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Show ' t S'"' " .. .i . WHERE DOCTORS FAILED TO HELP POPES ARMY IS REMODELED Obsolete Halbard, Hello of Mediaeval Timaa, Has Been Replaced by Powerful Rifle of Bwies Make. E. Pmkhgmg Vegetf He Compound Restored Her Own Statement. Moi Your medicine bee than all the doe-tor- s medidnea. At every monthly period I had to atayinbed four daya becanae of hemorrhages, and my bade wae eo weak I could hardly walk. I have bean taking Xydia E. Pinkhame Tke wee Papal army . la PAIN THERE? IS - Rome. Covington, be-In- g reorganized. HprkMter tt will not Then Your Kidneys May Be Weak and in Need . of Quick Attention bo ao ptetureaque as of old, but it will bo easier to equip and more service-abl- e. The army ia divided into two diSerent bodlee the "Guardis Palatine," to which la intrusted the defense of the person of the Pontiff and his court; the 8wise Gourd, which haa the charge of the general defense of Backache is enough cause to suspect the kidneys. The kidneys are in the small of the back. Congested kidneys swell and throb. The back naturally aches. It hurts to bend or stoop or to sit down. Kidney trouble may come on all unnoticed.' A cold, a chill, a fever, a strain or irregular habits may start it. While sick kidneys can be cured in the beginning, it is a serious matter when dropsy, gravel or Brights disease sets in. Doans Kidney Pills have made a reputation in the cure of backache, and kidney and bladder ills. The best proof is the testimony of the users.' Here are two typical testimonials. Thirty thousand others are being published in the newspapers. A postage stamp will bring yon reports of cases nearer home. If you suspect yonr kidneys, get the kidney remedy. Eoory Pictorm TrUs a Story9 good Vegetable Com-pon- ad and now I can stay up and do my work. I think it ia the beat matWdna on earth for women. Mm. Gun, Covington, Ma Jnm MRS. MARY I. REMINGTON. SHELDON SMITH. A Resident of Gilroy, Cal. Prop. Arlington House, Woodland, Cal. Cured of Serious Case at n Critical Period. 1 suffered ao severely from pain and soreness over my kidneys, says Mrs. Remington, "that it waa a task for me to turn in bed. My kldneye n acted very freely but secretions were retarded and scalded in passage. I was weak and much run down. "After taking other remedies without benefit, I began using Doans Kidney Pills and waa completely cured.. I was going through the critical period of a womans life at the time, and after using Doans Kidney Pills there was a miraculous change for the better in my health." Cured of Serious Case and Feels Like a Boy, Despite His 76 Tears. "Three years ago I was almost helpless," said Mr. Smith, "Kidney secretions scalded terribly and obliged me to arise ten to twelve timaa a night My left limb became so stiff and sore I could hardly walk Just hobbled around with a cane. "I had almost every d complaint that kidneys produce and Doan's Kidney Pills cured them all. At the age of 76 I feel like a hoy, and enjoy health and comfort Can anyone wonder at my gratitude?" How Mrs. CUne Avoided Operation. ' Brawnavilla, Ind. I can Bay that Lydia EPinkhams Vegetable Compound baa done me more good than anything elae. One doctor add I muat be operated upon for a aeriooa female trouble and that nothing could help me but an .operation. I had hemonbagaa and at times could not get any medidne to atop them. ' I got in such a weak condition that I would have died if I had not got relief aoon. Several women who had taken your Compound, told me to try it and I did and found it to be the right medicine to build up the ayatem and overcome female tnoublea. I am noWin great deal better health than I ever expected to be, ao I think I Mra. 0. M. ought to thank you for it Clink, 8. Main St, Brownaville, Tnd. Scribbler Wbata the beat way to become a great poet? . v Ruyter Write a bunch of Junk that no one can underatand. s nominal duties, and la composed of the youth of the leading clerical society of Rome, the second ie a real and proper organisation of soldiers, with regular pay, whose objects are aa Important as those of any other army in the world. It is in this second body that the reform, li being carried out A new commander has been appointed, M. Rapon, a retired colonel of the Swiss army, who has lmmedl-ktel- y started his work of reorganization. The obsolete halberd, relic of mediaeval timea, haa been replaced by a powerful rifle of Swlaa make, suitable for any European army. With such a modern weapon the Vatican troops Could no logger wear thoae picturesque uniforms, with yellow and black stripes, which rendered the Swiss Guard conspicuous at a gnat distance. Aa the gray and , "khaki" colors had been adopted by the Italian army, and, therefore, could not bo used, the new uniform haa been cut from a dark bins material, almost black. This uniform win be worn every day, bat n special costume haa been hdoptod for occasions of state ceremonies. It la entirely different from hay style used at the Vatican till now, and la much like the costumes worn by ' the knlghta iff the middle ages when crusaders were fashionable. Up till now the Vatican army haa been composed of a small number of men, but it ia the intention of the new Commander to bring the regular forces to about 800. Beautiful Decline. Ollie James, the gigantic and genial from eongreaaman and senator-eleKentucky, was in conversation the other day with a Washingtonian when the latter ffiide certain inquiries with reference to a mutual friend whom he had not seen for a number of years. "And how does Col. Prescott spend his declining years?" he naked. "Beautifully, air; beautifully 1" answered James. "He has a fine farm, air.' A string of trotters, air. And a barrel of whisky 16 years old and a AMERICAS ONE WOMAN JAILER wife of the name age, air!" A- ct ; . New Swlaa Guard. the territory belonging to the Holy flee. While the first body hae only THEN ALL WILL PRAI8E. . . In East Greenwich, R- - L an Elderly Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of ' Woman Looks After the shine in the soul, and fills it with a Prisoners. steady and perpetual serenity. 0 dlson. East Greenwich, R. L In a little Garfield. Taa will keep the whole system in (white painted frame house in thie town Uvea Evelyn Smith, America! perfect condition. ( one and only woman Jailer. Two heads are better than one in The custodian of offenders against: a cabbage patch. the tew, 'ranging all the way from the If love is really blind how is it that disorderly character "picked up at love can always find a way? I west every person who is bilious, oonott-patodorh- u v any llvsr ailment to send Cor n free pnekaaa Pills. of ny Pnw-PnI nans to prove that they positively rare Ii digeotl neb. Belching. Wind, sian-aeho- Nervous- Bendnebe, ness, Sleeplessness sod are an Infallible cure forOonstipntion. To do free peek. .forW cents a viol. For free paekaf Prefeayee,81idJiffinens..PblledieMs.Pa r YOU HAVE SOLD AT ALL STORES. ap the weak THS NSW FRENCH RRMIDV.SeLl.Sen.Kaa UsedlnFrcnek Stale with JIDDXS DIB. . ifnLeiaB, asm ataaa, baafcK to Dr. Lb Ckvb iuvrIim hr l00h lATnmcfnR luvrimi, Lorotw, brcl ' BBumoee-aitEaBB- ES Dim HI QU. Dill UJ earn beautiful QoM Blgnat Kins. Guaranteed S yearn FootCards at lOr Pack- Mnpaekacea esaeUeat SBe and tke rineio send joare. aaoi wkea sold, We, tbs Packages Hawn Tournsmii sdilrr will beforwarded at onoa I. bask. UHLS. ItmrJA BrownsfrnDcUalTroches A POOR Ui Salt Lake City, No; 10-1-11. CENTS A BOX. NOT MR8. NAGGITT. INHERITANCE FOSTER-MILBUR- N COMPANY, BUFFALO, N. Y. Ex- At the trial of Horne Tooke, LorA Eldon, speaking of his own reputatlcm said: - "It la the little inheritance I have to leave my children, and, by God's help, I will leave it unimpaired."' Here he shed tears, and to thq astonishment of thou present, Mltford, the attorney general, began to weep. Juft look at Mitford, uld a- bystander to Home Tooke, "what on earth ia he crying for?" Tooke replied: "He la crying to think what a email Inheritance Eldons children are like to get--, .; .. .. v... us.' Perhaps an overindulgence In fancy food has given him an acute sensation of mal de mer. ( When Your Eyes Need Care Try Iturln Eye Remedy. No Smsrtinir Peels non Sets Quickly. Try It for Hrd, Weak, Watery Byes and Granulated Eyelids. Illua- tested Book In each Package. emupoonded by our Urultata not a "Patent Medicine but used la neaaaafnl Pbyslclans Plenties for i years. Mow dedicated to ike or Itnanliti at Me and Me per Bellie. Uaandi arias Bra Balraln Saeplle Tubes, Me and He. am Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago - , HANDS WOULD CRACK OPEN " "About two months ago my hands started to crack open and bleed, the skin would scale off, and the good flesh would bum and itch dreadfully., When my unde first started to get ore, there were email blisters like water blisters which formed. They Itched dreadfully, it Just' seemed as though I could tear the akin all off. I would scratch them and the akin would peel off, and the flesh would be all red and crack open and bleed. It worried me very much, as I had never had anything the matter with my skin. I wu so afraid I would have to give up my employment' "My doctor uld jie didnt think it would amount to anything. But it kept getting worse. One day I saw a piece in one of the papers about n lady who had the same trouble with her hands? She had used Cutlcura Soap and Ointment and wu cured. I decided to try them, and my hands were all healed before I had used one cake of Cutlcura Ointment I am truly thankful for the good results from the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment for thanks to them' I wu cured, and did not have to lose a day from work. I have had no re turn of the akin trouble. (Signed Mra. Mary E. Breig, 8522 Bro Street Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 12; 1911. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment are sold everywhere, a sample of each, with book, will he mailed free on application to Cutlcura." Dept L, Boston. . Wheat Goes Down. Hear about De Curbb? De Broker De Ledger No. Elegant Language. poet speaks of hlinBelf as a blind voyager across the hitler "A Tears of a Rival Attorney Were plained, Not In To& Friendly a Fashion. Whats happened The Keynote. Knlcker I thought simplicity wu to he the keynote of your gowns. Mrs. Knlcker It Ie; I have simply got to have them. METALLIC HEELS AND COUNTERS No Non "Run-Ov- er Shota No Mora Mr. Naggltt It wu a good thing for Tearing Off Hath Jonah that yon werent hie wife. Far AU Miners. Ksllroad Maw. Mrs. Naggltt Why so? MSjrT finijp .Blind, JleMug. nwjjajrijjet days. He. dntajjljJaanjwta Mr. Naggltt You would never hare Blaading ur Pratradlae can asw wear metallic basis which an Gghur Asa leather. Support the heels asd counters and doable accepted that whole story aa an excuse Always hold fast to love; we win the wear la work shoes. Dont buy anutbar pais ct for staying away from home for throe hues oalcm they're fitted with metallic bade. Bac tenderness and conquer by forby doal wait, bars them put ca the shoes you're warn and days nights. ing bow. A cobbler can fit these It your dealer giveness. F. W. Robertson. isnt eupplied. write ns. Free booklets. Belated Information. MR HACHMEKY CO. - MKTTMI, MASS. OHIO) Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children NT. Albert Morris Baghy wu being con- teething, softens the puss, reduces inflammaIn tion, allays paln,euraa wind eolie,Sc a boUla. gratulated at the Waldorf-Astori- a New York on the success of his muDEFIANCE STARCH5. We can do more good by being good other uarchea only IS nnnrim earns price and sical mornings. DEFIANCE 10 SUPERIOR QUALITY. "I .Impute my success, he said, "to than In any other way. Burton. the fact that I engage no talent that 1 dont know thoroughly. In entertainment, aa In matrimony, knowledge la Do You moat. Important Do you fed all tired outP Do you sometimes Then Mr. Baghy smiled and said: think you just can't work astray at your profesTwo ladles were talking the other sion or trade any loafer ? Do you have u poor ape-tit-e, day about the Chinese revolution. The and lay awake at nights unable to sleep? Aro younger lady uld: your nerves all gone, end your stomach too P Has " Isnt It dreadful In China? A woto forge ahead in the world left you? If so, you man doesnt know her hueband till she wdl put stop to your misery. You can do it it might k marries him.Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will you will. make you a different individual. It will act your lazy liver The other lady, a divorcee, answerto work. It will set things right in your stomach, and ed bitterly: " 'I didnt know my husband till I your appetite will come back. It will purify your blood. If there ia any tendency in your family toward consumption, married him, either." St Louie k will keep that dreed destroyer away. Even alter conGlobe Democrat sumption hu almost gained a foothold in the form of a lingering ootifh, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring about a emu in 98 per cant, of all eases. It ia a remedy prepared by Dr. R. V. Pierce, Fertlulmo. of Buffalo, N. Y., whose adnfca it given free to all who wish to write him. His .When a certain Baltimore matron great suooess hu eome front his wide experience sod varied practice. turned home one afternoon not ao dealer into taking inferior substi-tut-u Dont be wheedled by a belong ago the first eight her eyes for Dr. Pieroes medicines. raoomm ended to bo "juot u good. ' Dr. held wu a badly damaged youngster Fiona's uadieinu an op known cost position. Their every ingredient printed of here. Little Bobby's forehead bore Mode from roots without alcohol. Contain no habiton their wrappers. a bump almoat the size of a doorknob. forming drugs. Worlda Dis penury Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Heavens! exclaimed the mother. What hu happened to Bobby? 't'Nuthin' much, mum, explained the new nurse. You told me, mum, he might pley on the planner if he wanted to. Well, mum, wanat while he was slid Ing on the top, he slid a bit too far. 245 2.50 3.00 3.50 400 & 5.00 mum; an that accounts for the bump ye see, mum. For MEN, WOMEN and BOYS vourrartAR,. B3SS9ESSBBD Feel This Way? sm-biti- oa peony-grabbi- W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES to him? V THl STANDARD OF QUALITY De Broker Knocked flat. bight to the murderer awaiting trial Hard to Find. FOR OVER 30 YEARS De Ledger Ton dont uy? Wu i by the high court, Mrs. Smith is just "Here are some verses entitled, THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES Completing her thirtieth year in her he caught by the drop in wheat? De Broker Well.1 yes; something The Road to Arcady. give W.L. Douglas shoes a triaL W. L present official capacity, and the sixty-any poet can tell like fifth that A barrel of flour fell on the"Pshaw! Almost but stamped on a shoe guarDouglas year that the office has none of them way to Arcady, him. antees quality and more value undisputed in her family. superior ever gets there. Mrs. Smith believes in humanity for the money than other makes. His A Poor Guuur. and humane treatment of prisoners. name and price stamped on the bottom The Remedy that revolutionizes and reWedmore Before I married, I learn"They are all human beings," is the the victim of constipation is protects the wearer against high prices generates ed to live on half my income. Garfield Tea, a herb combination. way in which she expresses it and inferior shoes. Insist upon having a Since the time, sixty five yean ago, Singleton And found that it wu the genuine W.L Douglas shoes. Take It lent difficult for a man to see his when, as a little girt she saw her wise atop, eh? substitute. Tf vmr dsstar numaS suuplv W.lfltonirtss no Wedmore Yes, only a half wu the Affinity In u woman with an obese sliuas. mllsW I jlnsirti, niiirUnn Msir fnrnstslns fllinruria graadfother, John Place, assume the 1 SsllTWT sfasrsss Hauls, IM Color XplitimB swtfwksw made account. bunk I should have position of Jailer, she has watched her wrong proportion Bather,' her uncle and her husband It an eighth. conduct the affaln of the tiny Jail, He who reigns within himself and and, what la more, haa learned to read character and haa come to see the rates paulons, desires and. . fears is Color mote goods Mrifier and fester colon thu any odterAa. One lfe packsee colors all Am They dye htcoM water batter than any other dye. Youcsa djro any sarment without ripping apart. Writs for fra booklet How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colon. HONBOt DRUG COMPANY, Quincy, HI. more than a king. Milton. ' kumaa aide of even tke muMerer, " mm ' . JO, N. 50 zas SUCH - Tuffs Pills die-ease- DOANS KIDNEY PILLS - mi ' . PUTNAM FADELESS DYES |