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Show CITY STAR THE SANDY Published every Friday by MODERN RAFFLES EAGLE PUBLISHING COMPANY Murray, Utah. Mrs. Howard Eyre of Wyoming ia Editor and General Manager of her aunt and uncle, Mr. Advertising Manager the guest Mrs. and Charles White and fam-- . Editor Society The Mutual Improvement associa...$1.00 Subscription price, per year tions of the Murray First ward held Six nioniha 00 Three months their open night Tuesday evening at the ward amusement hall and the rates made known upon application. Advertising evening waa spent with a musical of Entered at the Sandy City Post Olhce as second class matter under Act program and dancing. Congress, March 1. 1171. Mra. George Huacher entertained paaa through It and cool the cream, her sewing club Friday of laat week and afterwards run on ita way Into at her home on East 4Sth South street. This is a true atrny. Intended for the stock tank. It la Important that which a the tank has depth cooling the enlightenment of Murray peoMrs. Isaac Hadley ia a guest at the who think will allow the water to reach above home of Mr. and Mrs. William Enple If aurh there he that the consumer pays for advertis- the cream line In the can sunk there, right for a few days. even If the can la full of cream. Iron ing. Mr. and Mra George Hinley enA man went into a hardware store rods, placed crosswise, will prevent the proprietor of which does not the partly filled can from upsetting. tertained at a dinner party WednesWhere the water la pumped by day of last week at their home. In de- to purchase a patent advertise power, there la no ad- honor of Mra Ilinley'a birthday anrice of brass which he wished tone wind or otner Involved In this meth- niversary. Covers were laid for ten ditional labor as a drawer handle. The dealer Mhcd od even the water gucsta cents for it. The customer la of cooling, hand. where alxty-flr- e It makes no difpumped by but had he because paid demurred, Mra Leonard Miller and baby of ference how much water la pumped cents for the arili-l- in the after the cooling tsnk 1 once filled Idaho Falla, Idaho, la here visiting at twenty-fiv- e hi! thrandD for gravitation will take the water the home of Mr. and Mra Thomas store before the war, and the price waa excessive. The dealer from the rooling tank to the stock Powell and Mra J. R. Miller. explained that the advanr. waa legiti- tank, as shown In the accompanying Mr. and Mra Clinton Alston enmate. and that, anyhow, the prlee Illustration, an dlhe process of lifting into the water la tertained at a Five Hundred card couldn't be beaten, aa he was able to the ran of tncream he more laboroua than party Saturday evening at the home do business on aniall profit beeauae not likelyIt down in the rellar. of Mrs. Alston's parents, Mr. and Mra carrying lie didn't ndvertlae. The Illustration allows how the Thontaa Powell on State street. FolThe customer was unconvinced. He connection may be made between the lowing the card game refreshment decided that he could do without the pnmp. rooling tank, and atork tank. were served tn Mr. and Mrs. Edgar of matter aa a hut curiosity article, It will he neeeaaary to make arrange- Eatchel, Mr. and Mra Harold Gloe. whose lie went to anolher store, ments for the cooling tank In a Mr. and Mra Grave, Mr. and Mrs. various he had noticed at Knbblna Miss Bertha Cahoon, ahndy pljtre. A good milk house, Harry Luclle And there linuo In the newspapers. where the separator alio could be Mli Lyle Cahoon and Mias on sale Cahoon. he found the ver y same thing tills he for would preferable kept, for twenty centa. purpose. The Intake pipe should lead arrived home Lawrence Perry Advertising coats money- - hut It to the bottom of the tank. This An morning from Idaho, where sells goods. Do not believe the mer- he arranged by having an ell on Thursday he has been op a business trip for chant who argues that lie enn under- the Intake pipe Inside the tank and a the past three weeks. sell nt hen because hla sales are pipe extending to the bottom, while the overflow leading to thi stork smaller than theln and hla method tank Mr. and Mra. Michael McMillan. should be placed near the top leas business of doing proportionately Jr., entertained at a dinner partyIn tank. the of cooling should sense Common Monday evening at their home. expensive. Where there la running water at a honor of their son, Milton, who was teach you that the greater number useful It iifllclratly high level to be years old. The evening waa twenty of sales a dealer makes the cheaper and tank lie to the cooling piped may and dancing be can alfoTd to sell. And common afterwards run Into the atock tank. spent In games music and fifteen guests were present. sense should also convince you that if If desired. advertising doesn't increase sales While well water or running water Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Darker have hundreds of thousands of merchants from a spring Is the heat for cooling, aa their gueals for a few days. Mr. so would have quit it yean ago. be there ntay unfortunately and Mra Henry Harker of Taylorsplaces situated aa not to have a good supply ville. The irrigating ditch, of either. where such' la running near the house, Mra. Frank Blair and Mlaa Florntay be made useful by plarlng a box ence Blair of Robbins, Idaho, are wkter in the ditch through which the guests of Mr. Fred Naylor tor a few may pass freely, and quickly cool the days. temto the box One of the finest vaudeville bills cream placed in this perature of the water. Thla la not ever present ed at the Salt Lake Mr. William Atwood and family to open there an Ideal method, owing to the fact had aa their guests Sunday, Dr. and la scheduled 74 la about water thla degrees that next Wednesday night, a epwtol proMia. G. W. Baker and daughter, it la much better Dorothea, of Ogden. gram headed by the gnat Anne We in the summer, but be Shade procellar. the may for than been arnnged Xellerman having vided by erecting a shed roof where conference week. Mlsa Nellie Manning of Salt Lake feased star of there ta no natural shade. Miae Kellerman. was the guest of Mr. and Mra. Alfred la in herself cream rare of take good To and screen, good appear stage Pritchard and family Sunday. her latest revue de luxe. "A Bit o business, along the lines practiced by by Wal- farmers in marketing all other proEverything. 8he U satiated Allen Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Smith of Kentn ducts of the farm, whether it ia grain, ter Hastlnga and Alton and arrived in Murray during the tucky esses revue, the these In the livestock. big fruit or the presentation of week and are guests af Mr. and Mrs. one the aa of to la etar live farmer the the aim of produce Hubbard Mltchel on Vlae atreet. Mr. which reveals moat versatile of modern day stage quality. Why not do the same thing and Mra. Smith will make their heme moat clan of In the of aa in product dancer, the linger, marketing artiata Salt Lake in the near future. and swimmer and dlveT. The revus the cow? It will pay. Detailed information on cooling ta declared to be the anappliat and The ladles of the 8. 8. Sewing club In brightest thing .vaudeville has seen milk and cream will be foundMilk entertained Wednesday of laM was Farmers Bulletin 978, "Cooling In many a day. week at the heme rt Mrs. George which Sufk may on the Farm, and Cream On the same bin la Ihsaq 'em East 48th South street. Jenkins "Draft-.d.U. from in the on etar obtained be request late musical comedy Alt a tbe laugh' 8. Department of Agriculture, Washa Mra. Thomas Birch entertained the variety. Mr. Burin la a ington, D. C. Chris Johnson, Dairy Past Chiefs Coupaniena club at her comedian par excellence. Flo Lewis Mfg. Specialist, Dairy Dlv., Balt home Thursday afternaon. la another star on the trig bin. She LakeCUy.'Vtkh. appears In a bit of entertainmentla Mlaa Gladys Peterson of this nitty written by Herman Timber. It and Lowis Ballamia af Bingham were and story, with the a Jewel of song Lewla married Tuesday In Salt Lake. of charming 00000000000000000000060000 Inimitable Mlaa p very tort. personality at heiRone Mra. Luke RoMnam entertained la ae dainty, G rey and Old the two with girls of the C. U. L. club at her at aong oddity, aged prettily home In the Brown apartments, artists who are real aoag Mrle. True Thursday evening. Slice and Flo Newton arc a wonderful pair of entertainers and their skit, A number of the ladies of the Woa U Law" "Passed by the Pure Fun mens club of Murray, attended tbe Incom-:how gem. Harry Hakhne. "The wtmdor-fu- tl Salt Lake club Friday afternoon. parable Mental ist. LELIZABETH BRICE feat featuring "The Evolution In "LOVE LETTERS. Mra. C. B. Gaafln entertained at Bert and of the Human Brain. cards Friday afternoon at her home. Florence Mayo appear ia a nonfi 'Idee Three tables were arranged far .bridge FOR PITYS SAKE well worked out. They have what followed by rrfreahjncnta. amd With $s held to be the most arrtnad TOM DURAY daring gymnastic act. Kiianggains Elva Plxton, assisted hy her anoth(A Travesty on the Old Time and Topics of the Day complete the er, entertained at an Easier party UHlodrama) Direction of exceptionally fine array of acta G. B. Murdock. Sunday at her home In honor of her A hot dinner waa school mates. HOW TO CONSTRUCT A creamserved. The table decoration were MOODY (GERTRUDE oh cooling in Easter lilies, fema and Eaater And eggs. The afternoon waa spent in MARY DUNCAN Immediatedown cooled la cream If and the following lif tie stria games Inc. In and avert will Opera Jasa, It keep ly alter skimming were present: Marlon Hinley, Marfor n reasonable time If kept In clean garet Larson, Helen Olander. MargaIt will than le posdtfle receptacles. T.USCANO BROTHERS ret Short, Verna Berg, Erma danto make it into a higher made Of wS Skilful .Wieldri-- of Roman Axes der, Mary Johnson. Lorraine Slieraln-iabutter which will command totter Eantel Stanford and Alone Bus-soAM IH lie- UyimiHHls prtces and consequently make dairyA .DELMORE LEE to farmer. the ing more profitable The vellar la a poor place to cool Mra W. R. Clark and Mra Chrtatl cream. The temperature of the celBURKE. A BETTY entertain the Method iat Ladle will the 7 in below la degrees Ir :a Mirthful Potpourri. lar rarely Aid society Wednesday afternoon at aummer time, and It will be many MELBA the church parlora hours hrtore the cream placed there The Inimitable Musician. la reduce to the same temperature. Mlaa Melva Morgan had aa her Ti.PC6 OF THE DAY Meanwhile undesirable bacteria departy .KINOCRAMS guests Sunday at an Eaater velop. whose growth would hove been Mlaa Vera Wright. Mias Vera Suthand a poor jet anted hy quirk cooling, erland, Mitts Afton Cbatoni. Mlaa EVES. Wed. .to Sun, Inc. 25c to grade of rrenm is the result.construct-- , Althea Stewart. Mlaa Nila Morgan. A cooling tank mny be 1Jt. Miss Mildred Morgan. Mias Ida r lumber. Where the efi of cement MATS. Thurs. to Sun, Inc. IScf Albert Haxrlgren. Leo Harmon, wairr is pumped for the stork it will to 50. . Alma llill, Leader Butcher, Glen Harhe poaaihlc to arrange a rooting tauk mon and Jat-- Powell. no the water tot the stock tank will oooooooooec-oooooooooooooP. K. NIELSEN A. A. JENSEN 10NE ATWOOD An Old One Answered e Good Program Next Week at Orpheum m H t alde-apllttl- flaying perfra thb haul tahk n, n. Sala-hur- BUTTER WRAPPERS Printed on Pure Parchment Paper Ink to conform with Water-proo-f with Government Regulations Call, Write or Phone Murray Printing COMPANY , i Murray " Printers f Phone Murray 35. of fine Stationery " IN THE SUPERIOR COURT PROLATE AND GuAHkliAiaonir NOTICES. (For further Information eonanlt Of the County of Orange, State of Califoria. Action brought in the Su. County Clerk or respective signers.) Court of tho County of Orange, perior HOTICE TO CREDITORS. State of California, and the complaint Estate of Quotanla Eliza Lowe, filed in tha office of the Clerk of said deceased. Creditors will present County of Orange. Clyde Doyle, atclaims with vouchers to the under- torney for plaintiff. Charles EL Broadhead, plaintiff, vs. Haunts New York Restaurants signed at 712 Walker Bank Bldg, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the Lola C. Broadhead, defendant 8th day' of June. A. D. 1821. and Tips Off Victims to The people of the State of California J. S. LINDSAY, end greetings to Lola C. Broadhead, the Gang. Administrator. City and County defendant. You are hereby directed to Bldg, In Salt Lake City, Utah, of appear and answer the complaint in an action entitled aa above, brought Quotanla Eliza Low, Deceased. D. A. SKEEN and against yon In tho Superior Court of IS COLLEGE GRADUATE D. C. the County of Orange, State of CaliMOORE, Administrator. fornia, within ten days after the serAttorneys for Date of first publication April 1, vice on you of thla summons, if served within this county, or within thirty A. D. 1821. Scout for Lower East Side Gang la days if served elsewhere. And you Last 28, 1821. publication April Man of Education and Refinement are hereby notified that nnlea you appear and answer aa above required, He Just Gats ths Nawa HOTICE TO CREDITORS. the said plaintiff will take Judgment and Passes It On. Tor any money or damages demanded Estate of Grace McCIoy, deceased. In the complaint, as arising upon conNew York. Prohtil.l t tbe thief was Creditors will present claima with tract, or he will apply to tho court for a liar. Must thieve are. But he said vouchers to the undersigned at th any other relief demanded in the comthat the scout fur liis lower East aide office of David W. Moffait, First Na- plaint. tional Bank Bldg, Murray, Utah, on Given under my hand and the seal gang is a college graduate. before the Ith day of June, A. D. of tbe Superior Court of the County "lie cornea front a grand family, or 1821. of Orange, State of California, thia 1st too, said he.' "Thul's how he can JOHN McCLOT, of November, A. D. 1920. talk to time damm. If I was to try Administrator of the Ealate of Grace day J. M. BACKS, to make 'em Id tro down for the Clerk. McCIoy, Deceased. count DAVID W. MOFFAT. First publication March 25, 1921. Last publication April 22, 1921. This scout's job la to upend hla Attorney for Administrator. Date of first publication April 1, and all of his hours are spare hour A. D. 1821. spare in the flash uptown restauSUMMONS. Last publication April 29, 1921. rant and night club. He spend hla money freely, ia an excellent dancer, In the District Court of Salt Lake can sing a good song well and talks HOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDCounty, Statq of Utah. Ivy F. MEETING. ERS' plaintiff, va. Edward H. Gorringe, easily. lie murks .down foolihli womdefendant. en who wear too many Jewels or attend The Bute of Utah to said defendant: A special meeting of the atockhold too niueh money. TIm-he gets acYou are hereby summoned to apera of The Progreaa Company has quainted with them. been called by the President and pear within twenty days after service "He never turns a trick himself, of this summons upon you if served Board of Directors of said Company said the thief. "Alwnya he has a per- to be held at the office of said Com- within the county in which this action and nrwa He JtiMt alibi. the fect gel pany, Murray City, Salt Lake Coun- ia brought; otherwise within thirty after service, and defend the paiwea it on to ua. ty, State of Utah, on Tuesday, the days 19th day of April, 1921, at 10 o'clock above entitled action; and in case of No Hint of Clew. a. nt. of said day to consider, act and your failure so to do, judgment will be Not long ago there watt a Jewel roba resolution which will be rendered against you according to vote a few which for days then upon bery occupied and there presented for the P' the demand of the complaint, which a prominent place on New Yorks first been filed with the clerk of said proval and ratification of a sale of has court pngea. A woman liud been held np on the distribution system of laid comThla action has been brought to reher return to Iter home late at night pany outside Murray City, the terms and Iter Jewola taken from Iter. Tbe whereof, together with the action of cover a Judgment dissolving the marriage contract heretofore existing bepolice havent a hint f a clew as yet the Board in the premiaea will be tween you and the plaintiff. to the though it ta said the men who turned then and there submitted act P. C. EVANS, and stockholders, and to consider, the trlrk are well known. Plaintiff's Attorney. of inSometimes the scout for the thieves vote upon any other bualneaa Post office address, 1016 Kearns to the company. is a sort of an undertired Raffles. terest Published by order of the Board building, Salt Lake City, Utah. did not fiction Hie original Baffles of First publication . March 4, 1921. and dated this 28th day of March, Laat publication April 1, 1921. rob his friends and waa courageous 1921. enough to do the robbing In person. CHESTER P. CAHOON, The contemptible Bnffle of today Secretary of The Progreaa Company. SUMMONS. hangs on the other edge of Broadway's First publication April 1, 1921. Laat publication April 15. 1921. night society and la puld a eoinmlaulon In the Third Judicial District Court d on the fence value of l lie loot of Salt Lake County, State of Utah. The oauilvanue. hla Vernia Smith, plaintiff, va. Chari ea E. through NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF Smith, defendant PARTNERSHIP. The State of Utah to said defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear Notice is hereby given that the co- within days after the service partnership heretofore existing be- of thla twenty summons upon you, if served tween F. M. Peterson and Andrew within the county in which this action Johnson under the firm of the Em' is brought otherwise within porium Grocery Company and doing days after service, and defendthirty the bualneaa at Murray City, County of above entitled and in case Ball Lake, 8tate of Utah, has been on of your failure soaction; to do. will judgment the 12th day of March, 1921, dis- be rendered you according to solved by mutual consent. Andrew the demand against of the which complaint, Johnson has retired from said firm has been filed with the Clerk of said and hnslnaaa hut the said F. M. Pet- Court. erson will continue the same bualneaa This action Is brought to recover a at the same place and under the same Judgment dissolving the bonds of matname, the said F. M. Peterson hav- rimony now and heretofore existing ing become sole owner and having as- between you and the plaintiff. sumed all the obligations pertaining C. If. NIELSEN, to the former partnership. A. A. DUNCAN, Dated this 12th day of March, A. Attorneys for Plaintiff, D. 182L P. O. address, 218 McIntyre Bldg. F. M. PETERSON, Salt Lake City, Utah. ANDREW JOHNSON. First publication March 4, 1921. Last publication April 1, 1921. Tuesday evening the member of the Mill Creek ward Mutual Improvement association held their open evand ening. A box lunrh waa served the time was apent with a musical program followed by dancing. Rowaell were r of Ibeii Mr. and Mr, ('hark surprised by a nunih-friend. The occasion being Mr. Kowscll'a birthday anniversary. Jr. and Mrs. G. H. Pace and family DOES NOT STEAL Gor-ring- en- tertained. Miss Annie Olson, an operator at olDce, is recovering from an operation for appendicitis. the telephone The Tast Chief Companion Club was entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Tho. Birch. Members of the Companions of the Forest Lodge pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mra. James Smith during the week. The Ladles Baptist Aid and their friends will meet at the Church parlors, Wednesday, April (. The ladles will be entertained with a talk on India. Can appendicitis ha guarded agalnat? Yea, by preventing intestinal infection. The intestinal antisepact on BOTH upper tic, Adler-l-kand lower bowel removing ALL foul, decaying matter which might start EXCELLENT for gaa on. Infection. stomach or chronic constipation. It removes matter which you 'never thought waa in your system and which nothing elae can dislodge. One man reports la unbelievable tha awful impurities Adler-l-k- a brought out. Sold by the Murray City Pharmacy. a, Sunday Murray Baptist Church. School. 10:30 Industrial School Satur2 4 to oclock. day afternoon from (Gets BEST Acquainted With Them. , Oldnt EYanae, 1u Look Lika Pol lea. milking great stride Money FOR SALE Two Good HAzaea. Two seta of work harness. One Chllda Violin. Good Sandy Loom Soil. Phone Murray 134-N-WANTED Salesman for Murray and vicinity. Commission contract only, for spare time or full time. We will teach you to sell Income protection through our free school of Instruction end help you build a bualneaa of your own. Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, Accident and Health Dept, Saginaw, the roads and across 'Country. If It did the klde would drink t Not long api at Vincennes a number whole bottle. And that wonld ms of young nflihii-- s from the military da. Milwaukee Sentinel. school of sport were Indulging In a paper chase through the wood when they were anvvwii by gendarmes for being lifessed. They were ell In wlijte nnd running short. The gendanni-- i, 'nowever, had apparently not hmpl such articles of at4850 tire or of the military school of sport Protests made l.y comcolonel in ji mand had no A few day hiror, bosrever. when the local gendarmes made a fresh haul of a dozen athlete, they realised their error, for the lender explained that he n an Imqic.-toof police and that tlie runners behind him were all Parts policemen enjoying a fortnights train-leFrom the Continental Edition nf the London Mull. 8a It Lake STOP! We are always ready and willing to do the right thing. . sell you a farm or homa I or P$ IIC (eii your farm or homo, uj COMPANY "Realtor 517 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City Phone Wasatch 5708 eeeeee4eee 00006000000000000000040009 Plano teacher of experience will taka limited number of pupils. 6495 So. State St. J. M. Gaunt, Sandy R. D. No. Phone Midvale 3. MftMi pwasniM Mops tan toil anmBi mm, hrtth mtaln. Mnai hair rtiTateartL aetkelamwdie Wait (!- Catarrh Catarrh ia a local disease, greatly influenced hv constitutional con-ditions. HALLS. CATABBH MEDICINE ia a Tonic and Blood Purifier. By rleansing the blood and building up tho System. HALLS CATARRH MEDICTNE restore normal conditions and allow6 Nature to do ita work. All Druggist. Circular! free. F. J. Cheney & Co, Toledo, Ohio. WHITE LILY FLOUR HAKES the hebt BREAD.11 XEBRIT IS THE BASE which we claim your tlon of White Lily Flour. There ere other brands Just as cheap, plenty al them. But the Whit Idly beken more to the pound, saves money aa well aa the extra work and worry tailed in the uae of flour of lower quality. Order a sack of White lily today. Knowing housekeepers always demand It West Jordan Mills Dealers in All Kindi of Win Btnff, JOSH AYLETT, Manager Phone. Hidvale 108 OOOOOtMttOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOChJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LISTEN! South State Street' WE FIX IT EVERYTHING ELECTRIC. We repair Road Work Our Specialty Murray Vulcanizing and Auto Repair 4850 State St. art Lady or gentleman agent wanted In the city of Murray to sell the genuine J. R. Watkins Medicines, Spices, Extracts, Toilet Preparations, etc. All or spare time. A wonderful opportunity to get into bualneaa for yourself. Write today for free particulars and sample. J. R. Watkins Co., 60 Winona, Minn. First Class Auto Repairing & Vulcanizing a few years ngo when Lord Rocksav-ag- e But attempted Its resurrection. that was in the days before the war and probably it la as a change from tbe regulation military mustache of the last five or six years Gist British young men of today are growing tufts of hair Ip front of their earn with most hideous result The earl of Lonsdale and hla brother. the Hon. Lancelot Lowther, have always been famous In the fashionable world (or wearing "sideboards, but In thla hirsute face fitting they are usually credited with a desire to suggest the sporting atmosphere In which they are generally to be found. 261-- On LOOK! at g- City. 270-0- . lmpi-npi-r.-- r Phone Waa. 3223 P. O. Box 1713 Lucky Tiger Far Safety! Saks. make strange mistakes when they see It to a good thing that eaater long line of sprinting along decent taste aa nice as Ire ere -n RetaiL Wholesale. WANTED- - Dead or useless hone and cows, bought for cash. Phr la but the police occasionally v- TEST BY lea Cream and Candy. Six dairy cow, little pigs, egga for hatching from prise winning White Rocka and White Minorca!. J. T. BROADBENT, FOR SALE- - 20 ah ares Dry Creek 51th South, east on Simper 8L D. E. Mock market at price. lrigafion Murray, Utah. Croft. Phone Hyland 691. thief Mid that most arouta Of 'this 311111 .have some sort nif an occupation which .accounts for their time and ia during the day working understanding with some gang of thieves. He prefers to work with men of thla sort, 'he said. 'They do mot turn np as itnany Jotm as do llie restaurant scout, lint their Job are safer and more about usually are fumlllar with tha hablta af the peraon to ha .tohhed. T know grafters that could live easy for life on Hm money they have made In the iwat year, said tha thief. port FOR SALE. , r: Keeleys . arc enjoying an outing in Arixona. The trip was made by auto. Mr. C. 8. Ilammond left Saturher daughSide Whisker Back In London, day for Idaho Falls to visit eu route to ter. Mrs. J. J. Kaufman, The London exquisite is doing hla HamMrs. Nebraska. In home her best to cultivate side whiskers, a fashmond ha apent Ibree months here ion that wna somewhat frowned upon relatives and friends, during with which time she was extensively Doef It Pay to Worry About Appendicitis Phone Murray 497 motors, cleaners, heating irons. .pads irons, vacuum, and curling: HOUSE WIRING We tell and Install New Fixtures. Moan Electric Co. Was. 7640 650 So. State 8t HO0000000000000O00OOO0O Many !!!s Dus To Catarrfi The mucous membranes through-afarrhout the body are subject to congestion resulting in many serious al complication. Day or Might. Flume Murray 223, GEORGE A. JENKINS Undertaker Successor to a M. Tiylor 4706 South A Go. State Bt, Murray Parlora at Murray, Midvale and Sandy. PE-RU-N- A WmH Kmmwn mud HmHmbim Cough, cold, nasal catarrh, stomach and bowel troubles among the moat common dlieaacs due to catarrhal coodiUoai. ' A very dependable remedy after protracted sickness, the grip or Spanish Flu. to good medicine to have on hand for emergencies. i tad Emjatoa TdhbwUtoll , ,t IN USE FIFTY YEARS aocHMHSfoooooooooQooeeoaaoaa , i ! |