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Show SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH 8IIES STATE TITLE' EFFECT IN OIL PRODUCING TERRITORIES. PRESIDENT HARDING AND HIS ADVISERS HOPE TO SOLVE VEXATIOUS PROBLEM. STORM LEAVES TWO DEAD WAKE AND DOES DAMAGE TO AMOUNT OF $200,000. Tribunal Overrules Court of Appeals and Commissioner of General Land Office Regarding Rights of Stale. Investigation of Conditions in South-ar- n Republic Under Way, With View to Formulating Terms of Recognition. Twitter Swept a Path Eighty - It lull, 'leu'lni'i'fl lixi I tin ll.inling iiiliiiiiii'ir.-iiiui- i lias a survey of Hie xiniiiiuiu I he lerms with II ili-- In rurnm'iith-uii wln-- li ivi'ik'ii!iliii nill In; nii'iriliil In tin iHiivanii Svrelary Is . i i nf Slule I lugln-ii a iiiiiii- - Worililugton, Minn. Damage caused by tlie toniudo which Saturday night swipt a putli eighty rods wide mid thirty-fiv- e miles long through Nollies county wus estimated at nearly $2UU,-l- i. The number of diud totaled two, Mrs. Isiu lhililberg. win no Iiinile lu the ouiskirts of lluxlniuire was ilcsl roytsl, dying Kuinliiy. The other death was i si lleuillng, where Mrs. Abe wus killed. Apparently the stonn entered tlie county six miles southwest of llush-tiiurand, deinollsliltig the Ihilillierg uml slightly danuiglng llie high school, whirlmi uut at tho northeast corner. Tlie IkihUarg liouie was llie only house in the town uf .'MNNI Inhabitants to suffer seriously, although minor damage resulted tu ufher resi- DECISION WILL HAVE High WiiMiIin.iun.-'-Th- e siipn-iin- 2N reiiili hu Viii-clilliioii l - ixMlrt II a till - -d i lilm-gm- uml lu mi r null I Inns in i:K nf i'li liriit ng.inl lo e.i e. Slates, xciiicuieM of wi.h die 1' I In : and guaranty of American irnH-itrig'. Is, and Is expected lu lay Ills the luvsldeiit at an early dale. uf the Interior KnH ami ailtlmrllies on Mexli-arelnthuix, anil aurlmrlilsi on Mexu-ai- i relations, ami will exert n marked Influence on the development uf the American jHiliry. Mr. Full Is Insistent tlial there sliull he no recognition of the Ohregou government until il has entered Into a written agnvimail covering ihe settli!-menf cluiins, prulectiiui of AmerleuB dtlxeiis and giiuninty of proia-rtrlRhla. Tlie aivrelary of Ihe Interior Is of the opinion that tlie adniinlxiratlim should lake as the liasis of a settlement with Mexico the terms proposed hy the stmiite liivesilgutliiK inumiitlee, of wliieli lie was chiilrmnn, In wliut It was ilivlareil that an agreement should he reaeluHl for Hu iipHiliitiiieiit of whleh In wus elialniisii, lirwlileli It or to age, If any, dune tn Aiiierh-unin Mexh.n, and, Americans 'prais-rt, reclpria-ullythe ihimiigi's, if any, to Mexicans or Mexican iniarty III llie United Slates. 1rovisloii should also Ih iiinile for ngroements for the protection of mill lliclr properly-rightAmerhuii in Mexico III llu future. Nu ohjerlioii was ruiseil tn the state's solixiliou and the list Wus duly ppruved and Iniiisndried tu tliu general hind iiffici Iiy i lit hind office in I!)I2. The llxl renuiluctl in the general land uffici- - for more limn three years. Mennliiue, In l!ll4, two years nfler llu stale nuule li xelce-liuland. with KS.UllO the acres or oilier luud, was temporarily wlllulrnwii ns sissjhl( oil liiiul uml llie fiilhiwlng year the cuiuiiilssioiier uf the laud offlee deelltu-- to upprove the stule list, culled on llu slule either in accept a surface right or tu show positively that the land wus still not kuna n or lielieved tn hi mineral. Tliu slule declined and Insist nl Hint its rights should lie deteriiiliiCil ns of llie lime alien llie selection laid been made. Tlie commissioner uf the lituil office therefore canceled the selection because of tin oil dlscm-erlcinuilc In Hint vlltiiiily after llu stnlc'x had liccn filial. Tin seen-tarof tlie Interior affirmed the rilling i if the cuiuiiilssioiier. lu llu niiniiliini!, the slate linil haMd this land uml the liiiul v:is develilssl Iiy mi oil under assignment. There mix no of oil, however, mull lifter llu letixe was made, or imir years after Hie selivlion. Ttu cffis-- of this ihclsiiin will la lu overturn many rulings of tin Interior department where llie ilcMirt-uu-has uiidfit liken to defeat lieu seiectiuns wliieli eiuhrace liinils not known to contain oil or iiiiiieral ut llie lime lliey wen lair wliieli M'en found or were npHixed to la raliiuhlo fur oil nfler the dull of sethe selivlion wus lection, lint (hismsI iipou Iiy die secretary uf Iih-ii- I seh-elc- s ii y In tliis pnrtlcular case the district court fur Wyom'ng laid ruled In fuvni nf I In statu of Wyoming mid hail heeii revci-M-hy the circuit court of The siiiimnc eoiiri tiilioldx tlie ruiiicnliiui of llu slule nml the division of the ills', rlet rourt. POLAND CALLED REAL i s TARIFF TO fjAVE'RIGHT OF WAY Itii-ir- f wu-sai- e M-- agna-inen- EDWIN DENQY VICTOR PLEA OF RUSS REDS RESUMPTION OF TRADE WITH DISPUTES COMMISSIONS FIGURES RUSSIAN SOVIET CANNOT BE SHOWING BALANCE OF CONSIDERED. MARKS DUE MAY 1. Safety of Human Life, Guarantee of Failure to Pay Decmad a Violation of the Troay of Versatile!, Which Property Rights, Free Labor and Observance of Sanctity of tha Commiasion Will Report to Contracts Is Demanded. the Allied Govern menta. Tin Aiiiericnii govern Wnxliliigluu. luri. Germany in her reply nn luent mu If led the xovirt imtliurltlox Miireli 23 to the reeern ultimatum uf ill ItiiKuiu mi Miireli i llyil remiui-- t llie allied reparaiionx cniiinilaxliiu, loll nf Iniile lielween lliisxln uml the tn imy the uiih lilllluu nuirke I'nllml Slutex cniilil uul Ih iniixlilci-ci- l Kld due uu this date, and disputes mull fiiniliiiiienliil rluiiigi'x tinil lieen the Luiunilssluus figure showing a nuule ill the ) mein underly- Imlunce uf 12,U0n.llilU.0tiU nuirks due May 1. ing l he Mivler regime. Il Is nmlnlniiicd in the (leruimi note Safety nf hiiniiiii life, fciiurnnlit nf limiierty rights. frii Inlmr nml nlwerv-nii- that tliu 0.0UU,OK), nun murks which nf llie nf eniilnietK were llie suce treaty provldisl should bo uniting llie riill!lTliieiitK ltilil iluwil III luinilcil over hy May 1 bus been mure u null! Iiy Hughes nx exxeu-- I tliiin paid. in IT Unite reliitlunx nre In In reThe uule nsks Unit a Joint eninnils-siunewed. The iiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiii Iihi uiIiIihI uf exerle fix the value uf the linn "iiinrliii-liievidence n:' Hie tiermiin deliveries uii reiuiratiuna acuf xueli iliungi-xiiiiixI in count, hut It tliut, III any fnmlxlied liefnre ildx ynverniueiii event, It wmild he IuiSMsible for even inreil In the subject. lu pay 12.ndn,onn,nnO marks by The fuiuuiuiilciiliiiii wax made piddle the first of May. in the Turin uf Thu note concludes us fullowa: "If, lit the slule n slaleineut Iiy Kccrvliiry lluglii-x- , wll li ufter tin experts have conferred. It Is the iiiiluiiiiil lluil ii cupy ur il xhnnld extaldixhed Hint there In a deficit In lie sent In llie Anicrictill cnuxili ill llie iHiynicuts by Hcrmniiy, slip la ready to lleviil. Kxlhunlii. Hi lie In iiegot In lions with the rcimru-- t soviet reprexeii In live llmre. lints cumiiilssiiHi the floutTlie lime wiis in reply In the npcnl ing uf a loan uhroud. iiililresxeil Iiy tin so let The reimrntlnnx eoiiindsxlon met in rrix!ileiii llunllng nml THliusiliiy morning tn consider the , licrtiiaii n)ily, whii-was trunsinilted asking Uml trade reluliyim tween llie I'nllcil Mimes uni lliisxln from Ilcrlln Tuesday night. In rcstureil, nml pniimsius In semi n The tiermHiis1 failure to pay la n vbjuym nf llie treaty uf delejjiilton tu the I'nited Slnten In No luciitlun wus iiinile Iiy Yersiiilles, wiileli the cominlsslou will Secret in y Hughes uf the pnijsimil lu report lu tin allied government. The semi n ilelci.'iitlun to Ills country. allies will tln-- determine wlint incus-un-- s Irlor lu milking tie fiuul declslim. sliull In- - taken. the llnsxlnn trade question wna It Is rnnnai-iitchere thnt the exMrts already hare been heard hy rnslilenL Ilimling and his ciililni-i- . In n siii lenient ufter the mite hy the commission, which listened to linil lieon iiinile public. Secretary Iloov-e- r their nrKUincnts before fixing the decluivil tin cunclllxliin fnicheil viilnatiiiii or (lie German deliveries shows the complete agreement nf tin ns payments against the views uf tin whole uduiliilstnitlon." marks. This valuation, therefore, wax considered final, alnce DISASTROUS BLAZE IN TOKIO the irenly yin-- s the coiiimlsslun sole Jiirixdlcilon in (lie mutter. Reported 133 Persons Injured and German Official Make Threats. Property Loss of $12,000,000. Knttowiix.- - Before we nre through I'oklo. Firi. which fur it than with the we sliull let hell tin entire of Tokln, loose, snys a Herman plebiscite offiu tlmiiwuil cial to the inrreaMnidi!tit night desinyiil for the Ihe houses uirt of the In the reign of Tribune, scribing Injared liKI ihtsoiis, iiiaile IiIihhI which Mlowcd the voting. liipiiiehss and caused n loss esIneliul-ei- l timated in about ?12c"iH0.uuu. CARDINAL GI3B0NS in llie proHrty desl rayed were Him hospitals, a Imnk mid severn: large hiisiness lnms-s- . cn-iil- it mini-lil- I xe ivi-tai- " dim-ux- a iiii-r- Guiili-iual- Hat Touched photograph of Edwin Denby of Detroit, Mich, secretary of the navy In tho Harding cabinet. Ho ia fifty yoara old and waa a represents, Sixtieth and tlvo In the Fifty-nintHa served In Sixty-firs- t congraesea. n the navy during the war and enlisted ae a sergeant In tha marine corps during tha World war, balng discharged with the rank of major. During hia term in eongretc Mr. Denby was a member of the house committee an naval affaire. Now Spanich-Ameriea- Live Wire. Itniwnsvilli. Texas. George Bishop manager of llu Brownsville iiiiiiiielpnl light nml isiwer plant, was ohvtnH-utis- I on Holiday when the liiiul uf Ills bat touehixl a live win. d In-- WAGE a. un-ivii- fliM-s- ) 8TANDARDS PLANNED Kul-ur- y ' c. JAMES J. BEASLEY Of Rochester, Now York. uld work horse. "It is nmlly remarkable wbat Tan-lu- c bus accomplished in lay case. It has relieved nte entirely uf iudige-tloI never have that distressing fueling any more after eating, and 1 . feel srfectly fine in every way. I will always feel grateful for. what litis wonderful medicine lias dune for me anil 1 am only too glnd to give It uiy heartiest eiidirsemeii' Tanlac la told by leading druggists everywhere. Atlv. No Shortag. "I rented a house In tlie Street of Dreams, slug a met. Weil, even a put can pay the rent of thut kind of a house. Boston Transcript. ASPIRIN Name Bayer oo Genuine Beware I Unleaa you see thq name. "Bayer on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by phynlclnm for twenty-o- n AF years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only a told In the Bayer package for Colds. Headache, NeuralOver fifty years ago a young gia, Rheumatism. Earache, Toothache, physician practiced widely in Lumbago, and for Pain. Bandy tin Pennsylvania and became famous boxes of twelve Boyer Tablets of Asfor his uniform success in the pirin coat few cents. Druggists also sell puckngea. Aspirin 1 tha curing of disease. This was Dr. trade larger mark of Bnyer Manufacture of R. V. Pierce who afterwards Monoareticaddester of Ralicyllcadd. riend of the Family established himself in Buffalo, N. Adv. Y., and placed one of his prescripWliut has become nf the tions, which he called his "Golden man who gut on lifar knee to Medical Discovery, in the drug stores of the United States so that pro tow? the public could easily obtain this to all Women very remarkable tonic, corrective, Important blood-maker. and Dr. Pierce Readers of this Paper manufactured this "Discovery : from roots and barks without Thousands upon thousands of women alcohol a corrective remedy, the havs kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. ingredients of which nature had Womens complaints often prove to be fields and in for the nothing else but kidney trouble, or the forests, put of kidney or ititite diseaee. keeping us healthy. Introduce result If tha kidneys are not in a healthy coninto blood the red system, dition, they may cause tha other organs pure and health is assured. Wtyen you to become diseased. Yon may suffer pain in tha back, headn, feel out of sorts, blue ache and loss of ambition. and despondent try the energisFBor health makes you nervous, irritaing influence of this reliable tonic. ble and may bo despondent; it makes any You can obtain Golden' Medical one so. Nat hundreds of women claim that Dr. Discovery in tablet or liquid form ILhneFa ttwamp-Kooby restoring at all drug stores, or send 10c for health to the kidneys, moved to be jnst a trial package to Dr. Pierce's the remedy needed to overcome such conditio. .1. Laboratory in Buffalo, N. Y. Many and for a sample bottle to me what thramp-Roothe gnat kidney, hver and Madder i run-dow- t, t, Chinamen Poor Markamen. Rncnuncnto. Over fifty allot were exchanged in a street fight nenr lien, early lhlne( nt No one wn Injurml. AcBnndny. cording lo lnfonniitiim given ('nptiiln of Detectives Tliemlore KiH'iiltig of Baerainento, the Ilip King tongmen have lnfonned the Bing Kong long that "this is a war of extermiuntbin, uml we will get inir enemies if wa are coiiiiclled to slant white pullee officers. Bale of Fords Paper Prohibited. niicupo. Snip nf Henry Fool's IhxirlHirii Independent on llie downtown streets of Chicago was forbidden Thursday hy the isilliv. Il was slated Unit the on ler whs intended lo kr)p the Muee, inasmuch as nrtli'les in the Ford publication, mid in Cardinal Gibbons, archbishop of Balwltlt a Jewish newsiaNr. timore, and eenier prelate of tho CathcouiiH-titlowhich olic church of tho United States, died linil recently caused n flglil threatened to liecniiie u riot. March 24. y total nf Msasure to Fix Wages Will B Brought Bofors Congress. A bill to fix new Washington. wngu standards for nil government employee is lo lie one of the first measures lo olituln cnimiilemlloii at the session of congress. wall's In general, uceorilliig to plans otilllned, will la raised, hut wngc for several rlnsne of empluy(e may lie reduced. Senator Kinoot. itcpuhlloan, Utah, with the nld nf treusury exsrts. Is preiHtring n bill for the mluKHlfleallon of gnverniiiint salaries. It is the plan tn cease paying federal employee from lump sums, at sulurle fixed at the will of bureau chiefs, nml ulsn to dlspimse with the bona system' adopted during the war. Among the abuse aimed at are conditions found, according to Senator Smoot, in various departments where some employee receive many hundreds of dollnr more or less than other doing exactly similar work. ivrson were retnmiil. The In-- d tho tlilrtivn men Indicted at the first Investigation and also five men clmrgeil wllli taking purt In arranging the nllegeil conspiracy. lon-all- y 1 lashes wu the lurgm Imjioseil at Ihe whipping mmI In this rounlry for iminy yrars. Tin lows has tendency nf recently enai-tebeen tn permit mure discretion lu the court in resia-c- t tu Imposing corporal punishment. Tills el men is uiuniH a Alarm' Over Depopulation. A limned nt the rniiMtniillmipIc. growing di!Nipiilnllnn nf Turkey, the Turkish Nationalist parliament at An gora Is considering a bill to coniHi men aged 23 or more to marry nnlea prevented hy health reason. j n roli-hi-r- Got-imi- Three Killed In Storm. Incindiary Fires In England. Kan Fnim-lseo- . l'nsMcts for H121 Huntsville, Ala. Three persons were London. Incendiary fires on nunicr-oufarms broke out Saturday even- killed nnd much damage done to prap-erttoh of till kinds In the twelfth federal dislrlet an nisirtisl exeepl hy a severe windstorm Tliuraduy Lloyd's ing near Newcnstle-on-Tynfavoralile, sithl h stiiteiueiit Issuisl News attribute tlie fire to Klim Fein-er- In the vicinity nf New IInie, mor ben. Tlie dmmige In xtlnmted at sev- The wind carried down telephone nml hy tlu- - federal resetva laaiivl here on Man-l- i 2U. eral thousand pound. liowcr transmission lines. Woman Candidate Threatened. Lack of Cifsh Hinders Migration. SteamoFa Crew Rescued. Ikitolis. The rrew of tlu Irltlsli Wytnore, Neli. A lei ter threaten(ireut niinilmra nf Wnsliluglon. l of Imtli Knglnad and echiMini-- r ltulM-r- l Itny here on ing her with physical violence If she latMirliig Kraiiiv want tu emigrate to the I'nited board tlu freighter Triumph from Ant- did mil withdraw fruiii the nux fur I hem Mnr.-211. of Wynton. Inis the ninynl-sii'Mliitrs. lint are fliulbig It InijHissilile werp, which , recelvetl by Mrs. Morris Junes nml tu ilo so thnnigh liiuhillty tu suve when their vessel. enislieMii liv tnniiil over to officials here. , was at the isiliit of sinking. enough money. American Impriaoned by Bolshtvikl. Washington. linpluln Kmmelt Kilpatrick of Ililnntown, Ala., Bed Cross worker lu south Hussion, ruptured hy the Bolslievlkl forces lust full, is reported to have been sentenced to twenty years' Imprisonment at hnrd. labor by a aovlrt trlhiitml In Moseon-Fleet Caught in lee Floe. St. John, N. F. The sailing fleot operating on the Newfoundland east coast Is reported to bo caught In grsat Ice floe and attempting to blast its way Into open water. ' -- s, Crops Exceptionally Favorable. Gotham Struck by Cold Blait. New ' York. An, elglity-inll- e gale awonplng down (m New York lute Monday tore off roofs, uprnnled tnes, iiins-e- d accldenta which have resulted In at least two tleulhs and brought it touch of winter One of the lutest to testify ivgu riling the puwera of Tanlac, the celeacbrated uiedicliic wldvh luis In-e- n IH-lt- l. f, I - ii Ball Playera Again Indicted. Chieiigii. One hundred mid forly-fnli- r iuilietnieuls miming eighteen men were relumed hy Hie Cock eounly-gnini- l jury ns ii result of the scohut! Into the nllegeil throwInvestlgiiliiiii ing of Ihi! 1U11I world serlis to Cinciti-im- ll White Sox players. hy Chle.-igagulnst Kight seiMtrnle Indictments s i ai l Ms-Il- Him. r ihou-snni- ler-tha- Rioting In Guatemala. A emwd. com City. nmi1 inoxlly of hoys. iiigagcil In eele hraluig llie hanging uf Judas in effigy Monday inuriiing. when a oe Tin InHinieiit of soldiers iiiHiirefi. sotiliers wen- sIoiiihI tiy (lie crowd uml retaliated with rifle fin, killing four ami wounding mcviii. TO MEET PAYMENTS 111 Majority in Coal and Zinc District: Against Germans in Plebiscite. I W asliiiiulou. Il is ii ii in iiiiii-it wllli llie same skill fauilli.ir ill., ing llie war. wVii defeats wen mail l to ielorlous Iiy iniiuiii till skillful pniinimmlii, the iteruimi the Improxsiu-iliave sought Jo llu worhl Hull (In plebiscite it vie llpjier Silesia has lnsu a Heriii.-iate lory. Tin; fart Is ipilli otliei-.vinuli-svioli-ulx done lu Ihe will ii lie iiiajui'ily In am the wlMiie pliriH.se of llie pleliixelt negatived, lulanil will gain Hie rea prin, Ihe grenl eoal ami nine mine uf llu region. Prominent Rochester Citizen Tried Ten Years To Get Relief, But Tanlac Is Only Thing That Helped e. tier-uinn- Reached by Senator to Settle This Problem First Washington. Mr. Funluey told senators on Knlunluy Hull tariff revision would luivi right of nay lit the liiiusi. The commit liv hill for revision of tin internal rcvciiiii hi said, taxes will not la tinlll hut Ii llie emergency- - tariff and the general revision hills have Isvn passed. Funluey ropferivd with t'liiilniuin Iennisc of llu senate l r.imiiee eommltlee, nml is tu Iiiivi been urged tu uiudlfy Ills plans fur pmccdiirc wilh Ihe internal As iiear s iniilliiin-oti- s tax and tux eniisldeniliun of Ihe hills ns jMissilili Is advocated hy several Infliienlial Uepiihlii-useimlor. Tin general lax modification plan la well imrced iihui hy Ibiiiihll-caii- s pn-ild. of llie liuiisi couiniliiee, li teHal of the profils t it s anil nnlu.'lipu of llie higher surtaxes is virliiallv rerlniu. Ian l nn us lo siihxitfutc taxes was mil III linn heeii l'ia'liisl. Decision Rode Miles Long AiuIi-i-mu- Anii-rii-iii- i s I complishing such remarkable results. Is Jutm8 J. 'Beasley, 1U2 Klmdurf Mr. Avenue, Itocliester, New Turk. Beasley lias Lieen chief record lieciierj fur the Deimriuient of Water .Works. fur thirty years city of and Is a well kimwii and highly re-- ; Iu referring to Hie; sfiected citizen. remarkable recovery of his hen I III by tlie use uf Tanlac, Mr. Heusley said: 1 have been trying fur ten ycurs tu lluil rcllof from a case uf Nothing ever heljied me to amount to anything until I got Tun-laThis i Is saying a grent deni, fur 1 did everything It seems Unit a mini could dn tn find relief. Of course. I dence. wa hardly ever sick enough tu ten to Mrs. Ihihlhcrg wits at huiue.wllh ln-twu (fiildren when the toniiulu struck. bed and wua most always uble to The cliildnu way die of their Injuries, keep going, but I Just never felt It was said. Several other persons right. At times during tlnwe tell year, my stomach would become were hurt. ntr like vinegar. I would have un At tlie Inane uf Henry lthler, near uncomfortable bloated up fueling afItuslimnre, Hitler anil Ida wife were in- ter eating thut would last fur Imur. jured, Mrs. lthler suffering severe I suffered a great deal from nausea. burns from lint water which was on a At times my heart would flutter und stove, lthler, who wus lu a luim. 1 would become alarmed whleh waa demolished, was carried palpitate und over my condition. My nerve were several hundred feet hy tlie wind mid on edge all tlie time, and I liecnine sustained a broken arm uml bruises. Irritable, nervous and restless. I luul Iowa Also Visited. mi strength or energy to do anything. Tlie toniHilo that swept llie soiilli-euIn fact I wusut like myself ut nlL section uf Fonda, Iowa, Saturday Even a week or two ago it wna an night Injured fourteen iiersuns uml efTort for me to get out of my chair ruiisetl property dutuiige uf (SlOn.UUU. and 1 felt as stiff and clumsy as an The stiinii swept a path hIkiiii fSlU feet wide uml Missed through the tiiwu In Oerastnnnlly a mail goes around alonit a luliiiite. Electric light win liemmse It takes so much wen hluwn down and the town wus lu tu dress Ids better liulfv diirkness. A train uf box cars wn hluwn twenimportant to Mottiora ty feet off n railruud siding. Buildings Examine carefully every bottle oil tin fair gniumls were demolished. CASTOUIA, thnt fumous old remedy for Infanta and children, and see that It Utlier daiauge wus lurgely to barns. Bears the WHIPPING FOST IN DELAWARE Signature Ih Use tor Over 80 Years. Rtlic of Dark Ages Put in Operation, Children Cry for Fletcher5 Cutorit Four Negroes Being Whipped. An employer's value of a mans At Neweustle Wilmington, nullity workhouse, on Kurunluy, four services may. correspond with the felt the sting of the Dcltiwnri man's wifes ewtlniate thereof. whipping iKmt luw. Those whlppi! were Warner I owls, convicted uf larceny anil sentenced to one year in Iieunnnl prison uml tweuty lashes; Barrett, highway robbery, ten years and forty lashes, and John lllchanl-MiumV Horace Archie, tilgliway ten years and forty laslics 'ea-l- i. Only Iiy occiisIoiihI flinching did tile vIcHiiik give evidence of physical niiirls lii'r uf Thirty-fiv- a IN Through Minnesota, Taking Terrible Toll. ii-- uis-i- y hy luw. scIim.-IIo- Wide and r rule Ilf till- slate of Wyoming lerxlix ll,e l liileil Salex, In tildel, the MlplelMi- min i m el l lllixl uni imly I he eiri'iiil niiiri uf u;ijh .'Is. Iiul the suiTetnry uf Ihe iuierior and hind the r.aiuiiixxioiier nf the giii-ra- l tiffin- - uml laid Hail ulii-u Hale ruHr! and cuiiiplelely niahe- - a lieu Hlix-iiii- i Hu riylils uf tin- - stale eau-ulu- - Oierliirned Iiy a siiliseiiieilt is xliuning Ilia I the linn I in iiiiiicral In elm rafter. The iheisiuu Is imiMirlnixt purlieuliirly lu oil prislue-tu- g regions. The slule uf Wyoming In 11)12 tu tha guverniiii-n- l smile of its hind whleh hud heeii In a fore-i- t resirve ami lit lieu ul her public land uuls'ile the Hit land infureal reserve, volved in the suit. Notice of tha il Mate's selection wus regularly nml llie slule did everylhlng nmi-rv- HOMES LOST III TO MINERAL LARDS e li I0RM LIS Is He Able to Stand Alonet Abuses Privileges. London. Public opinion In Hollnnd bus lieen gnxiily stirred by the publication of funner Emperor Williams hook, which is regarded as proving that he Is ubuslng Dutch hospitality Iiy dealing with political questions. Insane Man Flrsa Jail. Ogden, Utah. Slight damage was done to the county Jail padded cell as the result nf the fire lnte Saturday afternoon whleh la believed to have been started hy Antonio Hoen, a demented transient alien. Ancient Ruins Discovered. Charged With Murdering Eleven. Montli-clln- , On. Two mure negroes we re recovered from llie Aleovy river, Siinihiy.' milking eleven found since the uiitlniritli liegun Investigating chiirgc of isninig.- anil murder ngslust John Wllllums farmer. Beirut. ruins of Iiupnriaiit illseoverlea of tlreen-Ituiii:i- ii n highly ilevdoed made' eivilixmiiin linve lieen mill :il I'lilmyri. almtit ninety-fiv- e ensi of I loins, by tlie high commis- sioner's urchniiiloglcal irvlce. Marshal Selected. Fleeing Men Are 8hot u II. L. Button of Cashouse at Cork. A ftirim-F-e Washington. was surrounded by crown forces per, Wyo., Is understood to have been selected for United States iimrslinl for Tuesday evening. Young men, It la the Wyoming district' Hi nomina- reported, were taken out of the house tion U expected to go to the special nnd ordered to run for their lives. session nf congress. They were fired upon, four being Shot dead. War Risk Decision. Military allotment Washington. Twenty Killed In Bomb Outrage. and allowances under the war risk InLondon. A bomb explosion took surance act will expire automatically place In the Diana theatre at Milan, on July 81, Comptroller Warwick of Italy, twenty persons being killed. tho treasury hold In a ruling mnde Many were Injured, at least twenty 01 whom are not expected to live. public on March 23. - Turks Retreat Before Greeks. Greek aviators Constantinople. report, tlint the Turkish trooiis an tn Asiatic evacuating Turkey, in good order. They assert that the Greek troops are attempting to cut the Bagdad railway at Kutala. Wyoming Chig-liee- Eski-Slielio- r, I Grocer Murdered and Robbed. Ontabs. C. Rubens, grocer, 70 years of age, was found dead In hla grocery store near the heart of tlie business district here early Sunday. Ills throat had been slushed with a raxor and he bad lieen rohlied. medicine, will do for By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton. N. Y.. yon nV receive cample rise bottle by Parcel ran purchase median ''and sixe bottle at all drug store. Adv. Cuticura Soap For the Hands IS IDEAL Sn 25c, Obtamt S ml 58c, Talcaa Zx. nrs . Talk Isnt cheap when you hire a lawyer to do It for you. Begin Right Now to Conquer Your Rheumatism If yon are going to again roly upon tho liniment botLa to try to rub your Rheumatism away, yon will be doomed again to nothing but disappointment A disease that can mum so much pain and ia not on the surface of suffering tha akin, and cannot bo rubbed away. Many forma of Rheumatism are eauaed by a tiny disease germ in to blood, and In such cases the only logical treatment ia to search oat and remove these gonna from : the blood. For this purpose there ia no more satisfactory remedy than 8JJ&, tho fine old Mood remedy that has been in use for mors than fifty years, and has riven suh general satisfaction for Rheumatism. Begin taking SJ3R. today, and if you will writ a complete history of yonr case, our medical director will riv yon expert advice, without charge. Address Chief Medical Director, 160 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. What to Do for CONSTIPATION Icarters liTTLJE IVER Lr Take a good dose of Carteri little Liver Plllfi then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. They cleanse your system of all waste matter and Regulate Year Rowels. Mild as easy to take as BUgar. GmlsIirahirJBwf Small PilL Small Dose. Small Price. ' |