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Show rrr THE THE HELPS LOCAL NEWS j STORE BEAUTIFUL THE Judge. Decide. Buy. Sam Stein is in Price today loaking after business matters. LOWENSTEIN JUST LIKE Mrs. E. H. Thomas is in Salt Lake City and Provo this week. MERCANTILE COMPANY Like the Army Bugle they tell you regularly why they tell cheap, but they fail to state what they have to sell and at what price, Mrs. J. E. Thele was a Salt Lake visitor Thursday and Friday. HELPER, UTAH It will be to your advantage to call and inspect our stock of PRICE COUNTS And you are a very good judge to know where your Dollar brings more, Mrs. D. Mclver spent a few days shopping in Salt Lake this week. WE ADVERTISE Mrs. Ford has returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives in Denver. FURNITURE Mrs. I. A. Lee returned home; last Sunday after four months'; j visit spent at Los Angeles. before buying elsewhere. We have a HUES. HELPER, UTAH Mrs. J. C. Kavanaugh and lit-- 1 tie daughter have returned home ) after a weeks visit at Provo. com-ple- te FOR SALE Gasoline stove, small dining table and afewj cooking utensils. Mrs. Metz, f line of j Mrs. Max Leute expects to leave tomorrow for Ouray, Col., to visit with her mother and sis-te- r. Matresses, Beadsteads, Cots, Springs, in fact we have a full line of beautiful Furniture and our prices are right. Call and see. j Mrs. W. J. Rebholz returned home last Saturday after several weeks visit at Chicago and other points east. For Sale 100 bushels of apples in orchard. Any amount you want. Frank Jerome, Spring the store beautiful Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brown and children returned Wednesday after a visit ivilh relatives in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Blackwell left Tuesday night for Gunnison, Colo., where they will spend a month camping and fishing. On a pair of Mens Shoes or Slippers of any kind, Dress or Work. Ladies and Childrens Slippers and High Cut Shoes of any kind, at a Bargain. Not only Shoes, but on many other things on which you can save money. COME DOWN AND SEE. Miss Elsie Thele returned home last. Friday evening from Pocatello, Idaho, where she visited with friends for the past six weeks. General Merchandise. U. 5f te S. CHOP SUEY and NOODLES EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS, SPECIAL DINING ROOMS FOR LADIES Phone 74. Helper, Utah comparison of prices and goods, and we challenge anyone to name any one article of standard value at a price lower tlunour every day price YOU CAN save here from 10 to 20 per cent on your purchases, that being about the difference in the expense of doing business. IT COSTS 10 per cent to run our business, while other merchants pay from 20 to 30 per cent and Mail Order Houses 24 per cent of their sales. BY ELIMINATING all waste, doing a cash business, cutting down to a low minimum operating expense, taking all cash discounts, and by buying carefully, expertly and constantly at the worlds greatest markets the best line of merchandise, we can do what we are doing, and what well be doing this Fall in this town. Judge. Decide. Buy. RULE STORE GOLDEN THE BARGAIN CENTER Utah. Helper, . Spring Glen, Ut. CAFE WE INVITE Glen. Save From $1.50 to $2.00 FRANK DOLINSKY, Proprietor. certain articles at certain prices, and we do cell those gocds every day in the year at there prices without offering excuse or explanations. - i I I FOR A GOOD LINE OF Master Irwin Thele had the misfortune to mash two fingers on his left hand Wednesday with 3 the ice crusher while helping make ice cream at the Company Hotel. Seven stitches were taken by Dr. Slopanskey. Fresh Meat and Groceries For Sale 100 bushel of apples ? in orchard. Any amount you want.- Frank Jerome, Spring x Near Post Office - Call at the Helper Meat & Grocery Co. F. C. BERTOL1NA & JAS. ALLEY, HELPER, Rrops. UTAH Glen. LIBERTY THEATRE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5th. GRAND VICTORY TOUR OF UNCLE SAMMYS MINSTRELS U. S. Composed entirely of returned Soldiers. The Greatest Array of Min- strel Talent ever assembled, and the famous 163 Depot Brigade Band. Two concerts bn the street, one at 4 p. m. and again at 8 p, m. Curtain raises promptly at 8:45 p. m. EVERY STAR A SERVICE STAR. Prices: 55c and-85c- . Children 30c. Seat Sale at Litizzettes Store. SPECIAL: Grand Military Ball After Minstrel. Music furnished by the Famous Sammy Minstrel Jazz Orchestra, the Largest and Best Orchestra ever in this section. Dancing will last until 2 a. m. and it will be the best Dance of the season. Note: This attraction is the same that has recently played at Salt Lake City, Ogden, Logan, Provo, etc. and is the largest and best traction that has ever played Helper. at- |