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Show CANNIBAL i KING NOW SHIPS COOK $3.50 Recipe Free, For Weak Kidneys. i Relieves Urinary and Kidney Troubles, Backache, Straining, Swelling, Etc. . Stops Pain in the Bladder,, Kidneys and Back. i Wouldnt. It bo nice within week or so to the to begin to ur rood-bya ' lbbllng, atrain! terover or too quant passage of urine; the forehand Sim aches; the nitlt and pains In tha back ; (He igrowths i de weakness; spots before the eyes; low skin; sluxglsli bowels; swollen lids or ankles; lag cramps; unnatural short breath; sleeplessness and the despondency? I have a recipe for these troubles that you can depend on. and If you want to make a nick saeaeanr. you ought to write and get a copy or lL Many a doctor would charge you UA0 Just for writing thla prearription, but I have it and will be glad to send It to you entirely free. Juat drop me a line Uke thla: Dr. A. K. Luck Building, Detroit. Robinson. Mich., and I will send it by return mail in a plain envelope. Aa you will see when you get it, thla recipe contains only pure, healharmless remedies, but It has great power.-I- t ing and will quickly allow its power use it, so l think you had better It la without delay. I will Bend you a copy free you can use It and cure. yourself at Bank is distinctly a. Business It. has. made a specialty of the banking needs of business and stockmen, and therefore knows their requirements. It is in a position to render them every service, and to safeguard their interests under all conditions. The young business man who has demonstrated ability to conduct a small business will receive special consideration. The stockman has but to make his wants known in order to have them carefully handled. THIS and-Stockma- ns . . .... Laa ESMMT.WIUy.rrM.; , Jahai VUs-Fra- F, M. Caspar. Cashier. a The Gr&ntsville Deseret Bank Natural Avoidance. Mayor Gaynor of New York waa deviews: fending hla antl-auffra- GRANTSVILLE. UTAH Hours are Valuable la this busy ice. Thli la especially trua'ln traveling. Bo la traveling eut or wait, north or south by raH, you plu to cat to your deitlnmtioa la the SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME; you want MODERN COMPORT, ad you expect mad require EVERT POSSIBLE MEASURE OF PROTECTION. Without theaa fa turea trarel la what General Sherman aald war la. The Oregon Short Line la connection with the Union Pacific, Southern cific and O.-- R. A service are contlm illy being improved and brought of quality. Consult any to the latest standards Oregon Short Line representative when you are ready to travel. Perfect Team Work of Perfect Units That is What Wins the Typewriter flam THE NEW MODEL FIVE L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter G) is a rare and unusual combination of mechanical features of superior excellence, each of which is designed, Finti To do its individual work better than it could be done in any other wayi and Sccondi To work so smoothly and accurately, in conjunction with all the others, that the completed result is just as perfect as the work of any indi vidual part That is what makes a goodswerking typewriter, it is what justifies the overwhelming verdict of 150,000 users in ajv proval of die L C Smith and Bros. Type writer j it is why this typewriter does all kinds of work superlatively well without attachments and gives no disappointing results. Send for re descriptive matter today J L C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. 38 West 3rd South St., Salt Lake City, Utah Grantsville Fashionable Haberdasher 3 The only complete Jine of Gents and Boys Furnishing in Town. Shoes and Underwear For the whale Family. Never Under add. Grantsville Mercantile Co. Dr. J. C. At GRANTSVILLE PHYSICIAN office rB WOMAN A BAD LOSER Wall Street Brokers Draw Sex Line. the exists, none the leas. It simply Isnt printed. The nearest thing to it In Day and Night. ' UTAH York Consolldatad Exchange Firm Llkaly to Ba Disciplined by Board for .Its Violation Unwritten Rule Exists. A la a rule prohibiting acta detrimental to the exchange" on tho part of lta members, which, aa one of tho board at governors pointed out, might be made to cover any number of things. Among them la the catering to feminine speculators, he aald. The fact that a sort of kindergarten annex went with the womens department had nothing to do with the case. Wall street half expects to see the proprietors of the New street rocking chair trading club and day nursery punished In acme way by suspension from the exchange, f naalbly. it is certain that the club and the nursery will go out of existence. It will have to. Women who want to dabble In stocks are aa unwelcome aa a crook below the dead line.? All thla in spite of the foot that fnly a few weeks ago Mrs. Emmeline Pank-hnrtold Wall street any number of tories about women who had gone Into buaineaa and made a i access of It Its the experience of hundreds at stock broken that the' woman who print Maw New York. 'Woman has her place and man has hla," ha said, and when I think iff the confusion that would come from Intermingling their places, I am reminded of ah anecdote about Lady Holland. Lady Holland once aald to Lord John Ruaaell: Whyhaant Lord Holland got n post in the cabinet? Well, If you must know, Lord John answered, It la because nobody would work In a cabinet with a man whose rife opens all hla lettera." n Lines, deilrea to serve you double-trackin- (BALL-BEARIN- G Portuguese cruller Republics, lent on a visit to thla country beeaoM of our recognition of the new re-- . at New York,' and one of the chief sights waa the ships cook. Thla attracted crowds of sight-aeoman, who In the photograph la holding the knife, waa a cannibal king In Uganda, Africa, and waa captured by the Portuguese a year or ao ago. Pa- to all eastern points, the Pacific Coast and locally. these 175,000,000 is being expended la lines west of the Missouri Rlvsr; the block signal system for protection Is belag kept at the highest possible stste of effectiveness, and equipment and LONG-WEARIN- V- - yall street brokerage Arm has got Itself Into trouble and may be sue pended by the Consolidated took exchange because It recently opened a womens department, fitted op with a few rocking chain, had a roman In a white sweater stationed the ticker to read the quotations ani allowed woman peculator! to come down and bring their young ones with them If they cared to which they did. In some cases. Thla la a punishable offense In the street Not the chlldren, but their mother an the ones object ad to. Thera are no erica of Place tux damec! la the stock market acme. The establishment with the nunery attachment to Its womens department la on New street juat a block away from the exchange of which the firm la a member. It had really only Juat begun to build up the new branch of Its buaineaa when the exchange heard f It and signaled the call to arms of Iho board of governo n. Thla had the affect of clearing the womens room of 111 children and of all but two women, while the person In the white iweater who had been fingering many rarda of ticker tape waa supplanted by a man. Yon may search the rule book of the Consolidated from cover to cover for an article or a forbidding women to come down and trade In stocks like the men, and to bring I heir youngsters along with them, aa bow and then a proud father baa done on a but yon will not find what you are looking few. The rule by-la- w half-holida- . - st Important to Moth ora Examine carefully every bottle of CA8TORIA, a safe and aura remedy for Infanta and children, and see that It Beam tho Signature of ( In Use For Over 30 Children Ciy for Fletchers Caatorig Hla View. Tell me about Spain, romantlo Spain. Weil," aald the motorist, "there are When a woman makes aomethlng a few bad places aa you come down on the market," aald one broker of the mountain but In the main the thirty yean experience In the street, roada are pretty good. aha takes the credit of It all to herThe Paxton Toilet Co. of Boston, self. It was she who did it When she loses. It waa her brokers fault. Mass., will send a large trial box of He deceived her. And a peculiar trait Paxtlne Antiseptic, a delightful cleansla that In losing she cannot quite clear ing and germicidal toilet preparation, her mind of the suspicion that what to any woman, free, upon request he lost the broker gained." Fairy Story. ' ."They married and lived happily I ever after." "You forget that you about two people on the stage." Sues Woman to Win Love g -- Austrian Army Lieutenant Falla In ary, declared the latter. "Hla only Unique Method of Courtship in hope In bringing the suits waa to aeo New York. Mlaa McMurray and win her again. When he found that he could not see L. It la a New York. An International court- her he waa broken-hearteman of hla for a ad young experience official end lta here reached baa ship In the signing of a court order dis- type, and he la going away to try to continuing the breach of promise cult forget her. Lieut. Stars' met Mlaa McMurray In that Lieut. Edward. Stan of the Austrian army brought against Mlaa Helen Vienna In August, 1910, followed her to McMurray of .Troy for $25,000 dam- Paris, wooing her ardently, anil to ages. Tho Austrian lieutenant aban- continue hla attentions obtained . a doned tho suit on tho advice of hia years leaveof absence from his regi' ment, abandoning an opportunity for lawyer. The lieutenant waa not promotion. . Iowa Town Moved Two Miles out the adwent on to Community la Betrayed 'by Coup of stranger that wouldpoint accrue to the vantages Councilman Stampedes Thrifty town by the fulfillment of the plana Residents to Now City. iff the railroad company. The supposition, however, waa not Dec Moines, la. Wheeling a town well founded, aa he soon found. If two miles overnight! the railroad wished to come to CalThis feat, accomplished by the resi- liope, well and good, declared the dents of a thriving Iowa community, . sturdy burghers, but Calliope would and the exciting events that preceded! offer no bribes. At thla the railroad the municipal beglra were vividly re-- ? representative lost some of hla suavla ted by a former resident of tho town ity, and Informed hla audience that If did not choose to accept the In question. The Incident occurred in Callttpe generous compromise held out to it by the early 901, when the railroads the railroad, the company would make practically made over the maps of Calliope come to. the road. many portions of the west. Then one day an ugly rumor waa The one great handicap of Cal- afloat,. It waa whispered from mouth liope for that la, or waa, the name of to mouth that one of the councilman the town, waa the fact that It pos- who had been moot emphatic in desessed no railway connection. nouncing the railroad agents proffer But one day a man, glorying In a had. bought a quarter section In the generous girth and a many hued path of the projected railroad, and in waistcoat, arrived In Calliope. To tha company with the railroad advance village president be signified hla de- agent was laying out tha new town. sire to meet the village board, and It Further Investigation disclosed that waa convened In session extraordin- the councilman had bought an even ary that very evening In the achool-houa- e. 160 acres of land what was more, he To thla staid and deliberative had parceled it out In regulation city body the Imposing stranger outlined lota, had opened a cracker box office hla plan for a newer and a better Cal- and waa doing a flourishing real estate The Mississippi A Pacific business. liope. The Hegira continued. The the Coast railway that waa not its name, but It will aerve be declared had de- came- - suave gentleman visited the cided to extend lta projected line principal merchants of tha town and through Calliope on Its way to the made them an offer of a free alte In bore of the Pacific. As evidence of the new city If they would move. It the good faith of the. company tha waa too much. Immediately there was representative exhibited a map where- a scramble to secure the moat desirin Calliope waa Indicated by a black able locations In tha new city which, dot, whose dimension were exceeded by the way, be aald waa to be named by none no, not even Chicago. The Hawarden In hla own honor. . One by . cornea down hero to speculate la a bad locer," aald one officer of the Consolidated recently. Say what you please about thla being the day ol equality, but deep down In our heart we feel that there la a difference. Stock gambling la a man's game. We dont want women breaking In." Thla man waa Inclined to erfkuae the New street broken on the ground that tho firm bad been a member of the exchange leaa than two yean, and perhaps did. not know better.' If that wen the case the alarms Bounded-b- y when they the board of governor beard of the womens department and lta nunery annex had evidently taught the young firm a lesion. A visitor dropped in to see the feminine specula ton In action with their young ones romping In the shadow of the quotation board and the ticker basket, but then waa none of that to be Work Begets Work. George W. Perkins, the New York financier, waa talking about the scarcity of the $10,000 a year man tho man actually worth a $10,000 salary. The advantage of the $10,000 a year man," he aald, la not alone that he works splendidly It la also that under him everybody else works splendidly. Theres a Chinese proverb," ho said, that expresses exactly what I , mean: If a farmer la diligent the soil wlU not be laay. The longing iff the moment always seema the great essential. We are apt to forget the long eternity of re- gret Corelli. r onmn.Lot ohlt on "BaoxoODlNlXa VkatMlAXATlVa BKCMIQ - w- fnf A man feels aa 111 at ease In a dry goods store aa a woman does In a tobacco shop. Dr. Pieros Pellets, small, easy to taka as eandy, regulate and mvigor. ata stomach, liver and bowels. Do not grips. Loveliness of character la nothing one they aet to work to move their but steady love of good and steady corn iff evil. Fraud e. structures which were of frame construction two miles down the slope to Hawarden. For liver and kidney troubles, nothing' ia ao mild, pleasant and effective aa "It waa no use. . And even the old quite Garfield Tea., timers aaw 1L Mournfully they, too, bade farewell to' Calliope and betook Many a girl repents at leisure bethemselves and . their abodes to Ha- cause she didnt marry in haste. warden, which grew to a city of 1,600 within a month. And CalllopeT Well, what waa once Calliope la now a flourishing Not only pleasant and tefrahmg to cornfield. the taste, biff gently cleansing and sweetto the system, $yiup of Fiat and B0DY IN COFFIN NOT WIFES ening Hbnr of Senna ia' partiedarfy adapted ladies and chUen, and beneficial ia Last Look at Dead Brings Joy to to all cases m which a wholesome, strength-Malden (Mesa.) H6ma Similarity of Names Caused Mistake. Particularly the Ladies. Malden; Maas. Abraham Levina and hla three children were weeping over the coffin bought for Mrs. Levine, the wife and mother, when Abraham, opening the' coffin for one lest look at hia wife, discovered that tha body was not hers. Mrs. Levine had been a patient at the Tewksbury hospital and Abraham had received word that the waa Investigation showed that hla wife la alive, and that the mistake had been due to the fact that the name of tho dead woman waa somewhat similar Quail Plentiful In California... Loa Angeles, Cal. Ranchers from tho Coachella valley, who wen In Loa Angeles, reported that quail were ao thick in the valley that crops of all kinds were being destroyed, despite the effort! of the state game war dens, who are now trapping the birds by thousands and rending them to ether sections at thg stale. ..... caused by indigestion and axubpabon ao m&ons of faaaSea who have med it ana who havepcnanal knowledge of its cx-Its wonderful popularity, however, has led unicnipuloua dealen to crier amts boo whim actMunaafirfactoirijr. Therefore, when buyxig, to get its beneficial cfect always note the ful name of dm ia Cooxxmjr-CalifonrFig Synq Col plainly printed on the Croat of evay package of the genuine Syiup of Fin and Efirir of Senna. Fcr sale by al leading dxugghts. Race 50 cents per battle. aaBasEozasa: TsUssOesg. SmCssgaijnipi Is las- - SSi ky Dwusa UM . f |