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Show VI yov IF w v COViTy, ADVERTISE 14 WISH TO TtEACH THE PEOPLE If4 DAVIS v i r , THE i PIPEPi ATIGVS--EVE'RyDOD-ys CHCMtlOl tar ao jama, OUR IUM: , bird, Iki riiMUUiHi at Um Aaaw I wpi'Kii Ifea ManHii Tba bait Ihiwail auirk I loaf afu. wm COUNTY AROUS DA VI VOLUME I. NUM1IEK S3 FARMINGTON', PASSING OP A PIONEER. UTAH, TUESDAY, FKIiUlAKY evening, under the direction of Miia Etta Duncan. BjJc.'Ul Coireapjftdanc. Mrs. John Stable, Sr., was taken very Mrs. Charles Bennett ia improving. Her daughters, Susan j ill last Sunday. Adams & Sous Co. are busy stock tak- I and Bertha, were telephoned to come ing. home at once. Elias Adams haa gone out west to look A movement is on foot to consolidate after hia extensive sheep interests. the three Bountiful and Centerville Mr. John S. Smith ia quite ill with school districts, for the purpose of erectbronchitis. Dr. Rich of Ogden is in at- ing a Central school bouse to be used for tendance. a High school. Mrs. J. H. Gibson was called to Ogden this week, her sister's children being An Excellent Company. The Fluhart Stock Co. has distinctly very sick. Joseph Huff, agent for the Union Sav- paid Farmington a compliment in stopings & Investment Co., eras in town ping over here. It is a company of good Mondao and Tuesday, on business. players, snd considering the advanced Mr. James E. Ellison disposed of a charges, had a good house. The piece last night was entitled, A large herd of thorough bred Durham presented cattle to a Mr. Mortinaon, who intends Man of Mystery in which the company showed excellent taste in not over doing to ship them stoat. with perhaps the exception of If all reports are true, and it seems the parts, element introduced. This the bowery they are there will be something doing was rather over done. Of the ladies, to remedy the injustice done by the Bell mention should be made of Misses Rose Telephone company, to their subscribers and Elsie Gresham, and these here. A petition is being circulated call- Wilbur were ladies given excellent support. ing the companys attention to the overfeatures were very poor, The specialty charge for rent of telephones taken some local hits were received the although time ago. Since then the rate has been with considerable applaus. In one refer reduced, but old subscribers are held by ence to bald heads, it is said a free ticket contract, to the higher rate. was to be given anyone who might be on this score. When the hit attacked A Now Banking Inatitutlon. it chanced there were two wu made, And still we come to the front. Precandidates in the house; Jonathan Wood liminary arrangements axe being made and Cnarles Turner, Jr., and all day tofor the erection of a fine brick building there is fierce rivalry as to who is to day with all the modem improve menta, to be be the beneficiary, with the odds in favor used as bank. This is another step in of Mr. Turner. the right direction. There are more than enough application for stock in the concern, showing great confidence in the Queer Funerals of Korea. enterprise. The' Koreans have a curious dread of the spirits of their ancestors and BOUNTIFUL BftlEFS. of demons, which leads to all kinds of precautions and propitiations. Moat elaborate and expensive graves are Special Correspondence. Miia May Spencer has not been able made for the dead, generally on a terto attend to her duties aa post mistress, race scooped out of a hillside, with a for several days, on account of sickness. mound and ratlings, a grove of trees, and a shrine with an avenue of She ia now improving. strange carved stone figures of men A number of young ladies who call and beasts. The amount of land kept themselves The Spinsters, gave a out of cultivation by these burial acred concert at the Tabernacle Sunday places Is said to be almost Incredible. LAYTON H, To brlof brfuN lb piiUilr lb woadarfol rwoinvaa at Savia nwoljiM near the Bow uaprahBMlTO-- li and to avoid Inal laf ob unwraot tooa. 81.25 A YEAH 1205 ITEMS. : John I. Smith, Feunder ot e, Goee to Hla Howard. John Sivel Smith, a pioneer of thii ute and one of the firct aettlera ot Davis cmint, died Sunday night of pneumonia, at the age of 96 yean, at hie lioxue in Kayerille, where he haa reaided for nearly half a century. Up until two weeks ago, when he encountered pneumonia, he waa actively engaged in looking alter hia buaineaa Deepite hia age hia faculties ore aa well preferred aa when a young Run, and during hia long and remarkable life, he enjoyed perfect health. In Davia oouaty, where be apent the greater part of hia life, he waa in active buaineaa aa a farmer and atockman. He purchased fart of the land under the old Kay auf-eand he afterwards named the nettle-tneof Kaysville. He was beta in Worcestershire, Knglaud, March to, 1809, and had be fired until the Coming March, he would Ian been 96 yearn of age. Hia father was a atockman in the old country, and (he first fifteen years of his life were apent On his parents farm. At the age of 15 he commenced a five years apprenticeship learning to be a carpenter. Hefol (owed the trade for three yearn and then returned to farm life. Ha married Mias Jane Wadleigh in 1838, and three yean later emigrated with a family of two children to Amerv ta. He settled at Kirkland, O., with the members of the Mormon church, to which faith he had been converted in England. He reached Salt Lake City in the fall of 1850, and lived in Draper for six yean At the time of the Salmon River colonisation, he bought a section of the Kay place and made it his permanent home. Hia wife died in 18S8, happy in the reallmdaa that she had raised a family of is children, all of them now grown and married. At the present time he leaves seven children, 36 grandchildren,' y, 41 a fees afains I Kaya-vlll- Pop Thrifty Shoppes ...BIG CASH SALE... -- ' The Co-o- p Kjays-Oill- e EIGHT PAGES FOR OUR READERS flOUlI ' Ml -- ! a OUR ANNUAL JIFBEK-- STOCKTAKING (He H&Ye More Stock ' CLEARANCE SALE than Room and Must Reduce Before the Assessor Calls. HAVE ROOffl FOR OUR SPRlflG STOCK, uihieh is Daily Arriving. UC1E ffitiST STRIKE WHILE THE IROH IS HOT. THIS SALE INCLUDES G00D8 DEPT. DRY Shoes, Lace, 0.06'i Yard .OS broidery. .OS RIBBONS, Ribbons? GinShaiTS? Flannel I Caen all at LACES, EMBROIDERIES SHOES, CatfCO? OUtinS .OB , 1, CREPE PINS Price Half Prloe Half Price .SOcand 1.00 off .05 Roll and TISSUE PAPER .03 Paper HAIR PINS Clothes? Underwear? etc- Groceries, one-ha- lf ALL OTHER GOODS, .03 Prioea Cut to Boll. We GixJe cnly a feta Prices , Just to tel you see . IShese prices are for Cash only . Jalc Commences tOE D4EJDmyty FED, St hr and Continues until Goods are gone Open from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. H. j. SHEFFIELD, The Kaysville OQerehant. - .. |