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Show THE GRANTS VILLE OBSERVER, G RANTS VILLE, UTAH SUPERVISOR WAS FORCED TO QUIT Declares Tanlao Restored Perfect Health When He Was THE HOSPITAL PETB Without Hope of Recovery. You have beard frerhaps of tha twe rwbhlta who were aeut to Join another rabbit who waa a WelL sir. I couldn't any anything better fur Tanlac than that I am still enjoying tha apkmdid health It gave me five ywua age," recently said Harry T. u William eia fi. Walter fit. N. hL, for nineteen year toot eupwrviaur of the Santa Fa fiallroad hospital pet. Tbaaa arara Albe-querq- real, live rabbit too, and tha children of the loved ah up wratch-ia- g "la ISufi a fiiI from wagon strained my right sUe and left me whet wes celled chronic eppundiclti I suffered almoet continuously, roulvlnt reet at night and never felt like work. Then in 1918 1 had the fin end this left me ao weak I had to give np work altogether. "The change my first bottle of Ten-le- c made certainly surprised me, but the moot remarkable part of It was ttiat those awful palna In my aide I had suffered with ao long disappeared completely. Four more bottle built ma right np to where I didn't huv an ache or a pain left, my weight allot up to one hundred and fifty-fou- r poumla and I felt better than la twenty year Word can't expreea what I think of Tanlac." Tanlac Is for salt by all good drugOver 8T Accept no aubatltut gist million bottles sold. them aid ter wot playing with them and seeing them la their big house end little yard which had been fixed for them at the end of the hospital ward. Hut warm weather had come and the ruhhlta wore to Me." be allowed to go Now the hospital waa la a city, hut l there waa a yard attached to the and there a bg yard waa made for the rahblta. A little bouse waa made for them, too. Tbe yard had a wire fence about It and there were constantly good things to sat about, for the matron of the hospital loved there hospital peta. There waa always pleoty of cabbage and lettnct and they were very happy. Tanlac Vegetable Pllle ere nature's l Tha children ware out upon tha own remedy for constipation. For eels veranda, some la rota, others everywhere.- - Advertisement who could walh about ware allowed te go down to the yard la which were An eloquent prayer doesnt get any tha rabbit And the othera watched higher than any other hind. the rahblta fbom tha veranda. The rabhlta had been gives excelsior and they had mad nice beds for The Same Old Backache! them selves. Hut tlie most wonderful Does every day bring tha aam old waa of all that though these thing backache? Du torn drag along with rabbits had never been out ot doom vnur Lack a dull, atuaaaiug ache? before la their live and though they Freeing hnd yon "all clayed out? had never been with other rabbits whe llua't discouraged I Kcaliu it M mcrsly a tigs you hsreaT takes good had lieen able te show them In any car of yuuravlf. This has prutwhly way what they would do If they were t ra mrd your kidney Yaks thing out of door still these rabbits at rawer for awhile and help your knlneva with Xmas' Aidneg Ptiti. Thau the once began to dig. harkaclia. disamre hmdanhc turd No ont had ever told them anything and bladder trnuiilra will go frrlinn bout burrowing holes la the ground ; have heliird thouaanda and huoai no one had ever (old them or shows should help you. Atk pour nevgkb or I them any of the things they should do Aa Idaho Cnao a soon aa they were out of doors. Hut Mrs Mattls Fuller. kul Second St., right away they began making hark entrances to their house, digging la tha aaya: T bad a hard city earth. ache peuadlag arruits my bark I It waa the Instinct wht i, had come do uwy-thln- g couldn't down to them through generations and and had to to bad tab for my generation of rabbits who had done a frw days. Sharp thi and aa soon aa they were out cut Italaa thrnuah me. M r kidneys of doom they too followed the family too often snd acted way I waa treuhiad with heartache One day someone came to the saver aad direr spells I used Tman a Kid-a- r and brought chocolate bunnies l'lita aad they mada a cur" for the children, and the faces of tha Cm DaaaL 01 Aar iaua, tOi a fire children were covered with chocolate. Rut one little girl ebowed the rabbits a chocolate bunny and the rabbit CO. BUTfALOk N. V. wiggled Ms little nose and took n bite of cabbage as though to any ; Thoco-Inte- l Not for me! I'll stick to the good old callings." In the hospital one little boy waa quite alck. He felt wretched and hla Dawn HuU Them With VaOi Remeew pet w as a pussy cat. The cat w aa alThem With Othlee Double Strewgtk lowed to hsv the other bed la a room This prssaratlea for tha trealmeat of off the big ward where the hoya bed froriiMe h aasally ee aueeeeaful In remeeVag had been put. freeklea aad stvlne a Blear, hasutlful (Bat U Is enld undor I Msraalee (s When the little hoy would speak to islusd tha nioaey U K tana him ho would purr, but he would Uoal hlrte your frerklM under a veil! Othlss and remeva them. hardly eat anything and he would not yeteauauthasanos sf few aus'leaiioca should aiu-go off and play and he would not leave a wosdorfui Imsreeomoui, sum sf ihs while tbe little boy was so irk. IlShtsr trsviBUs veolehlii satire Its sues te ash tho traerlst for tha It waa until the little hoy was duhis S'reus'h IHble.; It Is tais (hat IS better that the cat began to tsko sn said SB too luaeaaisa. Interest In Ills food train, for tha PtHe boy waa bit especial friend and Endsd Ruppy Leva. a devoted rat could not tiear to have Howard was my Prince Charming, Ma special friend sick. It took away and my thought were nlwaya with a devoted rat' appetite him. One duy my brotlo-- r brought Tramp, the hospital dog. was around hlui over tu our home, and while oa an errand for something up In tlie nt-t- l everywhere, friendly and good nature as be could be There was nothing Howard was left Hone. I waa la snobbish a b a t tbe next room and saw him, but he did md know that anyone was watchTramp. He had I n always been wlh- - A J .w ing. On the dining room table out foolish pride dish of fruit, nnd with this Howard Ctf course be proceeded to fill up nil his pocV-dcame of plain, Hlgbt flier and then ended my first d- every-daper love effhir. P.xchange. entg. hut still be bd beard nf First ef Military Decoration creature who put Medal rif Honor, which la Til on sirs when they for nnuaual awarded by rongres had no right to star hearbravery, la e do ao. In fact It ing n medallion of Mnerva and tbe wss Tramp' opln Inaerlpflnii, "Inltnd Ftate of Airier-Ire,- " Ion that no one with a laurel wreath surmountcould put on air ed by the word "Valor." The medal snd a m on n t to dates front the days of the Civil war, n.w-h- . It took np and la one of the mstt highly prised all ones time put-tn- g nilHtary deeoretlnn. hwe-plta- hoe-plta- It TsiPfORZlz, AT i J tJA'?' jm.jcvrr KYAwwWV Vt-vnr- z Kreuiti'd, 1 ii. in. I tun ui Uitt thirteen 1'nlletl M duties b tlfirueu aUernats rad and while, that the uiutiii lie stripea. timimi aims. dint 1b a luue drill. a new cunaipUaiiua. Journal m uninriia Juna 14. 1777. rer-M-ntin- Introduction by JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN tat HVV, iiflw Memorial I my mul Itrlnit ka Indi'lN niloncc I my, comes Flag Lmy. I Our Knldior In-aThe flag they died to uphold I Tho luvlurutioa of "" Independence tliut gave ua Ilia Flngl Tlie Hiiuiier of tlio Pnlted Flutes of A n tort i 'a la tlio ' V". VL liuulomeat ling that flirt The of the ting are perfect. The Ra jDcrtiaxTTV i of the ling la grleuHliig to the tg eje. The colors of the ling form the iimut luuu rcuef iu the old aolilier In Wyoming. No bi'uught t! ful roiiihliiuiiin knmm to nmn. The significance whichever one of theue benefleeut lnilivld muiter; of the Hug even overmatches the beauty of the uuls you uiuy Iiupihmi to be, 1 give you greeting, Hug The Hug ho ever led to victory. Following Ur. Hug Milker." tlie Plug we liaie marched acrowa the eontlueni 1 wh about to pose on, when the dug a'opiieil and liuie lucmiaed the new constellation to 41 mo with tliewe worils; d'ar. The Plug now ihmta over the wealthiest and Ro yesterdny the president if Hike a word that inofit (Hiwerful imtlofi of eurth. The Ra made hnppier the future of ld.iUNt.iNNi peons In Iiunner la (lie Mt Plug, the tiumhiiieat Plug gg Mexico; but tbet ail Iihhiis no larger on the flag and the inor Plug that flira. than the struggle which the boy lu Ootgia la gj w Whut follow a la orthy of tlie Plug end of Flng to wiu the corn club prise tide au miner. unking 1BV. the congress siuike a word which Yesterday "The Plug floe P.y," wn written by Henry Hoi will open the door of Aluska; but a moHier In comb lU'imett, author, arilat, poet and patriot worked from eunrise until fur Into the Mb.'Mguo "The Milkers of the Plug" waa delivered on Flag to give her boy an educetton. She, too, la night I'ny. 1!'M, l.e'ore th e'r.iloyeea of the lHiurtnient Ro making tlie flag. 4f the Interior at nihington by the late Prnnklln Rd "Teuterday we made a new law to prevent flnan K. lane, secretory of the Interior and the 1reii- - pg rlul panics, und yesterday, inaylie. a school teuchei dentlul iMiiioRw'lilifty" because he waa born a ernes III Ohio taught Ids first letters to a boy who will t'nnHillim the honler. one day write a song that will give cheei to the President Ilnrding'a word are a pnrt of Ida ad millions of our race. We are all making the flag." flrer at the of the Franr-lRc.itt Key "Hut," I said Impatiently, "these people were 14. ut memorial port Itultlniore, June Rn only working!" IVj;. Then came a great shout from the flag: THE FLAG GOES BY The work that we do la the making of the flng. Rn llntaoir: "I am nnf the flag; not at all. 1 am but Its Along the uirert there runic shallow. A blare of bugle, a ruffle of drum "1 Rtn whatever yon ninke me; nothing more. A flash of color beneath the sky ; "I am your belief In yourself, your dream of lla'a off! what a jHople may liecutne. The I'li.g la pluming by. I live a changing life, a life of moods and pasand tired muscle. sions, of r.'ne nod white nnd crimson It ahluen "ttoinetlines I am strong with pride, when men I her the ordered line do an holiest work, fitting the rails together truly. lints ofT! "ttiiim times 1 droop, for then purpose has gone The Co1 ora before u fly ; from me, und cynically I piny the coward. Hut more than the Plug la passing hy. '.Sometime I am loud, garish, and full of that ego thnl blasts Judgment. Sen f ghrs and land Pghr grim and great, 'Hut always 1 am sll that you hope to be and have the courage to try for. pourhi to nicke anil to sue the State; "I am amg sod fear, struggle and panic, and Weary man lie and sinking ships; on dying I'pw ; heera of ennobling hoj-"I am the (lav's work of the weakest mon and Iwys of plenty and year of pence; Stsrih of n strong Inndn swift Increase; the largest dream of the most daring. "I sin the Constituting and the ronrt. waues Juiire. right nnd law; soldier and dresdnaurhf and the atatute-makera- , S.ntely honor end reverent nwe; Sign of s great nnd strong, drayman and street sweep, conk, counselor and clerk. In nurd her pimple from foielim wrong; "I sm the battle of yesterday and the mistake Pride i,id gory mid lenor all I.I'C In the Colors to stand or fo!L of tomorrow. "I am the mystery of the men who do wlthont knowing why. Hfs oTf 1 sm the clutch of an Idea and the reasoned Along t1 e sreef there comes A of bugle a ruffle of drum. purpose of resnlnfbiTi. I am no more tbun wbnt yon believe me to he And b.v, fo i. tre heuihig hlgli; and I nm ell tlmt you he'ie' e tbet 1 can be. Ihcs off! . - by, Tl-I Is I sir, vitiflt yiii inch" me; nothing f swl'.g br'i-ryour eves as t,ri.,t,f gieitm of the j.'ctured susBesibi" color, a v1 tv'.ol nf rciTT-elg'AKCS OF THE FLAC I !e It. this nation. Jfv makes "'hlcti of Ins 1 oflle'. u i lard the !tio p: liils r:ii,t. and ywir drenm are end strits tars -i your my find r rdml suiii'n'l in, ;p iont c tlie r fo' T)ey are I rlelit with cheer, hril'lent wlh bem it say: tioo : mornfrom !t i!. enurape. fna vt'h faith, because yon hsrf nmde ing. Mr. Plvj M.iiir." them so out of your hearts; for yon are the mak. d ss'd. I beg Jiir pard-n0; filort." I jrent ers of i be feg, end It I well that you glory In 1 SOI l:'d tl-preydefit tif ;h I'nlt-e-- I you Ty,.-I.'?'be pinking." r a fjien.le-- r if cts.greSS, I.'T even e States general It, t'-- a'::!.r, I tin otdy a go. ernnient d O dw-lgi- d a dedh-iiilo- heart-break- s steel-tippe- ' ib-tor- iiut-.on- e . e't -g tm-ce- f, ti-e- e- 1 !i- fi- i ! cler;1." again. Mr. Fbi Mnker rej.'led the I know you well. Ton are the msn guy voire; a ho worked la. t swelter of yesterday straight going our the 'Hi.g'e of that fanner' homestead ; In I laho, or l yon found the mistake 'P that Jndhin ron'rsrf in tiklulioma. or helped to "leer tbst pater.t for the hopeful InreTtpir In New ork, i that new ditrii It Color pcsi-eo;er.lrg 1 : rent y- -t je-r- tt orado, or made that mine In lillnola more Mflw or FRANCIS SCOTT KEY MEMORIAL My fellow Americans Tlie shrines if American patriotism not only reflect the qualify trf If gratiand Inspiring. tude, hut they are We are assembled today to rededicate one of these sacred abrlne. We are met to rrc.imemnrate h'sfnrtp victory la arms, whn the ymjng Kepuh!ic wss fret asserting Pa national rigll aralrst an rrmed foe. And we are met to commemorate a very unlQue erhlevemeot to the literature of na tional Inspiration. Here the patriotic sons of the early llcpubllc cnmlied one of the moat amhltloua luvaslons ever aimed against our nation. Here, during the rage of comhat, waa born the a welling anthem of American patriotism. It Is wholij'iittlng that Plug Pay should be chosea for this commcinonithsi and rededlcatkin, heraiiae our hymn of patriotism la an apostrophe to the dug we love. Yea, It la apostrophe and as well, bora of a patriotic and poetic soul In tbe travail of a sublimely hemic night If one, forgetting tlia music, will ponder that poem of huttle and victory and thanksgiving, 1 think he will comprehend tha elemeutn that hava made It great great as a aong of patriotism and exaltation, great merely as a piece of poetical Tlie flrat etanaa tell the anxiety with whh-h- , after tha IsHiihnnlment had ceased, tha autlnr peercl through the mlsta of dawn and asked the one question whose answer would tell the fateful atory: tUBIIlIlilx hna-plt- DOANS VKK VDSTER-MILBU- FRECKLES eon-pleal- . . . pi sm. can lif the dawn's early light. at the twilights last What an iirornliy we hail'd . . ,f gioanui'g, In the seotiid stanaa he gtlinpsee the beimer, and biirsla Into aong of rejoicing. Tbe third alaiiaa la a defiance of the oppreosor; and then. In tha fourth and lest alarms, we find the note of thanksgiving. the prayer that the victory may he Justified In the conduct of a race of frewmea: O. thus ! It ever, when frcriuen shall s'and homo and tlie war a dsaolatlow. lift wren thrlr lovd Thul wua the poet 'a prayer. We may fairly claim, in pride for the deed of our fathers, our sous, our brother, the prayer hua been granted. The faith hua been kept. It Is the hte of every American heart today thnl It will continue to be kept. The lotervreidng century hua brought our country power and Idgli place. It bra cant upon na heavy turd, ns of responsibility, making us share the difficult problem of a world la the turmoil of a new tiuia. We need all tlie Inspiration and faith which fired Ida glowNo generation of men ing soul of patriotism. has ever come Into the world to find la path smoothed, or to find Its problems solved for It In advance, ftolutloa I the fit price we pay for our great Inheritance of liberty and opportunity. The outstanding and the reassuring thought nf today la the supreme exnltutlon of Key, In tbe hour of great trial, to reveal the soul of a patriot, In tbe nlgbt of auepnssihg anxiety and de veiinii to country. No concent for self narrowed Ma thought. No glor'dirathin f the Individual marred Ms vision. No pursuit of fume set Ida soul ablaze. No personal sdvuii'upe 1 in lered Ms pen. IPs country end Ms concern for Its safety were combined In bis nil consuming thought ; tlie nation w as tbe gvet, uplifting nnd (Mii'lnc love. In this !m exalt-nrod ev psisioned, anx'otis. f co.uitry, transcending nil eNe. Kev iiKIr.g rcii,-- wl (pe sublime belghta. nr,d the ji ierir , reveirfiim of an soul Ao Attic riren ci.yenl.!p of the high s tiup'i falri. f Priincis Sco't Key. foe (te'enef.. ! deM::-1no in Pieet; .g tbe problems ot and v d! add to r! e lui-eof tbe banner he proudly acclaimed. glittering e;ir Is Pred every worth while procession Is the m ire I'niin-a- . I !ve for Its benrl s, every passion fir Oti ships refned hy It cr.'oi'l1-,- . f iuerj or vessels of war. In tbe artne ramp nr at the of jicsce. In reJ Mr.g priei-si- on or flying from the staff over tbs simple temp1 of tbe shoo:irg youth of America everywhere It titense the bean end tcirs tbe the eye. and reu-jaoct. until we alng In all confidence w tth the poet patriot be ! tco sil-im- rce. Tba Fsr-tsrrr- d Per nt n y d on air f tbe b . ao that there waa no time lri over la A bore la a man who bn nothing to which to amount t something end la wty and upon saving It. which to tie friendly and senible. Oh. yes. the hospital had It pe-the greatest fief of all P.ut d.ffereot chile ere the mU.Ps, dren hnd tlter different favorite Jtit ss the ariiniuls had their d.fferent favorite wonderful to I.ut et snv rote It conid when one whs sick. Pets were so cheertr.g and mde one forget shout n cry sn er!-- and many a pain. ln-t- sa a. ;! w-- h-- vs i Ti;-or- y H'sts-Is huMf shall f.umar.ity IVe itell y. t nry la writ-er- . have n real fcirn-- y become sufficiently to nee tl-- say by which It arrived at present ra'ua I rt us rsrisl anitAiog'sphy and like all aaoiio(Taphy It depend w of an otjeetiv the y pf Is Oer the lard ef tbe free and the heme at pendent e;f. Tf rVwn Indw |