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Show THE CHANTSVILLE OBSERVER. GRANTS VILLE.' UTAH bear Mlae Brooke: it a tore beau aa Intoroatud bus sk of raadurs aad wou.d lias to aak a few oursulvea (1) Is It rropor tiuea.toaa fur a boy frvw IS to IS yearo to go OUC riJlng with a gtrlT tfi Is It proper to keep up a eorreapendsace with a girl? WILD BILL Alia, t'aaada. And my liulv uornar bas reached yua. an ay up in t'unada 1 eaieod a moat hearty welcome sod grootu.g. bat even for you I cannot adviac g log out with girie or taking thorn out rung, as a Bloody diet, at the ages at IS aad 1 There are tears of study ahead at bote C.a-s- Dear KcsJer; TLa is your corner, All questions submitted will be cheer fully aud carctul-'- answereu. exn-p- t those awrkitig mdcal ail vice. Names and addresses of business firms cannot be printed hern, but will aud girls a this ags. aud having an lo take a pretty girl Sul be sent if a cngosenient sumpt-- envelope eccvn;pauu-- the request. 1I1 lug baa a trudoncy to detract Questions ere limited te two. lull name and address must accompany n. rural on such prosaic, each letter ar as reply esa be made. hut highly oasary subjects ae the All communications are bill stricty conflicntial. aa w rilin an roadin of study lug In requesters poems and songs, the correct title, the first I'M. or the rithmeiL." (f ftttould ths girl corree-pondaname of the author n necessary w order to find them. Please send stamped, happen to bo aa old achoul addressed envelops also with these requests, so tbry may be furwarued duvctly chum or old frioud, an oxchange of taliera occaaioaally would be a very to yeu. Address letters very plam?y, with pen and ink, to Helen Brooks, Box ISIS, upland id idea. Salt Lake City, Vtah. To BLUE EYES. Laval. Ida Thanhs bow dearly you love her, but be see- - for tha song, very, very much, dear, tNvlg RECEIVED Tha following songs and lux tent with this fur about two more bond your name aad stamped eavalope revnlvsd during tha past wk. ears Would It set bo much butter to for tho songs you wish. X cannot wo4 and I wiah te thank eacb one tor their hnva her end eun one oho might love- seed thorn without your name, can 1? bailor below you ewrry her than afktadneae la contributing them: lorwardf You can afford tn wait, as On the buhl ef the Brand wins. Te YOOTK wlQ thou sod te writ. Toots IfCenterflfld, you will bo hut twenty-fiv- e Taps you will eeud a nama neat homo little two those the years He kiss Agnla. hy which I can reach you. Bid. you ran bo made coaler mil and If the foriaif Hud tt ith the Broken Finioa. love you think yours nuw should turn I uaablae nf Farndiae Alley. out to belong to another, you have basal , , , , Mother at Mine. saved tho greater pain at least, because J"My tld Mew kinmpahlie Home. mam, ' s lo to ho knew her with yeu unhappy Um Long Ago. er sock bapptnesa with ajxuhor after To The Cotlnee by the ken. Kid and FRECKLE, Spanish tho niarrtaga vena would indeed he the California sad You. pain, would it autf Tour love Fork. Utah. Flaaau Band name and givaief seems true hluu. and your plana for BOKGH KEwl'EMTEO girls If you wlah your quest long tiula ae e.-- heart oound wondar-fuU- y answered, gurry, but please read rules These eonge and poems ms ea the your uua Irtah. but aa I sea it, my ml governing this department and thareby list: requested and vhe would l te Just wait a little while save ua both time. Mummy at Mine. at du lea Gan at What think? you Flower of Arsbr I shall be see now? tt tills way you Whns Teu re (lone I'll Not Forget. KKIM'T, Salmon, Ida. Floann sand vary aiad lo bear from yeu again after name and artdroan and I will then bo (Answer te bva I m Uons t wu 11 you have thought U over, may 1? fuma Fui n- -t ) happy le answer questions as best 1 the Through Night. raa. Dear Miss Wrsoka: I h Ish I Knrw Here cornea another "Quest loner." Don t Tmn Mv llrt lire te the Mull. I guess you wont mind tf I ask you Mere Just Finis Folks. two questions that I think Important fcneet Home. 1 ceriuliilv In the Harbor of t between antoy wading Me Fivnse kme Nnninut, You end Me," 111 What makes n perIeud night. son s mouth so dry that they can hardMow Much for a Bm ly apeak when they arc talk Ins or Te sawn Ive a Leuglpg la My Heart for Teu, reading before an audience? (ft What la (bow advwrte Louise, la a becnniing way for a girl at fourde Clgon. I teen yeu re to rnih or do her hair when his game. It la nut lo the shoulders after It VWWWWVWWVWhfhilVWVNA Through aa vi sight, whoa I anted has tees yet tiohtieil. end what should be lust ween for ths wng. "A Lulls fhtld done ths split ends or tho knobs' Bhall Lead Them." I nslacted te evnte on thowt'h end ef K? Wishing you happithat this wae a different one the ness and I rmia'it, yours. ens I had asked for before The flint "PTKNi it. Montpelier. Ida. line ef the one my render wlnhvs now. Awfully sorry. Questioner, Put your A Little Child le ae follows Title. answers wer eent te tho nama you an-- c Bhnil Lend Them:" Flrat line- "It was tuned la Isitar, and are now reone hitler night In winter, the wind turned toyour ramhlnso et ssttlisw made tats Mae ms marked "unknown. Hove yoar blew flerce and cold. Boh or anls wans, tore powder. rroaoMv hence this delay You hro woicoms I tkmal assure you. snd 1 thank you for liking Mall ardors eoiwrtod. Marlsolle fcasatp dhoppw oniv my corner, Bongs have been rerelved with and fur year good wishes , sUm-hedand (1) There ore the following signatuvee several reasons for the 1 take this oppurtunliy ef atvrrealng mouth becoming dry when one is talk- my appraelaiiun fur the Internet taken log or reading before aa amllsm-BOOK iV, JlTu. Jo! rP--P 1' In tbe remlere' reuueale for nmiga First, It Is arly duo to naevannwass Thank yau A Render, tilt-anferry. and Then, the mouth filgot PATXNT MKDICIN Rfl Ida; Mrs E K V., Wolfhnle. Arts. being stags apes aa aiuch. tha glands are X. T. Z., Lob Angoies. Calif: Ma C nuh-ktta and ths this dries air, FreehelrwTi Murks foe HnJtwr, filomeeh twin- M. L., Halt lAks City: An Interested up soma of the moisture. Nervousness bin kidney dwwaMa gnrwtectaaa gssrswised nr Ken 'ler, Montimllo. ; Lima. Pt and ft fear Inteifors WnhtliS glands dis- mosey nfuiMed. Set W. ? g halt Lake Citp. Uaoige, It, charging as murh mniainra as they weuld. otheiwisa If you will bold your Mimic flowGi trsr Mias Hnx-k- i open a 111 lie bit, yeu will hou-Ml have been reading vnur corner mouth new nhL All how quickly It fibre! music hr snd kinds end tIL'fC dry, people anfl thought wsi like te jnia and aak who mail. ( III). Ornery Mark- Co. St S Main sleep with their mouth opes And you a lew qnaarinns (1) ia it proiitr It absolutely dry whea they waken. te aak your fiteng hai-- to your houae FRUIT HO IBS d YRbRTABLR CRATRR are after being out eer riding tn the eT'er-eo- ing andwhofeel aaacriis'omed to speaktlmidliy, generally BERRY CHI'S 1 CRATES! fur the first timer W hut would have a pitcher of water on the qiags ou got to stperw. e tf be woe Jealml whea they are making a talk of 'any liert nadirs, holt lokr lox A lowlier Lumpasy. of youf (X) la what way ean you win length, wo you have noticed e fallow's heart T Ha romain aa ever (f) It Isasquire adouht CAf BTKRIAR problem te know what your fi lends. to de with bobbed hair whaa It begins and Hretful Dows Calbterla FIT TWO IJTT1.B ATARI). Myton. ft Icnysn te grew out However, tf yeu ars at all r11 ssira Mum A (nd owl ho. Mr Kitra cnttocPre fe weloeme sew 1 think 1 Always glad ta clever hair. ug your doing LIU I Mars. (1) It le suits you will tm It In the back, RADIO bLPFUM first proper to Invito your friends into your curled It. and then arrangehaving ths short RADIO SUPPLIES homo. It to oiwars proper to bo gra- curls anrosa ths back ft, pinning them In nptk-assigBe. cious and hoapiialila, and makt ail your la will Pud this rather a that you piars, friends foal woicoms to com to your nice way ts dn It Or. If you cannot maka RASY CRICKS bora any tims thav wish Thars le tha pins srey la la this way, weave RAHY Hff XS- - Frooi Whits Ughores. scarcely earthing whfr-- will make and your rlhtiiiB In aad out and arrange the t aa olfectlvoiy as this at- hair so tt raa be hold hr mams with rsrsrdt at MV sod betplaned above and be- hmiird on hots SUMS, snd gomg fast at IBs soeh mosphere of bospi'aliiy pervading tho low it. if your hair ia tee short ts de ter, for Mar and June, a prws urpiisivd. asaaid-snn- s home (2) I go sot imagine I would this nicely, about the only Wa hshdi only frost oar owa thing you aaabry. do much of any thing, dear gli-lscan do ia to hae your cut hair T. B. C. RtsMsa, CeiMkws. Calif. lea vs lilm pretty much alone Inre a National Hob, or curls Tomade saga Jealousy la a form of oolflahnRSS which rid ef tho opltt ends the beat way get Is Year lurat prtstsr handtre oR kinAi at Mudtws. should not bo tuleiatod. (X) There are ta hsvs It alngcd carefully. lores bred dsalrvs. Mask kasha, re. mtrSt. tta ways and ways, girls and 1 adviaa that RAIAOON you follow your owa sweet way If this RTC. FlRgWORS This la my first entrance into your does not alfai-- t ths ona ysu hava la rnrnar I have ar loved the Informal ton vs Write mind, try li on another boy, who per- frvm your little corner aad now I hope I am welcome haps bas a mors suscaptiblt heart. w should hat you ii) say to a pesos alias you refuse to ROBAR miMMg Dear Mias Brooks: donee wl'h kli And what Is tha (2) This la try first attempt to writs te proper thing te say to your Go Twos you but hope I am weleoms (1) How after tha dance? Wishing yeu portlier euocese tall and hew murh should a girl weigh ia tha fntnrs I remain. "VFl VRTDkiF" Ftolshieg PmlhualiHuii snd Aewtcu' k.ioplM that la Id years oidT If) If a boy tells FAHHFlL run NOPE Myles, ft RAI1 a girl ts wrire to him and gives her Too CtX IAIIpH FHOItl ho Mam are welcome, Teu (I) girlie fit. rstobg Ms addraoa, and tha glri wri'rs and ts should not refuse te dance wlh a ri boy answers would you advise tbs girl to unless yeu have a very good reason IWB FKRMIAW RAIS TONIC writs again? Wishing you lurk and If It ts a public dance yau should not sueresa ia year work dance with a your.g man unless ha has KEEP YOUR BAIR SOFT AM CLOSSY FROWN EYED, Idaho. been Introduced by a mutual Ten are welcome and heps yea eenis friendprcperlv Ihe pterfrdH fenl'iantine fbv aad tt lo not than proper to rela Bhrfwr Mkh fifiri D'Uf Mhthi, If ran Rft hair ar again. (1) Tha average height of a fuse to accept his Invlretlon te dance girl of sretoen la about S3 Inches and If It la an Invitation affair It would be ftALT LAKE th weight Is 111 pounds lit You improper to refuse to dsut-- wlih bare told ths young man you. one course In every coo nf present BAY FOB UOCRtM would mower his lerter after he hod if you are III or too to dunce this first written te you. but ns you have m sufficient excuse tired and you may ssv already written te him fret, snd he has thank you so much, but 1 am so very AVI AMO RI IWDKPFNDRMT snswsrsd. let It so at that, sod write Mrod 1 feel ihai I cannot dgn'-- rhla one Month for ?7 Months MW) aesls If yeu wieb to do se and he hge In accepting n young mans Invlls-'lo- n Mamm expressed i dean for you to. llihnks lo dance voii may ssy Thank you.: SAVE WHtkt IT PAY Frown Eyes I will be delighted to dance this with Leeni eo drat onriyin bn proved real yeu," or similar Your acettave I-- r Helen; quaintances vary- so much In drepoet- Would you please hc'p a stranger is- tlnns snd manner that you cannot FtDtLITT HtTIT Mhfl I DAM AII X wall I am use alt Last f ur. Utah a eel fhraae In these others yeu be vo he-ithirps. Im II gr Is Id. I love her and aha vary them to ths Indvi4ual It ts Are wa ton young f gs customary for your partner te thank loves ns BOOK HY MAIL RPAD married? I never knew another girl ion when the dance Is ended and you ttat I even esred for, but my heart hav may anewor hy saving "Oh I enjoyed (send the girl ef my dreams now. I the dance very much indeed," etr , etc., read late Roots haven't proposed it te her. but she Is 'rylrg if also tn fli the occasion and Magntinr Hkl bhcpnnl a so dlffet.-n- t ti,kt I'm afraid If 1 wait iudlvtaual. oniv two questions are alROAR DIVC M BOOL she will went soma ens elec mere her lowed one person at a time. dear. own spa. better educated and with more money and one who dances, i ve Deer Mies Frooks: POW I, SOD R for Cole never been to high school. Hhe Is a I wonder If yeu could end would lo..ii-':;wi. flehms at Hwhret HtandanU. we do If Intend cate dauahlcr. the sophomore. merry hoerding following songs for me The gplcndid place l' ynur te put her clear through school I have flrei is "The snd Iar Pupil. kieAfnmrten, Orem mar. outlaw," and tho beginHigh. Os th Arrnreitrd lost of Amt'ota almost paid for a pretty home mhlrh ning lines go te Prncinel. Bad let Schools Apf-lI keow she wlil l.ke 1 don't wan' he-rider etnod at The lamp lit her for her money because ahe heart anv JTugglrg the knot ef hie neck acarfl I know I am reepecte4 and I can obtain; loose. t lriiee tell ms what tel While someone tnrg tn tbe sliver de Years aavloua:y. otrtr-gto tho moonlght patio: TP.'irMLFD lt Tha other I do not hnow the name of Cops & Ar-so you think pen have fosed ths but If B'srta I ke t is H.id from Powder P.lvor "Tho V girl ef girls' And you ak me if you In any quantity, immedare old eoot'gh te marry This would Aint got no lures nor nary liver Home a vo It was a t.tua be a difficult question for mo to iate cte bhipment- - At prices rayue." However. I hove ponr ftjr you you In advance Thatk:rg that are right I am yonrw by. and l'ter toto thins ivlgb pea ore A LITE. Ft oil enough, but you Vo Salt Lake Box & Lbr Co. I otne'ey bnpo aome ora of my the girteea Is vary young f'dr s girl to hnow her own heart, and readora wl.l hava these for you IB Sth Wwsl Wat. 6170 Aula and tf as. I oi l furward them to for your own auks M wall at hre. would advtoq that yon let her knew rou ta your envelope ea ean be net out. de aome r ace, and Gear M:a Iwer Mis Hror va ka- In tha Will ye. cle.nmg u.rfl eg. in tp read your very to rtrer.iyour fail ynyirt j II to bow ta larndsr organdy d'eeoea mek pouring carefully ol? from ti e dirt wo them lock aa near raw aa po ble I ollrh will have os'tled to tea bottom wou.d l.ke you to me oolvo. hail be very grateful for this Infornjt-- 1 of fkt C'tn'alner. Tour dre.a will byi ! I Gils used to risen gray method be aa fresh and ertrp aa-,Ykat t.cn Reap j:v, new If y,,r. wish to us water, wash ' H"ma g-sHk boss h. vo MR tt F.. '.isr Hone. Cl. Wl I ysu r,r kr'rht svjns would be -r you rsrefully. using pure snip or soap Mv first e -y eauaev v flakes what fican he dons rinse carefully and for rtlffen- S rt fjla si ins? Wjsh- esn it Tlt'a use a lu your wark, I of horaa warsr ,B k0 much natie'sctor) y at Potr-- ky ohtalntra the-of gi.olln possible and then ishout one . ea snon of horaa to on roo aln aa ever, best of wa-This gives body and. "BLUE EYES," Heady. Cf ah. to wash the gs'msn' aa vorijiuart P'O'-eewon.d were you washing l :r 'lpneea similar to th original dre.a-- . Welcome, Fin Es fl) Go to your shoe store a rfd aak for s brush snd pow- s purs will's goes, andho-- -aqus.'S. mg, nufsp sr rub I! Rinas ,s dsr to clean yO'W asde ahos tan Art TSaa--' FREiKI.E. Ft. Georg cr-- s Ut sho s' or which ao.'a and sboea rwlr In rls.n gawillr i.l bn' I cannot, tlus Evss Ths It- ft should b i.nd ni! cf!''''.''. of cof.-'sw.i: fcr fS) s 1 !! k fibre or a S' has goors tvir from e, srd he Warmsc'l1'' ir oam ar- vsgBahls gladly bright J f S''r.r n.d answer your sheen. Are yours of this? Thanks fey should hang outride for on dec a' lor treat. Th gaaolin used lr. v . j your good wlahSA dear. s : fi-n- w 1 at wu ..... H 1 AwurL-ugunlHist Aahevllic, oriimd t tvihnr, Cliu, lu proud Uve and proiwrty of Mimii. Uwminl bust of Tlivlv House sit tinveUad Ui; 24 at Mount Vernon, M. and the srulitor, V. Miarrendlnix ftAVieruiis iff Foreign nan waking snubur of puptitn to be thrown an the sea from duatroyar Mahan on Mmbs! I. day. W barring the teaching of It la any Institution supported by the lYeehylerisn church. After n but discussion this wee rejected In furor of another, much milder and more liberal. In the next btg contest Bryan end bis followers wuu 1 signal victory. Title was over the reiswte ef the committee on (Ills and overtures on tbe case of IN. Hurry Emerson Fuaillck, pastor of the Tint freehytartan church of New I orb, 'accused of liberalism amounting to bsresy. The majority report uodged the issue, recommending that It be for n year. It was signed by all but one member. Doctor Mscten-na- n of litlisdelphls brought la a mb malty report making prorlsbm for tha New York Presbytery, which In conducting an Investigation Into tbe case, to rpport its action In full transcript to the one hundred aud thirty-sixtgeneral assembly next year. The report also reufflrmed the utterance of the general assembly of 11)10 to pronouncements made upon the virgin birth of Christ and other points of the doctrine of the denomination. 11.1s minority report was finally adoptad hy a rota ef 4W to BoD. The assembly adopted a plan for the reorganisation of the thirteen boards and agenrloa Into four boards, and Indorsed the report of the committee of nine laymen to help In securing an adequate endowment for the cere iff retired mlutsters and widows and er- - also because they feared hli Russian policy would lead to war. fto Curaon. prevented front reulixiiij hie greeteat ambition, wee compelled to step aside aud Hultlwln wae offend and accepted the postrlna Tliis, It would appear, wae fortunate for Great lirUeln end gratifying to the world et large, fur Kitldwtn gives Greece Seems Determined to promlee of being n nun srcumpllrtlnsl and aklllful nateanian than the arroHave Another War With gant Lord Oureon. He le fairly acTurkey Over Reparations. ceptable to the Labor prty In Cnf-lanand certainly his appointment Is pleasing te France which blames Cur-Bofor much of the trouble she has PREMIER BRITISH EULDWIN had In the Ruhr occupation and for the threatened break with Belgium over Corson's ftatactien te ftuccstd ftennr the methods to be pursued there. In Washington Mr. Baldwin created a deLaw Prevented by Laberltee cidedly favorable Impreealon by the Communists Raise Tewne In way In which be conducted the negothe Ruhr Sociaiieta at tiations for the fundbig of the British Hamburg Perm Internawar debt to America. He Is pretionale of the World. eminently a busmens men with n knowledge of finances that wee y COWARD W. PICKARD heat by the budget which, ns ttiaarellnr of the exchequer, he submitted te parliament not long ago. At she will net GREECE declares te this writing Baldwin has not rumpletad the Turks pay his cabinet, but It le said thsre will be for tho war in Anatolia In which few changes. Curwa will remain as aha was defeated, and that sha ecretary for foreign affairs. Lost win fight again if tha demand la Kobert Cecil, protagonist for the not withdrawn. De yeu think League of Nations, will probably be she la Juatiflsd in assuming this given a Im wt folio as chancellor of the position! duchy of Lancaster. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENTEVENTS . I . m m a wo Tills distance It looks as If WAS ATGreece were yetting herself In bafa Aft danger Abaohitiiy refusing to pay Turkey reparations, either In cash or In territorial concessions along the Maritas, and threatening to quit tha Lauimnne conference and resume hostilities unless the Turkish demands are withdrawn, he tins placed the allied representatives In a most uncomfortable lainet Iafcha Is no I cm firm IMHdtlon. than Venizelue and hue formally naked Kir Horace Itamladd what the attitude of Great Britain will be In raae the wer tietweee Turkey and Greece Is renewed. Kir Horace, aided by the French, bas been trying to find ground for compromise, suggesting that Turkey be given Kamgatch, the west hank iff the Msrl't.s end the railway from Kara-gatcto Constantinople, In lieu of cash. TIe Turks did nit reply deflottely, but the Greeks aiwerted, Informally, that they would make no curb offer. Meanwhile both aides are preierinf f-warfare. The Greek army la Thrace, which Ilenry J. Allen says numbers If ,() O men. Is lined up along the Marirxn and the threat la that It will march again Constantinople. A ronstricrtthle Greek fleet la cruising shout the entrance to tlie iNirdane.iea, and the Turkish (.""cmmi-n- t lets bulged Vi'li the Brliisli a protest airalnst Its that presence there. The Turks If G'cec wants war t.cy are ready,' In Antils ran an I th.--- t (heir Cntitn'iii'iii!e In two days, wl.iie If wouii t..ke the erniy at lea-- i dure even without opp- a tne Turkish gem-tu- l Is quoted e scyl.-gThe Turk fw-- l certain 1 red flint etari e flirht withFor this reason out ft.1 suiifiort. ! Tare threatening llostil end Svria, sod those provoking or 'lie Grwka to stta-- k should take this Into r predicted a week ago, the of a rujiture of relations between Great Britain end Russia la fsdlng away. Leonid Krasaln preaentad to Lord Curaon last Wednve'tay a note Id nbb'h the Soviet government yields te nsurly all the British demands and any It tbua yields, not because It thinks It wee In the wrong, but because n break between the twe countries would endanger the general peace by cresting a bails for "the aggressive alms of the militarist elements la most countries, even Independently of the will of the British government." Prime Minister Baldwin, It may be said, dose n regard the soviets eo unfavorably as dea Lord Ouraon. G:--t- tc-n- . 1 :i The Turks It Is mil, ePher have dept roved or are ready to destroy all the over the Maritza. It is knowu brids; that flier bare mined the bridge that rv'fintx Karegatch with Adrhttiople. Bulsarle Is watching developments In Thrace with s keen ere. Phe baa concentrsted a large force on the border and If hoerilifie break out Is petied to make a dart) southward In the hope of obtaining the outlet to tbe sea which she has been claiming. -- bis health ANDREW BONA It LAW, by a trip to France, r Mimed as prime mlnlmer of Great TOURTEEN foreigners. Including all Americana, are still bald by the GLlnese bandits of and netther the Peking government nor the foreign powers seem able to devise a means for their safe release. Concerted action by the letter In the way of direct negotiation with the outlaws le nrged. The Chinese trvsipe have been withdrew n some mltee from the lair of tho bandits In miens to their demands, but the IsPar are euaptrinae end Insist the! the powers gnemntee that ad tbe pledges of tho government will bo carried out Majon PlngY and Allen of tho American army and Lee Roiotnos) ere confined on the ran-mi- t of n mountain. Bar-ho- JJrltain. Tils, while not ureriecfed, w as rjd'In arid the Gorservatlve iierty leaders were considerably exercised ver ti e rtrgr ff a spiffs The two though reiiy of cLef candidutes f.w the premiership is tlte fl.t e ere I yH urzin, minister fur for-e'gB'lillajn Jen-affairs and fit hi. PailJwln, sgant llherallain rhencei'fie f the exchwjwr. Oarwc's tlnrs Rrysa and b'e fellow have been putting tip In t?.e (tr'dinMy wss hert lit norrtihl hut n ho Is Iff the bffuee IToal.yTerR-yrnwal essorrVy la , v Lrj-tfelled of e'ectlox the Labor imrtr the nf ni'ul.'Tsrnr hot ws ex'wo-TnRno rcprosontHtivo, tho 'onofl tn make he par-J!- :i eotJve In the doho'os. Ilo hrocitt cp ?! Ijiho'-'f-Impoeslhie If Ms pot tmphonr. tho Perv!r:!m thoory be w ere i hreea. They o Jocrod to kirn ef evolution, end offered g resolaGou n day Former justice umpire ef the found the A marten mixed claims rommlssioA wee too etrenuoua and resigned last week. Judge E. B. rarker, member of the wu named te succeed him. The American war claims against Gorman filed with the commission total half billion dollar. almost on a and Tl.s United Mates government le tho largest claimant, asking $394,118.01101 and the smallest claim le fur $1 which 1 former prisoner of wu asks for loss of property. 13m claims by Individ-aala- , growing out of the slaking ef tbe Lusitania, tout ISKmejMO end were the first taken up by tbe commission. tl-a- t funda-tr.entall- ht-r- fie--n- n-- ?:n - from every Important SOCIALIST net In Hamburg end formed a new organisation known as the ft oculists' Internationale of the World, the Y'lenna Internattonale and the Bemud Internationals uniting. Only the more radical rvpreaentattvea fro n Russia and the Baltic outre end they wore left out ftoclal-larIs thus given a more united front than It baa had since the Copenhagen convention of 1910, In the opinion ef the delegat'A. Ajnerlre wee represented by Victor Berger, Morris Ilill-quand Judge Rankin Morris Berman. Tlie ftocuiut Fsrty nf America, meetliig lo New Inrk, rejected over-turt-from the Fanner Labor paity and the Workers Iarty of America to join labor party movft In a nntlnn-ead- e hut de.Jed ty conMoue Fa In the wxk for ptogrresivo "for the purpose ef political actli-forming todeieffident lolirlcal labor parties" In the different atstee, without "the hire of Integrity or the poetical etaiidlng of the Rorielint party." In borb Hamburg end New York the ftotisliafs directed attacks on the Italian FaactatL That organisation It first aerhnia trouble last week e hen greet numliere of Its mom-t-er- s In the Nsplee district tendered their rrelgtititione en tnasse. Them men quit because the Fasrtsrl had joined forces with the NstionaMeta, to whom they always have been bttteriy n ss mm q I'M-pl- RRiworisrAVos: mULCUCO, .W',;rK:r, Ju-lg- ALL-Wrhra- M -y- L r A (hies Beny de-c-- Hin-ero- ly ft. v 1 I H-- o; re, becking rriTp, the Amerlctin jn!t f which hee:ler ty J. P. M'rgan ft Go., ha B,r ln,. r. t!) g-- ! ay f- treynged wlrh tbe Mexlrso Tverrment . il,'i for th JJastmont off th Yvt- L"b PjM!c fic-- t Th A meriegn a.l Mexicsn rwnrssloner v.'ho ar arrtng-tr.- g for of Cijiomkrlc IbtIoj: are Birklny pool jirofT fcnt thrtr Insk win rrtil'hMy Itm-- tlicm busy for another mot-tI I p sa-eo- pt - W. noOI'ES was fwrelarreff rfiatrmsD of tbs L'nttoff fttatst reliwsy labor tmsrd last WedrMsIsy. Toluarary wags In presses sggregstinft Pffvwral hundred thousand dollar wore iwpnrtad to th board ty many read Th PenssTlvtiL'a syreta Incrresod th of M.noo thopmm hy ?x.jt M.nno.ooo annnally. r. , son-eihln- T3EN I.VTERNAXIONAI a, il opposed. 1 . a . s N sui-cea- sny-ohou- ld lt A m limt a Entertaining, Salt Lake City Firms rn w h POSSIBLY directed by Rnaelan the communists in tbe Ruhr decided last week that the time for direct action bad coma. In Gelsenkirchen, after bloody fights with the police, they seised the police headquarters and hoisted the red flag, and In Dortmund there wae another desperate eonAlct. A general strike, Bomlrmlly against tbe cost of food, la la effect In tli Ruhr and la spretidinc rapidly. In some towns romg:lslonn gf furred tlie dealer to reduce prices. Communist leaders say men iff all parties have joined In the strike. It was asserted by the German press that these dlurtances were fostered hy the Front h. To this the Fmirb retorted that their officials at Dnr-dor- f had knowledge that MiMonw had sent more than 2C,kO.'XK Swiss francs to the Ruhr to further the scheme to create a Soviet republic, end that the Iltipgiune had also sent two ahlphsida of wheat for the use of the comnninlta. Tbe molts were organised in units of 1M and were capably commanded. The French troops refused to Interfere In the fight V o-- soi-j'lo- g-s- de d ya-t-- fl-- dd-s- pa |