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Show SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH BIRDS AID GREATLY POOR INCUBATOR Y IN WAR ON INSECTS BAD INVESTMENT Of Advisable to Buy Machine Used With Best Success in i SIZE BY Question Worries Admirers Great Washington Star. 27 Species Examined 25 Were Grasshoper Eaters. NEEDS (Prepared by tha United Btalea ment of Agriculture.) pedal Cellar or incubator Put Up Game Fight Witt Father Tim Last Season and Manager Griffith Finally Sent Him to Kancae Farm. Wifi Waller Johnson, star r.ght-b- a mlcil piniur ol tin- - America league. In- - tilli- - to stage a cuuii-hnehTim I I the qiicKlion followers of the mil 11111111 gui.r. are asking. fW iil-1 put up a ganu' light with nml It op- Father Time lust sea-sil- l Depart- House Special investigations to Hod bow Should Be Provided if Equip-mefar the various bird species aid mankind In his perpetual war on Insect Is Extensive Importenemies are helng runted ou by the ant to Keep Air Fresh. bureau of biological survey. United (Prepared br tlio (Jutted Slates Depart- States i'lepartmeut of Agriculture. In ment at Agriculture.) llie western states the grasshopper After tlie poullryuuiu bus made up Is particularly troublesome, so far as his mind to buy an Incubator, he is the farmer and the ranch owner are confronted with tlie questluu of makes concerned. Specialists found that of and sixes. As a geurrul rule, a cheap 37 species of birds examined 2T were machine la a pour investment, requir- grasshopper enters. n ID of the speing more attention tlmu a good one aud cies all of the Individuals collected wearing out quicker besides being less had given grasshoppers place on their dependable. The value of the machine menu. Tlie birds having the heat recis small compared with that of the ords were tlie lark sparrows, meadoweggs used during the minimi life larks. Krauklln gulls. ArkuiiMts kingincubator. It Is poor ecouuuiy. there- bird, crow blackbird, and llie comto remon kingbird. buy a machine which Is not fore, liable. Whenever possible It Is well Probably there are not birds cnongh lo select the kiud of incubator that In the country to clean up a fult- bus given satisfaction In your liorhood, so that you may get the benefit of the exiierience of other operators nt near siiet-lnllsl- s , less one-eg- g one-ha- lf It la important to hit re a room not subject to wiile If Imilt variations In trmiieralnrr. above ground the walla should lio double 'and the entire building well Insulated. Good mulls In hatching are secured In Incubator cellars and In Incubator rooms entirely above ground level, but the cellar la more commonly used. Incubators may be operated in buildings with single walls, especially in regions which hare a mild climate, hut a room Is preferable. The Inculmtur room or cellar should be large enough to allow the attendant to work around the machines conveniently. UHny Incubator cellars are provided with some system of rentlls-tloIn addition to the windows. Tills Is not always necessary, however. The chief point la to keep the air In the room fresh. Muslin screens on the windows provide good ventilation without draft and at the same lime keep the son from shining on the machines, llnny Incnlmtor cellars have eeinent Noon, which are easier than dirt Hours to keep dean and neut. used. n - - l I - all kiiiiihI is old I'hx lir-llilgainlili-lie kiu Mill) fall- - and Milli nria. .liiblisua mil In Ills fnn-.- i ill the liuw ll.ul a l wniild du ll.c mighty right good than any 111111111111 uf ima j j ' ; ' spring and summer of life. In suits for young mil older women, meet in the picture nbove. Mere two concept Iona arc shown, one of them youthful mid novel with a picturesque hint of Suiin In Its short Jacket and handsome sasli, the oilier dignified and conscrvalive, exquisitely tailored, disdaining deeom-tioii- s utu( faultless in lines; fulfilling the exacting requirement uf mature women. Women who have reached middle life and acquired isilse, are nut amenable to all the whims of fnli-lothat lure younger sisters, youth may dlaiairt Itself ill any of the style and carry them off, hut ninny of llicoc are not suited to older women. They an wise when ,lipy rlmose what louka liext on them and, hy this iifciinx, arrive at u distinction In dress llmt belong to ilicir your. Tlie handsome sull at 'lie lefr la made of jsilnq twill. All that may lie said of It is told by the camera which has not fulled to pro--! scut every detail in Its makeup. The TIIK Meadowlark. strength Invasion of grasshopper such as tlie western fanners have come to dread. It Is said, but the birds assist materially in the efforts mnde by man to control the iaat. Specialists say that poisoning campaigns are among tlie beat weepoun used against the grasshopiicr. From time to time reports are sent In, allying that many birds have fallen victim to the- - poisoned mixtures placed fur the Insects. Much charges were associated with the gypay-u.ot- h spraying campaign In New Kngland and with the laying of poisoned nut si ice for cur worms snd other Inserts. Careful oiwervatlou, made by experts, shows that the bird losses from such causes are Insignificant. Some birds It Is said, are not hnrmcd at all by the presence of poison placed for Insects or vermin; the quail In Cnllfornlu were not harmed by the halls that were set out to kill ground squirrel though the campaign was a general one and was conducted with much In tensity. In the Dakotas a few birds to the arsenic mashes placed for grassbopiiers, but the number killed was so sllgnt ns to lie of no ronsiHiurnre, It la said. Ry killing si ray rata and off unscrupunlua hunters tlie fnrnier can become a party to a sort of defensive alliance with Ills birds, so that when his crops need protection agninst Insert enemies he will have a squadron of aerial cavalry to help him repulse tlie raid, specialist! say. G PLEASES Introduces plain, s short, rippling peplinii, in three and fulling wllblii .liree luelies of Its hem. ii new feature Tills and the regulation narrow bell, of llie nuilerinl, finishes Its' brier story vltli a large and liiiiiilsuiiic uriimnciil nl llie front, unexMcteil mid uiiuxiiiil. Except for grouia of ilirac very small buttons set on the shines mid between tlie sections uf the lliere are no other details. The lint of soft nilluii lira Id. wllli wronlli of fruit anil flower. Is exactly Ibis suit what it shonld Im to xcml-fltte- liilci-prcle- - d Giva Hsns Variety. Don't Iced corn alone. Give the SALT IMPROVES COWPEA HAY hens some wheat and oats and green stuff and animal food If you want Enhances Palatabllity and Where Crop plenty of eggs. Corn makes fst rather Is Not Entirely Cured Prevents than eggs. Fermentation. Groan Fesd and Exercise. The nae of snlt has been recotn--' A bend of cahhnge hung In the poulsuccessful growers mended by many bouse so high that the fowla must At try a little to get It will furnish In the mowing of enwpea hay. Jump the though not essentinl, undoubtedly given food and exercise at llie same hay Is Improved In palatabllity, and it time. may. In the case of bay not entirely cured, assist in preventing fermentatop Up All Cracks. tion. About eight quarts of salt are An unsuspected draft striking the used to one ton of hoy. fowls at nlghf, while on the perches. Is responsible for many a case of cold In HIGHEST PRICES FOR DUCKS the head and Incipient roup. Stop up the cracks In tlie hen house. Market Usually Remains Unchanged Copt With Old H. C. L. From July Until September Home mixing of fertilisers gives , Best Market In May. more value for less outlay; and thats Prices for green ducks (young mar- a good way to cepe with old H. C. I ket stock) usually remain unchanged Grit for Baby Chicks. The heat from July to September. A small amount of fli grit for baby about From May. realised are prices then until July the prices gradually chirks tends to stimulate tlie muscular Uteiina until they pick up for llie hol- nrtlnn of the glzxarri and start dlges tlvi activity. iday trade 11 11 er anoila-- r the at nae linn- m vir In III Mnliuiiiil tiiiilly cvci'j iii ui rt m.-- t of the game liiilltug. tot ul Iiiik- - hits, ell ra luixe hits, Molen Iiiim-s- , rails ami Iiiivc In know uiiylbliig clothing business to fill this wa ATLANTA Os Missing Mc's and ; ' y mini." - j - For Her Dress - Up Occasion linn'l j - - - tin- l - I iiIhiiii ! 11 tinl-die- R . ; 'y fj j GETS SCHULTE v.i'tcr Jcnnson. ; $ is the old game com- fun ng to?" musoil an olil-liaiseveral liumln-be wali-bi-i- l Willi onngslers. Wbcni are die Me' if J inu Yu uhiiiin t J 1 J yesterday!" 1 MMH, J of It lias season presents Tor the feat tin- - worth considering. of busy lint fnsllilloui rivals In i In- - most adorable and frive mot hers many for olous of little siinhoiniels, made of frock little girls that will risne up to their colored firgundy and trimmed with standards of good luste In choice of organdy flowers. Tliey go n long way n fur as ornamental Is materials, in design snd In workmanbut, as a protection iigidnst ship. To start off with, there are plain die kiiii. mny need to call In n dluilmi-tlveveryday dresses in NirtiRol to belli Ihctn oul. clmnibrays and very In ginghams. rras Isirs ami glngliHins, l but have white iiiwn coIn small isitterns niqiear to lie favored llars ami cliffs. A thin while la nsed to finish edges of licllx nr with cnllnrs. cuffv ami Isdrs In plnla rbiinibray or collars mul caffs ilecontlivc lainila on ihcin, or llie ami cuffs are embroidered with of while lawn. Pie two Hub iniHcs are corr-sildressed with tiny silk or yarn flowers. Reside these pretty cottim frocks dainty white icit:rnnta under their .here are bloomer suits nmile of Mark sheer dresses and fnotwcur thill Is taffeta silk with yarn stitching In above crltlrlxin. bright colors for embellishment on collars, sleeves slid sometimes ns a finish to Items. They are very simply cut, much like the dress of colored organdy shown at the left of Ihe two GVTBSHT KITBH NCWATtS UNMSt pictured above. Thla little frock may he taken as a first (ins example of Lcathar Belts. models In colored mid white organdy There an- Icullier hell which tills spring offers to meet dress-u- p occasion In the Hide girls' suite as a finish to some of the new cloth Willi it s pretty frock of dot- frocks. mer. its testimony to ted Swiss add Te Finish Collars and Cuffs. the vogue for the simplest deNarrow plultlugs are used to finish signs ill little girls (ini lie. Tlie hut to mulch lo' another style- - collar nml cuffs. TRIM 1 :i 1 i J ready-nmil- nsi-cem- e sinnll-cbecke- d rick-rac- k , n r Hand-Painte- d haml-ialiite- Tucks Are in Evidence. Turks play an important part In the tailored Hirt blouse. Maine novel adaptations of these are seen In blouse of crepe de clilne and Japanese silks, with Inset liosoma elaborately tucked. Way te Use Tucks. An Interesting wny to use tuck I Two-Tone- d Tiff eta Ribbon. luffcta rllilMins sre used, as are also heavy brocades for sashing the afternoon and evening dress. Often two colors sre used anil pleated together at the edge, or, better yet. Two-tone- d Joined only at the ends with the ubiquitous fringe. One can turn out either aide, according to one's whim and Ingenuity. to make them run dlngonally Instead Newest French Lingeries. of straight, and alternating row of Tho newest French lingerie la fashtucks with rows of folds, the folds ioned of fine pink and yellow rlbboa. being wider than the tucks. r Iiiik Tob-il- 011 Grir- rin iiili'M'in. tuh li lilt- lllr- Ml U uirti- Thill wjh llie - ciiivrr iix tin hais v. frier in ciilwr lioitru( ; iiMniiriihli ';iiti.iii!ii qtl Will or h raii'lMil llu rihiiilrkr i of In- 11 Slll'i ' m ii. lowril Ills iiflnT ll Wllllilfl (tiOH'ils Yu1 llu riM Icytx in file i m liiut nl LVtllM'N Jly Kuril jH'iii' .ImIiiimi n ;im i lie li!i In 111 Miltons nl In- - li'iiuui in In vhiiiilN'r slrlkaMHils iiikI nii k it In I'.MP In" n.-rhiMnn iliiiifiuv til-Il i! yst:iht:ini. miiics, v:i f ill! if It ll Sit '; ! r I'i.i he I . in Ins tu uinninu 10 Iimiii. ir !(' Squibs of Sport sail Rrowii Mnis- tilli'l j - (IihIm in Schulte, former major league Titiini. who iiimniged the Syi'ilcusc Thr Ki'liV oil (N. Y.) team last year, lias talti'Kl by Ha- - Atlanta Soatbi'ra club in a trade lor I lurry lliini-mu- . in Inllelder. oiiitii-liler- tiro Judge l.imdl any of III dual puldb-ilagent. ka-o- e fo-- . iiuiny year an ror the Philadelphia Athhas signed 10 piny with Seattle. Rulie Old ring. uili hi l"h M.i Iriit'is :1m ,i .i ' t . Kh f I;i1 I tiiirliim B Conwell Bark In Game. Third I'siseuiali Irish I omvell. rl-was out of llie game year, tin il!"i-cIn reH-- l lo llie KvaastiMe Hah this (ear. lst f. ui mi Nctt-ms- i a HrN-- B for (ihln III One thing will md amsl la salary lo laiy a J - have acquired the Kyrnciie club large holding III the Inicriialioiinl league. I v. l:i buM-linl- In mmiiiglng If Ty Cobh Ty Cobb. Iln- rest of the Juh will lie rosy. New York Amcricun. Kt. 11 ;i tiy t released Cab-lier lkmiinl Kelly to ('oliimbla or the South Atlantic Tlir trii when itli !i. il f t iii joint'll M IlIsC l team I couched by l.umler anil captained by Willun Yale's ;iml ill Unit. I" CUO In -- Utnlo-I i 1I.I Wnl'lil, riiM ol' M.ii h hmiii. t ami O i.tir:i '.'J in Diamond Yams ill ii:iii iSb t triiqilng into Mnilin iiim-s- 1ihi J I the oilier night tipiurc ganli-0 sec tin- - fight. "Who'll ever lilnk It?" Im went iai. "The irognini tonight bus for topfintn a Itusslmi nml an llulinu. I'lu- - siqiii-tliiiIm a Cliiiimmia while Ihe rwo uni a Swede, my ill the curtain raiser with he Irish iimncx 11 re two Jewish Work la Admirably Adapted for School Roonv Equipment Noctseary la Inexpensive. hy-a- lluli-biniii- i - BOY In order to prevent Jnrk from becoming a dull boy aa a result of all work and no plrfy, many hours can be sient pnillliibly In the schoolroom by forgetting lionks and lessons for a time anil testing seeds. Seed tenting la a diversion that is as practical as It Is admirably it Is enjoyable. adapted for exercise work In every sclmolroom whether Of not a systematic course In agriculture Is given. Utile equipment la necessary. A study of samples of farm seed lo lie sown by the pupils' parents, to determine the percentage of germination and the extent of imparities In the seed, offers a means of connecting the school with the home with heneflta to Imth. Imexampurity tests can he made ination with a magnifying glass. The only apimratua necessary for germination tests of small seed consists of two plates, and a piece of blotting pnper. Write to the United Mates Department of Agriculture for Farmers' Rnllelin 42S, "Testing Farm Meeds In the Home and In the Rural School." It gives complete directions. tuk-In- g - I - "Nothing doing," was WagnercoiiielKiek. "Tlint would be iiiom-miller false pretense." Refused Stage Offers. in the beyilnv of The big hi enroer bail vnndeville offera galore, llicm nil down. bill In liirm-(n, huge sum 10 go iiiiiniigiT olTcrcil him with Inirry tlie viimlcvlllc stage h Uirt Imjole anil Ty Cobb. Wagner's in the skit wa lo awing a few. time lie rrorimim-oat n ball at inch would mu Imve been required 10 sienk easy money'' mul word, ll wa to l.njuii- ami Cobb were Imtli eager gel the coin. ill II IjlJuie w u w deeply interested llmt In- made a spei-latrip to Pins. reIlium lull Wagm-rNSla hlirgh and Mild lie de- fused sired no work of Hint sort. knew In- - iiuibln'l earn what wa pulley INtiil him. That was Wagner' ill rough life, lb- never bullied the lluie'.igbt nor Koitglil the honor which Ill- - devoleil llllUK-l-f to hilii. lo Ikikc- wholeheartedly mid eiilii-elbull, not striving for any personnl nsmils. hilt lining Ida licst ulwuy fur tin Clllll. Leader In Everything. I luring liis wonder: ill career Wag- - r : day." I10111-- . n was the first ye to j 11 1 ltii-i- r rnili-d- , position," la- was (old. "All we want surgery. Last Is for yon lo allow us to 110 your iiume in our advcrtisi-tni-til- . and for you to llan iluu Kinml ulHHit in the store for a lew liaiiii Wagner I among ilmxe of llie new by Iromiilcr outlaw ImKcball league as desirable prospect. WIm-i- i Wugner rotlml it was atiiil lip bud gathered a fortune, but now there are riiiiinrx 1I111I be I yearning to get buck into the game. Wugner did not quit um II lie wn nearly foriy-fiv- e years or age, mid even when lie retired be could have bail all tairta of Jobs In biiMclaill, bill be spumed all offera lo manage rltih In major anil iiilmir ami llmt sort of thing. The game wiik no side Issue, no second coiisldcrmlon with him. lie never irleil to nisli bis reputation ns a couqimiy. alar lit oilier lincx of work or uuilics cult the Navy blue trlcotlnc play us an many other famous play, era have done. for younger women, with skirt and short Jackin. The Jacket' is Earned His Salary, When lie quit It wa kiiIiI lie bail Jlncd with gray silk und iqsqis over imnle big money, lint lie niaili! It all Km- a vest of silk like tin- lining. in III and gate n dollar' broidery in self color ghc llie Jnckd worth of effort fur every dollar ln a rich finish, which flu- skirl lives up In received return, writes A Spink Iii to by nidi ns nr a uh r heavy, blue tlilcugo iost. lie could have mldeil satin ribbon, huvlng Its ends thousand of ilollur to Id incimie buil with I In- - handsomest ol silk Iriuges. he been willing to nmii offers ,,were made to him by iIioko who were eager lo trade upon Ida prowess. A big clothing firm in Pittsburgh a few year ago uppronclieil Wagner with a pmtMMiliun In mp as bcuil of Its men's furnishing department during the winter imintlix. Till no clolhliig 1111111." nil llumis' I know abMoliitcly reply. nothing I'm n bnscluill iilmur tin business. meii-tioac-il , SEED-TESTIN- Given Intelligent Care Good Incubators Will Turn Out a Successful Hatch. tin- A- liavc 300-cg- g 130-eg- g tin- tulMiggn iitid ibis 'lark CrilVlh mi end id I'lu- - fuiii-c- r pride nml iiiiwt iwirli-- r of die stall r till lull llplK-linil I ) TlllHIIllt .1 Ill'll r . tic bail i.nl iis iii nl her . inning giiiiu-- s at bis i.iic, ui.a iritinli iliiigiiiiK-i- l Ins troiibbi i ll t III- ll-- l J II Ill'll-11"Kill- - .Hill." The Itig Suede iiHik In- - full tr- - .iliin-ii- l Unit ml s!ur Iwirleia with In me wing urc III the liuliil if . Iii- - visili-i- l the till nulls at Youngstown. lt setter nil kuis unit viirii-iluf I xi I all seemed useless at tlir lime. livcrv time the ieed King w aimed tilt- - siraiigc. iliifi ,uil iii Iasi mis still in Iii arm and In- - ii nwcurly in Miningcr worry. by. Varies With Needs. The best size of liiculiutur to buy varies with numerous circumstances, of the United say poultry Mtutea Depuriineut of Agriculture, About as much time la required to care for a 00 aa for a ma- chine; It la usually advlsuble to gel one of at least capacity. Bp ciul conditions, though, ufteu exist which make smuller machines valuable. A small machine la often naed In connection with a larger one, all eggs being pluqyd In tlie large machine after the first or second teat. Many poultry-me- n believe that It pays tu have an Incubator large enough tu hatch the hulk of their stock in. two or three hatches, so that much time la saved In tending to the Inca baton and brooders. In addition the chickens are more uniform In also Hum those hatched when the Incubating period extends over a longer time. A fair estimate for a poultry farm Is an Incnlmtor of capacity per of hen, provided that aliout the flock la to be renewed yearly and no outside hatching la carried on. The larger machines cost less in proportion to their capacity than Hie smaller ones. Good Roaults In Collars. Incubators sre operated In a great variety of places with success. Wliere only a few amall machines are pseil they are usually located In a room or llie cellar of the bouse. A special cellar .or incubator house should be provided If the Incubator equipment Is extensive or If miinimotli machlnea are I- I- i tin- - lutliT to bit it (In- siurn-i- l ll Julim-i-i- of-a- n . cf g Swede Farmer Should Form Defensive Alliance with Aerial Cavalry te Obtain Necessary Protection Against Entmios. Neighborhood. DETERMINE TWO SUITS THAT INTERPRET TYPES RUMORED THAT HONUS WAGNER ?S IS WALTER JOHNSON YEARNING TO RETURN TO GAME THROUGH AS HURLER? Stiilr uitii im fimlhu B f will rMimiin r ; I'Ojiffl Of I lit- t'orill'll fitMl lSI m 1111) uuiii r.r.i;. Bchn Draws Second. Al Tom IJp'on WHiihi 111 on Kii-Pul Moran will turn lle wennd lirtK-jot Tmii umll wll yjuHit over to Smnmy Roline, who is a letic rvoni. uny third IsiKeuian. Moran point lo the d Until, who was catcher, when lie row of WllliiriliMii Ik tliMt bf' r Frank Ifiti-hi-n- , Into a second Iiusi-uihwilhiuit lug to quit Him f:irm mill Mike hi hunk report to Wichita Falls, will lake his roll lo I oh yining brother Knynioml along with difficulty. him. Plnclll Is Livs Oak. l:liivorxiiy nr MhTiisoh lototi up Ifinctli, who drew walking jih mu nf iln mnin-M- st irifk The St- - Jocph Western longue Jack Retty. farmer imper fniin Ihe Ih'iroll Tlgi-- r I club lias In ilw wiioru iinifwiiif. a with III coni raid to ilay third Mini league manager, to play first base for On kin ml. tic'll oc the Ktrangb-- r lewis insist RnF it! all idle miiiclu-- . Western Goes Kazoo Pitcher South. Isnigiie club 'Tl Omaha lies of protect dig III crown. die piin-husMemphis announce has sold i'ltcher Ear! Bchstsinan slid Cstcher Cy Llngle to the Peoria Tliree-- I of Pitcher John t'liamlH'ra frmn tlie I'lxley. former Ohio Lloyd Kalamazoo club of the Central Slate Unlvendly football tenm guard, cluh. League. will prulHildy In- - Iii the linckcye elevee josh Devore has signed for his llii(stp next fall. Raca Juno 24. Grand Rapids tenm Steve Orker. who The Y'alc vs. Ilnrvan! four-mil- e Is In the rhnmplonshlp class as a bowlJudge IJindls. reading tlie Cuugereer. tint has yet to show his paces as va rally eights' rare will take place alonal Record, now knows llmt the on the Thames, New Londou, Friday, stove league" season In bnehH i a hall player. Jane 24. often a very hot one. Ilnghey Duffy. Rnatnn Red Sox hops of luring Toronto Crow for Rogatta. Jack Moaklcy I In favor at rns-nin- e pilot has abandoned from hla Job of Perrlll Pratt sway men over plowed ground., lie University of Toronto may send a to (hnnge lbs roarh of the Unlveralty of Michigan crew to the American regatta at says It Is necessary men. baseball !ad Batnrday, May 28L stvle of training cross-count(nil fielder |