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Show THE G RANTS VILLE OBSERVER. GRANTS VILLE, UTAH. s munSJ : STYLEPLUS CLOTHES POINT FOR HOME BUILDERS ha Which That la ha eoaalty, and Which It Ic Baey Watt" for I ta EiiminaU. v '0 V Well Dressed Men Choose Their Hats Here They come here because they know that no matter what Hat they pick it will be correct in style and worth the money in every way. VALUES SPECIALLY PRICED $.1.50 $2.98, $2.75, $2.49. OCRS NOW CHOOSE 11.98, TOOELE MERC. CO. ! THE MENS STORE MHkiHtIHbHkAAAA;ftIEaAAAfcAAf RANGES ( l l I Ton have observed hume nearirg and acted uuuaed lumber Ungib stud Julai Souring, brick abort enda clrew a belter cheiier" around the house aud lot. Three loft over" usually provide the homo owner with kindling wood for several yeurc to conic. At $JO par thoueaud feet thia nu.be mighty expensive fuel. Sometime tLla waat amount to aa much aa the tlrrt your1 Intend oo the home bulkllng Inveelmeut. la nearly all casus thla waete la snJuatitWd. If the home la yours, you pay for U. Another important euurco of waste ua of elaborate la the uniieoi-MMrfinish end expensive equipment la Tun can select n type am till homo wholly out of eompurieun, ae far aa expense la concerned, with the cost of the home. Ion can build nn travayvut, complicated roof, yon can overload your home with nnoeceanary meaningless detail, euch as monstrous bracket wide, projecting eaves, heavy cornice and frilly" thing which have the cipearunce of being filler or cinch on" in an attempt to secure architectural effect Much of thU has little or no architectural merit, renders no service, detracts from tha beauty of tho homo, had certainly piles np the total coats Details of to unjustified amount Oils character and special equipment frequently require special halves and extra null work. Extras" are things which many heme builders can do without and la no way tuterfera with tha beauty, service or comfort of the home. It is worth while to remember these thing and see that your home plans are designed to eliminate a eel completion .3 All Bite or Gray Enameled I 2 MAKE USE OF ood dollies -- every way I Examine Styleplus ClotKcg for style Notice how well the fashionable fabrics are tailored, how new and striking the young men's models are, how substantial and correct the suits designed for more conservative tastes. Styleplus Clothes measure up to the high standards required by men who know good clothes. Quality, style and price are always right. Come in and let us show them to you SHRUBBERY aU-wo- ol Back Yard May Be Made a Thing ef Beauty by the Judioieue Uae ef Tree and Vine FREE Step Into your bach yard and luuh In six dlrw Hone north, tael, south, west, up and down. You are fortuuately situated If there la In more than one of these directions view that cannot be Improved. Tle view np Is likely to be charming, and tho view down, If you have good lawn, will be. But In the other tour direction It la likely there are picture which yon would not rare to have framed an the wails of your living room. Where this Is the cue the elimination of three views In the first object of garden pi tinning, The boundaries ef tb private area must be determined. Allow fur a vegetable garden, either within this are or adjoining it. In a locattuu which enjoys the maximum of sun ixwulble, The service inn for domestic uaea most also be set aside unless the premises are too limited fur that And when this Is done, plantings to screen tha private area from the outside world, or such of tt as may be undesirable to tha view, may be planned. Usually ah rubbery with a few trees for arrants and shade will funilah the moat pleasing boundary planting. But where space la much routined lattice or board fence t bn covered with vlrice or even left uncovered, may he used to advantage. Use the fence If shrubbery threatens to encroach upon the flower borders or central lawn; for the chief Interest of the garden will not he found la the trass and nhrahe; It will be In the flower and to S'llvl Bee whl'-- may be enjoyed on the lawn WITH EACH RANGE SOLD IN JUNE SILVER MOON COOKING ALUMINUM COMBINATION. Dutch Double boiler, Oven, Roaater, Steamer, Casserole, Etc. Etc.. Etc. What will do more to lighten the work in the kitchen than AN EFFICIENT NEW RANGE Even a good cook cannot produce wholesome food and MEALS ON TIME with an old worn out range NOTE acme improvements in these new Modern ranges ENAMELED Body completely covered with 111 ue or Gray enamel, fused to the metal, will lust a lifetime, as easy to clean as a dish, not a bit of blacking necessary. Splasher bark and warming oven also enameled TOPS Ground and polished as smooth as glass CONCEALED FITES gives more space on top the range and makes it easier to clean and much more handsome than the old style. W'ARMING OVEN, much more roomy than old style, the new drop doors are a big improvement over old roll doors. N1CKLE WORK ranges are attractively trimmed with highest grade nickle plate of which any housewife can lie proud. These rangee are equipped with or without water jackets. The firebox is built to insure the greatest economy in fuel. The material and workmanship is guaranteed by the manufacturers and Ly this store. 6 months to pay THE TRICE $120.00, Installments, -- M $108.00 Similar ranges with Planished steel bodies $77 to $99 DELUX MALLEABLE STEEL RANGES $135.00 TATE-HICK- S f 1 SPECIALLY PRICED $19.75. $17.75, irtyrtr i: r.r Earl M. IN TIIH THIRD JUDICIAL DIS- IS TRICT COIHT OF THE STATE OF is UTAH, IN AMI lOK lOOl.LE i x COUNTY. M. M Mil 111 K the matte) of of the CHARLES I RAN' Kl. IN COOI.F.V, sometimes known ns FRANK (OOI,-KIn Y , W Fnneral Has) now at four arc prepared take Reepocsihl far ell drti1 Dealer ia rttora tt ht lf With M. it :ifx ! x You u i x Uf. Tlir K4 ; isi x price v.e you may be sure that the quaity of the work will I the bot il is po?ible to iircluce in von rwr-iv- X xf ir. it ie x Fkiewt and Miwra'pii I'toh rrr vx'r:rrl ahatevrr Jut i. b'lHirifps ti lalk il over The Observer sec what we can do before you Job Department Service & Satisfaction o elsewhere. WswaMMMnsmawww yrmr MnrtiriiN re not ennveiiier.f for you to call at the office IT.nr.e 59 anH we will be gUd to cone to your place of Printing porwus builffirg pmblecuL It has been tb experience of tho building . out of association that In nine ten the variant association oScers wlS be familiar with the locality or even Hat Stax tho wrest on which to prospect! T:i t.Rt s'r.nil of Mark eretnol--- ' cor. emj lts poking tip home bund bis hon.e. Ti l knowledge cor:.a from wood painted In gty ftwe'a wnrj.' " cp ary c.'et. bevlr.g made ir.arj loans la various brlgt1?-se'dltn s:.d tMe makes the ofll-eThought fer to Day. eou:pert to edvlwe ahsrbsr esets'n CUrcun.rann-- a do nid mare C ni''.. fcd. types of houses would be rovcr.l tlm. fljr-u- printin'- oRire. 'Bt If it j; prinlir.jt with you. An, I HENinncedof Advice Alwaye et Mend Building end loan usodatlons everywhere era always glad to talk over any you we.nt ua lit n ifi p i5 ' line im-x- I Ht.mt it ' r Mt ire Tins-i- 13 - FUNERAL DIRECTORS & LICENSED EMISALMERS te i I'1.-.- CHRISTENSEN & LINDAHL Oar new Let Us Figure M t A The pctiiiun of Kuii'l Knowltoii tocilcy, praying for lh- - i.ppomiinout of th of her self as ailnmnaimi stale of Charles Franklin Cooli-vSometimes known a- - Frank I no'i y, Removal ef Book The Federal Fuel Administration deceased, bar luvn set for heuring f the !:.h tiny of July A. I). ', board suggeo'l tho following plan ft ranio'al of soot: The lira Is put Into nt ton oclock A. M., of the l nunlj goud condition with n substantial body (Viurt Mouse, in lh- fi.iu rowri of fuaL Con: Sion Balt thoroughly of ;.id Court, in ToothToocw drlsd la then thrown or sprinkled onto County, I, i ah. tho inns ndoeoent fool bod In a quantity WITNESS ihc I'n-rof 'iinl (' u', dfwndlsg entirely on too slaa of tho with th' s til rht f d afti.ml, furnace. In cate of a house-heatin-g i lay of Junr, A. I). In one a at tlm furnace ample. pound FRED 111: A N In toe case ef a larger power plant Clerk. boiler, four or fiv ecoopfui may be II. A. Kmith and Son, alLoi-otyrequired. TT.o dampen are kept opes eo ae to maintain the furnace tempera- for IVttLiunct. ture, and toe salt Is si J wed to remain IDato first publicai ini, Jonr, K, ) nrtfl too fumeo ban entirely dlsap peered. Imiiiediatey np'fl charging with ealt, Means gtg"t.!on. tho furneco become filled with dense Be always Cn.lens--'l et wlist toee white fumes which may require as m sttsio to what much as half an hour to entirely dieap-pear- . art. If tboe 1 for rt where thou hast thou not; resume era not secured on the If there Thau tM pleaw-thyself, aheuM bo Brat It repeated application vri St Aurnt'iw. ce nicr.y time ae necessary. On' the heating surface Is thoroughly cleaned a email application every few day la tnraally roClHent to keep a It ML N. G. Lindahl Christensen $30.00 $27.00, $22.50, iTOOELE MERCANTILE CO. j Tooele Furniture Co. very way WIDE RANGE TO SELECT FROM A lin-2n- FOR CASH StyleIlusgood clothes re te ftj !w Jhs "fa tr. ! Kiiu i 'u Jw i |