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Show HEHOF BHEF A WEEKS EVHIS RECORD IMPORTANT OF. THE n HAPPENINGS IN ITEM- . FORM. .10 Horn and fonlgn Mwa Gathered Pram All Quartan of tha World, and Prepnsd far Quay Man, n - The department of Justice has or dered Grant Victor, United Btatei marshal In eastern Oklahoma, to en force the federal , prohibition law jfi the old Indian territory, the same ai prior to statehood. Refusing to claim exemption, 'although under the law h might have done so, Theodora- - Roosevelt was elected foreman of a jury at the session of the supreme court at Moneola, L. L Stanislaus Zhyssko Monday night defeated 11 Yankee Rogers of Buffalo In straight falls at Minneapolis. Tbs first fall was won In fifteen minutes and the second in four minutes.' ' ; Rattlesnake venom has been used successfully as a cure for tuberculosis, according to a report to the Maryland state board of health.-There Is no chance for. cheaper meat next year,' according to W. J. Tod. of Maple Hill, one of Missourlf leading stockmen. Mr. Tod returned from a trip over the range country In the west. ' WASHINGTON I INTERMOUNTAIN Following a1 report from the state veterinarian that scabies Is prevalent among yVyoming sheep. Governor Edwin' L. Norris of Montana haa laaned a proclamation establishing atate quarantine agalnit 'Wyoming sheep. In northern Montana cattle are because of .the heavy rdw, which prevents their teaching the food beneath. William J. Bryati' addressed a men's meeting off Spokane on Sunday, confining ,hljnaelf to .religious ' topics. Charges that jhe payrolls of the frelght departml of the Northern Pacific railroad at Spokane have been padded for nearls five years, are be- ing investigated biy company officials. Mrs. Emma & Woodruff, widow of WilfOrd Woodruff! fourth president of the Mormon church, ' died at her home in Salt .Lakfe, March 4, at the I age of 74. A. C. Pratt, one of the men In public life i n Nevada, died at Caraon, Nov after a short illness. Mr. Pratt was formtbrly surveyor general of the atate. jhile he never attended school ff dfcft in his life, he mastered . telegraphy J surveying and assaying, and often Vras called upon to expert books of puSillc officiala It is. said that within a few months 8alt Lake will beconwe the western manufacturing home elf the X. L Du Pont de Nemours Polvder company. A branch factory, thd building of which will involve fortune and which will be capable! of supplying the entire .lntermountaia mining territory, Is promised. . zuf--fari- best-know- n al - ' A parcels post system Is provided foi In the regular postoffice appropriation Introduced by Representative Mil, Moon of Tennessee. The measure c would apply the plan to domestic mall matter and per of - eleven mlt the transportation pounds of merchandise. A poll of the senate and honu ol representatives made Monday show! conclusively that in the opinion ol congress tha time Is not let ripe foi Intervention In Mexico. has offered an , Senator Borah amendment to the agricultural appro priatlon bill, appropriating $10,000. fin an experimental station near Jerome Ida., to be devoted particularly to do seed and potatoei veloplng sugar-bee- t oj high quality an4 heavy production. The senate Judiciary committee has ordered a favorable report on the nomination of Mahlon Pitney of New Jersey to be assistant justice of the supreme dburt of the United States. James Wilson, secretary of agriculture, on March 8 broke all records foi continuous service in presidential cabinets. He now has served fifteen years. The longest previous term wai credited to Albert Gallatin, who was secretary of the treasury from 1801 ts forelgn-mall-caryln- 1818. President Taft has taken the initiative In a movement to bring business men of the country Into touch DOMESTI with the government for advice In Guarded by scores of and the administration of laws, the ' endetectives, members of J'the Hip Sing actment of new statutes and the detong celebrated the bldftb of the new 0 of commerce. Chinese republic on Anonday with an t course dinner In New York Dr. Ottomrzar Adusht Hanish, head of Mazadaznan sun worshlp-wa- s arrested by United States JAes In a raid on the temple at The accusation against him Chicago. .was sending Improper literature by express, which la prohibited In a new section of the Interstate commerce eighty-eigh- law. Hans Hansen, a .trooper af the Fourth United States cavalry, is In jail at Blabee, Arizona, on a charge of manslaughter, for having run down Mariana Cappo, daughter of s prominent Italian of Blabee. The girl died noon after being struck by the horse's hoofs. Former United States Attorney General Charles M. Bonaparte, who was a member of the Roosevelt cabinet, has declared himself in favor of Colonel Roosevelts- nomination for - president The indictments bribery 8. Darrow, former chief counsel for the McNamara brothers, became so enmeshed In legal tangles on Saturday that according to attorneys, there is a possibility that all charges may be dismissed. William Dean Howells was the central figure Saturday night of a birthday party which will be meiAr-abl- e In the literary world. The novelist was seventy-fiv- e years old Saturday and to do honor to him the president of the United States and more than 400 men and women prominent In literature gathered as dinner guests of Colonel George Harvey In New York. The pulp keg mill of the Dupont Powder company near Wilmington, Dels., was destroyed by fire Sunday. The loss Is estimated at $200,000. caused the Crossed electric wires jury against Clarence fire. The Democratic State central committee, in session at Detroit, decided to hold the state convention In Bay City on May 15. The committee took no action in respect to the various presidential candidates. Twenty-eigh- t contraband Chinese were captured at San Francisco when e launch Morning Star, supposedly im Ensenade, Lower California, Vas overhauled by a government Uunch. Xfter twenty minutes deliberate a Juri acquitted Jarret P. Noack, charged with participation In the lynching of Antonio Gomes, a Mexican boy, at Thorndale, Texas, last June. A fire that started In a boarding house In New York resulted In the death of one woman, the spectacular rescue of twenty boarders, both male and female, and serious Injury to a fireman of an act of In acknowledgment twenty-sevebravery performed years ago by his tamer, Charles H. Tunley of Brooklyn, a bookkeeper for the Standard Oil company, has just been notified of a bequest of made upon him by those whose lives were saved by the heroism of his parents. n velopment FOREIGN Over five millions of men, women and children, counting men actually employed and those dependent upon them, are now believed to be directly affected by the black strike in England. An attempt to shoot. Leopold Rothschild was made by a man as Mr. Rothschild was entering a motor car in' front of the bank in St. Smlthina lane, London. Mr. Rothschild was not hit W. T. Stead is of the opinion that Great Britain stands on the very edge of hell. One million coal miners, representing the whole body of work men engaged in coal mining, hava struck, and if they refuse to go back to work until their demands are com ceded, and if those demands are not conceded, the country will be plunged into dvil war. There are now 3,000 foreign troops In Pekin and the natives feel safe. Five thousand Japanese troops have been ordered from Port Arthur to Tien Tsln, where there are only 1,500 foreign soldiers. have Mora than 100 executions taken place at Pekin within four days. For the most part the victims were civilians and Included six women. Apparently the authorities are afraid to execute soldiers. Acting bn the personal orders of the exar, the Russian government in spite of all the disappointment It has suffered, Is working toward the restoration of peace between Turkey and Italy and refuses to give up Its task as hopeless. The sentence to three and a half years imprisonment as a British spy by the German authorities at Leipzig of Captain Bertrand fjtewart, has s roused such a state of fomentation In England that the possibility of war with Germany Is being hinted at as the coal The black strike crisis is called, is now affecting every class In England. Nearly a quarter of a million of workers of all trades have been dismissed, and railway service is crippled and disorganized. The gravity of the situation in Mexico has caused President Taft to issue a proclamation virtually warning citizens to refrain from entering that country and those now residing there to leave when conditions were threatening to, become Intolerable. Jose Marla Valladares, a Honduran revolutionist belonging to Ampala, crossed the Ban Salvadore frontier Into Honduras with sixty men and captured the border town of Arame-clna. A lively agitation Is taking place in Catalonia against the law Instituting compulsory military service In socSpain. Numerous commercial ieties have protested vigorously against the Immediate application of this law, which Is not yet approved by the chambers. It Is reported that the crown prince of Servla Is compromised In the plot organised by a number of young regicide officers who, dissatisfied with the present Radical government, have formed a secret society known as the Black Hand. THE UTAH BUDGET A i ' The Garland Commercial club is qow started on its fully organized and boosting career. t.aibos Larson, . an eleven-ye-a rcld Ogden boy. Is suffering from a fractured Jaw, the result1 of having'been kicked by a hone. The electors of the G rants ville school district have voted overwhelm Ingly In favor of $25,000 bonds for a school house site and building - -. The old Central school building Jr Ogden has been purchased by the Elkf sf that city and will be converted lntc one of the finest club rooms in the ' state. Out of four carloads of apples unloaded In Salt Lake during the.montt sf February sixty-fou- r bushels were destroyed by the county horticulture Inspector for codling moth laryae Mrs. Louisa B. Chandler" who lived In Balt. Lake City for the sixty years, died at her home Sufil forenoon of general debility. M Chandler was born near Nauvoo.- - .' John Moody, a hack driver ,of Provo pleaded guilty to selling and giving away Intoxicating liquors and waa'fcen-lenceto serve seventy-fiv- e days in the city Jail and pay a fine of $50. Turning suddenly to cstch hla xyt that had been blown off by 'a gusto) wind, Claude Huff, aged 16 years, rode his bicycle directly in front of a street ear In Salt Lake and was Instantly SOME EXCELLENT SUGGESTIONS REGARDING BREEDING OF HOGS Farmer la f sf Kggt - Animwlx Gi - . killed. V . A week's celebration will begin April 18 In Moab, when the large steel bridge Spanning Grand river at that place is dedicated and turned overvto the county by the Midland Bridge company. j feet to the roof Falling thlrty-nla- e of a concrete tunnel from the third Boor of the Hotel Utah annex. Salt Lake, Joseph De Bano, a structural Irop worker, sustained Injuries which J may prove fatal: More than 600 attended the meet Ings .conducted by the officials and experts of the Denver ft Rio 'Grande industrial train in the tabernacle at Spring City last Sunday, In lieu of the regular Sunday services. Paul A. Jenson, alias Jones, who wdi arrested In Kimberly, Idaho, last week on a charge of robbing a postofflee will be brought back to' U(ah to face a charge of breaking jail at the Totals sounty jail In April, 1910. The records of the Salt Lake police department show that sixty stolen hi cycles haye been recovered by the cltj sleuths since the first of the year, h other words, one stolen bicycle hai been returned to Its owner each dayr Arrangements soon will be in grass to 'connect. the Colorado road with the ytah Rtite foa the road has been completed, ft Is dieted that annually ,10,000 automo biles will travel between Salt Lake v and Denver. The Ogden Fruit Growers association Is preparing for the coming sea son by ordering supplies well In advance to guarantee arrival In time foi use. An order has been placed foi 100.000 pounds of wrapping paper, oi nearly two carloads. The Newhouse hotel, In Salt Lake, which for over two years has been merely a skeleton of steel. Is to b finished and placed In operation within a year, according to a definite announcement made by Samuel Newhouse and associates.. James Karris, a boilermaker's help er, while standing on the tank stepi nf an engine while it was moving lntc the roundhouse In Salt Lake, was serf cusly crushed and jammed - In the doorway of the house, sustaining in luries which may prove fatal. Despondent because the adoption ol a dry law In Utah county had driver him from a profitable liquor business George Sinclair fired a bullet Into bis brain at Delta. Sinclair was 40 yean sld. For several years he conducted i saloon at American Fork. Mrs. Emma S. Woodruff, widow ol (Vilford Woodruff, fourth president oi the Mormon church, died at her home in Salt Lake, March 4, at the age of 14. Mrs. Woodruff was born In Mis touri and crossed the plains with het Barents when she was a child. The elk from the Jackson Hole oountry arrived at Sallna last week and were taken In the mountains. They will he kept In a pasture lu Gooseberry until spring, when th will be turned loose In the mounts! It Is understood that more will tent there if these thrive. Echoing the disastrous explosion the workings of the Union Portland Cement company at Devil's Slide. Junl I, 1910, thirteen suits aggregating 1260.000 have been filed, In the Second district court by representatives ol the six Italians and seven Austrians who- were killed In the explosion. The county commissioners of Box Elder qounty intend calling an election to place the road bonds before the tax payers again. An election was held about a year ago and carried in favor of bonds by a big majority, but some defect was found in the election. According to figures given out by Wjlllard Done, state insurance commie sloner, the collection of fees from. Insurance companies doing business is thin state shows an Increase of for January and February ol this year .over the amount collected during the same period last year. . Jay Hlteaman, aged 19, who lives near Ogden, was arrested in a Salt Lake rooming house and accused of passing several worthless checks. Tbs police say his misdeeds were prompt ad by a desire to make his acquaint-kneebelieve he was a sport ' - SCflUTZ FREE FROM CHARGE ' Mayer of tan Frenel Net, Guilty qf Having ' ' Bribed taperviMT. Found XaporldaK Fhdgn lg Do If oi Tfcxiyo Wall if.lbt fliionlllr Is Hot Profitable., A. San Francisco. Eugeae E. Schmitz,, former mayor of Ban Francisco, who-waIndicted In May, 1907, on chargee-of having bribed a supervisor. In the gas cases, was set free on. Tuesday by a superior court Jury acty lng under Instructions from r Judge William P. Lawlor. ' The court held that j. no evldel e connecting the defendant' with crime of bribery had been lntrodu l at the trial. ; Roth Schmltx' and Ruef were In the courtroom during the proceedings. Alter the jury had filed out, Judge Lawlor entered an order fm1 Ruefe return f to San Quentin : penitentiary... Rnef, was brought hero to testify against . Schmitz, but refused to go on s slveness of a people than the The farmers of Denmark secure the iff the scrub hog from a community.' ' Too much stress cannot he laid off best prices for their fancy bacon for the reason that they have established selactlng breeding swine from sound small packing establishments where healthy parent aImi that are not it with-- 1 they can haul their hogs and get their s which pay for the hogs according to their actual worth. How different from the In case system, or lack of system, in this ise it M m modi-- . country, where we are compelled to take Just what the packing house oper- cine or anything else that will provaj ators are a mind to pay us for our hogs. Will the time ever come when farmers can see tha great benefits T be derived from Roughage is one of the most impor-i- t factors In wintering the brood A Combination Hog House, With Hay sflws, and If they do not get enough and Grain Storage Rooms. coarse food they will not do well. Corn and milk are well balanced as a diet, very helpfuL About all we can do iq but there should bo something added to teed a ration that can be easily dito distend the organs or digestion. gested and keep them In dean quai Then again,- brood sows will keep ten, thoroughly disinfect the pens and more quiet and contented If they are let the disease run its course. Whole milk is one of the beat feeds given alfolfo, clover or some kind of roughage to work over during the day. for. hogs that are suffering with dlx Good corn stover la better than noth- ease of any kind. It is an excellent ing and the sows will work it over and feed and has often been of great assistance In bringing' hogs through eat large quantities of It every day. The man who haa a lot of thrifty spells iff sickness. There is no disputing the foot tba August or September pigs and gives them rational cara until jgrass comes corn la an ideal hog feed, but every, sod has them ready for the market practical feeder admits that better can be brought about by feeding a ration that Is composed of less than s corn. It Is a mistake to think we cannot afford to buy other, feeds to mix with the corn. Ordinarily it is a mistake, not to feed the tags the liquid before the solid food. See that the hogs have comfortable quarters now and the months to come. Failure here will Impair the usefulness of the herd. Hogs will make , from 10 to II of meat, live weight, for each pounds A Type of Hog That Is Fast Disapbushel iff corn eaten, but because of ' pearing. this too many farmers feed too much m corn. the middle of- June will make better The cream separator has greatly reon for feed his will be money any duced scours In than, pigs because the sklm-mil- k bunch of pigs that he feeds during can always be fed while sweet the year. When the sow of good type has Do not be afraid to give shoots plenherself a prolific breeder, an proven ty of range during the winter, provid- economical feeder, and a good mother, ing, of course, that you have good, dry it is a good plan to keep her several sleeping places and warm houses to years. shelter them during the extremely cold The mature sow requires only food weather. for maintenance while the growing one On each and every farm there should needs food for growth. Furthermore, be some provision made for dipping the older one will have an appetite for not an ,Thla only proves to.be waste that a young onewould not care ' .Adwfffectual Way of disinfecting for.. animals which are brought on the Exercise will help make that streak hum, but It also keeps them free from of lean and streak of fat that is delice. sired. . ' ' Possibly there Is no other farm animal that can offer as poor an excuse LABOR-SAVING for. his existence as the scrub hog.. He Is an unprofitable animal any way yon CORN-PICKEtake him. , R As an economical pork producer he Is a failure. Even hla ability to shift WUl Do The Work of for himself does not recommend him to the people within the limit of his to Become Very rahge as he has the reputation of preyPepslsr. ing upon neighboring corn fields when food Is scarce. While the com picker Is a comparaHis build naturally adapts him to new member of the tively Ms manner of living since he Is line, nevertheless It Is destined narrow In the chest, has a to become a very Important one. long, narrow snout This adapts him d Before the advent of the to his manner of living. With the and before it became so scarce, scrub hog It Is root hog or die," hence help, theof the com crop wad the long snout.-- His narrow body aids not harvesting such a serious problem: Modem Mm In getting through small fence ideas and changes in the methods iff Bracks and If he to find a place living, however, have brought about large enough to go through the. fence a shortage in the supply iff form labor, he can soon dig under It with Ms long This shortage is very pronounced, snout especially In the husking season, when There is no standard of excellence extra help Is needed. For this reason. for the. scrub hog sines he may possess almost any form except a beautiful one; be may be of any color. He has the reputation iff being able to stand all kinds of rough treatment and .still survive. He is regarded as being able to relist disease better than the Improved breeds of hogs. We very much loubt whether this quality attributed to the scrub hog Is true since we have noticed that hog cholera takes the Com Picker in Action. scrubs as well as the well-brehog. One thing is sura, that the scrub hog farmers are more than ever in need can consume more valuable feed and iff a machine wMch will husk the com from the standing stalks a machine pive less in return than any other which will do the work of several men. animal that we know of. Heretofore, about an acre was conA farmer who owns a herd of scrub sidered an average days work for one tags seldom needs any other corn crib man. A com picker, however, will Ms hogs.' husk several times this number iff He never gets rich selling pork, and acres. A com picker will, however, In fact If he depended upon his hogs not only do the work of several men, but It will deliver the ear com to the wagon In much better condition than Is done ordinarily when husking by hand.. The com picker Is not the Inspiration of a minute. It Is the work of yean. While necessity was the mother of its invention, yet it was hard work that overcame the difficulties that confronted the designers of this machine. One by one these difficulties have been overcome, and the machine Is now perfected so that it does a very high class of work. y (By B. E. LARA) . - re-sui- ts two-third- - . corn-machi- long-legge- hlgh-prloe- - ! - d . Large Peer Orchard., Pair of Champion Berkshire. Mr. Cornell, who has a large orchard ' Worden-Seckpears In the Hudson to make him money buy better bred of hogs he would never own better ones. River Valley, was asked to give his exTha scrub hog usually keeps Ms perience with them and state their compared with the Seckel iwntr so poor that he is not able to value as buy any better stock. In foot, this Is pear. He said the Seckel pear Is largthe excuse usually given for his ex lat- er than the old Seckel. It Is very valinos. Poor forming and scrub hogs uable, but not a substitute for the ire usually found associated together. Seckel. The tree grows larger and They are near and dear companions. bears good crops, but the quality Is It Both make a rapid retreat before a not quite equal Uj, the Seckel. progressive spirit and there Is not a brings a foncy price when well thlnnbd tetter evidence of the general progres- - so it colors welL . , : - - the-stand- CHRISTIAN CHINESE TORTURED Ryes of Converts Put Out and Them the Victims Are Beheaded by . imperial Troops. Pekin. A letter from a missionary at Hwanghsien, near Chi Fu, received here Tuesday, states that the imperial troops puttaut the eyes of forty. Christian converts and then beheaded, them, saying they were naturally rebels. Heads still hang wamlngly-otripods here and there In of Pekin, although some of the bodies have been - moved and burled. The dally marches of detachments of troops from the legations through the streets of the capital are having some effect;' but the storekeepers are ' still conducting their business carefully through small windows. The farmers from surrounding districts are not ' bringing In much produce and consequently prices are rising. the-street- s PREFER STARVATION TO WORK. Suffragets Sentenced to Hard Labor Decide to Defy the Prison Officials. London. Convinced that the suffragette situation has reached the point arhere the depredations of the womn must be met with severe sentences, most of the magistrates before whom in Monday night's the participants demonstrations were arraigned, meted out hard labor to the offenders and served notice that this would be the regular penalty hereafter. Twenty women were sentenced to terms of one to two months and all would rather of them decided they starve In prison rather than work. London la practically in a state of siege, so fearful are the merchants of the suffragettes ire. Nearly every big shop window is boarded up and In many establishments special guards have been engaged to deal with the militant women. STIMSON SUPPORTS TAFT. Secretary of War and Friend of Roosevelt Declares in Favor of. of President Chicago. Henry L. Stimson of New York, secretary of war and the Roosevelt candidate for governor of New York In 1910, Tuesday declared himself for President Taft, and said tnat while he remained the sincere friend of .Mr. Roosevelt, he could not support him for the presidential domination. Mr. Stimson entered President Taft's cabinet last year after consultation with Mr. Roosevelt and the distinct with the president understanding that he would he bound in no way to take part in the political activities of the' administration. . Congressman Attacks Governor. Washington. Arising to a question of personal privilege . Representative Clark of Florida made a sensational attack on Governor Gilchrist of that state In the house. "It remains foi the governor of Florida God pity the state," he said, to travel all the way from Tallahassee to Washington te Insinuate that I am working in the I Interests of western railroads brand that aa a malicious, gratuitous and unqualified falsehood." Battleship Utah Breaks Record. . Word reached the navy yard here Tuesday that all pravlour ' speed records for battleships. In the United States navy had been broken by the battleship Utah, with an averknots In hei age speed, of twenty-tw- o four-hou- r Tun off Province-town- . The designed speed of the vex sel, an oil and coal burner, was 20.7E New-York- full-pow- er : knots Reject Demands of Miners New York. Anthracite coal operators In session here Tuesday decided to reject the demands of the min- ers for increased pay. A committee was appointed to notify union officials of the result. Sentence Woman to Death, Plymouth, Mass. For the first timr In Massachusetts criminal procedure;, a woman, Mrs Lena Cusuamano ol' Pull, was on Tuesday sentenced to death iirthe electric chair by Judge Quinn In the superior court Stimson Sounds Warning. Chicago. A slaughter of Americans In Mexico, If Mexicans get the Ides j that the United 8tates has designs oi is predicted by Secretary ol j Mexico, j War Stimson. The same predictioi applied to China, he said. |