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Show The Eagle tjeveryb'riy.eren John himself, he had not heretofore declared mm-sel- f, as a republican. He has b.n a liberal until recently. After he had spoken of bis complete astonishment at die action be quietly resumed bis seat, assuming an air of apathy, and complalsantly submitted to the Inevitby remaining in alienee, thinking, REPUBLICAN TICKET. able perhajis, let come what may mayorship or defeat 1 urn prepared to meet my fate. General Election, Mutlon carried that we make these nominations DAVIS COUNTY, U. T. Resolution unanimous. adopted that the re publl of cans eudorse the move1893, Kaysville November 7, Tuesday, ment for a citizens' convention to nominate school trustees. Isglslatlva Tlcksi Motion carried that campaign comCMMttur tut lha fifth Dbtrlci; mittee be Increased to 10 and that ALMA HAGUE. chalrMppnlnt the five new ones. The names of Robt. Love, A Flitton, W.1I Kor goyrMnahUlri tur ih. Hlxtfe DlMrtet; Cottrell, John Darker and John Col. mere were added. E.r.ELUSOS. County Ticket. IBID Tot SaperlBtaudent of Schoote; L. U. KEXXABD. A Highly Satiifeotary Treated Tkkst municipal election, Kiy.ville City. iMihrv; JOHN IL BOXXEMORT. Ptor Canadian; JOHN ELLISON, SAMUEL AVIS COUNT! SUNDAY SCHOOLS' a LAYTON, Coaratwa sf Than The convention met at Layton Saturday morning, October 28th, at 9 o'clock. . L. Loar of Ogden led the devotional exercises. Henry Ellis gave tbe address of welcome, aud Mined. McFall of Farm' Ington the reapmse. Both were happy efforts. Miss Ada B. Fitts then read the secretary's report. The following ofiirsre are, for the ensuing year. rrmldent, Mr. Ellis, Layton, Miss Ma ry Linn, Kaysville, secretary and treasurer, Miss C. Mac-Fal-l, T. JOSEPH ItOBINS, Farmington; executive commitJAMES II. LARKINS. tee, Miss Mapper. iMIm A. Ii. Flits and Mrs. William II. Clow, together Fttr iMorirri with president and secretary . CHRIS BURTON, JR. The program as published In last week's Eagle was then carried out PorTraxiurnr; all but a few flections. JOHN CL JAMISON, Echoes of the convention were then heard. FRANK BARTON. The following resolutions were read and adopted: ForCDlleeiar; Our Sunday schools: In Whereas, GEORGE NT. UNDERWOOD. Davis County are unw very uiiic ii In Far Julia of tb. Fnwt trresled in the work of the Sunday school; and, NICHOLAS L. SHEFFIELD. Whereas, We feel tbe great need of more as Sunday school Dasetretia Bill y. workers; therefore. Resolved, That acommlttee of three The democrat got out the Kayavllle braw band and several good speaker be appointed wbo shall have charge of last Wednesday evening and bad a the Instlt utlon of all the Sunday schools grand Jollification at the Opera House. in Davis county, bitween uow and May Our space Is limited and we can not 1. 18M. Henry Ellis, Miss Ada B. Fitts and give all the particulars, but we shall Miss Napper were the committee sewe all can. give Col. II. P. Johnson of Salt Lake was lected. Resolved, That a minute be inserted the first speaker. lie gave a mental of the secretary's hook, aurver the democratic view of wool In the question and explained bow It would aiatlug that the constitution aud bybe better for us to have free wool on law will be found In the back part of account of oura being of an Inferior this book: that the secretary be inquality as compared with Australian structed to copy the same into the book wool, lie said: As to silver, 1 am and then forward to tbe snperintend-enlso- f all the Sunday schools In Davis not in favor of the government resolving Into a board of trade or going Into county for the signatures of all members of I he convention. the broker business HDd silver, gold or any other commodity on Whereas, Thiaeonven tion has been the markets. I am opposed to ths wonderfully helped with the very efficient Sherman law. I believe that every aid of the Territorial President. 0.11. person who owns bullion should hare Persons of Bolt Lake snd Rev. D. Peebles tbe privilege of taking It to the mlnla and wife of Weber county, Utah therefore, Resolved, That we hereby exteudlo and baring it coined by paying a certain fixed price. I believe that paper them oar heart felt and united thanks fur all their splendid e Hurts which did so money Is as good as any other. Any much to nuke our convention a sucrcm. of bears which the the money stamp Whereas. The people of Leyton led by government is all right, no matter Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, Mini Kapper aud their value. about intrinsic have dune so much to make 1 am In favor of statehood, so is the our delightibl; stay pleasant aud Vote If for democratic party. them you want statehood. Mr. Cannon.the therefore, Resolved. That w e heretly extend our leader of republicans of the territory, says lie Is not in favorof statehood un- thanks in the highest degree for all their der any consideration unless .it comes kind efforts fer our physical, mental siul from the republicans. lie has chang- apt ritual comfort. ed his opinion mightily sluce Inst Resolved- - That a cojy ofthesi Refall's campaign and It must folluw solutions be sent to Tub Kaysville Eagle and to the Sa,t Lake Tribune for that the whole party has flopped " S. A. Kenner, the next speaker, made publication, a very eloquent efiort. It will take a Good music greatly added to our progreat deal of apace to give a synopsis noun. of It 90 we are obliged to leave It out Rev. D. reehleB, Hit GW. Rex and Miss Sylvia Phillips tendered several until next issue. li. . MeCune and Iavld Stoker, solos. Mrs. Rex and MissXapper rencandidates for the legislature, and dered a ain't. Mis, John Weaver and Mum Nellie.Kll is sang together also. County Supt. IX O. Willey each made a short Interesting speeches aud made Taking our second convention and comparing with our first, I think all will the usual promises. agree that we have made an advance. Our naxt convention is to be held in BouutifkU tlis first Sutunlay and Sunday BajaUiaaa Primsriaa. in May, MiM of A large number republicans met E.M. KNOX, In municipal caucus at the city hall LSlieflleld K. last Saturday evrnlug. was elected chairman and C. W. AlexThere will be a Grand Rail at Wilander secretary. iams', Hall Friday evening, Nov. 3, Report of committee on the advisa- 13.89 Ticket 50 eta. Robins Quadbility of putting a republican ticket In rille Baud in attendauce. the Held for the city election of Kaya-villIt was to tbe effect that It would GitiaW flekssl Meeting- bca necessity to put one in the field aad it was adrised that a meeting to nomiThere was quite an intcreatin nate candidates for the respective oftime at the school meeting last Monfices be called at once. as tbsre were decidedly two day night Motion carried that this meeting be factions lu the race-J- ; resolved into a nominating convention O. M. Barnes was made chairman and that those present proceed at once ana N. L. Sheffield secretary to the nomination of candidates for A motion made that we proceed to city oUlcers. nominate the members of the present nomicandidates of names the Tbe themselves as trustees board to succeed under the nated will ha found and vote for them all at nrxt for term first ticket top Republican Municipal one time. column this page. Motion amended to tbe effect that filled had been after all the places one candid tte be voted for at a time t li nominations were nil made unaniand that more canacclamation mous, The nominal Ion of John II. by allowed t he nominated. fiunoeiuurt for mayor wca a surprise didates be Nomiuatlona for trustee No 1. T. FRANCIS ROUECUX, fly-le- af jan-baaeln- g 3 G Burton, Jr. W. A. Hyde, 0.tbla added to the 98.76 cash amountand Albert Bearer. ed to 36.26 which la $4.25 above the Motion carried that motion to vote burial expense. The clerk was in by acclamation ha reeonsldered aw atruoted to write to Mr. Prophet to dis that we vote by ballot. First vote re- pose of the Mas. If possible and pay all sulted: Hyde 2; Burton 12; Barnes 22; abevatbaaipenkes Into the county W. Barnes, A B. Cook Cook 2; Beazer 2. R. W. Barnea having received Jims Fargo' treasury. the Judga Balght auggssted that aa Stock Just Arrived, Box Tip Wid- Soys' barn, bay, and othLuy School Shoes been destroyed er property had lately by Are, he would recommend that f 23, Every Fair of her County taxes be remitted. Adopted. Childrens Warranted 2.25 of Widow nelea Barkd alls i ballot: Sheffield IB; Burton 33; taxes were also remitted- TRY A PAIR Tbe compensation of ill nx Clothing Hyde 5. Burton won tbe place. A. B. Gwk and Albert Beaxer and collector was ttxed at 6 per cent and youll I wire nominated for trustee Nj. 3 and of the general aad apodal acbojl tax and Cook Beaxer stood: ballot the 41, 17, ea collected. want to buy AFfBOFKI ATIOH a. making A b. Cook the nominee. I 91.6 roads Th nominations were then made J. W. Steed, account, Furnishing no other. unanimous nnd secretary was Instruct- Andrew Grant, ditto, 7.43; Dm. lug-raed to purchase 600 tickets. and Franke, for services, Sarah Goods'. Whall case, poor account, 12.50; O Wood, sheriff, criminal account 9124.' A TsrriUs Bsaih-ay- , 50, Jail account 2. 85, total 127.35; We have a few Summer Goods that you canhave Thera was an old fashioned Irish Sheriff Woods bill for salary, was YOUR OWN PRICE, they mast be Bold to mike room y seen on one of tbe principal referred back for correction. thoroughfares of Kaysville last TuesAdjourned to Monday, Nov. 6, 1893. for Fall goods. j day, sad, as might be expected, a COM2 AND GET SOME BARGAINS. newspaper man was connected with the elegant smash -- up. This time it PMaientio Masting. Agents for was nu one else than the indomiTbe Democrats of this precinct met represen- last table, Friday evening In executive sesthe CELEBRATED tative of the Salt Lake Herald, who Is sion at the city hall. J. G. M. Barms known around these parts by the name acted aa chairman and N. L. Sheffield CORSET WAIST, G. W. Clinton. Ills Initials are as secretary. committee was appointA Best on the market Well, It apoeara that George, we ed ascampaign follows: AmneH. Bishop, John will eall him for short, had been after Linford, W. S. Smith, John Blood, We sell th em the manager of the Herald for some Walter Barton, Willard Galley, Jai. time to be allowed to taae out that Geo. W. Green, Wm. A. Hyde, on Four Weeks Trial, esteemed gentleman's elegant lightning narvey, Wm. IL Rouer.he, Nephi Warren. Tbe buggy hone to make collections with, were Instructed to work like beavMr. Clinton Anally succeeded In boys ers and do all In their power to make causing Mr, Brownlee to believe that rallies and alectlm a grand demobe (Clinton) was one of the most the success. The committee will cratic artistic of modern horse-maThe use Tbe next Thursday evening. meet of the horse was granted. Young on docket was getting up a cam Clinton came to Kaysville on his In- next All the democrats were itial trip. After he bad commenced to paignfued. once on band and the at required canvass tbe city In good shape he eon was raised. eluded that he had the animal pretty amount COMPLETE LINE OF well trained, the ardent Ultle fellow was allowed to try the Bestk fihr Writings- driving act at his own pleasure. The drive will prove expensive to the Our Sunday school had a good attenHerald company, however. The rig dance yesterday. Our meeting also was left stindingou Main Street In had a large attendance. President diminutive boy. Smith expected to be with us. but his charge of a The horse became frightened, and health would nut permit him to do ea as anything naturally would, took to Hi councilors Brothers . Hess and till heels to keep frum getting hurt. Grant came. All enjoyed the instructHe wef dowu M ila street at a ter- ions It waa a they gave very much. ribly lively gate, not as fast as very interesting meeting. shot from an Ea Mrs. Johnson and Miss Jensen of greased cannon-ba- ll & gltsn e in non, but cirtilaly as fast Brigham City arc visiting people ol this ' asa'U. P. railway train. Every mam place.-SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON LARGE LOTS. bent and thing in the way bad to T There waa a dance in our new school y stand bank. The horse had the honselast Friday night, all had a fbr an J hi inten K1 to be strictly very pleasant time, except a few in It. A. Beazert buggy was struck cranks fromLayton. SHERWIN-WILLIAM- S as the horse passed by on the street People are rushing to the and a wheel :md the thrills were bad- beds. When the fun was Mr. and Mrs. Smalts went to Hooply demolished. A Large Block of over the Herald mao's buggy was er Saturday on a visit. 1 hard ouker, It was completely brokMrs. Harbsrtson has been 111 for a G. M. HENDERSON COMPANY'S en to pieces, yea verily, there was not few weeks. one stone left upon another." The South Webrr, Cbt. 30. horse whistled" around town a while at a lively pace, hut was finalry run in with two thirds hi iharness left in and Sweet Potatoes at the rear. The horse, buggy and man Cranberries Sheffield's. are now all laid up for repairs, tbe lat ter may need to have his left' ear am The Eagle and New York Wohld dntated. Take our advl8e,get a hone one year 92. 40 that cannot run, and you wont have 2,000 chickens wanted at Sheffields to 011 orders now In. majority of all votes cast was declared to be the nominee-Firs- t ballot for trustee No. 2 resulted aa fallows on the three persona wbe were nominated: n. J. Sheffield 17; G Burton, jr. 27; W. A. Hyde It. 8ea-ub- d ow and i IT run--wa- long-face- lop-eare- d, H. J. SHEFFIELD. n. General MERCHANDISE, I LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Doors, Windows, Mouldings, and Other Building Materias at OGDEN SALT LAKE PRICES right-of-wa- agent PAINTS. & SHOES. Peninsular Stoves and Ranges. We Meet All Competition For Spot Cash or 6 Months Time. run-a-way- a. Cct Notu. Oct. 30, 1893. Full board present, non. II. W. Haight presiding. Minutes of Oct, 16, session read aad approved. County Attorney Pearson submitted a written opinion in regard to the road district No. 22 matter that he was requested to investigate, which was resit aad Hied. In regard toMr. Kings claim for moviug fence, damage to trees etc., the same was referred to Selectman Nalder. Judge Haight stated that the question of ubstru tions in he Davis Canon road was not yet settled, aod be' would soon be ready to report concern-lu- g the cave. He reported on the road quenllon Involved In the petition of William Blood that he would recommend th acceptance of the road as a public highway, and the payment of $25.00 for makingthe bridge, on condition that the road be made to a width two roads east of Holmes' creek; adopted. Alex. Patterson's report was read of labor performed as per appropriation mide for road district No. 16. $284.00 in labor had been expended in repaid iug roads and making bridges; $50.00 of 11 has been paid, leaving a balance due of 8234.80. Aa the work bad been done before the order wae made, allowing taxpayers to work a portion of their taxes, and that in some Instances laborer had paid more labor than their taxes amounted to, It was ordered that the amount be allowed and paid In cash. On motion of Selectman Nalder 1255.00 appropriated to be applied on the county roads, aa follows: 1100.00 In Lees' district, to repair the road near Mr. Cleverly $50.00 in Judge Haight's district; 85a 00 In Nalder'a district, and 825.00 In Cook's dis- trict. Frank Tuusoys popular sheet music at Williams'. Price 10 cents. You can get anything in the Gener-t-l Mdse, line, of II. J. Sheffield and For Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Nerve save money. Exhaustion, Kidney disease Etc. Ftormr Remedies Co.. We will clut The Eagle with any Kaysville, Utah paperpublishcdlntheworldat great for sale F0NTYN TEA COMPANY. Prompt . ly reduced rates. A limited amount of farm produce received at this office on subscription. Call see us and make contract. S. A. Thompson has assigned with 1 abilities amounting to about 91,000 and Buy Tins Eagle and the New York World tor 92.40 fur oue year how does that suit you? This Is our new club offer. At the reg ular rate the two papers would cost you 93.00. Now is the time to subscribe. and Fancy Job Printing at this Office. TRUNKS, TRNKS, Combination Fence. Albert beazer Kaysville, Manfer Valises Traveling Bags -- - Wm. I W W. Bted, JAS. R. PROUDFOOT, Tonsorial Artist. Kaysville, M. Wallpaper, Carpets, Screen doors, lace curtains ane Wright, Centerville. Window Glass ail at lowest Farmington, priett at JOHN BARTON & SON, ( Stewart's. Ilyrum - - Utah. TII0S. H. PHILLIPS, Surveyor and Notary Public. Utah. Kayavllle, Undertakers and dealers In furniture, KaysTllle Utah. KAYSVILLE CREAMERY GILT EDGE BUTTER Cream and butter-mil- k Orders Promptly Filled. farmer, wishing to contract thrj. tb. should do so at once before A. FLITTON & milk, Amount needed la contracted. Company For FIRST CLASS MEATS. vqtttuB coop, ement or losses is Only the A. Beazer First door East Plain AS8ET8 OVER $3.000, UflO.OO sett OUR MOTTO. Wx A. Hyde & Co., LaytonWm. H. Beaze, Syracuse. sseta amounting to between five and Agents B L. & B. Assn, Bountiful. six hundred. Insure your buildings WITH R. W. BARNES AGENT. Firmans Fund Insurance Highest Cash Prices Paid for BEEF, MUTTON and PORK Telephone at C(H)n win pm kaysville khw ting factory,ProJ Proudibot, Mrs M . - iSSiar nsrsssn or music. P. P. Prophet reported that he had Wrber At SUk. Andtaj. Optoa, wUl Handling rork aodlalves a specialty, YARN FOR SAIF old the offset" nf the late th. Joseph Wsr-- , nil . J ivill. c :r CHEAP. bi iv. Ikmom s. me 826-except ITtah. manuscript, for 3 c Kaysville Vour Pationage Seic' Umpimom Brass sad Is vocbIwmI - - iUd. |