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Show DAVIS COUNTY ARGUS B. .... L'TAH UTAH STATU N'KWS. Smith, a yon hr man nf Sprlngvillp. ramioted of KteLliiii; a reto six volver. hax bcn ncuti'iiml month In ili county jail. There were r.r. deal hit in Salt I .alto City during January. 1!m5. ami M during the Kamo month in 1!H'4. thus In the death rate. showing a deert-aAm have heen fiasxiiiK ppurlunx quarters thromthonl the xtan since New Year'a, quite a tiuiiihir of the dns having gotten into circulation. Mra. Thomas Shaw of Venice was yprkiusly injured while rtiinhiiig into a wagon last week, falling upon the wheel and austalning severe Internal ('onntorfoiteri Injwle. It la reported that a new national hank la to lie established In I .ay ton hy businesa nten of Itavis and Weber county. The bank will have a capital THEIR LIVES PASSENWARNED MOTORMAN GERS CAR WAS RUNNING AWAY. Two Jump and Are Injured. While Those Who Remained on the Car Escaped Without a Scratch. Through the purling of a brake car. chain on a .Mniiisvillii says a Portland Ore. liiuif-h- . lust ram ml of the car at a eml. He switch with a gravel opened the car dour and wanted all the passengers to jump for tln ir lives. Only two billowed hi advice, one a woman, who rolled down an embankment and was severely bruised; th' other a man. who bl mi the track l severe behind lh car and outs about the head. Tin' passengers who remained in the car were unhurt, the ear eoinlrg to an abrupt stop from striking the fes, at the end ot the track. This is the same line on vrtilrh one man was killed and thirty injured last week. di-a- BIG BLAk IN MOBILE. One 125, Win. John Crepa of Salt Lake City Is in tbe city jail aa a result of attempting calibre rifle between the fa- to kill his father with a 22 during a controversy . ther and son. of cousin a Will riilllips, of Salt II. Davie Clerk I). County Sake county, baa been arrested, charged with being Implicated in the bounty frauds. A petition has been presented to the legislature asking relief for David Wllrken, the penitentiary guard who was shot in the leg during the outbreak two years ago. The entire family of E. 8. Crowther of Park City wan attacked with acute ptomaine poisoning one day last week aa the result nf eating canned tomatoes, but all have recovered. 8tate Senator Samuel C. Park has Introduced a measure to reorganize the Utah National Guard, and will later on Introduce a bill providing for the erection of a suitable state 'armory. It looks as though the towns to he represented In the Pacific National league next season will be Salt Lake, Ogden, Boise, Butte, Spokane and (Helena, with probably Great Falls and tWalla Walla added. Fred Warren was caught In the art lof burglarising a saloon In Ogden. Warren sneaked behind the bar and trifled the cash till. The bartender, however, discovered him and held him until the police arrived. The night school started at Mt. Pleasant some three weeks ago Is Jprovlng very popular. Quite a large number are In attendance, many of whom are married, and others too old to attend the other schools of the city. While chopping kindling, Josephus Karrens of American Fork struck his right foot with a heavy awing of the ax, completely severing his second Joe. splitting the third one and deeply Imbedding the ax In Die ball of his foot. The Rowan-Markhalight at Mn-nlast week resulted In a decision for Rowan on a foul In the tblrd round. Many of the sport present were dissatisfied, claiming that the fight bad been fixed lietween the principals. As a result of the explosion nf a mlnsed shot," John Noyce, a miner of Alla, has probably lost the sight of both eyes. Noyce was clearing out an old winze, preparatory to sinking It deeper, and struck an old load with his pick. That George Jacobs, the mining man who waa found dead In a Salt Lake hotel, had little faith In banka Is evideneed by the finding In one corner of bis trunk of a canvas bag containing $2.H'.5 In live, ten and twenty dollar gold pierea. James Malconi. In jail at Great Falls. Mont., has confessed to the murder of W. W. Greer, a former resident of Utah, at his home on Big lake, near the Canadian line. Greer was murdered January 28, and hia body found a week later. In accordance with a resolution of the city council of Lchl. passed recently, nearly every sidewalk in the city has been given a light coat of grave and pedestrians may now go to any part of the rlty without the necessity of the use of rubber. ' Mr. e Taylor of Ogdon narrowly escaped serious Injury while building a fire In the range In her home on Twenty-llrs- t street. The water had frozen anil the pipes hurst, blowing the stove to pieces, knocking out window panes and creating general havoc. Andrew Kuhn, a junk dealer of Salt l,ake City, wnlle driving between Bingham Junction and Mnrray. was attacked by two highwaymen, badly beaten and rnhliod and left for dead. His arm waa broken and his head badly crashed, he Imlng left lu a precarious condition. have arrangements Preliminary been made, an option on a suitable site has been seeured, and nothing seema now to stand In the way of a magnificent building I wing erected In the near future as a home for the various Masonic order of Salt Lake I JUUy. FOR P. FKLT k SON. Pablikhera FARMINGTON of JUMPED Person KHed and Several Injured in Fire Which Destroy Famous Hostelry. Losses esllnateil at a million dollars have caused hy a fire that left the famous li'illlc house, In Mobile, Ala., a ruin and swept on to One person was buildings adjoining killed and several seriously Injured. The blaze was discovered shortly before 11 p. nr.. Sunday. The Are broke out in some unoccupied moms over the kitchen on the Battle house, which, although an old bnatelry. was one of the largest In the south. The flames spread so quickly that a number of guests lost all their belongings and not a few of those on the flfth floor were compelled to take to the Are escapes in their night clothes. Two elevator Isiys, Joseph Parks and Bernard Constantine, atuck to their posta until all the guests had been gotten out although the elevators caught lire and the youngsters were burned about the face and hands. bi-o- QUIET IN ST. PETERSBURG. Trouble Failed to MaAnticipated terialize in Russia's Capital. The anticipated renewal of trouble among the workmen of St. Petersburg, Sunday, was not realized. Neither strikers nor students made the lightest attempt to demonstrate, and throughout the day the city presented n normal appearance. The emperor's creation of a Joint commission of masters and workmen, chosen by themselves, to investigate the causes of discontent among the laborers, haa made an ezrecdlngly good Impression, being considered definite evidence of the government's purpose to compel some of the masters who have paid starvation wages to do Justice to tbetr employees. WOMAN WAS BETTER SHOT. Husband and Wife Fight Pictol Duel, the Former Meeting Death. Edward R. Kochn and hla wife, Eleanor, who were married only seven weeks, engaged In a pistol dnol In Oakland, Cal., on Sunday, with the result that the husband's body la now In the morgue. The couple qurrreled Immediately after marriage and Knehn ordered his wife from the house. She returned and Knehn demanded the reason of her presence. Angry words followed, nnd Kochn, so the wire satd, brandished a revolver and fired at her. She seized a second revolver from under a mattress and. as Knehn tired again, shot at. him four times. One bullet entered his neck, killing him. Trolley Car Ran Away. A car on the Sutro electric line. San Francisco, tilled with passengers, on the way to the beach, got beyond the control of the mntornian on a steep grade and Jumped the track at a curve. It plowed through thirty feet of sand without overturning. Fred Kettleman of Slocklon waa on the front end of the car and when It lore the track he Jumped off. pulling hla wife with him. His skull was fractured and an operation was later performed Ills injuries may prove fatal. Husband and Wife Attempt Suicide at Same Time. Mrs. Robert Campbell was found dead and her husband In a dying condition in their apartments In Anderson, Ind., on Sunday. The coroner, who found among their possessions a box marked "quinine." byt which contained conislve sublimate, is conductMr. and Mrs. ing an Investigation. Campbell came to Anderson from Norwood. S. D.. almut four months ago. The husband Is not expected to survive. An Oklahoma Tragedy. While temporarily Insane James Estes, a farmer, at their home at Marshall, a small town near Guthrie, Oklahoma. murdered hla wife, and Ms daughter, Maude Estes; attempted to kill Ms son Ijiwrence, who rscappd; set tire to the house, and literally blew bis own head off with a shotgun. The house was destroyed and the bodies burned to a crisp before neighbors could arrive. Estes says that he was awakened by his father attempting to attuek Mm. J STRIKE IS RENEWED. RAILROAD RATE BILL PASSED. STAMPS PUT TO NOVEL USE. Workmen in St. Petersburg Are FightDay. ing for an Eight-Hou- r St. Icierttliiirg is again face to face with a renewal of the labor upheaval, the immediate incitement being th" failure of the workmen to secure pay ment for the tune they were out on trike, added to the fact that there has been no adjustment of the demands which led to the strike last month. The Piitiloff iron works, where tlm former strike originated, la playing the priiiriial part. There are dO.nm) workmen already out within the metropolis district, and workmen at factory in Xolplno, eighteen miles distant have joined the strikers. There Is a strong prospect of th' movement extending. by the Only energetic measures troops and the police prevented the resumption Friday of the former tactics of the strikers marching from factory to factory and inducing or compelling employees to lay down their tools. Thus far there haa been no disorder in St. Petersburg, and the authorities appesr to have the situation well in band in this respect. It la generally believed that such precautions have been taken as will preclude the repetition of the bloodshed of January 22. However, circumstantial reports that the revolutionary element la about to join with the strikers and are causing resort to grave apprehensions. Eleven Republicans and Six Democrats Vote Against Measure. After nearly four days of iliKi ussion the house on Thursday, by a vote f 326 to 17, passed the bill providing for the regulation nf freight rates. The negative vote was made up nf eleven Republicans and six Democrats. The closing hours of the debate wero occupied by Messrs. Williams and Hep(Miss.), the minority burn (la.), rhainnau of the committee which reported the bill. Mr. Williams, whilo HupiNjrtlug the minority measure, even though he said he knew it could not pasa. complimented the Republicans for bringing in a bill which was much better than he expected would come from them. The speech of Mr. Hepburn was rather in defense of hlniBClf. He said his deeds and acts were a sufficient answer to the lies and slanders" which bad heen heaed uiion him. The Hepburn bill, be said, bad been prepared by the attorney general, and he onlv yielded to his colleagues on bill because he the did not want sensational headlines. Brilliant Wall Decoration Evolved by . bomb-throwin- g HOUSE OPPOSES STATEHOOD. Plans of Lower House Must or Bill io Dead. Prevail Patient DAILY. Russians Continue to Drop Shells In Japanese Camps. A large Russian force remains on the right hank of the Hun river, but to attark. It shows no disposition There hare been frequent clashes between patrols, hut without any serious results. The Russians bombard daily, but the Japanese suffer no damage. Every day three or four Russians surrender. There is no prospect of a general engagement. The weather con tlnues very raid. Monks. The monks at tbe Hospital of St. Jean ie Dieu, at Ghent, have In th-i- r leisure momenta decorated the wall with gorgeous landscapes, glowing with color and full of life, formed entirely hy L.eanM of the poxtagp stamp of all the nations of the world. Palaces, forests, Ktreanix and mountains are represented, buitcrfliex flit about in the air, birds of beautiful plumage perch on liranche. snakes and lizard glide about, und innumerable animal find places here and there. The picture are most artistic, In the style of Chinese landscape gardening, and already between nine and ten millious of stamps have been used. n cell-iiuc- , SHATTERED BY DYNAMITE. Tin Lag aaffaed" Oflra and Yard, danaf Utah Bountiful, Declares She Alone Waa Responsible for Her Husband's Death. Mrs. Kate Edwards, who is uider sentence to be hanged with Samuel G reason at Reading, Pa., on Thursday next for the murder of her husband, made a statement to her counsel Thursday night, in which it Is said she exonerates Greaaon from complicity in the murder. The statement will not be given to the public until It is DESERET NEWS BOOK STORE presented to the board of pardons, but the inference Is left that she has SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. admitted that she alone committed the crime. Mrs. Edwards and G reason, who is a colored man, were convicted of the murder of Edwards, and since the death sentence has been pronounced extraordinary efforts have been made SALT LAKE CITYS to save them from the gallows. The board of pardons has heretofore refused to Interfere, and the state supreme court haa affirmed the lower DON FOOTER courts decision. I Have nude arrangements whereby I can furnish and deliver Nut and Lump coal promptly. Give me a trial order. I will endeavor to please you. Phone i6-- n. E. L. WILLEY CHURCH This work ia now being published by The Deseret New in a series at magnificent volumes, in complete form, with an Introduction to each volume and numerous notes which render it still more valuable. Volumes I, II and III are now ready. PRICES Cloth, - - 1.50 per vol. cloth. - 8.50 ner vol. Half morocco 3.0C per vol. Full morocco 4.00 per vol. ir COAL I OF THE KATE EDWARD8 CONFESSED y Limit to Death FeasL There are sumptuary laws even In the Cook islands, where It is a punishable offense to eat more thaii l.tun) cocoanuts In celebration of a death. HISTORY Statehood for Oklahoma and New Mexico will not bp granted during this session of congress unless It be on lines provided In the house statehood bill. This was decided Friday at a .conference of Republican members of the hmise. The following resolution, of which Speaker Cannon waa the author, setting forth this position, was adopted, 112 to 3.1. after three hours' dehste: Resolved. That It Is the sense of this congress and the Republican caucus held April 15, touching the statehood of New Mexico and Arizona, aa provided In the bill of the house, which bill had been amended In the aenate and Is now pending In the ho'jae committee on territories, be Insisted upon, and that we Insist on such parliamentary proceeding! as can be had by a majority of the house or a pedal order as can be ordered and adopted by a majority of the house, WAS A BLOODY CONFLICT. under which the aforesaid policy of the Republicans of the house will be One Hundred and Fifty Strikers worked out Slain by Militiamen. FELL FROM GRACE. Press dispatches from Sosnovlce describe tbe bloody character of the conTrusted Employees Confession Clears flict between the military and strikers up Mysterious Robbery. at the' Kathesreenen Iron Works. One George Morris, for some time a correspondent telegraphs that fifteen trusted employee of the Wells-Farg- o were killed and thirty-fiv- e persons Express company at Truckee, Cal., wounded, while another gives the has confessed thst he robbed the ofnumber killed as fifty. The military fice a few weeks ago, securing more fired eight volleys than $1,200. The crime at the time Another collision occurred at the aroused the entire detective force of the company, and proved a difficult Nifka mine, where It la rumored 150 case. Suspicion In a way pointed to J. persons were killed. A third collision Winter, the agent, but he speedily cast occurred near Milovlce, but this affair this aside by paying every cent of the was bloodless. amount missing. Morris was closely It was feared that numerous outshadowed, and the officers have been working with the boy fur several days. breaks would take place Thursday He finally admitted hla guilt. night In various parts of the strike district of Russian Poland, since strikers were gathered in groups, gesticuSwayne Impeachment Case Begun. The senate en Friday began to hear lating and talking In a threatening manner. witness In connection with the Impeachment proceedings against Judge Portland Overrun With Workmen. The statement Swayne of Florida. A dispatch from Portland, Ore., of the case on behalf of the house ays: Workmen, both skilled and unwas made by Manager Palmer, who who come to this city in anwent over the various rharges against skilled, to fake advertisements appearswer exwaa said it and the Judge Swayne pectation of the managers that all of ing In newspapers at San Francisco, them would he proved. The witnesses and possibly other place, stating that heard testified concerning hotel bills there is plenty of work for all comers paid hy Judge Swayne while bolding at the Lewis and Clark fair court in Texas. The senate decided to are doomed to disappointment.grounds, devote the time between 2 and 5 The fair has attracted more oclock each day to the Swayne In- workmen to thisalready than can be emcity nf Wyoming, quiry. Senator Clark and those who come hereafter who has heen absent, took the oath ployed, will find nothing but Idleness, and peraa a member of the court. haps privation. BOMBARDMENTS Physicians Couldn't Wed. Tlieie once was a time when doctors were doomed to celibacy. It was at Ike conclusion of the medieval period when medicine was lu the hand of the monk. In France, the British Medl-c.i- l Journal recalls, the habit of persisted long after the practice of ii.cdiriiii1 had passed into lay hands. For two or three centuries the doc-mr- s protected, but in vain. The mat-;i:i- wan Anally laid before the pope, and toward Mie end of the fifteenth vow aMIshed. ii.i.ucy J I Get in the Swim I (if f4 AT THE :! SANITARIUM t TWO Immense Swimming Pools BATHS and PRIVATE i TUB & PLUNGES. Natural Hot Sulphur Water. TURKISH BATHS OUR SPECIALTY. Bath tor Ladlaa. Manicuring artora. Turklah hpms and Halr-draaat- NEW HOTEL CHARLES KESLT TEACHER OF MUSIC. , , Ccano, Novambar SM, INI Haaam Kant 4 Doolay, nr Dootey a Kant, or whlcharar ana of yon that alngi Whan tba ltoaaa Bloom again. Uanrstr: bava baud yon ling thn above banuUful and aSactlng long normal tlmaa during tha wank at "Tan Haymarkat, and hara Ulna a number ot frlenda, Indian and raflnad and competent to udga at what Ja good aiaglng atylaa, mmhori, phraalng, me., nndgantlamaa. all any yunr randarlng of tba aong raterrad la a OHKAT MUSICAL TRKAT. I hara heard vary many Niagara in my lima, balladlata, opor-- 8 ari mlnatrala of nil giuiiaa, pmfMaional and nnpni(alunal, and hara rarely bean affected an pteaaunUy aa whan hearing yon aing, Whan tbs Bonne Bloom Again. Wiahlog yon good luck and pniaparlty, I am yaun truly, JARVIS BLUMK. $36 Constitution Building, 9 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. San Pedro Los Angeles Salt & late R, R lasses Through the Famous TINTIC MINING DISTRICT Comprising F.urrka, Mammoth and Silver City, also Mining Districts ok Ophir, Fairkifi.d, Mrrci'r, Black Rock, Milkord k and Frisco in Utah, and thk Piochb, DkLamar and Mining Districts in Nkvada. Cal-kint- The completion of the n.imecflng link between Callfiitr, Nevada and Dagger!, California will open cm nf tha blggret umlavalnpnl mining district In tha wmL Knit Information regarding train aenricw, atage rcmnnilmi it, Intvrl-c- r ernqH, ate., cheerfully given by any agent uf THK SALT LAKE BOl-TK- , nr aiMinaa. J. L. MOORE T. C. PECK, Asst. Genl. Pats. Agt. E. W. GILUiTT, Genl. Pam. Agt. -- Dist. Pass. Agt. SALT LAKBCITY, UTAH. - Explosion Wrecks Plant and Playe Havoc With Windows, A terrific explosion at tbe dynamite plant of the Dupont Powder company at Boyles Gap, five miles north of Birmingham, Ala., wrecked the plant and broke windows and extinguished all lights within a radius of two miles, but so far as learned no one was killed. The shock was distinctly felt from one end of Jones valley to the other, a distance of twenty-fiv- e miles. THE SCENIC LINE TO Montana Man Commits Suicide In Hla Tortured Woman. Iowa supreme court has affirmed Tbe J. W. Conner, secretary of the hoard decision of the lower court which of trade of Kallspell. Mont., and prom- tbe sent United States Marshal inent in businesa circles, was found A. Richards of Des Moines to the In his office at the city hall with the W. for eighteen years for top of his head blown otf Messages penitentiaryIn of Peter Sulthe hold-ucomplicity show the deed to have been premediand wife livan at Hamilton, la., two tated. Deceased was 42 years of age and well connected. No trouble of a years ago. Masked men broke Into business or private nature is known. the Sullivan house and afiir torturing He was an Elk and had Insurance with the woman by holding ligated randies the Modern Woodmen and Maeeaheca under her foot, compelled her to produce a sum of money which she had He leaves a widow hut no children. that day drawn from tbe bank. Murdered by Countryman. Man Dead, Perforated With BulAmelia Sirannl, a young Italian wo- One lets; 8layer in Jail. man, waa shot and killed In Portland, Maddened by jealousy and the alOre., by Joseph Ftorebello, one of her of his wife, James C. infidelity leged The woman murdered countrymen. conducted a fruit stand, and was re- Kennedy, foreman at the plant of the cently divorced from her husband. Union Spring and Manufacturing comFlorehello had annoyed the woman on pany at Kensington, sent seven bulmany occiud'uit and Thursday night lets into the bodv of Howard M. Elf went to the fruit stnnd and. after a ner, a young telegraph operator on Abort wr.ve'"t'-in- . drew a revolver himself tip gave Kennedy Sunday. -t from his po,! hot the woman - died shortly Immediately after the shooting and In the he i was lodged in jail. Mrs. Kennedy after. Tt de his es was also arrested and Is being held cape. as an acressoryOffice. Colorado Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Fueblo, Glpnwcod o firings, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, anil all pointh east. Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with nil Southern Pacific and Okkcon Short Link Train. Only Transcontinental Line pasting directly through Salt Laka City. ty fcv.v.'.vw.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v,v.v.vv.v.v;: between Splendidly equiped Fast Trains Daily Ogden and Denar i Via Three Seperate auil Distinct Scenic Uoutei. VOTW.V.'.V.V.VAV.V.V.'AS,',','.', k THROUGH PULLMANAND ! ORDINARY SLEIPING CARS TO Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, and Chicago without change Free reclining chair car. Fcreonally conducted excursions. Dining Cars, Service n la Carte on all through trains For folder, fr lllnetmtad bnnklm. He., loqulrw of your nvarcat llrM agent, eiaclfyln( tba Hln (iramla mat, or uddrma nil, l m BENTON, G. A. P. D.. Salt Lake City 5V.VVAV.VaV.V.,PWaaV.I57iOT5 - , |