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Show I SUGAR PROBE IS POLITICAL HUBRAY SOCIALS 1 Mr. and Mr. C. H. White motored to Springville Sunday. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. enter Geo. A. Jenkin tained at dinner Tueaday for Mr. and Husnon. Rose Coppln will entertain Ml E. Q. V. C'luh Thursday evening at the her home in Salt Lake. Mr. C. U. Reed of Hayden, Ariz.. i viaiting with hi mother, Mr. O. Swen-eoof Poplar Street, for two month. u Senior Utah Senator Submits Telegrams Substantiating Charge That Investigation Was Planned to Defeat Him in November Election. r Washington, T. May 2ft. Charging that the Federal Trade Tiiinml-inninvestigation of the Sugar Company was merely a ruse to defeat him at tlie tolls neat Xovrmlier, Senator Reed Kinunt has presented tlie senate with hona-fidcopies of telegrams dfacliHting tlie entire aelieme, whieli he denouneed aa "rotten jtoli-ti- c. exprt-KMe- IMli, a nuifidi-iicin tlie people of wlio, he Kttiil. wimld not coun- tenance tills sort of politic. Smoot Opposed Raise. Another liMrlotm imule hy Senator Smoot incident to tlie muling of hi W. with entire rorreiiindi-iicof tlie Itiih-ldaliSugar comiatny Mr. William Enrir?lil entertained wa the fact that as long ago as Januthe Pal Noble Grand' Club Thursday iifternuon at her home. ary 10 ho had sent a telegram o Mr. The Senator said that lie had liecn Xlhley warning him tluit uu advance Mr. aud Mr. Orson Bander re- wanteil months ago hy the late Briga- in tlie prii-- of sugar to fifteen cents turned home Friday from a two week dier tieneral Uieliiird W. Young, a would result in undue profits and visit iu Millord. that lids in- "would lend m proxeculioii under exleading Piah IteiniN-rat- , The Misses Ileatrioe and June vest igal Ion whs framed up with the isting laws." Till same telegram. Mr. Young an- - spending several days vis- Idea of defeating him (Simmi) for the Smoot said, disMeses tlie senator a in getting senate. 'liming been iiiKlniiiii-nta- l iting with friends in Provo. Word for Win'll ropy of messages tlie funnel's a pi'lcc of 812 n ton oil I iv Ceo'-gMr. anil Mrs. 8. Sanders of Idaho K. Samh-rami I.rj) heels ill relurn for a priee of art- - visiting relatives here for a few twelve eenls on sugar. Henry Ward r am ril is mitinnal days. erealeil a seiisiilinn in ailltl Senator Smoot explained nt tlie outtill eireles and nnenlliig to tlie semil.r set hi IlilereKt in tlie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cray. Miss evidi-neof u- "fmmi-up- ." Sugar coiiimiy, an iiiierest which net Pansy Cray, llenry Scott and Earl give pnleht Mr. Beer ia ullorm-a month, unil for tlie him a dividend of Provo to motored Sunituy Olander, Vtab-Iiliih- lleth and Margaret Brook-hunare visiting relative in Murray fur a few day. Mime k o e X'lli-le- y e e J ' s Rt-e- I ' I'ruli-Iduli- n - Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ilaye and children will leave Munday for I .ok An geies, l'al to make tlieir future home. SENATOR REED SMOOT Miss Kale Hennet returned home during the week after visiting for some lime with friends in Idaho. Mrs. John P. Meitmie of Garfield is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe McOmie for a few days Mr. aud Mr. T. B. Smith motored b Alpine, Utah, Sunday, and spent tlie day visiting with friends. Miss Evelyn Walter left during tlie week to visit for n month with rela lives in southern Utah. Sirs. Harry Howe entertained the S. S. Club Wednesday afternoon at her home in Cottonwood. 8. Mr. and Mr. H. 8. Cahoon, Jr., and Mm. Amelia Cahoon of Deseret, Utah, have been the guest a of Mrs. E. 1 Scott during the week. Arthur Townsend and daughter Ruby motored to Alpine Fn day to attend the wedding reception of Miss Ethel Batea and Roy Reck. The officers and teachera of the Taylorsville ward entertained at a dancing party Wednesday evening for the retired officers and teachera. wood. A welcome home party will be given Wednesday evening In the Taylorsville Amusement hail, for Lowell Gcrrard who returned home during the week lo the eastern states. from a missi-idin-ne- EYEGLASSES An artists impression of Utahs senior senator, Reed Smoot of Provo, who has presented the senate with evidence that the federal trade commit, siens investigation of the Sugar company waa designated aolaly to defeat him for reslection. Mrs. ( S. Glass, assisted by her two daughters. Mrs. May Scott and Mrs. Margaret Fnord. entertained the ladies Of the Methodist Church at the church parlors Wednesday. Federal Trade nniimlNsinn in the inl sugar vestigation for the Mr. Sanilcrs is a 'promoter, widely known In Suit take. Tlie message follow : The Telegrams. Rigby, Idaho, ledersrn took place Thursday afternoon, followed hy a reception in tin- evening nl the home of or a Coat for yourself in most delightful style. Dont miss this Wonderful Special The Leader There are many people who borrow and full to pay It back. If Isnt tiiat they do not want to pay It hack, hnt they simply forget A roan In an office of a large newspaper borrowed a quarter front another man In the same room, and failed to pay It back after a reasonable length of time. But the ntan who loaned the money wnn't to he dune out of the quarter. ' ITe walked up to the forgetful borrCompany ower and handed him a half dollar. Wliat Naturally tlie tiorrgwer aaid: Murray, is this ftr ? Oh, answered the money lender, that wilt make 75 cents you owe me. lie got hi quarter the next day, but auppoae the borrower had needed the extra half dollar? 00Q00$OOfiH0O00Ct0M00JSHHKQO Utah-ldah- liw-n- o May 13, 1920. Georgs Sanders, Care of Dr. Snow, 60 First Ave., 8alt Lake, Utah: Expect to close, leaving here 8atur. day. What do you intend to do rerlne garding Medford. Ore., and Grant WE lJIY, raise and sell fur animnis rabbits and oilier Paa. Ore., propoeed hearing. Wire ns. with List what you have. stating me collect. lot on shiplarge your lowest prices BEER, nil iu r ment. The Fur Specialty Federal Trade Commieeion. Co., 51.V.M7 N. P. Ave.. Fargo. X. Dak Mr. Sunders reply was: . Mr. and Mr. K. C. I .arson of Salt Salt Lake City, Utah, Lake entertained Mr. and Mrs. Uco. May 13, 1920. A. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. C.aufin Henry W. Beer, Special Counacl and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Russon Thurs day evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Federal Trade 'Commission, Russon. who left Friday for Los AnRigby, Idaho. geles, Cal., to make tlieir home. Do not know what to advias you about propeaed hearing at Grants Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cahoon wish to Past. Think you ought to Hava about announre the marringe of their daughnow. One of your ter Yadia to Damon Kilker, which took three weeks from should bo thora a week Investigators The week. first the of the young place people expert to make their home in In advance lining up witnesses. Don't ha in too big hurry to finish your cate, Selby. Cal. aa public sentiment la fast changing The following Indies pleasantly sur- and almost entirely for government prised Mrs. Harry Kemp Thuraday prosecution. Sugar magnates anxious in Midvale: for you to get through. Palmer should afternoon at her lira. Margaret Wright, Mra. Walter keep you on Job. If you keep going YVrtght. Mr. Edgar Wright, Mrs. for two montha it will cost Smoot hla Charles Dudley, Mrs. Nathan tang, senate seat. Better kill some time with Washington Ogden authority. and Mra. J. Taylor. tomorrow. G. E. SANDERS. Misa May Clark, assisted by her sister, Mrs. C. It. Green, entertained Sun- ' Srnator Stnnot said lie would wait lind the apday afternoon at their home In the and see'whrther tlie plan cnmmle-aiaFairmont apartmenta in Salt take to proval of tlie Federal Trade He and the attorney' gem-nitrousseau shower Arbatlne Miss for a James. The rooms were decorated In pink. Twelve guest a were .present. MUEKAY BAPTIST CHURCH Mi Henrietta Smith, Mias Sarah Misa enterStella Olson, McHenry Sunday Sunday Srhool, 10:30 a. tained at a dancing party Wednesday m.; preaching service, 8 p. m. evening at the Smith home. The rooms in and were decorated green, with pink a basket of pale pink sweet peas aa a Method iit Church, Hurray Luncheon waa served to centerpiece. the following: Misa Lyle Bishop, Misa Sunday School, 11 a. m. Mra. A. D Laura Miller, Misa Merllda Berger. Bervlce at Superintendent. Bay Sudbury, Frank Sanson, Jack Williams, 8 p. m., Frank R. Ward, Pator Andreson, Owen Coleman, Thomas Ladles Aid first and third WednesWilliams and Alma Pettigrew. day in every month. the brides parents in Holliday. a l. i I Hint rend in full lius ihikmkI lirtween him uml officials of tlie ciiiiNiny since III advance In price of sugar was first tuken under consideration, in opining he attacked tin- - iiiliiilnlMt m timi mill aworted lliHt tin- of tlie cfiiiinry will nut api nuten politics as prove of any liu charge was bring played Hgalnxt him, through the sugar Investigation. Senators Statement. The sliiteinent of Smoot in full follow: "Mr. Iresidcnt : We nil recognize tlie extreme sugar sliorliigp In the well n in nil the United States-nworld mid the serious coiiKiiiucaccs following Kiicli a shortage, and no one can object to any action tiiat ran be tnki-to control or regulate the lawful distribution of (lie same, but when any deiutrtment of nur government under-(lik- e to secure tin- - defeat of tlie election of a United Slate senator through an investigation of the iifTalra of a sugar company it is time tiiat such a contemptible practice lie culled to the attention of the public. I am positive the honest ieople of the country will not approve of any such rotten iMilitic. Till very thing la taking place in the state f Utah and to prove till statement I have hnt to recite wliat ha taken flare In th past and I taking pluce today. Hear Rumor. "In the finer place. I wish to go nark eontp months, When this unthinkable pnimltinii wit first brought to iny attention hy General Richard W. Young during ill visit to Washington aa the attorney of the Utah-IdalSugar roniimiy. lie wa here to learn If posKihle If there was any truth In e lii-i- cinu-pan- niii-I- m Biom Optical Old Pennsylvania City, a city of ancient origin. Here wns located tlie first settlement west of the Susquehanna river. From September 50, 1777, to June 27, 1778, she wax the nation'! capital, for during tiiat time, tlio British then occupying Philadelphia, the continental congress ntet In Iter courthouse. Tlie first money .sent hy tlie king of France to aid the of American Indcpeitdr cnee was received by congress In this city. And here the first national Thanksgiving proclamation waa Issued. York, Pa., la Lower California Cattla. In addition to cattle, many excellent mules are raised Ip Lower Csllfornia. Horse are rarely used. The faithful hurro lx the principal: means of transportation. Except for a few thousand in La Frontera, there are no domestic sheep in the country. In the southern part there are numerous flocks of goats. Th largest cattla ranch on tin- - peninsula comprises al-- . most LOW .000 acres. I believe Comparison, Nobby Suitorium 219 STATE STREET Berrett. Jeole T. Berrett, Elizabeth T. Berrett, and Ellen E. Berrett, and all other claiming any interest in WHITE LILY FLOUR HAKES THE BEST BREAD." . I exclaimed the vociferous man. "So dn I." rejoined Unde Bill Bottle top; so dn L But In one respect free six-cc- h Dividends as Regular as the Calendar. You Take No Chance property described In plaintiff's complaint, defendants. The State of Utah to the said De- fendants: Ton are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of When you invest your aurplus fundi or savlngi in a high-clasecurity of a local company, the progress of which you can watch. Salt take A Utah Railroad Company first preferred stock is a safe, well secured investment, paying regularly quarPresent price terly dividends.. yields better than 7 per cent on of value 1100.00 per share. par Ask for descriptive circular and other information. ss this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise, within thirty day after service, and defend the shove entitled action; and in case ol your failure so to do, judgment will he rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which ha been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought to recover a judgment quieting plaintiff's title td the land described as follows: A. J. ANDER80N, Commencing at a point in the center line of County Road (running EastAuditor, Salt take A Utah R. R. Co. erly and westerly) and Ten and North of and (10.7) chain P. 0. Box 1169. South Eighty-thre- e (83) Degrees Thirty Salt Lake City, Utah, 130) Minutes East of the Southwest Or corner of Section Twenty-on- e (21.), Township Two (2) South, Range 0't J. W. McHENRY, (1) East of the Salt Lake Meridian, Traveling Representative, Salt Lake County, Utah; thence albng Murray, Utah. said center line of County Road South Eighty-thre- e (83) Degrees Thirty (30) SALT LAKE A UTAH R R. CO. Minutes East Four Hundred Thirty-eigh- t Balt Lake Utah. s City, to and (438.5) Feet the Southwest corner of the land of Walter L. Berrett; thence North Ten and Forty-eigHundredths (10.48) Phone Murray 1S1-chains to Ihe Northwest corner of aaid Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5 p. m. Berrett land; thence North Eighty-fiv(85) Degree Thirty (30) Minutes L. West Three Hundred Eighty-on- e and Eight Hundredths (383.08) Feet to CHIROPRACTOR Tanner Ditch; thence South Forty-eigh- t 4904 South State BtreeL (48) Degree West Twenty-seveHundredths (0.27) chains along said MURRAY, UTAH ditch; thence South Three (8) DeHome Calls by Appointment ' (45) Minutes Weal grees Forty-fiv- e Ten and Fifteen Hundredths (10.15) Spinal Analyala FREE. Chains to beginning. Containing Six and Fifty-siHundredths (6.56) ' J , Acres. tWhen In need of any fancy, fresh or DAVID W. MOFFAT, tapis Groceries, call Attorney for Plaintiff Rorace Godfrey. P. O. Address, 4912 So. State St. Murray City, Utah. Seven-tenth- Five-tenth- J. e Dr. Chas. Gray, D. C. n - j x J. W. HERLING Phone Hurray 57. Ws have a full line at your service. tm morl to OereofeJ After you eat always take ATONIC Inatantlwrelieves Haaitbm, Bloat, ad Guey Feeing. Stop food souring, repeating, and an stomach miseries. AM dlseettea ead rtonmb ssH!.Kpe eweet and etroac. l.rrM.ie Vitality sad Iff. EATONICie the beet raaedr. Ibneef then-send-s wiwid.i fully buflted. Only eoeteaeant ertwoadey t welt Pnittnly suanataed toplaueorwewlll reftmd money, Get e bis YoawlUeee, Thornton-Anderso-n Drug Co. 4800 So. Stata Streat It Is a great comfort te the bereaved ts knew that th funeral arrange menta are In the handa of an expert need undertaker. It also gives sab Isfaetlon to knew that the funeral, sots ducted In an elegant, dignified manner, will be moderately priced. C. H. Banks Indertakin Co. LICENSED EMBALMERS PHONE MURRAY 847. Murray, Utah Free Automobile Service to and froai Parlors if desired. HIDES, FURS, SHEEPSKINS Get FULL VALUE Ship to a LARGE, CENTRAL MARKET AND RELIABLE HOUSE. OOOOO0OOOOOCHOOOOOHiitOfiHOO in free speech Get the middleman's profit ADDED to your returns by tagging next lot DIRECT TO US. We pay express and post charges on FURS. Hold shipment separate on request and submit offer. Small shipments receive same careful attention with us as large 'ones. Low express and freight rates all roads to Omaha on HIDES and PELTS. FREE GUIDE AND WOOL GROWERS FRIEND. Ship to us for MORE MONEY, PROMPT RETURNS AND FAIR DEALING. A NEBRASKA HIDE & WOOL CO. reminds tne of the free Omaha, Nebraska lunch in tlie ul4 days. Ton hate to sea a man making pig of himself Juat be- - : ' cause someth liig'a free." BUINESS We start you at SALESHEH WASTED. furhome nr anywhere: everything nished: $30 weekly, up; men, women; Toil can make big money selling experience unnecessary. Specialty Candymaking Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 5 our Texas and New Mexico Oil Leasee Perfect title guaranteed. South 18th street. locally. Deep tesla being made; we do the LOST A plain band wedding ring development work. Wonderful propoon street car, one week ago Sunday, sition. Write or wire between the hours of 3 and 5 oclock. Flnanre Co.. Victor Bldg., Kansas and City, Mo. Finder pi rase call Murray 305-receive reward. CANDY R WANTED. Dead or useless horses and cows, bought for cash. Phone Murray S70- - Fifty Good Uncalled for Work Suits FROM $5.00 TO $15.00 B. A. KLASCO, Mgr. MURRAY money Mies Theresa Winters entertained Thursday evening nt her home. T8 East South Temple, in honor of Mi.- Arbatlne James and Paul lieorge Bar C. Y ou are absolutely certain to find a Suit Dangerous Method. 2 p. m. The marriage of Miss Ida io WINDSOR Mrs. Tiirttbiiugh invites the Murray Baptist Aid and friends to meet Wt-i- l destiny, June 9. at her home oil Sixth East between Jilt and i.'rih South, tin old Hill place. to meet at The Indie an- the corner of 48th South and Stale St. ONLY x vi'-r- r y daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and Frank J. Stevenaen. Yluli-Idui- is-u- Mrs. D. n. Jones entertained at Tliur-iduufternuon for tlie folMrs. Lahrnm. Mrs lowing sisters: James Brown. Mrs. Juhn llowe, and Mra. James Godfrey. ON LADIES COATS and SUITS -- Bur-far- At- Striking Bargain Special L'luli-Idah- o - Dr. and Mrs. (1. W. Baker and cbil-dreof Ogden spent several days of tel. e ITuli-Idal- Mrs. Berg Jorgensen of Milford and three rhililren are visiting with Mr. for three and Mrs. Orson Sander week. at puri-hus- s Mr. and Mra. the week visiting with William at I'lah-ldalt- SMOOT DECLARES FRAME-U- P, PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. ion (For further information consult Sugar company, and if . upon what County Clerk or respective signers.) basis and for what reason. Tlilnk of my surprise when lie told me tluit lie NOTICE TO CREDITORS. liad no donlii tlie invesligatloo would be uiaile some time before the next Estate of Benjamin R. Hulse, Char election, anil aiimiip other causes as- lotte H. Hulse and Emma H. Hulse, designed wus the imo tluit it would help ceased. Creditors will present claim I could with vouchers to the undersigned at lo defeat ine' for 4212 not see how any investigation could the office of David W. Moffat, at South Stata Street, Murray, Utah, on or IMswibly affect me, for 1 hare nerer before the 10th day of July, A. D. IMO. 7 been an officer of the coiuiumy. JESSE HULSE, liave nothing to ilo with its mumigi1 Administrator of the Estate of Benja; lueiil have never done anything for min R. Hulse, f'harlotte H. Hulse the cnniiuuy that I would not willingly and Entma H. Hulse, Deceased. Date of first publication May 8, A. have done for any other buxines organisation in the l ulled States; that 1 D. 1920. DAVID IV. MOFFAT, own hut 440 share of tlie capital Attorney for Administrator. stork of the roniittiny, valued even today at $0 per share, and the sume NOTICE TO CREDITORS. came to me through tlie at slutre public sale of about seventy-si- x of tlie Ktock once owned hy my father Estate of David R. Evans, deceased. estate and tile liaiam-- of my present Creditor will present elaima with holdings came hy my subscribing klottU voucher to the undersigned nt the to Imilil .a sugar factory at 1 tewey, office of David Moffat, No. 4912 State Utah, on or beIdaho, which ini ed a falliire and wa Street. Murray City, A. D. 1929. of the 7th fore August, day disniHiilled and rtuimved to I'lali by BERftiA EVANS; tlie Sugar eoinuiny, after Administratrix of the Estate of David which 1 received stia'k in tlie Evans, Deceased. V. llOFFAT, DAVID Sugar fiuMiiy for uiy stm-- invested iu the sugar factory at Dewey, Attorney lor Administratrix. Date of firsi publication, June a, A. ldulio; lluit I never bought a share of D. 1920. tlie stuck oilier limn the seventy-sishare already mentioned glial 1 have never sold a sliurK of tlie Mia-- of the NOTICE. roniiauy iu my life and that the diviIn the District Court. Probate Divisdend 1 receive from the eoniiainy is ion, in and for Sail take County, State a tiumtli. of Utah. In the matter of the estate Dropped Matter From Mind. of Ole A. Kngebretsen, deceased. 1 The petition of.O. A. Engebretsen, "So, under these condition, paid mi more attention to the mailer until praying (Or the issuance to himself of letters of administration ' in the estate informayesterday, when I deceased ha tion of a telegram Hint bud been sent of (HeaetA. Engebretsen. for hearing on Friday, the 18th been fioiii Salt Luke City by one George day of June, A. D. 1920, at two oclock i- - Sunder to Atlorncy V. 11. Beer of p. nt. at the County Conrt House, In tlie federal trade cuiimilssiiui at lllgby, the court room of said court. In Salt Idaho, to which I will vail the senate' Lake City, Salt take County, Utah. Wline the Clerk of aaid Court, attention later. Senalurs will remeiu-tie- r tiiat last Dccemla-- r I culled tlie at-- , with the seal thereof affixed, thla 26th trillion of the senate to tlie fact that day of May, A. D. 192u. J. E. CLARK, tlie attorney general liail fixed tlie Clerk. priee at which tlie producer of licet By M. M. SNELL, (Seal.) sugar could sell tlieir sugar at 10ft Deputy Clerk. eenls per miuiii1, while at tlie same G. M. NIELSEN, lime lie allowed the nine sugar Date of first publication. May 28, of taiiistnna lo sell tlieir sugar 1920. at 17 cent per istuuiL Mr. President, sahl Semtlor Smoot, SUMMONS. In the District Court of the Third till I Hie program, mid I shall wall District of the County of Salt Judicial and see whether It niccts with tlie apof the federal take, 8tate of Utah. proval of tlie memln-rHorace Godfrey, plaintiff, vs. Abe trade commission nr lilts received tlie sometime known as Abe sanction of the attorney general. It Flake, at law of Gre.en, and all the heir Richas Gen. if to lisik to mi' liegln Green Flake, deceased; John W. AtkinV. talkknewwliat he was ard Young son, Elisabeth 8. Atkinson, John A. ing alsiiit when shortly before hi Berrett,, Heber H. Berrett, Orion H. lentil, lie liifnrmeil mi; jvliut lie heard Berrett, Laura A. Berrett, Frank H. w'ns to lake plmx in innuectluii with Berrett, Alice D. Berrett, Walter L. nil investigation of tlie Sugar eompuny. $100 Reward, SIM "Young wus one. if tint tlie leudlug, The readers of this paper will lemiH-rn- t In my state. pleased to learn that there la' at Shame iiMin official of a one dreaded dleases that- science hoe of tlie government tluit liare lent bean able to cure In all lte stages and that Is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly tliemselres to such act inn, I tlilnk I influenced by constitutional conditions know tlie people of Utah well enough requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Medicine is taken internally and to know that this sort of Nilliir will Catarrh acts thru th Blood on the lluooua of the System thereby destroying never he countenanced ami if the offidisease, giving tlie cials nt R'ushiirgton are acting in tne the foundation ofbythebuilding up the conpatient strength matter npnii rtcmlvire of .politicians stitution and assisting nature In doing Its so murh The work. have tlieir action will faith In the proprietors of the State curntlvs power of Halt's In my defeat or Catarrh Medici ns tbat they offer One not assist in auv Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails tlieir success, lie riMiclittlcd. to cure. Bend for list of testimonial Address F. J. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by all Druggists, lie. Sandara Admits Sending Telegrams. Hull take t'iiy. May 2d. George E. here, said: "The Sunder, linen a private matter. telegrams Tin-rmust ave lieen it leak mi tlie F1TS-- U wire. I didn't give them out." Tills wus tlie only cniiunuiit Mr. Slimier would iinike. dial the federal trudo com wa going to nuke an Invent!-fo f the affairs of the lie rumor iniMsion Daily Thought Tls happy for him that hla fathsr was born before him. Swift Bread From Our Hour You can easily excel the bread that U sweeter, molster and more appetising than any you ever tasted before mother used to bake if you nee our White Lily flour for your next baking. Save money, too. For White Lily flour goes much farther than the ordinary kind. Try a sack and we feel eure you'll use it all the time. Phone Hurray 222. t ' Day or Might. GEORGE A. JENKINS ' Undertaker , Suecesaor to 8. M. Taylor ft Co. 4706 South State Bt, Hurray Parlors at Hurray, Hidvale and Sandy. West Jordan Mills Dealen iu All Kindi of Hill Stuff. JOSH AYLETT, Htnager Phone. Midvale 108 HIM644HHW hPH 41 )( iMHiie |