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Show DOCTORS TAILED RESTORED BY PERUNA. Your Watch Running Correctly? ... Is Catarrh of the Lungs ' ' Threatened Her Life Miss Ninette Porter, Braintree, we will make it run like new. All work guaranteed one year. write: "I hare been cured bj Parana. t . had several hemorrhage of the lungs. The doctor did not help me much and would never have cured me. Iaaw a- testimonial in a Peruna almanac of a caae similar to mine, and I commenced using It. I waa not' able to wait on myself when I began using It I gained very lowly at first but I could see that it aps helping me. After I had takbn It a while I commenced to raise up a- - stringy, sticky substance from my lungs. This grew less and less In quantity as I continued the treatment' ' I grew more fleshy than I had been lor a long time, and now I call myself well." j Vi When a woman begins to talk, he man who can see her la a finish. J CANS When a man does things he hasn't much time to talk about them. a Good Advice. 'T will have my pound of flesh." ' Be a vegetarian Instead, and taka . peck of potatoes." Foot-Ea- se The antiseptic powder to be shaken into shoes for tired, tender, smarting, aching swollen feet. It makes your feet. fed aay .and makes walking .a Delight: Sold everywhere, 25c. For 'free trial package, address Auen S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. VI the ; . to Vivid Imagination. Dufllns says a pill looks him as a golf ball. as large .That being the case, I 'dont see how he ever mar ages to eat green Teas.. Positively Brilliant. Did you hear young Pounders playing on the piano just now?" Tea. I consider him a remarkable performer." that?" hit more wrong ' keys in leee time than' any other person I ever How la He can saw." A Curious Mind. You are acquainted with Dlgaforth, I believer Oh. yea. "He likes to be well Informed concerning matters that very few people know anything about. ' For Instance?" He Is familiar with the achievements of all the American Immortals whose names appear on the revised HstV ... Probably the Truth. The druggist in a small town died, nd' hi widow continued the business. A month later she arranged the window display so that it waa very attractive. That week the town paper contained this Item of news: "klr. Arthur Edwards, a prominent driygglst of. Hlgglnsvllle, took In the sights of our city yesterday. He waa very much Interested in our drug, gist's attractive widow. tlves in fantastic dress, they seem Ignorant or oblivious of tbs fact that they might: find similar attrao . tlona here in our own country If they would look for them and go a little out of the "beaten paths" to find them, as they do In the old world. Particularly rich in such elements of the unusual la our great southwest, the scene of the oldest civilisation In the United States. It is a region that up to this time bus 'not had' the attention it deserves from either colonists or sightseers, but the situation la likely to be changed now that the boon o fstatehood will give the people of the region a more direct participation In the affairs of the republic. There are, in the southwest, more show places" well worthy a visit .than could be enumerated within the limits of any newspaper article, but there is one .hat la perhaps unique In the extent to which it rivals anything abroad In the charm of Its alien atmosphere and the unique characteristics of lta architecture. This la Santa Fa, the ancient capital of New Mexico', and a community which as the terminus of the famous Santa Fe Trail" of other days, was well known to history and the annul of western romance long before many a now prosperous city had emerged from the Infant stage. Some of her ' latter day rivals may have passed Santa Fe in the rtce for population and commercial standing, but none of them dan vie with her In historical assoc la 1 1 o n s or cosmopol- . . A WOMAN DOCTOR Was Quick to See That Coffee Poisoq Was Doing the Mischief. f,r tells of a bad case of coffee poisoning, and tolls It In a way so simple and straightforward that literary kill could not Improve It , A lady ' i "I had neuralgic headaches for 12 years," she says, "and have suffered untold agony. When I first began to have them I weighed 140 pounds, but they brought me down to 110. ' . I went to many doctors and they gave me only temporary relief. Bo I suffered on, till one day, a woman doctor advised me to drink Postum. She said I looked like I waa coffee poisoned. . "So I began to drink Postum, and gained 15 pounds in the first few weeks and am still gaining, but not so fast as at first My headaches began to leave me after I had used Postum bout two weeks long enough, I expect,', to get the coffee poison out of my system Now that a few months hate pata--. ed since 1 began to use Postum, I can gladly say that I never know what a neuralgic headache Is. like any more, and it waa nothing but, Postum that relieved me. Before I used Postum I never went out alone; I would gpt bewildered and would not know which way to turn. Now I go alone and my head Is .is clear as a bell. My brain and nerves are stronger than they have been for yeara." Name given by Postum Co.', Battle Creek, Mich. "Theres a reason, and It la explained In the little book, The Road to Wellville," In pkgs. nr read the sins letter? A saw aaa pare re frees flaw ta thar. They are araalae, tree, aad fall af human . . - . al standpoint Our Can Factory is now ready to fill orders promptly. We are especially equipped to manufac- la ture Honey Cans Syrup and Oil Cans Lard Cans ALL SIZES AND SHAPES For prices and details ask Hewlett Bros. Co. SALT LAKE CITY It it Is easier la to sell to buy experience than it A . - y 2&zt'9ffsa5atH , number of old mission buildings the churches of the pioneers of Christianity civilisation which are older than the oldest of the similar ruins In California, and are in an infinitely bettor state of preservation. . Among these old landmarks Is the' Rosario chapel, erected In pious gratitude by Diego de Vargaa when he, In the year 1692, vanquished the rebellious Indians and recaptured the- little city of the Holy Faith from which hla countrymen had been excluded for a dosen yeara. At the aide of the plasa or central square of Santa Fe stands the palace. This la an adobe tincture which was built In 1598, and, from itan character- istics. Indeed, the fascinating old city of Cants Fe not only enjoys the distinction of being the oldect town and the oldest capital on the American continent, but It la probably the quaintest and moat picturesque settlement within the borders of the United States. In the centuries In which Its Interesting history has extended the Villa Real de Santa Fe de San Francisco de Aaslssl to give Its . full Spanish name has been under three flags, each ruling power' having, left , its Impress 'without obliterating the Influences of the others. In short, no other city of this hemisphere, not even St AugustNWMMMIIIMIIMMMIMIIHMMMIIIMWW ine or New Orleans, so links the past and the CHANGES IN CHINATOWN. present the old era and the new In American civilisation. To a certain extent Santa Fe may be said to Residents of New Yorks Oriental Quarter Dress be off the main beaten paths of transcontinental for Dinner. s' railway travel, being. In fact the terminus of a One reliable source of big city wheeses seems branch railroad which forms an offshoot of some to have dried up. The c&lnka are no longer to be 18 miles from the through line to the Pacific coast considered funny, the New York correspondent of However, this circumstance has not prevented a writes. Time waa when the Cincinnati Tlmes-Sta- r commendable commercial development In the hard working humorists could take a turn through ancient ,dty and in these days of automobiles and Chinatown and home back with a screamingly in the future of the aeroplane Santa Fe will be relieved of any senae of Isolation. The ancient capfunny story about flapping panties and streaming ital la situated In the middle of a high plain rimqueues and pigeon English. Now the Chinese residents have taken on k different air. They act med with mountain peaks, the altitude being more than 7,000 feet above the sea, and as the like regular people evjjr since their moldy old tourist climbs up on to what appears to be In very country got out of its Crave clothes long enough to put up a fight for liberty. They talk straight truth the roof of the world, there lies APread out to you, and their dlalegt Isnt a bit funnier than on either hand a panorama of plalni is the brogue of the newly arrived Irishman or the guarded by a close cordon of blue mountains that broken English of the German Immigrant or the la simply Inspiring In Its sublime beauty. The little city of Santa Fe has a wealth of lingo of the newcomer from Rusala or the patois of the French Canadian. They look you right In "show places, any one 'of which might be expectthe eye. They never did cringe any memory fails ed to make the reputation of a much larger city to recall any John Chinaman who would rub his aa a 'tourist Mecca. One of the moat Interesting hands together to get trade but they are indeheadliners Is the famous of these historical and self respecting now. Maybe the Church of Ban Miguel, the cradle of Christianity ' pendent tecta are not related, but there has been little dison the American continent". This order In the Chinese quarter since that fever ' place of worship was built In the year 1540, broke out In the Chinese body politic. It may be, partially destroyed In the Indian revolution ' of course, due to the fact that other people 're--" against the Spaniards In 1680. It was reoccu-ple- d by the conquerors In 1692 and was completeipect them nowadays. In the old days they broke contents In of the 1710. the newa only as the objects at which wit Into The church restored ly was aimed, or as mysterious Orientals who liked as It stands today, Include an ancient copper bell In which the date 1860 Is cast, and several valuthe black smoke and sold chop suey. Nowadays able old religious paintings pierced with they are figures In s movement of world Imporholes grim reminders of the days when the tance, and they appreciate the fact The other settlement was attacked by hostile Indians. . night a reporter went to Chinatown to see one of Almost In the shadow of the church atandi an - the prominent residents. The last time the readobe structure which la claimed to be the Oldporter talked to him the Chinaman was garbed a. est House In the United States." A considerable la John Laundryman, although his house was lumlnatod by gold embroidery. Tbls time the reportion of this quaint, dwelling remains as It been foy centuries, and there seems to be no reaporter found him weiring a dinner jacket Two Just a son to doubt the claim that It la the most ancient or three guests were similarly attired. building, continuously Inhabited, In this country. symbol of our new status," said the Chinaman, On the main road entering the city from the with a smile. He is a graduate of an American south stand the ruins of the old Spanish fortificacollege, by the way. We are no longer to be considered barbarians." tions, and within a radius of a few miles are .a . Revised Version. Senator Bankhead, disc using an eloquent speech that had been rather poorly reported, said: The report spoiled the speech. It was like old Hiram Earwigs account Of Daniel Webster's last word. Web's ter, you know, as he lay dying, uttered the profound and significant sentence, I still live. Well, Hlraiq Earwig of. Skeeter Beach said to a visitor from the city: Yawp, lifes onaartln. Wot wns It Webthat thar New Englander said ster, I think? Yawp, It wns ' General Dan Webster. He got off a good thing Just afore he died. He ri up in bed an lays, eaye he: i alp't dead yit! "Baltimore Sun. political-historic- the moat Important building In the ancient city. For more than 200 yeara It served as the home and office of the Spanish, Mexican and American governors. Here, In the seventeenth century, the Holy Inquisition held Its functions, and In this building, hundreds of yeara later, Gen. Lew Wallace, while serving aa governor, wrote his In the different novel, "Ben-Hu- r. eras the rulers who established the seat of authority in the old palace aa were designated respectively viceroy, captain general, political chief, department commander and governor, while the territory over which they held away waa known successively as a kingdom, . province, department and territory. Now It advances to the dignity of a sovereign state In the great American sisterhood. The older portions of Santa Fa are typically Mexican, with aquat little adobe houses strung Irregularly along narrow, winding streets and even In what la known aa tbs new town" on the other aide of the little river, the baked mud structures of the same unconventional architectural lines are Interspersed with the massive cathedral, modern business blocks and other creations of present-daAmerican enterprise. More than half of the population of the city Is Mexican, and many of the women of that race go about with their heads swathed In the Invariable black fringed ahawla. Frowsy burros amble along with packs of firewood or garden truck aa large aa themselves, and Indiana from the neighboring pueblos offer the strange pottery of their own manufacture. Santa Fe rejoices In a wonderful climate. As is to be expected In a locality that Is nearer the heavens than the highest mountain peaks east of the Mississippi river, there Is a fine, bracing, tonic air, and the sun shines on at least 240 days out of the year. These climatic advantage!, combined with the creature comforts brought by the Invading Yankees have produced a combination that Is attracting to Santa Fe and vicinity many Invalid! and persona In search of health to whom the dry atmosphere Is a boon of priceless value. Some of these health seekers live In tents In the country or In the outskirts of the city, but the leisure folk who have been attracted to Santa Fe merely because of Its ideal climate, dwell In cosy cottages which are In striking contrast to the houses of adobe the "forerunner of concrete. Although the Mexicans of Santa Fe take life with the traditional ease of their race, It la possible for the American housewife In New Mexico to secure domestic help with perhaps somewhat leu difficulty than Is encountered by her sister In the average American city. A cook or general hjuseworker may be obtained at a wage of from $12 to $20 a month. However a family living In a .coxy five or six room cottage seldom requires outside help, or at most, will find their needs In this direction amply served by a young Mexican girt who will act as nurse or household helper, and who can he secured for a wage of from $8 to $12 per month. American residents of Santa Fs who are proud of her progress point with pride to a number of twentieth century residences and business structures, and. Incidentally, they direct attention to the handsome capital building, erected as the territorial capital of New Mexico, and which from every standpoint compares most favorably with many of the capital buildings throughout the Union. Garfield Tea, taken regularly,' will correct noth liver and kidney disorders. Use Allans d UTAH-MAD- E . . . " It not, send it to us, and Ver-mon- t, and ' . s 4 whimmmsmmmmmmmimimmmimmim . time-honore- d but-wa- s ar-ro- 11-- hi , Tower of Strength Building Bank Walker Brothers Bankers Salt Lake City Bank here by mail from anywhere When a woman hasn't else to do ahe can worry. anything, SEEDS Out Seed Book talk of the bast aeeda and varieties that yon can trow In this western country Our book la free; a postal card will bring you.a cosy. Better lend that poatal today. Vogeler Seed Co., Salt Lake Gty OUR BIG 1912 CATALOG Of Seeds. Trees and Poultry Supplies Just brimming full of information that means dollars to every user of anything in the lines mentioned You are entitled to a Free Copy Mention this paper and write - for it today CO. PORTER-WALT0- R SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH I! Pays to Buy the Best Eggs for Hatching From my prfxe winning .took ai Whlto Ley horn., Black and White Minorca!, Rhode Ieland Bed. Black Langahin. and Combh Indian Game. Fertility Guaranteed. All my breading atock are high aooring birds. Bend for Price Lilt. HILL CREST CHICKEN RANCH 102 Bart Seventeenth South, Hurray. Or A. RICH TBS, 71 Hain, Balt Lake City POTATOES Potato e are a profitable crop, and good need ia QUEER FISH HOOK8. neceaaary from a high altitude. We To go hack aa far aa the stone age, we have abaolutely recently bought ten care of Montana and Idaho eed of the following variety: Blfaia only to turn to the Inhabitants of Oceania,' be- Kariy potatoea Early Bow, Early Ohio, Idaho cause these natives have never progressed any Rural.,Triumph, Gema. Huawta, and White Pe.chblow; centa I per price and grow pound. Order of In fish did art than the their farther capturing a big crop of potatoea thl. year. early ancestors centuries ago. The Polynesian hooks VOOBLBR SBBDOO.. Salt Lake City, Utah are generally barbed and some curious specimens have been collected In New Zealand, says the Hawaiian Star. One of these Is. made from a section of a dogs Jawbone, a single tooth, which has been filed to a sharp point, being left for the barb. In this same country a hook that bu been pointed with human hone la regarded aa posseas-I- n exceptionally fine qualities for' attracting tha fish. Thi best workmanship la exhibited In the hooka which are used without bait and which correspond to our spoons. Pearl or other Iridescent shell After experimenting with many makra of Incfurnishes the part which attracts the fish, and frethat tha Cypher., Jubilee, and quently the shank consists of the ribbed part of a ubator, preareAnd tha beat pomibla machine. In thl. hell, near the hinge of the valve, thereby giving Buckeye tetcnnounttln country. Price, from SR to SSL the hook a spinning motion aa It Is drawn through Poultry Catalogue free. a have elaborate the water. Many designs Seed Co., Salt Lake City Vogeler wooden shank, neatly carved and Inlaid with a liver of haliotis shell, while the barb la of sharpKODAK FINISHING ened hone. The extreme delicacy required In acHall order given prompt attention. curately piecing together one of these composite Complete .took of Photo Buppliea. hooka may be Imagined. Saif Lake Pirate Supply 6a. INCUBATORS W rite HER PRIVILEGE. Have you made a resolution to marry this year, colonel?" asked the determined young person archly. No, replied the colonel in hla preoccupied manner; have you?" for catalogue. US Main L A Sad Meeting. think we met at thla cafe last winter. Your overcoat la very familiar to me." , But I didnt own It then." "No; hut I did! Fllegende Blatter. 1 |