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Show TO BE DANGERS IN FEBRUARY. AVOIDED latensc Cold Breeds REDEEM YOUR Cittrm. Sadden Chaales Breed Caterrfe. LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. PAST FAILURES Never Yet Has Man Fallen to Where He Can Not Riso. You luay say that you bavo failed too of u u. tliui there ia no use In trying. thai it is iiupoKHihle for you to auccfi-'l- . am! dial you have fallen too often e r!t in attempt to gel on your XoiiM-iieefeel There is no failure lor a man whose spirit is No limiter how late the hour, or how many and repeated his is still irtiasilile. The failures, evolution of Si riaige. I lie miser, in the closing years f Ida Isle, from s hard, , narrow. Iieuriless whose soul wa imprisoned in his shlu-inheap of Imariled gold, to a generous. genial lover of his kind. Is no mere myth of Dickens a brain. Time and again, in the history of our dally lives, clironieled in our newspapers, recorded in biographies, or exhibited before our eyes, we see men and women redeeming past failures, rising up out of the stupor of discouragement, and boldly turning face forward once more. o. S. Marden In Success Magazine. ! kih-ccs- a money-grubber- g RmL As much sleep as possible should be obtained in the forepart of the night Wtelift February ia a month of severe storms and 'ntense cold. E.en in the South where the prevailing temperature ia much above wintry latitudes. February brings sudden changes of temperature. Mercury some times drops 80 degrees in a single night. Therefore, the following health bints are applicable to the whole of North Catarrh mf Miat. Mr. Frank Cobb, 175 Summit Street, Deering. Me., writes: 1 was troubled with catarrh in my I wrote to Dr. Hartman fur head. advice and he prescribed leruna. I took it and am happy to say it helped me at once. 1 feel better than I have for years." America: Bronchial Trouble. Vaatllati am. Mr. J. Ed. O'llrien, Pres. American The sleeping rooms should be well Ass'n. Pensacola, Fla., writes: Pilot ventilated, but so as to avoid direct 1 give my endorsement to heartily currents of air. as an effective cure for catarrh Peruna Bathlag. Those in vigorous health should take and bronchial trouble." a cold water towel bath every morning Throat mat Leaf. Frank liattle. Jr., Ill N. Market St., before breakfast. Those in feeble Nashville. Tenn.. writes: health should take a brisk leruna has cured mn of chronic everv morning. bronchitis. DM. It is the grandest discovery of the The diet should lie a generous one, including meat, and occasionally fresh age for the throat and lungs." Paaumaala. Vegetables. SaBMblma. Mr. A. C. Danforth, St. Joseph, Mich., The nights being long and the days writes: 1 contracted a severe cold which short, as much sunshine as possible should be let into the house during settled on my lungs. 1 was threatened with pneumonia. the day. Peruna gave me relief within a GMUqi The head should be kept cool at all couple of days. Three bottles saved me times. The feet should bis kept warm j a large doctor bill and a great deal of and dry, day and night Buffering." When seised with a chill, or even slight chilliness, a dose of Peruna should be taken at once. - 1846. TEA What do you think of a tea that returns your money if you don't like it? foh nHEuniTisH. cuts, strains, B&fiMHVSnae: FEET, ED MUSCLES, LAME BACK, STIFF JOINTS, FROSTED BURNS, SCALDS. ETC. Your araerr moral joor money Uka SckMius'. DM. AN ANTISEPTIC that stops Irritation, subdues mation and drives out Pain. Inflam- OFwrite:PARALYSIS CURED w. p. a Mr wife had been suffering five S. nailer, True, Tessa, vrftb paralyxN In h.-- r arm. when 1 waa 1nereuudtri to use Mallard a Snow rara rlhs-f-Vhli-a uoinnlne cure. hare ulao used it for old surra, trust iiiiM End akin enijiiionK. It doe the work. TEA 25c. 50c and $1.00 Liniment Co. Ballard Snow ST. LOUIS. V. S. A. Uk ON AND Thin book It of a bandied pane, fcaademialy Ilia, will be ant free, poatpald. upon request. of ('rooked Feet. kawd throughout and itii.iif Iin expertonr, of over thirty yraralath, traatinrnl Ileforiurd Minim and Jiiliit. Kir. DlaMtae, la Infant Deform Hip Spinal ltlr. men I equipped Sanitarium In thlecoualry deroied exrluelvely in the t reelaerera It lella of tha only tbomuichiy .unrfral uperetloae. pie.irr pane nruther at theea rondlilou and biw they mar be cured wlihnut l luiera-teend traetiaent. Send Air Ihla bnsk, and If directly The iouibMntwiu umiwu!!; HALLS L mention rlierarier of tha aflletloo CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA -- RiMin-Jadi- d. Drue Co., on epei-la- C. McLain Orthopedic Sanitarium, NEVER FAILS - Cinml ganti. lain City, BctHIIng lllrt. O. MM'S HOSPITAL SALT LAKE CITY c. HUNTINC, Superintendent HOWARD L BURTON, A8A5?s?.NI Steelmen prlree: Gold. Silver. Lead, ! ; lild. Unlit. ; Zlni'iv Cupper, tl. Cyanide Mela.. Malllns envelope and full prlre lln eeat i eppllra-tluaand omirui Umpire nrk enllrlied. Laaa-vlll- e, Colo. llefereaie.CrtKeteSUuuIUeuk. reliable assavs Il.TO TS ; Gold and Silver I.M T.I till'd Silver. Clipper 1laver (initl. lleian.eurt Itlph oree hnuirhi. Oold Ogden to&m Co. Bt la tfved ftwlfttli to Me ura Punctured Bubble. punctured bubble U applied to any person, enterprise or thing that In the beginning looks brilliant and promising, but which, after Ever Grown. critNone lietterind none m a short existence Is punctured by icism and then disappears as qulcklv low in prlre. 1c per pkt. snd up. postpaid. Finest as a broken bubble. i lu rented cat elf sun ever KV prinli- -l sent FREE. Kngrnv- A (it'AICANTKM (I KK FOK 1II.FU. CPfnicaof every vanety. A ureat lit of extra pkriurf seeds, now Itrblnir. Iiilnd, UtordlnK 'r I'rtitnuliu 111. Yur The phrase GOOD SEEDS CHEAS 1. j - r i - Anu-i'ica- t n, roll-cal- iMK-k- imm-Tsci- i ; ; i Vice-Preside- nt i. 1 fc iidiii hva IiXMuru ana bumout. a. t lter celert Mias any ether 4e. One 10- - Pir.xtetocrier, Dye. JT?w MkSd ipd rt pa4st 10c Atkaie. Wnl. hr Irra kratlel-- h,. iHk. uool an! Btoacfc an M i . February 9. The editors of the state were turned down cold by the members of the house when their hill to provide for the publication of session laws and the proceedings of county commissioners was killed, the enacting clause being knocked out. ' Four bills were passed: Authoris ing recorders to take acknowledgements and administer oaths; appropriating f 10,000 for Investigation of ,the proper use of Irrigation water and the reclamation of alkali lands, provided that a like amount is given by the United States government; making housebreaking, burglary in the second degree and applying it to the entering of rooms in lodging-house- s with intent to steal. Prescribing the duties of state auditor. 8ix bills were passed by the senate, as follows: Relating to Judges acting as attorneys; providing to whom process shall run from municipal courts; relating to preparation, settlement and signing of hills of exceptions; relating to motions and orders; Granting powers to hoards of county commissioners to provide penalties for (lie violation of ordinances enacted by sut-l- i Itoards. A night session wus held in the house, the four hills being passed at the night session. Tea is the cheapest of drinks; youd drink more if you knew how good good attar Overalls can't ba mida than tha tea is. Tw rwr nturu your MMT K JH iwl ltt fcllllBf8 ,MOUNTAIlaER,, brand, made by Z. O. M. I. and for aalo by UooL all rallaMa otoraa. Wealth and Longevity. The late Prof. Owen threshed out the question of wealth and longevity thoroughly. It was his conclusion that If It be true that the dietary of the rich ia opposed to health, the absence of worry, of anxiety over the living of themselves and their families, the absence of severe toil, and the like, more than compensate for any digestive troubles they may Incur. Probably most rich people eat too much and their dietary is too stimulating, but this la leas dangerous to life than la frequent hunger with overwork, anxiety and exposure. A liappy medium, of course. Is the suggestion of common sense and experience. WET WEATHER. W15D0M! the original tH Diamond Dust as Poison. Diamond dust once had n great reputation as a poison. Tbe famous potidre de siirression" thus of its supposed named is said in hastening legaeii-to have consisted of diamond dust, hut was probably largely sugar of SLICKER BLACK YELLOW OR WILL KEEP YOU DRY bfi-aus- e NOTHING s ELSE WILL TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE CATALDOUKt mtl Mowmfffuu. une or oarmente and hate. A. J. TOWER CO.( BOSTON, MAI!., V.B-A- . ym C A CANADIAN CO., LTD., TOMON TO. CANADA, . Plants for 16c. flO-OOO Munf iKira PAmrrtt. rWffi own Pasteboard Resists Bullets. At some firing c erinientr. by the the hilllrts failed RwetlNh nui-lof pasto-Ixiarto penctrat" t Pi t1 Iciness, vet thro- s tit, !. plunks five in! ii warm teed to (ire perfect raw It, they easily. H ffc CO. f'NiMrilr, Missouri thli-Us d Fop 16 Oontm Pootpmlm mN ItMW mlMt Wr, 8UylrtlH ftftfowdM ItolBM, lirnwi lit in inua A. I hli nwtlrMb iiO cniAlm Aluwi,oa. tilZEl IFfD C0 ALFALFA SEED BAILEY & SONS Are hrartipiarlrnt tur tha heat quality Alfalfa Seed, alko lira km and (lantun Senla. Or, In llmra. Twine, etc. In seed bualncaaM yra Mall orders given special attnntion. (ir-l- ii GREGORLsvSEEDS Have Katlatlw) ,iii'ni(tontoftRkHi)ify (kiUkI. wratF A CMiliyw frra AAS.imwnaaw CLEAR. HEALTHV SKIM Baadbata'a Skia Ea ltari, Then Heals, aa your noney If you don't Purifies, rurra ki wnia. llni1ta roriinalj Kruellnn-- . IbikI Ullv, Mud .11 SI, AB Panel III, klB. fW f'irIlfIhuirtreff m Sral, aiwkin-- . BlWntHll-cur- 1.00 Per Bottle. Stadte F KEE SOOKLITS. Auk your druaalal or twrlH-- r or Mud to Xnwa. SRUO 00.. SAXDBOLN Sn W. N. U.. 4 ' I Salt Urn Lake-N- o. 7. 1905 5SE 33EHESS3523 bbHU SMtMt Alt iLkt idaS. RnI opi.-ruiiu- - AM AImitc prven ptcknrM eiuiuiti mfll riirni MHl to Ifiow IU.4MPI fatattl. fufb i nielilnir Iwihrlt of krllllntiE Ami Im1 And lotont rmuvA lowrN with otir vMrUblF,1oCrtlirAbout fiowm, NltlV(Hllli(ill H.0OF. Hiimll PrnilF. H'-- . ill fur pIcn-Ttiie- L'est'f- MtowUtof 1 1NM Kir UsrisH BiKAm, IWM iUBrlwfoly HnUlaat How much pleasanter it is to read a magazine In the dentist's reception room, and to think how much pleasantlu the er It is to read a dentists reception room than it is to ait in the opcr.'itiue thair. than it. is tn sit in the operating eh'.iir and thir.k it Is to rend a how much niHL'ttz'ro In the dir list's ri'Crption !i the runt Hit 't j n thair! Uian IfUMKbHy. Pina imlry RlMBhtof SMM BUOO such tea and such dealing. Here's a Sentence tc Sew-l- of mir i nrrnnlrN moma w Jn ontor to IihIim you to try llirm. m tiimko you inu fullonlnif uhmo-- I mltitfml offrr: TEA Your ytnrT return IlkA Pcbllllutf'o ltot. iri piuH IB tnj ottor IN ind ffti mi TlirrrtorkNPDMfikrtlito. for Uw orrr M K-- part of an ounce. rattan equally well Crier,. JMM TEA February 10. Following hills were passed bv the No. .!8 ('Imaging the time house: for taking school census in cities and towns from July to October. No. .7 Changing time for Inking school census in country districts from July to bad. October. No. 87 Requiring work to Mm, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, be performed on mining claims withfarrhlMn-tpstlitiia. ufiriiailinidmi,, nim tw "S" -XsialMUMib Iff in ninety days from the date of location. Gives $500,000 to Gypsy. LuIn the senate Representative Because she had formerly been of thers bill, providing for mileage and per diem of persons summoned as service to him, a Russian nobleman jurors in justices' or municipal courts, left a gypsy woman a legacy of though not permitted to set as such 000. was killed. The following new measures were 1lsna Cun- - cannot te too lilplily spoken of as introduced in the senate: By lsrsen. coupli rim. J. W. (I'KRIBM, !t3 Third Avc. io establish and maintain a trade , Mimuiupulia, Miuu., Juu. 6. WML srhon branch of the Agricultural colBritish Cavalry Horses. lege in Ssniiete county. By Lawrcnrc. by request, authorizing cities of the The average lifu of hornw in the first and second class to issue scrip. British cavalry is five years. Th By Lawrence, relating to special taxes horses last half as long draft army in rities. By Park, relating to state militia. By Iark. amending present again. laws relating to state militia. TO CI'RK A '11.11 IN OXK IATilMf 'iDiiteiN. Ail By Valllster. by request, making ap- Tiki UimlitetinNmiiiM aJiiIichm W. muml iii'Ntpy If It Uti ! run, fc. jHuiii assopropriation for Utah Dairymens uruvt'a MltfiiMiire I uu iwb ton. c. ciation. Limit to Death Feast Adjournment was taken until Monday at 2 p. m. There are sumptuary laws even in the Cook islands, where It is a punishExorcise the Devil. able offense to eat more titan l.UUO On August 1 each year the people of cocoanuts In celebration of a death. Val dl Rose, in rural Italy, gather In the public square and elect the most intelligent man to officiate at the exorcising of the devil. An effigy of tho Such tea and such dealing evil one Is attached to a Are balloon and liberated, after which the peasbring trade from a distance; antry believe they will he free from there is no distance with malign Influence for the rest of the cur. 1'AtCu OlMTMkNT Japanese Naval Crews. presented free with every dniioflBt will lyfuud money If order. Rome aorta on lone only 50e folia to cor )un io $ to 14 duy. toe. The age of the Japanese average per lb. Ollier need equally hiw. 40 Is lower crews thrr that of the naval sod and dealer re need Nurse. For the Amateur grower yea a all ciitntneru aatiafled. No old men In sny other navy. No one over the if medicine, When administering asm Send you re and neighbor"! en' ied. for bin illuetraieil fra cataloguo. bottle is not marked. It Is safest to twenty years old is accepted Isfor 5 feet listment. The average liight IB. I. SHUMWAT, Rockford. Ills. use a glass measure. A tsblespoonful 4 Inches less than Hint of any other Is equal to half an ounce; snd a NR nary. M or SHVIT the IIJIM one to MThV eighth ninaff drachm, HMM "AfsnBSir i n l. sig-nal- a iairti PUTNAM FADELESS DYES ..... With Litmus Two hills paused i lit- - lii'ii.-iOne Showed Acid. HEALTH IS THE FIRST ESJEITUL makes ii iucimiboiii un tinThe state experiment stations are iimuty commissioners in wnMiulil r,n- salary doing a work for the fanners, great of any tiniiut win, shall fail The follow ing Incident shows how It Helps Woman to Win and Hold to remit nnnny .luc the state at Men's Admiration, Uespect and Love simple hoint' of the tests are "when time Tin- other enlarges tti know a in how." you writer sa.is of ils in riKint powers mhh- iiiinor . A station Country Life In matters. mu Ii a tin teasing tin- assessWoman's greatest gift s the power to ment mi ,ruierty owners tor the iisu official whs going over a luiui with the inspire admiration, resH-et- . ami love, owner when they euine to a craw fishy There is a lieauty in health which ia of water for irrigation pnris'ses. Contrary to i x pei-- t ai ions. th light piece of laud jn"l back of tin- barn. more attractive to men than inereregit- -' on Senator Walton's registration lull the very weeds looked yellow and lanty of feature. t teas did not tnaiiiiah.e aieiteil by the move of Senator Damliurger, "1 am inclined to think." remarked the leader, to reeuiiiinii j the agrii uhurist. "that this land Is too The land latard hill ereaied iliseiis-loucid for prod net iv it y. We ean l was it but this in a moment." Four new nnasiire.' uieaiiil in the Taking a blue piece of pHpcr from senate, and a like mmiher in the be stiNiH-his and dipped the house. a paper In some of flu; soil water that Representatite Kinney iniruitiu-ebill providing thai street ear passeii was standing in a cow track. To the gent who are nut ireiile, tilth seats owner's astonishment Hie blue paper shall he exempt from payitu; tares, changed to a led color as soon us It and making it a misiiemeaiior for a whs motnrman to iass any person who There." Mail) the agriculturist, we his desire to hoard a ear. have our proof. This is just a piece Senator a introduced measure providing for the erect ion ut of litmus paper. For 5 cents you can buy a similar piece at any drug store. A monument for deceased soldiers and aallons of the war. Ha change of color shows that the land s sour. Crops cannot thrive on ' To be a successful wife, to retain tho February 8. sour laud any more than children love ami admiration of her h us hood. By a vote of 24 to 17. the "boiler'' can thrive on sour milk." should be a woman's constant stud bill, introduced by Kepresentatlvn Srst inilieation of Crouiar. the labor leader, was killed in BEWARE OF HARD TOOTHBRUSH painful or irregular menstruation. the house. The hill provided fur tho headache or backache, secure Lydia B. inspection of steam boilers, but tho Experienced Dentist Asserts Iinkliama Vegetable Compound and majority of the legislators turned tho Cause of Many Ilia. begin its use. measure down. Those who voted Mrs. Chan. F. Brown, In spite of all that ia printed nowfor the hill were: Anderson. J. A.. Mothers' Club, 81 Cedar Terrace, Boa care alxiut the of the adays teeth," Crutnar, Kdward, Fisbbiirn. Hone, wo Springs, Ark., write l Holies. Jones. Joseph, Kinney. Kuch-ler- , said an experienced dentist, Mrs. Pinkbam: Marks. MeCrea. Iancake, Roberts, should have to go out of business if DearFor niiw years I dragged through a miser' we depended ti sin tke patronage of able eiiKtMiee, mi (faring with bifliwimattua Stewart. Stookey. Hull 17. Thuse who voted against the meas- men and women who have passed tbo and falling of the womb, and wurn out with ad SHtate- ure were: Allen, Anderson. A. V. Car- prime of life. It is a mistake to as pslusnd wesriiuwK. IT1 nn day noli, i,y A woman iu wing aa I was, 1ml who Christensen. Cottani. Curtin, sume thst most of the false teeth are bad lawn rol). cured by Lydia K. Plnkhaui'a Dailey, Dean, Gundry, Hawley, Jolin-aoimade for old persons. venture to say etahle Compound, and I determined to try it. I Other. 1jnian, Merrill, ' of three nimitiis I was a different Miller. that and the At scarcely a day passes that a pa- - woman. Every one remarked about it, and Pace, Peterson. Uiehards, Simons, in well the sixties does not come my hustxinil fell in love with me all over 8peneer, Strlngham. Thompson. Tol-tn- tlent E. Piukhains Vegetable Comto my office for some slight treatment again. Wilson-2- 4. built up mv entire system, enroll tha pound an to almost of sound set The most fmiairtant of the new hills perfectly womb trouble, aiid 1 felt like a new woman. Introduced in the house was a substi- teeth. I am aura it will make everv auffuring woman I have frequently treated men and strong, well and happy, aa it haa me. tute by the special conference commitWomen who are troubled with paintee on H. B. No. 8. which provides for women past fifty who never had a backthe taxation of salt works. Voder the tooth out. and but one or two alight ful or irregular menstruation,leucor-rluea, (or flatulence), proposed bill the salt companies will rarities that required filling. On the ache, bloating inflammation or ulcerabe required to make a a worn ataie-jne- other falling, hand, we are repeatedly called tion of the uterus, ovarian troubles, showing Just what their output to make artificial teeth for very that bearing-dow- n feeling, diud-nesaad income has been. They are pro- upon faintness, indigestion, or nervon tected by a clause which makes It a young persons. I attribute It to the iroatration may be restored to perfect felony for the state official to dlarloae use of the hard toothbrush, which la eallh and strength by taking i.ydl a modern invention. comparatively ;the information thus rendered. The bill leaves out coal, roke and other The use of a hard brush, even oc- Ki. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, commodities that the original bill pro- casionally, la a great mistake. The softest kind of hogs' bristles makes posed to tax. The senate passed Hollingsworth's tha beat toothbrush. bill changing the fiscal year to end November 30 instead of December 31. - Live for One Day Only. Don't worry. It is neither manly, helpful or Inislne alike, ami no good ever resulted from the habit. Worrying can be overcome by exercising the will power. People of sensitive minds worry over some trivial and thought leas remark, and dwell upon it till it Is magnified Into s grievous snd intentional Insult. Past errors, and a gloomy anticipation of calamities to come are other forms of the unwholesome halilt. Answers- - Milling ST, wj UmL If you don't We sell tons of poor stuff; but our name isn't on it Go by the name. Si VjfJSytaaas Salt four groifr rMuna jsur TEA REMEDY WOMEN WHO CHARM Test Gimplt d Good tea is only a few top leaves of the twig. Are you drinking the bottom ones? BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH ONCE TRIED. ALWAYS USED REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES THREE SIZES it JH dent Something Like Frost. So cold is winter In some parts of Russia, that milk is delivered, not in a can or Jug, but as a frozen, solid block. A Russian woman once summoned another for having, during a quarrel, knocked her down with tha morning's milk thus solidified. PENETRATES the Pores, loosens the Fibrous Tissues, promotes a free circulation of the E.ood, giving the Muscles natural elasticity. 80UR WAS a. Letters. A SURE CURE 7. LAND Spanish-Anu-rica- Force of Christian Examples. Sir Henry M. Stanley, the African explorer, told, himself, how he was converted by Dr. Livingstone. His story is as follows: I went to Africa as prejudiced against religion as the worst Infidel in Ixmdon. To a reporter like myself, who had only to deal with wars, mass meetings snd political gatherings, sentimental matters were quite out of my province. But there came to me a long time for reflection. I was out there away from a worldly world. I saw this solitary old man there, and I asked Why does he stop here In myself: such a place?' What is it that Inspires him?' For months after we met I found myself listening to him, wondering at the old man carry out the words. 'I .cave all and follow Me.' But little by little, seeing his piety, hjs gentleness, his zeal, his earnestness. and how- he went quietly about his busineas, I was converted by him, although he had not tried In any way to do it." The Choice of a Wife. A German professor selects a woman who ran merely stew prunes TkoeaasAi at Tmtlmamlah We have on file thousands of testi- not because stewing prunes and readmonials like the above. We ean give ing Proclus make a delightful harour readers only a slight glimpse of the mony. but because he wants his vast array of unsolicited endorsements prunes stewed for him and rhocaos to Dr. Hartman is constantly receiving. Address Dr. 8.R Hartman, President of read Proclus by himself. A fulness of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, G. sympathy, a ahs'lng of Ufa one with another. Is scarcely ever looked for except fa a narrow, conventional sense. Men like to come home and find a blazing fire and a smiling fact and an hour of relaxation. Their serious thoughts snd earnest aims In life they keep on one side. And this is the carrying out of love and mar riage almost everywhere in the world and this the degrading of women by both. From One of Mrs. Browning"! When unavoidably exposed to cold or wet, a few doses of l'eruna will avert bad consequences. February FARMER'S In liRMi, Myruis Tamm iitRuL ' Cm u.li hr it'mtffof. , |