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Show i J- - Local Briefs. Messrs. B. F. Bowman and Benjamin Beak of South Weber were in town Friday, on IwaincM. A boy waa born to Mr. and Mrs. L. last Wcdneiday. The father ia rejoicing becaoin he now haa three proa pective merchant. George T. Terry of Clinton waa in town yesterday to swore aome additional water righta from the Partial S. Terry estate, by compromise or lease. Deputy Sheriff Lon Pierce ia wearing a which ran be broad auiile, explained only by elating that a boy waa born to Mr. and Mra. P ierce on Thursday. In the 13th ward Meeting honae, Salt Lake, the old releiana of the Indian wan will lie entertained on Wednesday, February 15th. A dance will be given and refresh me nta served. IJt. T. B. Beatty, secretary of State Board of Health, will lecture ia the Academy building next Saturday, on the Everybody subject, "School Hygiene. interested in the subject, is cordially in now-a-day- a. rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter on Friday. All doing nicely. The West Bountiful Dramatic Co. will the "Cuban Spy" in tlie South Ward house on Wednesday evening, February 15. Frank Parker waa quite seriously injured while wot king at the atone quarry on Friday. A large stone dropped on him end crashed his leg. A Missionary farewell party was tendered Elder Henry Tovey on Monday, evening at the South Ward bouse. An excellent program waa rendered, after which a choice luncheon was served. Funeral services over the remains of the late Mrs. Louisa Johnson Koberts, who died last Friday morning, was held Sunday at the South Ward Meeting house. A large crowd waa present, and the floral offerings were numerous and beautiful. Mra. Roberta was 33 year of age, and leave a husband and two ions, and a boat of friends to mourn her loss. James Howard, Patriarch Tolinan, Jamea A. Kldridge, Bishop Egan, Joseph Hogan and Jesse P. Dally. AH spoke of the good qualities of the deceased. tited. IMPROVED BRICK COMPANY. John Barton, the veteran embalmer and undertaker of Kaysville ia prepared Representative!! of the Argus visto attend any of those who may require ited the Improved Urlck Co. yards re his presence both as to supplies or aer rently and wore astonished at the figvices. He is the only licensed embalm' ures quoted as to the output for lust er ia the county. year. There waa a persistent rumor afloat last week, that Mina Kuby Miller and Walter Unuisman bad joined hands ru matrimony. An Argua reporter, by the aid of a search light, investigated the report. and succeeded in drawing forth an admission from the principals, that the rumor i veritably true. The Relief Society met last Wednesday in the Ladies hall. The following appointments by the bishopric, were sustained; President, Mrs. Minerva Knowlum; vice president, Mra. Sarah 11cm; second vice prcaidcut, Mrs. Gertrude Miller; secretary, Mra. Isaac Seata; anaialanl secretary, Mra. Eflie Palmer; treasurer, Mrs. Blanche Wood. Miae Mary Millard hud a moat jolly Valentine party last night at her home Co which ye editor waa an invited gueat, but owing to hia failure to possets the ncces-ar- y swallow-tai- l, etcetia, waa under the neccuily of remaining away. It in reported tody that the aflair waa recherche an every detail, and those attending were fortunate in being present. I li ft. O. Willey, Jr., X. B. Willey and A. W. Dole haee formed a partnership for the general practice of the law. They will occupy a suite of rooms in the Scott Building, No. 168 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. The firm name ia Willey & Willey & R. W. Dole and (heir Telephone number 39S9 Bell. NOME COMPANY DID WELL. by Farming-to- n r i, "Thw Mountain Rone, Dramatlo Co Enthusiastically Received. Lst Saturday evening, the Farming-to- n Dramai ic Co. proved that we have in eur own town, much talent for the s age. waa exceptionally "The Mountain-Roswell rendered, and every body was pleased. Mr. Jed Abtiott rendered excellently the very dlftChlt role of "Mxlvin Shor well." The (vest actors find it extremely Bard to play the psrt of x demented man nod, taking tbia in conaideratiou, one cannot but praise Mr. Abbott for bis rendition of "Shi dwell. Lyman Hess as Hyrum Mathews deserves much praise tor Wa part Strangers were beard to inquire if Mr. Heaa ia actually an old man. "IHc Brady by Fred Smith was poorly tendered. "Brady is a smooth, calculating villain, not the growling bear Mr Smith made the character. Fred Abbott es "Kugcne Lacy was good; also Roll Udy as "Pat Murphy." The miners played by Henry Rose, Horace Vanfleet, Arebis Brown, and Edward Heaa, were at the kind of characlera usually seen in mining camps. Their speeches smacked too much of refinement. William Walker as "Cheng," n heathen, waa fair. The ladies in the cast were excellent. Special mention is due Mias Lons Sunders Miss Samlets for her "Mountain Rom. antmed to play her part at naturally as if she were iu real life. Mra Eva Van-Beas "Annie Shatwell, displayed much ability. "Nance Brady by Misa Maud Robinson waa exceptionally well gendered. Utile Sadie Sanders as Irene, won the heart of every mother in the audience. The company will probably take the play to Syracuse, Morgan, and other towns in this viciuity. The firm Is managed liy Mr. Justin Jungk, a gentleman well known in Balt Lake and general business circles, hence is qualified to locate almost every poslble market for this product. Mr. J. 8. Lcdtngham Is the superintendent of the works, which are located at West Bountiful and comprise three yards, Including twenty- - ne kilns. Wire cut and pressed brick are the kinds made with the pressed brick as largely the bigger product. At the yard are employed eighty hands, who turn out 125,000 per day when running at full capacity and the total output for laat year was 14.4ii0.000 brick, which are and have lieen shipped to various parts of Idaho, Wyoming. Nevada and Colorado, with of course, the greatest market In Utah. One of the big contracts closed and delivery to begin In February la for the Government buildings at Fort Douglass for 800,000 brick alone, and another one for & 00,1k HI brick for the Government building at Evanston, Wyo. The company has paid out for wages during the year, $44,000, and $23,000 for coal, 'besides considerable money In Incidental operating expense. The best brick made la their famous red and white pressed brick, which haa adorned the fronts of bo many largo and other buildings of Bait Lake City. They also make a superior wire cut brick, having absorbed the wire, cut plant rf the Kirk Co. yard, which embraced nine kilns. The working season la from February to November, and in the meantime the yards ore cleaned up and preparation for the next years run. The prospects for this year are very bright, and It la believed that an unprecedented run will lie recordod for the year 1905. ing, in the bolding of a Golden Wedding About iro guests were pres j reception. nt including the children ami grand-presechildren of the Kawliua family, ami their ' . FOR SALE ! ' ' acre grazing laml. N quarter and the northeast of the nurlhwosi quarter, hoc-' tion 17. township 2 north, range 1 east. affair waa ouv of the moat important social "ini acres, In Centerville precinct, of the season. jmi.ii:!; A wood Brown farm on the1 Apply to H. 8. Tanner, 515 1C j LIST OF HOME MISSIONARIES .Templeton building. Salt l.xke City. FOR FEBRUARY 20. Two hundred REAL, GENUINE, ; 1 BARGAINS. Acre is no necessity of join to nearby metropolitan Store 4 to get Bargain. Jn fact the only John F. Smith. Elbert E. Randall. LAYTON MEAT MARKET Weat Bountiful. Carri-- s Meats of all descriptions, Gro-) John T. liurnett. W. Chdd rtek. Vegetables, anil Summer Drinks. Layton. Celery every Tuesday. Alto agents for Bottling works. Henry Win!. Angua Smedley Tel. 16-Arthur Ellis, Prop. South Bountiful. LAYTON UTAH William H. Wilcox. Fred Abbot; East Bountiful. Frank Kdmumlh Hyrum Stewart. Centerville. 1 Jamex M. Whiteside. Marian F. Adam At : Syracuse Random' elei:ting clSSe4? Samuel S. Howard. A SAFE GUIDE Jamea 1. Atkina, Jr. To follow in all cases is to have your eyes fitted Farmington. Dnvld J. ij,ioi Fred. T. FI:! niters by one skilled in the Si'ience of Optics. South Weber. Our knowledge and George M. Stark. Edmund Jenkiuson 40 years experience in !' ) West Layton. ; this line ia a guarantee Arnold I). Miller. Samuel Conk. I" of safety and reliability. Clinton. John Daynea and Bona, 26 Main 8t. Balt Lake City tenfhua H. Barlow. Hyrum- O. Hack. 9 ft e ft jft Vft t ft ft Kaysville. John T. Forbridge. Frank L. Sheffield. South Hoocer. place to get Genuine Bargain s 1 at home . IFi offer these Trice s until Good are exhausted. c 4 0Z2) and EJTDJ' 10c WO'RTH ljers DaQer 1.50 25c, $1. $ to $3.00 from iv Gl BOVS HA TS tuorth from 50c to 75c goinj notefor isc We are still selling 4 1 OF POWER ACKAGKS for 35c. i FHRmiHG-roi- i commeRciHu i: . Ancients Lcved Mixed Drinkt. ' Mixed drlnkH were common among the ardent?, who were chaotic not alone in tl Is. Ti e cellnra of tho consul!! were generously stocked with amphorae bearing clearly the mark of the date and place of but the Roman always watered hi wine or n.ade of It a concoction or wine, w tiler and honey flavored with spire served hot. All houses were equipped with smull furnaces sn purpose of heating these mix- - To Salt Lake or Ogilcn Tin work, Guttering, Hoofing, Repairing etc. when it can be done P.o-ma- If you Tkt c. pmilio: - CO. of Bait Laka .City. A GENUINE Y MOVAL SALE IB ON. Dry Gooda and KlYSYILLE Shoasgo. Only left. Gooda must be sold by Fab. tinner; IB YOUR RIAN, Write to him for Estimates and Terms. KAYSVILLE. want to get any of tha Bargalna offered by tho BARNES-HARD- RIGHT AT HOME. rln-ta?- 1 Youll Have to Hurry Dont Send off . PRICES UTAH. REana-wea- 15. SLAUGHTERED. Special Attention Given DAVIS COUNTY SUYERS. GOODS t I I W-M-i-- H' I'M I MUST BE SOLD. ill m I m i HI ! 1 1 1 fliCK fiONNEmoT FRESH AND CURED MEATS f TU.EFKOMB BUMBHX H l i 1 ! 'li ? At Store. 147 ft. First W.. 4..M. UTAH. 1 1 SALT LA.MiL CITS' 5 KAYSVILLE, m-- Bring thla ad. and gat Special Ratee. BARNES HARDY COMPANY DEALER IN 1 THE IMPROVIDENT MAN lets each day take apeds as he goe care of itself, and when sicknesa or misfortune overtake him aome one else has to care for him. The provident man puts aside enough to foil back on when it is needed, and puts it where it will be safe, as well as working for hia interest at four per cent in the Utah Commercial & Savings Bank. Send for circular on Banking by Mail. 4 East First South street, Salt Lake City. SALT LAKE ATTRACTIONS. . PAID ON SAVINGS DEPQ8ITsf lQ 0 ! Western Loan & Savings Co. Established 189a CAPITAL PAID IN JANUARY 1st, 1905, VnSer SuperoMem 8480,000.00 Stat Bant Examinee. 4 P. W. Madsen, President. 49 EAST FIRST SOUTH, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. 33-3- The treat given patron of the Utnhna wonderful for the amount charged. It is certainly the poor man resort and ia crowded every afternoon and night. A grand scenic production of Thelma, the beautiful realisiic story of Norwegian life, Marie Corelli, will be the bill at Utahna theatre, the week of Feb. so, C immencing ami playing Monday throughout the week, afternoon and evening. Presented by the Utahna Stock Co., a strong and capable company of performers. IT ISNT NECESSARY to read advertisements for Bargains. All to do have ia to CALI, ON US and you you will find anything WE SELL la already MARKED DOWN to CLOTHING MADE -- TO- MEASURE EDWARD E. STRAUS A CO., CHICAGO The man who haa once bad the tape measure across liis shoulders for a new garment will no longer wear the ready-mad- e kind. There is an exclusiveness and individuality about a g that cannot be obtained otherwise. For these seasons every day marks the Made-to-Measu- re MARRIAGE W CHEAP. LICENSES. Thos. Steed, Farmington 7k Matilda Cecilia Glangue of Balt Lake City 38 oil Jno. Corbin, Balt Lake City Minnie A. Erickson, Suit Lake 20 City Robt. E. Rcdily, Syracuse 19 18 Emma E. Knighton, Clearfield U. McArthur. 8alt Lake ICty 23 19 Bertha Lllylnfeldt. Salt Lake Robt. Williams, Ogden 29 Ellenon Earl. Farmington 23 24 David R. Elmer, Salt Lake Hulda Wahlstrom, Salt Lake Clty.22 Chas A. Mr era of Chicago .'...27 Ethel M. Gray, Balt Lake City ...19 Wm. C. Mann. Jr., Bountiful 21 18 Janet 11. Hogan, Bountiful Chaa. J. Howard, Bountiful 35 WOOD'S CROSS BREVITIES. Eva C. Larsen, Josepa. Tooele Co.21 Jamea Knighton. Wooda Cross ....22 pedal Correspondence. 21 Harriet Lovey, Wooda Cross Mrs. Sarah Fisher is till very sick, 21 Donald Wooda Cross Hogan, Frank Ellis returned from Wasatch, Margaret A. Davis, Woods Cross. .21 Friday. " TASSItG " of the REA C A BMEffT. DX-M- A D You are cordially invited to examine the moat comprehensive line of samples of both staples and nobby designs ever shown before. Sample shown and measures taken by h, H. OVIflTT, FaFflflincjton Clearance Sale Prices! If you are looking for Bargains in SHOES, HATS, CLOTniNG or GRGCERIES, just Come in and see LOW PRICES Given at J. Hm WOODS A GREAT REDUCTION et Slarns Hatch returned from Wasatch, Tuesday. Mrs. Dan Muir baa been on the sick Uet for aome time past, but ia now improving, Henry Page returned on Tueaday tram Idaho, where he haa been visiting rcla-tivand friends. Misa Mae Smith of Woods Cross and Howard Bolster of Salt Lake, are to be anted this week. Air. and Mr. Polish, ing Geo. B. Mann. Woods Cross Nellie Cook. Bountiful Chester M. Call, Bountiful A. Maud Perkin. Bountiful Arnold D. Miller, Syracuse Lillie Barton, Kayarllle 2! 20 19 25 27 ea Ili-nr- Jr.ar,, Ooldon Wedding Celebration. Special to tha Argua. CENTERVILLE. Feb. 4,- -At the home of J . R. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Stu-be- n Rawlins retebratrd the 50th anniver-M- y of their marriage, laat Friday even. 20 PER CENT. Publi?l;ed Ly G?o. Reynold. OFF FOR BOOK of MORMON Concordance. A book that ahould be found in every library. A handy volume for Scriptural Students, Treachers and all letter Day Saints generally. Any kind of produce taken in exchange. George Reynolbs, Publisher GASH This Sale Will Continue For one Weak. Any HEATER in Stock at 20 per cent. off. RANGES are not Inoludad In thla reduction. Is he 'Bountiful Co-o- p. |