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Show SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH sens la floating. The water prevents the Insects from escaping, and tha kerosene, being on the surface; kille the Insects with which it comes In contact. Collecting nmts valuable for some pests; for example, the tarnished plant bug. Brushing by different means Is used to a considerable Specialists Advise Use of All Pre- extent and consists In beating or brushing bisects from the plants with pine ventive Measures Possible boughs or similar brush. This method has proved of great value In combating as Best Plan. the lies aphis. Covering with doth is of use as a preventive for the striped cucumber beetle when the cucumbers HIVE SOIL DEEPLY PLOWS) are quite small, and for Trapping by different methods with old boards Is useful for squash bugs Rotation of Crops Has Boon Found by and cutworms. Poisoned baits may Many Farm no to Bo Excall ant be placed under such traps. Plowing, Moana of Con trailing D Isaacs disking, and harrowing all can be dona and Harmful Intacta. by band and art of considerable serv- PESTS THREATEN GARDEN SUCCESS (Prepare br tha COMPETITIVE EXHIBITS CREATING Depart-sca- nt beat It la Important to have the soil deeply plowed or spaded and made loosa and light with plenty of manure or compost and to keep the ground cultivated so that the surface will not become hard or weedy. Use the best seed to be had and sow It liberally to get a good stand, but thin out tha plants, as overcrowded plants are in much greater danger of becoming diseased than those that receive plenty of air and sunshine. Batata Crepe If Possible, Fanners have found that by rotating tlielr craps they reduce the Injury from plant diseases and Insects and also Increase the fertility of tha soil. This principle applies to the horns garden, where, if possible, it will be better te make a new plan each year, placing each vegetable where soma other grew the year before peas on tha old tomato ground, beets and carrots after the corn, etc. Tha details of this rotstloa must vary In each csss according to the climate, soil, and vegetables grown and the diseases and insects to be guarded against Avoid Introducing Insects and diseases on plants obtained for setting out .Practice dean cultivation. Employ fertilisers to stimulate plant growth. Work on the principle that a vigorous growing garden will produce a crop In spite of Injurious Insects and diseases. Become familiar with the Insects rand diseases known to occur In pout ; district on the crops you are growing. Equip yourself in advance with all necessary remedies and the means ot Bemember that tha applying them. timely application of a remedy acts as an Insurance against loss. , Watch constantly for tha first appearance og a disease or Insect. spect the garden at least every other day. Determine what Is causing Injury and apply the proper treatment well-rotte- d OLYMPIC YOUNG BALL PLAYERS STADIUM DECREASE IN MINORS; IN GARDENING in Few Use combination treatments as often as necessary, keeping In mind the influence of weather conditions as well as the' life history of the Insect or fungus causing the disease. Neighborhood Should Use Insecticides and fungicides In the proper dilution to accomplish the object without Injuring the plants. Standard remedies are best' Test others experimentally before using them on' a large scale. ' ' Use the best sprayers. A thorough application Is necessary for the best results. Adjust the sprayer so that all parts of the plant that are exposed to the air will be covered. ' Work for In the neighborhood.' One badly Infected or Infested gnrdeu may be the source ot disease Infection or Insect Infestation for several near-bgardens. Keep your own garden clean and It will be an object lesson for careless neighbors and will bave a tendency to help clean up tlie neighborhood. This will make control easier and cheaper another year. For garden Insects there are several control methods that do not require the use of Insecticides, but too much must not be expected from them. Ot these hand picking Is useful for large; comparatively Inactive Insects such as the potato bettle, cutworms and other caterpillars, and the squash bug. Another method Is Jarring or heating Insects from low plants Into large pans of water on which a thin scum of ker- - m-rull- full-sway- Exhibit ' Many comparative experiments of deep and shallow cultivation bava been made, and on the whole the results are In favor of shallow cultivation, say specialists of the United States department of agriculture. The occasions when deep cultivation la preferable are few. If excessive rains have packed tbe soil and kept It water soaked, deep cultivation will help to dry and aerate It Breaking the roots of tbe plants must be avoided so for as possible. If roots are broken the plants will rapidly produce other roots, but If will be at tbe expense of vitality and the food supply. After the plant have reached a height of 2 or 8 feet, the soil even In the middle of the rows should not be cultivated deeper than 4 inches, and usually u shallower cultivation will prove better. A loose soil match 2 or S Inches In thickness should be maintained. It retains solf moisture and facilitates the penetration of ralnfalL PLANS OF WORK FOR CONTROL OF BEETLE Quarantine Against insect Poisoning With Sodium Cyanld In Water Will Be Practiced on Sella Bador ly Infested With Larva Grubs Nets te Be Used. At a recent conference of officials ot the United Slates department of agriculture and the New Jersey department of agriculture, bold at Riverton, plana of work for the control and suppression of the Japanese beetle wero thoroughly gone into. Provision has been made thoroughly to Inspect and certify products found free from tlie and Insect, Including greenhouse nursery stocks, fruits, vegetables and form crops. While the quarantine will be rigidly enforced. It 1a believed that no serious Interruption will result to tlie movement of most farm and other products from the Infested territory. In control of tbe beetle, several methods of attack will be followed. Poisoning with sodium cyanld In water of such soils aa are badly Infested with tlie larvae or grub will be practiced. Several million beetles. It 1a believed, can be captured by sweeping Infested plants with nets. A band to one of vegetation from one-hamile wide surrounding the Infested area will be kept thoroughly poisoned With Insecticides sprayed or dusted on the plants. To prevent accidental carriage of the beetle on automobiles and other vehicles and on pedestrians, tha roadways have been cleared, by grubbing and burning of food plants of the beetle. The weed food plant will be kept down by the use of large chemicals. quantities of Attention te being given to the Introduction of parasites of the beetle from Japan. An agent of the bureau ot entomology Is already in Japan, engaged upon the work. The officiate connected with this project believe that the operations of 1030 will pretty definitely Indicate what can be expected from large-scal-e operations In suppression of the beetle. That the value of Improved live stock Is recognised by farmers even though they are still far from reaching that goal bn their forms Is shown the hy reaching correspondence United States department of agriculture from regions where the live stock Industry la undeveloped. "This township," one fanner writes In pencil on a scrap of paper, "is Interested In a better grade of cattle. There Is a sawmill ond a earrings shop and a blacksmith Shop right by us, and I think these would be good places fur your colored poster about better sires. If you will send me soma I will poet them up. . "We have several cows In our barn," he continues, "and will Improve our Holstein bull, cows with a pure-bre- d which will soon bo ready to head the herd." t ' t lf LABORING FOR MORE t weed-killin- g to Only as all oT ns do our part will we contribute to this result. Edwin T. Meredith, Secretary of Agriculture. SAVE Tlie successful former te the business former. and small fruit always scum to go together. Gfowlng vegetables for winter te a big part of tlie garden that te too often overlooked. To bale clover bay In the field It Ashes as Fertiliser. must be well cured, and stored after Wood ashes Is a good fertiliser to baling where there te good ventilaapply to fruit plants In small quan- tion. tities. Look Over Corn Planter. over carefully Look the to see that It Is working before you drive out Into the field. corn-plant- er Keep on Producing. , A coal mine will not grow any more coal, hot a well managed woodland vHlww. imbar Indefinitely. With fresh vegetables In summer and others canned and stored In the pit one te Independent of the canned goods at the grocery afore. OLDJARM j ' Farm machinery, when discarded, should he carefully gone over with a lew of saving tha parts which have not been worn and which mny he available for fulnre nse on oilier machines, or for other purposes. There are always many braces, gear wheels, bolts and nuts that ran he nsed again. When the machine te discarded Instead of hauling It to an olweurc place to rust away, wliy not take It uixirt usable pieces or imite and place-th-e In the machine shed, or work shop? 2t takes only a little time to take the machinery apart before It becomes rusty and many pieces thus secured will come In handy. Adding Hem Comfort supply of fruit and vegetable goes for In adding comfort and contentment In any home. Few of tu like a steady diet flavored with tin ean material. A good A few rhubarb roots ought to be In every farmer's garden, and from the commercial aide any one near market will find It a paying crop. MACHINERY Carefully Inspect Discarded Implements and Lay Apart Useful Gears, Braces, Etc. Humus Is tbe chief source of supply of nitrogen. Gardens Will Be Rigidly Enforced. LOCAL COLOR King Albert of Belgium to right of photograph on a visit wlrii many other and Fes. officiate to the Immense stadium In Antwerp, where the Olympics are tu be held. On this field many international championship will he decided, during products produced by larger gardens. the summer months. A of small exhibits Instead of a few large ones favor a successful show. An Important point te "BAREFOOT JOE VERY to have the premium list made up CAREFUL OF THE BALL early, preferably before seeds are ordered. Exhibits should be attractively staged, tha entries for a Hass being When Joe Jackson was playkept togethw. Both danse and Inding with a team down South ividual entries should be plainly and 1'Iuns for a Iluss It Central longue Carolina way many years ago, arc abandoned. appropriately labeled. ha didn't wear $10 buseball shoes. Helpful Competition. ' Hugh High liua lieen doing some For financial reasons Jo Vegetable; fruit, and flower gardens wore nothing on bis feet. He funcy fielding for Venmu. or tlie home grounds of a community roamed all over the briars, stubmay be fairly classed and Judged. ble and other litter In tlie outEarly average of the Coast league These make most helpful community sliow Portland leading na a team In field, which Included numerous competitions. broken bottles, without It bothhitting. Token prtees Instead of those of Inering him. trinsic value are all that 1a necessary At the end of the fifth Inning Johnny Even te doing some work for successful competition. aa a scribe on tlie Albany Knickercams of a certain When tbe time of tlie show apbocker Press. In to the bench and expostulated proaches the net date must he fixed, with the manager. rnd this should nut be changed. If It "You'd better get that glass 1a George Gibson, te done It may provoke a feeling of unout of center field," he said, "It's another to show that catchers make fairness. good munager. cutting the ball all to pieces." Whore competitions of any of the In the discussed types departments Jack Neills, a catcher who holla Clrculnr 02 have been held, they have been found not only to sllmnlule In- LEARNED LOT IN BIG SERIES from one of the Boston high schools, lma been signed hy Hie Boston Ameriterest In gardening and home adorncans. ment, but even more to get nelgliliori Jimmy Ring of Champion Cincinnati Reds Picked Up Mere Than Coin acquainted with one another and deBaseliall 1s tlie only tiling that te alIn Crucial Games. velop community spirit. lowed to "run" on Kiimluy at Chick An exhibition requires considerable Smart ballplayers come out of a axlin. Oklo., everything else being effort, but It te usually felt to lie well more closed. worth while, even by those upon whom world series with somolhlng on the gate. Jimmy Ring a than cut burden falls. heaviest tbe did. A year ago he didn't startle any Uncle Wllliert Robinson te a good picker. Bcmie Nets was Ids first rookie to come across with a big time MARKET STATIONS OF VALUE stride. Branch Rsach Out in Every DirecPhysicians have told John McClos-ketion and Constantly Circulate the veteran Memphis manager, News of .Importance. that the sight of his left eye prob" Market stations maintained by the ably te gone, bureau of market United Rtates dePat Moran, after the Beds had takpartment of agriculture. In several of en their llcklnga from tlie Pirates, the lending dries, are well termed broke out into ciilogli-- s of George Gib"branches." They reach out In every son nnd his (cum. direction from tlie central office. Connected by wire and mall service, there Bill James, one of (he sinra in the In constant circulation of vital news, sensational spur! of the ltoslmi Braves out and returning, between them and in li)U. Iicllcvcx i lint he can stage a the office In Washington. The raw successful comelim-k- . materials, so to speak, are gathered and worked over to make tlie ninrket Anol her Ilrnr.ll In hiiKctinll thl year articles rciMirta, reviews, and pres Is John Ilnixlll, who halls from Xcran-townieh are distributed for the benefit and has signed with tlie Pittsfield of the politic. Tlie market stnllim man Eastern League team. works from the early stir of activity In tlie market section until the day's of Llpiiett of the University Mint te finished. Usually he te a man t Georgia, pitched a garni wih considerable technical training of Pills- against the University and experience in production or mar1 to 0. burgh, Georgia winning keting. Stimulate Interest ter Community Bpirit 1 of Fruit and Vegetables An organised competition among neighbors helps create added Interest In vegetable, fruit, and flower growing In a community. To aid those wbo desire to have a horticultural show or a garden competition, but who do not know exactly how to conduct one, 1s the purpose of a circular recently loaned by tlie department of agriculture. The method given In It are those which experience has proved to be easiest and best. Among the subjects treated are classification of entries, the arrangement of the bell and of tbe exhibits, the points observed In Judging various horticultural exhibits, and the prtees offered. Scops of the Exhibits. An organisation already In existence, such as a county or state fair, a fanners club, a grange, a garden or horticultural dub, or a boys and girls dub, may father a horticultural exhibit or a group may be brought together especially for the purpose. Once organised, this circular suggests, tlie first step Is to outline the scope of tbe exhibit. Com petitions to be interesting must be fair and equitable. In order to make them so, competitor with similar opportunities should bfc matched against one another. The exsmall hibits should be divided Into units aa possible; so that tbe person with only a few square feet of ground may show such products aa he may grow, In even competition with like Shallow Method la Favorsd as Result of Many Comparative Expert-mant- a by Specialists. The more we work tbe more there 1s; tbe more there 1s the more to divide; Recent War Killed Off Many of SmalLj r Circuits, Thus Lessening Crop of Promising R Semite Good Thing for Veteran. One of the serious results of the war! from a tasetall standMilnt Is shown In' the lack of young ball player romlnaj up from the minor leagues. Of all the: taken south by llie different' insjor league teams but very few are-tlie seen on tlie team now that thw chniuplonslilp season is under Tlie scarcity of young ball play la a good ililng for the vilrran.i for it will keep them in service long--' or, but It means that It will grow more1 ami inun difficult to recruit tlie big! league teams unless there te a greatly' Increased Interest in minor league tall! as pluyed In tlie smaller cities. Tbe war killed off most of the small-- : or leagues, thus lessening the crop of: young tall players te be purchased; and drafted. For two year the minor were either aot oieratlng at all or do- lug mi on a very small scale and wltl! Inferior players. Most of the hoy have been starting out on aj bnxctall career were la the army in! those days and many of tliem will nev. er go Imrk In tasetall. The supply baseball talent was almost entirely cut! off for nt least two years ami the re--i suit Is that most of the major leagu eliilis are shy of recruit and are going abeud with tlielr veteran players. The present condition among the ; minors la much Improved ee far, peciully as Ihe larger leagues go. but' It is mil at all like It was before tin war. The reason for this te that aaL arlc and tenge In other positions trd so vastly Increased Hint a lad of eny real skill or ambition ran do much liet-- l ter liy slicking to his Job than he cun! by playing In a minor league of leaner, classification. It used to lie that a boy off the Iota looked upon a salary ofj $i.V) a month as pretty good money far starting out with a ball team. Now1 hr can cam iiiurh more than (bat by! slaying nt home and playing on Suiw days Hiid holidays with some Independent leHin. It 1s hard to get smart youngsters Ur start at trim bottom of tlie basebalL ladder. The rewards of the star plsyJ era up utavo are ample, but the young player who Is not sure of making good In a couple of years hesitates about giving up a good imsitlnn at home to Join out with e (lass C or D club. Tha problem will gradually adjust Hself as things In Ihe business world return tos their funner level, hut It te going tot be difficult to remilt largely from tlM season or two at minora for 1 DEPTH OF CORN CULTIVATION t t t ( t i. 1 Remote 'Sections; For Has Lees te Fear From Insect Pests. Performers Coming; Bush Leagues. 1 Farmere Recognize Value of Improved Stock Even Though Living In A Garden Properly Prepared and Cared Good Up From Spraying Methods To be successful in the control of Insects and diseases, sinylng must be done promptly and ' thoroughly. Spraying with bordeaux mixture should bo done before rains rather than after, provided the spray lias time to dry on the leaves. Intervals between spraying should depend on the weather. If It Is rainy or muggy, with fogs or heavy dews spray frequently to keep tlie foliage protected at all times. If dry, a longer time may be allowed. The Ideal spray is a fine mist, and the beet work Is done when the plant la throughly and evenly covered with fine drops. Stup (praying before the foliage Is drenched. Tlie higher tlie pressure, tlie better the spray. Clean all sprayers each time after using. For del Into foliage, spray after this gets under shade. Hot sunlight is dangerous with many sprays, such as kerosene emulsion. Get copy free by writing to the United States department iff agriculture of Farmers Bulletin 8MJ, Control of Diseases and Insect Enemies of the Home Vegetable Garden." It discusses the whole subject in detail the various garden Insects and diseases, poisons and how to prepare and use them, - spraying machinery, and the like. BETTER SIRES -- ADDED INTEREST KING ALBERT VISITS ice. United States of Agriculture.) From the tlmo the seeds are planted until the crap Is harvested a aeries ot insect enemies and diseases may appear that, unleaa they are controlled, will destroy much ot the value of the Barden. Garden and truck crop specialists at the United States department of agriculture ltave worked out a great many sped He means for destroying Insects or holding them in chock,. . They point out the fact, however, that preventive meesures are promptly. ARE HELPFUL IN larga-numb- er DIAMOND NOTES game-Jackso- ratclicr-niannge- r, who-woul- e-- the-least- . BOB IS MEUSEL PROMISING! Pacifte Coast Star la Holding Down Bakst's Job at Far New York Yanks. The photograph shows Bob Ileusc I. funner laclllc Coast league ator, who has been holding down "Home Hun" Bakers Job at third tase for the New- ' n no-hi- Umpire Illgler Is Inking singing le- sons. Since the luinenlcd Bill Byron went West some one must vocalize Jimmy Ring. On of the Poorest Live Stock Feeds for the uinnscineiit of the fish. to was he hilled start clubs of the Ba Can Grow Cannot Farmer tlie series He says big against. Compared With Alfalfa. Olio Kocpplng, second baseman of taught him a lot Moline Three-- I league team, hns "Those close games made a pitcher thn More timothy hay te grown In the ball and Joined an United States than all other hnys com- out of me. I had to keep my inlnd on quit organized crew In Sterling, Neb. bined and yet timothy la one of tlie what I was doing. I hud to study feeds that the fann- every hall I pitched. In doing this I poorest The Holy Cross loam hn suser can raise. Its value for feeding learned far more than If the Reds tained strong a severe loss In the Injury of me. while It far Yet, made had cannot be with ensy purposes compared Burti Italy. Tlie Purple leadclover or alfolfo. It te low In protein, I pitched winning hall under ordinnry Captain 1s out for the season with a broken er on I losing. Perhaps ankle. the nutrient upon which fanners and condition. kept more especially dairymen must to a tlie breaks will he with me (Ills year. large extent rely for the beat returns But I learned that you must stay In Detroit prohuhly will have a lielter from their herds; It te not very pala- alinpe to keep getting them over the pitching stuff than Inst year, but at table to live Mock, except, perhaps, comer." present no great amount of confidence to hones, and It has an undesirable IN FAMILY Is lieing placed In the ability of the GAME RUNS GOLF ot effect all classes upon constipating Tiger fllngera. animals. Furthermore, It yields less or alfolfo, and It la a fer- Charlie Hunter of Now York, Hla Son than clover Tlie more one see of IVrkins, Ihe and Grandson, Art Devotees of tility destroyer Instead of a soil buildreceiver of the Mackmen. the pepis-rAncisnt Snort er. All things considered. It has very stronger Iteonmes the Impression lie te little to commend It. It te not rare to find families of rapidly forging to ..(he front as the Charlie Hunter, New York, best In the game today. golfers. TREES FROM PROTECT SWINE whose son and grandson are both When II comes to picking Ihe most will compete In the golfers, prominent Damage Can Be Reduced by Providing open rlinniplonsiilp this yenr. He Is versatile player In the National league Rubbing Posts for Hogs Infected eighty-fou- r years aid and played In don't nverlisik George Whitled of the With Lice. the British open championship event Pimli-M- , lie can play a strong game at In 1800. any Infield or mu field noaltloti, Very yonng trues ean be protected from damage hy lings hy providing robThe National Board has awarded bing posts and keeping the hog free rights In (Mil fielder George Urine to fiom lire. Tlie animate will not USE MOTION PICTURES the Brantford cluli. rub against the trees so a to Injure them If they are free from verMirrors and motion picture Merita Acosta, the Culinn with min. A good hog oiler te a groat will be nsed In tha training of Louisville, won a JlO.Ono prize In a In rase. this help track athlete at Harvard this Havana lottery the past wilder. season. Runners will have nil Location of Orchard. opportunity lo oliservc and corThe Senator have three "Shush" In loratlng an rect their fnnltx before the mirparticularly ball players on their roster. They are In a lnounlnin seel inn. remember that rors and hurdler nnd Jnniiers Shanks, Shaw and Rchacht. The latair drainage te of tha utmost Imporwill have I lielr efforts at practer Is n new Idirler. from tance. An air jxickot means failure the screen criticised tice alninxt without exception. reproduction. George minor Hughes, veteran leaguer nnd last year malinger of the Seeding Clever With Oats. Moline culry In rite Three-- I league. When needing clovers with oats It te Is iiiaiinglng an Independent team at Juneau at Kentucky. best to sow the nurse rather thinly, Wllllnm J. Juneau, for four years Duvcniiort, In. hindicts of two small my berry nr two end on the University of Wisconsin and a half hushels of a large berry football team and later coach at Ed Barrow Is satisfied with his Inoala per aero. Wisconsin and Marquette, has signed field arranginent of Mclnnls, McNally, emit met to coach the Scott and Foster, so he Intends to use a three-yea- r Protection for Bird Osear Vltt ns utility Inflclder until the University of Kentucky eleven. Tench the children to protect birds; Sox bit a losing streak. Tell tliem to hunt with a kodak but Gibbons Sails for England. not with gnns or slingshots. In the old days a player used to Tommy Gibbons, the St Iaul .light heavyweight, has Milled for England come Into tlie home stretch feet first Two Useful Vegetables. te engage In several contests. Ha When the catcher got up hla face Lettuce and Swiss chard are two match with Joe generally resembled a meal ticket to arrange hope good kitchen vegetables and also make Beckett, the British heavyweight with all the boles punched. good green food for chickens. TIMOTHY IS LOW IN PROTEIN i ' live-stoc- k y Bob Meusel. Turk Tankeos. lie Is perhaps tho niosl promising minor league recruit In the American league. Meusel te a fast fielder, a bard blltcr and possesses a fine throwing arm. GIVE YOUNG KELLEY TRYOUT Son of Former Manager o! Toronto Team to Be Given Every Chance by Manager Duffy. Toting Kelley, who Is gelling n tryout In the Toronto Infield. Is a son of Joe Kelley, funner manager of tlie Toronto team, former Oriole, former notable In taselinll In fact. sake Hugh Duffy hns For promised In give the new Kelley every rlianeu in the world. old-tim- e NEW RULE CAUSING TROUBLE for Umpire to Detormino Whether Batter Tried to Dodge Wild Pitch. Difficult The new nile making the hall If it hits the but when s taller Is dodging a tail pitch te already musing trouble. Tim umpire Judgment n to whether the tattler tried to dodge decides and nf cmir-rDial Judgment i dbiuilid according to llie advantage gniiKd by tlie teams playing. Every time some bailers lilt a find now er an tnsy grounder to the Infield they claim they were trying tu dodge a wild pitch. dr-a- e Wants s Commission, r of puliibT rhlindclphln's safety. Juntos T. Cortelyou. suggests a taxing commission to handle tho Qunkcr City gnme. dln-eto- Olympic Scout Walter Knox, coach of the Cana- dian Olympic team, te westward tanmi looking over athletic material In every port center. - r |