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Show Bert Barra tpe YILLE 0 VOLUME ONE GRANTS VILLE, UTAH, FRIDAY JUNE Slh, 1923. SOCIETY School Supt. Commissioners Is Dismissed NUMBER YEARS AGO Gity Council1 TWENTY-THRE- E (HUNTSVILLE OBSERVER Published Every Friday. Rubb T. P.rown receives a Bvx Eva Imlay of Salt Laka is visiting the meeting of the City Council letter At JOHN T. FLINDERS, Editor. Leon Mrs. and Mr. with her parents May 81st Councilor P. E. Wraitudl Farewell who Barrua Imlay. purty for Et a was appointed to go to Salt Lake and leaves Monday for a Hussion. an e employ attorney. At th school board meeting HonAdvertising Rates on Application The matter of placing pipe and da Supt. E. U. Reid lust the reJsnies L. Wraltall was a witness Mr. and Mrs. Fsy Pswsun came out of in the case of ex Senator Brown. from Salt Lake Monday ire turning chock valves in city cemetery was appointment as Superintendent OUR JC DEPARTMENT GEES THE to cemetery cummittee. Tooele Count school by a three horns Tuesday. FRANKLIN PRINTING PRiCE LIST. Robinson Jeame borne arrived after A special meeting of council was against and two for, vote b the board. a a to Idaho vii.it comto tailed very enjoyable meet with Oakley irrigation Supt. Reid baa served during the Mrs. F. G. Eskelson went to Provo pany Wednesday night June t;h. pant four years and after the vote wae Arthur Bates died wry suddenly at Subscription Price Per kenr. last Friday for a visit with relatives Carl-.i- Anderson and 0. K. Anderson cast which gave him hia release the hi leMdetice on the 1st, funeral was and friends. modi of land to application atrip buy board thanked him for hia services held on the 3rd. pRosita Peter Anderson properly. and iaaued a atatement commending Entered as Secu ud Class Mail MatCouncil appointed Frank Knowtum, Mr lliida Erickson left for Deep him for hia efficency and conscientious ter, April 6th lbJS, at the Post office Msry Hudson left for Salt take iT.ii. Bolinder, Walter Arbon, J. A ( rook to look after the ranches during at Grenteville efforta in the interval of the schools. Utah, under the Act Tuvadsy where she expects to work Hunter and Williams as a com - .Uie absence of her husband woo ia on of Ctyda The appointment of a new SuperMarch 3, 187. duimg the summer. mi tie for 4th of July relebration. 'a misMou hi Sweden. intendent waa left open, until ouch a Placing of additional culverts in road time aa the board could act upon Mrs. Ellen R. Hinckley arrived from Mr. snd Mrs A. II. Dansie and chil- erasing left to road committte. Road applications and give a more thorough to stay with her mother Mra. LOCAL MENTIONS. Arizona dren were the guaete of Mr. and Supervisor instructed to havo North investigation to the matter. ht-- r Charlotte while husliatid Kowlwrry Wjliow Irrigation Company, maka The other buaiiiese mature coming Mr. Geo. Smith Sunday. to continue hia studies. ciossing at A. 0. McBride property. goes East before the board consisted of the folK. R Judd was home for the week a a a effected by the end. A cempromiM-yXAlowing: A committee from Lake I'oint and Hudson Kate son James Mr. r, South Wjjtew ''Irrigation Company, the consisting of Samuel Clark, Cue Eldon Erickson left hia home ia daughters Elsie and Laura left fur Mrs. Fted Dunne and Hrs. compaT being kuihI by Slate Engineer Gold Hill last Saturday. A. F. Joseph Yates, entered a protest agfor liiU.r and material Delta Monday. ainst hiring certain applicants to oil the pipe line. Arthur Sandberg came bark from teach at the Lake Point school. Irene, 4 year old daughter of Mr. Uiowna Ranch last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Swauty Nelson were Not the rain withstanding heavy An amount of $- -5 waa ordered exaid Mr. J. Austin Hunter died Thurs- of the past three weeks Salt Lake has It is nut a very unusual thing for in GrauUville during the past week day Lyman Eawaon who has been teachpended to repair the pii line at the morning May Slst, of Tuburcular fallen 2 inches. It ccrtn:nly canlio1 relatives friends. and visiting chickens to roost in trees to escape school at Ibapha rvtureud home Benmore school. hold Funeral were services ing Menguis. lie the excessive evaiNirutinii of the afternoon. a a a Friday in the Second Ward Chaicl Sunduy Joseph Bilhell waa awarded the con- the coyote, but here is quite an unlast rainy three weeks 1 ,a! i keeping tract to level the school grounds and usual rase of two young chickens" J. U. Hicks left fur Los Angeles afleriMHin at 2 P. M. Bishop J. W. her down. Two thirds more water Thoms ton of Edwin (Senator) construct a fence at the Ophir school. who roosted in the trees of Middle last Opening hymn fell in the lake thun the Frnlsy accompanying fMr. P. E. Anderson presiden. Clark fell from a pile of lumber at evaporation Mrs. Hilda Johnson was retained as Canyon all Wednesday night to escape Erickson and childwtn Sometime Well U n.lerislaiid" by the y kuto. has taken out and she should show the saw mill and broko hia arm. the keen eye of the Sheriff as well as Janitoress at the Ophir school choir lead by J. E. Millward and Mia much of a raise at least. that the of from The school hoard attorney was or- escape R. R. Judd, organist. Prayer 0. H. Mr. and Mra. Stanley Johnson and ravages everything dered to investigate the title and issue an ant to a Mountain Lion. Wm. The London Thirteen Club, which family Mr. and Mra. Roy Willyrad A baby boy was I Kirn at the home Barrua, The speakers were: Emma Winter age 17, and Phillis deads if necessary to the L. D. S. of Mr. and Mrs. Lenis Peterson last Clark, Pratt Matthews, and Bishop dines once a yeur at the Ilalbom of Salt Lake City and Mrs. FFed Lowe, age 16, the twe girls who run Church pmpert at take I'oint. Anderson. Duiing the services J. FI, Restaurant, is wjtll known ftr ite Fsrney of Tooele were here Sunday Friday, mother and baby doing nicely. A. J. Stookey presented a petition away from their homes in Salt Lake Millward and Mr. Harvey Anderson eiTentric proceedings. The subsiTip-Uo- n fur Lie funeral. a a a to the club is thirteen shillings, asking for the removal of the present City Sunday evening and have caused aang a duet Sometime Somewhere considerable in the 11. Mrs. Mr. and Daily to E. publicity Reid, and Raliegh Johnson en Mra. leland Tale aang a solo Be- tlie price of the dinner is thirteen six-- I Superintendent, papers since that time were found tertanied Mias Norma Anderson and autiful Isle" and Paul Wrathall aang voces; it is served in room 13, on refill the office by another man. yesterday morning perched high and Pharria Juhuaon last Saturday even- the aide Little Pink Roue Closing January 1.1th at thirteen tables, with SALT IX) BE USED ON WEEDS. .dry in a tree in Middle Canyon by ing. hymn by the choir Behold Tis Even- thirteen guests at each. Ghostly carSheriff Evans and Deputy Smith. tide" Benediction Gustavo Anderaon toons line the walla, one I diiml the a a a White top, a noxious perninal weed The girla arrived in Tooele Monday. L. Wrathall dedicated the grave chairman Norman and Malvin Obom motorJaa announcing that life Would Mra. Blanche Kydalch and children found in great abundance at Stockton They stayed at a private residence at ed to To.iele Sunday. Pall bearers were Lucy Palmer, Alice be endurable but for the superstitions and Laka Point and in small patches night Tuesday they stayed at the returned to their home in Salt lake Ratcliff, licth Brown, Emma r The are tiny plaster of Lee Thatcher of Logan was hers on the roads and farms elsewhere, is Oquirrh Hotel, and Wednesday hit City after a few days visit with relatEight girla carried the flowers pat is coff ins, each bearing the quaint on business Sunday, for the funeral. gradually strengthening its hold in far the hills when they were informed ives. To senthe of epiteh: memory many all parts of Tooele County. that the Sheriff had wmid of there seless suicratition killed by the thira a a Frank Connor of Slot ktoa waa hen lbs serieusness of this weed is now whereabouts. Sheriff Evans worked Mra. Blanche teen Club" Life sice skulls decorate and children Ryduleh on business. Sunday all on in all but came csss the who have realised by CARD OF THANKS day Wednesday the tables, with twinkling fairy lamps home in Salt L actual contact with it- - The county was no' aucceaaful in bis find antil went back to their i who Aii all a haik s.iuerclv V thcrin: ske'etons ip grotesque attitudMr. ami Mr. Jack Braxer motored iit with City after a fev duy commiauoners cooperating with the yesterday morning. helped in any way during the illness:,. (,ut or. the table among penrki-- ' to j oi.L-ilatives. Sunday uti buainesx, The girls were taken to Salt Lake county Agent and Road Supervisor aiid death of our little daughter Irene, feathers, which are thought by some have derided to treat patches of this yesterday at noon by the sheriff. The Mr. and Mrs. J. Austin Hunter. people to tie unlucky. Mrs. D. J. Atherly and son LawrEvery diner pest with Salt in sufficent quanity to rase will probably be handled by the has a skeleton for hia buttonhole, and ence were Provo visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. I Roy Bills and StanJuvenile Court. aterliie. moat mendiers wear a green tie, and ley Roberta of Delta were guests of In order to incourage land owners to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. is some esses an opal, which at a gem, Mr. and Mra Emil Anderaon during Sharp have moved to Towle to make their home. ia said to have an evil reputation fight Wkitetop it has been arranged the week. to sell salt to anyone whe will uae it Grace said (it is the quaint stanza, on weeds, at cost. Salt at Burmester Nephi Anderson of Salt take City Some hae meat and canna eat") The was here Sunday renew ing old acquafor this work will cost 2.00 per ton members fall to and demolish the Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Hale enteron hoard cars or trucks TransportaMiss Maggie Vorwaller of Salt take courses as they appear some have intances. Three thousand years ago lived an tained Mr. and Mra. Benard Swenson tion chargee will be baited on distance. Egyptian King named and family of Burmester and Leo City ia visiting her parents Mr. and queer names, such as langue de serMisa Violet Olson returned from Tooele City Council decided to use It sounded like a Stutter and the Gang Mrs. August Yarwallersen Johnson at dinner. pent," jaitibon, sauce diable. at the Salt take City Sunday where she has 10 tons of salt on Wlntetnp patches on at the Luxor Golf Club called him last dinner given by the club the bran visiting. Mr. Hannah Liddell had as her menu cards were the streets. Anyone wishing salt will Tut. designed by Harry Lulo Jefferies, Sterling Anderson, guest Sunday Mr. and Mr. Bert BroWalter James of Government Creek kindly, inform A. L. Christiansen When Tut reached the Cake Eater the of Punch, Furnixs, Fawaon wer and family of Salt take City. is reported quite ill. who was attended by two cross-eye- d County Agent, today. Dr. Peck waa age and got his Hair plastered bark Ray Wooley and Legrande schoolat Mra. George Page and Mra. Will- waiters. Balt is spilt by each member, summoned last week. Right he died. Dying waa ona of who heve been attendoing THE 1123 ASSOCIATED TulRS the leading Egyptian Sports the A. C. returned home Sunday. iams of the Relief Society Stake who also breaks a small mu r..r by way tawrenre Sharp motored to rrovo and Tufa death waa a Major Event Mr. Finn is GUIDE IX) It MOTORISTS. board visited the Erda Ward Relief of cheetful txjtise. test. Hia aister, Mias Emma Friday to two toasts of They elipped him into a Swell Tomb gave reply Lixhman Wrathall and Amy Hud- Society Tuesday. accom ponied him home. Sharp thirteen words each: Queen, Prince Moiiiriata who are planning vacation in the Velley of the Kings. son left Tuesday to attend summer Mr. and Mra. R. A. Fenton returned and Prineess of Three thousand years later a Party school at the U. of U. Mr. Wrathall tours during the summer months will Wales, and the rest of Emm Uron "turned from be pleased to know that the It 23 of Snoopers dug up Tut'a Tomb and will teach at Ophir next year and home from Salt take City Monday the royal family." Enemies of super ,c Clt several after after a start evening spending day. st ltiorlj nt,riin(.e fcnj humbug drink AaaoiiaLed Tours Guide, the official all the Junk buried with him. The Miss Hudson at Gold Hill. 1 1h iPnJ f, with friend and relative, relatives. of Men Tut took CW'V1' to success the tamh.n Thirteen road bonk compiled and published fcy Advertising charge a a The Automobile Club of America, is and in a few weeks have given him a (This was propos'd with roiniilorslilp Mr. and Mrs Erwin Bailey of Wan- which makes Chari i Chaplins, Salt take visitors during the past ; Rep now ready for distribution. .humor, in a spei-rlasting, watch in Utah, arrived here last week to week were Leo Johnson, Clyde Wiland M. 'hsml, thirteen minutes.) By following the carefully selected Ih.uga spend the summi r here at the B. B. STOCKTON NEWS itineraries and clearly defined road Cnue's look like a last years Almanac liam, R, D. Hailaday, Riley Hale, kan' h. Mra. Carl Bailey, Mrs. R. D. HallaJay maps with which the Guides 104 pages in comparison. , ANNOUNCEMENT I I lead fur Stall) years! Lost! Forgott- Mrs. J. T. Flinders, Earl Flinders, rWl E. Larson and aister Misa are filled summer vacationist are en, via- lid. Martinson ( ia Salt Lake Ili a Jure DJI tar 4, J, Rali-egRose h Mra. ommeiiMig Hale, p.mi made an auto trip to Mated, abled to tour by motor through the en! Then Rang! Advertised and a Ivan Anderson, will iqHn an' Mi Ray', itor this week. 'birrpra Johnson. most charming sections of the Eastern whole world hollering for more news , viit wkh n'si.b-office "at Abrahum United States and Canada to seaside, of Tut! Mr. Betsy A Thomas wss a Tooele to accunimudate theFaw,ns of Crm.ts-- 1 ini-piIf advertising ran thus put life into All mountain and country resorts. visitor thia week. Mr. and Mrs. James Ftee, Mrs. T. a do One for Dead can't what a it a with tours in the Guide are compiled Funia T. Ilanaon who hat keen at- Ing'chy Ruth Stephen, Ri hard and view to acenic charm; the roads map Live One? Che I--. Th S. U. at fialt taka heala Ring-woonormal tbi d rest n.Tf ii (!.(tii Mra. J. 11. They rould have dug up a hundred Fred Inglety and an,,p ped ara the best arethes of herd um- ll y rmii'.'tion may cm! thi ie betwi-eand children all of Salt Lake Tula in the deseret snd if they had n:t'r highway that the country affords. Mr. and Benson Mr. of v'ktl,,ni Aquilte f It) and 12 a. m Mondays. he ur of Wm. Inglehy fur transcontinental motor tourists kept the good news to themnelvea City were the guests , . or leave; in the Clover were visiting here this week, j W b.,d to the d city Historian a Sunday few returning to Atlantic double only there is a page sr s(l sister Miss t. tu st "rd r f"r evening. A. II. Newman our bn al artaol Pacific road map showing the several would have ever known it returned from Salt take City l.,r,a You ran have the beet merchandise taai her left last week for his home, F',,r ),rtT,e- Rii'i lay where they have been routs across the Uuited State, accvisiting Adverri-emen- L world if the does But world. in the for itineraries ;wi!h frond and relatives. ompanied by complete Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bennion of C. lewis returned home Sunday Ray I will to the business it this i'lcreasiigjr popular trip. For not get tap Vernon Wrre wek end visitor of after visiting the past week in Rii h- V'-- s A nr a Mae Piant left here durthose visiting the New F.rgland coun- sleep along peacefully. Mr. and Mn. Herman Peck. They mond Itah. TutSMerchanta Service. Rememebr we-- k adthe is for a trip to California there of the a ing map recently try Mr. left Monday fur Salt take ' ahi-rshe will returni-Charles Mr. h.'me opted road marking tyartm. A la'ge spend her summer Wagner l 12 weeks summer Bennion ia takir-vacation xisitirg with friends ami A THOUGHT Idling mad map f the entire country sriuad course and expert ti teach laat week after visiting in the East relatives. with her mother. sat of Chi'-agaeeompsr.ir the Guide in Tooele next season. A feature of the Associated Tours We in a to with the peeve go 'phone Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bennion Mr J. A. Painter returned home Guide that motorists particularly apour tone. eft after wet-Saturday to visit with Mr. Ben-riothe Sunday visiting past d preciate is that the itineraries are And ra!I for a numlier it may ta our Parley Wooley, Pharis Johnson, in tagan with relatives. parenu at Grar.tevilte, before to allow for logical stopping TVD J0 own. I.Khman Wrathall, Clara Miiiw-aHto Sa't take City to attend the AMis Anna Welida I ft Iet W'eek arxl this paper places at the end r.f each days run at And we fret, and we fume in a way Ruth Clark Donald Rotu-rry- , -' Mar l c f U. Summer attaol. Uwt-where i,cafr.mndntion may lie most unfair. rt-- r Watson and ABert Johnson tnr tar home in Nevada after visiting u have an intern! in comtawey Olson returned from Salt madil'y serured. Synopses of Prate Fur the telephone girl, why ahe'a al- who have attending sthnol at t the home of john Ree for the mon? Your success heir e and Park Motor laws, ferry schedule, and lists two week. City last Monday the U. of U. arrived home last week ways there. the communityai a whole vh.re he ha been vialC-- g with hi of good hotel and garages aNn y to W seem to forat her trmildea in life end to spend their vacation. f.rii m! and relative which turn is of beneht inrreare the Guide's usefulness to the Are not those of a man who is raliir.g for the past few He punhased an auto while cs. to automobiirt, kis wife. Mis Florence Bailey entertained at WedtJ'rg Curt.om. For the accomodation of car owners And if we would stt p to ronaiiler swny. Xlien a merchant aiJvere women went Tudor Is times a those last he distributed through the Guide party Friday right, avhi'e . Mii Ltr.mv Sharp who has been rises with us he is investwith (agplpra to he were: Sam Finder. Rid n local news dealers, bookstore and We should find that the faults are on u s h - g at ar.fl Cri,er lu-- f --e Them, and they enB. Y. U. at Provo is which his is Nfn-- y ing of in Mis all the J money, Fteomberg Amy Hudson, drugsv-rcountry our l.ttie part tered the church by the grrat door sjvrui.-r.a fiw days here with her ir.tet! with returned Fiddler. M;ss sL or irsy he obtained by remitting fifty Ro remew.Vr whfn Gladys num- - Hudson, Mir the lare they rarried In some rair.g I before to Salt take taura Huda'in. Ivan Anderson snd or.'y. certs to cover cost and postage to The wbrat she re on th-l- r beada and corn tar; don't peeve. fW Tmt Cm4 N tb Vbtera 'tare she :; tearh at the U. of U. f Tku Automobile Club of America, 247 Wet But thir.k r.f the giri; "Oar Sweet Oeti- - Charles MiEeiiar and Delbert GVr.n ?Hw k cast la tfcrtr fscea, with ataiuta a4 teratw hf Summer School. Tooele, 64th ft rent. New York City. Who." -F- rom plenty I plenty!" evieve. The County Cummisioners have been meeting duruig the past week as a board of equalization making adjustments on taxes and looking over the tax rolls. Monday the board met in regular L. comm ut loners session. W'ralhall .and E. T. Jones of the State Agriculture hoard appeared and asked for a decision on the districting of the state for the purpose of having a crop and pest inspector appointed, which will necesitate the levy of of one mill. Thu commissioners do not feel favorable at the present toward the appointment due to the extra expense, but will watch developments en the distrk'ting and decide on the question later. The commissioners decided to procure salt fur the use en county end uto imJi to SnWvy vrhktelep. Dwy will furnish salt to farmers at cost to destroy smell patches on private ground. one-ten- Yor-voile- IS. re-f.-- rsl tlj lh -- Death Of Child. Girls Are Found. Vernon News. Will-iani- a. salt-eilo- ERDA NEWS. The Fable of Tut. or , . ! i Day-lyDa- . I tr : Pd h-- . rri-lnys- Bald-Heade- .... 1 i J This Means You, Mr. Merchant! e : I ns arr-arge- Irw , r-ir.- yu pt a Old-Tim- a bare-trade- w-I- mn'-r'ed- fl. e te gi-i-- f V V |