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Show THE HELPER THE HELPER TIMES i Wim1 im I. A. LEE, Publisher iiii.iur fferi Six Months in Advance 75c One Year in Advance $1.50 TIMES, HELPER, UTAH. V-v- . Entered at the post office at Helper, Utah, as second class natter. Oh, So Dry! For two years, Utah has been hung on the prohibition clothes line, high and dry, and just a short time ago, the rest of the U. S. followed suit Onto of the great things that has been discovered by prohibition. Is that the average liinu now has more money to save, and not only are the hanks carrying more depositors, but W. S. S. and Thrift Stamps are being purchased by those who formerly wasted their money. Jack Sears In his cartoon thin week represents both Utah nml the U. S. hanging on the prohibition line, and both dry, Utah being labeled very dry." Wasters" has been a term of reproach always given to the citizens of the United States, but now Hint term can be no longer applied, as wiih the drink evil being minimized, and the great campaign for thrift being cai rled on In the schools, we shall no, longer be entilled to the name of "Wastera," hut rather WSSera." People who are ready to believe the Worst even if they have to help bring it in pass are "despairing of democracy's battle against bolshevism in Europe, just as during the war they despaired of donmerney's battle against Imperialism. Cheer up! We can ut least fight it out until somebody is heuten and democracy la unbeatable. Vicious enemy aliens over here are to ho sent home. The war has closed this country permanently as a dumpof ing ground for the undesirable other lands. We have found to out; cost how a too generous hospitality can he abused. They say parasols are going to he of etieii striking colors this summer that they are hound to catch the public eye. If they'll only give up their old trick of catching the public eye on the ends of their ribs nothing else will count for much. The proposition to make neutral that profited by the war help pay the cost of it will render sucli conn tries, if we ever have another war, less disposed to remnin in the safety tone and count their gnlue. nn-tlo- to vkNTOH Ml On Being Disagreeable Tho all-ye- The Marion Star asks the question, a disagreeable man be good! and then leaves the question unanswered. This is not right for so thoughtful a paper as the Star, to leave the question floating in the air, Put it is quite certain that the suggestion of the question furnishes the presumption of a negative answer and that a disagreeable person cannot be good. What a world of sweetness and light this would be if everybody would recognize that fact, and find the road to goodness in being agreeable, says Ohio State Journal, The doctrine would he truer than one could find In any moral philosophy. Evil and petulance grow from the same bad root and they are sure to blend in human experience. So that every person who finds he Is disagreeable may well ejacHold there, Im bad. Of ulate, course if he docs not object to being bad he will keep on being disagreeable. There is a finer issue in these problems than in the gulf stream or the habitability of Mars. They touch life os closely as a storm at night Can News comes that the International Pyrenean tunnel between France and Spain is finished. When France and Spain agreed, 87 years ago, that two railway routes should be carried ovet the mountain wall, one by way of an International tunnel, the war ministers of each country pretested against the proposal. This new undertaking will open up communication between the valley of the great Spanish river, Klim, am) the French Midi, and part of central France. At the French terminus the line through the tunnel will con ncct with the railway of the Arlcge valley, from Ax to Toulouse. A station upon this line Is Tnrnscon, the home of Alphonse Daudet's delightful Tartarln. As a tributary of the On renne, the Ariege gives access to the valley of that river, at the head of whose sealike estuary stands the great port of Bordeaux. Perhaps since "there are no more Pyrenees, we may be able to add, there are no more Dover straits, and Londoners may take train at Charing Cress and roll Into the vnlley of the Simnish Ebro without change of car. Leadership, once established, is strengthened and confirmed by its followers and imitators Bevo's leadership is proclaimed by the largest rear guard that ever followed a leader. by everywhere Families supplied . grocer, drudist and dealer.-are cordially invited to inspect our plant. Sold And Service Station Vulcanizing done by the Haywood System. Rim cuts or any kind of Repair Work done good as new. Price Beverage Company, 3 Distributors PRICE, UTAH. Mil; Mill iy4Uili'tiliHil. ' igjSS& -- I I i VAC Tiillti TbTiillllll MALICIOUS PROBLEMS. Lawrence Alfred, who is in grade CB, was struggling manfully with his "home work. Part of this was a formidable arrny of figures which had appeared on the blackboard under the menacing rapt ion, "MiscelAt length he laneous Problems. was compelled to give up. "Father, he said, 1 just got to ask you to help me with these malicious problems.- Buy Your SHOES Here and Get Your Discount. Bread and Pastry Goods Fresh Every Day. - 365 Notice For Publication LOUIS FOSSAT COAL. ENTRY (Sec. 2347, R. S.) Land Office at Salt Lake City, U tah, July 25, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Walter M. Dake. of Denver, County of Den ver, State of Colorado, has this day filed in this office Application to Purchase, Serial No. 024617, under the provisions of section 2347, U. S. Revised Statutes, the SEJ of SEJ of Section 1 and NKJ of NEJ of Section 12, Township 13 South, Range 8 East, S. Any and all persona claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object for any reason to the entry thereof hv applicants should file their affidavits of protest in this office during the 4hirty-da- y period of publication immediately following the first printec issue of this notice, otherwise the application mav be allowed, GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register. First pub, Aug, 1, last Aug. 29, 1919.. HELPER LUMBER & HARDWARE CO. Carries a full line of Lath, Cement, Build?!? HardA Square Deal and Fair Treatpnent our ware, Etc. Motto. Figure with us before going elsewhere. Helper Lumber & Hardware Co. HELPER, . UTAH ONWARD LODGE NO. 15 Kniffhta of Pythia. Meets in Castle Hal every Thursday night at Gasoline, Oils and Grease. oclock. Visiting members cordially invited. 8 Guaranteed or Money Refunded. C. Saccomano: C. C, FREE AIR. PROMPT SERVICE. North Main Street, Helper, Utah. v L General Auto Repairing. Satisfaction ST. LOU IS, ANHEUSER-BUSC- H L. M. Henderson Repair Shop :round soft drink . ar F. C. J. Ruggeroni, M. F. Bertolina, K. of. R. and'S. HELPER LODGE NO. 56 1. 0. 0. P every Tuesday evening ai Flsim's Hall. Visiting broth 'ordially invited to attend. E. C. Burgar, N. G. ' James Pland, V. G. The CITY CAFE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Everything First Class. Special Dining Rooms for Ladies. Barboglio Bldg. Helper, Utah Meet T. C. Smiley, Secretary. James Phelps, Treas. UtahnaRebekah Lodge No.SJ HELPER, UTAH MU every 2nd and 4th Friday in ths month at TOO p. m., at FVums Hall. Margaret Leute, Noble Grand. Maud Dyer, Vice Grand Irene L. Sinele, Secy. Francis Welch, Tree. Visiting Brothers and Bitten wateeme Hotel Helper, Helper, Utah Headquarters for Reservation Travelers, and tne Traveling Public in General. Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water in Every Room. Ernest Griffith Teacher of Violin Enquire at the AMERICAN CANDY COMPANY TOM DEMIS, Proprietor For these hot days, try our Ice Cold Sodas. All flavors. KELLYS ICE CREAM, of Salt Lake City. Cool and Refreshing. Also a full line of Candy, Cigars and Cigarettes. P. O. Box 96. Helper, Utah DR. K. KAMITANI Dentist Dr. C. R. Snow DENTIST 0 to 12 A. M. and Y. M. C. A. Offiee hours: North Main Street. Helper, I to 6 P. fit. Helper, Utah. |