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Show l"rllS Tv ' u rsnw nBListirii rvi.RY V. : :i i.f t z wh;- .h tfKnjM'illr i abnul tu he .hid! do u lint injTutu-- : it taker ill. witn t!is ruiiiif-- i fed Midi the uburbn Lanolin i;ut-une i.f (i. Ic.isiau ii'M'i ;y. ' eh road and (hi hould put the cut int!Vi., ant .rir.y ' : ' !' ba-a for fir ti.ihri.in on i. I, Vc( Mr. .f..hn Whinu. uti.c 'i county ingl fatuity gin-l Jtis Ilii, sj tru-should all attend tht ntN'ial religion t ...n - iv hut ii. Mpv 011 (hid Sugar iaenunt of anl I'oiiiiiiercial gathering. nf e.'ih propudiiinii wliii-lm oiiimriiil t 'ii. 'tiis-nin- mi 1. ,.,ar mt r. ? locality ami thus heiotim uf om- our reader. mind in the l.uild'uig up of the entire We hope will incounty. vite the whole county population to cclehrati- the ii rival of the I.Ngunu v Wm K ii.h.is i traiu. hil;u 'KH .i!i have t'i - foillltV an 11 u- 111 . ! . -- - Pubb.hars ! a- i FELT. EDITOR. FELT Manaer. D. P. ntstRirr)N tine Year Six Mon t)i a Kati-vilh- r - - fi-2- - Knfrmi ;r i niflr nl tba Art uf i'iili(!h ui Ml' 4, ISM Vhittlrr iimiHMlit fitrs Ui.th, Mifibil, litil'i i.i.ijiiui.;:.i i tie- ii"'l t:i- - i - sf SC I- - Uni'-- V.-- : I. M. bnM', - - - - FARMINGTON. I'r.vMeM '. A. I.. i I'l-ia- a.fb, Jowta CadLlcr t. - - - - - 82 E. fcnhnwm s 8s UTAH i an4 . itirl-iiU- - . ; e ti.-- ' 11 The only j licensed embalmer in the Countv. lim-siiiii- : - Also Denier in I - uin-ie- iih 1 he Bat I95 f K. i uKalnat r-- .i Has-eiu- n Tiik Am. i s lias received a well ril-lwritten artido on the care and mark- I e itisfiu-lluthat is u ksc-iuf ll ea;iM etmg of fruits from Mr. I). M. Fisher un HUrl,.l(.r ,lf of Syracuse. It has lieeu crowd- tin.iiiniic or tin- rnnalnlnif H.ut tn- - defense ron- ed out for a numlier of issues f,,rls ' tu - in. ilniu ir.eil 10 tin.- vary linnet but we now present it lor care- tlH.n lm. lia ;t Willl!l n, fill periihal by ail our truit raisers. pMiiiniCe I'lni .iii'uie nf the city in taken on It will give them Nome valuable aiig. !rs tinal hours umiM on-- tin.- h.ir.u ler of .. massacre than gestions for use in their business. jut war. It is vi 1; that the world ia . : G ass, Etc. KAYSVILLE, UTAH. The only place in Farmington wheie the travelling man stops. lAKMINC.lON UTAH aMuik. PIECE OF DISCRIMINATION. Furniture, Picture Frames, Wall Paper, Window ROBINSON HOUSE .l M. Jh.-r- , 1 !i- - khuda Miller. K. BARTON JOHN FUNERAL DIRECTOR .1 - b I lni-t- a Mittii'ient ji.si given out that that nf fie Ini n:i I Kierilh-' ha in jM lieeu out only liljo.'il) paid r. i.iiiH tlie J liountieH for lavi " eonnty and thi ii.nn in- Ilti.ic the. have an dcarl ii!.- i'uiuiii.iii .sn:u l" to far aj, the I.ivc wai paid largely m.n, he ii:f,.rniafiun ..:i jiiiliji'i Stock company who for a time had re. nliilhl.v. he M0 mor I'llehin 'llVrt.liri. apeeially paid cxtcrminatoni employSn fir ns liut Art'ijr U iiiictrnel. " ,lut of ed paring them nil that wax made. ih erilrv i.f ii(11 .J.i(..:n-i- i .inn.is will fh- l.::i,i Tu o.iiin m.l-- s ij; ntiinsjl.,. In1 fhhiniiiTuiii; nf Jupiimii' TIichc iiihii were engaged to kill off fur .i:'.uth.i nie;e when rej'iirutions varmint ami thiiaaave their aheep the run y lie (iteui'i nf tin- Iw and young eatile. and the J.iiiiiea may lie t.'lcrk Stahle hii I , (. - - - ! I : ( I'.m-'- I Miss Nellie K. l'jicc. Mms Eva Evan. CINTKKVILLK JloVKTii'U. Alma Hardy. iRjridrn. Wuoo's CKOaa Miss KIiaf-t- FARMINGTON. l j I'tsT.H M:i- - 8 fJi!t Arrhiii1 lierme they I.iil - H vsvii.i.k F. ThoinafM-n- . I.avTon- - William J. t'owlcy. - is - - K sk- and SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Saving Department Pays 4 per cent ir.Urest. 'HK Li.i- a.nu . iiii.uiri.iii'. Ci.ikK, J'!r..iriil. John Wviiwi,, TiumiMi J.jtin a - Aki'.fS kJitklSKNTATIVKS: Sykaci DEPOSITS OCT. IM J7j oro 3,000 COMMERCIAL 88 Jv 88 - ! Huoi'KK At. L A PI - .50 PiM u .ittrr I 1 - .75 Three Miiiillii - - r-- .a 8 8 - I'KICKS: Alincr In - n 1 AN t 1 VERNON Vo .1 ..0-Tl- r fur-tlu- $1 Bank Pavis County P r fi 8 - o!':-i-:- 'rniir.K:n. Utah 0. P. FELT A SON jr-- j f' a t.. ft A,i.f ! . tt inideratand a hig romidaint ( ia - neci-ss-n- gathering a force to the extent of a luaaa meeting to he held at I. ay ton to pruteat at the peculiar treatment acof corded certain telephone hm-that neighborhood who have been - i J. E. ROBINSON. Abstracter I - ii- ! of Title and Couveyauccr. Licensed Abstractor of Davis County. i - 11. fallhlul Mibacrihcra aiui ethc eompaiiy Ural iimtnllcd their ayetem. We do not believe Manager Murray knoWH of thcec rpcrilic iiiiitanrca and only a pro t rat from indignant eilixeua will avail any relief for the iuyiircd patroiin. the slulit s.iii-- tint horror. f i our friends in neglected .un Anwli-Hxtirees. portions of the county will muster i.11.i) y ,ho flII llf ,.t.rt Ar hur mmir a good piwe of patience with us. So siiuii the ileatli knell to the war by ef tyranny and corsoon a good reliable correspondents rn.litifr the for S'i bint; a time has that ruption ran he secured for every precinct wp c uracil and enthralled the Muscovite We hope e pen-haue- Oflice upstairs, H liOw a It lertaiuiv W-K!i.-X. .W- 444 for a teleplmue liner tu ane hia instrueat door nelirhUir get an ment placed in hia home for Sti.OU to tlil.OU per year cheaper than he ia paving pint because he has signed a contract extending over the cut rale epoch. It appears to us that if any 1,:. market patrou is entitled to the price' of a telephone it ia the old subscriber and we feel conlideiit that Wp loo are in the swim. We want you to when it ia shown that such ia the conic and Nee. We are going to give vow a condition in l.aylon or other parts of (ieuuine Salt Lake Clearance Sale to make the telephone system Mr. Murray will room for Spring Hoods. All competition we remedy the evil. Thk Auota ia : : will meet, and go one better. ; pleated to see that the facta are him shall and before urge brought their plaiut even before the inasa It may be meeting may convene. long sighted policy for the company to get these voutracta signed up for Jong terms but it ia decidedly abort policy to hold them to it when rates are reduced under their very noses, We understand there ao to apeak. hi no more ut stake than $40.00 to $00.00 if all the disaffected ones were protected amt uniform system uf rales given. When such men an the Adamses, the f.lliaotii, the Nahlcrs, Morgans, ara Moker, and Supt. Whileaides behind a movement claiming discrimWE PAY 22iO A DOZEN FOR EG3S. ination ia shown the company may Jtiow they should take cugnizauco of to iciKjc adOanlage this the matter nut look into it. These tx uiiti only Inducement, a ara the leading men of Davis eonnty and public sympathy or support is largely shaped by just such men a these citizens. High is right, hut might" always right : heiause the telL'phuur 'oimpHiiy lias a signed contract that may Inn-- an honest man to innin-lai- n rates, that the company themPIONEER UNDERTAKER AND MANUFACTURER OF COFFIN CASselves have cut, U no evidence that it KETS ANO UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES. a right and as liefore stated we feel sure the company will do what is Coffin. Casket Tarlors right under whatever circumstaiires etc. of all flirt tint! (heir contract in and the Office open day grade krpt wikhenuf the public both iii Pavi j. in Rtovk. ui.d night. con lit; mid wherever an injustice prevail, will be respected. W t Cash Sale GROCERIES, 10 to 20 pep cent off. DRY GOODS, 15 to 35. SHOES, 20 to 50 pep eent CLOTHING. 25 to 40. HflRDGUflRE, 15 to 45. $4.25 a ton. Dona tail mm KAYSVILLE HOTEL S. . LAYTON, TE71MS 'REjKSO.WjA TILE s- BYHOil L. KESLER, - BOUNTIFUL UTAH CO-O- i PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ami OBSTETRICIAN : : : : : Office over Telephone Exchange Telephone Number 22, DH FURNITURE Star Estate Steel Ranges, Stoves . DEMAND THS L. I. MADE MUDGE Wert Salt Lake City STEWART. Manu an animat, and Xuhtn Uicllfcd u conUnUd-.tha- t . mostly ; contented or a man otherwise, should be thoughtful and considerate twomen and tighten their oj burdens Whenever possible. Three "Burden Lifter are here Pictured. STEWASRT SUEEL feysvillB, RANGES and COOK STOVES do away with much of the kitchen troubles and help to produce well cooked food. A Fact-.- and Waxmiovsk graU-fui- "RIDE our Family Conveyances la oonductlvo to longevity, and cheaper than doctor's bills. 251-25- East First So, 3 alT I.akeJCi T Our WE TBEflT m LIE SAMTSOf could Just . Nrn.Hiitv ta,i,MrrhtHt in!m iNMr li.MiiiU. m,( Bi Omni... N.m. uikI ur ila Wnuifii mnl rm 1 net ovor fi.Mrm. Mall lluMts Irmluimil (mpn. ttrifr for trw.jr,iiiio,n ll.i ir to. r.n-...- .. rail. f,in.ull.Ho Krrh Weak Men If fan suffer from any of ih srskursm or mtiknI k rterat or isn- faion riT AUK TIIK KUV PKUiN IS WAXT IV14I.K 'Hi. Vr ruvnmir fsktll in rurma ClIRttMC VN diNTHsr ljr ami iuht iMiuif from imito mnajr viihitinry irviug uaimtfc, 4IiIipmrUK CIVT ft HMMI OI U HUM IN Util I K I1ibK4M Horngp if wotiM I'rMns nmfdrtrH. tianro. barr 10 pint tt.i r skill in this imsa i. non birs in atutlier wav. IbUUmirrlaa PRS. SHORES & SHORES, Expert (irturra Ml.fi. W. rr ,kl luii 1, REASON-Alil.- ,i-- h Yi-- . ni i.ur ai.nl. ni-mih.- ii NOW wk WAM KK "h'lK- - i imS lOl Uiai iM n.n Mil KI'K mill rnr. tn. 1 hi aiii '.p. in i.i.. u.nnni,l .vtiiin.' 11, '' lot nmlritiii:iii v. wm. . jrlrnn.il., I ii -- much energy in pump- r- OKVliE Sbb-Ih- uylRs .n I , ihr f'rnt jr. Ill, ,.iu; nil UiMri.i,. am,. IN " y.l m mi, m., F.pn nn (ii n In i: CEOTtCE nf Specialists. lir-- i,. 249 as well do S 10.00 WiJVVMILL that laborious work at s cost of per year. orders handled with cars and dispatch, Consolidated Wagon & Machine Co. Iji.v, innuanm WK A'mESSK 2 w, SNOMH. Cured Pay When"vns.fc .llotm k,ar. out-of-to- ing water when a CATARRH uni m.I ftirahh rh,'iilr uf it, Ke Km. N I.i.iuv ftitiuHih. Ki.tMb. Liter. l am. Hrun 1hkv.sm. I iu. I pm ia!niintdiiMiia li ia, H(iliir. 1mni m.iu h - ii We would urge the various rual FUierviKor to look after their iihies uf road and when such of neglect a are Sagrant insfaiKe hown at certain flume and ugly hole between Farmington and Kaya-vill- e Ul lie PLElSyifns In any o LATEST APPLIANCES FDR SUCCESSFUL EMBALMING.! made to those hv (he new rate. - Upholstery Goods. and Refrigerators. wr t. TAYLOR requested will lie who may lie affected or Carriages, Lighten Women's 'Burdens f that immediate step lie taken to repair them. 4'ommlwiiouer Nelson An told the writer that a road super-Yiaii empowered to repair a at any time, and dangerous dace end in bia hill fur allowance and if evrae attention ii given tlmae and many other part of both city and county roads a long suffering public Baby ., John Henry Smith, Prext., Lewik M. Cannon, W. N. William, II. J. Smith, Jr., Assistant Supt. Supt., Sec. and Treai, imrkctoks: Lewt M. Cannon, P. M. Lyman, H. I. Smith, Jr., E. F. Parry, John Henry bmith, N. W. William, Clarissa S. Williams, T. II. Cartwright, E. Wright. 31, 33, 35, and 37 South Main Street SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH msczii n Feathers, Curtains, and Heaters, Vice-Prert- HOUSE COLLATtS 120 N. 2nd all KINDS officers: IN BUYING UTAH HAND FURNITURE COMPANY P Carpets, -- Ioiit-c-sio- UTAHl of Special last feto day. JOSEPH every t .V.VkVAr.VAVV.VVVW.VkV.V.V4VVVV.V.VAVViS Irojirietur. I Since the above was written, we karn from Mr. Ii. I,. Thomas who is well known in this county that West Thmixe St. SALT LAKE CITY ( SPECIAL COflLi, When you have anything to sell, ask for the Stock Yards at West Bountiful. Highest Prices Paid. :is I.KA . jFresh and Cured Meal s'i: Farmington C. &M. Bhl Farmington, utah i Si?,' Lik. IWI.l , tlrUUh. STATE STREET, 1 WHOLESVLF. IIIAI.EHS IN 1 NOTARY PUBLIC. j i UTAH PACKING CO. : To ODELL Ceneoi MatQ$$r4 Houses at Salt Lake, Ogden, Logan, Idaho falls, and MontOolIor, |