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Show BANDY CITY STAR SANDY. UTAH BENEFIT OF CLUB WORK IS FAMILIARITY GIVEN BOYS AND GIRLS WITH MARKETING Baby Baf Club Mambara and taming ThalrAnlmajifi, Rllnayt.M Maw. Alao k (Prepared by the United Btates nt Depart-ma- bf Agriculture.) starboard sides, the muter will know that ha la directly above the pilot cable. By holding his vessel ao that these waves remain equal, he can bring hla ship Into harbor through a dense fog as readily u in clear How Our Navy Planes Are Armed SnJ weather. Advantages of Service.' The use of this service will save I ha losers accruing when many ships lie out at sea, waiting tha lifting of the fog bank to coins into the bay. Commander McCormick Mid, The expense of necessary Installations npon the hull of a ship would ha slight in comparison with the advantages to be gained. Eventally, I believe, all the chief harbors will have radio pilot rabies and all ships will ha equipped to avail themselves of the service," Commander McCormick declared. "As for Sun Francisco, it will be a matter of only a few years until the cablet are laid, even If the appropriation la rejected this year. In addition to tha navy vessels, which will, of course, he equipped to follow the cable, I expect that practically all ships calling regularly at this port will quickly Install the Induction colls." Commander McCormick said there was a likelihood that tha first appropriation would be sufficient for the laying of only one cable. In this case, he raid, a signal like "S. F. would be given, and both inbound and outbound vessels would follow the same cable. Ban Francisco Bulletin. TheM Juniara Hava Learned Much About to lie received for hla own animal is Involved. In the little town of Spring Green, When to Market the Product W la, a grateful atm. baa out aside the lie learns, too, that as a usual Uilng hum of $2,000 for a unique meinurlul the market for this type of .beef is to hla father, for ninny yen re a pro- steady and that tlie good feeder will gressiva and honored member of the seek to market hla anlmula when community. The money la to tie held their finish is absolutely the best Tlie In trust by the University of Wisconsin splendid profits which baby beef club and the Income from It la to be used members have made the past year, as In promoting boys' and girls' club shown by reports to the United States work. Tlie son liaa done wlmt the department of agriculture, Indicate father had planned to do before hla conclusively that the club members death a plan prompted by tlie strik- have heen raising their animals In ing results which dull work for lioya the right way and by so doing have and girls has achieved In tlie vicinity helped create a demand Air their of Spring Green and oilier parts of product so strong that packers nre Wisconsin. This benefaction Is but one of many evidences that thoughtful men are recognising In this activity for, and liy, "Junior farmers one of the big features In America's movement for better turn is and better farming big, because of the great promise which It holds for tlie future. paying fancy prices In many cases. It la not alone In the raising of haliy lieevea that the Juniors" are learning fundamentals that will help them In marketing. They are getting similar ground work In the raining of hogs, shaft poultry, potatoes,) sugar bads, tomatoes, and other garden products The primary aim, of course. Is better production In each case, but of Fanners Tomorrow. Training nowadays supply Is ao sensitive to the Wlillo there are many Important dictates of demand that the successphuses In tills club work, tlie bearing ful funner must acquire familiarity which It has on the problem of how with the market If he Is to succeed the fanner of tomorrow can better and that la one of the things which understand marketing la of particular club work la providing for Uie "fannInterest, because that plinse of tlie ers of tomorrow." fanners work, when Ignorantly performed, may deprive him of all the KEEP HOME GARDEN AT WORK What the proflta from hla lubor. farmer receives at the market la, genPossible to Grew Considerable Quana erally speaking, an Index to hla tities ef Vegetables on or failure. Of course, ho cannot Limited Areas win to hla are f bad, luqie products auil sometimes be cannot sell them By the exercise of care and forepnitttaldy If they are good. Uut when In planning succession crops they are bad or poor, a Idg factor In thought and rotations and by the utilisation of jiromoting Improved methods on the farm Is a denr understanding of what every font of suitable available apace the market demands and what It la It la possible to grow considerable quantities of veetnhlea jnj limited tnn mi supplement the family ifffairimsifflr NluratorIave uing food supply. The principal factors in contended that men and women understand and remember the things heat accomplishing this are the use of seed which ihny learned In their early, lioxes and hotbeds to give plants an In spring before seeds formative years. Uut paydudogy and early start be planted outdoors, the use of may .pedagogy ashb. that la couuted good outside seed beds to carry plants for common sense. And people are g crops while early crops more and mure Mint It applies occupying tlie garden space and to buying and selling, planting nnd are the planting of lute or succession harvesting, quite ua much as to bonk ss soon as earlier plants have learning. Tide fnct lips Imu a great crops removed. allinulna to tlie Imys' and girls' rluh lieea The United Slides department of agwork now flourishing In all of the riculture believes that the home gnr-deI states of be Union. Is Just as essential this year a If any fiirmer, a father of hoys or It was during the wnr yean and Is girl, la not Inking the time to tench offering the advice of practical sciIds children fundumenlula of fnnnlng entific gnnleners In helping to solve hi such a way Mint they ran promote (he problems of those who want to their own legitimate Interests when cultivate home gardens. dbqmsing of the farm's yield, Hint fanner Is neglecting a lilg opportunity to imike sure of Ills children's sueoi'ss DOUBLING CORN YIELDS In ugrleullure. If lie bus not the time or knuck to (each his children, he nt Corn yields per acre In the least can lend hearty niipiwrt to the Unlled States could lie doubled club work In Ills nelghlMirhisNl, because within a few years, ami this are liccomlng good dub could he accomplished without as well as good stuck and crop Increase In work or expense, raisers. This efuh work, promoted by the says the United States department of agriculture. It Is not United Sintra department of agriculto he understood that It In desirture In with the various able to double the present corn states, gives Imys and girls an undercrop, but that It la desirable to standing of marketing thut Is fundamental. Take the Imy who la a memprodure enough to meet all needi on a smaller number of ber of a linhy beef dull, for cxnmple. acres and with ices labor. If Ilia dally mre of hla aiilmtil for a peGO bushels are raised on 1 acre riod of ecml months gives him a Instead os 2 acres, the labor of fumlllarlly with live stock which planting, harrowing, plowing, adulta unacquainted with tlie subject an acquire only with dlfllculty. lie cultivating and harvesting t greatly reduced. learn that young rattle make better as much ns 23 to 40 per cent gain inure than mature rattle on the same Iced. lie discovers that the herd of at He on hand at any one time Is smaller when baby beef Is being rained, sinee there are no two or lienee there Is a lurger surplus Oil meal fed In moderate quuntltlra of feed and pasture. la an excellent feed fur horses. Tlie hoy lennis from his father or from the dull lender that young heifA most critical period In a pig's life ers when finished as hnhy lieef at 000 to Oik) pounds often sell ns well ns la tlie first few weeks after weunlng. steers, whereas when they ure over DoAed lambs sell best Docking Is two years of age they usually are licMt done at the suuie time Iambs are ngaiuxt by buyers. beeves when fattened for the east rated. a ninrket under two years of nge offer moNt of One the clioii-In selectof Important asset! the matter greater ing the time fur marketing. Kuiiy of a good work bnree la durable and yearlings or high quality, the Imy finds, useful feel. can he fed either a somewhat longer Alfulfs, clover and rape make the or shorter time than first planned, without any material change In the I lest iKiKture for bogs, and these enqw are ruled in the order given. finish of the niiliniil. This Is a ' , advantage when the market Is Mtingcls, luniipa and rutiiliugus pos"weak" or 'unsteady" terms which henmie very rleiniy defined to the Ju- ses many HilviuilngeM us stock food venile stock grower when the price at all sou sons, c)icciully In winter. stie-cea- ) SKIRTS ADOPT MODISH PLAITS A closeup view of a United States navy seaplane showing naval aviators at the Lewis madilne guns with which the plane is armed. May Use Radio to Pilot Ships piuits and to be occupying the thoughts of many designers this season. They are shown In everything, from capes to negligees. In the soft, sheer materials, the thin, supple silks and satins,. they are at their very brat, and In the heavier fabrics, used for suits or skirts or rapes, designers have managed them cleverly. In strlpea and plaids, plaits change the lines and predominating colon ao that manufacturers of se in rule skirts appear to be fascinated by them; they give so much opportunity for the exercise of Ingenuity. It seems ' like the and painting Illy adorning the rose to change or add anything to some of the beautiful plaids and stripe that appear In silk and wool materials but it la done, and we have to concede that something of Interest Is added to the garment made In this way. One of the skirts pictured here fea Accordion tures stripes running horizontally and the material laid la moderately wide side plaits. Odd and fanciful pockets, without plaftuiga are set on at each aide. They era something like saddlebag pockets, with rouiuled flaps, and they bang as If separate from the skirt Four, balls covered with the material make an unusual flnlatr across the bottom of them. The girdle ! Ingenious, too. Its ends are split at the front, forming taro straps, the top straps fastening with a large button while the lower ones cross an 1 are finished at tlie mils with balls. Accordion plaiting hse been chosen by the designer of the plaid silk akin and ha has shown his Independence of any other material In this model. It eta close to tha figure and this, with Ita girdle of silk with flat hanging ends at tha front somehow suggests an Egyptian Inspiration, The sash ends are folded over the belt and gathered Into silk ornaments at tha bottom. New multi-seaso- n three-year-ol- d Kximnxcs nuty lie mude less by the Cow's Milk for Lambs. use of the self feeding plan In to tlie hund feeding system Cow's milk has proved to lie entirely satisfactory for young Ininhs. Whole In the hog hit. milk should lie used fer this purixme Tlie thing most needed In the p roand care should lie taken to keep the bottle cleaned and properly Kaldud to il ucl Ion of work horses Air American farms Is grimier rare In tlie selection , kill any genus. of the etalllou and the brood mare. Activity ef Chicks. ' From the very first chicks should be Dogging down corn has come to be Induced to exercise, for ectlvlty le a a profitable and popular practice beprime factor In promoting health and cause It produces more pork per acre growth. Feed or finely cut clover of com thin any other system of hog management. makes a good Uttar. pref-eren- d left-han- I-- k ALL at once and with oue accord, dinner dress. Two colon creators of smocks and blouses seemed to have seized upon tricolette as a promising material for their purposes. Whoever started It uncovered an Idea that hns flourished from the beginning and has led Into In appnrel. several Besides smocks, Jackets, or bodices, often sleeveless and extended at the front Into girdles or sash ends, have made their entry for anramer wear, In gay and beautiful colon. Tricolette and other weaves In the same silk fiber, make mnny of these; they will be rivals of the silk sweater later on and belong among the glorified sports clothes that are Intrenched for a long stay and crowding tailored modes for street wear. Tricolette in one of the most popular smocks Is shown here, with a finish of Bilk fringe at the bottom and embellishment embroidered of flower sprays about the neck and down the front opening. Gray la a favorite color for smocks of this kind and gay colon appear In the flowers, hut the smocks nre made In many colors. A plain girdle, made of the material, or a silk cord and tassel, matching the smock In color, furnish the best management of the .waistline. The neck anil short front 'opening are bound with plnln satin and ainnll round buttons, covered with It, add a Inst touch to a delightful piece of work. A handsome georgette sinnek, with pattern In silk embroidery. Is used for the dressier model shown In the picture. It Is one of innny In which georgette. In a dark color, serves as a background for rich embrnldurcd effects' nnd these pretty garments arc In high fqvjir for fnniinl afternoon and close-fittin- g In georgette are sometimes combined In them, vivid shades of green proving particularly effective with Hie quieter colon. It appears In smocks for evening wear, along with turquoise and lighter colors. adorned with beads or with the richest and most ctftorfnl embroideries. White FIom Embroidery. aonie of tlie newest evening gowns oue sees white floss embroidered on white silk background, snd this, though It may not have heen borrowed from China, Is hot Infrequently seen among the finest of Chinese embroideries. White Is Interestingly combined with colors In the of some of the new frocks. In three charming frocks exhibited recently was seen white embroidery oo brown, e bright green on light yellow and delft blue an white It Is not FEAR WOMAN SHERIFF Officer in New Jersey turn In the highways, all the trolley connections' and short cuts across the Respected by Lawbreakers. country. Female Not only the office of deputy sheriff Is filled hy Mrs. Duer, but those of After Her Appointment Mrs. mayor and chief of police also have Duer Demonstrated Her Worth hei aa an Incumbent. In tlie rase of the minor offenders whom she arresta... at an Officer. Mayor Duer quickly metes out Justice herself. When It Is a rase of "get Red Bank, N. J. The presence of out of town In two minutes" the feMrs. Gcorgeannn Dner, acting deputy male limb of the law acts In her raN. In Red Is sheriff. to Mid Bank, J., Glove Lore. of chief of police and allows unbe responsible for the scarcity' of pacity desirable the shortest route out of Nothing looks worse than shabby In crime that vicinity. Shortly after Red Bank. She has run gloves, and as they are expensive artwoscore or ticle In dress, they require a little her appointment Mr. Duer demon- more of these suspicious characters nn aa worth strated her and officer, from her domains. management A good glove will,- - with since thnt time only a few petty acts rare, outlast three cheap one. Do not Sheriff Duer Is the mother of 15 have been of thievery reported. wear your best gloves at night Tlie children, nine of whom nre boys. steer of Evildoers clear Sheriff heat of the gns, eic- - give a moisture While the latter were growing up she to the bunds that spoils the gloves ; do ers territory because she has the organized them Into a baseball team. habit barm unexof suing turning np not wear them In very wet weather, as A collection of prizes wnn hy Sheriff pectedly at the right point to carrying umbrellas and drops of rain the fleeing crook with hia Intercept Duer for fancy costumes worn hy her plunder. m. various occasions decorates the spoil (hem. Tills happens because the woman offIn has lived icer the same locality for Duer home. Trimming for Chllda Frock. $8 years and know every crook and Bury all your trouble. Unique trimming for children's frocks la made from striped material. BADGE OF BOLSHEVISM The stripes nre connected or divided hy s chnln stitch of red worsted. A band of this (rimming ran be used Efforts to Raise 30,000 Soldiers Meat round tlie sleeves and down each aide Little Response In Vienna of the frock, nt buck and front. Cantors. 8oon other day. Judge Mnxey ordered tliut the sheriff be sent to him; ha would have Lewis Bible apprehended. Ten o'clock came and a man on crutches hobbled Into the court room. He was Lewis Bible, with one leg done up In splint and bandages. I got here as soon a I could,. Judge, he said. Then he explained that after hla release he went to Comets and went to work. Ills leg was broken the first day, and he had been In bed ever stout A friend In Comets volunteered to mike him to court to answer tlie charge agklnst him. but hla automobile balked and ha did not reach the court house In time. Later it developed that Bible had notpessed a bad check. You have restored my confidence In human nature and my ability to read It," Mid Jndge Maxey aa he discharged Lewis Bible. A New Plutocrat Looms Up. Bluefleld, W. Va. Before he left for the army a Coehum boy bought a barrel of whisky and buried II. Recently he was discharged from service-antoday lie Is $1,200 richer than he was. Revenue officers wojld be Interested In learning how and to whom ha made the sale. Mine Rat Opens Dinner Pails of Workers Educated Workmen at the Blcharda colliery mines at Mount Carmel, Pi. ray an educated rat has been responsible for their missing many good dinners recently. According to the miners, the rat Inserts Ita tall In the ring of a dinner bucket and then takes a big Jump. The lid usually cornea off. When lunch time cornea the men find their boxes empty. 1 Unearth Mastodon Tusk. Stockton, Kan. The petrified core of a mastodon's tusk was unearthed near here the other day by workmen putting In abutments of e bridge. The tusk la five Inches In diameter at the bnse and two feet in length. It la believed the tusk Is part of the skeleton of a large prehistoric animal that made Ita home In the primeval forests thunMiida of years ago. AU TRIAN ARMY DRAWS FEW Unique Millinery Novelty. all-ov- On Bull Has a Morning After. Knoxville, Tenn. Man la not tlif -only animal with a thirst A bull L. to Frank West county belonging tax assessor, located a still, Imbibed too freely and went on spree. Fences were tom down and the still was destroyed, and then the bull was given a chance to meditate. HIS NAME WAS BIBLE 'fte. rcsl-lxln- lnur-keter- and colls on both the port and starboard Ides of a ship. Ona of these cables, on the right-hanaide of tlie channel, at all optbonnd, will flash hours of the day and night, and the d aide of tha other, on the channel, outbound, will flash CONFIDENT OF ITS SUCCESS An automatic key system will perform this labor. With the aid of the recently eatab-I- I shed radio compass stations, or by Navy Department Working on "Double-Trae- k other accurate methods o navigation, System Which Is Expected ships will be made to pau over the to Becoma Reality In a When the aonnd desired cable. Few Years. waves of the Induction coll show equal Intensity on both the port and tlia railWashington. A double-tracroad" guiding ships from all parts of the world In and out of San Francisco bay, through the Golden Gate, as safely In fog aa In clear weather I That la the seemingly incredulous task npon which the navy department So Judge Thought Be Could Take la now working. It will be a reality Chance on Him. within a few yean, or If congress be lenient, by next January L Commander H. W. McCormick, Pacific coast radio material officer at Almost Lost Confidence In Human Mare Island, has asked ao appropriaNature When Paroled Prisoner tion for the laying of radio piloting Shewed Up. cables from Ban Francisco's waterhla last front, a distance of aevei) or el Tnlsa, lOkls. Because mlBS" out through the Golden nathF ftunhed'afl right, Jndge Maxey Unless the appropriation of the wire-le- u of this city released Lewis Bible on section of the bureau of steam hla own recognizance when he was engineering is trimmed too severely at arraigned on the charge of passing a Washington, the funds will become bad check. available July 1; the necessary supMid tha Judge, "Your name, plies will be requisitioned Immediate"sounds all right Im betting that ly, and the vessels railing at San you will come back on the day set Francisco will be electrically guided for your trial." Into the .harbor before next January-Confideand tha hour 6 Tlie day came, o'clock In the forenoon and no Bible ef Suceeea. The use of radio pilot rabies le still put In an appearance. The witnesses In the experimental stage, Commander were there, both for the state and McCormick raid, but naval officers are the defense. They lind not seen Bible confident of Its success. Only one ex- since the day he wna released. "This Is one time you have made a periment has been heretofore conducted In the United States, and that, mistake," observed tlie county attorat New York, operated aurceesfully ney to Judge Mnxey. The Judge shook until the cables were cut by dragging hla head. "Ilia name Is all right he conanchors. The equipment for the "double tended. "and he looked all right to track consists primarily of two heav- me. But I limy have been mistaken. At 9 :80 the witnesses were disily Insulnted rabies, costing approximately $7500; a transmitting station charged and the rase set over to an Plan to Guide Vessels Through The Golden Gate by Wireless. Swamp a Beautiful Park. Wellington, Kan. Women of this city are given credit tor the transformation, within a few .years, of an untract Into sightly, Swampy thirty-acr- e a beautiful city park. It baa been named Community park," It la laid out with artistic landscape affect, replete with trees, ahrubs and flower bed. It contains a park house, surrounded with large shade trees, a neat modern stone building containing a large reception room, dining room and kitchen, that will accommodate comfortably about 250 persons. The park house la used for entertainments, banquets and parties. An Inlcrcstliig and unique millinery novel I y fur rccn-ntiowrar la a large bonnet, made entirely of wool crocheted and wired and trimmed with crocheted flowers of the Mine mnte-riu- l. IHike unusual to see In the new Mouses the use of opnlpn- - white bends embroidered on blouses of the light pastel shades. Here la the hat badge worn by the holshevlst forces. It lay so far as Novelty Veils. If you wish to be very np to dale known, the first picture of this badge you must wear a smoke gray net veil brovht to this country. It hns a red with a bonier, tlie latter arranged In ground with letters of gold. Interlaced linen. The net la very thin and silky, and over a clear complexA buoy Invented In Euion I Infinitely becoming. Once again hammock-shape- d and large the Parialennea are wearing valla uiadu rope la enough for a mnn to He In and propel of helfoimpe Ruslan net himself through water with a paddle. llfe-srviu-g In spite of the active efforts of the Socialists to spur recruiting, few men have applied fur enlistment In Vienna or the other Industrial centers, while Vienna, Austria. Austria la trying reports from the provinces are even to organize an army to succeed the more discouraging. volkswelir under the provisions of the lilll hurriedly passed during the panic that followed Dm Gcrainn revolution. City Doubled Taxes on It Is to lie cmiiiiosed of 20,000 men. Profiteering Landlord The treaty prohibits any aviation force. A 100 per cent Increase In the Tlie conservatives wnn tlmlr point assessed valuation of his propIn securing the allocation of recruiting to the provinces on a population baerty was tlie penalty Imposed by the Detroit city council on Jasis and In provisions prohibiting politcob Blievlts, .owner of a ical activity by the military forces. apartment house, who These provincial unite are to be garwas accused of Increasing their risoned within the province itself. No rents 'from $42 to $00 per' man may be foisted npon a unit in month. province In which he wne not recruited without the consent of the province Itself, and the men mnet be bona fide citizen of their province. On the one A machine baa been hand will be an army of peaMnt lads, Invented by an Englishman to enable and on the other of Industrial desses a passenger to learn at what veed be la traveling in e train. from the manufacturing centers. nine-famil- y |