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Show SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH WOMAN LEADS Swearing in Assistant Navy Secretary Roosevelt AROUND ORCHARD UTAH DOUBLE LIFE SPRAY i Real Estate Operator of High Reputation by Day, Vam- pire at Night. IS BRUTALLY SLAIN first twtiumled. Price Ik to have a new limiter building, which will cost In the iielgliliiir-hiaof George Henry Steed of Ogden, 70 years of uge. died suddenly ut tlie lireakfuHt tulile uf nHiplexy. Best Remedy fer Orchard Pests Is to Apply Strong Concentrated Solution in Winter. More ivnuri. This carver i.f Fay la tin rvuuirk-ulil- o KiiiIiiht, wluwo untie mut IImiimI Issly uus recently fmind In a suburb of las, Angelc. a ease wlileli bus furnished lliv iiullee an iiiiukiiuI exiinipli; uf a feminine' llr. Jekyll mill Mr. Hyde. A deulij- - lu I' ml real estate, limed fur her buafness e snyaeliy, Mrs. Kmlow built up a ealiniiiteil at luilf a in 11 inn dollars. which gucs to a diiuchier, Lucille. Il day the wiHimn dnssd us other busliieMK women dress, quietly and lly night site ndonieil In costly gowns and jewels und hen luuni'hed Inin a night life of wild debauch, amHiqiHided by men mill women with whom she would luive uo cmdiiet during I be duy. Hcrnard Suiluw, the wnniiin's .'iiisbuiiil. Iiad luen PKtrangfd froiu Ills wife fur several years. Took Trip . With Male Companion. Tlie iNilice, lu unraveling the slury of this strange winiiuu, foiiiul Unit she hull, ut vurimiH linn's, taken lung trips with different men. They have found wane of thi'se men. hut as yet have secured no reul elew ns tu the isr-swho lured the wiiinaii to a clump of trees, limit lu-- r to deiilli, strlpissl the Issly of elnlldng and then horribly llilllilulml I he fuiv. The nude Insly wiis dlxcoveivil liy John lluilson, a resident of who iiriHiiplly unllflml (lie ;io lire. All the elnlldng had Ihs-i- i carried away, ami It wua with dlllleully that lib'iilifieatliMi Imd Imcii muile. Hudson wus warned by some unknown person not to ullend the coroner's inquest, and the warnings made such an Impression on him that he left the atute and went tu a remote town In Arlxona, whore he wua later by the Ista Angeles police, to j j lier-se- lf hist year. Hull had a high enrollment of 211.1 pupils for curb 1001) of jioptilutlou In llllll. Thin will Is InmuKed this ' ' year, i Ik exjieoieiL The Ogden clmuib-- r of commerce plans, at tin early dale, to eslnliliali a I ruffle hull'll ii In ciuinecllon wllh (lie work of ilio clunuher. F. IValerairaw, ranch luimL near Xorih Point, lost the kmisiiI finger of IiIk rigid hand when u milk inn ho wiih lifting fell uuil pinned it to a rail. One liiinilnsl niui lweniy ivpnsen lulive mining und IiiisIiicks men in' Sail Luke left ihe rapiiul Mareli i on u visit o Hui'.iliiglou and (lie oil fields of tiuil si'ctiiiu. Apisilnlliieiit of Jiiiiiis T. iliininiKiii!. I 'tail's first secreiury of stall', us dim1 The su curing lu or Col. Theodore Kiaisevi'll ns UHsKtniit fine-ioi.f the Left to rigid: Roosevelt, seerelary lor of legisiniiiou hua hivu eiinfiruieil muj. W iMNlbury, former assistiiiii mi-iW. li. Illrtli.imi Iiiuvuii of the of oi nppoliitmetiis. Xule the portrait tiny; hy fiiruml iinnomiceuionr fnun il:e o lie late Theodore lluoscvclL on the w nil. Insert Roosevelt at his ib'sk. fiiv of Governor Mnhey. Siipiairl of ilu stme-wlcuuiiHiIgu being enrrliil on by the I'tiili farm bureau for ii eli'iiiiiip uf cllies iiiof rural couiuiiiuiliis alike Is being given hy tliu slide luqinl uf Imiltli. ' Mr. und Mrs. A. Hicks, who. It Is believed, lire Hu oldest murrlcd li couple in Utah, observed tlie uuuirersnry of- llielr niiirrlugu ill Shiii!h)i Fork, Jlnreli 24. MiiiiIcIniI ownersliip or an electric isiwer ilunt .wus dis lslvely dclVunil in Ihe Ogilen bond election liclil Snlimlay, Mnrcli 211. Ronds fur flri iipimrnlus and public isirks were also ruled aixiy-'Igld- - wmmmm! A Peach Tree Badly Damaged by San Job Scale. Thiee-Year-O- Since the scale Insects do not eat, lint suck llielr fiasl, poisons are mil effective. Ytgiiniiis spraying alnatld he done during warm days In winter and tlie ini's put nut foliage, l.lme-Kiilphis the solution commonly used. It tuny la- - purchiiM'd ready to pul lino solid bin. Spraying must he Ihonuigh to lie effeeilve. Tlie solutlim should Ctnrer down. eviry piirtlele of the tree or some of the seules will la left to linqiupate rapidly. They Inerease ut tut eiiormous rule and from one Iris' tin tun soon la ridiusl. nn-lm- PRUNE DURING FAIR WEATHER Fruit Tree Need Shortening From Top to Corroopond to Shortened Root Syotom. Some of I lie American farm lioyi wno went with the gift of milch cows from tlie United Slates lo Germany, hie of the calves waa hum on tliu S. S. West Arrow, on the high seas. MRS. henry c WALLACE National Republican Committee Women por-mui- SAVE LIVES OF CHILDREN Teachera Hold Up Wracked Roof of School Until 75 Little Ones Etcapa. Oconee. Ra. Heroic devotion of women rearheni saved the lives of 73 arhool children during the tornado which partly wrecked Oconee. Qa. One end of the school building crumpled under the drive nf tlie wind, and the roof sagged down over the three heads of the children. The tenehera held the rant up while tlielr charges escaped through the gap. and then leaped to safety themselves. for Death of Brother, 1. Y. Authorities N. Stephentown, have arrested Thomas Silk. 73 years old. on suspicion of having murdered hla brother. Michael Silk, 81. Thomas admitted- - he had a fight with his brother. Man, 75, Held Kill Husband Wha Charged Infidelity. Newark. N. J. Accused of friend-abl- p wlih other men. Mrs. Rose Ktade, 21 years old, killed her bustmnd, George Spade, a machinist, wltb a abotgun. Orehardiata Urged to Pay Particular Attention to Agitator In Buying Sprayora. In buying tin power sprayers, special nltctillon should Is juitil to the agitator, which turn a very linportnnl servlrv to iierfnrin within the tank. Certain sprays, such as nrxenute of lend, ulomle'' anil Invisible" sulphur anil honlcuux uilxtarc. do not go Into solution In riie water, lint snutll iwrtlclcs an held In siisihmisIihi. Likewise, while spraying Is going on then Is always a lemlency for the to settle lo the IhiMoiii. Violent agitation Is necessary In ordi-- to maintain the liest mixture. Since poor results In the rotund of either Insects or fungus pews may lie due to dlstrlhiition of the spray particles, tills important factor aliould not lie overlooked lu the purchase of a sprayer. r CULTIVATION GOOD A.. ' -- v ... T Tlie women of the national Itepuldlcnii committee had lunch at tlie White House liefore closing their session In Washington. From left to right In the B. South, Kentucky; Mr, forlnne Itooaevelt Robinson. picture are: Mrs. Mrs. Henry rant well Wiillnre. He New York; Mrs. II. Taylor Upton. Ohio; Sirs. Janet I e A. Hyde. Utah; Mrs. Moines. Iu.. wife of tin secretary of Manhy L. Fosxeeii, MlnnesoU. und Mrs. Arthur Livermore, Xew York. who Is. huidmnil like her srrifulture. i prnrtlenl ncrlrtilt'irlat. ADMIRAL Russian Mystery in Seattle Yards c. f. hughes FAVORED Fruit Trees Should Bs Given as Careful Attention as Any Other Growing Crop. Yeung Fruit trees sluitilil lie cultivated daring the growing season, as carefully as com Is cultivated. The soil should lie pulverised to eonserve the luoialure and to irevent the growing nf grass and woods. Hoe the young tree s round the trunk, which cannot be cultivated by horse cultivation. Tills cultivation should cease the middle or latter part of July. This will give the tree time to harden, ceaalug cultivation will cause the tree to stop growing and prevent the tree from going Into winter In a soft, succulent condition, which would cause winter killing. An application of barnyard manure near the tree, but not Immediately around the trunk, la hereflclal to its growth Her Great 8aerifies. have made all aorta of sacNow what did yon rifices for you. ever give up for me! Wife Well, the Idea of your asking that when you know 1 gave up three of the young men in town. Itosloti T nnacrlpL Ilub Here is more llussliui mystery. Since Kerensky's fall valuable railway machinery consigned by American manufacturei-stthe Ituaslan government, lias been lying in Seattle railway yards. No one I'piienm to know Its ownership. It waa originally Intended for export to Silierlu. A congressional inRear Admiral Charles F. llughe vestigation now In progress nitty solve the mystery. If Kennsky should get U. K. X.. In fotnmsiiil of the third lull on top again, us now ' seems quite iioaalhle, doubtless the .mystery will be ilesltip divlMiisi, has arrived- in iulrkly solved. Tlie goods are valuable, though they have suffered from from a Indflo ocean cruise, rxptswre. I j 1 r''el An Exception. l.iirroiiglis clultns that bet made K'nvvva of everything tie's touched. I'm worse off ij.dn't of me. 'ms when be borowed that ton Transcript. -- . The stnie engineer's office mid Hie federal gi iloglcul survey will lu 1siiihlisliiug und liinlidainiiig a siicani lueiisureiueut slallon on i he soulh fork of the Ogden river, near Huntsville. Havhl F. Smf 111, formerly chnlnuun of ilu in ami of comity cmiinilssloners of iiuvls coiiniy, has lieen liumed hy Governor Mnliey ns a liieuiher of Uiu lasinl of ugrlciillure, rreuled hy the last leglslaliin'. The building mmiiilllee nf the Elks' bulge at Kureku luix awarded Hie for rehulldlng Hie ilunclng pavilion, which wiih recently ihiiniiged to the extent of $.1811(1 aivordiug lo ndjusier. Knit loike hiislnesa and pmfiHshmal uien who lust week visited Price uiul uren Huntiiiglun und llie uhoul Hie Sun ltnfuel swell, have returned liome very iqitimlstlc as to the futon of Hint section. The fnrniersuf Gunnison valley, allied by all tlie lHya of ihe high aelusil and under Hie direction of ('. (). Slot t, county fiirai ngenl, distributed nenrly TOO imunds of squirrel jsilsnn througli-ou- t the vulley one day last week. InenMixeil pussmiger fares mi- the si ini in railroads of Utah, estimated hy them to Increase their revenues hy $2(IU,0lXl a year, will Is deferml fur n time, iNtssIhly fur two muidlis, hy the action uf llie public utilities commission uf Utah. Normtin Rrown, 01 yearn ufnge, a farmer uf InuHr, died ut Ills iTunie us the rosult uf nn accident, wneii lie sluiuhled over a Imliy cnrrlnge and fell, fracturing three ribs nn hla right aide. One uf the ribs pierced Hie lung, causing hla death. Funner Senator George Kutlierhind nf Utah, who, hla friend ray, declined n cabinet position lu Prosldent Harding's official family, Is again mentioned for a federal iipiNiliitnieiit, thla time that jif solicitor general In the department of Justus. Anlone I lumen, wlui was held In the county jail at Ogihn for throe duya while teinisinirlly insane, wiih roleused Murch 28 und resumed hla trip to Ills home In Xewniuu, Cal. Tlie iluclon believe Honien was affeolcd hy tbe high altitude. ' Henjamln li. Ilnsiks. nn years of age, one of ihe liest known livestock men lit, the west, died suddenly at a store in Ugden, Into which he a!iiMd while walking along tlie street, when In felt an attack of heurt trouble coming on. Members of Hie state bonnl of land commissioners held a conference with Governor Mnliey, and iifterwurd announced that, with the governors the Millcy of the lasinl wiih regard to the sale of the Pinie project had been established. Tin Epwortli longue of the Methodist Episivqail churches of Knit laike Imve hcvn granted penuTssllin to a nunp in American Iork canyon, ut ihe foot of Mt. Tlniiaiiiugux, next June, hy I mnn Pnrklnwui, supervisors of Wusulch forest. tSovernor klalaiy lias approved the Koderberg hill tossed by Ihe recent legislature, which provides that a notary puhllr may act in any county In llie state. Heretofore a notary could art only in hla home county, or the county In which he was commissioned. Two hundred schools of Utah have iiiiule application to Hie Mate superintendent of public InMrurtlon, null through hlin to the American Defense society, for pictures of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, which will be hung In the various schools, with ' appropriate ceremonies, about May 1. The city council of Brigham (Sty has passed an ordinance vacating and abandoning three streets within the corporate llinlta of the city, i Thera la little probability of any desire to open the street, which are never used. The successful marketing of more than 1250,000 pounds of Utah alfalfa eed, pooled by 400 farmers of the state, tbe largest single coudgninent of seed ever sold by grower to dlstrlb utor In the United States, was announced last week by the seed marketing association of the Utah State Fam bureau. ivui-ini- AGITATION OF SPRAY LIQUID Is-e- The cost of tlie seed is nnr (mall mupsivd .hi ntiae. TbMa with the value of Ihe tliua prsv why quality is uhhv finius-lunwiies uu buy svd. You dspswn ca Mi VOCELERB PURITY SEEDS Proleet yiw asuinut hM Ask y.iur neishhur. Ilwl likely he hue luvn lew litem tie thirty Ihtr liner. Wlieut. AlthlAi, Oulu tuui Eli. uie sntwtt iu llie nsiutiluin velleyu of Utah aud MhIuk lltey insure Itiinne ensM at lutltey quality. Semi He lull eutaluf- - VOGELER SEED COMPANY e I'runing of fruit Invv may la done during fulr wen I her If It hna not lieen thaie sooner. 1i'uch tree uihh! und ntnnellniea heavy prun-InApple tnis require some priming every year, but lifter tin trim Is several years old It lakes very little lime to prune them, leora require very lltllc pruning at any time nr age. flierry tret's hud best not la pruned at all lifter they are set. They tire not lii'tnletl hue!: like pcai'hi's, hut are left, for tin most jmrt, like they come from the nursery. As a rule most fruit trees of whatever kind need shortening mill the tiqi to correspond to flip shortened root aysteni. owing to inking I hem out of the nursery row. he had received and pnnnlsed to return for tlie trial, providing hla present hiding place was kept secret. May Hava Headed Drug Ring. One theory which ha been ailvuneed for the lirutul murder Is that the woman headed a drug ring, or inissibly was engaged In nun running.'' and had been killed when site refused to funtish further funds. No enemies have found, und Mrs. Sudow's unusual trait of keeping Iter own affnlrs eloxely to herself luive hniidlcapiHMl the isillri Invest igu I lint, fur no one hits lieen found who could fell when the woman left her home. The young daughter, who lias Inherited her mother's entire fortune, was kept a I aelusil ami knew almost nothing shout her mother's personal affairs. As the double life of tlie woman has been gradually exswrd. It was learned that alto was a lllieral giver to charily, hut lliat when site loaned noney Iter business Instinct ruled, and demnnded prompt nqmyuient ut the slated time. ARE CHEAPER THIS YEAR American Farm Boys With Gift Cows for Germany Most The Nude Body Wii Dlaeovorod. UO MAM 5THELT Until 2-- sixleeii-ycnr-ul- whom ho told Uie threat JEWELERS BOYD FAUX. BLDG Pi-ir- fur-tun- s, BOYD PARK Ham liuidiel of gnuw-Iiiqqierwere caught by Ihe luilloou luqqier hi I'luie county alone over-haike- Lu Angeles. lly day a IiuhIiifss womuu uf luixccable cuuiiucrt-lu- l lu Lug Angeles; by night u huliilue of gn milling della niui Wf uw brttcr WATCHE1 Wf wllthebntt Anmran mimI Swim nukcM. AU ffmmuiU'ed. nuumlilr ptiu mm tlie wmV. Our sl lurun-spietioi- is Nude Body, Mutilated Almoit Boyond Recognition, Diicovertd on Outskirts of Los Angeles Police Baffled by Murder. BUSINESS DIRECTOR Hu mu gv to Utah fruit by the frost of March 28 was not as extensive as ut FOR SArJ JOSE SCALE Ran Jose scale Is one of the worst orchurd pests when It gets a aluit. The settles take hold under the I turk and suck tlie juice from the tree. Tlie scales are so small and so that they an often tinrll the tree Is almost ruined. The remedy la lo spray while the tree is dorimiut. lu this way very strung concentrated solution may lie used. These must jicneirale I la outer Imi'k niui kill ihc scab's by confnet. SUITE NEWS Flowers Tall Tima. If you have a dork that you never ran depend upon, take time by the window box with forelock and plant flowers that will help you out, while If you live In the auburbo, get a goat I It la said that dandelions open at 5 an lo tlie morning and dose at 820 In Ihe evening. That the white Illy opens t 8 and doses at & The pink's day lasts from 8 until 2; the sow thlstlr from 5 o'dock until noon. The yellow goat's beard shuts at noon pie ciaely Hie moment of the auna high at altitude. Kow York Mall. Smoke a Lightning Red. It would seem tliat a building 9,1)00 feet above the sea level should be protected by lightning rod,' but the astronomical observatory at Mount Etna baa not, and does not, need inch protection. The observatory la near the summit of the volcano, and the stream of vapor constantly rising from the crater acta aa a natural conductor, draining the electricity out of the clouds, so that lightning la seldom aeon than. Fur many hundred of yean amber-grlbaa been employed In sacerdotal rite of tba church, and with fragrant gnma It waa formerly burned In the apartmenta of royalty. To aome extent It waa used aa a medicine and aa a flavoring for certain dishes. Now days ambergris la utilised almost exclusively In the manufacture of perfumes and the preparation of flna cents being first converted Into a tincture by dissolution In alcohol a WALKaya skautv parlob. CLEANXka R DYERS. wlteh tratufarmatioiM worth 111 for IS.M. BwHehm worth t;.GS for SA. hy null. Cot oauwlo from wnlor of heod. SM Booth Moi Uuilily. Cluihee luMired. Mana rotura. Myen Chattier, Work Service. Wo per rroneoL 111 E. Broodwoy. muronteed. Frier Iht on Dyer Dry Cteouiss hy Punt Piet. Bend yoar eoru. drceiee, route, etc. lo so for "Muter Clemehtr and Dreins." Salt'e Luke'i leudins cleonei Wo pay return rharse Real Cteuoias A ltd-IR. (nd So. Drains C. MONtlMRNTR. Write for eutulos. atuudard Marble A Granite Co, 117 W. Broadway. TYPE WRITERS: New ondrebuilt. yepalred and exrhaaued. Ribbou and earhooe far all UTAH TYPEWRITER EX. CO.. DepC F. make RUBBER STAMPS A STENCILS. Beak and onr tan aim mad Bead far aample price el Balt Laka Stamp S3 W. Broadway- - C. SALT LAKE' BUSINESS COLLEGE. Boeo ktdtriny; work after eeliool; enroll anytime. S2.70 ul h,,r Vacuum mle elennliar and e!iump.Niloe iwa. niriiittliwl five. Bi'irummiMinnau Ihulpr Urtut., w K. Hrul South. Suit I --ike. CREAM BOUGHT. Bart price W cetera Creamery Co.. IU W. Fourth South. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. t) Doy Everything known ia mail Salt Lake dtp. BUSINESS building wteeiullieo and U S WludemleOi. BottVim- POULTEY BOUGHT. For hart ranlto chip poultry, apn and same to Kulkm MkL Correct weisM. Prompt return Write for prim DLDBMOBILE DUfTKlBUTORB. Can A tnuk 447 S. Mala. Uaed car bargain A. E. Tuuraee Ai 'Hlal Platan Binge rare yimr muter tnmhkak dill Pwhm Kinglu.. I3 Kurt FourlhKualU RUBBER HOSPITAL, t We rare injured rubber article Boot Shoo Hat Water kettle Tin Tube rt Setiefnet leu guaranteed. KeUrn rhargm prepaid. Weatrru Rnhlwr Sabo Broadway. Salt Like. CIHX ELASTIC STOCKING MFKB. Maanfacturen abdomlaal. Maternity eappartm. Truee dttem. L H. Hawmar Brooke Aloud C. TO WELDING,-AUEADIATORS A Machinery built and repaired. Beet and eheapmt Fatter Ml South State. Welding A Kepalrins C. U D. S. BUSINESS COLLEGE. School of EfOricacy. All oommtrrtal brmaehat. Catalog fro M N. Main BL. Salt Lake City. MB FITTING CORSET PAElXllB. Sporialleta in doe timing, mnkiiac. flttins oanrt HomoUtchiny, embroidering, braiding, aocordion aad eidt ptontiag. Bulteae mad dll E. Bdny. MARIN ELLO BEAUTY PARLOR. Hair goode Mail drr Morinella proparatioii olirttod. Clift Rktg, SaR Lake City. UUk. and VULCANIZING A RETREADING. Qnrtity and Ml 8 BUI earvio OUndnrd Tiro Work IaTOBten repoirln Mcdcli Mod Key, loek mad ana SM 8 Stet Knudam Novelty C. Tmaee Aldemlnel Sappertei hoepital andalefc The JoneedJakee C Id AHaaa. roomeapplw SEE YOUR LOCAL PUBLISHER Far looeo leaf binder apodal blank rarer de Ho giem Quality Serein. of aU kind ATTEND UTAH BUSINESS COLLEGE Hcwtua HUg. BARBEE COLLEGE. Qualify ae barHOLER ber iu lew wortri, 43 8. Wet Temple Stem Far Piaetbal Buriuwa KtluruU.Ni. THE EMBROIDERY Memetiteh.ng, pleating, SHOP, ltd Clift BMg. maekino aad bond axport bond work. button and ARTISTS' MATERIALS C R. SAVAGR CO, M South Main. Pina kodak Adlehiag and rn larging. Artktef material pirtaru framing, kodoka mad Stan. ART CO, pictnra 44 Main. tag, china polatera aad artirt ouppHo Far a real guod plarr In rat. folkiw tlie ccnrhi to SHAY'S CAFETERIA Uowb Ihameihtoeteim OnadhralUflat RUSH SERVICE aacurod IT SPECIAL PMatioa thla papor whoa writing oheee INFORMATION DEPARTMENT nf chargn. Catglognoa enppHnd nnrt eaue- rrtial loqalrlna chaarfiilly anawarwd. Write nay Sna abneol Da It naorl SufflcisncF. Wulkor Huvu mi iintiiluntf Hldvr Xu, lliuuLs; Juki bod mu. Tappet. Coneiusivt EvMmicsl will the traveler, I had an amaslug journey up to town. There were two Scotsmen In the caridugr." "Hew do you knew they wfire asked the cashier iwfsusly. By their accent. I suppose!" No, yon see, tliey both happened tu take their pipe out together. Well, they filled them anil then each CBlmly waited for the otlier to strike a meteti" "Well, what happened?" Oh, I bnihgbt out my pipe, so both lem-do- n of then waited for uiy match. Answer "Yen, Mcwia-men- T Put to the Blush. Two magnificently npliobitnrdd women, built mi generous lines, as the auto sda say, were waiting In the theater lobby while, the crowds streamed by. Thera came pretty girl, So pretty Indeed, that everyone turned their head! to admire. As she passed the two women, one said : "She makes me Just plain tired. 1 don't know, said the other, "she was s most beautiful creature. "ThatY just It, replied the first "I have arrived at that stags where a pretty girt Is personal InssM." ' |