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Show THE GRANTSVILLE OBSERVER. GRANTS VILLE, UTAH mis! ' Jill: Hi:sT fI IK kii;miiihi) tl'H'k 'I cl. siii. .mi ant HOOK (he library wln-r- ymi bch-ug- . UiNir. You are full of wIm I'lil mi old tia on ever link, iism Mveawbid.y Theodore Robert M t Al leiMM Jt : on the iuiliipi. at tlnu mu) tin lutie tlii'M' U.iia, Every on knowa them. i" Cut frtiu tli run lemu-- a red bonk, u Ii.Ciimi, mill win. lived hi a lou aiviu to forgot tlmt peple vlnh mil f iii.it. Jut U ! r.u i. ii tiu liriiml shelf below, to I auniM'd," it mill, and when ' h- - III- Million'll. tiny oil'll my cover they beglu to 'Ill' Mil. llilklllg. It WU till luugb. I am full of fuuay Buying au.1 - Jokva, no li.il.il' liuur. liu i Lulls liny hud you ail cun atop your quur-fo- r i: Ini'll ll.f III mil' Vim tiH'k d- I am tlio tu out popular bonk t'lnii.iii' if II. He looUvil about III here. Little Hoy atoud listening. Ho was riniiii - Hu line Uun III liiitit. 11 DIUnI I liiii afraid the hooks would all tumble out, .ii ii iiiiMiiiki'n. lint lin, there ll wuii flKiilii! I till they were an excited, when out from iu I mi. tin- lioMt lunik In read." hM a bonk Juiiind a llttft girl aud, bown iiilif. Mill mi liHikril lit ihebiNka ing to all tlut book. abe Mild, 1 aiu III tlii rim tlmt rvinlii-- J around tin aibanied of you I The Idea of M'li-r atMiut which la tha moat nf tin- - room, Yea, It wua tin I" honk. They were quarreling 1 liui much I.iiiiiImhhit binding "I'ont you know that there are all tlmn .mu I aiu quite new. m id cmir.iv rta of iieuple la the world and that 1 lllilll ll III IIIIINt pnpulur." they all like different books? If they "Yml run never l tli wiTth of didn't, there would be only one book liiMik t liinillinj. mill tin old hook end tlivn where would yiu be, for you muat know thut yrowuuis and children all love to reud about me." "It U A Ice," wild the clock lu a eoft vob'e to Little Ihiy, Little Hoy hnd never Iwd a rlsy-niuthe begun to ainlle. "Alice, he wild, "do come atid lr.y with me. rer-Imwe cun catch the butterfly." Alice turned around, ('ll, I can't ahe replied. Don't you know who I anil 1 have to he In tha atory or there wouldn't he any. 1 am 'Alice Id Wonderland.' Ild you never bear the V - pop-ula- ti-l- e; The veteran character actor. Thee-dar- e Roberta ef "movie" fame, wir bern In $an Frenciece mere than fifty years age. Ha begaa hia atage career aa aean aa ha finished tha achoeU lag. Ha waa appearing in Breadwey production when he waa Induced M enter the motion picture, and ha haq, cema to be known at "tha grand eld Mr. Roberta la man ef the mevioa. am feet ana Inch tall, we:gha 848 pound. Hia hair, originally aandy, new la anew white. His eyes are blue. p f atory "No; tell It to me, wild Little Hoy. "1 will have to go buck Into the book," aalil Alice, but if every one will lie quiet I will tell the atory. And all the booke In the big rime. '"I leiitlier.ioered honk. "You are Not a word of truth la you. liiilt hrilT. "I lmve flirt, reel irue thlnga from winch pen ii run gain knowledge when they rend. I eiu the nmat popular , book I am mire you will all fic- tion agree." toiixl.'ieH. li' iir It talk," said a shrill voice ami a lint her hook leaned out fur It tiimlibd on the fliair. I III, lui,1 liiiiybed the other hook, LINE A CHEER O thnurh yeur place In Ilf small Ion t 1st your rliM-- forsska E'EN I you. Uod thought It worth while all after To make you; And sui'-- non can deny yeu're c I ln-r- s There must be f te oni'-tl.lii- you. And son. good puri.oa. It la rleiT. I vVrk'ne through you. OoU tt oos ht It worth wliiia. after J J due to so many Flnglish glrln being horn in the Itallua city of that namw. Deeper and dearer honor hu bera given to It by Florence Nightingale. Huny flrtitlonal herolnea have borne the name and Ita derivative. Itlunrlov-fleur- , meaning white flowir, le one of Its forms, end was heat owed on tilr T- -j Stan's mother. Veralmi, partlrulnrlj- romantic, are found with Ariosto's two heroines, Flordesplna (thorn flower) and FlurdllisI (lleur de Ilorenee or Horn, uoed by the Irish peaaniitry, heroine Klnghan or Flncon. Flonrle and Flossie and perbain rren Lora, are purely Amerlrau dtuiluiM riAMCENCK LOUr.M E, signifying flourishing, an scarcely he separated from It quulnt diminutive Flora, tneunlng flower. Flora In mythological legend was tlie godileM of the flowers, end the festival of Flora or Floralla were celebrated In the tint I burnt of prlng. In later tluiea, the mime of Flrue wn formed from tlmt of the goddiwa, and I nieiuoruble aa that of the procurator wlmae lrnral neaa drove the Jews to their lot rebellion. It la believed that the feminine Flora cuiue from tliia. There la a rliuivb at Florence of Snlnla Flore and Lurllla, hut other wlae the drat Instance of the name la In Ibimaii-tbithlHpnln. where the daughter of Fount Julian waa iHlIod by the Bpnnlah diminutive Florinda, and thus reused the name to Id so much (let rated that, while fiin-Isballads rail hrr La Cava the wicked, her Christian name waa only bestowed on dog. A Spanish maiden martyred by the Yliairs brought Flora Into better repute. It became Flore la France, where It waa adopted aa a romantic epithet, and from there It found Its way to Protland. la the Oaellc, It la IMlled Florif, aa the Island heroine of the 4.1 wrote herself. Florentla wui I natural prxluet, find named a feminine saint martyred ' Idocletlun reign In flnul. The prevalence of the nnme Florence, In Kngland. urnna to have laen l). tlveS. c The rarnellun ia Florence's gem. Ita warm, bright color le said to dispel timidity and give courIf likeage, vitality and animation. wise brings good lark to the bearer of the name. To dream at It, hw ever, etgnlfles Intiiending mlefortnnA Flormre'e lurky day la Raturdny, and 1 la considered her lucky number, talle-manl- h CHEER UP i j if ' Vr aicClurs Ksespsper nysiliral ) i 2Z in D- C D - r- 2 Right Time nsss-rrvsn- t. TllLLi: 1s a certain fMe of person alwa), thut lirusquw evin rudenes, to the servant of liix friends shows fui.itlinrl'y with the us lioi-- thut wus of tlie world. these p'lwinii are tlm who have had Iprle hmice to get alsut. little chance to iningl with tlm-- p who know how lh;ng sli 'iiid Is done that they are hnd servants of who have n tln- -e tU:r own. and have hi.d few- friends itf tilCir W'i'O lUlfee-eeH"nieV.l;ei, Utlfort UflHte-jy- , iKXIdesst'il.. we im-e-t women who have always been ured to servant who yet have iis, It e r - fV rloa ar'i'iide the tbir friend. We alwa) that tiny K"slp with their an overt-eeervants ri51 own servant. arid one of ostentation friividiliies, tlmt the man or woman assumes to Ida friends' servant. And It la really oniy the outward manifestation of a kind.)' consideration to others, whatever their rank or wa!k In life. To begin with, always greet your friends' servants. If yon have visited the house often enough to know them. A simple word of greeting is aulficleiit. That la. If you are a wek-en- d guest In a- - house, and the maid brines a letter to your door before breakfast, aey And always "flood uiorntr.g. Jsne. thank them, almj ly. for service rendered. If yon call frequently at a house, and the same servant always answers the floor, remember simple word of greeting then. Never ask favor at your friend' servant, either when yon are visiting tn their homes or when yon might be able to make a convenience of them at other time. It. tit SfCart ( Srs't's ) well-bn-- d own bust- - man mind hi fVff O Durras of overlienrlng liNuglitlness SERVANTS I.t . al the i- -' !, (i by W'bMlrr oOrsdlMiw las ) Ceuld Not Digest the Wire! The mritent taken from the atomecB of a large F,aet African rmrodlle r rently allot In Tanganyikan territory Include aotne curious end gruesome retire. Apart from antelm bnofe, t'r-tols-e alielle and porcupine quills there were a large numts-- r of metal bangles such as are worn as bracelef end enklera by native women, beads end a long strand of wire. The strand of wire solved tlie mystery of the dfaap-ZT5 P"orat,p r,f native hoy. Tlie lad was In the habit of gathering wood along .g river hcr.k and tying up Ida faggora ji the with a hit of wire. The wire cord fotinfl In the crocodile1 atomach was only too 3j( MAETJ sure an Indication of tlie fate of the ;J unfortunate hoy. UAESHALL 'TTT'he Right Thing tD Nsw Us far Stamps, Auntie whs writing letters while Maurice was busy with four year-olhi street car. Lresei.t.y auntie was called to the telephone, leaving writmi the table. I(turn-Iriing material she found postage stan'pa nds-ti.g-. YTstiri'-had been told that to ready stamp on a letter It put to go. In her search for the stamps aunte tn whl-- h remarked: "th. Maurice ssld: "Why, what'a the mst-terOn heli g told of the missing Stai r'S, he said : "VTy, I sa-- them on my street car, o It would 'go,'" and there they were plain to be seen, d g. O S p!'-lit;oi- ppr-nr'- 1 Ml h'-r- i. Kenneth II. YlcUae, a past of (u first Americun Legion pid tv he oigumsd la the Vi.ited la btatea, luys claim that the an organisation for oervlce. From his activities in the Veterans' ssjax-tuthi(Cu py for Tliia iNtnarunimt Buppliod hr he has iliiiiiu-- many benefits, hut he ilia Americas U(iii News Axrvus.) hclicies the utmost In service was wln'n axMK'iatiiiii with legion f.a:io is used by legion affaire provided him with a w ife I Xlctlae, who was active la the dm e teideapread Membership ef Veterans lugs of Washington )MMt In V Organisation Reached by Naushlugtou. 1. C, wus thrown Ints tional and itata Official. frequent asMH'lution with the cone uiiiiidi-n- i of the other posts la the city, The v Oil's of the Aiuericwu Legion lie met hi ism Lola ilay Leach, a past to being hoard over tli radio by memcommander of tha I', h. 8. Jacob Jonss xwt. composed entirely of "jeoman-ettes,- " bers of the urganlaatlon throughout r the ci'Uiitry. Aliuoot dally some or, as they were known duror Iaigion leader talks tv the white ing tlie war, Yemueo (F). htisa IWcb spread meiuliersUp of the Veterans' hud successful ly guided the affairs of asaiM'larion using the wireless tle-phou-e her sist for a year and had left an active duty elation In the naval rea the lucana of diMtemlnation. serve force at the close of Iwr term This la made imaslMo by tha Installation of hundreds of receiving sets In of Isglon leadership. Soon romance between the two the biuiiee of ha-u- l Iagion ioeta througluait the country. In practically every Niat may he found Milne vase nice man who worked with the wireless telephone through the days of the war. or who bus become an ardent fun 0'iica the of regular programs brioleiiiMig came Into vogue, otttrers of the Legion recognise thin fact and are taktouch afing advantage of the forded them by meuna of the latest "miracle. One of the flint Instance of this ue by officers was the hroadculng of National ('iiiiiiiiMndor Alvin Owsleys keynote speech" from Lincoln, Nei. This was heard by Lcgtommlre all over the country, amue as far away as the Atlantic coast. State department commander In many Imdanres are beginning to make nae of this nietlmd to reach I heir iiietn-hermany urging the inat.illution of receiving Bets for this purMine. In the future further use of the radio Is planned. The Itecoratlmi day address of ('ouiuinnthf Owsley In Nan Francisco is to he sent out by a Kenneth H. McRae. powerful elation s that Lcglonnalrca Isklon memla rti budded, and w Ithln a In tha West may hear the rniiimander few nmnths legionnaire in the capiat this time. At Kansas City, Mn when a new home was dcdl- - tal were Invited to attend a wedding rated, Coiiimamler Owsleys talk was ceremony which unlisd the two. flu- - atates, heard hy legionnaire Mrs. Mcltae enmtfcd In tlie Lulled who wets asked to stsFd hy at spe-c.(dates Naval Iteserve force on April 8, and served In the navy departluei'tliigs to hear the Legion leader. lit1 Follower of radio, who are active ment until Fehrunry 13 of this year. In the preillct that within a Mi Use served with Nebraska tmo In short time all official utterances of Franre and has been very active In iinthaiiil officers of the affulrs. lie Is now hlslorlan of men's organization will he rela"d hy Ids post. r radio to the tfuve than i mil! leu throughout the Lulled Ktntes. And of the MUST PROTECT OUR CITIZENS power of many of the broadcasting stations, Legionnaires In other climes National Adjutant ef American Lsgion Docleroo Foreign Labor Should may soon he listening In on whrit Not Bo G'von Proforonco. their comrade at home In the atutee ore doing. Fuhetltiition of foreign for American HASTEN HANDLING OF CLAIMS lahor was declii rad coni rr.ry to the Ilollea. liitereel of America hy national adjutant of the American Decentralization f Lsgion Bervics In a recent letter to the comWork Will Bo Carriod Out on mander of the liglon poet at MedJos parks' Flan. ford, Ore., which recently protested the dlncharge of Amerlcnns I ecent rail ration of service work against and the employment at Japnnene nndertftken by the American laborers on large fruit orchard near will fie carried out by the use of a the town. plan put Into effect by Joe fl parks, We must he ever alert tn protect chairman of the committee of of American rl"en the Legion. Tl.ls plan, Mr. Sparks be- the Interest lieve. will expedite the handling of e gainst the encroachment of those claims referred to the Legion, and will from foreign lend who have In mind, draw quirk action on the part of tha in corning here, nothing but the enrichment of themaelvee at the expense veterans' bureau. our people and of nur resources, of new claims tlie Under system, all Our people must the letter stated. coming to the attention of the nationhe made secure In the American standal service division will be forwarded ard of living and tn the enjoyment of direct tn the Legion department service office In the state In which the H'tlafactory worLIng condition. This In impoNNllile unless the Influx of all claim originate. from all land le checked. aliens offices Contact with tlie utidlatrlct of the United Ftates veterans' bnreau Vigorous and united action I necesalii he mninralned hy these officers sary as a measure of prevention, and the offiiee which have Jurisdicto the legion national adjution over the Slalms presented will tie tant. first In the education of all our regularly vielted. Any inattention nr people o rlmt they nmy present tai-of hy veterane' bo- unl'ed front ny,iint the efforts being rer u heads will lie reported to tlie made to promote further foreign ImlUtlonal service division. migration ; eecond. In the enforcement If for ar.y reason a claim I imt netthoe designed of all lews, purib-nlurltled aaMsfartorJiy hy the eubd'strict to rt gulute the numtier of Immigrant office, the depertment heed will refer reaching ur shores arnaaly. or to tie ta the llulaon representative of the tally exclude them, and third, the en American legion nt the district office setrnent of nh additional legiulnflon of the veterans' bureau. Flic In the may tie neceaxary to preserve Amerniftjoriry of the cnoes are In the office ica for those wlm are capable of apof the district In which the veterea preciating end hecntn'.ng worthy citilive. zens of the Republic." p 0 ul la-glo- n three-quarte- her-aus- e al Investigate Alleged Crimes. Working on the theory that ninny men who are arruand of crime have ben led Into wrotirdolnc white luhoring utier mental dtihll-Itl- e censed hy war service, the American Legion In Colorado haa a'artefl an liiveatlgatlon Info the case reflect4 criminal ed In the new spill" w.iira. Wlien it i fonnfl that the veteran Invoiced is mentally lnra . luted the service officer f the legion will rejmrt tlie ree to the United Prate Verertt. bureau acting will be taken Thought for the Day. It I an overworked fM:h tint pu's a rb kri in the collection piste on L'gH From Witklo, lie that has i'ght w'Mn 1.: mrg hresr may sit in the ren'er sod enjoy hr ght day. M.ifon. Tb I.ote r-- IMCiarw nraSiiMial pacta s crown of gold Fuiiday nrd as Interest. a qet coin-niuiui- i wl-er- mxtk serv'ow. In the big epic, nt of f- - !: un ant rex-'of n too It : t n.f.l s rt on their o r!! j.p.yer' per. L' tin r relnilou a Alcohol of A cores, l They have eie-- ul'y to the prewrit time no industrial a ume to liri-d- , !; lp gpi-.-7 Aefief-'i'b- ! inantier. J ;f a May wlh US ha been Hid 'e of acorns hut reshow thrt alcohol ef, t experimet to !.re 'elr efiipl': er a .:.:. a She1 led Tlmt I pari f t!ie can !! tna'le frrn Thera. v t s- - .m r cent , of t"-per riie i exp-'T! y e ;. rs' friet ds. i.T.t f..M iri'dr s:ir'h, w?:'h ti be rn.-d- ' y wt "r.e fed ail t.w c.nver'd it. to alc.hoL (CogrriSbl. i n tua:. nor, I. .it e AMERICAN Is-gh- c By John Kendrick Range. i J knowing Alice told the truth, slid hack Into their plncea. The dock ticked very softly while ahe told Little Hoy her wonderful exierlentes. And every night after that at the nmitlc hour Little Itoy left bln frame on the wall to listen to the atory of "Alice In Wonderland, for, Juet like all fnlka. big or Uttle. ha la never tired of hearing It. i kr Median Nnifif BrsdlastO Am 'Alice m Wonderland.' v lih h worn rover ee It wild out of the ruse a lit l le way to Is better heurd. "I mn the (took thut In test loved. 1 am nure of tlmt." t li, Jimt hour Unit old hook," enld bright new dim leaning fur out of the ruse. "Why, III) ilenr old book, an the hill. you i re im ol I have a story tlmt niukei people alt ui nil night to rend. "Yen, ami a fule ns I your Imitation lent her Mii'IIiik,' a real :il( Fast Commander ef First Foot In the United fi.atve Finds Brine, A:ae Former Leader. ufll-ce- g quai-relin- PRAISES THE LEGION ren-ile- d . McriAE a ! o If.ie r Say is o B ts of W adom. In .oe aecorpiary e r'ol. prirunry Jn films wiitl Lendor. is!'it; Substitut Desired. eon of the Edgar, the eight year-ob- l house, was lacking In cfttinienia!t:y. (me night he was rent to lied shortly after the arrival on a call of a dlatant connection who, ns he starting to mount the ra'ra. cdied : "Won't you give Omsln Mnttie a klf. dear? 1 porocgMy sl'kcued with the whole eew. Edgar turned nppea'.lngy to Ms father and a!d: "I'sd. r Heeveti's sake k! this American Legion woman, wlii yonT s Weekly. Bear a twdmmor. Nanon claim for tKe polar hear farthest north of M decree. nr Nature Mnrnrlne. It eeldotn goe more than a day's Journey inland, hut If la an expert w1mmcr. and will go 4d mil from shore In V ease. seen A 'most t"n Llm'L thif.k l;::i IT'gr l rrttirg lex'er every flay," aBid the foreram. "iie'n clat p'pe. o Jurt taken ' arn' klr that Whet! he drop !t be ii'.en't hu c it up aj' n." he !rf-'-- l te of pl'-k- 1 BOY- - SCOUTS Klkml (Cm1k.ii! hr fedwiiM Af CoaieU ut Am) SUM I tkt EVERY SCOUT A CAMFER Ths Scout alcgun of "Every baa ths support of 174,470 Ui)s suruiled lu summer rouu-ccauiji of tlut Hoy Svhiuim of America. an iucreaas of nearly twenty per cent over the prccedir.g year, with thirty fl w er oeut uf sryiuts under council Juriadicthn la caniim. This Is exclusive of usny hundnols sud even thousands of Individual ctuipers who srs not recorded In ofliclul organised council nmiw. Week-end- , holiday, and winter camps srs attract lug aa many and mors enthusiasts. Winter outings h vs beconis sn luseixuwbls activity of ths outdoor program. Older scouts, scoLtuiastera, and camp leaders are finding adventure and recreation through hiking, trek cart, ramie, cycle, auto, bout, pack tram, mountain clliublug, and explore tlon triiw. The keynote has been to mstntaln tlie pioneer conditions with maximum partlctiuitloa in every CMiup. A wide acquaintance has been with outdoor organlratluiia, mountain clubs, and prominent traveler and explorers. Contracts have been made with national and stats forests snd parka, conservation end forestry organization. Imfinlte service end BMlstance has lava rendered la developing trails, fire Hues, plsut dlsesse control, and treeplsntlng. One uf the vutstsndliig marks ef prugress is ths extent to which winter camping has been enjoyed. show that camps conducted over week-end- s and on holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Lincoln's r and Washington's birthdays, snd week actually attract more boys than ths lung term summer rampe. yvur-ruun- s d ('umiit-r- " U eatsl-liahe- d 8ts-tUtl- re Fu-te- - - BOV 8C0UT RESCUES BABY Hoy smuts are more and more acquiring tlie valuable habit of "happening along when there Is worthwhile work to be done. A negro woman carrying a larga basket of dotliee and scconi)siiled by her two small children was recently walking along In one of the outlying districts of Rarannah, (la., when she cams upon a railroad trestle. It wwa a dangerous pises for children to mis unnsidsted, for the tidewater beneath was ten feet deep. Shi instructed the little tots to wait for her st one end of ths trestle until slit crossed with ths wash, and then re turned for them. The woman soon gained ths other Ida. Rh hnd put down her basket, nd was turning for her rhlldren, when she eew that they had not waited for bar snd unescorted were making the hazardous crossing. Suddenly the (1111 child, two year of sga, tumbled and ltpied through ths lieee between the tie. Into tbo water below. Rcout William MclHinough of Troop 14, Bavannah, nt that moment happened to le out on n hike alone snd had also reached the trestle. Ths boy was In uniform nnd equlpimd with peck, hatchet utensils, etc for s ramidng hike. lie heard ths woman cream and sw her point to tha sinking child. Tlie scout hastened to the Bide of the trestle, and despite the enumhrsnce of his equipment plunged Into the water, clutched the little on snd soon dragged him o the iliore. Here Mrlamoiigh applied first Bid few moment the child and within revived. Through no report of the her ef become did the fact this rew-uknown. Osual hit of Information, pieced tope'her and verified, and also the affidavit of the negro woman made before a scout niter, acrount for thl story cf splendid heroism. BOV SCOUTS DO GOOD TURN Iiellverliig milk may he e presale matTor hut the w ay Troop 8 of L'velerh, lllnn., did It proved splendid achieve-mea- t. When a family that oiwreted a suioll dairy In the mining section In which Troops resides took 111 during the peat winter they were greatly worried as tn who would deliver the milk to the neighh'ir customers. Troop 8 volunteered to deliver the milk and, at 4 degree below zero, performed their service in a way thut brought them the following letter of appreciation : "Word full to express our thank and spprecifltlon r the many thoughtful favor extended to n t.y the mem-he- r of Troop 8 during the nine of nur family. "We re glad Hint our non Pearce I Bcoiit, and hope he may repay this time in the futnre by doing debt mt-rfor other " r SPEAKS TO BOY SCOUTS "It rtrike me fht you boy have started to light up the highway of said Sir Harry I.nti'ler t' the of Winon, Minn., at lunch-eohoy w of ths Klwanl cluh In this city. The disilngnlshed vlstor drew 1;! from h' rec, life-- : ion of I!rt: RcottiNh towi where In The rlonmlng hsd watched a lirpl:?!ter '( Sim'' on Ms round, pe leav-Ir- heeu'lfany H'mnlned The eoipediBn spoke grant hlrlwfj. r!jis of the l.ir'i-- t p:- - hel. nd him r |