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Show NlAMKtriNC OF PRODUCE. Him miikv eo inmlest and .ii. iii'i'riil b'r the ordered ili.it k it mil iliv brandished ..n ii.uil-T.iu- til is ill m I lal iiling, nne halt ul the InlMlir - - h-- 1 r pL-iit ll 111- - no- - n i,;i,.-i.iii.ilimli- - .1011!. : ' day. llirnugli a iiriiml ni linn wlinh afford niiii-ltiiui- in nt In-inn! let :it. .iclii;ii.i--- i u. ih.. wlii.li .in; i'll ill) l.lk'S .111111 I III" nf r . I I - ; . ) .'1,1 j , to glow great knowing tinill ....I ii.ii--- . iib i. :i.i. !( 'ii' ni, 'lops nf hope, Miami, laury iruil, and the min in ,1 lit ,. 1,1,1 m.i "11 i.v im-- . diliri halt is 111 knowing how loiut them .ai Niitvi. sion laK'!1- - tin lif'- nf .1 li'II-nin .1 . The I'lltial almlllitni nf iMiiliiI mi llir iimiket at a prohl. There u one -. niilti and ivi-ftlnwinm-iby tiling tvildin. no dealer is going to pay Mi! ilk S lit I it ti'niii hi nr that form of Hi., miiii inoir than you ask, and no pro lucei will It n as i that 'lialwiiU'.--. I is nf iuvwt iiinubli1 fie'ii- niiseiruliniisly ask more than hit prop si', ll! Ill' s '! li.il il uiiuii! sullsly lln- - Helise Ji: a'. "lln! i'll filer is woilh. Fii'li;. ' Any yinrirt ii'.iim-uiili nn uiri'Miiii'il tliv average nf ju la l.i order to get the top price, one must ill t .i) h ll fur tli111. man is i.'.uMful. That it would .ti ,. Main m Si.r l.tkK City tieirim lilies which piow trail n! the highest quality. Tack sii'.iai'i' with l hud arrange your trait so it will attract laws Ih Mt ill should i.'iilnilii- nur Prcbato and Guardianship Notices. the ere nf the hungry buyer and you are ii'nre il.'iil'if'i1. Tie- - iiueslion of ln-Ii if it must bo aliiiukl certain to get your own :i.K tinimiiiilly. iirice; . divvrtX'9S9iSSSiSSS&tSiWSttiS9S$Stt&9t lid. lint Uloil the always take great piide in preparing Consult County C.i-iut Davis county, the of jag-- - nj- x. bu' the your articles to such a high degree of exI tali, or the for Sigiu-iAnd ot tin- - mininal. respniis'l-iiitcellence that you will never have to sell further information. mUcll.und 17 as nf is often the hoy eiy ill Kei uUti an. Spi iiipii, ilncorjiuratedi iu cuuijieiiiiun with growers of the orIt Wmiiii be very uniurtunati' tn have tu n iiinii-- , ueeouniuble for his vritninal dinary type; pack your fruit carefully tinmany in alien fail in the Senate. There misdeeds than is his senior by SUMMONS. and arrange the lire as uniformly as posAnd. siiri'ly. tin female iiris-iI: years. might result :i tn llie IX TUI. I'lsTinrr tiiritT nr Till. siroNp otherwise mid sible; use an attractive label, and place eilui'Mivii it. nfteii tnmeineiit thmughnill Kuinjie iiisrhii'T ur rut- iiaii run. ou each package your name us a guaranty and Stnilli Aliieilea. wlnre of late 111" innpeiiy instrueled. who gnes uImiui her IlM'SD ill' v Him!) Ktl'iwil.m i.ialiiti'T - llii. jau.it, I'miik'in uf quality. Give good measure anil hon- movement ha shown surli gratifying woik with a motive, kll.lVll.4l. (la'll, Miii.iiiiiIiH with stealthy deliberation, duy i.f dull Inilu'F.i est weight, and the people will soon learn We Imast nowailays nf nur John H. White, Manager r Vm an l. .11 ..,r w.tlili, in iln- wntM'ii alTaiis. your reliable met ho Is and will demand Kleal iiiMiiein-ihe ili.a auiiau IviMily .iih.ii fan we aiTnr-- tn throw that inllueiive 7'iu, if Mirvnl wlllim tln ll.iuuly In vl.i. l, u,; a. 266 Ncrth Second Went the produce that bears your name. li'iila hnmRhi, hIIutwixh, wilinn iliiii)i!aix afnr ) After you have established a reputa- CKalns: the wuiiilK manifest ilesire to! I hr alairi arraln-- , aiul UTAH LAKE SALT aul a CITY, In rain nf jniir faliui hi in dn, will l through j tion, your products will sell on their Iiminnle "m an- w ith justirt-ii' IIm niUi(iittti.tnf uhlt'hu ropy U htrfrHU Firvrl merits and create fame wherever they trilniiials of nriler and lawV Uur iresi- l (lepi. ui.iiiyoii. not must tile nature hy Cmhwoh, laviitr b Snuw may be sold. There are different ways of iK piipul-llieii, stir.; einillKh nf j. rUintilfp A(lrnrya in which products may be marketed at when the begin tn a handsome profit, and every producer tnippurt end the trumpets to blare; we laniint ALEXANDER McM ASTER. should adopt the methods best ailapted affuid tn supnrt him powerfully 10 his own particular location. One of when he tests the AlTORkE)-AT-temper nf the Seiithe most tatistaclory plans is to make ati- - .uni also nf Hi,. n;itn,n iih these 07n. 4mi riiig?4!0 IMPORTERS.'AND DEALERS IN arrangements with some reliable and SAW LAKK CITY. I'TAll leading dealer, or shipper, of your town, giving him exclusive sale of your fruits, it being understood that you will grade j Xatlionibuli TbnmitK. )'bilii Mb) cock, IT? and pack them to such a high standard THOMAS AND ol excellence that he will lie proud to Mantels, Grates, And Monumental Work- handle them. MAY COCK When delivering goods to the groerry-meLAWYER S make it a point to lie at his place of ,JL W. South Temple Ta ' : business as soon as his doors open, and, 5 Suite Deseret News Building UTAH - j LAKE SALT CITY, V,. if possible, have him place your fruit in Frartlra in all HU! a )il'ral Cmirlu i Unmral allnrneya fur the most prominent position in front of Kiiratj Co. of New York. his store. Have him allow you tore-Wov-e the lids of the crates and arrange them so they will nuke a fine display. Tl Never intermeddle with the groceryman while he is waiting on customers, but go 23 W. First South Salt Lake and Ogden Railway. about your work as though you were an UTAH CITY LAKE SALT of eatablishnient. When the A STORE FRONT HOME BARN employee the storekeeper sees tnat you are taking Time Table iu effect Sept. 6, 1904. OR DO YOU WANT A SHOW ao much interest in his business, he will CASE OR ANYTHING IN THE in turn take renewed interest in yours. Leave Salt Lake 6:30 and 9 a. 111., 3.30 BUILDINC LINE? He will push your fruit ahead of all who and 5,30 p. m. may not show this dose attention. Leave Farmington and Lagoon 7:30 and Always drive well fed and curried to a. m., 4:30 and 6:30 p. ni. 1 horses; keep your wagon clean and your m. Extra a. at trains and it 1:30 p.m. harness shining; wear good dothca, and on Suudaya anil Holiday. a little blacking on your shoes will also add to your appearance. Merchants A. I). PIERSON, Genl Pass. Agl. never like to buy from a dirty, alouchy Office end Yards, 20 to 40 N. 2nd Went St, B. J. BEAN, Excursion Agt. fellow drives in front of who up looking Office 16 1 Main Street the store and shoula from his scat, "Want 4- - S 20.00 SUITS FOR SIO.OO, SI 5.00 SUITS FOR S7.00, S 10.00 8UITS FOR $5.00 any fruit today?" The answer is generally "No; or the grocer conies out and offers a trifle for the nun's stuff, which is sc Whan you go to tho Bank Do You Get 520 for $10 Chockof vepted, and the grocer carries the fruit in ou his while the lazy farmer aits We could just as well give you a fat calf with every suit wagon, a The utoking cigarette. or overcoat If we charged enough for the dothea. faruier who has plenty of enthusiasm and determination, will And it a pleasure to market his products, while the drones will have to content themselves with Almost every man has read the Fairy Tales" of the Clothiers, in the what their progressive neighbors hare newspapers. Almost every man has been disappointed and disleft liehind, ami will have a world of gusted on looking at clothes they pretend to describe. We invite trouble in nutketing their ungraded and men to call at our store aud be most agreeably surprised. It's these BT. . inferior products. FISHER, draw a picture of Men's Clothes as they should lie, but it'a not to easy Syracuse. so easy to make the clothes that look like the picture. We publish no misleading illustrations, but we do know how to provide our patGAMBLED WITH DUKE'S MONEY. rons with the right kind of clothes. If you have had clothes troubles, we invite you to come to this store for relief. We'll surprise you Sir, Dishonesty of Servant Taught Welwith the excellence of our Clothing and please you with our reason- lington a Lesson. able prices. Come. Even the "Iron" duke of Wellington WJEAJ $13.30 to $18.30. for $10.75. had his difficulties with the servant K. Uleig question. Chaplain George As to WHEN1 IN TOWN CALL ON wrote of the great soldier: his table. It was In every respect such ns became his position. His wines were excellent, though his cellars contained lint a scanty supply ar any givIII-IBounli-fuMain 8t., Salt Lake City. en timr. The oldest could not have been more than a couple of months in 1 WHSIV THE CLOTHES FIT. bis possession. Of his reusons for thus acting he made no secret. 'At one time.' he said, T used to do as others do gave my orders to the bouse steward and handed him Ihe money to pay the bills as he presented JHEBE'S HO FLOUR them to me. This went on for a year or more, when to my surprise and disgust I got letters from tradesmen humbly begging that I would settle equaling in every respect the Famous their acrounts, which had been long standing. 1 found on Inquiry that the Rhitc Fawn brand. Some just as good fellow had been gambling with my money, leaving my creditors unpaid. one way or anotcer, but none just as From that day to this I have made It a point to pay my own hills, and good all ways. Why bother expert to keep my aceounts with tradesmen as short as possible.' menting when White Fawn fills the llnw - 1 . 11 , - 1 11 -- ni in-)- i. THOMAS DLNI'ISl IIS-- 1 .1 . Dlv. i lit "i-rll- i 1 - I! - i 1 IM!l'-li-d- i WHITE'S DRESSED MEAT CO. I - WE ARE BUYERS OF FAT CATTLE. n. it 1 well-delin- SHEEP AND HOGS. i- tMT'-lij- 11 j . ONLY i & ie.u-efu- s s ! 17.50 if! FOR A SEWING MACHINE itt n, ill Elias WoFFis & Marble, Granite, Sons Co. and Stone ii I FULLY 201-3-- - j WARRANTED CO. YOONS BROS. Anu-rlca- -l ! LA6QONROAB I Do You Intend to Build? J 'BEyov LIEVE SVCH 2)0 Salt Lake Buildine & Manufactur-- ins Comnanv. SUO'RIES? mmmem mmmmmm A SOME PLAIN, HONEST TALK -- SVlTr i POULTON, MADSEN, OWEN & CO. l Calls to Salt bake from Centerville, and Farmington I3 IO CENTS FromiBountiful, Centerville and Farmington to Ogden 15 CENTS From Kaysville to Salt bake 15 CENTS bill Remains of Prehistoric Animal. An interesting discovery of the remains of a prehistoric animal has been made near Peterborough, England. While engaged In some excavations at a depth of twenty feet in the clay, some workmen alighted upon the huge head of a monster of The jaws were the ulllgaior typo. two feel in length and were firmly clinched together by the pressure of the earth through countless years. The hones, liowev r. were In an exThe cellent state uf preservation. e rent re has been determined to he a member of ihe sieneosaurns family. Other Interesting remains of a similar nature have also been unearthed in the sume district. SILT ppom Kaysville to Ogden way? MILL & ELEVATOR R. L. POLK, Feesidbht. W. P. COOPER, COMPANY, SSCTY He Mge. R. Li. POLtl & CO. DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS. 11 French Architect for Cornell. M. 1revoL one of the winners of the grand prix de Rome In the archl tectural competition at the Beaux Arts. Paris, this year, has accepted the pnailinn of professor of architecture at fuiiit-l- l university. LAKE & JORDAN every which 617-62- 0 CITY DIRECTORIES. STATE GAZETTEERS, BLUE BOOKS, NATIONAL TRADE DIRECTORIES DOOLk Bl ILDING SVLTLAKFCITY Long Distance Bell Telephone 39 BRANCHES AT OC.PKN, BOISE, rt'KULO Circulars Addressed and Mailed. AND COLORADO SrRlNCS. Traile and Professional Lists Furnished. 15 CENTS 1ST. (EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER Rocky Mountain Ben Telephone Connpany- - |