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Show SANDY CITY STAR, SANDY. UTAH GREEDY PLAYERS ARE GEORGE KELLY IS TALLEST FIRST SACKER PAINS NEARLY WEAKENING BASEBALL DOUBLED ME UP Doesnt your they appeal to you? little baby. A little child. shield them to to close them cuddle you, heart yearn to pick them up, to Being human you love from all harm? sure it does eke you're cot human. Their very helplessness makes you reach out in all your strength to aid them. In health there's no flower so beautiful. In illness there's no night so them. Strikes and Gambling Scandals Hurt Game. Avarice, Nothing Helped Me Until I Took Lydia EL Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. to Abolish World's Series or vide Nat Receipt Among Themselves in Future. of my head not move far daya and I could not eat without Buffering. The doctor could not help me and one day I told my hnaAfpi that I could not atand the pain any longer and cent him to the drug-atoto gat me a bottle of Lydia E. Pink- black. owners series that the big league may decide either to nlmHsii the gumex altogether or to divide the urt receipt among themselves, says a well known baseball veteran. In Evening Sun. The plnyers are responsible fur the hostile attltdde of some of the magnates, who say that Hie Miuulibles over world's series shares are ruuiuierdulix-Inbaseball to such a degree llm! sportsmanship soon may be uf no Importance. Greed for gold Is creating much III feeling In tlie camp uf the Yankee. e Although tha players received salaries last year, with about $S00 each extra tor winning third position, under the new world's aeries rules, they grumbled because the groundkeeper, tlie trainer and two assistant secretaries were Included In tha melon cutting. In spite of heavy flnnnclal burdens, which tlie owners of the Yankee have shouldered the plnyers threatened to call s strike unless tlielr demands were granted. They were prepared to deprive their employers of gate receipts front exhibition gamps, which hardly pay the expenses of the south' cm training trip. Avarice on the part of lull playcri la slowly but surely dlKcouraging and disgusting the public. When the Cults and Red Sox, during the 19id world's series In Boston, struck for more money than they were euMled to, under the rules adiqileil by tlie notional ccMmlsslon, they dealt the gallic a body blow. Last year certain plnyers openly expressed s desire to lie traded to teanir that appeared to have ehnnees to In the world's series. Several atari have repudiated contract for the purpose of getting more money elsewhere. With chargee of collusion between a few players gijd professional gamblers, slinking the confidence of the fans, it cannot be denied that Itasdull needs a tremendous shnkeup. Save them then. Use every precaution. Take no chance. When sickness comes, as sickness will, remember its just a baby, just a child and if the Physician isn't at hand dont try some remedy that you may have around tbe house for your own use. Fletchers Castoria was made especially for babies' ills and you can use it with perfect safety as any doctor will tell yon. Keep it in the house. g ham'a Vegetable Compound and threw the doctor, medicine away. After taking three bottlea of Vegetable Com- pound and tiling two bottlea of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Sanative Wash I could do my own housework. If it had not been far tout medicine I dont know where I would be today and lam never without a bottle of it in the houae. You may publiah thia if you like that it may help aome other woman. Mra. Maby 8tendeb, 120 Orange St, Wyandotte, i i George Kelly, Glauta drat baaeman, can tliauk imture for hla unusual height. Kelly la 6 feet 4 inches and the tallest drat sacker In either of tha big leaguea. He can grub a ball 9 feet lu the air without taking hla feet off the ground. Hla long reach also cornea In handy for spearing grounders and wild tlirows. huiul-sotu- ! BASEBALL , j ALTROCK SAYS OLD AGE IS FLIRTING WITH HIM STORIES Uncle Nick Altrock, the bird who Is making the tons, laugh around the American league dr cult, anys old age la pitching him aome hard curve, but that hell never quit the game. Kick left wing went bad. Next hti dogs" began to bother, and now hie IauiM are flickering. Nick vows he may appear on the coaching line one of these daya behind a pair of cheaters. ' Except In daylight I cant read any more without having the line run together. Guess 1 must he getting old after alL Old age I flirting with me. but Ill never quit tbe dlamqnd." MirtL SLOW DEATH Achea, paina, nervousness, diffi. culty In urinating, often mean eerioua disorders. The worida standard remedy for kidney, Ever, Madder and uric add troubles GOLD MEDAL rsHsf and often waid off - quick dieseesa. Known M the ns lions! IS BUSY QUIGLEY of Holland for mom than tOi All dmgglala. In thme ebsa. National Iuny batting Truth and trouble play no favorites. Joe Kelley aays thut Willie Keeler was tha best hunter iu baseball. s It la not very difficult for an umpire to And an excuse fur doing wluit he , wishes. Jack Quinn of the' Yank says hell he as effective without the apltter as with ' It Connie Mack hna sent one of hla catching prospect!,. Style, back to the Atlanta club. OFFICIAL Bert Kinney of the Athletic la developing Into one of the beat pitchers In the business. Laagua Umpire Life la Just one game after another for Ernest C. Quigley, National league umpire. From April to October ho Is a baseball arbiter. During October and November he Is a college footliall official. The winter montha And him busy running basket ball game. There are 1S4 games In the usual National league season. Quigley freand post' quently works In lift off Corns! liaa been tha Glauta biggest handicap. Give In Some Kind of Sport 265 Daya Each Year, UkhtoMlMIkUiawerha Freezond costs only a few cents. Di- 8u much trouble In baseball lms been caused by the playing of the world's I loat a ehild and Buffered badly that I waa out at time. My bowela did Doesnt hint a bit and A Big League Club Owners May Decide Wyandotte. Mich. "For the lait four yean 1 have doctored off and on (without help. I Jhave had paina I every month io bad that 1 would nearly double up. Some. timee I could not a room with out soppin to reat, iing I ate upset D stomach. Three yean ago Are YouDont Human? Manager John J. McGrow of the Giants has hern active In baselmll thirty-on- e yours. Reuther, lucky last year, seems to have become heir of the Jlni that tormented Jimmy Ring. KANSAS CITY SECURES Johnny Dobhs declares he is serious In Ids announcement that this will be hla hut year In bnsehnll. &!- the Food inuiatm to lisgtheSleawtto Thereby ftomoiin4 Do Cheerfulness and RcACeeU neither Opium. LphiM ft friingyai. Not Narcotic ' jffun-SAmsu- Ahdpfulfciaedyfcf Constipation and Diarrwi 1 and Fcvrrishnes Loss ok Sleep e raaatttodBgftfrOM-inMwy-Huffiaol- OniTM0oWrt nrw ypbK'-- J GENUINE TO Al 6ru"lh 35 dosT40 FRECKLES Ct How la HmTIm TImm Devlin, coaching Fordlinm Is said to. hove a wonderful young pitcher In a lad named Cullo-toArthur college, n. Al Bchnclit starred as a shutout twlrler Inst oeaaon at Jersey City and he Is showing the same form In the majors. Casey Rtcngnl Ik showing as much a Philadelphia uniform as he displayed when with the Holdus or DEATH WAS NEAR Choke-dow- n, Laon aims City club. He will And some old associates In the A A. who wont he bluffed by Ms reputation for good service In the National. . CHANCE OPEN FOR BREEDERS In Promise Sufficient Interesting Branch ef Raising Stock to Attract New Men. ' MW When a breeder of trotting horse ean renllxe S 1.033 around for hla entire crop of fonla sold by auction within 12 months after they were bom. as the owner of Walnut Ilall furm illd recently, them should be sufficient promise In this Interesting branch of stock breeding to bring a lot of new men Into It. blit Just now they are fewer tlian at any other time In fifty years. Rnth In hitting terrlflrnlly. ANNUAL REGATTA' POSTPONED If he might realise his great to hit over .300 for a whole Races of Canadian Amateur Associathe big lengtie. tion Deferred to Avoid Conflict With National. Gradually the season Is getting un der way. Meyers, center Adder for Bo as not to conflict with the national rowing races at Worcester, July Brooklyn, punched Oscar Dugey, Boston conch, on the nose because of a bit 24 and IT, the Canadian Ammclntlnn of rllmld chatter. of Amateur Oarsmen hna put bnck its annual regatta until July HO and 81. All Intermediate Hires will be elimThe Enid team of the Western Tlie regnltn In ill hereafter lie known as inated straightway. the Harvesters, n prixe of a season UKiinlly held over the 8t. Catharines ticket being given a young Indy for course. naming the train. ' Morris Looks as ambition Savannah, Ga., and Jacksonville. Fla, season In Getting Ready for BUILDING HALF-MIL- E TRACKS ng Meats. e tracks are being Two new built at Susannah, Go., and Jackson vllle. Fin., for trotting inertings to he held next November. James Firming. formerly Idin, tiffed with the nii'o state fair at Columbus. Is to lie manager of tlir Savannah track. hnlf-mll- atmksuhoree Wheel, oar, have Thick Wind can be dveed with Olymple Possibility. Sensational performance of Walter Buffalo srhool-hoKopp. elghtren-year-ol- d alio other Hunches or Swellings. Nobllater. The release of E. II. (Slim) In nn Olympic ns line him puts Ecowork. no hair gone, and horse kept at pitcher to the San Fran wax He three srronds possibility. nomical ily a few drop required cisco club of the I'ndflc Const league, mark for the Mel HHIISW delivered. Slieppnrd SB Mien. 42. per bottle Ik announced by Manager Hughey Jendash recently. WmMt.Jt.the intiieptic liniment for nings of the Detroit American league leducm Cysts, Wens, Painful. Swollen dub. Veins and Ulcers. 81.25 a bottle sldeslen or Kick In Studies. ddivendL Book Evidence" fret. . Columbia university, the second H. F. rows, Im. HI Ikn ILSaHmSelA For pitching efficiency and conlarge school to Include a course of WMHTITCHINU 1ST PICOTIWO ATTACH-ENIn Ita curri- servation of energy. Fred Toney arnke of . football coaching works mall atwlna msehlu.; I1.M culum at atndlea, has engaged D. J. with the best Toney has no elabo-rstdd. J. F. LUrht. Hoa ICT. Blrmlnaksm. Ate wind-uHe simply raises the W. Wllce of Ohio 8tate university to teach the kick gam in the summer arms, alms and Urea. Control Is hla FRECKLES TEN SPITBALLERS nn-d- er 0G0-yar- mu-kin- d, o p. gebEgassM . N. U Salt Lake City, Neb 29. a matism, why waste time with liniments, lotions and other local applications that never did cure Rheumatism, and never willf Do not try to rub the pain away, for you will never succeed. Try the sensible plan of finding the cause of the pain. Remove the cause, and there can lie no pain. You will never be rid of Rheumatism until you cleanse your say of Rheumatism, and removed all trace of thu disease from their system. Cet a bottle of S. 8. S. at your drug store mid get on the right If yiu want treatment special medical advice, address Medical Director, 102 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. y. ! school . prlndpal asset American league pitchers are eligible to cue the spit hall during the 1920 seaCleveland hna nominated son. Coveleakle and Caldwell; Chicago, Cl cotta and Faber; Detroit. Leonard and Ayers; St. Louis, Shocker and Gallia; New York, Quinn; and Boston, Rug. tell. Only ten An Objection. is lory strong lniir your Ye- -, ma'aiil. lull ill bis lie's weak In his liond. I Before tha War. to One Near Came This Surely Munirli heron tile wnr," said lloolli Spilling the Beans" for Tnrkinglou, tin fammis nnvolisl, wus Poor Mamma. :in earllily para dim. For ten iviiIk in a In the a Mmiiili beer gnnlou you would gel After looking lit all the rug plan mug of umbiiiKlal brer and a More, the mixl'micr decided Mint she luai-of incomparable frankfurters thought xlie liked the pink one with a meal which you would iiniMiine to Ihe purple roxox IhkI. the mindc of Wagner and Hoiihiivi,ii. "But I'd like to nee it my mom." a vast mid laagnilleeiit she wild. "I KiipKiKc you'll wml it up- played by ni. on approval 1 (if course. In Munich In urt "Well, madam. Itd rr hardly iixii-1- , jioor fools sometimes drank In demurred the proprietor. "Hut too milch. They tell a story lliero Ihe elreiiniMlnnii,K, iierlmpa iihoul n Missouri student. daughTlie euxtomer'a s Annllier large lieer anil I wo ter, who had stood aileut during the for Slllilelit Cobb of Missouri.' now violently tagged long inspection, a Munich waiter wing out one night. at her mother' nklrt. "(inly give Nlmlinl t'olili one frankfilIn her she ,died fill, mamma, said tin manager of the garfurter,' ially rlear treble, hadn't you belter den. Student t'olili :,cck everything warn him to la mire and gel It there 110111111.' In time? Our puriy'a tomorrow, you Tve already ntlendisl io Mint.' said know. tlie waller, t'olili ordered four frankfurters. A Determined 8peller. t understand yon gave your youni-ea"I Agricultural Missionaries. bnby a mlglily queer nume. To heighten ngrleultiinil production Yes, anhl the veteran prlntri. "I the world over itnd I Inis Increase the mipiiofio a great many people will think world's food supply, with the resultant It strange railing a girl Bible Jenblows nl old II. (. of 1., nil interiui-llniinkins.'" association of ngrleulliirnl mis Whnt made you do such a IhiugT' members I don't like the way folks have sinus bus been formed. Its will carry iinsleni a gri eal I lira I iiiellismall of Into using tyw gotten World llullook 1 made np my mfiul I iits lino cicry land. It that lliero will lie ni would see to I US'S nnyiiiii really miilerslainl villi': least a few oeceKlons whin Bible will have to lie Kindled with a enpiial I'.." I in you uiiderslaiul yourself? s I C. Quigley. germ, S. 8. S. lias no equal aa blood purifier, scores of sufferers that it hus cleansed their blood diMsae. d Ross Young has Invented s new bunt which cmiHlNts of popping the ball a aerie world the such season affairs, shout three Inchee over the third hi contests in 1919. Ilia usual total of mau's brow. to baseball contests each year la close 170. During tbe short term of footThe Athletics wore white elephants ball Mr. Quigley crowd In 20 or more last year. Tills year they are green gridiron games, frequently working hut elephants are all right unlesa three or four time a week. Ie doe they are pink. most of this officiating In Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma. Iowa and Texas. Even the college nines are kissing The West the aplttei' goodnight ROOKIE LOSES BIG DIAMOND Virginia university team has ruled It out as objectionable. Brooklyn Club Farms Player Who The Milwaukee clnb Is strong for Struck Out Baba Ruth in Spring use of home talent. At least three Exhibition Gama. local boys, Lutake, Armstrong and Joa Conlnn, rookie recruit with the Hauser, are making good on the Job Dodgers, fanned Babe Ruth this spring. with the Brewer. They farmed him to Reading. He Buhc Adams deserve credit for quitlearned to play at the Chicago stork the old Missouri form, even with stuck had he ting Brooklyn If yards. until they ployed In Chicago, hla though wheat Is away up; A gny who friends had planned to present him ran pitch the way Rube dors has no place among the hicks. whh a big diamond. Ernest THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS I 111 Ilrates. BUFFALO. N. V. Sprite. Rtf f In Its Torture. No Let-U- p If yon are afflicted with Rheu- And vim In DOAN CO.S WAV Uly Is u Rome of the star hurlere were unkindly treated In the opening guinea, but their revenge will come later. common. ALWAYS Rheumatism Back on the Job Old-tim- e With Its Furp that cause the blood of the ! of Thtrt'a m loppar tha alluhtaat OtbiM fMlliur uteiMd of iroiir frceklN, dritblri atraopth la KMrutNd to ramuva Ihfriri homely ipote pimply fvt m owe of Othlno - dowblo atrenplh from your drvpKlal, and apply h littlo of It Blfht and morning anl you ahoald aooa in that oven tha worrt frrekUa have brpnn to dlaapptar. white tho llirhlfr ones havo vanlahed rwlrrljr. It Is seldom y that muro than ons ounce ta needed to clear tho akin and pain a beautiful i Clear complexion. FOR COBB Bo auro to aah for tho double alrenpth WAITER ALLOWED of Othlno, na this ta onlil under guaranti to remove" If freckle tt back fills money Booth Tarkingfon'a Amusing Illustration of Student Life in Munich WILL TALK formerly on Connie Mack's payroll, seems to have cinched the middle sack on the Bison tnfleld. roSTEX-ULBUI- CASTORIA Bears the Signature of 5 Bloux Dowd, Florida Woman in Critical Condition From Dropsy, But Doans Brought Recovery Dropsy brought me right down to the shadow of tha ststs? says Mra. Ida K Atwell. 804 WilliamBt, Kay For fifteen ymrs I was a West, Flo. hopeless wreck, atrng(Iin between life and death. The paina warn so in my back I screamed in agony. My head ached eo eeverely I thought my kail was being Black crushed. cpeckc floated before my eyas, and I had to grasp the bed to keep from falling. Tha kidney accretions burned and scalded and I could pace only few drope at a time. My body bloated. The pressure of so much water on my cheat almost smothered me. My feet sleo swelled end large mm of water hung beneath my eyes. My skin had n shiny, white appearance ana anywhere I pressed a dent would remain for hour. I became a nervous wrack. A friend told me about Doanl Kidney Pill and ohl I felt so happy when 1 found they were helping me. Continued use of Doan'e completely eared me." groom to before are. AJtTBVB GOMEZ, Votary PtibNa Cel Desn el Am Skee. SOe e Bee 9 IS AROUND EVEIY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTOUA Exact Copy of Wrapper National League Twlrler Likes Basaball Toe Well to Quit-Si- gns With Blues. 4 tense Is none too 4 AMES Tlayera come and players go, but Johnny Austin keepa on holding down third for tha SL Louis Browns. Common you know why you are naked to call for Fletchers Castoria when you want a childs remedy? why you must in&ist on Fletchers ? For years we have been explaining how the popularity of Fletcher Castoria hai brought out innumerable imitations, substitutes and counterfeit!. To protect the babies: to shield the homes and iu defense of generations to come we appeal to the better judgment of parents to insist on having Fletchers Castoria when in need of a childa medicine. And remember above all things that a childs medicine is made for children a medicine prepared for grown-up- s is not interchangeable. A babys food for a baby. And a babys medicine if just aa essential for the baby. The Castoria Recipe (Its on every wrapper) baa been prepared by the same hands in the same manner for so many years that the signa-turn of Chas. H . Fletcher and perfection in the product are synonymous. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT SjnHserf Ita Sort Leon Ames likes to play hall too Top. what Is a tilling rtmnrkr well to quit, even qj 3s age, and after I xuppom It la tlie kind you My Jack Wisner, a lengthy youth, has a getting hie releasejjR.n the 8L Louts to a person's teeth. 'world of apeed. He's Jnat wild enough Cardinals he slgncfl with tha Kansas to make the hitters stand buck. With your dngera 1 You can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn between tlie tore, and the hard akin calluses from bottom of feet A tiny bottle of Freexone" costa little at any drug atom; apply a few drops upon the corn or callous. Instantly It stops hurting, then shortly yon lift that bothersome corn or callous right off, root and all, without one bit of pain or soreness Truly I No humbug! Adv. Do the People Know? EQB?nS33H32S Old-TI- The Rrantford Mint league club has sold Catcher Phil Carroll to City of the Western league. PER CENT. ALGOXiOL'3 AWseMftepaifafaAi- fnmk-I'nrler- Cutlcura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing heller Minn ('iiMenru Soap dully and Oinlnienl now and then an needed to make the complexion clear, sculp rlciin ii ml liiinds wift anil while. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Culleiirn Talcum mnl you huve the Culicuru Toilet Trio. Adv. A mini usually drops Ills prosperous look when a Idll rulleefur rails. Sure Relief 6 RE LL.-A- WS Bari FOR contains ihe same, uniform qualify of goodness ihat makes this table beverage so popular. Make it strong or mild as you prefer by varying ihe quantity used. No wonder so many prefer it to coffee, not alone on account of taste but because of its abundant healthflilness. Truly-"There's a "for POSTUM lason ly Poatum Cereal Ca Battle Creek. Michigan. Made INDIGESTION DAISY FLYKILLER ATTRACTS Jtmt, Tk Alia P1IKB tbnjmvaneaUi .evn flsrafuw KteU cant arUi or bprivrr; will ut aot or injaiw anlli!n. Umnintanl cneeUvri. L B McM bp m hr EXCUlSk. . - Each. Gup Of INSTANT POSTUM s water Sure Relief l 1 Bell-an- Hot HjuUju, . aneF BmUn. N. TL Mtum. M IW Xalb Am.iiw, luo. Acid Stomach Makes the Body Sour Nine Out cf Ten People Suffer From It It Midi its li.'iMiiful neiils and gases all isniy, indisd id health and trcnglh. Dny und night this ceaseless dam-ag- e gws on. No matter how strong, its iictim caiinut lung willi-lnn- d the health ili.lroyiug effivls nf nn avid stomach. '1 (i.wd news for millions of suffererv C'hviuii.ls have feund a sura remedy on Mint takes the aeid up and carries it out of tlie body; of course, when the cause is ' removed, the sufferer gets well. Bloating, indigestion, sour, aeid. gassy stomach miseries all removed. This la proven Iqr over half a million ailing folks wKj have taken EATON 1C with wonder-fu- l benefits. It can lie obtained from any druggist, who will cheerfully refund ita trifling cost if not entirely satisfactory. Everyone should enjoy ita benefits. FY quently the first fsbM vim reUr over the J IIOTKI frirntahrd. I VM ItAM'll. siilllsd and rnsklllrd Malt rim I telii Uiuir. Eiiia Aebi Mualk, SaU Uk, Ctty, |