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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER, UTAH IS GREEN & ma MSCUTCHEON Author rf GRAUSTARK." "THE , HOLLOW OF HER HAND," "THE PRINCE OF GRAUSTARK," ETC XV r 21! kDUjUmJ mi Cm CHAPTER XIV Continued. 12 Lying there, lie' made swift calculations. The quarry, no longer of use to the builder, was reasonably sure to be abandoned. In all probability some s sort of a shed would be found nearby. It would provide shelter from the fine rain that was falling and from the chill ulght air. lie remembered that ODowd, in discussing the erection of Green Fancy the night before, hud said thut the stone came from a pit two miles away, where a tine quality of granite had been found. Two miles, according to Barnes quick calculations, would bring the pit dose to the northern boundary of the Curtis property nnd almost directly on a Hue with the point where he and Sprouse entered the meadow at the beginning of their advance upon Green Fancy. That being the case, they were now quite close to the stake and rider fence separating the Curtis land from that of the farmer on the north. he said, more to himself Good, than to her. MI begin to see light. Are you afraid to remain here while I go I down there for a look around? shant be gone more than a couple of minutes. The way I feel at present, she said, jerkily, I shall never, never from this instant till the hour In which I die, let go of your Ur. Barnes. Suiting the action to the Word, her fngers resolutely fastened, not upon the tall of his emit but upon his sturdy arm. I wouldn't stay here alone for anything in the w orld. Heaven bless you, he exclaimed, suddenly exalted. And, since yon put It that way, I shall always contrive to be within arms length." And so, together, they ventured along the edge of the pit until they reached the wagon road at the bottom. As he had expected, there was a ramshackle shed hard by. It was not much of n place, but It was deserted and a sale shelter for the moment. A workmans bench lay on Its side In the middle of the earthen floor. lie righted It and drew It over to the boarding. . . . She laid her head against his shoulder and sighed deeply lie kept his eyes glued on the door and listened for the first ominous sound outside. A long time afterward stone-cutter- coat-tail- s, ... she stirred. Are you cold? You are wet It was the excitement, the nervousness, Ur. Barnes," she said, drawing slightly away from him. Isnt It nearly daybreak?" Three lie looked at his watch. o'clock, he said. There ensued another period of silence. She remained slightly aloof. You'd better lean against me, he I am softer than the said at last. beastly boards, you know, and quite as harmless. Thank you," she said, nnd promptly settled herself against his shoulder. It Is better, she sighed. Would you mind telling me something about yourself, Miss Cameron? I should like to know whether I am to address you as princess, duchess, or Just plain Ulss." I am more accustomed to plain Ulss, Ur. Barnes, than to either of the titles you would give me." Dont you feel that I am deserving of a little enlightenment? he asked. I am working literally as well as figuratively In the dark. Who are you? Why were you a prisoner at Green Faucy? Where and what Is your native land? Ur. Barnes, I cannot answer any one of your questions without jeopardizing a cause that is dearer to ine thun anything else in all the world. 1 am sorry. I pray God a day may soon come when I enn reveal everything to you and to the world. I am of a .trlcken country; I am trying to serve the unhappy house that has ruled it for centuries and Is now In the direst peril. The man you know as Loeb Is u prince of that house. I may say this to you, und it will serve to explain my position at Green Fancy: be Is not the prince I was led to believe awaited me there. lie is the cousin of the man I expected to meet, and he Is the enemy of the branch of the house that I would serve. Do not ask me to say more. Your sympathies are with the entente allies, the princes are opposed? Is llm: part of Sprouse's story truer Its perfectly safe self-produc- MRR GEORGE I and spare your soul the everlasting Forgive me, she murmured. torture that would begin immejlately didnt mean to be so silly. It helps, to cry sometimes, he said decease?" after your A little cry of relief greeted this lamely. The first faint signs of day were quaint sally. You have my word that I will return with you quietly If " struggling out of the night when they Thunderation I" exclaimed Barnes stole across the road above Harts wrathfully. What do you think I am? Tavern and made their way through the stable yard to the rear of the A worm that cauhouse. His one thought was to get me dear man," Easy, easy, tioned O'Dowd. Keep your seat her safely Inside the Tavern. The door was locked. He delivered Dont be deceived by my Infernal Irish humor. It Is my way to be always po- a series of resounding kicks upon its lite, agreeable and prompt Ill shoot stout face. Revolver In hand, he faced In a second If ye move one step out- about and waited for the assault of side that cabin. the men who, he was sure, would O'Dowd, you havent the heart to come plunging around the corner of the building In response to the racket drag her back to that beast of a Hold hard ! We'll come to the point But there was no attack. without further palavering. Where At last there were sounds from are ye dragging her yourself, ye ras- within. A key grated In the lock and cal a bolt was shot. The door flew open. To a place where she will be safe Mr. Clarence Dllllngford appeared In from Insult Injury, degradation'' the opening, partially dressed, his Well, I have no fault to find with hair sadly tumbled, his eyes blinking je tor that said O'Dowd. Bedad, I In the light of the lantern he held hm. Yes. And O'Dowd? O'Dowd Is nerve to Ur. Barnes, didnt believe you had the Interested be tackle You Job. the may If that conveys anything to yon. He to know that up to the moment I left Is not Wasnt It pretty risky for you to the house your absence had not been And carry the crown Jewels around In a noticed, my dear Miss Cameron. as for dear your Barnes, you, my traveling bag, Ulss Cameron? I suppose so. It turned out, how- visit Is not even suspected. How the ever, that It was the safest, surest dlvll did ye do It Barnes? Are you disposed to be friendly, way. I had them In my possession for three days before coming to Green ODowd?" demanded Barnes. If you Fancy. No one suspected. I was to are not, we may Just as well fight It deliver them to one of their rightful out now as later on. You are not to fight! she cried In owners, Ur. Barnes a loyal prince of the blood. great agitation. What are you doing? But why here? he Insisted. Put It away I Don't shoot!" He was to take them Into Canada, Is It a gun he Is pulling? inquired and thence. In good time, to the palace O'Dowd calmly. And what the deuce of his ancestors. are you going to aim at me hearty? I I am to understand, then, that not have a bulls-ey- e lantern with me. only you but the committee you speak From the luxurious seat behind this of, fell Into a carefully prepared trap. rock I could spot ye in a second. HavThe treachery, therefore, had Its ing said as much I now propose arbiIn the loyal nest You were be- tration. Would ye mind handing over trayed by a friend. that tin box in exchange for my poI am sure of It she said bitterly. lite thanks and a courteous goodby to If this man Sprouse does not suc- both of y er ceed in restoring the oh, I believe 1 We have no box of anti-Englis- h, n. shall kill myself, Ur. Barnes." The wall of anguish In her voice went straight to his heart He has succeeded, take my word for it They will be in your hands before many hours have passed. Is he to come to the Tavern with them? Or am I to meet him Good Lord ! he gulped. Here was a contingency he had not considered. Where and when would Sprouse appear with his booty? I I fancy we'll find him waiting for us at the Tavern. But had you no understanding? Er tentatively. The perspiration started on his brow. He was thinking of something else: his amazing stupidity in not foreseeing the very situation that now presented Itself. Why had he neglected to settle upon a meeting place with Sprouse In ths event that circumstances forced them to part company In flight? Fearing that she would pursue the subject, he made haste to branch off onto another line. What Is the real object of the conspiracy up there, Ulss Cameron? You must bear with me a little longer, Ur. Barnes, she said, appealingly. I cannot say anything now. You said that tomorrow night would be too late. What did you mean - by that? She waited a few seconds and then removed her head from his shoulder. He heard the sharp Intake of her breath and felt the convulsive movement of the arm that rested against his. There was no mistaking her sudden agitation. I will tell you, she sold, and he was surprised by the harshness that came Into her voice. Tomorrow morning was the time set for my marriage to that wretch up there. I could have avoided it only by destroying myself. If you had come tomorrow. night Instead of tonight you would have found me dead, that Is all. Now you understand. Good God You were to be forced Into a marriage with why, It Is the most damnable O'Dowd God bless him! was my only champion. He knew my father. He Listen: he hissed, starting to his 1 feet Don't move! came from the darkness outside. I have me gun leveled. I heard me nnme taken In vain. Thanks for the blessing. I was wondering whether you would say something pleasant about me and, thunk the good Lord, I was patient. But I'd advise you both to sit still Just the same. A chuckle rounded out the gentle admonition of the Invisible Irishman. CHAPTER XV. Large Bodies Move Slowly But Mr. 8prouse Was Smaller Than the Average. There was not a sound for many seconds. She was the first to speak. Iam ready to return with you, Ur. There O'Dowd, she said distinctly. must be no struggle, no bloodshed. Anything but that. ODowd spoke out of the darkness: You forget that I have your own word for It that yell be a dead woman before the day Is over. Wouldn't It be better for me to begin shooting at once any description. Mr. ODowd, cried she triumphantly. Thank heaven, be got safely away! Do you mean to tell me you came away without the your belongings. Miss Cameron? exclaimed O'Dowd. They are not with me, she replied. Her grasp on Barnes' arm tightened. Oh, Isnt It splendid? They did not catch him. He " Will you both swear on your sacred honor that ye havent the Jewels In your possession?" Unhesitatingly, said Barnes. I swear, Mr. ODowd." Then," said ht--I have no time to waste here. I am looking for a tin box. I beg your pardon for disturbing you." Oh, Mr. O'Dowd, I shall never forget all that you have' Whist, now! There is one thing I must Insist on your forgetting completely: all that has happened In the last five minutes. What I am doing, Mr. Barnes, would be my death sentence If It ever became known." It shall never be known through me, ODowd. I'd like to shake your hand, old man. God bless you, Mr. ODowd, said the girl In a low, small voice, singularSome day I ly suggestive of tears. may be In a position to " Don't say it I Youll spoil everything If you let me think you are In my debL Bedad, dont be so sure I shan't see you again, and soon. Tell me how to find Harts Tavern, old man. Ill No, I'm dushed If I do. You ought to be grateful to me for not stopping you entirely, without asking me to give you a helping hand. Good-band God bless you. Im praying that ye get away safely. Miss Cameron. So long, Barnes. If you were a crow and wanted to roost on that big tree In front of Harts Tavern, I dare say you'd take the shortest way there by flying as straight as a bullet from the mouth of this pit, following your exnose. tremely They did not wait for the break of day. Taking ODowds hint, Barnes directed his steps straight out from the mouth of the quarry and pressed confidently onward. In answer to a question she informed him that there men In were no fewer than twenty-fiv- e Green Fancy, all of them shrewd, resolute and formidable. I cannot, for the life of me, see why they took chances on Inviting me to the house, Miss Cameron. She wns silent for a moment, and when she spoke It was with great InMr. Barnes, I had your life tensity. in my hands all the time you were at Green Fancy. I shudder now when I think of what might have happened. Before you were asked to the house, I was coolly Informed that you would not leave It alive If I so much as breathed a word to you concerning my unhnppy plight. The first word of an appeal to you would have been the signnl for for your death. That Is what they held over me. When spoke to you on the couch that night, I oh, dont you see? Don't you see that I wantonly, cruelly, selfishly risked your life not my own when aloft Then his gaze Well, what the For the love alighted on the lady. of " began the embarrassed DllllngWhat the dev I say, cant ford. you see that Im not dressed? What the Give me that lantern, said Barnes, and snatched the article out of the unShow me the way resisting hand. to Miss Thackerays room, Dllllngford. No time for explanations. Well, for the love I will take you to Miss Thackerays room," said Barnes, leading her swiftShe ly through the narrow passage. will make you comfortable for the that Is until I am able to secure a room for you. Come on, Dllllngford. was Miss awake. Thackeray Through the closed door she asked what on earth was the matter. I have a friend here a lady. Will you dress as quickly as possible and take her In with you for a little while? There was no Immediate response from the inside. Then Miss Thackeray observed, quite coldly: I think Fd like to hear the ladys voice. If you dont mind. I recognize yours perfectly, Mr. Barnes, but I am not In the habit of opening my I guess I dont need to dress, said Miss Thackeray, and opened her door. Come In, please. I don't know who you are or what you've been up to, but there are times when women ought to stand together. And whats more, I sha'n't ask any questions. She closed the door behind the unexpected guest, and Barnes gave a great sigh of relief. Say, Mr. Barnes, said Miss Thackeray, several hours later, coming upon him In the hall, I guess I'll have to ask you to explain a little. Shes a nice, pretty girt, and all that, but she won't open ber lips about anything. She says you will do the talking. Im a good sport, you know, and not especially finicky, but Id hate How Is she? Is she resting? Does she seem " Well, shes stretched out on my bed with my best nightie on, and she seems to be doing as well as could be expected, said Miss Thackeray dryly. Has she had coffee I am going after It now. It seems that she Is In the habit of having It In bed. I wish I had her Imagination. It .would be great to imagine that all you have to do Is to say, 1 think Fll have coffee and rolls and one egg sent up, and then go on believing your wish would come true. Still, I dont mind. She seems so nice and pathetic, and In trouble, and Thank you. Miss Thackeray. If you will see that she has her coffee Ill ril wait for you here In the hall and try to explain. I can't tell you everything at present not without her consent but what I do tell will be sufficient to make you think you are listening to a chapter of a dime novel. of" to" and' to do business with us by mail. Send usan order. BOYD.PARK MAKERS OF JEWELRY IOO MAIN STRUT SAIT LAKE CITY Soak to Retain Old Friends. The years have taught some sweet, some bitter lessons none wiser than this : to spend In all things else, but of old friends to bo most miserly. Lowell. Typewriters Bik Rented, Repaired, Sold. to 100. Write for pricM-7.- 50 All Utah Office and School Supply saw. WHY 2nd South, Salt Laka City, Utah SOCKS HAVE "CLOCKS They Were Originally Madet It la Ah sorted, to Hold tho Seams In Hosiery. It Is surprising how mneb of the past still remains, more especially In regard to tbs clothes ws wear. On the backs of most gloves will be found three thin strips. These marks correspond to the fourchette pieces between the fingers. In earlier times gloves were not made so neatly aa they are today, and the stitching of the fingers was carried down part of the way on to ths back of the glove, braid being used to conceal the seams. To a practically similar reason does the clock on s sock owe Its origin, says London Answers. In the days when stockings were made of cloth ths seams occurred where the clocks are now displayed, the decoration being utilized to hide the seams. Ths little bow which will Invariably be fonnd In the leather band lnalde a mans hat Is a survival of the Him when a hat waa mads by taking a piece of leather, boring two holes through It and drawing It together with a piece of string. Handkerchiefs were not always square. At one time they were shaped to the user's fancy. It chanced that tills Irregularity displeased Queen Marie Antoinette, who suggested one winter evening at Versailles that a uniform shape would be an Indication of good taste. The result was a decree by Louis XVI, issued In the early days of 1785, enacting that all pocket handkerchiefs should have edges henceforward. right-angle- d IN HEART OF MOORISH CITIES Houses to Which Few Visiters Penetrate Are Frequently Luxurious In Their Appointments. Through the narrow lanes of Moorish cities ths water carrier, who has s filled his at the nearest fountain, plies his trade from house to house. The town of Morocco does not extend open, smiling arms to the stranger. The houses present cold, forbidding fronts. Ths winding, irregular streets twist and turn In a bewildering fashion, and the low arches, often linking house with house, convert tbs streets into a aeries of semiopen courtyards, still more confusing to the uninitiated. But If one la privileged to enter through the massive gates formidably with heavy iron bands and heavily bolted, one may step Into courtyards Inlaid with He had already taken Putnam Jones laced mosaics and ornamented with Into his confidence. He saw no other arched arabesques, surrounded with richly carved and way out of the new nnd somewhat covered passageways, with luxuriant hangings; Into extraordinary situation. a melancholy garden flagged with an(TO BE CONTINUED.) cient white stones, where a marble fountain plays softly and great orBe Kind and Patient ange trees are outlined voluptuously There is more special grace requiagainst the white walls and the unsite and manifest In watchful perseclouded sky. Who knows how many verance In little kindnesses and habitwistful harem ladies have languished ual patience at home, In abstinence from conversational disparagement of there, what fantastic tragedies have others, and in resistance to ha'bits of been spun on curiously fatalistic silken In threads? From Through the Gates sloth and undue of the Moghreb, by Elsie F. Well, In In life than the performance private Asia Magazine. of grent public duties under the observation of multitudes. Human Frailties. Onr structure, both external and InTools to Make a Rifle. cutNine hundred and ninety-seve- n ternal, la full of Imperfection; yet there la nothing In nature but what la ting tools alone are required In manufacturing a modern rifle. The twist of use, not even inutility itself. drill Is one of the busiest of these. To There la nothing in this universe supply 1,000,000 rifles, 94,000,000 holes which has not some proper place it It must be drilled. Shrapnel, torpedoes, Our being Is cemented with certain machine guns, biplanes, motor trucks mean qualities; ambition, jealousy, and guns require from 70 envy, revenge, superstition, despair, to 5,000 holes each. have so natural a lodgment In us that the Image of them Is discerned In the Stains of Photos After Fixing. brute beasts; nay cruelty Itself, a vice The brown or yellow stains which so much out of nature; for even In are sometimes found on photographic the midst of 'compassion we feel within prints after being taken out of the ns an unaccountable bitter-swen can be prevented by mixI fixing bath of pleasure In seeing There, there, now I" he cried, con ing a tablespoonful of vinegar In the another and even children are sollngly, as she put her hands to her water in which the prints are washed sensible suffer; of IL Montaigne. face and gave way to sobs. after being developed. y, good-lookin- goat-skin- I" high-walle- d, g anti-aircra- ft et titil-latio- |