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Show SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH lp f The Dark Mirror ; n rrflqemeiit-clvilixutlo- Mli-tly- , ora h Louis Joseph Vasco Author looking a deep wide valley, the soft pacing up and dewn the waiting room green velvet of whose forest carpeting of Dr. Philip Fosdlck, digging nails was threaded by slender silver etreams Into her palms and teeth Into ber In the endeavor to keep from and dotted with little shining Takes. Sunlight, flashing level serosa the giving away to hysteria. eastern rldgca, struck squarely a buntine glance at her face of suffering, galow set In ilie clesriug, a rambling one look Into those eyes of pitiful ap-eFosdlck drew her Into Ida structure Hint hugged the earth, tlie room. Then- - site collujised primitive crudity of Its undressed logs , belied by every going with childlike trust Into liia arum, hiding lier face In his shoulcould CMilribute. On tlie veranda, near the steps. der, sliaki-by tliut teiiiiext of emostood waiting, looking buck In- tion against wlih-l- i her last, alight to tlie Jiving room. down uimn Ills guiinl had Ihk-i- i Tlie girl waa brilliant with a lieuuty arrival. new In Priscilla's knowledge of ber. She Inld her story eagerly, hut In t every simile of care and fragments only ; she waa Miverlesa dlseaiabllslusl from her couuleiiuiice, in follow any one train uf Ha clear luillor enriched by a new- - j Hiiaiglit Imkhijh- -. Invariably, wlu-- she In her eyes found glow of mi I lie verge of hating herself In Ihe Interest of nurralhm. a peace had tukeu up Its simile. Dreaxed In a brief skirt of tun chill of fear would niinih her twilling and lilotiae of white silk aim-- 1 fi.iifltlfiiee. her eyi-- s would Him with boots luxe, her voice lirenk In I In- - middle uf with ply faahiniii-d- , r sturdy enough for woods walking, hat j n grasp on liaiid tighten convulsively, her less, her hair dressed low upon her confl-r neck, she held herself with a Hiouglila falli-into niuiiiintary e ar- deuce unrelated to her rogunce. Of that truculent swagger Again and again he needed to exert so liecouilng In the liiiiixt-l- f lo Hu- - in on xi in order to which IihiI bei-Street of Striinge Faces today no trace i ilie ineiiii halnnei- - of her survived. Here was a wrauim so ut- and .Only Hu- - leiidenu-a- s terly regenerate that the history of solleiliiile of Ihe lover allied with the . her liegiiinliigs seemed completely knowledge, the Hie couima-sloalsillslied and uniiulled unil as If it of Hie pliyslclnn served. . . . 1 had never been. Hu l wliut hiii I to slie deSo much. In those fiw ilnys, love manded In a calmer I tell phase. had done for Leonora you. Philip. I can't siand It ; I can't gu The dear radiance of her eyes was on like this knowing slit-'In deadly cluuileil only when, restless with wait- not knowing what to do, knowhsik to moment a for lug. slie turned ing she needs me, not knowing how to out over the valley that swept below, gel lo lier, tu help her It Isn't In all alirliu wllli fluid blue sliadow. II'h mil I know Imngliinlion, I'lill i Its far sweep rawer one bint of another j Its no. Hint she's In danger, threat-i-ihuman Imhltutlim. In me knows afraid; Tlien her fare sobered for an In- nnd shares lier sufferings und wont stunt, she had almost a look of can't be still . . . Philip, won't fear. you help nic?'' It wui swiftly dlsaljNited by a sound Ilia liead a slow sign of of footsteps. Mario came out of the regret. I'm doing my " Prim-HII mean, hypiioHsm " hungulow. (.'lot lied far more formally than she. "No" In a costume lietter suited to city You must, Philip, you muni ! I'm atstreets, he cn tried a small, locked not afraid uf being hypnotized liy you, tache case, chumols gloves; lint. Kvl-- j Ylu'vn explained everything mi cleat-ly- , I know it's nothing but the utilizadently Leonora waa not to go with him. tion of a natural means lo remove the . . . embraced. KUciiHy they liarrlcr between the two statea uf Piloted liy a Jiiiuinose boy In a mi that the iinprisMied nut tolled white Jacket, the motor car can find expression. Philip, of (be gafage nnd to one aide of the you wrni't refuse me this once? You veranda, where II atopiied. Tlie Japwhat tills thing Is doing to me, you anese Jumped down and, leaving Hie know I'll go mud if I don't find redoor oien. effaced himself, Mario and lief" He gave a gesture of Miirrendur, and Leonora, lie with an arm round her waist, moved across tlie lawn to the got tip from Ills chair. attache rawed his car. Into which lie t "Aa you will," lie said. Periiapa, case, lingering fur a hist caress. after all, yon know liext. Kite ciung to him as If alie could lie arranged pillows at Hie head of never bring herself to let hint go. a couch. I. In down here rest reTouched, responsive, be made but the lax. ItenirnilM-- r that, aa youve Juat effort! to disengage. At declared, you've got nothing to fear gentlest length, however, he hud to remind from the hypnotic trance, aoiuethlng aa nulural us slei even mnra her: l, ir wliut I lHlleve of It Is true. "Dear, If I am to catch my train at 'Tin not In tlie least afraid." Kingston, I must go." Rhe trembled a- lllllc, held lilm With a readiness and docility which closer for an Instant, then quickly he Huatglit touching, she suffered k him and stood aside, averting la make lu-- r comfortable upon her eyes. the couch. He was insistent upon an "Its so hard," alie said wllli a quiv- altitude of complete relaxation, I'll supine, the head ering mnnlh. "llow do I know barely elevated by a ever get you back? thin down pillow, the ankles together be llio day. Ill hut not crowed, Hie hand open at Rut Itn only for either able. home before dinner time." Further, he bade her loosen her locked teeth, so that they I know, hut . . ." And drawing a He consulted hti watch. There's a no longer tourlu-d- . later train we can catch If you will chair close to the head of the couch, he ent down anil with hie own bands hurry anil change" No I" Slut lifted her eyes with a smoothed out tlie strained, contracted I muscles round lier eye and utoulb furred smile of sdomlilo bravado. won't Ik- - silly! IP only lieenuse Its nnd brows. Ilie touch, his time. Ilia presence, the first lime . . . lie got to learn In do without yon for a while now nod were all soothing. Already alie waa , I might ns well begin now I pleaanntly aware of slackening nervmust, I will !" She stamped a foot to ous tension. In her eyes a vague assert her determination, and laughed smile formed. a lllllc rueful laugh. "Now go kiss "Drowsy?" me once. Just ouce more nud go !" Her lips framed hut did not utter . . She was not la the the word no. They kissed You're sure, Leonora?" least sleepy, hut ilelldnualy at ease. She awullowed a soli and nodded The weight of his hand on lier fore-tie- s fi was like utt Imponderable force bravely : "Sure !" Conscious"You're not afraid ?" of obliterating Influence. What of? There's nothing hnt ness was slowly retreating Into a these woods, and Pin only scared of limindleas space of Inertia. Bhe had little because I never saw no desire tu restrain It . . . them She did not know tluit her eyes had nnythlng Ilka them before In all my life. I'll get over that Pve got to rliiM-- of their own accord, and spent get over a lot of foolishness Just give a moment In bile speculation concernme time . . . Now I won't have you ing Hie slugulur dlsapiaxirance of miss that train! Philip's face. She ran down to tlie road to wntrh Ill- hail not moved, alie knew; his Hie car till a turning look It out of hand atilt rented on her foreheud. But Ids voice sounded fur awsy : sight She stood listening till the hum of Sleep . . II motor was blotled out liy the nblil- Slie wraiderod Ihnt he should bid nHHnosn. lug sleep or wish r to. Ierhai it Sueli Slie did not understand. silence frightened her. It surged In wave on wave upon her senses, like a sea seeking to stun anil engulf them, to obliterate them altogether. And of a Midden slie could no morn endure her Isolnllon there In the sunlit nien. unit she turned nnd fled wildly to the friendly closeness of the house. of "The False Facts,0 "The lame fVolfm Etc. n well-bein- Illustrated by IRWIN MYERS j vi-r- bn-ni- alUUIIIlillliliililllllllllllllliiiiiiiimiillii lilgb-lace- d (Copyright US, by tho Author.) II. MR. CHILVERS Continued. In-- Foa-dh-k- 's . 1 e Now olio dmtln-i- l no longer to tile nmn who Mt Uiirinn In mean exultation over Iiit dloeoinllture. let him continue to that alie wan Leonora. and make what profit he could of that belief. If alie could not. have that hapiiliiHM of which her, unwittingly had he could ut lrat protect Leonora' 'happlneaa and rouaerre It by taking upon lieraelf the punishment Leonora otherwise must xulfer at the hnuda of her forsaken by way of ienalty for her defection. Exalted by a sublime spirit of she fnred Mr. Chllvrrs with a decision and eimflilenee tluit would have made him uneasy hud he been lesa Infatuated In the triumph of Ills low running. Aa It was, not till Ioiir after he had left did he rvcull (hut look, try without avail to fathom It, and become suspicious. The slumming of the outer vestibule dour disturbed them. Priscilla turned hastily to jieer out Into the hall. On Hie filet lace that covered the glass of the front door the vague allhouctte of Mrs, Trowbridge showed. An Imiwrutlve gesture Tlense!" brought Mr. Cltllvera to Ills feet, somewhat to his own surprise. "You must go now or yonH sisill everything." Papa cornin'?" lie Inquired with a knowing look. My aunt. I daren't present yon to her. You must go. Well but bow almut our next little chat?" Anywhere you say. any time'' I say the Pluza. Four o'clock tomorrow afternoon. We'll hnve lea. Mind my draggln' Ines along?" No surely not. Hut don't delay now." Mr. Clillvent deftly flicked the stub of Ills cigarette Into the empty flre-nnde-felv- asms-inte- e, one-tim- n Trow-hrlilg- e. III. THE THREAT OF THE WILD. In the morning she dreamed Mice more of Leonora . . . But now the way of the dream wilt her waa something new; periiapa In that It waa more In true sense a dream, less an Involuntary essay In tebtrethe-la-. For all Hint. It had Its element of clairvoyance, as the outcome waa U prove. What Instinct had foreshadowed ir. the drenm proved true. The ante of the hills, set high vhh In a . iwih-d mountain flank, aver- (frai lln-at- anil iiituinmi-nt and Refining Co. Smelting jmerican Garfield Smelting Company and anything known In waking life. In this Nirvana, an iiimwi-Initiate of the amnia of exisiem-e- . the mmiI dwelt In exalted iil.ntrsiriinn. In a phase uf sublime and . . . Rut not fur lie no long; how lung, then- of meascomputing; cuiiscIiiuhiii-hured time had I wen abolished liy run-taNeverthewith eternal verilii-s- . less the ieritid of that was nut unlimited, It Imd mi mid. there was at leugUi a imposed umhi Hu- - wall, a suimiiniis. a calling tu wJib-It from out tin- vast it cimlil by no meena ignore. Tlie call waa from ; ll was i and in- the soul of imM-iu- a fawhsisn GOLD. SILVER. LEAD AND COPPER ORES. COPPER MATTE, BULLION AND FURNACE PRODUCTS free-iIm- ii Lead Plant at Murray, UtaH Copper Plant at Garfield, UtaK mn-ssil- y all communications to J. M. BIDWELL. Manager. Room 700 McComick Block, Salt Lake Gty, Utah' mbx-li-w- do-?- ... a l. j ... . What you expect n. soim-lhiii- g ... Just a reminder j ilcat-rilie- ; When your llara la from our laundry Fee ara disappointed to. Oar ra for high class work aa colored shirt, ar waM ar rough dry la ahraya had mj to aad complete satt assured whaa year ara laandarad at NmV i -. t, ' ( sundry. 1 -. i M-- nit-uni- Hu-n- place, took up Ills lint ninl stick, and moved gracefully out Into the linlU Kemenilicr: Ihe Pluai a I four. And don't stand mo up not unless you're lookin' for real trouble. The fnmt door I'll lie there." swung open, ndinlttlng Mrs. Priscilla gave the criminal her hand. "Then good afternoon, Mr. Chllvcrs nnd thnnk you for calling. I'm so sorry I have to rush off to keep my apiMiliitmeiit. Don't mention It. Charmed to hare had the pleasure of sceln' you, even for a moment." The door closed liehlnd him. Aunt Katlier Imre down on Priscilla with supercilious brows. My dear rhlld, who was that strange creature?" That?" Prlscilln laughed with a note of hysteria. "Oh. nolKsly of any ctmaeqiieiirc Just an acquaintance an artist of a sort." An artist? I thought as much I" I dill liiqie Tlie good woman sighed. you wouldn't bring such people to the iHinse. hut I presume . . . ITtKrilla laughed, and for Hie first time In duys with a genuine ring of mirth. Don't worry, dear." she offered vaguely; and silihil with more decision : "By the way. I've Ihssi thinking It's selfish of me to keep yon In town In this best Resides, Ails Moyer wont pose again till some time next autumn. We might as well go down to Kouthainptn'n aa snou as yuu can manage. . , fie-ultle- ii imlb-iice- Foa-illc- The Girl Was Brilliant With Beauty New in Priscilla's Knowledge of Her. such absolute command of all Iter The sensation of being acutely alive was extraordinary, without precedent. Divorced from that complexity of rates and lulerests of dally life which ordinarily distracted and diverted the full stn-aof Its power Into an hundred riMiiiit-l- . the ego turned bark to the ego and in iliat inversion achieved an iKolaiion wllli a ..." - In-- In-- r IV. TRANCE. T.lke a claptrap Illusion of Hie the shadows of lior drenm cine-m- ills into the suhslunce of her waking life. Rut that terror which had clutched at (lie henrt of Leonnm In Hie wholesome freedom of the hills lived on In Ihe heart of Priscilla, coining awake In Ihe Inviolable and confined security of her hedrhnmlier. It Iny nsm her soul like a cloud of darkness thnt no will of hers might lift. Slie Mppealed in vain to rensmi. to cmrihion sense. The lnurtlculnte inennee of the woods thnt had been so eloquent to the senses of Leonora continued to oppress Priscilla with a premonition of predestined evil, from whose Imminent fall there could lie no earape. hreak- She rose, ballied. faated. nil mechanically, preimsses- alnn with Ihnt feeling of Impending disaster weighed more and more heavily iimi lier mind aa .he day aged. More nnd more strongly alie frit herself Innipnldr of roping with the niiitine duties of Its course. She went to nnd fro like an automaton, eware of one thing only: thnt danger of some sort threatened Leonora, thnt lie waa powerleas to avert It who could not even nnme It. What otherwise had held place of first Importance n her consideration, her encounter with Harry Chllvera of lay before and her appointment him at the Plaza today for St displaced, relegated to a sh, was riVua of least consequence, I hen altogether. At Tour o'clock, Indeed, aha was Kill Cold, Wet Face Upturned, tha Face of a Drowned Woman. articulate, calling to Its own, railing without rest through tlie void from a far and unknown bourne. And the aplrit to which Its soundless call waa tuned answered and fared forth, seeking, forever seek. ing Time beyond reckoning was consumed, yet the search had no end, the soul adventured fruitlessly, Its yearning was denied. At last It returned, wenry and frustrate and spent It mine back to Its own place, to the tenement of Its refuge, and there rented upon and within Itself, demanding the consolation of Its Integrity n-- t knowing no comfort of It when oiitul, tormented by knowledge of Its failure, hauntef by the rail . , . Then that which It had sought and found not, sought It In torn, and It was fnniul, the 1 Ihnt waa Leonora waa Joined to the I that was Priscilla, and ihe twain were as one, and there waa solace In this apprehension of oneness. Rut there was likewise sorrow snd dread that had neither of them any form, so that there was not any sort of rest. But aa If tha very fact of their reunion forbade them rest the one that waa two stirred end rose up Hgain end once mure committed Itself to tlie toll and futlgue of search, whipped on and on by the lash of a necessity that had no name hnt was s Inexorable and pitinone the less But this time the search found an end There waa In a forest a pool, a dark, still pool In a forest dark and still. Huge liouglia of ancient trees, weighed down wllli their burden of Interwoven foliar overhung the water. darkening Its luce to blackness, s half-ligof llmplil green. The ulr of this place waa sluggish, ilnnk and warm and without movement, It was heavy with the cloying sweet breath of mold. Neither was there any movement In the pool, though Its still black plaque was broken by a while cold, wet face upturned, the fan- - of a drowned woman whose clothed body waa vaguely revealed by the sialned element in . which It was To the smitten spirit of Priscilla Jt was as If die gazed at her own face, still and calm In sleep, counterfeited In the depths of a wide dark mirror. But the fare, she knew, waa the face of Leonora, a ho was dead? .. susis-nded- (TO BE CONTINUED.) n-i- for-gr'f- Factors of Muscular Strength. Current dlscusslona on the relative productiveness of labor lend additional Interest to the results of testa recently conducted liy a Western sol enlist to determine tlie effects of outside on muscular strength. CliInfluence matic factors are found Important, a of more than continuous 86 degrees Fahrenheit being unfavor-- , able to performance, while between TU and 80 per cent humidity la favorable. Excessive fatigue carries It effects over to the following day, and even longer. A curious discovery la Unit a number of men engaged on a specific task of hard labor become of practically equal strength. Close application ami unpleasant surrounding have a definite fntlgtte effect. Poputempi-mtur- i ! Ills Tons, His Prasence Ware All Soothing. His Touch, lie thouglit It would better p re; are her for the ordeal of the hypnotic trance If It were any ordeal. Bleep . . " Iteration of that monoayllnhle excited no more interest. 8he bad become completely engrossed with the phenomenon Of respiration, her own breathing, It tempered, constant ebb her being and flow, upon which swung like a leaf In a tideway , . . " Bleep . . Bhe bed no deelre to sleep, fait no need of It Never had aha known was n!;pji ' fhoao today for a I PRINTING Murray Laundry Enaeptlenal FadEtta e Enable Ut k MAGNA FRUIT & Guar-mda- Out Work VEGETABLE STORE All kinds of fresh fruits, toft drinks & ice creauw Open every day until 10p.m. Main Street between lat & 2nd East indud-ingholida- ys Is i and mm sidles ora at yoar hetaal bm Worn. smoHslfr pas- pasA tom rat lattezhrad is notahaads. i We carry the largest line of misfit and un- thepitoBagltea. called for Clothing in the State. ... ... veil ; ,iin,li1!"il lar llechaub-- a NOBBY 219-22- 81 r. Hazlltt addressed everybody aa Sir. The ' youngest and most intimate of hla friends waa not exempt front this rale, unless Mr, Hazlltt happened to ha In an mraraally happy and cordial humor. Ur, 0. IL Reynell'a son, whom ha knew aa wall aa hla own child, were almost Invariably sainted In what would now appear a ludicrously formal manner; but Indeed this mode of allocation hsd not gone out then ar entirely aa it has In ear day. JL IL BteddarA Like Doctor Johnson, Mr, State St Sell Lake You SajYou Cant Advertise? Haas Ing. Thaft what others have Signs and Senary Faina All klnda of Interior Daeoratlnp. Work tha boat Prices reasonable, tod and all of a sudden found soma eompetkor was doing what they DUKE. thought they cotidntdtx And getting way with k, Get tha bulge" on No. IB Canter St, Magna, Utah competitor! your story in an attractive manner so it wiU be read. Youll get the result. Vs A re Aaxiaai to Help Fo r m your own opinion of tta quality of printing we tor out by looking over th samples we wiQ be glad t how you. There Is nott Ing in this Una that w cant do to you e Magazine. 1 SUI10RIUM entire aatii faction. Higt class printing creates a goo Eagle Publishing Company Murray, Utah Phone 35 impra isknfc Cditn Vr3e you Sat yoar Voi Oat a Tote |