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Show THE CRANTSVILLE OBSERVER. GRANTSYILLE, FAILURE IN DAIRY UTAH BUSINESS fireatsst Faster te nrTIv-:- . fteccooe le the Man Himself H Meat Lika Cewe and Cara far Them. ; Failure In tha dairy business te due one of throw things: L The business Itself, ft- - The cow. ft. The man. Tha business Is sound. This te ahowa largely by tha fact that the la coma derived from the dairy buslneea te larger than tha Income derived from all ether classes of Uvo stock oa tbo farm combined. The cow must be a good cow, out that ran return a good labor lu route to her owner. But tha greatest factor to oucceoo la tho dairy business Is the man. lit must know his good cows and sot guess which are hla good ones. He niuat lie a dairyman, and like cows, like to work with them anil like to care fur them. He must be In the dairy business Just In order to pay off that grocery till contracted when be hud no use for cows He must rcmcmlier that the fundamental hHNia of the dairy buslneea Ilea In the maternity of the dairy cow. He niuat know how to feed profitably and apply that knowledge end to feed only cow that caa return a profit. lie must uaa a good purebred bull to keep up tho future quality of hla herd. He must know how to work end apHandd E. Us ply that knowledge. collet, FUldiuan, State Itslry te the name Buyer on I nleas you package or ou tubicra you are a-- getting the genuine liuyer prodwt preover twenty two sent by years und proved safe by im.iums Ileada'dio Colds TiHiiluii'bo I.uiubugo llbeuiiiiiti-'llaruilie I'nin, 1uiu Neurulgia Accept 'llayer Tablet of Aaplrlu only. Luel. unbroken package cuiitiiiiia of proper iluvcioma. I ltil.il ln-twelve tublela few cent, l'rug-gi.i- i a ulao sill boi ila of hii'I li1. Aspirin Ik the trade Inurk of Buyer llimufm-turof MunoaiV'tb nrhleatcr of bulleylleaeiil. AilvenlmiuenL Si-- e 4 a-- f-- r M nt Marguwrlte Martin U America 'a heal thleat child. Tliat was the Judged decision at the firat national ILiya and Ulrla' Uuha congress held la Mileage a nliorl tlrna back. Marguerite la a fourteen year-ol- d Tenures girt. She Urea with her mother on a farm near Rhephard, Tens., atteada high school and wants to be a physical culture director. Her amre was N MO out of a possible total of 1UX Marguerite weighs 11A pounds, la A2 ft 10 Inches tall, has brown eyes and wears bar hair boiibed. (the wears bar hair bobbed because she thinks It Is sensible, ftho enjoys plenty of outdoor exercise, believes attMk Is a good beverage, eats only wholesome final, and ahstalus from too many sweets. 2-- e A goHMip never heenio to InvcM'gute the facta. PLAN TO ERADICATE ait-ute- First Floor Flan. auia-rltuoi- i. Win n lug up. Cut Feed One-Hal- f Until Animal cemee Hungry, Than Give Doao of Castor Oil. DREAD HOG DISEASE APPROVED BY BUREAU Relief Sure TOR INDIGESTION To treat a case of scours, cut the al Manner. Much Money. Ohio has taken Its pIhcs In the list of states having a market lug law approved by tbo marketing department of the Anierlcnn Farm llurens federation. Tlia bill waa atgned recently by Governor of that state following Its passage In both bouse aud senate without one dissenting vote, althnuich amended In several minor particulars In the house of representatives. In roninienttng upon the sew law, Ohio Henry Ballard, counsel for t Farm Burma federation, aaya, Expe-rlenc- e In the organlMtlon and operamartion of agricultural keting associations for tha past few years hae shown conclusively that ihlo marketing laws were Ineffective In the accomplishment of the purposes which lad to their enactGriswold and ment. The Brand acta were based upon the proposition that the associations were to le merely sidling agencies for their members. In addition such snanda-lionare charged with a public Inter wet or use, and the public ntllitiee com mission Is vested with the power to regulate, supervise, and Investigate such associations, with a further requirement of a fee of f WO ty each of wucb associations. Association formed under these acts, while they have made some progress, have not been able to function effectively for the folios lug fen sons: Because the association has been limited to acting merely as a bargain Ing sales agency for Its members and rnuld not take title to the product to be sold, It hae not been able to secure satisfactory results when dealing with distributors of the members' products Tills is due to the Inability of the association to guarantee delivery of any particular volume of products. The new law provides for e contract between the association end Its members w hereby delivery of products may be required for inch number of years as the member decide upon. The pew law enumerates the powers of the aaeociationa eo that there can be little possibility of objection ever being raised npon the ground of attempted inomqmly or organisation In restraint of trade. This law Is baaed upon the theory that producers should tie gvsn the power to market their products In n businesslike, economical manner. It gives them the opportunity to rshlllse prices, to give the producer felr return only, end to give the producer a larger percenfege of the con Sumer's dollar. "There Is In the law no element of What meg be termed purely class leg Islstlon. because the law ltw-l- p!- -e m rlglt to sucti nanciiirins as w'li conflict wl'h the rights of any oh-- r dna of ieraof.L ft merely gives permission to those persons who desire ot only to bettor their nwn condition but that of the consuming public also, the meens o accotr.;.!!ah!ng these purposes. "The new lew is In tine wlh the made hy the enncel federal reserve board In report to cor gess In which tt anld: msrkeit!g orers the beet Solution for the fllfflcn'tles faced by Ajrecjr--f n fsrtnsrs and that there must be relcTstiou of present hanking lews governing farm credits. "Organist?) ora formed under the proposed act ren qualify for the aernr-Uef farm credits from banka." Tfcui-abe- y f lt g eradication In one Madrid (Mo.) rour.ty farm bureau. It baa been on the program of work for six years. In that time It has saved Its members The 57(1 by this one project Ions to tbs farmers of this county every year due to the rsvagee ef this disease was over i '1.10 before the fa rin bureau waa organised and began active work for the reduction of these lueses. In the spring of IKS tha sixth annual survey was made and it revealed that the total lose te tha farmers was only 20,592 In the last year. In accomplishing this the New Madrid county bureau has been Instrumental In reducing the nundier of ferins reporting cholera from 137 In 11118 to Si farms In 1923. In moot of these rases tha cholera was brought In by bug eh I pied Into the county end measures were taken Immediately fur Hog cholera pmjert nt the New paraffin oil will help to dean out the animal and may well he given. Three parts of formalin In n hnndrod parts of water, added to tho milk at the rate of a teaspoonful te the pound of milk will sometimes relieve the trouble. Another very satisfactory treatment la to add ataiut four to five drni of fluid extract of gelaemluw to almut one ounce of paraffin or castor oil and give tt to tha calf before each feeding of milk. It 1a always advisable to nature the milk to a half of a thlrA. and divide that reduced quantity IntJ from two to four feedings n day. Bellans . Hot water -- dureil by the afurvo-lliiilie- r offeid given the porch guide. The roof la of tiie aiul aouie of the irtlutlc concrete tiie dcvelieil reivnlly could be ueed here to good advantage. T he potvli pnijii-- r I very roomy and It gives into a hull and thi'iux1 Into the dining room and living riNiui. The bitter 1 a nicely liulnm-eMom, 15 feet by 22 feet 0 Inches. W lint with It: window lighting on three able, and Its fliTplure, and the attractive situ porch which (ieiia off it, it Is eioitly one of the iiiiwt altractlvc riMima when roiishlcrei from the aaiiect of Ita decorative poaidMMtlc. 1'lie hull give Into the (linThis room 1ms a hullt ln ing room. are htjlTet, a feature tunny Imuaewlve hegii.iJng to favor mure and more. It lends into the kitchen. The kitchen la very well eijnlpHd with cupboard mid shell tug; the sink directly face the double window, and the refrigerator U served through outside Icing, saving the cleanliness of the kltclu n floor The pantry bus possMIlrlcs also; l;s window gives excellent ventilation ami save Ice In the coo) days (if help spring and ..utiiiim. (iff the kitchen und through the rear hallway one . gains the ur second fliNir has two lied.-ooand a hath, wl'h excellent doilies und linen rlow-- t space, storage apace, arid an alcove off the huger bedroom which could lie utilized ns a Bleeping porch In ndid weather. It la undeniable flirt in irh of the of thl tyie of a house romea from bavlt-- B founds jw i U ly lundc!'iip to tka away lerve any appearance of bow tiie atiruhliery In the f ground 'hi has a Soften' ng Influence i vn large If the lot tins one tnaat, au much tiie hetti ; tree do much for a lioie tn tf e jy of g'v irg It a picturesque setf'i.k and with a tile roof there rotild li o ob.iectbin on the score of roorltiue'i dampness and Hitting on account of b - much almde E Arrangement That Hat Attractions for Owner of Car. Five Room Residence of Brick Utilises Latest Style of Garage as Integral With House Suited for Comer LoL : l By WILLIAM A. RADFORD Mr. William A. Radford will answer FltKK ;K t'iiST on ail ubyaci parounn to of till for the of t radi:r buildiris, ubjm . On of hi whla Surlier and ktarufai Hirer, h a 1. without doubt, tha liiK'iaat authority oa all iheae miiijwii Addreas alt limu-tH- a tn William A. IlHiifurd, No, 127 1ik 111., and only tiki'kor 0 venii. t two-veI'tmp for reply. axie-rieir-- DWiN-r- . . FOR THE FEET llprlukl wiser two AJiva'a yistt-Foipew. ike luuilaili ami Both aud rail the fast. It takas Ui stiag out of t (irna and buuioat anil auiarvlng. Auhlng ha-t- . 1 lira fur s iokUiig aoMifurt, sbaks AIkui's love li lake ih friotloa from tha your msu th Slid Iwt uiakas i"i, walking s (be light. Alway lie it f.irdauilng paru.e sad to la new shoes. User On Llllloa Fls liuielretl Ihoncaud puusilsid t'owiler hr tha lent wera asi.-- iif our Army and hsvy during las wnr. 'J run psi'kage and a I toil kosn Waikiug Dull rat post AJiirrs bail '. bri-a- , , l KillGnYtirR All Flics P Allwne F' NisdG oot-La- s, f Rtl 0 Kwft This Illuatriites a ruiMnatlnn which m;ulnr with hornet wnmx The garage 1a arturhe to the house proper ami la such a way ,ta to I yet amplify the general j.IhU of the luiuae. It surely la aiui-herter than the placing of the garage at the reef of the lot. Interfering with the landscaping of the ground or of the gurdrn, and any owuer of a car welcniiiea such fin arrangement for i.ld.t and In wintry or mlny weal her, for Hie mutter of keeidng the garage ewn,fonnhle at a reasonable temperature la simplified. Naturally extra re'aijtln la Here aary. The fire liaxnrd la lucreuaeil when the giimge Is made Integral with the dwelling, hut w'Hi many modern furnts of fireproof and safe construc- on Hie Hf. tion to rhoose tnuu there neei ! nr Observe that a shelf below the frurt diffioi-T- j on that givire wlndov- -t la gtdaMe for flower hoe ! id the wide pon-The dve'iing twtf I a aeimo.le dw cuj !r,i lrs,-irl-to treatment In t.! favor J the Mila seem et to vlib-alirn j f dk. mi n.idtiT In whiit restiei-t- . of Tbls type of house ler, l Itself par t! y ni:y be. Il te roiu.M-tt.e of part nr ci t 'Mi Uuiet-'oi.tlcuhi'ly well to sffiii.ttn or a cu of brick. atone trlm'iilng, and v Hrio'y la Intvta ner IoL ,r : I ' -- j ; i I IbLFI (! Hfnwnt) wtiiaGi: lire ftl viflMff't im Iaimrmm (Ml, Nwl bf THK4ftit orttruM fUi'lftV11 il nut vviii m invluii lijrtrftiiiwis n fV't il t rm nr JuL Us laBULO -- if mmm li tCoawAmkltw It-l- i Mitchell A" Salve For SORE EYES LOOM lrrdvirt Baby CatTlijrs OFumliun Ask Your Local Dealer Write Now lor32 Fage Ilus- - W? t. de-ren- e tna, La Roy, N, V. luiai-tuent- la heiiitiilng e ia IS SENSIBLE DESIGN HOUSE ' phoe-ilmn- 24 AND 7L4 PACtAoCi EVtRYWhLKE ALLEN'S FOOT-EAS- E fteceud Floor Plan, Yeung Animals Are Unduly Nog looted by Many Dairyman Feed ftilage and Lagume Hay. Retnrni get our attention. FnnalMy for tills ream m the heifer re Ives are nn.dulj neglected. But this atnek should he kept growing normally. With allure and clover or alfalfa hay, one should Ita control. In order to follow out the campaign feed each heifer from two to five In a systematic manner the New pound of farm grown grains per day. te available, feed two Madrid bureau sent out questionnaires If no sllagu mauds corn of dally with all the clover to every farmer In the county each or alfalfa hay the heifer will conyear to make a survey of the cholera sume. With a'laga and no legume hay, collisions. In almost every Instance these questionnaires were sent hack a g'md mthiii consists of a portion of to the hurenu filled out with the neces- allHge and fodder ar mlied hay with a grain mixture consisting of equal parts sary Information, of corn and llueed meaL In the sixth annual report sent out from the county the following facts FALL AND SPRING CALVING are brought out: Number of fa mi 11'IS. cholera I, April reporting 17; number reporting In 1923, 2D; number Throo Yea' Teat Conducted by Expot to Dotaemlna reporting cholera during the year, &VI In 1918, 123 In 1923; nundier of hors Advantages. lost front cholera, 12.4 Id In 1918. 2.574 penults of three yeartf work to deIn 1923; value of these hog at ft cent a jmund. FM.rao In 1918, 29,3!2 termine tha advantage tif spring and with dairy fitfie, made In 1923; percentage ef farmers who faD enMn believe In vaccination. 00 per rent la hy J. ft. Moore of the &f!aaippl ex1918. 82 per cent In 1923. periment aatlon. ahw that rows These farts alone Indicate the tre- ralvlr.g In the fall produced an avermendous aucces of the New Madrid age ef 172 pound ef milk and 18 4 pound of bntferfat more than row bureau In Its campaign. In the aprlng. Tn n comparison calvlr.g The scfiial savings to the members was computed at ft cents a pound and of early and late fall calving the ever-ardfference per year per cow wa does not take Into consideration the fl':'3 pound of milk and 27.11 pound of high price paid for hogs during the war period which would have prac- bufferfat in favor of late Ml rnlvdne. tically doubled the savings. NEEDFUL MINERALS IN FEED In addition to the large In rhnlera sninrg the hogs, the port production of the county hae been Meet Lbne Coeta'oed In Legume Haye built up through the efforts of the While Phoaphonu la Feu"d In New Madrid bureau A recent survey Been aed Middlings. shows that there ar approximately TT-eomrnon dairy feed ronalninr twice n many hogs In the county now as there vas bet..re the county farm the moat lime ar the leg ime hava, bureau was organised. eowpea. rlover. aVafa and y ben. the? from eovrpea the wblrti eor.'aln the moot moot. Tho MINNESOTA GROAS POTATOES are wheef bren, wfmat m'd'V'nr end I'nneed meal in the or. Leaders ef Soiling dr g'von. N"te of fha cmicentrv'e Agency Plan te Have Many ronfa'n a much time t the legumo Acres Under Contract. do r d no cortslna aa mmh coot rate named. ron a the phiitiora e thousand acre of fine under ror trail hy July 13. Is Freeflta Froet Cffw Tealieg. fl-goal of Mr.neB'it loader who I r fn-- T the src-Tg- p testing In ee the nioveinenf to orpuniae a proAurtloa nf the ds'rr herd, fl- -, hr Tld e!'frfnaH g T1 lovr pisvdaetrg rows. rooperyrlre fnerkeTiRg agen-- v. detirloa wa rraepei at a tueer ng of end second, bv ecrblr.g ore to selerd the rommitree of 23, which aprm'nr-e- d the foundation an trees fir hi herd an tiocut! rotnmptee rooif.oaed on the bIa of ef J. A. kbinnoo of lirai oin Karl A. Fewd S'laga ta CaWaa. Banker of ftemldjl, A. M. 1i'n'on of telr may be M afaga ta enn"e- Begley, tlarlcs W rldahl of I'limire and Walter f?y of rierro'r. ta have t!on wdb pHti milk aa wnon as thev arrive nfcarve of the dcrfi't. R. G. a --a od enough tu set It They win Robinow, who so apeco ni'y organ-tie- begi t"k!nf a 1WI flag at three the Maine Biffafn Gmvoeu. wtH vreeka a L sad they raa be M from thea oa aa murlk aft they u3 aat have charge of rhe eampa-ga- . j Sure Relief ELL-AN- S KEEP ALL HEIFERS GROWING r',n'rig und girls In gin grow in teal i nd d mt iiuike tiieli-y- tin it your advice too dry Producer Given Opportunity to Members of New Madrid (MoJ feed to ha'f or eves leas them that until the calf haa become hungry. A dose Market Products in ef one te three ounces of castor oil or County Farm Bureau Saved Eco-nomic- Imve tlrna Freshen a Heavy Skis With tha antiseptic, fuaciuutln Cuti-cur- n Taleum i'owdnr, su exquisitely eeouoinleul face, akin, baby and dusting jaiwdiT and jierfuiou. Renders other perfumes lino of the Cutieura Toilet Trio (S.ijip, Ointment, Talcum). Ail vert luenicut. TREATMENT OF CALF SCOURS LAWS to trated Dociklct The Llci-- yff k(sn Cnn.pany !( os Memniw. r C ) Mivkicsn 1) t f y RCYALFONE From Factory to You? n'-r- hm-dre- V Af IJHt' " apf i N ft M?I. htftrk fv.jft) 4 op-- fURrRrto. Jf r:ur rt t Den'ea Aorn Ha?a. fn. 1 ok Adrantas tl This Spatial Offer. I, n!s worn iinhr xra Fffra ft 7S C. O. D ar tHaaer Ordw. al'iiloe p i .y t.;'yj Hail bn great tuela hectics. Tl.esn, ROY AL El EXT. LAB. NEWARK. Iff. J. -- . y in the eve. of iimrvc. are u rmIt if tie --,,.11 ' xi'i-d li.i ' iicr bi'l.'i-Is ere iiiin now the tl ei l.nje kllsict.Ivg c::!u. airg ilici In eet firm re lit not BLACK (imniiet t for Use younger t!:l. It l . i: I.i.xor ever gny wl.I.-ttlendif IrnrH v. r li of g J I .11 no' un i pet.: I w:Mi tlr.y Hr t br rij. g'f 1 B Off if Last Brim. I li, r -- r li P S 3V wJft k ur1 rfKiiRAfwiocji.y, A v !.' flurlng 1cm of frag1 e wftt Fa't and Taata. Ict Cutter Laboratory Tht net an elTecflva b!:a for a Kelt and tae-- s In a -y fklsan7lUl(a.i il-''liee-this small hat of tnetHl h. T.'.i la tha In M ap iig. L S Umr 1 qtfaiwiq KS-.- se. of lavea sort (f thing the l'arlslaa women lore .cute In the v wtiriVscsmBwAa ta wear In tha evvolrg. Ar, mauve, Muoa or UuA tha Fo S; - by itm i;':u- - : G rl. cli.h Tt.te Vo-jo- vl'h !l I ic-'- ?I..nv if ih, t- r cro t." ef d i- - i i W. N. W, Sa't Lair Cty, Nov 23- -1 S 23. |