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Show f - HHWIWHHniltHMMtlMttlllllWMIlHii W h.YAD OhYOCT) The Grantsville Reflex Subscription vance. ITS strictly in ad KM Oh Year Six Meolhi 0 PVBLUIKD ST THE BANK MONEY Tha Teeele Gaarif PahBaUai Ca. B.W.M-ACX- EASY . . Tenele County : i ek tha start that bonk account this pay-da- Did you with y We want to see your name .V , Banking in all its branches 4 per cent paid on savings. COMMERCIAL BANK George W. Haul. Cashier, Tooele City. - - Utah ' , Incorporate With (iiU Issue of Tbs Times we desire, to sanousce that is the future The' Times will he considered the offals I organ of che Republican party Is Tooele Cousty. Also that tha mechanical policy of the paper will be changed, as the paper will he printed la Tooele la the future. The present mangacment took hold of The Times some seven months ago, beipg satisfed that Tooele was an exe cellent Held for a good, During the past six newspaper. months we believe that the people of Tooele have been enjoying the best paper they hare ever had, and it is the aim of the management to give them a still better paper. The Times has al- - SHOW March 8 to 23th Day, March 19th. Los Angela Utah To los Angeles Tickets on Sale March 8, 9, 17, 1912 - f' ' . - A COMMUNICATION. Tooele Mention Erda, tUah, Fab. 14, Mil. ' Live correspondents wanted ' in Editor Timas, Tooala, tUah. .. Mrs. W. C. Maaer, who formerly Dear Sir: case The of in tha town eoumtp the for. the tha Hotel Tooala, left tor Balt every county agaiaat Trask L. Bataa to rooovar dam-ago- s Lake City. ,, TIMES and REFLEX. for waa la watar roaalag oa the Why go to the trouble of preparing Mrs. Francis Clark left Wednes- road ku baaa dropped. . aa elaborate meal for Sunday dinar Tha raaaoa la that Jooaph day for'Sandy where she will spend whan you can gat n big dinner at (ha deputy Road Enparvlaor of Erda, the summer. Hotel Tooala for Me? a drala ditch, tha wa EL L Sprague, of tha Salt Imks SeTheTIMES and DENVER POST ar to nia onto tha road aad do tha . i , curity A Treat OoH waa In Taoele 1. 50 per year. Mr. Ekman mnat hava forgotten that Wednesday looking up matters while ha waa destroying that ditch ha paratory to tha big building ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION via mlaapidylng 9100.00 of tha public which the Tooala Building FILED. la about to Inaugurate. Tours truly,' 'unda. - A SUBSCRIBER. George Peabody, of tha I X L Stores The articles of Incorporation of tlu company, who wu la Tooala for a Baa Hive Onyx Marble Co. wea fllod couple of days, left for Balt Lake City Sheriff M. M. Bush made a trip to with tha County Clark Monday, with Wednesday. tha following Incorporators: Eugeni Ogden the beginning of tha veto. Dr. A. G. Cowans left' Thursday Mt T- - Wooley, VL L. Irvine, of the Tooala ImproveSamuel H. Worthington. where ha will be gone about tea V Idaho, Charles H. Worthington, Mampton ment Co, left for Salt Lika City Frion days hmhiii .v Worthington, James B. Worthington, day. ; Bon: To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickle Anton Anderson and Emil Anderson County Attorney W. B. Marks made who constitute (ha Board of Directors t bualaau trip to Salt Lake City Fri- at the Tooala General Hospital, n boy, on Washington's Birthday. Both mothTha company Is incorporated with i day. Joa. BallaS, tha local representative er and baba are doing niaaly.. Papa capital stock of 9100,000.00, at a pai value of 91.00 par ahara. Tha prop if tha Tooala Improvement Co., want Pickle can hardly remain away, from arty of tha company la located in Hut .o Salt. Lake City Friday, returning tha hospital to attend to business. H. B. Wade, who wu operated upon Inga Canyon, Cedar Mountains, Topelt Sunday morning. at the Tooala General Hospital teat Pater C. ONeil, who had baaa county, Utah. at -- the smelter for tha put Monday, la improving. Eugene T. Wooley is president o: tha company. Charles H. Worthing thria months, left tor Salt Lake City Miaa Busan McGee, oh of the auraae and Eamusl H Wednesday, ton, nt tha Tooala General Hospital, want' to Salt Lake City Wednesday for a Worthington, secretary and treasurer. few days. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lawyn. oftha HoNOTES Born: To Mr. and Mrs, Horace Skintel Oqulrrh, want to Belt Lake City ner at the Tooala General Hospital, a Wednesday. girl, on Wuhlngton'a Birthday. Both Weather beautiful mother and baba getting dong nicely. J. F. Clark and Clyde Warner CL E. Warr, of Bingham, hu moved ore down at Carlin working on their hla family into one of the houau in mine. They are much delighted with "Plat C" aad will make hla home in Live correspondents wanted for the ore Tooala in tha futara. they are taking but. con-ducte- d . BOOST 40.00 ' Return via San Francisco UTAH , For Literature, Information and Tickets, see any Agent or write J. H. Manderfield, A. G. P. A., Salt Lake ,dty, Utah 46.00 Limit larch 31af. trying to glva tbo paopla LAKE POINT Mies Belle Bird of Salt Lake City ITEMS aawa aa tha it gats It, without fear or who was visiting her mother, Mrs. W. C. Clark Health Officer for favor and the progreaa made fully E. T. Bird, returned Sunday. bears out that the people appreciate Lake Point released three families Mrs. Maggie Bryan and Mrs good Journalism. week from quarantine which last During tha past weak there haa Jane Phillips who had been visitini was imposed on account of small baaa aided to The Tlmei office a new Postmaster George W. Bryan ant of pox. la printcapable paper press which his brother Parley at Mercur re- ing four pages at a time at the rata of Subscribe for the TIMES and turned Sunday. about CM per hour. A lot of other so added will DENVER ha POST $1.50 per year. shortly equipment Parley Bryan who was in Tooele aa to mako The Times one of the Readtha Tooala Commercial Mere last week left Sunday for Salt Lake beat equipped newspaper aad Job ofadd an paga A state. City. fices la the The Concordia Club met at the Tooele County baa always bean a live, newspaper, home of Mias Jennie Shields Tues- lacking tha paopla have a aver baaa used to day to spend the evening in socia good, live Journalism of a local Mad. FOR 8ALK. Three lota 10x15, one entertainment. Tt la true that tha dallies of Salt Lake block south of school house, for flM will and circulation a good City have Frank Drury, Deputy Road R. J. Huntington, "Square continue to have It, hut wa believe la each. at Labe point came over giving tha paopla of the county such Deal Real Batata Man," Tooala, Utah. to confer with the County Com- local aawa as will be Interesting to all FOR SALE Eggs for hatehlug, from missioners at their regular meeting tha people of the county. There will la several parts be thoroughbred published Crystal White Orpingshortly Monday. of the county attendant papers besides tons. Also White Orpington bans and W. G. Clark one of the enterpris- the one coekereL Can or address printed now. R. J. NAQLE, ing dtisens of Mill district was Tha policy of Tha Times will be ReTooele visitor Monday. cart Times Office. publican, aa It is the opinion of the publishers that that party stands for Joe Firman, Deputy Road the beat interests of the west and Its at Erda, was in Tooele to products, that it la the party which haa Read tha Teoala Cemmerefal gters make his monthly report to the mafti (ha moat progress for the de- add an page S. velopment of the west. County Commissioners. - LOCAL WANTS e ERDA MENTION the TIMES and REFLEX in every town in the county. Return wapa bean wide-awak- WENDOVER . GO HELP L and Return Direct UTAH will be represented TOOKLE MENTION. Samuel' Merritt, - am-ploy- wide-awak- Min Florence Morgan of Salt Lake City, who spent the week with her friend Miss Faye Lodge, returned to her home Friday. Mrs. E. J. Warner of Salt Lake City is visiting at the home of Mrs - . u pea would pap S" ... - : A special Dance was held in the pew Amusement Hall Thursday. go to lbs post office, fill out sa sppUeeEoa blank, sad consume a In buying a drop into tha bank, BUta the wish land, ant In whoa, and gat a the Commercial Bank? on our books. Publishing Co Soon To WAY ORDER iim Mhsr ' i J. Spencer is visiting friends in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Maria Ringle of Salt Lake Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Lamb's (Sty is visiting Mrs. Edward came to town last Tuesday. Ekman. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Christian ot When in Tooele visit the, Tooele Sh after spent Sunday in Wendover Commercial store. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Johnson The Hawaiian Glee Cult gave Mr. Lamb runs the mail line to concert at Erda last Saturday. f Deep Creek. The TIMES ' and DENVER Ferd Johnson was recently apPOST , $1 50 per year. pointed Postmuter at' Wendover. A. Warren and Min Monolia Mrs. W. P. Baker visited Mrs. C Erdas popular pedagogues A. Stephenson in Elko two days last made their usual weeks end trip week. to Salt Lake City Friday.' Another lengthy train o soldiers Read tha Tonal Commercial Stare add an. page i. passed through Wendover Sunday. Mrs. A. son-in-la- Mc-Llva- CONCORDIA CLUB ENTERTAINS. w, in - Tha members of tha Concordia slab ware entertained Tuesday evening by tha gentleman friends of tha ladies who ware nt the dance given by the club last month. The young maa evidently did not 4o things by halvas, the ball wu beautifully decora tad In silver and blua, while they were particular to gat tha vary but music in ' Tooala; which, at course, means tha Copper fclty orchestra. Tha mule furnished by the orchestra at alx pieces wu par excellence, tha atralu being so enchanting that the many dancen ware (oath to leave whan tha "finals" wu played. Tha ladlu avar the refreshments served by tha boys ware great u Com-miari- Com-miesio- Its Mere,, and the Prices are Sure to Move it psr . The Tooele County Publishing Co. Mias Zella Clegg returned Monwill be Incorporated for 9S0M.M at day from an extended trip to Cal- a par value of 1.00 par share, 1600 ifornia. She reports having had a hares to be treasury stock, tha reacvaluing 1500 to be disposed of to splendid time. addinew and tha plant present quire Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hunter left for tions to tha equipment. Tha treasury California last week on account of stock la to be held to make such futhe sickness of Mr. Hunters mother ture purchases aa may later be necesAlma sary. stock of tha company will be Commissioner County The Swenson of Mercur was in Tooele subscribed for and sold la lots not exMonday to attend the meeting of ceeding 1M shares to any one Indithe Board of County Commission. vidual, aa It la the belief of tboae handling the matter that it la better to get as many stockholders as posFred Warr came over to Tooele sible, so the people win take more Monday from Erda on business Interest la the home paper. establishment, you With a first-clas- s with the County Commissioners, will have a plant which la not only doFrank L. Bates of Erda was a ing the' work of the local business visitor to the county seat Monday firms, but that It Is reaching out aad cities and W. J. Hammond of Lake Point getting work frqm the larger do It la Tooele. It baa been the cuswas in Tooele Monday. tom of the local firms to send their JohnC. Bryan, brother of County work to Salt Lake City to have it to say Recorder Fred Bryan, was ssen in done. The Times flatters Itself work waa tha first to bring that it Tooele Mondny. from outaldo towns and do It in Tooele. John Griffith of Lake Point was We have figured against Salt Lake houses and landed tha work with the in Tooele Monday. little plant with which we started and A. J. Williams of Lake Point made good. Why should wa not be waa among friends at Tooele Mon- able to do a much larger business with our new equipment day Fred W. Bates of Erda was seen in Tooele Monday. .. WANTED Oood. girl for general housework. Apply Mrs. M. Leroux. Vina street, Tooele, Utah. "It's the Bans only Rival," tha MAZDA, tha only light to saw by. Ton can now hava a MAZDA lighted house for no more then you ere now paying for inferior llluminants. We carry In lock such standard makes as the . MAZDA. TANTALUM end EDISON carbon lamps. In tamp shades i have some of the la teat designs and patterns. Electrical fixtures of all kinds. Williams Electrical Supply C& Ladies' visiting cards at 91 per hundred at tha TIMES office. Oat em Ton to know that Mrar taking orders for tailor made suits, coats, dreaaea. A fine llnf of samples on display nt her milliner), on Vine street Mrs. M. Leroux vitas all to her parlors to' see tha qutelte display of tailoring samples of high class by Chicago' drm. WANTED A first class trimmer or preparer. Address Mrs. M. Leroux, box III, Tooala, Utah. man-tailori- FOR BALE OR TRADE One Old - is hen from Oakland, Cal, visiting ' Mist Bessie Green, Board and room, with washing inwaa operated upon nt tha Teoele Gen- cluded for one dollar a day nt Mrs. eral Hospital the early .perl at the A. G. Shields. weak. his father. Tha Times employes those artistic Wm J. Carkeek the boy wonder who gat out "THAT Prof. A. N. Nelson, principal of tha printers, the toes GOOD PRINTING." For your compianist, was s Tooele visitor Tue Tooala eOhooU, was an Ingoing mercial printing sea or phone the end WadMtday. Lfeke Friday. ter Silt City Times. v 1 ay pss-ahga- 4 y rerereiore,.....;.... W-hZejhjm, Embroidered, with rod witbwt colUn tedW UrrfmmK.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.dOc Ladies Night Gowns rod 5& ......12 l2c per yd. Mrere ....... .ISc per yard. owr Uw,.-.'.- rle Duck T 20sper yd. 90c and up, Etemine Kercning Fast Color Curtains Bached Sheeting, 94 yds. wide....... 20c per yd. 25c per ydL Flaxen Lawns, assorted colors, beautiful Embroideries and Insertions de8i 20cperyd. ',...4ydsfsr2&lidi Full line of Cast color Calicoes, including Blue prints, Gray prints, Rrd prints, Pink prints, Morning prints, etc, also the best grade of Ginghams and percales in the market These goods are being sold at prices that eclipse anything in Tooele of the same clam of goods. WANTED A. B. Hunt left for Salt Lake City Willard Lea,!, of Ophlr, and Mias Grant, Utah. Saturday to be gone several days. Pearl Davis, of Clover, ware married FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms on Jerome Smith returned to his Monday by President H. 8. Oowans. Main street, one block north of post-office. Inquire M. B. Nelson. home Friday after a couple months of Grantsville, Walter Hunt, son of A. B. Hunt I" colors, no two alike! 25c per yd, M. Leroux la Trusty Incubator. Aa good as new,. Coma aad sea it Only bean used a abort time Grant Hotel Company, WEDDING BELLS. y SUk..gf,.Ftdc'.10 sorted J CONING! CONING! t A complete line of Ladies', Misses, Childrens, Gents and Boys Shoes. shoes are the celebrated Gotzian make of which we hold County These theonly Agency in . Ve hare exclusive agency for the American Specialty Tailoring Ca of New York and Straus Bros, of Chicago, Custom Suits Made to Order at prices ranging from $1375 up. A mall deposit down and weekly payments ofSLOO and S2XX) will mnfa well dressed. The Laundry in keeping with every good dresser"; you Leareittous. We are the Agents In the Palace Laundry and make prompt deliveries-receive and deliver your laundry tke game week. We Tooele Gommerdal Gompanu Our Prices on Dreu Fabrics ireAf tonishinj |