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Show THE HELPER TIMES. HELPER. UTAH UTAH BUDGET INLAND NORTHWEST MISBANO SMES WIFE BAYER CROSS1 ON Couldnt Work Ihe lumber mill of John Lagerquist Dr. Junius Seegmlller, 38 years old, GENUINE ASPIRIN of Hamilton, Montana, was recently S prominent dentist of Richfield, died S. W. Bishop Wis Ltid Up By totally destroyed by fire of unknown last week at the hospltul following an for origin. appendicitis. operation From Suffering by Getting Kidney Trouble. Now Owes P. E. Peterson is auditing the R. J. Copes of Denver, driving car Irof. Good Heilth to Doans. Her Lydia E. Pinkh&ms So. 4, won the Denver Times books of Cuche county from January 1, e T owe road race last week. Ills 1013, to July 30, 1019, beginning in the iny present good health, largeVegetable Compound. ly, to Doans Kidney Pills," says S. time for Ihe 110 miles was 2 bourns 12 office of Leslie W. liovey, ooumy Nv. Bishop, 51G2 Kensington Ave., St. treasurer. 1 wasnt able to work. For many months minutes 20 seconds. Louis, Mo. Pittsburgh, Ps. work owing to Sharp pains would catch me when I Provo City is now suffering from An appeal to President Wilson to I was not able to do myweakness stooped or tried to lift anything, and Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to b which send federal a troopss into the forests the greutest shortage of water since genuine must be marked with the at night the kidney secaused backache of cretions passed frequently the Pacific northwest to help fight the past fifty According to and headaches. A safety Bayer Cross. Always buy an and were scanty ana friend called my fires-noendangering lives and prop- the tabulation and flow of the river unbroken Bayer package which conpainful. Sjiecks seemed to attention to one of erty was made by George M. Cornwall, us taken by Water ('nniuiissioner tains be before my eyes and I to redirections proper safely 18. would get aizzy. There your newspaper editor of the Tiniberman at Portland. Frank Wentz on July lieve Headache, Toothache, Earache. a puliiiiees under my advertisements and The Mountain States Sugar comMr. .and Mrs. Qeorge Karagnis of Colds and pain. Handy tin eyes. 1 could see myself immediately my Deer Lodge were arrested at Helena pany of which Ernest It. Woolley Is Neuralgia, failing from day to day boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few husband bought and I finally was laid up president and Ben C. Rich, secretary, cents at drug stores larger packages three bottles of on a charge of abandoning tlieir from June until Septemto its decided name has to change which Pinkhama E. woman Iks the also. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Lydia baby, ber. I sot Doans Kid- Hr. Btahsp said to have left on a table in a Cathcorporation, according to Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic-sddestVegetable Com ney Pills sod used them. I received relief with the first box and became for me. olic hospital. amended articles filed with the secpound of Salicylicacld. Adv. stronger every day. I could sleep well After taking two state. of Wholesale destruction of fish in retary at night and the kidney secretions were bottles I felt fine now of natural color. The dizziness Jack Dempsey, the world's heavythe small streams of Montana is one Not Much to Choose. and my troubles caused by that weak and other troubles disappeared and I The honors are about even, whether ness are a thing of the past. All women remarkable feature of the drought weight pugilistic champion, spoke at picked up in weight. After I had used who suffer as I did should try Lydia E. There Is so little water in creeks Bonneville park grounds In Salt Lake your job wears out your shoes or your lour boxes of Doans Kidney Pills I looked and felt like my old seif. The Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. which ordinarily afford fine fishing last week in the interests of the Sal- trousers. It sets vou back about $15 cure seemed a miracle and I firmly Mrs. Jas. Rohrberg, 620 Knapp St. that it is in service home for event. either vation Army replacements feared millions of fry fish campaign. that my life was saved by this N. 8., Pittsburgh, Pa. An Interesting program was arranged Kansas City Star. remedy. Women who suffer from any form of will perinh. Sworn to before me. Governor Oloott has refused to call for the occasion. weakness, as indicated by displacements, To Have a Clear Sweet Skin. Three hundred farmers, ut a meetinflammation, ulceration, irregularities, a session of the Oregon legislature to JOES TF. BRVS8, Notary Public. backache, headaches, nervousness or ratify the national woman suffrage ing held at Bountiful last week signed Touch pimples, redness, roughness Gat Dosa's at An? Stas, SOc a Baa "the blues," should accept Mrs. Rohr-berg-s amendment, except on condition that a petition for creation of the Bonne- or itching, if any, with Cuticura Ointsuggestion and give Lydia E. irrigation district, u project ment, then bathe with Cuticura Soap Pinkhanri Vegetable Compound a a majority of the members of both ville CO, BUFFALO. N.Y. houses voluntarily request such a ses- which is to furnish water from the and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and thorough trial. on a little Cuticura Talcum to dust water for Jordan river apFor over forty years it has been sion, and agree to bear their own exirrigation leave a fascinating fragrance on skin. correcting such ailments. If you have pense. proximately 5000 acres of land in the Everywhere 25c each. Adv. write mysterious complications for Tiie Northwestern Grain Dealers southern end of Davis county. advice to Lydia L Pinkham Medicine association in session at Lewiston, Application was made by the Mouna big knee like this, but your bone Substitute for Glass. Co., Lynn, Mass. Montana, last week adopted resolu- tain States Telephone ft Telegraph g may Lave a bunch er bruise on hi are substitutes Muny ingenious to utilithe week last hock, stifle, knee or throat. ankle, tions affiliating with the National Company public employed in England for the winGrain Dealerss association, asking the ties commission of Utali for a hearing dow glass which has been broken in legislature to enact legislation request- in which the company will seek to the last four years. ing the assessors to collect data as to have the rates established by Postwill clew it ofl without laying up the area cultivated each season as a master General A. 3 .Burleson made to Mothers Important the hone. No blister, no bair Examine carefully every bottle of basis for crop estimate. A resolution permanent. Date for a hearing with gone. Concentrated only a few old famous remedy drop required was aisso adopted asking the bureau the commission has not yet been set. CA8TORIA, that at an application. $2.50 per Acid-Stoma- ch see that it tonic idinrad. Ducrtbe your cut to wedel Iseimdesfc The state road commission is adver- for infanta and children, and of standards to make Montana a spsa-rut- e ssS Book I Hires. ABSORBING, JR.. Ae Bears the bids eoustruction for of for own reduce! Panful Iwcikete. grain district, with its BatacM lot grain tising Retain Cluda. Was. Braiaaa. Varkeec Vetaei alien Ulllloiu of peopls who worry, aro dsapon-San- t, inspector, lustsead of having it di- about three miles of cement road in Signature of II.2S a bonk at dnuim er Price r Pair fool havi apella of montal depraaaion, Provo canyon, commencing at n point In Use for Over Years. dritared. Liberal trial benle poetpeid for 10c. bins and aro often melancholy, believe that vided up with the Inspection at SprisefisM; VIshl taeaa condition! are due to outelde influencea in the canyon a little below the first Children Ciy for Fletchers Castoria W.F.Y0UN8, P. D. Spokane and Suit Lake. ovar which they have little or no control. In an effort to relieve drought high dugway In Wasatch county and Nearly always, however, they can be traced A CHARMING GirT Nor lc to an Internal source One Thing Spared. stricken g fanners by affording them ending at the Deer Creek bridge, a It to be wondered at. Acid eto mac h, ARMISTICE He "What do you think of these This with such well defined eymptomc ae Indistance of 2.02 miles. On account perfnme astrast win recall to yoasothe rich dia eat Ion, belching, heartburn, bloat, etc., employment, the United States reclaodor of a hundred French flowers She lasting Well, thank euetl. of ibis the come the heavy traffic luxury taxes? will If not checked, in time affect to mation sen-icis advertising for bids year so woo. Wa GUARANTOR to aood rot 4 bottles, !" M oaneo each. sari one apodal bottle with slam u degree or other all the vital organa The for construction of a tax didn't good cry roads become lnive they goodness, sir. very pi nervoue ayetom become! deranged. Digestion portion of the on stopper and sold plated top (this alone Is worth Health FVannle canal on the Shoshone proaufferu The blood la Impoverished. Judge. dollar) altogether Ore bottlie of different, enchant-InBusiness men of Ogden, through the UMZ for HOLLAR, and strength are undermined. The victim of porfnmMS postpaid, oou; ordax or currency. Scad ll.U TODAY. although ha may not know ject. This work has been so divided merchants of Ogdeu, have taken up the eanaa of hie allmenta feela hie hope, that small team outfits BPECIA ARMISTICE LTIR8 a fund of $3000 may bid on the matter of raising courage, ambition and energy clipping. And Nsw York, N.Y. lStWaatSBthBt. to much the not la worth AQZNTB-BeHAO nd life dark dortwo new for for Martha the the DZALKHS, The truly above, Inelad-In- s work will be started late society's job. man or woman who has teener terms sod templet, exel stirs territory, mitories and cottage for the matron wonderful proposition. hold tills month. Get rid of It! Don't let yon back, wreck your health, make your Fire completely destroyed the steam- of the home. The decision of the merdaye mlaerable, make yon a victim of the bines" and gloomy thoughts! Thera Is a boat Rambler, a lake steamer 00 feet chants to render aid und Bupport to marvelous modern remedy called NATONIC oh such quick relief from your in length, 14 foot beam, at Coeur d'- the well known organization, which that bring e, stomach mlaerlee sets your stomach to rights The agonies of rheumaAlene and bat for the timely action maintains the home for children, was tism areexcruciating makes It strong, cool, sweet end comfortusually the result of failure of able. Helpa you get back your strength, vigor, the kidneys to expel poisons from the and volunteers announced recently. vitality, enthusiasm and good eheer. Bo of the fire department J. C. Hogenson, who for the system. If the irritation of these uric Irof.. many thousands upon thousands of sufferers would hare consumed the city dock have used BATONIC with such marvelously crystals is allowed to continue, inseven years has been connected add curable bladder or kidney disease may helpful results that ws ara sura you will and store and the entire frame work past feel the same way If you will Just give It a of wharves. with the Utah Agricultural college ns result. Attend to it at once. Dont trial. Get a big IB cent bos of BATONIC FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE state leader of junior vocational work, resort to temporary relief. The sick the good tasting tablets that you oat Ilka a The net receipts for the national must be restored to health by Dissolved in water for douches steps kidneys bit of candy- - from your druggist today. Ho as and such an extension established will return yonr money If results ara not forests in Utuh, Idaho, Nevada and the use of some sterling remedy which ulceration and inflamcatarrh, pelvic oven mars than you expect. prevent a return of the disease. mation. Recommended by Lydia E. western W joining, under the super- international reputation for expert and will Haarlem MEDAL GOLD some Get efficient work, has accepted a new poPinkham Mod. Co, for tea years. vision of the district office located in Oil Capsules immediately. They have sition the with A Henceforth college. count-ins healing wonder for nasal catarrh, to of life back the joys brought Ogden, during the fiscal year, ended he will he in sore throat and sots eyes. Economical. inrheuof of from sufferers thousands farmers charge acJune 30, amounted to $736,389.31, ' demons and a iiMl pawer. sciatica, stitutes, handling agricultural corre- matism, lame bock,andlumbago, f frOR TOUR 50b aSamssan, er peefpeid tv other affections gravel stones, cording to a bulletin issued by the forgall Meat A BnWnn, Cemneor. Tape! Rahe spondence work. of the kidneys. Ever, stomach, bladder est service. Somewhat of a departure from the and allied organs. With a view to drafting a resolution They will attack the poisons at once; DAIST FLY KILlEBSffir.'KKHJ of former years will be made practice tract urinary herba to congress favoring federal control in the convention of district school clear out the kidneye andoils and and the soothing healing of the national domain, stockmen from the inflamed tissues and superintendents of Utah, to be held at will restorenormal Colohealth. to organa Arizona, Minnesota, California, , the capitoi, August 8 and 9. Hereto-All others are imitations. Ask for rado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, New fore speakers from among the superinOlrinwISt A1 Maml AndrunMe; GOLD MEDAL and be rare the name lewple eeefc free of OeUeam, Dai 1. Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, South Da- tendents lmve been assigned to various GOLD MEDAL is on the box. Three v. druggists-Adkota and Washington met In convenof Interest. In the present Sixes, at all good subjects Lake. in Salt HAROLD ZUMliKZ, 1M tion at the Hotel Utah case the principal rcsposibllity for preA Proposal. Valuing a Voice. of a Northern Pa- senting subjects will lie placed on the members Three W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. Gerald Marriage is a failure. "Maud says she isn't going to sing cific train crew, John Kilcoyne, con- state supervising staff. San fail Let's Geraldine more.! for nothing any together. brake-maClarence At a mass meeting of the His Preference. Francisco Argonaut. Hm I If I had her voice I wouldn't ductor, and John Chevalier, engineer, of Suit Lake county', held In Wliut kind of dogs do First Boston TranTramp sing for anything. were injured in an accident at a tun- Midvale last week, about 200 persons con- you like host? no arms A is for of coat good script. nel near Quartz. Lotzenlieiser and were In attendance, representing every cenling a Second Tramp rToolhloss. brain. g Chevalier were Injured seriously and section of the connty. WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND are in the railroad hospital at Missoula A resolution was unanimously adopted Montana. asking the government to remove all SWAMP-ROO- T rurestrictions on the price of wheat, Refutation of the widespread mors of total crop failures in Montana pointing out tliat from present Indicais contained In the weekly crop review tions the wheat crop of the county For many years druggists have watch cent or more under recon remarkable with much interest the by Charles D. Greenfield, state com- would be 50 per normal. and maintained by Or. Kilmers Swamp-Boomissioner of agriculture publicity. the great kidney, liver and bladder medi- Good y.elds from the many irrigated The merchants of Ogden passed a cine. of the state are predicted ant resolution protesting against the regions It is a physician prescription. in the western part of the state fruit, proposal of the state hoard of equaliis a strengthening medi Swamp-Roo- t alfalfa and grain crops are in excel- sation to increase the assessment rarcine. It help the kidneys, liver and blading of merchants in Ogden anil Weber der do the work nature intended they lent condition. 1U0 per cent and farm propcounty is retired should do. grocer Peter Ieroe, a 25 per cent. The resolution will haa stood the test of years. hailed Swamp-Roby women of the local Red erty It is sold by all druggists on ita merit Cross as champion knitter of the nor- lie presented to the state bourtl at Salt and it should help you. No other kidney Lake. thern division. Mr. I'eroe has spent medicine has so many friends. Charging that freight rates on gasosox and stlcklngs hours making and start Be rare to get Swamp-Roand other petroleum products to line treatment at once. for the Red Cross and in this period Lake and interinountain points Salt thii to teat first of wish However, if you has knitted 151 pairs ,an average great preparation send ten cents to Dr. one pair In 14 hours. He has been are unreasonably high uml discriminAutomobile Kilmer ft Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a awarded a Red Cross service button atory, the Utah State ample bottle. When writing be sure and Service Traffic the through in recognition of his services. mention this paper Adv. will shortly file suit of Bureau Utah, The Ulnli Oil ft Refining Co., a sub- with the Interstate Commerce comn Point He Had Overlooked. sidiary of the Midwest Refining mission, seeking a rate adjustment. are , afraid visionary. you Im Sir, of Casper, Wyo., recently purSolJohn W. Jacobs of Williamsport, Ia., Why? Just because I think the chased from J. T. Hurst and Sid Keo-ha-u to be appointed secretary of the recently uplifted? omon islanders sought 51 per cent of the capital stock No. Because you seem to think the of the Curbon Oil company, which is Utuh I'uhlic Health association by the Solomon islanders care a hnng about drilling a test well. Tills company executive committee, lias taken up his duties. A campaign for the Improvebeing uplifted." Birmingham Age. has also leased 400 acres from the ment of health Such tender bits of fine meat such careful season conditions is being are Oil & Refining Co., which association. ingj One taste of Libbs Vienna Sausage, served BcfrafcS' Sesfhes,' has 1400 acres on the structure and ranged by the ItTDmR Best. piping hot, will tell you it was prepared by master Beals Keep your Eyes RooseAlex Hunt, 20 years old, of A. ii chefsl and Healthy 1 of which former Governor George Ask your grocer for a package today. Strong killed was by coming velt, instantly 1 theylire. Smart, Itch, or Carlson of Colorado, is president Contents will serve two. live wire. electric a contact with into Burn, if Sore; Irritated The chamber of commerce of Lewis-tow- He was at work on the Uintah Power Inflamed or Granulated Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago Montana, has begun the work ft Light company's line when the accinse Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult. husinesa and At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. et making a complete dent happened. He had been with the of the U.S.A. rrofcssionul city. survey Marina Ejrs Kenedy CenHny. CUcags, company for two years. Denver-to-Clieyenn- four-moutlis-o- ld er e DOANS FOSTER-MILBUR- V.Liy SELDOM SEE le-In- THE BLUES Caused by sad-cft- Minne-njHili- s, h. -- PERFUME begin-nln- e c h, HOW RHEUMATISM BEGINS aeld-etoma- I I ATOMIC Use Cuticura Soap To Clear Your Skin huh DslUibAva-.BreeUja.N.- 31-19- 19. n, wheat-growe- rs - one-cylind- er wheat-growin- t, ot ot 9.,-r- coin-pa- j-- Trl-stat- iieLviv LIU n, |