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Show Helper is the Railroad and Coal Center of Eastern Utah, and the Busiest Little City in the State DEVOTED Volume TO THE INTERESTS 9 AND DEVELOPMENT OP ONE OP THE GARDEN SPOis OP THE WORLD, Helper, Carbon County, Utah, Friday, August -- MOHRLAND SUBDUE 3. The Mohrland ball team came to Helper last Sunday and proceeded to take our athletes to a cleaning. Braug was sent in to twirl for Mohrland. lie didnt have anything at that except a fast ball and a curve .and a change of pace. The locals hammered him for seven hits and threee scores and wouldve won easily if Mohrland had only scored two. At that, our club led the visitors in strikeouts and errors. The the same teams will play again next Sunday at Mohrland. The local are putting in some good hard practice this week. Some changes have been made in the line-u- p and the boys expect to make a better showing Two Years of Prohibition Have Helped the Thrift Habit, and it Sunday. is Increasing With National Prohibition. Score by innings: 1 3 0 4 2 0 3 2 0 -- 17 Mohrland Mrs. Rasmussen and children SHORT STORIES 00 0 0 3 0 0 210 Helper went to Salt Lake yesterday for Mrs. D. Mclver and sister, a few days visit. .SUIT FOR $50,000 Miss Audsley, expect to leave Jim Gorly paid a fne of $50 FILED BY COAL MINER about the middle of August for and costs in Justice Stephens a visit to their old home in court Wednesday for drunkiness. . Suit to obtain $50,000 damages Lloyd Dyer is hotrom overas a result of .the alleged iriur. He came in Monday night seas. Ernest Gianotti, who is attendies sustained in the Winterquart-er- s Russell, where he reFt. from mine of the Utah Fuel com- ing medical college at St. Louis, ceived his discharge. pany, was filed Saturday by Mo., returned home Tuesday to Miss Bernice Condon left SunArchibald Anderson in the Unit- spfni his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve day for a few days visit with her ed States district court. father at Thompson. On her reIn his complaint Anderson alturn to Helper she will resign leges that he was employed in Mr. W. T. Mrs. and Hamilton her position at the express office the mine in 1916 and that he was to Provo where she will and struck by a train of o n cars and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Black-we- entergoschool in September. returned home Monday evewhich resulted through insufficFor staging a fight on Main ient lighting of the mine. Ander- ning from a tour through park. They report a street, Ross Gianas ani Jim son further alleges that he sufine trip. Kardarkis were hauled into Jusfered serious bodily injuries tice Stephens court Tuesday which now makes it practically Lieut. Jack Vignetto has re- afternoon. After listening to impossible for him to obtain ceived his discharge from Ft the testimony in the case, the Russell, Wyo., and returned Judge fined Gianas $20 and cost home the first of the week. He Notice The christening of the oil To Consumers of Light and las accepted a position in the took Utaearbon tank ship postofiice and began wTork TuesWater: place at Alameda, California, Hereafter all consumers of day morning. yesterday. Miss Margaret Horslight and water, who are in arof Price, christened the ship rears more than two months on Teastie OEerto, son of Mr. ley Colton water. A and Mrs. Joe OBerto, broke his with lange del payment of light and water bill, above the ankle last igation from Price made the will be cut off from serv ice, and left leg just to California to attend the fee of $1.00 on each Monday afternoon. He wa3 play- trip around the hayrake when christening. will be charged for connecting ing the teeth of the rake swung up again. American soldiers with the his leg breaking it. Pay all light and wator bills at against expeditionary force in Northern to 15th Lthe Hall from the City to keep the James Galanis of the Golden Russia are trying the 19th cf each month. lead off their pencils long Rule ' store, returned home last icycles By order of the City Council. to write moving picture Saturday morning from New enough The American Sen scenarios. York where he had gone to buy Shoot Him On The Spot establish He also visited the city tinal, a weekly paper Red A neighboring editor was much goods. American ed up there by the of while and Washington east, contest. interested recently in a scientific was fortunate to hear President Cross, started the note he encountered in a city paWilsons address on his return In a fight between per to the effect that if the earth from Europe. this country in Mexicans born was flat! oned the sea would be and natives of old Mexico, comtwo milt;? deep all the world abA fiend in human form prising a section gang on the D. over. The editor reprinted the feet of hose & R. G. railroad at Kyune last note with the iollowing com stracted seventy-fiv- e John Lobota was fatally ment; "If any- man is caught that had been used to keep the Friday, stabbed and Jim Miller and flattening the earth, shoot him lawn green at Salt Lake headon thes pot. There areseveral of quarters. The Chapter celebrated Edonio Chaves were severely us in this state who cant swim. July 4 by the first use of a new slashed. The wounded Mexicans hose, but the feeling at the Utah say that their assailant was Juan will return metropolis is that a man who Coutera, who made his escape. Miss Zella Floyd home tomorrow from Salt Lake would steal from the Red Cross Other Mexicans, however, took where sim has been attending would burn an orphan asylum. part in the affray, in which clubs and knives were used. ArcRays. 'Summer diool. - ll Yel-owsto- THE PRICE RIVER VALLEY. Number 25 1919 ne Y. M. C. A. NOTES There was a man who fancied that The many friends of the Rev. By driving good and fast Geo. W. Dunlap, a former pastor Hed get his car across the track of the Episcopal organization Before the train came past; will le sorry to hear that Hed miss the engine by an inch here, he will not be able to make the And make the train hands sore. There was a man who fancied this contemplated stop-ove- r visit with us on account of his weak heart. But he aint here no more. He says. "I did so much desire Local wrestling fans may get to Epeak in the dear old "Y a chance to see Geo. Nichelson again and meet the people. in action again about 16th of Said he was in New York City this month, provided proper ar- trying to fight off an attack of rangements can be made. J. pneumonia. The secretary is Tanner, a grappler from Omaha, very much disappointed, for this Nebraska, who is touring the Godly minister gave so many upcountry meeting all comers, is lifting talks at the Y while anxious to meet Nichelson and serving the people here. He was plans are now under way to looking forward to a great meetbring the men together here. ing some Sunday night this If the match is made it will be month. We arc sure Bro. Dunfor a side bet of $200. The pro- lap has the prayers and good moters are arranging to stage wishes of all lor a speedy rethe bout in the Elpe theater so covery. hat it can be started earlier in We are exceedingly thankful he evening, and a special in- for the help we receive from the vitation will be extended to the best musical talent in Helper at adies to attend. the Peoples Sunday night services. Last Sunday the music The Jolly Bridge club met with furnished by Prof. Griffith, Ossie Mrs. Patrick this week, Mrs. Fink and Ruth Metz was just !)yer winning the point prize fine and everybody went away and Mrs. Blumberg the honor. A refreshing luncheon was serv- feeling that they had spent a hour. The following ed by the hostess. The next profitable will help us next Sunday night. meeting will be held at the home Prof. Griffith, violin solo "Cavi-tin- e of Mrs. Thele. by Raff: O. Fink, vocal Piano solo by Max. Leute and Ike Davis went solo, 'Palma; Dorothea to Lake to Salt Burgar, and Ruth CarWednesday join the other members of the State ter will play Appleblossoms. Rifle team which left Salt Lake Better take advantage of this yesterday for Caldwell, New opportunity to attend the meant? Jersey to participate in the nat- of grace. You may not have it ional rifle shoot. long. J. Sheppard, Gen. Sec. Mrs. Herbert Robinson and children left Thursday evening Helper Union Sunday School for their home in Salt Lake City Services every Sunday morn-nafter a months visit with relat ten. R. R. chapel. Everyatives in Helper. body invited. Come and bring a Mrs. Burgar and daughter friend. J. G. Moore, Supt. were Zion visitors this week. g - Wbai Is Rediscounting? ra free-for-a- - AND Speeding to Eternity HELPER 17 TO and-ext- 1 HEIFER ll T'HE most important privi-leg- e obtained by our membership in the Federal Reserve n js System is that of rediscounting. This means that when necessary, we can take our customers notes and drafts which we hold to the Federal Reserve Bank and obtain cadi in exchange. In this way a large proportion of our assets are just as available as though actually carried in cash. Helper State Bank |