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Show SANDY CITY STAR, SANDY. UTAH on FINAL VOTE COMES AT CLOSE OF UPROARIOUS DAY OF BITTER ATTACKS. , OV Till rtolilii-Ihuiiis till) wns liy Hie Imuse Kuliiiiliiy aft- vnuNin liy u vole of 2HD to in!, ll now Iknk to I lie somite. Tin nfririiiiillve vote won 33 In ox-l- John J. Tluuiius. iintther of former Governor Arthur L. Thimiasjlled sud-- ! deuly at liia ranch neur L'kluh, CxiM on May 2S. The I'tiih r Armed Washington. Intervention In Mexico should llie new forces in control show nu hiuhiliiy or unwillingness to set up a stable goveruuu-u- t more friendly low unis Americans was recommended to tiie seniiie on May 31 by the foreign relations investigating Mexlcun uffulrs, headed hy Senator Fall of New Mexico. Should a stable government be established Hie coninililcc recommended Ilia! full be accorded it anil Him fliiunchil assistance he offered hy llie Fulled Si ales. UNABLE TO Kinul mi inn wu hud after a fight The eomiiiiltee suhl, however, full which ilevelniieil extreme liitleruew should not tie given until a anil three ireliinlniiry lest of strength recognition been entered Into hud d trenly in which I In bonus suiqMirtcr Mhoweil iiihiii ussuranecs: ally ifiiln. That provlslim of article 27 of the The house wus in a wild uproar anil constitution of 1017, coinuionly reciuifiixiiiii the ileliate garded throughout SUPby foreigners as confiscatory, KNOX PEACE RESOLUTION Kpcukor (illlell wua uinihle to PORTERS FAIL TO MUSTER Amerslinll not be eufon-ei- l ngulust order nt any lime. Several llinra Hie REQUIRED MAJORITY. ican. . ImiiHe whx a verllnlile That the rmisriliitloiial clause, proCheer and applauee were met viding that nolle hut a Mexlcun Seventeen Democrat Join With Rel.y Jeers and boon. may be a minister of any religious The hill curries five plnii of fedpublican In Attempt to Override III Mexico and Hint no iieriiKlictd creed eral aid for'the Preeidential Veto, the Vote nun, at of a religious character shall comment follows: Gusli Isinus, Inline anil fans Being 220 to 152. on any isillHeal uffulrs of the nation I aiil, vochIIiiiiiiI training, land or InfoniiiiHoii regarding publish tiny anil liisiirmn-e- . Under or privute Wuxldiighni. lgicking iwenty-iiin- e the cash Ihuiiis feu are, 81.25 a ibiy the acts of InHiesoauihorllles llie fur us they have to voles of Hie necessary will lie uiid for nverseus service, with individuals lie inapplicable house fulled on May 28 lo puss llie do with uffulrs, public a iiiaxiiiiiiin of 8H25, mill SI u day for Knox resolution to end the war with Aiuerli-iins- . service In the I ailed Klulcs, with a lo llie provision Hint no minister Germany and Austria, over President That muxiiiiuni of $300. Wilson's rein. Tin result was lmt The fuxiilhin levies pnivhliil to or religious iiirjHinunin may conduct Him unexHrled. Tin role was 220 lo 1.72, schools or primary instruction raise the JI.QOO.OOO.OOO csilmutcd tn not lie nppllcuhle in Ihe rase of Ameri- seventeen llemm-ruljoining with he lo ilerray the cost of Ihe in mteiiipriiig to override and cans, legislation will nun liiue In effort foi tile rein, while two Itnpllhlhillls voted That the nr.de under which three year. They are: Additional foreigners may lie pxslled lie with llie IMiiornits lo sustain It. levies of fnun 1 to 3 p-- r rent on so revised as lo give Americans Hie starting tin fight mi the fhsir, over $5000; one-).if of 1 Hr lenders predicted Hint the the with to confer Ilepulilican representaright mil levy on real eslule inuisfers; In. tive of their veto would Maud by a margin of leu. government. i miKes averaging 83 I ". Mr cint on The reroiiimcmliilluns also proposed but nevertheless announced their tobacco product; tux ir 2 rents on to make Him fight Just provision In the ugreeiuout for tiie each $10 IrunsacHou of siia'k and proof a rhiims the Millie mul let llie vole go to Ihe immediate np.mliilmi-ii- t 10 duce anil ar cent tax. rommissloii lo uilJuilUiiln Hie claim of people. rvl roiictlve lo March IQ, on Issues of l'redlellng fiiiHl aellon, which again Americans, tlio committee to he ntuile slock dividends. up of men chosen by the two govern- ended efforts lo establish .Janice, there ments anil with the understanding Hint wus an hour of delude lu which THRILLER8 BOOKED FOR EUROPE Its findings he binding mid lie Immedposition was assailed by out hy Hie payuent of Itepulilieans and defended hy Democarried iately Hungarian Seothsayer Predicts Re- the crats. At tucking the ltcpuhliran damages adjudged. turn of Rulers to Thrones. of congnss, lleires(iilaTlve liidiiNsl. Starling prophecies rein-tii- e Diannunxio Reported III. Connally, Democrat, Tixn, cliullniged to world iieuco, ltoliilcnl change All Innsbruck disimtch the imrty In ctmlrel to present a Geneva. In Europe mid i lie fata of III nt straight-ou- t resolution for repeal of Gubrlulc d'AnniinxIo I says l.riHiiiniid figures In Hie great war are Flume wllu fiver. It la Isdleved the all wnrllme legislation and premiseil Hungary's imlloiiul pHilty-aye- uuilady I Hie sufti as that which re- Democratic uiwirt In an effort to Mine. Syhllline ItHIntlgll. npisured among sullors at hir ll lu the evert of a presidential Tliriuies will le recKiuhlished nil cently veto. Flume. over Eunqic, liieindliiK Fraune, Declaring Hint punMige of Ihe Knox Austria, l'oland mid Hungary, resolution would fix the time of reBarlln Soldier Pledg Loyalty, a wllliln a year," sin wiys. The llerlin. Conimutidera of the garrison peal of wartime lawa, ltepresonlallve will return to Germany, hut of Greater llerlin vlsiliil the minister Mouilell, lleptibllran lender, dime buck the funner emperor will go insane and of defense Monday mid tisik the oulh with a challenge to the Texu memHie crown prliu-will lie murdered. llial they mid their conis were ready ber in give proof of his ability to deThere will la sanguinary iiphenvnlH In to protect the consllturhiii hy force liver Itemoniitlc belli, lmt tiie anFrance preliminary to ihe swer was lost In a howl from both ugainai any attempted coup. of a kingdom. IhilNhevlsm will end In Hide of Hie eiininlmr. 11KII in Hnssin. Mexico will he I hr I alter In the day, however, Mr. ConFearful Loa From Flood. Ino of next war. lligli starling lailnt Twenty-sevenolly, without rnininent, threw Into Kngland. lauilli, prices will nluito mm European bodies of Hiose wlio lost (heir lives Ihe house hopper a Joint resolution will he quoled lit nr In Iwi Katiinlny uighl In Hie sudden overflow providing for nicul of every hit of years. There will he the grculcst of Hie Illver l.ild luive e reenvered legislation, effective on the exodus of Jews from llijxsht mid een-- I nnd date of llie resolution's imssage. iiersou are missing. ninny ml Kumim In history, lint they will estiuiale still pluec Hu ileuih not go in I'ulcsilnc. They will, rather loss nt about fifty. MURDERED ON IDAHO HIGHWAY emigrate to Argiidiuii anil Mexico." BOYD PARK JEWELERS y4ta . UPSET predi-cale- re-lo- re hiil-Iuiii- citi-xe- n PAYS TRIBUTE TO HEROES FROM AMERICA WHO GAVE ALL FOR LIBERTY. Pilgrimages to Cemeteries of Franca Made By Thoueande, Whlla Leading Men and Women Expreea Their Appreciation. settle-iiiimi- I iwo-tliin- 1 s ncci-ssiir- unilc-Rlrah- le e :. r-- lood-ersli- lp iuis-iidin- r. Ger-inaii- llolicn-aolleni- . n PIETRO Apprised of Nomination. Atlanta, !u. Eugene V. I Mis, who in Ihe la sirrliig a ten year seiili-ncfur viiilnHoii of tiie net, ana fnrnmlly nntifieil an for the May 21), of his noiiiiniilinn fift h lime us Ihe canilldutr for president of Hie I'nilcil Slates The ceremony took place in Hie war den's office. Itch, attired in Ids prison suit, greeted (aeh memlier of Hie notifies! iun commit Ice with n kiss. wiir-tim- Man and Woman Slain While Camping By Roadalda. locatello. Mystery, which so fur liu defied Holutlon at the hands of MASCAGNI ence officers, envcloi the murder at nn early hour Friday morning of a limn mid woiiuin lidleved to he F. G. Jennings mid wife of ilolHe, at a ilnl uhout two mlliH west of lkincroft. of llie murdered couple Tin; lastli were discovered lying umhi the grmind ulaiut 100 feet from a Ford eur In which tney are presumed lo have been The brail of tiie woman tmreliug. hnd li(en crnslied with n blunt Instrument mid Ixitli hnd been shot with a Ji8 ntlllire revolver, wliieli was found n few hundml feet distant from llie Sis-inll- Applaud Dying Girls Shriek. Geneva. Applause from n large resounded In the 111 He theatre at Serhruck, near here, while a gigantic python slowly crushed Its trainer, a lluiigurinn girl, to (leulli. The girl slirioked for help ns Hie coils of the (serpent closed uIkiiiI her, hut tin liellcved lier cries were sirt of Itliv enterluiiiiueiit und clieen-- loudly. Puri. Willi the break of ilawn on Sunday, May 30, pilgrimage of thousands of black-cla- d French men, women und children aturtiil from sixty-on- e towns anil villages for the American cenielerlCM In France. Ity nightfall there wus not a single American grave in France, lliul was not decor-ute- d with Monte, uiemcuio of Hie love y ami gratitude which Ihe French fuel toward Hicir deliverer. Tiie town adjacent to the larger cemeteries had jKcial ceremonies. Koine of the most fainou orators of France made Kpcuchc. . Throughout the cemetery xoues Sunday was a memorable iluy In tiie history of relullon. France proved In a solemn mid Impressive fashion that lie Inis not forgotten the HMXIO olive-drafighter who broke tiie enemy Hue at Kt. Mlliiel and In the Arginine forest. Many of France'a trailing citizen issued aiiedal nieesugiw to tiie people uiil : of America. Marshal Focli France's soldiers will never forget Hie courage and ' Hie sacrifice of their brotheae- arms who fought nnd died, hy thcBT.de like men. Miirxliul IViicnf declared:' Tiie bonds of true friendship and comradeship forged hy common sacrifice suffered by tlniMe French and American home Kleeiilug side by side In France will remain strung forever. Snrali Benilun-d- t lHiined llie followThe Kellie will dry up, Paris ing: will be dust, hefure the Mcred memory of the Amerhim heroes pasties from Ihe women uf France, who loved them a their own son. There Is not a woman in France Indny who doe not reinnmlier Hint without tiie supreme' sacrifice of tlie-- e thousands of brave Americans, I arts might lie the capital of tiie ( Jenna ii empire. poux-nnlr- Franeo-Aiiiericu- b Aim-rirs- - Would Copy Kansas Law. of n Washington. Ktuhlihincnt federal court of Industrial relutioiis similar to Hint in Kansas, to settle litlior trouliles, was recommended before tiie neiiulc'lalMir committee by Governor Allen pf that state. GEN. SALVADOR ALVARADO Tiie ImmIIcs canvas anil It fact Halt they for the night, inillnithni of stnrt til. on a piece of Is presumed from tins hnd Intended camping ulthougli there wns no n .fire having lieen niised Loans to 8ilver Producers. Tiie si c rotary of Wnslilngtiai. woulil le nutliorizml Hie treasury under a hill Introduced hy Simitia lliiidersoti. Deiiiornit, Nevada, to make loans to silver producers so they cun continue ojicnilhinH mid not be co!iiHlled to throw silver on tin market In view of lower market prices for that inoliil. Gen. Salvador Alvarado, Mexiean rebel leader of the new Sonera government, lent to Washington to plead the cause of that government before the etete department. Greek Troop Fired Upon. (lonsUtidiiiopie. Greek tr(ps on Hie upon Aegcnii sea, are reimrtcd to hare lieen fired upon Snliinlny hy linlgiirhin artillery neur Akchihtr. A few shots only were exchanged, the rcimrls indicated. Road Will Link National Parka. Washington. A. I Weslganl, representing tin American Automobile association. will leave Iure June 1 oil a imiiifimJiiig motor trip to link In a single great highway n nmjorlly of the national iKirk In the wrat. Japs Would Renew Alliance. Toklu. Huron Gonsuko Iluynshl, the new Japanese nuibassador to Great Hriiiiin, will lake up negotiations for a alrenewal of tin Jnisiiicsc-Euglis- h liance us hi Mai ns lie reuclic London, nccnrtllug in il.e Asnpl. parliament Deadlock On Rivera and Harbora. Washington. Semite nnd house conferees on the anmiiil river and harbor appropriation hill reuelied a dradhs-on Monday ami voted lo reHirt lliul further effort to perfect that measure 111 conference would Is futile. Carmen Restrained From Striking. Explorer Frozen to Death. 1 leaver. n Judge Williford lias grant-cTwo inciuhers of a temporary Injnncllon restraining lloaiil Amundsen's north pnlur Kiiuil.-et- i employees of Ihe Iienrer Tramway mul Tessin, are (DinjHiiiy from striking on June 1. Tiie in ndvlei-- received Jmmlu.v a tramway rnnisiny also wits enjoined having fmxen to death during llie winfrom ceasing to givo service. . ter of Death Girl. Meet Protecting Seven Killed In Train Clash. I Omaha. J. I Sexton, snperinten-deTulsa. Gkln. Two St. lands and I of a dctcnllon home for Imys, Kim Fnincixni imsxenger (rains nut deoil as a result of a bullet wound In- heml-o, ill While Ihik, Okls., on flicted hy Frank Williams, a negro, on resutllng In Ihe death of seven April 15. Sexton was protecting two Hrons. Thn-- other ihI'soii were inglrlM whom I lie negro had followed. jured pnihaldy fatally. Centenarian Reported Mining. Garrotcrs'Balk At Executions. Chicago. Dr. Harmon J terry, 108 Madrid. llvHirts from ISarrelona o11ce when year old, wus sought hy say four men ftuidcuined tn death for hte lundlndy reported Hint he hud been murder of civil guards were executed miming since Wednesday nnd she hy firing squads, because no profeared he may have committed fessional executioner could bo found to garrote Ibe culprits. Cup-lui- s lUlti-20- ut Mull-ilny- n e Would Repeal War Meaaurea. Village Visited By Fire. ltiMnl of all wartime Ihillfiix, X. K. Fire swept the legislation wus proposed on Friday In muiu Hired of tint village of lamdon-derr- y on Kiiuilay, ii joint resolution Introduced hy destroying forty-seve-n , Texas. four Including (.'onnlly, DeiniK-ratbuildings, Tiie repent would lie effective on fluid churches, a sdiool and a public bnlL Tnere was no loss of 'lifts. passu go of the rcaoliiHon. Wnsliingtivn. Deputy Acquitted of Treason. Seven person, uecused with fonner deputy Flllpo Cavullinte of intelligence to Hie iniuiuuiiiciilltig enemy' during Ihe war, linve been acquitted here. Thi case hna Imen for Ihe hint three years. Rome. Hundreds of Cannon Destroyed. submitted a (leniinny ha tatemrnt to the allied control rnm. nilMlon, declaring that 23,000 piece of German artillery remain to be destroyed and that 800 have already been broken op, according to Echo de Paris. Pari. yeur. One hundred and forty delegates lo the I'tuli Kp worth lnugue Institute were in Suit Inike lust week tn 2 Independent, tiie three ihiy sessiisi of liu1 1 Prohibitionist AgaiiiMt 40 Republicans and 52 Demo- soilety. evet-i:crats. Cimfessing to Imre stolen Final action wu laid after a fight aiiloiioblles for tiie puristse uf Joywhich derehqied extreme bitterness riding, William Cramer, aged 18. of nnd three preliminary lest of strength Kull was sentenced to serve 43 In which the bom: supporters showed dny III Juil. steady gain. Kciiliies was found to prevail with The house was In a wild uproar and considerable frequency among sheep confusion throughout the debate at Kiuiwrllle and the Curlew 'sinks'' Speaker Glllett was uimhle to restore acronllng to the secretary of the stute order at any time. Several times the livestock Imard. house rliumber wgs a veritable bedA factory designed to manufacture lam. Clieera and applause wemnut liulter, cluH'se mill eiuidcnsiil milk proby Jeer and boos. duct will lie hutlr In American Fork Tiie bill carries five plans of fed- by the Muiual treumery coinimny at eral aid for the men, as a cost of 8150.U1M. follows: Cush Isinns, home and fiinu Tiie state bacteriologist hus advised uhl, vocational training, land settle- the heullli (liquirlineiit that Hie dog ment anil paid-uInsurance. ITnder killed uNin the si reels of Ogden after the cash holms feature, 81.25 a day lilting Kisuku Mlyagishlniu, was afwill lie paid for overseas service, with fected with the rubles. a maximum of 8825, and 81 a day fur lnrenl-TenchHite committees of llie service In Hie I'nlted Stutes, with a nssoclntloii and the Commermaximum of cial chili nt Knysvllle luive made a The taxuthm levies provided to splendid start toward establishing a raise the to estimated civic center and playground. he necessary to defray the cost of the There are 4200 autmnnhllea In legislation will continue In effect for Weber county, Incluiling Ogden city, lliree yenr They are: Additional according to the reimrt of the county levies uf from 1 to 3 lier cent on assessor. Tiie report shows un Inover of 1 cent levy mi rral estate transfers; In- crease of 700 cars over 1010. Keveral Suit Lake cltlxcns have lieen creases averaging 83 per cent on tobacco products; ax of 2 cent on iihpoenued to serve ea witnesses In eneli 810 transact Inn of stock and pro- the trial of Jack Dempsey, world's duce ex cl lunges, and 10 per cent tax, heavyweight champion pugilist, which retroactive to March 13, on Issues of will be held at Kan Francisco June 7. Thomas O'Brien Xagasawa, a stock dividends. resident of Garland, wns arTHRILLERS BOOKED FOR EUROPE rested fur having In his possession a quantity of white mule," a liquid decoction having a large percentage Hungarian Soothsayer Predicts of alcohol, of Rulsrs to Thronss. A tile drainage project Is expected Buduicst. Starling proplieeles relative to world peace, political changes to reclaim a tract of 7250 acres of Impending in Europe and the fate of land fire miles west of Halt Lake. Tiie prominent figures In the great war are tract has an excessive amount of salt, made by Hungary' national sooth- which must be removed before crop f can be grown. sayer, Mina. Sybllllne Bellattgb. J. F. Lolunnn, convicted of forgery' Thrones will be reestablished all over Europe, Including France, Ger- In the district court at Brigham City, many, Austria, Poland and Hungary, on his plea of guilty, has been taken to the stute prison to begin serving s within a year, abe cays. The will return to Germany, but an Indeterminate sentence of from the former emperor will go Insane and one to twenty years. the crown prince will be murdered. Diving Into the swimming pool at There will be sanguinary upheavals In Warm Springs at Halt Lake, Berend France preliminary to the constitution Jans19 years of age, of Ogden, was of a kingdom. Bolshevism will end In drowned. It 1s believed he was 1021 In Russia. Mexico will be the stricken with an attack uf heart disstarting point of tne next war. High ease and (lrowneV while unconscious. Word comes from Vernal that the prices will abate atm Knrnpcan exIn two headgute in the big higliline canal, change will be quoted at years. There will lie the greatest which obtains Us water from the Ashexodus of Jews from Russia nnd cen- ley river, hnd been swept out by a tral Europe In history, but they will flood. The loss to the canal priqier. not go te Palestine. They will, rather, It was said, would approximate ?270J. emigrate to Argentina and Mexico. Duggett, Vtoh's newest nnd smallest county, reports an Increase In asDtbs Apprised of Nomination. sessed valuation' of about 0 lier cent Atlniitn. Ga. Eugene X. Debs, wlio this year, as compared with the final sentence in the valuation of 1910. The total is 87(8,-77is serving u penitentiary for violation of Hie as compared with 8710,000 last net, was formally notified on year. ' May 29, of Ids nomination for tiie Twelve-ye- a rolil Wilkie Aierern, fifth time as the Socialist candidate while trying to make powder out of for president of the United States. old sheila, threw some smukeless powThe ceremony took place In the war- der Into n fire at hi home at Halt den's office. Debs, attired In his prison Lake, and wus painfully burned about suit, greeted each memlier of the noti- the face and hands In the explosion fication committee with a kiss. which followed. Steve Muslicli and Kick Obozulo, Glria Shrlsks. Applaud Dying nt Knit Lake of the murder convicted auGeneva. Applause from a large Marko of Luna, cadi made desix-raldience resounded In Ibe little theatre his own Innocence establish to efforts .at Serbrurk, near here, while a giganupon the other tic python slowly crushed Its trainer, and fasten theascrime to why sentence of a Hungarian girl, to death. The gtri In statements n,,t h paed' shrieked for lielp us the colls of the deatl1 C. Donnld Hntlmway , 33 yenrs of serpent closed ulxiut her, but the buHalt Hence lielleved her cries were part of axe, patrolman on the 13, Hie entertainment and cheered loudly, police department from March 1918, Hf February 7, 1914, was shot and killed May 24 In Loi Angeles In a pistol duel with Arthur Collins, s bandit. It has Just been learned. Damages In the sum of 8oll.0i0 against John M. Richie, county commissioner of Wasatch county, nnd and Mrs. Annette Ahlxrit. Adams of Henry T. Coleman, road suiiervlsor, are naked by Joluuiae C. J. Anderson In a suit filed following condemnation uf land owned by her for road purposes. The Utah department of public InGreek Troop Fired Upon. struction Is planning this yeur to give ad- more extensive service than hns been Constantinople. Greek troop vancing upon Dedciigntch, on the prevalent In the past in regnrd to Aegean sou, are reimrled to have been . bringing scnool tcuchere desiring post-- . fired upon Halttrdny by Bulgarian ar- - j tlou nn(1 .buoi boards In need of tlllery near Akclillar. A few shot only teachers into contact. wore cxchunged, tlm report Indicated Eari Keely, William 1L Seely, John J. Seely,- - P. IL Cambron and Oliver Cannon Restrained From Striking. Denver. Judge Wbitford bua grant- Keely are in Mount Pleasant undergoed a temporary Injunction restraining ing medical treatment for liurns suf' lieep illiping employees of the Denver Trainway fered. ut tl,e a siiia'l company from atrlking on June 1. Hit camp neat Jfudiunola when k used In Hie process extramway conqiany also was enjoined guaollne-tunploded. from censing to give service. Despondent because her A High Average. on, Henry, recently attempted to escape from the state Industrial Tve been thinking It over." school at Ogden, Mrs. Bftdie Vaughn Wlintr "That this world would be a whole attempted suicide by drowning herself lot Setter and happier if the rest of liMhc Ogden river, but was rescued ns were right as orten os the hy a passerby. bnxelmll umpires are." A siieehil train leaving Hnlt Lqke Hnltinluy night will carry the officers, Dear, Dearl officers and selectFriend How are you going to spend ed liii'ii of the first squadron of cavalyour vacation? ry, national guard of Utuli, to the Movie Actor I'm going to rough It ramp of Instnicllou tn lie held at Fort this rammer. I'm going to tuke only D. A. Russell, Vyo June 1 to 4, of my servants to my bunting lodge. Film Fun. p ir one-lut- lf 3 Jup-unc- Rs-tu- Ilolicu-znllem- iir ten-ye- ! Coast Woman Honored. Wnxliinglon. William I. Frierson of Chiittiinoogn, Tenu., now an as. sislnnl nllornry general, has linmiiiulcd by President Wilson to Is solicitor general of Hie I'liiled Stales, und Mrs. Atinelte Ablaut Adams of San Fiimcixco. now Fulled States atPietro Mascagni, the famoue comdistrict of torney for the northern (tnlilom'.u. wus named mi assistant uL poser, may b elected a member of the Italian aenate before the reopening . tnrnej general. Of JHMHUIIHII Kmrlsuien' e iMslIex. ln-e-n STMET INirt In the nomination of Judge on Isitli ticket for Hie district bench tills two-third- ukn-iik1u- Ocba IM MAW BOYD PAUL BLDG trict have decided' to take uu active The affirmative vote was 85 in exs cuse of the majority required under the suspension of the rules procedure agreed upon by tin leaders to force action. The political d.'rtsiou was: For the bill 174 Republicans, 112 Democrat, iiriH-etlur- In-e- Stull! i sixth unnuid trapshooting Washington. Tiie t tidier bonus bill was luissed by (he huuse Kutunluy aft- registered tourtiaiiinit was held at ernoon by a vote of 288 lo 92. It now Suit Luke lust Saturday and Monday. Imwyers of llie Third Judicial dis, goes to tiie senate. mujorily limli'r Hit of Die niliH agreed iiinui liy I hi iinilerK to fmiv The jmiIIi ilivUUiu was; For the liill 174 112 I emornilx - InihiNMiileiilK. I IrolilliilloniHt Hi liepiililirniis mill 52 Alffllnut iii 1, dopoadaUa match tony Wo moM 'am, mod m i tho map. . d IMno-i-riils- HJpa m tqy motoo him prompt. Start Asm right; hoop him right; gwo him Fork iity, wus fatally injured In an nutomolille accident In Woodslde can-.'i- Should 8tabl Government Be Established, Favor Recognition and Financial Assietance Be Extended By United 8tates. p two-thir- i j Five Plane, Cash Bonus Home and Farm Aid, Vocational Training, Land Settlement and Paid-uInsurance. Hit news' A Good Watch to lie American Tuesday, June 13.-legion day in Salt Lake. A branch of tiie Friends of Irish rreedom lias been organised at Vxrk llty. llolicrt Fltdioll, 7M years of age, of BELIEVES AMERICANS SHOULD HELP STABILIZE AFFAIRS IN MEXICAN REPUBLIC. Bill Provides of mm John B. Thrift, Sr. President Frees Kata OHara. The president lias Washington. r sentence Imcnimniiled Hie posed on Mrs. Kate Richards O'Hure of Kt Uiuis, who was sentenced on April ll, mill, to five yenrs In the of federal pcuilmiinry for llie espionage net. five-yea- Will Return American Doad. an agreement er renclicd with the French government, flic return of the American soldier dead from the military sone In Francs will begin after September 13. Washington-Und- ; , i i a JEWISH TRADERS IN AFRICA Are Known te Hava Had Depots for In tho FifCom more Thor teenth Contury. Jew of the fifteenth century hod trading posts In northwest Africa and carried on a vast commerce with tho natives from the Rahara to the Atlantic, and from Algeria to the Niger, according to letters recently discovered by Charles de la lionclere, librarian of the national library In France, and published by the National Geographic society. Hitherto Africa hi not figured at all In medieval history. It was called the Dark continent when Stanley and Livingstone penetrated It bout a century ago. The letter recently dlacovered ware written In 1447 by Antonie Ualfantos, a Genoese citizen, believed to be the only Christian the Jew allowed te penetrate their trade region. They were written from Timbuktu and. Toust Timbuktu was the Chicago of the West African plains, and Tbuat the center of camel caravan traffic that exchanged the wheat and barter iff Egypt for the powdered gold of Timbuktu and the preclou ult from Teghazz. Touat waa an ooal containing from 150 to 200 villages, and each village had a chief. The civilisation of that date wu advanced enough for the residents te take a census of their populations. This wu done when the people of Timbuktu and a rival city, Gao, were numbered to decide a wager Busi-ne- si wu done oo a large ecalSL ANCIENT CITY 1$ CHAN-CHA- N Today Nothing but a Moo of Ruln but Wu Flourishing Before PL urro Raviohsd Peru. u n the Is not, would Indicate a place In China. It Is one of the oldest cl tin In Pern, or In the world. The Chlmns, who built are supposed to have been an elderly race when the Incu were yet barbarian. After a time the Inca became civilized and powerful sud Then Pisarre captured Chan-Chacame to. plunder and wreck the city Be and massacre the Inhabitants. much of the ChlmuF history Is den ducted from the remains of and old Spanish narrative The people who Inhabited the old metropolis were moon worshipers. The moon, they said, wu the moat worthy deity of nature, for It ahone not only at night but also In the day, whereas the ran could shine In the day only. Tiie sea waa supposed te be under the special protection of the moon, because the latter controlled the tides. Images of fish and other see creature and temple t both moon and sea were therefore built hy the Chlmns and many have been In the ruins of tholr city. n has since the time of Picarro been a heap of wreckage. There are palaces, workshops, factories and great battered pyramids bunt up lo terraces and surmounted by buildings. These are the mounds In which the Cblmu dead once lay. Like the Egyptians, these people buried with their dead many articles of their personal property. From one of these mounds a Spanish adventurer obtained worth of gold and silver. For n yielded to the many years Spanish conquerors fabulous sums of Chan-Cha- Chan-Cha- Chan-Cho- Chan-Cha- Chan-Clia- gold. Healthy Placo to Uv The air of Lower California Is dry and pure and the atmosphere, except on the western coast. Is marvelously clear. The narrowness of the peninsula, giving to the atmosphere a touch of the bracing air of the sea, and the dryness of the land combine to give the air an Intense purity. There is probably no more healthful climate lu the world than that of Lower CnlL fornla. His Specialty. The Investigator I'm looking up the standing of Tom Torporeon of your town. The Postmaster He don't do much tnndtn. Tonll find 1dm slttln' round. Extravagant. "This la certainly a period of extravagance." "Isn't It? Seems that everybody le Intent upon doing and getting the things they used to think they'd never be able to afford. Food Cons rvitl on lota. Tho Vender Lady, Td like to Interest yon In thla Infallible household Ton halt this mouse exterminator. -trigger with a morsel of table scrap snd Mrs. Hungerford Ulster, If my family left ennngtt table scraps to halt that trap I'd eat em myself. Paw Knows Everything. Willie Few, what la discretion? Paw Discretion la something that comes to man when he Is too old ttj benefit by It, my son. |