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Show SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH TRIS SPEAKER AGAIN MANAGER INDIANS OF CLEVELAND ROBINSON AS YOUTH OF-CHAMPI- WOMEN WHO CANNOT WORK Read Mrs. Corley's Letter and Benefit by Her Experience I wu run down with Edmund, 8.C. nervooaneu mid female trouble and every month, j 1 wu not able to do 1 any work and tried a lot of medicine, but 1 got no relief. I aaw 9 your medicine adver- tued in a little book ithat was thrown in Jmy door, and 1 had S not taken two bottles Sof Lydia E. Pink-- I auf-Ifer- ed hams Vegetable 9 Compound before I J could see it was help- am keeping house now and ing me. am able to do all ox my work. I cannot say enough far your medicine. It has done more for me then any doctor. I have not paper enough to tell you bow much it naa done fur me and for my friends. You may print this letter if you wish." Elizabeth C. Cos care of A. P. Corley, Edmund, S. C. Ability to stand the strain of work is the privilege of the strong mid healthy, but now our hearts ache for the weak and sickly women struggling with their daily rounds of household duties, with hack aches, headaches, nervousness and almost every movement brings a new pain. Why will not the miss of letter from women all over this country, which we have been publishing, convince such i that Lydia E. Pink hams Vegetable Compound will help them Just as surely as ft did Mrs. Corley I 1 lit. Vaseline Red S.Pai U OfT Carbolated An antiseptic sores, etc. A necessity are children. JBKXD PAYMENT OF SUM BY THE ALLIES MUST BE MADE. MANDEO ! DE-- I lliimigi'i' Wllhert lliililnsnu. who tor llie sin. ml time In flve years led Ihe Krotiklyii Niilimuil league eluli'e pluy-er- SUWrflWlB us h'III1iiiii winners, was lium at lludsnn. 11 iis. rsl vears ago. For Sd yntrs Uuhliisnii Inis iecn t i liiil wiili ihe miliiiuul ganie. Away hack in 1864 lie was .ulchrr for llie Haverhill (lias) tcmii. lor which at Ilmt time Join Klnley Tcncr was one of the eluli'e pllching shift'. During IS84 uml the following snison Tener mill lluhlnsun proved to lie an effective lailtery. Shiny years later I'licliei Teller was clcclcd governor of I'ennsyirunlii and nflerwuril Ihe chief excciMhe of llie Ilusehall league. In 1SSU linhiiistui Joined the Athletics of the Amcrinm nsMs'lniiiiii uml In Ills lirst major league ganie as calchcr, sinrcd rim iiiudc liy his mini, which was Ih'uicii 4 in 1 liy the New York Meins Tl.i licit .inn gr, mnninl mm lliillfuil 1y Ilia llli.ld 11 UI1I !. .11:: l Hitmi Murrli 24 mini uiiioniil f Jo.tMHi.liiSUiO.1 gold unii-Iidue uudir Artlele irS'i of the ptni-Unity must ho i;:1U liy ilny 1 or jieuuliles will lie ilnlii'ird 11,1011 lli-.i- ftafiltmt York a nilili-llt.m- il Germany. The uiniintoloir nine said : "Itep! jiog te ynur leiter. Hie hits ihv lni:,,n- - m you: "Aiinriiiug In tin- - inuly iif tin- - ri'Ki rations iiiiumis-lnulniio lum tin- - rlgln in plan u uiiim-lin- n mi deliveries made by Gei'iimny. "The reparation Is t'limmivslnii untlmrlxed In ilorlilo whirli iiinnii; ln deliveries iniiilo limy Im- diiliit'li-i- l friuu Hit1 LM.imi.Ullil gnld murks refernfl In lu Artlele 23fi. There Is nothing iu l lie I rent y wlili-l- i obliges lllo cuinnilshinli In htur t I In1 German mi iiiiiIit wliii-l- i deliveries In muke tip tin lStt.UfKl.thai.OOtl murks men I lolled in Anlrle 233 sliinild lie nmijc or n (iiivei-niiii'ii- Have Waited jn Vain. 'riu1 nuimilssinu hue waited us long us possible, thinking tlic lierumii government would tuke I lie nuinxnry measures to fulfill iis uhllg; linns, li now Is sin'll Is mil ilic liter. 'i'lie coiiiml union diMiiiiuiliil uiyiiii'iit of 1.0-ti- , 000,0110 gold murk Imiuuhc of the (iMliilnly Hint (jenimny jmssowwil funds to make luiniediiiie isiy-men- t. New York City alone from kidney trouble last year. Dont allow yourself to become a victim by fax neglecting pains and aches. Guard againat this trouble by taking GOLD MEDAL Stf'i Pa Ought to Know. We must get n nurse for New Pop "A nurse? Whnt tlie'bnby. we need Is a night watchman. WOMENI USE Dye Old Coat DIAMOND DYES Skirts, Dreeses, Waist Stocking Draperies Everything. ' llohinsim's fame us a iiiIcImt aril lamer ns well iis a fust husenmner Ls iius'ly ullleil with Ilnltinii.ri- - where lie rcxxioiiiil lull with the ('Ichurnc of llie North Texas linguo.- lu 1!I7 lie IH'iil many year of Ids IniselmM was with llousnai of tic Texas league reer. thick In ihe INI's with McGraw. Keeler, Kelly and otliers and tatli.il .214. lie was purchased liy Jenniiig the Boston AmerUiin h'inuie cluli In lliihlnson established mi cnvinlilc as a great player when Neil UNIT, turned buck In the spring to the lliiiiliin's raminis Orioles wini I In Lillie llis'k Club of the Smiiliern thn-r 'hmupliiiirhlp years in and repurehuseii in hue by tile ltnl Sox. After MeGrnw lieniuie nimuiai'r of Star With Bed Sox. III the New York (limits in 1!NI2. Itohin-mii- i Speaker played his lirvt rcnuiiihil In Biilliiimre and plnyitl llie iiiiljor league wllli llie Kill Sox III Unis uinl Was a slur m lenui for fur scveml sensuns wllli the lalcrna-liomi- l llie ncxl seven sensuii iiicluiliiig league chill lliere. In llie ilcvclupmcnt or pllchers J. I.iinnhi. Un April 12, llllll, Jii-pwas singularly succcxst'il mid (lien uwner of Ihe lied Sox. snlil S'iik-e- r and lwi for scM'ial M'tisons he ussisicd Ills uhl lu Cleveland for and rrieiid MiGraw in tide di'iiuilnieiil. lie players lilcher Bam .nn's 'h- - olcinil laise Knil Tliomii hull was at low elili uhi'ii Sisuker jollied the team and l.. presence so rejiiveiiaied ihe iulere-- i in ilmt etly ithat the game has lieen a hlg suiii'xs ever since, lu hie Aral year with Ihe liiillmis Ss'iikcr liniig up a halting uuirk or JiML leading ll.c cm ire Amer-iculeague in hulling. lu only one year slm-- In- hecamc a regular wiili llie Keil Mux in 1 nt I, ax Sis'Hkcr fuiliil to ha l JNni ur lietter. The break A me lu llll'.i, when lie J.1NL Sis'uker's hmuug marks since 11NU follow: 1!N!. ,:WNl; 1IMU. Tim wiwiKri-- , mm will itired me work of the I'lcveliiinl cl oh ugnlu till year, lias shown uuii'kcd aliilliy to lead men and mulch wits with the I n- leader older and more exiierii-niiof American league team. In ld brief regime at the head of the Indians In lltlU he Imd great success wilM Ihe leuin, Cleveland giving Chicago a hard run for tlie championship lioiiur l.al the iliirk year Kiwiker bail Ills leum of the iieiiimiu nice from llie iqx'iiing day of tl e sen son. Bieiikvr sunniled to the manage-- ! meat of Uir Clevelnml cl ill) on July 10, 1010. lie hud lieen (one-co- sts so much for you. e siiiii-uie- Handy to In liiiM-hii- ll 111 11 n - 1m mw Diamond Dye" contains easy directions for dyeing any artlele of wool, silk, cotton, linen, or Beware I Poor dye mixed goods. fade and ruins mate-ria- l streak qint Bay by giving It s dyed-looDiamond Dyes only. Druggist has Color Card. Adv. aiy-ine- lt AGED Ths Usual Place. Dont cry, little hoy. you'll got I spose your reward In the end. so. That's where I alius do git It." Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin. On rising and retiring gently smear the faro with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off Ointment In live minute with Cat! cura Simp and hot water. It Is wonderful sometime what Cuticura will do far poor complexion dandruff, Adv. itching and red rough hand A woman's idea of n smart man Is one who always agrees with her. The artist who ran draw a salary has no uase for complaint. AWAY Summons Answered by Noted Churchmen. Baltimore. James Cnnliiml Gililmn of liultlmure mid prinuile iif the Aiiiorkiin Cullmlh' died n'slilenee here, ul the urchepimiiuil Mareh 21, lifter u prolonged Illness, which mainly nffeetisi his heart. He 8.11 h yeur. The end earn was In his IMweefully at 11 :33 o'clock. Horn in Iltiltimnre, Mil, of Irish parGibbous ent July 17. 1834, 311111111 silent his youth In Ireland, hut when he was a lud of 14 yeurs his family returned to Amerlen. settling In New Urleon where he act ill as iiuncttuil gna-er'Isiy. His amldtlon for the priisilhiHNl beAt 21 lie gan ill those eurly day Is'gnn iireimnitlims for Ids service in the Kniiinn Catholic cliurrli. (Irnduah lug with dlstlngulslied lupior fmtn 81. Clin rles college In Muryland. he pnrsneil liie stnilles at the seminary of 8t. Knlpltu and St Marys university In Baltimore. At tlie outbreak of the civil war lie was ordained to the priesthood In Baltimore. s Given Life Sentence Seattle, Lottie Madsen, 18; Ward Daniels, 18, and 0 A. Brown, 20, were sentenced to life imprisonment in the state penitentiary for the kill'ng of Patrolman Yolney - Stevens In a pistol buttle tie re January 14. I- Murder Suspect Released. Warsnw. Inil. John Invugiiol!ll. being held in connection with tlie death of Leroy ' I.ovctt, was ndouwd on Thursday following bis testimony before IhiA grand Jury, whlrli liegun Investigation of the cos CIGARETTE No cigarette has the same delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Baeausa Lucky Strike lathe toaatad cigarette.' . Rad Revolt Gaining Fore London. The Communist revolt in Germany, financed, It Is declared, by soviet gold, ls spreading throughout the industrial districts of middle Germany, threatening tho greet emmonie, potash, anthracite end copper work Girld Slayer Convicted. W. Knight, New Brunswick, N. Lr-22, negro, of Cl iff wood, woe found gnllty of first degree murder In connection with the death of Mr Edith Wllaon, a church organist, who wee hratally attacked and boaten to death, G. W. N. II,. MR Lake City, No. 14-1- 21. orvul Overall. pllctier. has purehnseil rue of the biggest lemon groves In California. h CARDINAL PASSES Rach package' of k. ... ... ... souili-puw- President Nnvln tins taken the rah-bhand off the hank roll and so far Colih turn silent iHvialily but wisely. er Clide Wllhert ltolilnson hasnt made a move to strengthen Ihe Brooklyn club oulslde nf the cntchlng department. ki J(a nm.le I'M'i-il trqis in ilu vpring .raili-- 1 ilia eanipx nf llie Giants after lie lunl 11 iviivcil In lie 1111 aetive .layer. plleher's 111:1 ell rtilli. 'lie New lurk Na'.lnuals '.it lininghi niil lluhi Mar-(pmrMini eniiirlhuli'd his share In lln winning nf thru suiivssiri in 1PI I. '12 and 13. linldiiMni lii'gan his iiiauiigeini'iir nf the llriHiklyn learn III IIJI-- mid sn years later iiiiiiIc tliein ehampinns d il.eir Imgui. lie pei'siiinleil Iresjdi.it the services ..f Mar-ipmiKlili'ts to sei-ur11111I Maimiux wlien i!:ese jijt. well mi llieir way in ihe minor Imgiii's mill limy are still with him now llmt In has hiinlul Ills lor .In mi'iiiiiI lime as a liig faeior 111 llie world wiles. Never a uinriiiiei with Ids men VII'IIIS In hae illllale sever of ennirollliig Ills phiyers, displaying a son of fatherly interest in liein mul liy estnhlislllug u liiillfl nf euiilldeun anil euninr.iilerie wllli lliem gels the lien Unit Is in every nieuiher of Ids titini ell her on or nlT Ihe playing held. -- i Ihinsir'l prartlee. si'IhmIiiIimi Iiij Jm l.ynHi I1 riuln iliH'vnl rareriil :iml opNiie a e fo l ux . In. 11 h hander. Johnny Moetll. the outfielder who la expected to grab a regular lierth with SHOOTING CRAPS IS BARRED rhe White Box. ran hit any kind of pitching, according tn Joe Cantlllon. Manager Huggins of Yankees Refuses to Permit Play re te Indulge a brothyounger George Meredith, , In Alluring Gam l for Is an quarter-mier of Tod, aspirant running honors for the UniverMiller Hoggin manager of the sity at Pennsylvania vanity track Yankee Issued a statement that his team. players will not h permitted to shoot Oooch Tom Keane of Briton crape the coming season. He says who hobby Is developing sprinters loss of largo snm of mi.ney lend for ths track team, has some promis- to upnet discipline. Furthermore. It ing material working for this yen's take tli players' minds off their work and keeps them np late at night tqutd. f'nliforiiin linn nlmnilotiiHl nil effort lo (U'IhmIuIi 11 rooilmll iiiiie nilh mjiiiu Knii'vii fi'iim for next m'iimiii. a 1n1r I.h !. irlu, i'li' hive lllflNl f 'Tt'.lU'.l ( lHv lijiu iJ the Mii'i-- MlK litHN.W. 1 le- ! .tic !lD "HMillr. It ill. Ic tlie IiIih., li nir your l.hlnrvs uiat imni.n!). u:il :i I'fl nil itm iltav.r. iiv jumu'H h'tfiltff jlftf. thxni's livi1 lii.jH'I liiiu-'.- ri'N. .sir your hCKjliOur! Hi rl wiili ".linlge. I yniuig ' "Sim Niyv y nil 'll l I her '!ri-enill"I was la'kiug In mysilf." Then yell might li"l In eall ynnrm'lf iii H' mimes. Till ilnllnrs ami Age ilerald. Uith Caie A John loi k, I irnt : i h II 1.11 (Mil1 m-- r, li rii . in. l't i. "My Ki'liicyii did liOl .I'i ill Jill Catarrh Can Be Cured Cntarrh lu a focal tliavunc rutly Inflti-cnif- d comilt Iona- It liy conatluitiona! trcHt- conMtitutJonnl therefore requires nwrt. HALL'B CATAKHH MKDICINK la uken internally nnd arie throtiKh the ISiood on the Mu oj Burfacca of the Pyaiem. 1IATLS CATARRH ltEPh'INS destroys the foundJitlon of the disease, gives the patient strength by imprownff the general health and assists narire In nlng its work. AU Drasffists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney St Co., Toledo, Ohio. N ra ilhl. faullH Tin' fmly to ..ml iiji Cl'il lull' i tliiff tli Ki I vcrji tjjiVJjrA, '.'tl on f&ist "jff li 111;. yr'jjrt J tv. wY kithiiyn. pi. kmiic LjjJ: troiiliJcl fn . A.SYe ;mi-- ini I nn! Thw iii"i nini.x hup' 4f OiMIlH Kwl.H.Y 1'illf (inn i'i lieVcil itm' aii'l 1 liuvvs't Iiud l'Sfy hitv-i'.uuy inmMf Ut Dom'i at Aay Stats, AOe a Bm DOANS- FOXTER Mil BURN CO- sinTi'r 1X,iV BLTFALO. tL Y. Run Down AH KILL RATS TODAY ia- - j a prjj., or t 1l HI Tiro ;( it 1 Im k.ii.ii-Nci iii4 flip yuH'Tir liii- - wiinii'ii uiiglil from IiiiiIti fug. Misslldy. iiny Ifo you hit I'liui ii ai'iiu.it U, fid iluJI kullKs' a 111. jircA that l.iilpcy inniLle i',h(1 (111 Bad Form. wiisii'i Irying in l a wiiV. NowFeelsFine When lloli .M;i rl in leiirfo how to 1L C. Folweli, u limner L'lilvcrsity fmdlmll star, who :ivol(l Hiking imiihIipj he'll lie u flint of Peiinsylvmilu York GlnnlM. livinion In xi vj, served ns corn'll for the United State a a iNiKcnmn. leCO Kane. dMond has Naval aenilemy eleven In the seusmi loiiiiiiiin in ihe .lurk Mrlilon .r ".io" hits wllli York Nnlliuinl 91 New Just enntroi'l slgmsl closed, with gnwl I oinih ims Imhm iiM,ri1 foiili. in han- ilie Kane was purvhnsed from the Hart- the Navy Alhh'tli' uwoi-hnnrn. i foi a next the loam dle lull. priming Aniiopnli gain ford (Conn.) dill a a a Connie Mark Is expecting Mg things ANOTHER PLANK BREAKING IN from Roy Moore. Ilia Texas southpaw. Moore showed everything exeeit ex- Nephew of Eddie end Ire to Be Given Trial as Pitcher with Waynesperience last summer. boro Club. Tlie country will relish nothing more Ihnn a baseball game her ween The third memlier of the Flunk tiie two lionaes of congress with family in break lino oi'gniilxed hall Is Clyde, nephew nf Eddie and Ira. Judge IjiiiiIIs as umpire. He will receive a irinl as e pitcher h'mle Johnson. Knit Luke shortstop with the Waynesiuini Clnh of ihe iilue man White the guns for the who will Insi season he was Illiige lisigne. Box this year, regards It a high honor mtisl Gie liest pitcher In Cctiyvhing tn play nlnngnlile Kdille Collin lie Is a rightIndependent circle ir Hriy 1! llUfM'illu Tiiiigiii'-lin- in ad j huiki a 'i lht Manager Wilbeit Robinson. unrl." yarii a Out? Fed AU Worn utliT inf'ffiaui' l (C.iniriy IhlNM1 Ktlllll'B. j 1IUT. si Tin "i'M h 'iii ly aiHMA gn ouiifc of nililp" rimelili tt miii ynur oim'.ulH, airl lt'iHif.li iiiHTnlnjc f it nlKlil aiul uii i you hull- I to- - kinri fm 'aIpi f huld 8O011 lltrhdn mi vi icKun in diMapiHr. until' lii nni'M laitvi vhiiI1hi1 'itllrrly. (I ta inaii'lo'ii c ni ouir la jiirtl-- toi btHUiifVl ,hjt limnriofit'Ihunlh Dll'akm ami fcftlu liMrly .ir Cil.I'.i't YH11 IV i(!'v (11 aok fnr tha d'uhl ptran.'lii ol (Mli.m. an t:ilp im voM untfr friMM'fp. i,.ni)cy back If It falla to ihi-- By see U Sporting Notes John Mctirnw. nfier IR yenm' direction. irill plve way to llupliey f the Nw ao Held genera it ' university hall team will play Pennsylvania Mny 30 at Philadelphia on Its trip lo tlie United State Mike Callnhan In mnchlnp. Irlnr-fo- ii content uml Sheerer, the fullhiirk. fiti'-intn the jiuntrra In the (spring ''lalii'y liny d wlls fnr $lmi When I'ersia RU l Nw b (Im Tim to imnJi'it hill TbM Ugly bpob. I i nl NliqhtPPt Thfrr'i tin OiMfc reolinir inhiuiirrl uf your fi"i'kK to r'imiYi doulthkiiMiiysh u UHiant'-n- Wnxeiln . . raw-tm- v FRECKLES Ct j i I -- j pnm-grap- ... Set a Bad Example. The ii'xiiiu upon him- veil', ill .uiler in give 'iplc prul'aldy it if mu iniei.il in Live lliem so mm li iimlidi'iiei. liiul iliey uniiid I Iln-ita nk In ln likinNe. Women to Study Architecture. for ihe, null'll lane Ini'll iiilinilli-tin. I lime a Awueiiili'K of Ihe Koval j ami Vieiiiriaii Instil lit- - in' .rehini-l- s i I til - nf Arelilln't. j Ihe Sydney uml In new di'pii.'linoiii nf ari'liiii"' t has alirai - j iu Sydney iwlver-di- y ed u uiimis'r nf eniliiisiaxile wninea vtndelllv. N luit-li- f il of flavor--a effect-f- ull young and old. '(nli-iusu- ii Fold's cial carry-benefi- solace and comfort for 1n- - lieutenant In directing the pluy nf the Indians and when Fnlil did not liavu the success which Uwner James Dunn fell he should have had u change was decided Uvon. Sisuker had previously deellneil to tuke llie poslllini hut when lie was assured that hie ndiisul In to tuke the place would mil the retention nf golil Trls accepted. lie hue shire lieen lu charge of ihe team. Is Native of Texas. d Blanker was burn in 1NS8 at City. Tex., and lie still iiiakca Ills home In thut little town. After playing on a aeliisil lea hi In Ills home town Bissiker entered the Fort Worth Poly- lii'hnlc Instlliile mid was a alar of the --TUI; 1011. Ji2T; 1!ll. team representing tlml institution In IPl t, j lttOT. In 11XX) he played Ida tirsl pro-- . Jk'2; I'.IIS. --1111; coody lasts so so little or does No other ussn-ciiillo-n The roniinlKKliin did not full in mid that after the 1 ,0t Hl.lh h i.ir Ml gnld murks lmd licen paid, It would he ready In dlseusH uny further pniftwllfnus wliii-l- i might he presented liy the (ierinnii liefnre A(fll 1. with the view f imrtly subuUtullug for gold mill foriiierehiimllKO or eign securities good the proceeds of u foreign hum. "We I'linunt agree with rhe German gnveniiiient Hint In Ihe event of (lie lK.tah,tKJ.i,(h h) niiirks remaining iinimld II uy 1, the luiluiico tuny be settled liy ihe delivery of llie tier mull Imiuls fur In imnigruih 111 The 11112, JM : lnKL JUKI; gold murks of Artlelo 233 2122; IPlii. JUKI; P.11T must lie Kild iu cash, securities or the 11)111. .2!Ni; V.rAI. JtSI. equivalent, unil lie used airily in ili- fray the coat of the armies of iktuimi-tlo- n and the revintmillng of (iinimiiy in foodstuffs and raw ninterliils, wlipt 1 t hahinee being left to lai uppl IF YOU TRY to 0 0 reparation 0 How good 0 Germany Must Pay. 0 Wen you a Isct'er h Tile dispositions of annex 2, Dsnully baseball uicn don't like to 0 ago I llllll you ure now? 0 years 12, concerning new Isimls, In to stay mi the lieneli. . 0 You Is Just as gmxl again taken by way modify the iildlgnlhni 0 If you devil. ip u kick in yuur 0 the la Hush Tigers Ponfe 20.0ixioiNi.ikni pieking the to pay Germany 0 work. dull. 0 murks gold under Artlele ISO. In as a sure 0 Kxmnples of George tluiney Hie nmiiuiiL of total uuy event. 0 anil Itia'ky Kansas prove laisesimiiI a Imlhiiia 0 murks gold under Artlele 233 university inny It inn Is ilisie. 0 hall nine lo Japan next yeur. must he paid before May 1. Nonful0 Both hail rlhnhud In llieir 0 fillment of this nrljele would eiiluil xeniili anil thin gone lank 0 IH'imliifN. Judge Lunills' critics wunt lo tuke 0 live they didnt noneuilii'r un0 Thu above fact being staled, there away hi nullonnl riimlssluu. 0 til re's law of iii:aieiismliiii. results that the fieniiau govciiiinciil. 0 Tinliiy Climii'y uml Kmisds The New York Anierlcuns limy not 00 nro by replying negatively to the iiiiiiuiIk- - j shnivliig a punch a Tier llie 1023. until new 0 their It shin's nipicst that grouudt exei'ide the elien world iH'lievi'd liii'ir slurs had 0 0 sllpnlul Ions of Article 23a, mid espivet iMiiiuve they got In step. Jake Dnuhert says no illlTerencps 0 chilly by refusing to make the You ulwuys may la who I you 0 lleils' nf l,(NIO.(NKl.(NM murks gold due exist lictwccii himself and llie 0 niiee inight liiive been If you 0 Man-23. inttst he ennsidered in nimmgeinrnt. 0 iry. Con0 of fulfilling Its ohlipillon Every malinger in (jie American 41 m m sequently. tlie cummissiini has decided a immediately to call the attention to league la hoi on the trail of this spring. such default of ' each of the Interested FCLWELL SIGNS AGAIN power" 1 .1 WIUGLEVS has steadily kept to the pre.'ar price. Aad to the same hieti stand erd cf quality. INllilUIIS. 20.XN1.-UOIIJK- llnther rzT" y n The worldh standard rtmedy far kid nay, liver, bladder and uric add trouble Holland's National Remedy since 1696. All druggist three euea. Leek far the mm GsM MaJal sa every ha ill 1 ; DEED ii'X u - pru-vlil- 16799 V liii-ii- - lluh-lair- cjsmnzggDCHMF&ca krfw Sealed Tight A Kept Right J'-n- Given Notice That Upon Failure of German Government to Turn Ovsr Twenty Billion Marks by May 1, Allies Will Act lurit. Gov- Played With Baltimore When McGraw, Hughie Jennings, rfel. er, Kelly end Others Mode Ni Hanlon's Orioler Faire... nt there where Mate Became ernor of Pennsylvania. His Battery .PULL After Every Meal PLAYED WITH TENER Using EatonSe Ended the Genuine His Troubles STEARNS ELECTRIC PASTE Thrmnnnti-- e "Wltor" liir ulhe.CWinnfM. am.- - ind Wntnkiw- .- Ihe .ww kmnn i I .llrftM. Tkrv Anitiov Willi Ihne and nirji Kiitonic is tin only tiling have found in Mop my heartburn mid I think lias lieeu it a grout help ie Wr.ni.' Sietirte Pane ft iron, lie- nervous mk'IIk, writes G. J'. Johnson. ImnilSrlKiMIlsiftirwMer.Ml fnhi An upset stoiiiiit'h may cunse lute rTXKTHSK TRAPS 1UCAI1Y run USW-IXnMItM in U tswannes In rwrr kt.s. of vulTi'rlng all nvi-- 'lie Irndy. Kalonle ., Hn.iaskbikiUMW!ats ji.tt -helps iu mi'll .uses by removing th.. II, (kmnniMl bay. It. it taken iiiusi of llie misery, up mul lurries out tho exii'ss ei'iil mnl gases and kii'M lln' ilig'v!ive organs in un I n i a I working unto. A millet lifter uienls t all yon msi. Big box is isis only a trifle with druggist gimnintiv. 1 RF r e a DAKKixRS HAIR BALSAM Itoper Inis uluilecl Ixilli Muriln. Ahotn lime to I raaiiiitii ntnl remcniye him io H iontemler. a HmerwIiBiianiS itpidleirftii(ei R tar Catar aad Baaaly to Cmr aad Faded Hrii Tin (nierll,v IHiiIimiia Iihm ilerliliHl to reltiin II nieinlNrHlii lu the iNiicsIikeopfll rnwln lepnts. IIINDERCORNS nm. iwe. mch ttH a. iih Fnr rifrft to WAlklai? nkv. Inbrni r to Um atsiq Bmh CbraiMAl WerL. ItoeewgeebK T. Iji pi. Mul NMlYwiWk lYlklltWHcJ f Hit B. 01ad'.amjf a k'fcy. of a a a Willliini J. IlInL'hnm, llnr-nnl- 's now tmrk roneli. Iihk h'kiu s new syeteni or iloveloplng IiIh ten in. I I GENUINE a a a t of tlis John llraphy, Bouton college football tram, has left arliool heceuae of echolastlc dlfflcnl-tl- c rapialn-elcc- MTt. Newport and New York hiv staged the national lawn tennis singles ever since Ha Inceptlim, 4U yeara ago. ebam-pionali- lp The national cup soccer final will he played In the East this spring. For the flrxt time Bethlehem 81 eel Company F. G. win not lie a Hualist. mi "BULL DURHAM tobacco makes 50 ood dareties for 10c Of OITIIKTIto IH)MIMi(UUM) lMHUwr. Ki'biuar) dti Xfiera'S whm Is v w mi h ilhrt&raP'n:in(ii HH'I htoitlAII" nf Nai PANTO Cmirh I I iltc i IlMtHt i '.hr M F'IKr)VIIIK MAMMOTH JACKS 126 Sava I a torstia W. L. iMJtOW HREMOUiia-e- g 11 they Tire.IttA Smart or Bur if Sara Irritated, Inflamed or Granulated, ueeMurino Safa far often, goothas, lefreohe InfaatorAdulL At all Druggist Write far XCM Free Eye Book. Bariw fa URtYtj PATENTS mmnaakti nUkM.ntiMme Swunivlw (hi Kin if C'iInhiIrm, KA.NTII IHMIN'HI HKVISW, rnto, ibv SH KuMuu fflni'1. Jtirtoklyn. New ftirk. K lily |