher, relumed Monday on Hie learner Chin:. Split in Ranks of Negroes. Chicago. Member of an organization styling itself the national progressive party of colored men" split at s meeting called to consider the advisability of withdrawing froii tbs new progressive party. |