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Show Most Popular .Ladies Contest Closes March 15. All Votes Mast Be In At 6:00 P. M. That Date. Prizes To Be Awarded March 22. r ' 'UE R VOL I. QRANTBVILJaE, TOOELE COUNTY TJTAH.FRIDAY MARCH 8, 1912 NO 10 WAKE UP TO OUR POSSIBILILast Saturday evening at the home of 8. E. Woolley a delightful sociable TIES. Right here In our own town we Church Officals have a natural water supply that far Tbs brick work on the new drug was given In honor of Ralph, who has store building has been finished. After exceeds the supply of many larger been attending the University, of Utah. Entertained cities. Let us Improve the possibilities being delayed for some days the work UP-TO-DA- TE was resumed last Monday with a Guessing contests, musical . numbers, to a greater degree than we have allarge force of masons and It was soon etc, contributed to the evening enter- ready. Iflth such a water .supply cm own property, our homes can be SEVENTIES INVITED TO TOOELE. rushed to completion. The carpenter tainment Among those present were: work Is now under way and It should Noel Anderson, Theodore as modern and convenient as any BONDS CARRY WITH BIG MAJOR-ITJohnson. Robert R. Judd and wife and Richard not be long before the building Is com- Harrison Mlllward, Clark is country, by the simply placing Jefferies, M Jefferies and wife, presidents of the in our houses. pletely finished. R. Wooley, Jennie Anderson, Magi Hmrw before in the history eg 31st quorum of seventies, were specialshelters Stock be will company George Marsh was the line Anderson, Sarah Anderson, Lucille Brat-claGrantsvllle have the citiseus so fo letter brad bare smile that wouldn't come wearing invited 43rd guests of the quorum of off last Fri- Clark, Carrie Wrathall, Blanche Math- at tbe local opera house all during the ly eland themselves In favor of a bigger been printed for Hammond Brothers seventies of Tooele last week March 4. This com- Wednesday commencing day due to the arrival In his home of ews, Irene Wrathall, Frank Wooley, and better city by voting in favor eg when a managers of tha local bouse. Tb. and not herenew night, reception general and pnv a first baby girl. In a family of seven Annabel Burmester and Ethel Woolley they always did tb. Job and facia proud of lta carry a strong line of plays and a very good time was given In Tooele In honor bonding the school district for 25,000 boys. Mother and child are doing Mr. Mrs. and Charles Roswell of for the purpose of buying n site and work. We alao bare a scase of pride capable company. You should not fall of J. Golden Kimball, one of the first nicely. Garfield were at the home of a school house, as was shown visiting erecting tbe for manner la which the opera to attend, for among the shows that seven priesldents iff seventies. PresiA new rug and table were recently Mrs. Roswell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. last when tbs bonds wan Saturday home la being bandied thee. days. will be given are mentioned "The dent Kimball spoke In a very able voted with such an overwhelming maSon. of th. bMt traveling shows are Installed In th. room in the school R. M. Robinson, during the week. The Devil," "The Parisian manner on "Brotherhood and FriendMiss Frances Fraser spent the last Wolf, jority. Th vote stoed: betas booted and tbe house Itaelf la building that has been repaired and "The Two Orphans" and ship," after which refreshments were la favor of the bonds for a Princess, room. A new arranged sewing In of week returnthe Salt 109 la excellent condition. With Lake'Clty, kept served and dancing was enjoyed dur- Opposed to the bonds 5 dean dresslns rooms, and a clean coat iff paint is being put on the wood- ing for her work In the schools on others equally good. work which will give the room a very Monday, Ballot spoiled Last Friday evening at the home of ing the remainder of the evening. i stag., together with a clean, warm and wpll lighted auditorium we fed that presentable appearance. Mr. W, A. Scott of Denver was In Total ballots east . there are taw country opera houses In log Grantsvllle The vote shows toadualvsly that Wedlast and Tuesday the state, and certainly non. la this the Grantsvllle dtlse believes la betcounty, even In the same class with nesday trying to arrange to buy the school bonds. His proposition was a ter schools and Is willing to do his the O rants villa opera house: shara towards securing the best facilivery good one, but of course the school board could do nothing with It ties for the education of his children. until after the election. The question of locating the school house has come up a number of times. Mrs. Robert R. Judd left on MonThe school board has declared itself day for Salt Lake City, where she will as having no location In mind, and la remain for some time doing temple willing to consider any site that may work. be suggested. Mr. BenJ. Bolton iff Salt Lake City The proper way for tho cltlsen to SenricK Held At Ohipel was a visitor In Grantsvllle last Tuesdo Is to present his views in favor of day. He was well Impressed with nay site, remembering that a public he saw here and there Is a posFuneral services over tbe remain! what school building Is for the accommodawill move he that later his of Miss Ester Sutton were held In the sibility tion of all tbe children In the dlstricL and make this his permanent ward chapel last Tuesday afternoon amlly central location should bo chosen, at 1 o'clock with Bishop A. K. Ander- home. lu mind no man's personal inhaving Thomas Jennings was delightfully son In charge. The choir under the diterest, nor personal preference, exrection of J. F. Wooley rendered beau- surprised last Tuesday night by the cept when those Interests are that tiful music and special selections were members of the band and their wives. preference makes for tho host good of given by Frank Woolley, Mrs. LI sale Games of various kinds were the order the school children. Soma locations Barrus and Miss Ethel Woolley. The of the evening and at 12 oclock a may he favorable in some respects speakers were Joshua R. Clark, Major midnight picnic was served, whioh and unfavorable in others, while other BeaJ. F. Barrur, Bishop A. K. .Ander- was enjoyed by alL sites might seem to present many Mr. and jMrs. R. M. Clark .enter;' son and B. W. Black, who all paid a slrahle (Vature and still, be unf! beautiful tribute to the deceased and tained Messrs. Jones and Hardy at the location of a school. dinner last' Sunday evening. mad. consoling remarks. In all, however, It Is to be remem Many beautiful fiord offerings were Miss Wlnnafred Morson was visiting bered that with all conditions befog In evidence, tbe coffin being covered with friends in Grantsvllle last Sunfavorable the school house will bo A leap year party was given Tues- John T. Flinders a very At the Grantsvllle shearing corral enjoyable sowith them. In many cases haring been day and Monday. according to tho wlshee of Lm placed day night, Feb. 29. With a good floor ciable arranged by Miss Mary Flinders more than 50,000 ' presented by the various ward organisheep are already people In the dlstricL a and fine crowd the dance would was given In honor of the nineteenth booked for Jim Marks has left Grantsvllle and sations if which she had been a memshearing. Mrs. Elof Erickhave been very successful had not wedding anniversary of her parents, son will have ber. The children belonging to her will take up his residence in Murray charge of the boarding COUNTY COMMISsome maliciously inclined person in Mr. and Mrs. John T. Flinders. Va- house. class. In which she had taught In In the future. SIONERS MEET Mr. Tom Imlays daughter Mary has a fit of boyish irresponsibility, dis- rious games were played, during which Primary, were there In a body and the some drug around the hall Leon I in lay and Sadie Fawson stole The officers of the Primary acted as pall been visiting In Grantsvllle for a short tributed County Commissioners met EIGHTH GRADE ENTERTAINS that created such an odor that the the 'chicken, and refreshments were time. bearers. the Court House Monday with at dancers were compelled to seek the served before the guests departed. FACULTY. Mrs. Lee and daughter, Mrs. Clara Commissioners Swenson, Or me and fresh air. Some of the ladles were Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, and Ralph Lee, of Tooele taken home, having been made ill by W. M. Rydalch, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Last Saturday evening at the home Clark present. were guests at the home of A. G. Benthis foolishness. The matter of dividing the count of E. M. Clark the eighth grade in the Mr. Mra. Leon and Mrs. Elfors, Imlay, son last Saturday. sociable W. O. Jefferies, Mrs. Louisa Fawson, schools entertained the faculty In a y int i school districts was discussed a Last delightful Friday Among the younger set a candy pull was held at the home of R. M. Robin- Miss Sadie Fawson and Miss Emma most pleasing manner. A number of at length by persons from different was given at the home of Martin H. son in honor of Mrs. Charles Roswell Strdmberg. 53,535 Blanche Fiddler games were played, among them being when Miss Ivy entertained a parts of the county. It was propos25, Mi Tanner, Ubble Hale and "Laugh of Garfield,, who is visiting with her A large number of visitors were in "Priest or the Parish, of her friends last Wednesday to make the whole county a comed lumber 24,61: Merinda Brown An entertaining promother, Mrs. Robinson. Among those Grantsville in attendance at the and Grow Fat school district, with three high iventng. mon ,21,370 Nell Anderson present, were: Gertie Hudson, Enid Priesthood meeting which was held gram was rendered consisting of the A. Fawson and T. Flinders John school 13,290 Viva Anderson districts, but final action was following numbers: Bpeech of wel Benson, Fred O'Brien, Edith McBride. here last Saturday. ' 9,670 were visiting In SL Johns In the inter- Murray Benson, Mr. Hobson, Archie Emma Stromberg come, until the next meeting. deferred Roy Imlay; quartette, eighth Priesthood meeting was held In the 5,405 est of religion classes last Friday. Rachel M. Anderson Eli a son, Harrison Mlllward, Everett Grantsvllle School House last Satur- grade gtrla; remarks, Lillian Rowber- Among the matters disposed of 5,000 Ethel Sutton Miss SUnday School board meeting was Gunn of Hoytsvllle and, Mrs, Charles recitery; solo, piano Donovan; Ly the Commissioners was the ap- . day with Stake Precidency and other tion Marion Bates, and a boys' quar-held last Thursday night In the vestry Roswell of Garfield. stake office, s, together with reprepointment of H. It. Croft and F. M. of the meeting house, when matters Local Mercantile FLOWIN WELLS IN GRANTSVILLE. sentations from E. T., Lake View, lette from the grade. Refreshments I John80n to connected with the Sunday School Ice cream and cake were restively Justice During the past few days two wond- Erda, Tooele, SL Johns, Clover, and consisting of f and Peace Constable at Wen-fo- re the taken up and dlscussedT was and served a late heit hour very in the line of flowing wells have Grantsvllle wards. I wall The arrivals at the Hotel Fawson ers the faculty wended their way dover. been driven In Grantsvllle. Sidney Ralph Wooley came home to spend homeward. Cara well had W. P. as follows: has finished, are Judd .Leroy Jay was appoiuted Justice 'a Just and week few this days with his psrents here of the Peace at Ophir, vice Wm. F. rie, San Francisco; A. G. Stembrldge, which from a depth iff 156 feet, flows j incidentally to cast his vote In favor PEOPLE'S TRADING COMPANY DE- Salt Lake; Roy Anderson, Union; fifty gallons of water per minute. And 0f the bond Issue, ELDER WILLIAM SMITH WRITES 1 Kelly resigned. Hemming Dooele, Salt Lake; W. A. last Friday night Len Hale finished CLARES DIVIDEND. The Commissioners ordered In Clover was J. A Stookey of Scott, Denver; Walter D. Gibson, driving a well for James Hawker Grantsvllle Saturday attending Priest$3,000.00 to be set aside from the C. A. Luff, Salt Lake; John whlch( from a depth of 164 feeL bas a hood meeting, and while here was inThe annual meeting of the stock 8eattle; County School Fund for District flow of forty gallons per minute. These C. Russell, SL John. Gateaville, Tex., Feb. 18, 1912. terested In the outcome of the bond holders of the Peoples Trading Co. becan be facts and hardly Editor Grantsville figures Reflex, Grantaville, School purposes. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Begin anand also mads some Inquiries was held last Tuesday evening when one who has not seen these election, lieved by Utah: tBeir of daughter, withl respect to school matters here, a dividend of five per cent lor vie nounce the wedding TOOELE STAKE OFFICERS. wells. Dear Sir: 1 have been reading the aforma us that In Clover planb month ending February 10, 1212, was Carrie, to Mr. Charles Reed of Salt wells In California told that We are Reflex two for find on weeka and State President Charles A. Orma, to It ader way to pipe the water from V"declarad. The following officers wen Lake City, which will take place to a depth of 1,000 driven often are of a Tooele: be a standard T. 6th paper teaching higher Inst Wednesday, the elected for the ensuing year: R. lng and by the use of gravity feeL after which the water must then First Counsellor Charles R. an excellent water system of morals for men, women and chilBrown, president; C. J. Stromberg Mrs. Sophia Jlbson, who has been be pumped 75 feet or more. The In dren of all of Tooele. conditions life. There is also a .heir schools. W. K. Soelberg, genwith her sister Alice Pell in themselves very there congider Counsellor AlanJo J. Stookshould Second The to the suppeople rally A J. eral manager; O. H. Barrus, Balt Lake, returned home last Friday . 01.tunate when they get water- even movement on foot there to build a new port of a iff Clover. to those devoted paper ey, high But I and and house. Hale school Hyrum K.yfwiant J. H. accompanied by Mra. Pell. Ideals. I notice you intend to keep un(jer these circumstances. BupL State Sunday Schools J. H. ton, directors. free irom politics of all Hale, of Grantsville. j the paper President T. M. M. I. A. John A. kinds and that should meet with the I approval of the entire people. I be Lindberg, of Tooele. President T. L. M. L A. Ellen H. t'eve If you will do this the success o: Live Wires Go Out the paiier Is assured, although it ma Park, of Tooele. t all the some for time BISHOPS. take people For A Roll realise this. Tooele Edward M. Atkin. Graatavllle A. K. Anderson. It needs something like the Re fir. . The peopl-o- f to help build up Ihe K. T. James hL Tates. ENJOYED TRIP TO SALT LAKE IN Grnnttvil'e have been satisfied wit; Bateavllle Edward C. Ekmaa. AUTO. condition)! na they w- - long enoug1 Lake View John G. Shields. Other communities In the state em SL Johns John T. RuaselL n other states were forging far ahead Clover M. M. Stookey. W. Ban Schultx, Clyde Wrathall, Dr, of Grantsvllle. Wale np the people t Vernon Isarel Bennlon. an mads Benaon O. A. F. Palmer and the necesIty oi a nnltr-- effort for th loaepa Bishop Waddupa. auto trip to Salt Lake last SktArday betterment of. tbe city. Mercur Alexander Moss. Garfield they picked up t I wish to thank Mr. llolladay for th afternoon. President Relief Society Alice R. 1 Intend ti Joursent me and their ba be continued papers then Woolley, of Grantaville. Joe Palmer at Piealdent Primary Hilda Erlckaon, soon. It tor they the subscribe city ney. Upon reaching of Grantaville. that they Ytrar after and friend, tended the theatre 8upL Religion Classes BenJ. L. KLDFR JOSEPH W. SMITH. made the return Journey to Grantaville, Rowen, of Tooele. M." Sunday 02 So. Pleasant SL, Independent W. Tale, of Stake Clerk-i-Johreaching here about 2 "G. NO. Tooele, morning. BREEZY BRIEFS. HIGH SCHOOL An ASSURED in Fact Best In County ss . . v ESTER SUTTON LAIDTO REST ' . Oe The ;Plaza, Hofue Tooele County Publishing Company, Publishers Of The Tooele Times and Grantsville Reflex Reflex Most Popular Lady Contestants - 1 - .Doing J . pres-aecur- e Me-Brid-e, t; te . tn-vn- A-- Interior of Grantsvilles new Drug Store as it will look when completed ' a |