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Show v7i SANDY CITY STAR, SANDY. UTAH American Aviators to Bring HAD CHROMIC BRONCHITIS Across the Atlantic R-3- 8 YEARS FOR TWENTY-SI- X NOW WELL AND HAPPY THIS M WOKIHUADWO Tm experience of Hr. E. J. Ton-14- 38 Bom street, LaCrosse, iVisconain, is chiefly remarkable on account of the length ef time he wee afflicted. I have been difHe writes: fering xwith chronic bronchitis for twenty-siyears and every winter 1 would catch cold and become 0 hoarse I could not sneak for six or eight weeks. I could get only temporary relief. Thia winter I was taken with Grip and was In awful shape. K fellow workman adviaed me to take By the time I had of a bottle, the used three-fourthoarseness was gone, also that tired feeling. I am on my second will bottle. Hereafter bo constantly in my houae. It it ever the best medicine put up for the purpose." For any disease due to catarrh A Xlie American crew ( ili- It Its, Hu- - giant dirigible Hint Is living built In seen studying the construction r Hie England for tlie American 11:111, is M.ixlb-Coiiiiiiundcr mill Idem. It. G. IVniiojcr, wlm will At the right airship. il.e Allanile have it In charge for Hie nip acn.-- or catarrhal condition, is equally dependable. Cough, colds, catarrh of the head, stomach A - By JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN. X LADY NICOTINE la a . most itcraon-ge- interesting As la frequently the niM with ladle with a pest, ahe la more Interesting than those who have only a future. Her present certainly I a going concent. And her future hua nihled faKeliiathin of sufficient mystery to induce considerable speculn-thMy Lady Nicotine's Influence trouble, constipation, rheumatism, pains in the rack, aide and lojna, bloating, belching gaa, indigestion, catarrh of the large and' small intestines, ere some of the troubles la especially for which recommended. can be purchased anywhere in either tablet or liquid form. , Getting the Resolute Ready for Her Trials PE-RU-- Your liver Is Up Clogged Thaf Why You're Tired Is not always soothing. Like all great personages she has made enemies. Men begun to light ove. her a long, long while ago, and only (lie other day the newspapers told of the llrst of a possible recurrence of ilie night raiders outragea In Kentucky. Yrban VIII and Innocent XI fulminated against her. Sultan Amurct IV decreed death by torture to her devotees. James I of England Issued his "Coiiiiteriilastc to In which he denounced her as a creature of the pit that Is bottom a less. Lucy Page Cnstou of relte League of America fume Is suspected of a desire to ally her bonnet Into the presidential ring. Low on the horizon, no lilggrr than a woman's hand, Is a cloud which rumbles next !" Possibly some of My Lady Nicotines famous devotees hare loved her for the enemies she has made. Anyway, Spenser wrote of her as divine. Hymn said sublime. Lamb declared his affection thus: For thy sake, tobacco, I Would do anything but die. Bulwer-Lyttowrote this: The man who Smokes thinks like a sage and act like a Samaritan." Kipling profoundly reflects that a woman Is only a worn an, bnt a good cigar Is a smoke.' Mark Twain suspects that the man who doesn't smoke loses an appalling aggregate of happiness. This sort of worshiper clings to the heresy that this Is a pretty good old world after all. He Isn't worrying about spirit manifestations and Is not concerned over the doctrine of the subliminal soul. lie suspects Lucy Page (burton of being a spiritual descendant of the Puritans who condemned not so much because It gave pain to the bear as because it gave pleasure to the spectators. When doctors disagree who shall decide?" The doctors are as divided In their opinion of My Lady Nicotine as are the literary lights. Rome see In her a veritable plague to humanity. Others maintain that site Is rather benefactor. Of course most physicians hold that smoking Is bad for young and growing specimens of the human species. And probably most of them are not prepared to advise that women should smoke. And there are certainly some men who cannot smoke without 111 effects Just as there ere men who cannot cat strawberries nr drink coffee without harm. A cold hath In the morning la meat and drink to some men; It would put others under the end In short order. Probably the mamedical men are jority of of the opinion that It has yet to be proved that smoking In moderation hurts any normal man. At one extreme of human Judgment Is that of the man who wrote that nation which smokes tobacco perishes. At tha other Is that of the man who predicted In 1918 that America would win the war because It was the heaviest smoker of all the nations. My Lady Nicotine needs no agent and has no trouble about breaking Into print. Some enthusiastic collectors of Nlcotanla" ' have whole libraries about her. There la one George A rents, Jr., of New York who Is the proud possessor of more than 2Ji00 hooka, booklets and pamphlets devoted wholly or In part to her. These libraries tell pretty much everything about the lady. No European ever heard of tobacco until the first week of Novemlier, 1402. The commonly accepted version of the story la that two sailors sent by to explore the Islnnd which he named San Salvador returned with tala of natives who ciyrled firebrands Antl-CIg- bear-haltlil- ' OM Have No Appetite I Sorts CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS a. will put you right in n few days jCOt though gently and give na- ture a chance l&CJZi hnd almost Inst the cigarette, found It again In England, and mi It ennie back 'to ns. For a (line most elgn relte were mnde fmm tlie Tnrklsh leaf. Then It wa discovered that the bright" Amerwhoee smoke they Inhaled and puffed ican tolmecn. now grown in Virginia, out of their omul Us and noses. Later the Carollnaa nnd eastern Tennessee, they discovered that Hie leaves of a made nn agreeable cigarette. Evenpluut were rolled In Hie leaf of malxe. tually. cigarette milking machinery wna The first clear account of smoking Invented, nnd today American cigawas given In 1.128 by Gousalo Ilernun-de- s rettes, both straight" and hloiuled," de Oviedo In hla lllstorin General are smoked all over Hie world. do Ins Indian. lie said the practice In 1988 not enough cigarette were was pernicious and used to produce ronanmed In the Bulled States to be lie reported that In subjected to the Inteninl revenue tax. Insensibility." Cuba and moat of the Islands the na- In rerent year the Increase has licet) tives smoked rolls of herbs, "which by billions. From HUB to 1914 It was they called tobaccos," while on tbe .180 per cent. In the past two years mainland they Inhaled through the the demnnd prodigiously, hollow nine which probably largely because of the war. forks of Tills In nostrils. both Inserted they In 1010, for the first time, the manInstrument the natives railed tolls go." ufacture of cigarette exceeded LeeekL OT' The Bpanlnrds thought the name was ctgnrm, tlielr relative lminlicrs being that of the fnel Instead eS the pipe, 8if00,000,000 and 8,000.000,000. hence our word tobacco. Oviedo point- then, while cigarettes have multiplied, ed out the mistake, liut tobacco had cigars have Just about stood still. In worked Itself Into the white man's lan- the year ended Jnne SO, 1919, the numguage, and there It stayed. The herb ber of elgn ret tea was 48.800,000.000. Itself was variously known among the nnd of cigars approximately '8,000,000,-00native. It was cnhllia" to the Cnrlba, aa In 1910. Bor the first time more petun" to the Brasilians, "plecelt" to leaf tobacco went Into cigarettes than the Mexicans and uppowoc to the Into rlgars, the two numbers being Indiana of Virginia. 177.000.000 pounds nnd 102,000,000 Nicotine, the active chemical prin- pounds. The government derived from the Inciple of tobacco. Is an Intensely poisonous alkaloid, named from Nlrot, who ternal revenue tax on tobacco $288,003,-091- , Introduced tobacco Into France as a an Increase of $40,814,401 over the medicinal plant. Hence, finally, My preceding year. More thnn $01,500,000 of the tnlineeo money came from cigaLady Nicotine." Not essentially new are any of the rettes. Recently the tobacco tax ha modern forma of tobacco using. The been heavily Increased. we naed 407,070.020 leave wrapped about with com huak Altogether roughly correspond to our civilised pounds of tnbnreo last year. We got cigarette; the leaves rolled without away with 174,807.488 pounds of ping. wrapping of soother material to. our 17.400.48fi pounds of twist, 0,800.22fi dear. Tobacco was powdered Into pounds of flnerut, 257,883.440 pounds snuff and taken Into the nostril, aa of smoking tobacco and 87,180,382 now. Tobacco was also chewed by va- ponnds of snuff. Tlie value of the tobacco crop to the rious Indian peoples. The pipe was In almost universal use ; among the Amer- farmer was estimated Inst year at ican Indiana the atone pipe, cnhimet.' $542,547,000. The average price he got was a necessary Implement In many for it was 80 cents a pound. lie get more now. ceremonial functions. More than $1,100,000,000 a year la Tobacco arrived In Europe apparently by several different route and the value of tobacco products manufacunder several different disguises, rroh-abl- y tured In the Bnlted States. More than Sir Walter Raleigh deserves the a million and a half acres of land are credit or blame of Introducing the devoted to the growing of the weed." smoking of It Bp to his time tobacco On tlie manufacturing side the governKid camouflaged as a medldne, the ment estimate of the capital Invested few smokers professing to be smoking In 1014 was $303,830,000, which was a for their health. The Englishman hi low figure even then and Is greatly pipe la shown herewith blew the exceeded now. The number of wage smoke from his nose defiantly nnd said earners In manufacture In that year was 178.872, and their annual earning he smoked because he liked It The anti of the seventeenth cenlnry $77,850,000. It la variously figured Hint 70 per had a high old time. Pagan, Mohammedan and Christian monnreli alike cent of our adnlt mnle population and toattempted to crash the hnlilt of to- a third of out totnl population use bacco drinking. aa It wna (hen railed bacco In one form or another. Tlie consumption, counting eneli man. In England. But despite all opposition tnlmcco eventually was estalillalipd as wntnnn nnd rlillil. Is seven pounds a year. Tbe average consumption nmong a favorite luxury all over Europe. Tlie cigarette attained coininerrgil tbe tubmen users la twenty pouml. to one of the comImportance ofler the Crimean war. Eng- There are, according lish officers got tlie habit from associa- pilers of (lain. 25,000.000 smoker niul !2 tion with tha Turks, French and Hal chcwera whose average en parity 8.000.000 ctpin-ttrolled person, the Indiana, like per pounds who, Ians, tlielr own.- - Other Englishmen ImWntcd smokers each lighting 4,100 elgn retie this liew aniurt inversion of the army n year nnd 5,100.000 rigor smokers officers. America, which somewhere earli destroying 1,100 cigars. . CARTERS $ 1 LE I M II IVER H PILLS , biliousness iilnng the imlli or Ihc centuries reetennetipa-tkm- tux and indigestion headache. Sailors working on Hie iiartusnd of Hie Resolute of (lie America'! cup defender. In .eiaiath'ii (or tin- - trial rinvs with the Feeding Serbian School Children Small Peso Bwili Met ML CARTE 8 WON HUA, Nature! greet nerve and blood tonic for Anemia, Rhea matins, Nerveueeaa, Sleeplessness and Female Weakness. Bui Fin uiillle for HEADS WOMEN VOTERS Sl Was Sl(litSfS ALIEN'S FOOT-EAS- E Gives ease ead fart la icct that aie If skats plach AatiaepMe, Best- ial Powder will live amCk relief. Shake itla row Shoes, Speimklc It a'Y-ahap- lathe Mdevmrwhctn Foot-bat- a Cuticura Soap The Healthy Shaving Soap If a limn never lias nny use for a doctor he has no kirk coming. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. These kills arc answering Hie "first call for diow. The scene Is Belgrade, to feed hunSerbia, where Ilie American Red Crone (Junior) lias undertaken dreds of school children. Every dny they line up with tlielr tin cups and howls luncheon. to receive tlielr noon-da- y Prizes for Best Humane Posters Mrs. Miiuil Woods Turks, clmlnnnc of Hc National Longue of Women Vot era lent he can which lias established licadquar In Washington. The league li successor to the Natlonul AmeriWoman's Suffrage association. FATHER OF VICTORY ::x Judging from reports from drnggiria who ire constantly in direct touch with Hie public, there is one prvyimlion that hire been very succcaslul in overcoming The mild and healing these conditions. a influence of Dr. Kilmer's Bwimp-lloo- t stands the highest for soon realized. It raceera. of record remarkable its An examining physician for one of the in prominent Life Insurance Companies, astn interview on the subject, mode the one reon why tonishing statement re0 many applicants for innmnee are because is kidney trouble ii so jected common to the American people, and the a large majority of tboee whoee applica-tionere declined do not even euapect that they have the diacoar. It ia on l at ell drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium end large However, if you wih first to test thie great preparation send ten cent to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton. N. Y., for e ample bottle. When writing be rare and mention thie musr. Adv. tht No huuii'ly girl iipprcclnles Ilie fact (hot liwiniy I only skin deep. per-rnpit- ASPIRIN Gayer1 on Genuine Name economical to Inhcl Its beer bottles with Austrian kroner notes. London Morning Ilist. PROFIT IN A FINE The existing pecullnr conditions In dragged on end was decided only quite Evil Always In Hatred. the International money market ran recently. Tlie accused wus sentenced A 111:111 should not nllow liliuself to He produce very strange nnd paradoxical to a fine of 8.000 franiy cost. veil as the balance of hla 1q!I. 1,700 hnte even Ida enemies. .Iiecnuse if you phenomena. Here la a case In which indulge In this passion nn anine occathe exchange actually transformed a franca, which he changed fur 24.000 Itself In adre-c- punishment Into a reward. In 1918 a man from across the Bnilcn frontier was arrested In Switzerland for smuggling. He was released on ball or G.iXX) francs, whleb then cost biin 7,600 marks. For some reason the case TO WIN SUCCESS. The trouble with e great mnny people le that they are not willing to make present sacrifices for future gain. The tool for selMinprovement are at your hand. Use them. If the ax Is dull the more strength must be put forth. If your opportunities are limited yon must use your energy, put fortjj more effort Progress mny seem low at first but perseverance assures Chisuccess. Orison Bwett Harden cago News. ninrks. Consequently, hla Utile venture brought him In a net profit of 10J100 marks. As one of the liunmra of Hie exchange (Ills deserves to lie coupled with the rase of a Swiss brewery, which la said to have found It sions. It will rise of oilier; If yon lintc your enemies you will contract such a vlrinus luililt of mind, a by degrees will lircnk out upon tliso who nre your friends, or those who nre Indifferent to yon. Ilntareh. Street signs flint twinkle are being vary from nine Inehes to two feet In put up all over the great Westminster wlili h, nnd are three feet long. Apcore of London. Tim signs are of parently they- are giving satisfaction glass, with the street lettering In ruffled" silver gilt; they are hung mi buildings nenr lamp posts and at nlglil are.rmllnnt with reflurted light. In tlie case of minor thoroughfare the street Itself and what It lends Inin both appear on Ilie sign, ns well ns Borough of Weatinlnslcr.'' The slims nlthiiugh n few broken ones are ready noticeable. -. Pri s wen At llic Nhv York Women's longue linri(ni for animalr. 10 Hip sehoul riilMrin winiipr of die llinininp Udnca'.lon Iosipr u uo.-k- s ilieir for iwro were received Hip uf Sumo surprising lmeters of art. 'uiliiln Iodine. Almost ail seaweed nre The Is'St grupis fur have grown 011 n chiilkv soil. Sufficleiil putnsalnin salts 111 Michigan Is the leading slate been discovered In dcp salt well In the priKlucllun nr sand lime hrii-k- . of source a Clilnn lo pnmiliw jiew nnd New York. followed by Miiuu--"ipotash. One hundred ami fifty years ago, flour into A windmill grinds grain GATHERED LIGHTS THAT TWINKLE al- Tho Law of Nation. In the law of nntlona every nation Is Jnst so much Interested ns every citizen In the lewa of his country Daniel Webster. Bayer Tablet of Aspirin in gentb proved safe by millions and prescribed by physician for ovet This bust of l'le:iieiiee::ii lias I err twenty years. only an unbroken of Victory by Ilie miiiipiI Tnlln-Bayer package" which contains propel famous Krciicl; dlrisi Ions to relieve Hiauluehe. Tooth, sculptor, nrti-- l. ache. I'm ache. Neuralgia. Bliemiintiam, Colds nnd Iliin. llnuily Hn boxes of 13 No Reciprocity. tablets eosi few pent. Prnggistn also After the guests at their parly luid sell larger Bayer packages." Aspirin Is trade mark Bayer Manufacture guile. Mr. Miuilily Raid lo her husof Ballcyllcacld. Adv. band: What on earili did you mean. .I11I111, by telling Ilie Smiths (hat my If n mail has no mcnii of forgetting humor was jsisllive. Iml not negative?" Ills collide, lie will make mure. I meant." said Mr. Mluihly. "that you could make a Joke, but eoiibln't Ink Night end MornlnJ. one Htwe Strong, Httlthf X Eyot, II they Tire. Itch. j in--I 5,144 Lakes In Michigan, Smart or Burn, if Son Ten tA--The slate of Michigan contains 5 1b V.VC Irritated, Inflamed or Inland Inkes. covering nn area of .11. Yf.'kiR LYtj Granulated, use Murine ftrii, .Soothes. Refreshes. Safa for ij square tulles, besides n t er Adult At all Druggist. Write for tlie Greul laikes of Ijcm A v Ino Aspirin nwnrdi-- FACTS and then mixes and kneads It Into dough for a linker In a European country. ' James E. Griffin has been Junltnr of tlie Congregational church at Barre, yt., for 23 years, and has never missed a Bundny. when Brazilian s:mic ''ere poured on (he market, first qnnlity diamonds sold ns low n $5 a carat. At Alto Crueero, In Bolivia, water freezes every night throughout the year, whlln at noor.dny the un I hot enough to cause actual suffering. J r 11 - 1 waii-Tro- nl j took. RahNEyslara4rCa,CUam . -- j "j |